The Asian beef short rib recipe you'll love! | Indonesian Beef Short Rib Rendang - Marion's Kitchen

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check out how beautiful that slow simmering curry looks with all those amazing spices this is so amazing this is a very special Indonesian rendang with beef short ribs so making curry paste from scratch doesn't have to be a really big hassle and it's a really great way to get to know some really beautiful Southeast Asian ingredients as well so let's do the curry paste first I've got a few little tips and tricks I'm going to be showing you for how we can make the best out of a blender which you know the ideal scenario would be that we would do this in a water i'm castle but hey I'm a pragmatist and I know that everything that's going to be easier for most people anyway let's start with the chilies first now I've just had these chilies soaking in some hot water I like to put a plate on top of them to make sure they really get in there and get nice and you know evenly soaked and soft so just want to squeeze out some of this liquid and these are a Thai chili they're a large dried red chili you'll find these in a Chinese grocer or a Thai supermarket and they're not super hot I have to say they have a beautiful kind of almost a little bit of a smoky flavor but they are not super fiery now keep a hold of that chilies soaking liquid we're going to need that possibly when we come to the blending part we'll talk about that part later but let's get these chilies nice and finely chopped so yes we are gonna be using a blender but to make the best of that blender we really need to make sure all the ingredients are chopped into small pieces to help that blender along one of the defining flavors for me that sets a rendang curry paste apart from like a Thai curry paste or an Indian curry paste is the use of a lot of these shallots they add a really beautiful fragrance and aroma and really says to me rendang whenever I smell there's lots going into the frying pan okay and some garlic as well now the gallon go so it kind of looks like ginger but it's not ginger if you smell it and when you taste it it has almost like a citrusy high note or pine forest kind of aroma to it and it's a very unique ingredient it's something that freezes really well so if you can get a hold of it from an Asian grocer then keep a bunch of it in the freezer for when you're going to make curry paste like this and I just want to take a little bit of the skin off and again with this I want a nice fine chop now the other really defining characteristic of this curry paste is lemongrass so I want two pieces of lemongrass and you really want to give this a bruising with the back of your knife first just trim those edges and then the outer part of the lemongrass stalk is always quite firm a little woody and very hard to break down into a paste so peel those outer layers are but keep a hold of them because we're going to use this to flavor the curry sauce as well no wasting here but this inner part I want some really fine slices okay just stop when you get to the kind of firm woody end here save those bits for later also and that tender inner part goes into my blender and now for the spices I need some brown cumin ground coriander and a decent pinch of salt here I find the salt not only will add flavor to this pace but the granules kind of help to break down all the fibers in here as well and now we blend okay so this is where you see a massive difference between making a curry paste in a mortar and pestle and making one in a blender so if you have a look the blenders just kind of chopping these ingredients what happens in a mortar and pestle is it kind of smashes them it releases more of the oils and the flavors and each of the ingredients so this chopping stuff is not the optimal kind of texture that we want so to encourage everything to make better friends in here I'm going to use some of this chili soaking liquid to thin this out a little bit so it's easier to blend now a lot of people add oil here and to me the oil creates the wrong texture and actually kind of inhibits the flavor a little bit it's it's like when you use oil to make a mayonnaise it kind of thickens up and becomes creamy which is not what we want for a curry paste [Applause] now if you have a look here that liquid has made all the difference and this is the kind of texture that we're after ah the smell here guys so amazing making your ocoee paste at home is one of those really joyous things I'm really not that difficult coconut so this is the other really important flavor in this dish we're going to do coconut milk a bit later but to start with we want some desiccated coconut now one of my little secrets here is to actually toast it before we put it into the sauce that's going to add an extra depth and layer of flavor [Music] [Music] so to start this beef off in the best possible way we want to sear it in the pan so I want a little bit of oil first and this is the same principle whether you're making a French beef bourguignon or you're making a classic Italian osso buco what you want is to add flavor to the beef by salting it and searing it first so be generous with the salt give each piece if you love it deserves and then get it into the pan and be patient here do it in batches so that everything gets a beautiful brown color now contrary to what a lot of people say this has nothing to do with feeling in juices or anything like that this is a pure flavor play guys just browning it happens on the outside of the bait that is going to give us all the flavor that we can possibly get out of that beef [Music] okay so see this stuff in the bottom of the pan do not get rid of that that's the flavor we work so hard to create and we've got a little bit of fat there as well which is great cuz it means I don't have to add any oil if you find that this is really dry just add a tablespoon of oil in there so straight into here I'm gonna get some cardamom seeds and some star anis and then grab those lemongrass stalks we saved earlier just get everything started in here a little bit of a sizzle use your spoon to kind of scrape up that bond or the flavor that's in the bottom of the pan there and now add in that paste now give that paste a minute or so for the raw onion and the garlic to kind of cook down a little bit take away that harsh raw flavor it's already smelling so amazing I love the magic of the curry paste it's just like all these amazing huge ingredients combined to make something really beautiful and harmonious now pour in some coconut milk and add your toasted coconut fish sauce and some palm sugar as well so palm sugar comes in these firm blocks so you'll need to shave it with your knife first and some kaffir lime leaves and what I want to do with these is just scrunch them up in my hands and throw them in that time to add in our beef [Music] and just get that beef acquainted with that curry sauce make sure each piece is getting some nice love there congratulations guys that's the hard work done now we just need a little bit of patience cover that let it simmer really gently for about two hours [Music] so right now I am so hungry this is the only problem with this recipe is it takes some patience and it smells amazing right let's have a look so beautiful so we're only partway through guys so I think of this first cooking step as that's the part that will make the beef a little tender because there's lots of liquid it has been cooking down now what we want to do is move into the second phase of cooking so we've done the braising now we want to get into almost like the frying so first of all I want to take this oil off the top and there's quite a bit because those beef ribs are a little fatty very flavorful but let's take that oil off now we want to do is intensify all the flavors allow that liquid to evaporate because a true rendang should be quite dry at the end with just a really beautiful coating of thick rich spices around the beef so I want you guys to exercise a little more patience and let this simmer uncovered for another 30 minutes to 45 minutes just until we kind of see all of that liquid disappear okay so this has magically transformed into super rich spiced curry ah look at that and that's about what you want with the liquid texture so it should be a really thick coating on the outside of that beef now I just want to get rid of some of those incidental pieces now because they've done their job so that lemongrass and then if you can spot any of that star anis just pull those out as well I don't mind too much about the cardamom pods I mean I can't like you know having a bit of a pop of cardamom when I bite into it in the curry and they've become quite soft from simmering away in here so they're okay to check my sauce for seasoning hmm Wow that beautiful cardamom flavor and the cumin and the coriander and I think we're good result and that's a benefit of salting our beef and searing it and also a little bit of salt and the curry paste as well hmm that flavor is so rich and so beautiful young okay so let's get our beautiful pieces of beef out onto a plate and this is one of those dishes that is meant for sharing with a group of friends to put it all out some steamed rice goes great with this and then some of that there's a jewel sauce and then finally for an added pop of fresh flavor I like to sprinkle a few fine slices of kaffir lime leaves so there you go guys beef short rib rendang yes it takes a little bit of time but it's not that complicated to make just a bit of patience and let's see if it's worth it that beef is so soft and tender and that flavor Wow Wow it's all I can say Wow amazing very good did I say Cher no it's no way I could eat all of that maybe [Music] if you've got any comments or questions pop them below and if you enjoyed the video why not hit that subscribe button plus the little Bell one and that way you'll get notified every time I release a new video thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 83,559
Rating: 4.9598999 out of 5
Keywords: marion's kitchen, marion grasby, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, marions kitchen, beef short rib rendang, indonesian rendang, indonesian rendang recipe, indonesian beef rendang, indonesian beef rendang recipe, short rib recipe, short rib recipe asian, beef short rib recipe asian, beef short rib curry, beef short rib curry recipe, beef short ribs, short ribs, cooking videos thailand, beef recipes, short ribs (food), asian food recipes
Id: ZByxt8v9kP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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