The Art of Narcissism - Amanda Seales

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generally I don't like to talk about celebrities too often because I don't really care about celebrity culture that being said I think when it comes to certain instances I do like to see if there's underlying problems or themes that can be relevant to the general something that we would work with yeah so for example with this case of Amanda Steele's if you aren't familiar she's a black entertainer part of the cast of insecure she's a stand-up comedian you might have seen on HBO and recently as well as the last couple years she's been involved a lot of issues and a lot of disputes with people online and in person I've watched her in a few interviews now and every time I've seen her I felt like she exhibits a lot of behavior that indicates to me that she may be a narcissist recently she was denied entering into a black Emmy party and it turned into a big deal so I decided do some research on Amanda I'm gonna play some clips from her and I just want you guys to look for narcissistic behavior you know I told Lisa I was like hey you know your publicist like she's just like she's just not being nice like she's just nasty and I don't even need her to be kind but just have a certain layer of civility with me I don't want this to be an easy interview I am ready to address whatever well first of all are you still on insecure what kind of dumbass question is no we're not doing that but I feel like I think it's interesting that she demands civility and kindness what everyone reports about her is that she's the exact opposite I think I've gotten in my own way by being more honest than I needed to be in certain situations this is not conceder cockiness this is somebody who is really sat here and looked at this I think some people don't like me because I'm very light-skinned I think some people don't like me because I'm a woman with a very strong point of view and an opinion I think some people don't like me because I may reflect something that they desire this is the reason why people don't like me is because you know I'm wonderful I'm amazing and people don't like me for that people don't like me because I'm a total [ __ ] which stands for beat babe in total control of herself that's why they don't like me like I'm in control I Jesus got the real no I'll grab the wheel people don't like me because I'm the captain of this shenanigans I know I'm the captain now no no I'm the captain anyways people don't like I think some people don't like me for the reasons that they don't like themselves and I know that there are reasons you don't like me that were handed down to you in some situations by patriarchy I mean by racism I mean by classism etc you know you don't like me because I can talk proper or something you know like if that's a source of ire for you like I'm like mad there's somebody put it in you something's wrong with y'all like you guys were taught this I'm like no no so you're just a dislikeable person and there's some parts of me and Abba that are very dislikeable sure look I eat oatmeal with hot sauce dislikeable I think if we look at like the hundred percent of that there's probably about 5% of those situations where like yeah I owe you an apology yeah you know you know yeah you know what fine yeah I've been bullied for being smart I don't know how being unabashedly smart has become such a villainous thing let me say this if you have to say that you're smart multiple times in an interview you're not nearly as smart as you think you hear thieves are thousand bodies rich my touch is at a point where I'm just smart enough to realize how dumb I really am yup meaning I see the chasm between me and people were truly highly intelligent and I recognize how difficult it is to stand with them in a conversation about certain topics so I tend to just listen in those scenarios but I'm smart enough to know when someone is full of [ __ ] and that's the most frustrating thing about that kind of curve is that dumb people far overestimate their intelligence intelligent people really can't relate with a lot of dumb people and people who are in the middle find themselves frustrated because they realize how much of a distance there are between them and smart people and how and they get frustrated at dumb people for not realizing how dumb they actually are and so I sit here and I listen to you I don't like boo boo you're not nearly as smart as you think you are you're not you don't talk nearly as proper as you think you do proper and that arrogance and that kind of egotistical aspect of you is what makes people dislike you so much more people here you the more they actually get to see you and more of what they've seen the more they decide if you look at The Breakfast Club interviews with her the dislikes on those videos have grown with each passing time and also because people are really starting to see you for who you are it's ironic that her book is called small doses because it seems like people can only handle her in small doses it seemed insecure all right that's just corny but I could help myself for years I don't think yeah we might like that we even if other people speak about me that way I would never repeat that kind of stuff for kind of boast about you also have a big head false image projection narcissists tend to project a false idolize image of themselves to the world in order to hide their inner sin security literally people think that me being a critical thinker is me being extra me being too much but there were a lot of people who used to say things like that about you know Stokely Carmichael about you epe about Martin Luther King like all they stirring up trouble no no I am [ __ ] scolder and Mully I'm a crusader like I'm the green beret but I have become the patron saint for difficult women boo boo if you have to say it it ain't true I'm a green beret I'm the infantry and the Navy Jesus I'm God I'm Mary I'm Joseph the cook I'm a crusader do you know what a crusade a crusader did though yeah he [ __ ] slaughter and murder people and Crusaders weren't good people no that's me know my history if you know anything about the multiple Oh Leland they were terrible people and I think it's very ironic that you call yourself one of them because most people think you're a terrible person in terms of like am i a terrible person that's absolutely ridiculous and absurd like and if we're measuring that I'm like well what kind of meat are y'all measuring that on like so there's people that we can acknowledge our 100% terrible people are Kelly is a terrible person mm-hmm yes oh I'm so I'm or Kelly now you know there's a spectrum and in the category of terrible people yes there's Hitler those are Kelly but there are other terrible people who are not as bad right yes like Jesse small a terrible person did a terrible terrible thing would I put him as him no course not and I just want to point something out Amanda loves to proclaim herself a feminist fighting for women imagine if men use that same behavior to downplay whatever form of sexual assault they engaged oh you said I'm a rapist Bill Cosby that's it countable for what you did you know this kind of she always loved to say how smart I am boom you got a lot of logical inconsistencies you see I know people to watch it's never like okay Amanda said you know these are the reasons but what do you think you did to that young lady for her to feel that way towards you I have no idea really I have no idea what do you say something me I think we're not even gonna acknowledge that individual cuz he did that so they get acknowledged no from your cast on your TV show and he just said something negative about you so it's very telling to me that everyone that you've worked with refuses to stand up for you but the one that's a person who decided to speak on the issue says something negative about you know you just so you spent a whole 30 minutes talking about how smart and intelligent you are but you can't detect why one person dislikes you no wonder this person is unsuccessful in relationship can you imagine having to communicate with somebody who's that lacking in self-awareness yeah but know that I have looked out for him okay why would you okay what happened with him yeah we're not gonna talk about him but know that I've been great with that person so do you see how every conversation she frames herself as the victim she frames herself as infallible never admits what she did wrong never admits how she missed stuff but she's always willing to say how she's done good things you are somebody who loves to be on this platform you claim to be a crusader you want to help people with your advice but you also may not be in the best place to come to counsel people when you are in need of counseling yourself I would never ever suggest anyone listen to your relationship advice you know there's this idea that's floating around that if you got haters it means you're doing something right sometimes when people hate you it's just because you're hateable you think Isis is out there like a man shout out to all my haters we bout to go jihad on that ass no Isis has got justifiable haters the same way you Amanda or a hateable person you know you love to say oh I'm not for everybody okay good that's what your Instagram says but then you're surprised when people who are not for you don't want to be around you and you act shocked it's because you're a narcissist and I just make this video today because I want my people at home to know what that behavior looks like if you see it in your dating partner run for the hills because you will never be able to get them to be accountable for the mistakes that they make in your dynamic and you need that from your partner that's it for today's video we want to hear your thoughts do you guys know people were not to stick how do you feel that manifests and what are your thoughts in this hole Amanda Steel saga stag him let us know yo her name is seals looks like she'll never get a kiss from a rose [Music] soon our cysts are also fond of using guilt blame and victimhood as manipulative devices that's when a security guard approached me and was like I'm sorry missus we have to ask you to leave and I was like ask me to leave what are we talking about and he was like yeah and I said find out who wants me to leave so you found out who wanted me to leave and he let me know and then three other security guards approached and and people think like Oh was a party like why she's so stressed about a party I'm stressed because I'm a black woman and four men surrounded me to remove me from somewhere that I belonged the security guards are somehow threatening you you literally were told to leave and then you're like no no I want to find out who's making me wanna leave the security guy took the time to go find out who wanted you gone and then they came back and asked you to leave once again that's very patient plenty superb you guys like not to go get out now you know even pay for your drinks unless they throw you out like you jazz from Fresh Prince of bel-air I was then escorted out and the security guard who had been kind the whole time he said I'm sorry for doing that you know but we have to do our jobs this was hurt on by herself on the podcast explaining what the situation was for men surrounded me to remove me from somewhere that I belonged you didn't belong there they didn't want you there they didn't want you there it's not because it's a black Emmy party that you belong there because you're black because if the person organizing that any party doesn't want you there boo boo honey chicken cerita honey bun a bunch with a slice a lot want a cherry on top you do not belong there you know what they say right don't go where you're tolerated go where you're wanted yo we need to wrap this video up because I gotta go to the this KKK rally [Music] why would I go what will be your name within the KKK Grandmaster Flash I'm stressed because I know that another woman has put me in this situation and that stresses me out for a number of reasons because I'm also stressed out for her because I'm like damn what what are you dealing with that would cause you so much pain to put me into so much [Music] you literally turn this around and make it sound like there's something in bounced with her because she does not want you at her party is you you see the level of narcissism or they pass off us looking sympathetic but really they're just arrogant as hell damn I'm praying for Monique I want Monique to find in healing she needs she's been talking about the same things in the same people for the last 15 years I'm new to the conversation but the Oprah the Tyler Perry the Lee Daniels everybody else is always the problem and even if those people did her wrong she got to let that hurt go because it's not good for her mental health interesting that you have that opinion about Monique Charlemagne but you don't have that same opinion about Amanda
Channel: Aba N Preach
Views: 1,301,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amanda Seales, black emmy party, kicked out, Vanessa Anderson, Sarunas Jackson, Drama queen, amanda diva, breakfast club, narcissism, narcissist signs
Id: tl7YNHYfx3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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