The Bears's Day Off ๐Ÿป๐Ÿค  Vick and the Bear 2024 ๐ŸŽฌ SPECIAL EPISODE! ๐ŸŽฌ Best cartoon collection

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[Music] irresistible instant [Music] noodles oh another month gone what a [Music] waste I have to live paycheck to paycheck I only have 10 bucks left well at least it's payday good old first of the month when I get my money I'm going to stay in a fancy hotel with a buppe don't worry I'll take you with me stick with me and you'll never go hungry again for Victor bone Frankenstein coming oh I wonder who said this oh yes book did you get the box of instant noodles I sent you uh instant noodles oh yeah I got it great listen the company has a little low on funds this month and you'll have to accept that box as your payment you only get one box so eat them sparingly thanks for your understanding what hello boss boss this is just great I'm sure it's just an elaborate April Fool's joke it better be at least we have something to eat in the meantime I wonder how it tastes it looks good H why not delicious what are you think oh you want some wait your turn I'm the master you need to learn patience here little brat that hurt [Music] hello this is the electric company your balance is overdue please pay by today or we will cut off your electricity but I only have 10 bucks to my name Fabian you stay here and guard the house I'm going to give the electricity company a piece of my mind and stay away from my noodles CH gate I've had better but even dog food would be good at this rate I was starved here's life a roller coaster why haven't we seen lger Vic for a while I wonder what he's up to if I see him cutting down trees I will give him a knuckle sandwich this Forest is our home we got to defend it settle down well right Bears I'll hurry are you okay huh is that Fabian Fabian was that you what is this it's delicious what I want some too let me try come on ask Fabian for more really I want some here got it You' better not hog at all I climb the tree so what hey what is this I I love it you have any more oh liar these Savages really love this peasant food perhaps I can use them to get the rest done from the cupboard you really all to catch me out they're called instant noodles I know where they're kept come follow me noodles did you hear that there's more right let's go uh all right dig in so many we really hit the jackpot thanks Fabian let's e [Music] awesome here you go I want to try hey catch this one come ramble let's have a competition see who can eat faster right I'm in you're going down never lost an eating [Music] competition not bad hey relax I'll help you you're such a mess that was a close one I guess that counts as your first loss oh no is back retreat the noodles ramble what is it I want to take a few home what the who did this who ate all my instant noodles was it you fan no how could you betray me I'll you I'll show you the consequences of dis now be track was it those two bears again you pay for this you hot bear [Music] [Music] oh so good darn them first they break in then they take my food unacceptable no Revenge time hey you listen carefully you're going to be my Trojan cat the least you two could have done was awaken me before slipping away sorry he didn't take it out on you we're sorry but he would have done worse than that to us moving on to more important matters Vic went out and he bought a lot more instant noodles a full year Supply shall we plan another sneak attack yeah fine come the noodle train awaits oh yes yes great come on [Music] then that's my last pack of instant noodles darn it oh well it'll be worth it to catch them I just love noodles it's time oh wow yeah it smells good a little more that's right just a few more steps then it's lights out for you to instant noodles I love you come on wait oh something doesn't feel right we should tread carefully Fabian you go first see if it's a trap then tell us fine H stupid cat no it was a trap what became of the good life bro let's go what the instant noodles forget about them they're not worth it now let's go but there might be some more traps I don't care [Music] it's another trap you were right you got to help me Brer help someone save me you fool H stinking Bears got you now I'll H you to eat my noodles I got a bullet for every pack you stole get back here I got you sorry really I'll get you nood thing you must be too full of my noodles to run away ah you want those go in and take them if you don't value your life this stunt was preformed by professionals and should never be tried at home ramble grab my hand I love you bro I don't believe it who does that kind of thing it's a new Lo got a package the B another one hey look instant noodles no we'll never ever ever run out [Music] again the instant noodle thing started off as an April Fool's joke but it turns out the company really is broke so I sent another box to TI you over hey boss sing bear that's my the [Music] [Applause] [Music] orb h what a day and there's nothing to [Music] eat [Music] huh I'm exhausted Vicki five more minutes Vicki get up look at the time you're going to be late for school keep this up and you'll be stuck chopping trees when you grow up what what is this place look at your test paper you got another zero you'll have to repeat the ninth grade you don't bring these grades up now you're going to have to start studying harder get up and go to school you got to study harder get up harder stud harder who could that be yeah Lo hello Mr Lee that W you're already a week over two the thing is you see those bears are always do I need to fill out your geration papers stop using those bears as an excuse It's taken you forever to try and catch them you think I was born yesterday the truth is you're just blame that's all and that's exactly why you're stilling I'm not keeping you around you can't simple task enough I'm sick of being called a loser by everyone Now you listen to me find someone else to disrespect what you heard me hey ler Vick he must have lost his mind master Lee what can I do for you keep an eye on leric make sure he does his work yes as you wish what do you think you are doing what are you master has sent me to supervise you now get back to work for real I quit that job get lost Computing Computing stop bugging me I have have direct orders to supervise your work well then better get started Computing Computing that is not the required task come on did you hear what I said You shall complete the task at hand that was a close one just calm down Vic initiating search mode scanning perimeter okay steady I don't think it saw me oh great idea perfect one more thing great plan here I am Target acquired subject confirmed loger viic get back to work immediately otherwise hey where are you going get back to work okay warning get back to work I will be forced to use disciplinary action have it your way you leave me no choice locking on analyzing wreckage it was a decoy I just don't believe it that's why they call it artificial intelligence loger get back to work I've got to get out of here get back to work no gvy please do not make me use Force yeah man I got to get out of here [Music] initiating I need something to what a thought a sid work initiating search mode scanning perimeter what is with that confounded piece of junk I love taking a nice walk after a big meal not me bro huh I don't need to work as hard to stay in shape as you bro oh yeah why'd you hit me Brier huh what's up would you look at that what whoa get down would you get your hands off me Brier I hate that sh that thing must have something to do with thick I'll bet he sent it here to destroy us what Bramble we're going to get it before it gets us oh [Music] listen up I'm going to counter did we get it boy approaching from the southeast initiating defense [Music] um what is that it's destroying everything I don't think we stand a fighting champ against that [Music] thing the slip that probation has been making me sa things help what what all right that does it I'm going to bed oh R help me bro let go no it's way too high [Music] here here I got you you can count on your big brother okay I guess I miscalculated ramble are you all right Bramble snap out of new targets acquired initiating full Attack Mode oh great it's coming back hey wait for me bro hey who is [Music] that just oh ouch what huh what was that thing [Music] anyway well I'm finally free at [Music] last what's going on I just had it filled up [Music] yesterday I don't have a dime what do I do now wait boss still owes me my pay from last month I'll call it Mr Lee it's big you need to pay me last month's salary it's the [Music] law you can't keep the money IR inference quare you grew a backbone well that's right Mr much sub machine you destroy C give your be salary what it's coming out of your paycheck you're back goodby I can't take it anymore life is so unfair the wishing tree hello you hello me wow look at that beauty I should have been a race car driver I hit the jackpot today sure is a handsome tree it's magnificent I'll make a killing off of it who is this disturbing me those beasts aren't around I'd better hurry why is the trunk filled with coins and what's that thing it says wishing tree H oh it looks like a lot of people come here it should work I should try [Music] it all right please accept my offer oh great tree Genie make me Rich beyond belief back to work it's l what was that it's the bears oh stay away from me that was easy that was inspiring bro give me your best shot get ready this right here is my secret weapon I'm the next Yogi Bearer l think calling this a wishing tree well let's try it oh dear wishing tree you have the pleasure of speaking to Tiki oh no no no oh no what just happened s you got to wake up listen to me what are you waiting for get snap out of it there it is what hey hey I don't like it great it's still intact h Huh what a huge tree Bri how dare you don't forget I am your king have you ever noticed this tree here before um no way oh that there is a wishing tree wishing tree all you have to be doing is tossing a coin a coin then you just be making a wishing make a wish all of a sudden your wishing is coming true come true it comes true that's right go be checking Baboo come here welcome to the wishing tree go over there okay uhhuh and fetch my scepter do you believe it to maybe be doubting I've been proving to you my kingly S has been lost for days now can you help me get it back wo huh wo like magic it worked let me try wishing tree here me I'm suine Cults I've never even tried any corn that's what I want [Music] corn my soup is almost ready it's [Music] gone and now add some spices and the rest of the Corn [Music] yeah where's my corn any kind of corn will [Music] do what is taking him so longing nothing's happening did you lie to us to how be daring you accuse me you respect I am your king after all oh yeah my you Royal Pine I still corrected your majesty the wishing does work there we go that should be enough Mighty tree with your magical wishing powers can I please have a new comfortable bed I want a new stove H [Music] right oh just the phone yeah what insurance no need I'm healthy as a horse I don't need that kind of protection got it interesting you don't say now that's what I'm talking about sign me up dude oh no what's going on my toilet's [Music] overflowing hey [Music] open up you hear me open up show yourself now no someone stole my S far whoever you are I'll make you [Music] pay he took the bit [Music] come on out [Music] great so it was you you Bard monkey no don't get back here my wish came true oh yeah well my My Wish kind of came true I mean I did ask for a bed and all but I can still sleep on [Music] this amingo how about I take a nap while you cook us meal okay big brother yeah I might as well try out my new stove and break the old girl in am I [Music] right well look who it is two them primates answer where's all my stuff Simeon tile tile tile my stuff put that BR must be no wonder he's angry well let's just see how long you can hold out hey tell me right now or so help me what's [Music] that mhm come on don't lie to me I saw this little Pip squeak in my house not the bear hey Brier Tick's been messing with us now we got to give this stuff back to looger Bick maybe not as long as we rescue them before Vic tortures them we can still keep the [Applause] [Music] stuff we should hurry Dad all right help me somebody help stop right there Vic you two why do you have my stuff I see so it was you two all along hand over my stuff or ele Brier um maybe we should give it back fine whatever but you'd better release those two first Vic release them it's a deal let's make the trade on the count of three 1 2 3 what as if I'd let my captives Go free off will you turn it oh oh longer make you're such a marude look out don't you [Music] dare he can keep his stinking stove and sofa I didn't want those things anyhow you are right Bramble we don't need him right easy a big boy I my poor chair my poor stove I'll make you crazy Critters an Pottery [Music] one1 oh for me oh [Music] the next thing I should do is find a good hiding place for this delicious [Music] honey all right not too deep so I can find you later [Music] done what hey bro ramble huh what is that oh it's just a stupid rock huh fish head again I haven't had a decent meal in weeks now I'm so hungry [Music] yeah I forgot about you you cook up nice gotcha in other news local residents have Unearthed rare ancient Pottery worth a small fortune though most of it has been donated to museums around the world there is still more to be found I just got to get my hands on top of that I'm going to be rich oh yes I am I'm going to be rich oh yes I am I'm going to be rich oh yes I am oh man this is tough but it will all be worth it once I find one of those pots then I'll never have to work another day and I can finally tell Mr leita buzz off I'm going to be rich oh yes I am oh I'm starving Brier get away butterfly I don't think I can recall a time in your life when you haven't been hungry Brier Brier where'd you disappear to disappear I'm down here huh oh no Brier what are you doing in that hole give me your hand and I'll pull you out with my super [Music] strength ramble who dug these holes come on come watch where your [Music] falling huh um where' they come from I've never seen so many holes my detective skills tell me there should be Clues over there a CL blue Bingo why did you dig all of those holes huh you'd better come clean or else I ain't do it I ain't do it don't lie to me we found a carrot with your teeth marks at the crime scene wasn't me but I know who did oh there's got to be one of those ancient pots somewhere around here see I told you I Bo a criminal I wonder what that Lumberjack's up to will you heard him he's looking for an old pot this way listen W all right we took everything from Vick's House that even looks like a pot that's good now Diggs it's your turn yep wo amazing are you ready [Music] [Music] yeah I've never been so that you have way my work here is done yall are on your own from here good luck to you hold long I'm remembering something all right it's just a stupid rock huh it wasn't a rock just a few more holes then I'll call it a day ah could it be hey hey prer he's actually falling for it of course he is come on come on see if it's on the list huh doesn't seem to match it's definitely not ancient actually it kind of looks like the one in my kitchen oh well looks like someone else enjoys fish heads as [Music] well what the this really is the stuff from my kitchen there's my toilet how strange could this this be an elaborate prank nah it couldn't be why would they bury all my kitchen wear oh never mind I'll come back for these later I should just go back to logging ramble let's go follow him okay [Music] that jar looks kind of familiar that is mine yeah it's true that's my Honey Jar oh how could he have found my precious nectar when I hid it so very well the jar was yours of course I I totally thought it was a rock [Music] sorry I found one yeah ler it's those two and they want my pot come any closer and I'll cut you in half come on you stupid piece of junk well looks like you forgotten the gas quit laughing be quiet why do you have to break down right now you confound it you ain't nothing B garbage help me please get that little thing had plenty of gas in an as out my way [Applause] [Music] close call too close I should never have called that thing little I got to take that thing to the [Music] shop where' the pot go see you loser quit taunting him e Beast no one steals from me especially not you huh oh boy that was really oppressive give me back my pot it's a Honey Jar qu [Music] [Laughter] it sing Bears you give me back my pot get back here [Music] I'm going to be rich my honey it's all gone it's not fair it's not fair no my ticket to [Music] freedom bro quit crying like a baby it was just honey now calm down you be quiet now here's a jar I found last week you got to find the honey yourself [Music] it should cleaned up nicely but um it's not as good without honey in it oh well better than nothing the Bear's day off [Music] no bears huh right time to W this baby up VI don't even think about it [Music] no no no no I won't do it again I promise you you're right I finally got rid of those bears where'd he go R not here again [Music] B that's our exercise for the day right he'll probably come back tomorrow will he ever leave the trees alone I really want to take a little vacation go on a fishing tour or something perfect I'm getting too old for all this chasing and fighting it wears a bear out hey Brier maybe we should ask our friends to help us uh-huh okay I'll get the gang together sound good what you guys want to take a vacation to put us on patrol I'm not so sure oh come on that lumber jack is a beating of cake I can take him down with a head behind my back hell s you're the man Woo you're dreaming dreaming at least I'm not being a coward that's right even turned up you all right s hi do I look like I'm scared I'm not afraid of anyone right hoo uh what are you talking about you're scared of everything I thought you were my friend chill out Warren he's just fooling if you want to know the truth about it I'm the only one with skills enough to defeat Vic whatever JS you just run and hide I've got skills you'll see I'll talk no action that's right why not bust out some of those skills all right uh don't wait you go first Mr smart guy all right all right listen up guys how about a little practice you guys bring your skills to the table we'll see who's fit for the job oh yay and how do you propose we do this this is how we'll do it one of you will pretend to be logger Vic and the rest of you will try to defeat him well all right who's going to be Vicki what look Ticky you're a monkey you're the one who looks most like a human so it's only natural that you'd be Vic have you forgotten about Baboo huh bab's too tiny and weak I'll bet he can't even s austa wind and just look at you King of the Forest you're the perfect monkey for the job always liked you uhhuh all right let's rock and roll right wo let's do this is hardly being a challenge for your king Tiki nailed it oh dear that hurt oh yooo now who's got skills H is that all you've got I'm Not Afraid Bring It On already this is like a walk in the park on a sunny day forgive me S it's just for a game come on bring it on or are you too scared got you you take me down you don't stand a [Music] chance I know Vicky I quit Tiki hang in there there's only one left yeah I'm com you're sleepy you're feeling ever so sleepy you're falling into a deep sleep a Dreamland are you okay that was quite the defeat I'm proud of you all fishing Retreat here we come yeah you see we've all got pretty impressive skills so guys enjoy your holiday that's right leave the patrol thing up to us we've got a guy relax man um but remember guys this isn't a game do you guys understand no problem all we could hand bull it totally under control we won't let you down hey terrific Bri and I can finally get some peace that's for sure great job you guys bro what are we waiting for come on Tiki we're bringing you along with us vation here we go Warren are you sure we can deal with logger Vic and on our own that's what we told them we don't have any other choice I just hope that L Vic doesn't CH up today bad news I got some really really bad news oh no this is really bad news Vick is here what he's here right okay guys pup talk the first is our home and so we can't give up you take the lead just watch me wa hello honey I've hit the jackpot today what was that how strange I'd better be careful whoo failed you're up I got it where did he go hold on did I step on something probably just a rock oh no looks like DS blew it go what me fine let's do this I'll get him like a Vic like a Vic [Music] take Baboo you got to be more careful next time she it's up to me I got to follow out the big gums longer back who is it now hey [Music] if I didn't know any better I think they're all out to get me this is the life that sure is right what do you think Tiki I wonder how they're getting on without us relax bro they can handle it okie dokie time for a dip hey I completely overestimated our skills guys oh guys maybe it's about time we go get those Bears I don't know uh listen it's our Dy to protect our home we promised the Bears that we would drive that Wicked little man out of here and we will yeah Oren's right we'll never give up we might be weak as individuals but if we unite guys we will defeat him right we must do right let's te up a g St come this is what we'll do good idea all right like a [Music] b what my eyes like a Vic you don't scare me H wow you're up I'll [Music] all right you're getting sleepy oh so sleepy your eyelids are getting heavy you're sleepy very sleepy well my job's done uh hey there Vic that's piea huh The Sweet Sound of success just like I said don't forget a real hero just look at all my sacrificing for you the for's protection Squad Mission complished come on let's go tell the bear all right I can't believe I could be defeated by a bunch of basket little animals this is so humiliating you better watch your back same same but different [Music] oh my hand oh it's only seven good morning and welcome to another episode of I've got to get to work or I'm going to be late one of the rarest and danger plants in China there has been recent reportings of illegal digging of Jin sing in many nature reserves Jin sing is a very valuable resource so please do not dig it up or you may face severe punishment oh who could be calling so early hi what it's me good morning boss say how are you doing today not bad not bad is enough no more locking for you V oh no please you can't fire me I've got a wife and kids to support oh no no no I mean I've got Parish to provide for oh please boss don't do this relax I'm giving you some time off what's that time off that's right for two whole months you're free of your logging duties uh really uh oh [Laughter] boy hey are you still listening to me yeah boss I'm here I'm here there's one condition okay you have to get me the Gin sing from the Nature Reserve get you what but it's against the law so is cutting down trees if you don't have the G you can forget the r okay okay you can count on me boss just you wait and see H ran give me that beehive I'm starving oh yeah well you got to up your game then bro run faster you could do with losing a few pounds anyway come on then [Music] here boy you are heavy what what's this thing oh hey you rabo you better watch it digs what's with all these holes everywhere it was longer Vick's doing I think he's trying to steal my carrots oh man I better go hide those bab VI did it what's he up to we got to check this out my honey hey [Music] yeah I got it oh there it is roer F's digging holes everywhere what's he looking for I don't know but whatever he's after he's destroying our land we have to stop him now Bingo what's that Locker back he show stay away you sck Bears that's mine Walker you never learn do you I can't let them find out what I'm doing here okay I'm leaving now huh that was too easy it's just not like him isn't that Jin sing I knew it that's what Vic's been up to but I heard it's an dangered plant we got to stop that greedy Punk huh it looks like Vic left the mark That's it Jin sing Jin sing there you are it's a radish I swapped them around they're such a genius is what the what's going on well would you look at this tonight's my lucky night okay hey hey what's going on [Music] gotcha get off me get off B you're such a loser we totally switched your roots around that's not chin sing it's a radish h not cool [Applause] stay what uh okay I see this isn't going to be easy why don't we switch the ginsing for the Chinese radish bro you're on the ball Brier I'm always on the ball [Music] oh boy Perfecto that fell straight into our trap oh I knew this would work yeah you're right but bro we need to hide the Gin sing in a safer place this should do the trick I'm starving isn't that Bri and bramble what are that up to okie dokie no one will find it bro a job well done as always a radish my day just keeps getting better and better Finder Keepers woohoo those obnoxious bear darn it I can't believe I've been made a fool of the boss was so bad he nearly fired me this time I'll make them really pay [Music] [Applause] now dare you fo me with [Music] this Vick don't even think about it Jing belongs to the forest [Music] oh R ramble protect the geny me we say goodbye to your brother R just wait I'll I'll save you hold on Brier asked me to protect the jins sing but if I don't hand it over loer Vic won't let prior go why is everything so confused Ching Jin sing that grows in the ground but I've only got one brother Brier oh no the Jin sing's gone how am I going to save Brer now oh no oh no no no that's it no don't tickle me oh oh please stop I can't take it anymore if your bro doesn't bring it to me then I look fck I've got the goods right here come and get them scking bear give it to me it's mine fetch my now's my chance prior you all right bro uh-huh oh oh not again that's [Music] [Applause] it come on faster now right yeah happy day [Music] looker VI you Wicked Man give us back to J do you care me hey hold on what exactly is going on it's like this I went back to the jining and discovered it was gone and I'll give you one guess who took it give us back to Jin sing Jin sing are you looking for this wo well I thought you guys didn't want it why else would you bury the little guy under the ground won't [Music] it I'm so good about Jin sing it ain't got nothing on my scrumptious Rish shoot on all my suit well now that we've got it back we need to find the proper place to plant it it's pretty valuable you know you said it bro Forest Factor welcome back to another episode of forest Factor our four judges are ready so let's welcome the first participant Victor Von fakenstein he's a lumberjack living in a remote Forest nearby give it up for him fantastic old boy take it away Vic I grew up poor and always had to struggle but once I win this I'll be on the fast Lan of Financial Freedom time to show the world just too longer MC bril is brother rat and Hawks the Tiger and rabbit too the dragons to my left and the snakes to my right the horse and the ram are coming the monkey and R to make a plat the final showdown yeah oh yeah you a judges Just a Little Dream why do those stinking Bears have to ruin everything yet I passed with flying colors every judge gave their approval bills pills Forest Factor application form chase your dreams no way I'm sick of just being a lumberjack I'm going to chase my dreams and become famous and everyone will love [Laughter] me brother rat brother Ox from the sacred faction the tiger and the rabbit got to see them all in action come on who can sleep like this Bri what's wrong don't you hear the noise wa and the ack enough it's those two lerv Vick what is the big idea big idea I'm practicing my singing you stupid Bears come on why didn't you ask us for our expertise that is not what I meant and you keep it down or we will come back and you do not want that yeah I hate you Bears I'm trying to follow my dreams ah never speak to me again [Music] I don't care what those Bears say I am going to S my heart out with these professional speakers I just bought I'm one step closer to winning Forest Factor yeah o e o ting tang w w bing bang o e o tting Tang W Bing banging Bang wall wall oh [Laughter] yeah all right guys we got to do something about Vic singing I haven't slept in days I can't take it why does he also sing at night what does the guy sleep huh darn it come on Bramble wait up I'm going to sing this song for you I've been singing it all night long now for my big finish why thank you hey who's there you again that's right we're sick of it you're singing ends right now well I'm sick of you stomping on my dreams oh I'm going to show you the real power of music h oh yeah can you feel it the love of you the smile behind the trees is to strong now what should we do what happened beautiful hey goodbye I love Theo [Music] you guys are really really loud and with your help I will win the contest and then I can finally get rid of those Bears what happened Brer bro bro I'm right up here [Music] oh Bramble we can't just sit here any bright ideas bro hey that's it remember that really cool Bell we found when we were Cubs that really big one bro you want to sing with Vic [Music] I sure have been practicing a lot no one said following your dreams would be easy I don't need you get lost my new best friends those look a little heavy what are you offering me some help you are way too kind yeah but not in the way you think good work bro well that should just about do it ramble you okay nice try bears but do you really think you're stronger than the power of music I am the music man I from and I piano piano sing I can't Pio I said I told you took care of what happened he's too powerful it's like he's possessed or something he won't stop until he's driven us crazy I am the music man I come from down your way I can't you just hear it in your dreams huh oh it [Laughter] stopped all right well one of these starts again there you are please help me you what do you want I can't take it anymore what seriously yeah right as if you're Vic suling we can't trust you we ever since Vic decided to compete on the forest factor I haven't had a decent night's sleep do you know how important sleep is for a pure bread like me pure what doggy whatever listen are you going to help me out with Vic or not you're my last hope I need you please all right what's your master plan then that's the easy part we'll just hide all of his expensive equipment after all that's what's making him so loud in the first place oh isn't this ler Vick's best friend why is it outside oh it's sad Vic tried to send me to a filthy porn shop to sell's Precious chainsaw in order to buy some new speakers for his singing career as if I was some common pack mule or something that's when I want to find you drop that thing and let's go huh it won't open oh move it w that was a little excessive you broke the door Bears will be Bears so Savage freeze huh lger Vic is back oh just great I should switch sides stinking Bears will you ever learn well actually I need an audience Fally out what are you doing get off of me no no no don't do that no [Applause] [Music] Bramble nice work too much oh without vix your split sing everything else returned back to noral Hey where's Bramble the rat the from the the back we took down one Tyrant just to be ruled by another this down dog in the B you can't get him no Rish Rubble [Music] oh there goes the old lunch Bell watch out honey Here I Come Oh Me Oh my I want a honey pie oh that hurt oh oh look at all these things what kind of evil monster would do such a thing where is it dig where did my radish run off too come on hey herb uh who's there turn around ramble what's up I was just wondering what's with all these holes yeah so what I I can't find my radish what you've got a million so what if you lost one of them because it's the best one ever it's perfect I did it don't panic you'll find it if not you can always find a better one that's impossible there's n better it was the best looking radish I'd ever done didn't see it was one of them rare pink ones the kind only told about in storybook so perfect that's enough I'm going to find it hold on Herbert come wait a radish she [Music] whiz come on [Music] just great I was dreaming of oh what is that some kind of radish looks [Music] delicious huh wait it tasted like nothing but air [Music] I've never seen a radish like [Music] this oh this a go fantastic on a salad oh yeah yeah sh off it's mine you yes it's him what he want is that my precious I finally found you I just can't what's the big idea don't forget this is my side of the forest you're just a pest so buzz off all right it's time to make the best salad ever come on right Vic how dare you steal from me I'll get you [Music] why you know why what you how dare you you're going to play for that enough to play try some tranquilizer d quit running hey only a coward would hide himself in the dirt Show [Music] Yourself ban come here go in and force him out ow fail me and there's no dinner for you already just great I'm stuck in here well how nice help me out of here sure thing still wait wait I changed my mind hurry up I'll take care the St with another Rish now get it back you had enough yet ouch why you you little over here vck quit playing games this isn't f behind you you can't escape forever it over here you'll never catch me come on get him now give it up already let me go let go got you oh no I got heror Ducks I'll get the Bears [Music] since Brier's gone he won't mind if I eat it all rle rle Mar um what Herbert ler F got him you got to rescue them what that loger fck is scum let's go Warren huh don't worry boss one left on vacation so all that's left is the dub one meeing the quota will be easy oh yeah guess what I caught in the forest my think I touched it oh so this is what you're after uhhuh yeah must be tough to be so close yet so far oh yes it is it's right in you it's clean up anyway a little further don't give up now here try again this [Music] time great we can discuss the payment later oh yeah sure sure sure I'll deliver them right away right after my lunch that's mine all right bye-bye oh I'm going to be so wealthy what's wrong hey hey ban this is all of your fault you were supposed to be watching him don't deny that you were sleeping you stupid old cat I'm so upset right now he's first aid come on you come on you nothing oh let's try [Music] CPR he came my [Music] radish finally faan go give that back to me give me that I see it all makes sense now this is what you want huh [Music] [Laughter] yeah all right then there you go Gotta things are finally going my [Music] way oh oh no let's get him la la la what bring back our friend you dirty billin you're kidding me oh fix truck is getting stuck in Herbert's holes [Music] [Music] CCH you believe Herber TOS actually did some good oh help get me out of Joe Crocker sings the blues those animals are always getting in my way these days I can hardly get any work done po me boss is going to cut my wages again what's this a frog help [Music] oh I almost squished one a while ago stupid frog wait top dollar paid for frogs bring us your frogs and we'll pay this is exactly what I was looking for why did I let that rock slip through my fingers wait if I've seen one before there must be more around here there might be a whole village filled to the brim with frogs yes croaking gold it's time to put the days of struggling for money behind me ribbit ribbit croak come on out little Froggies Ribbit what's L doing ribit know going crazy come here little froggy Ribbit H ribit Ribbit he did go crazy listen to him cro sh keep it down I'm working have some respect listen to his nonsense he's forgotten he makes a living cutting down trees yeah but that's not a bad thing R he's not logging so who really cares forget about him let's go fishing okay hey hold on hey bro check out this fish I just caught huh you're a [Music] professional a a man it escaped the what did I do you owe me a big and you owe me a big frog you're blaming me for this how dare you let me come on I'm got let me at him yeah got you you'd better share that with me oh man just great that's two fish I've drawn a line that's your side that's mine no Crossing is that clear why you little hold on this way he won't get in our way any anymore the line has been drawn and the words have been spoken prior look at me without the Bears in my way this will be easy huh wa what a huge frog I'm going to get you hey come back you ain't getting away from me get back here what do you think you're doing get out of my way what's your problem anyhow no Crossing remember this plan wasn't as brilliant as I thought it would be especially with those Bears enforcing the rules so strictly that's it I got to get those two out of my hair let's see what can I do to get those two bears out of here I know fish are way easier to catch for a pro like me I'll just lend them a hand this should be enough to satisfy even those stinky Bears hey over here I've got a piece Trey for you it's a big basket of fish see oh oh wow how nice of you Vick hey bro come back are they all for us oh yes they are every single slimy one now go and eat them go on go on you're the best man hey hey now to get me some frogs I'm a Frog catcher I'm okay I sleep you fool stop thinking with your stomach never take anything from him got it it's probably a part of some evil plan really an evil plan I don't know but we should go check it out come on where is he huhuh oh this explains why he's been trying to catch those little kroer he's going to trade them for money are they worth a lot mhm restaurants are paying top dollar they're an endangered species Bramble let's go catch a poacher uh bear Brothers to the rescue and now we play the waiting game hey there's one now [Music] come on that's it just a little further where you going fry stop what are you doing here logger Vic leave him alone oh yeah say that to my little friend you think you can run I'll find you stop get back here silly frog why you so you think you're safe in that cave do you you this is [Music] it so many looks like the whole family came about to play this could not have worked out any better you little W Rangers are going to make me Rich huh it's you again now get back here huh what a rotten guy let's go stop him [Music] H what makes you think you can outrun old [Music] Vicky ow that really hurt my FR I'll get it right after you [Music] where could he be he couldn't have gotten far this is just crazy hey you show me a ticket do it now oh I'm sorry I lost it oh really I don't believe [Music] you hey you Dro some money what wait yeah all right enough of your game get out now [Music] huh hey I got you you sa give me back my [Music] hat huh this is the stack Vic used to stash the frogs Brier we should release these poor little guys huh bro where'd you get the bomb lger Vic left it back there ah I got a plan riches here I come stop right there get me back my hatch look you put that tack down right now forget it I got the biggest one here where is it oh man he slipped away again hey friends how about you hand me that sack and I catch you a whole bunch of fish okay o hey Brier hand it over fine you say you want this bag Vic [Applause] here maybe I didn't get the king but I got all his subjects whoopee rainow let's get out of here wait for me hands over my head right now we'll just add explosions to the list CH come on this way go back to your home hey Brier we did a good de today didn't we sure did yeah when in drought I can't stand it anymore it's so hot no water what a bummer water water come on oh man just perfect oh the water bill must have forgotten that that is so typical 6 months and they turn the water off I'd better figure something [Music] out I finally done [Music] it oh hold on bingo oh hey well that's just perfect oh yeah come on now you enjoy having no water on a hot day for once I'm glad I'm balding but what if they find out they would definitely destroy everything all right I better be laying some traps just try and stop me you stinky bears just a little dirt and they're almost invisible perfect I'm the master of [Music] camouflage saw love [Music] [Applause] love the heat is too much see you thank you Brier we need to find water H I need a hurry hey hold on there's no water I searched everywhere not a drop left how can that be Brier let's go investigate [Music] I can waste as much water as I want when will Mother Nature finally [Laughter] [Music] learn you see what did I tell you so the river just disappeared you kidding me this is just the worst thing ever how OD let me think think faster oh yeah let's follow the river until we can find out what's going on here good idea right uh-huh [Music] huh hey take a look over there um over [Music] where what oh my gosh I bet Vick's behind all this someone's talking smack it's probably those Bears falling into my [Music] trap [Music] nice [Music] huh fishy wait oh prer what's wrong be careful something feels off [Music] a trap how scary let's head back calm down man me I'll take care of everything way to go I don't think [Music] so huh close one so what should we do Herbert I'm Coming For You wa predictable he's flying right into my trap Vic you [Music] dog no he can't win [Music] there are too many of them I need to think a big rock I got it what now oh no I can't let them sabotage my pupping machine well W there that's the last of them now let's tear this cage apart you a bear fre don't move a muscle or I'll blast you the next week I'll go distract him you guys work on the cage oh hey there Catch Me If You Can Vic how dare you yeah you missed me pathetic are you mocking me I'll get you believe it NE Neer you're done for yeah bro now's our chance let's break the cage stop H don't tell me it's a trap that is high hi you the a is my [Music] territory I hate them are you my G ah wait right here okay I'll be back to teach you a lesson sorry come back here that's mine I'm going to tear you apart do you hear me it's a little heavy oh no give back right now huh oh no everyone hide ow stay right where you are where did they all go no way stop it we're all blast you I won't ask again to now what just ignore him and keep pulling we got to open this cage easier said than done miss us missed us look keep doing what you're doing it's working okay hey back over here hit me if you can I told you never to make fun of me again didn't I [Music] [Music] yeah all right time to destroy the machine good job come on guys uhoh hey get away from [Music] that m [Music] s Bears I'll make you pay for that you hear me and we'll be here waiting for you um no what's happening oh dear help me help me oh this isn't over yet mark my words I'll be
Channel: DreamToon - Official Channel
Views: 2,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears, boonie bears chinese, bonnie bears, boonie bears: the adventures, xiong chu mo, Bablu Dablu, bear in cartoon, boonie, boonie bears movie, bablu dablu lakkha ke kaka, fantastica full movie, bonnie bear, xiongchumo, bablu dablu, boonie bears spring into action, dablu bablu, vick, bablu dablu cartoon, bear, boonie bear, chinese cartoon,
Id: XQ7okc4ZLTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 28sec (6028 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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