The Army Painter Needs To Go To Jail Right Now. New Fanatic Paint Range Review!

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someone needs to put the Army painter in jail they are making painting far too fun far too easy and far too accessible if they carry on trying to make things as easy as they are they're going to make painting tutorials Obsolete and no longer needed frankly I don't know what I'm going to do with all my free [Music] time [Music] now joking aside and to cut this video incredibly short I'll just tell you right here right now I really really really like the new fanatic paint range that the Army painter are shortly going to be releasing and I'm going to be using it a lot going forwards now if you do actually want to hear more keep watching the video and I will do a quick unboxing of the mega set from The Fanatic range as well as actually going to use the paint and then finally I'll tell you all the reasons I really like them I do need to start with a couple of small disclaimers number one I was sent this paint set free of charge number two I have only painted a small set of Miniatures about 10 or so with this paint range which could show you how good they are cuz I already love them with such a small test set or that I haven't quite tested them enough yet and found anything particularly negative to say I just wanted to point that out guys cuz I think a lot of reviewers neglect to mention how much of a product they've actually used I say 10 fines you're still talking 10 20 hours of painting but bear that in mind as we go through my comments third and finally is if you are familiar with myself or the channel I am heavily into speed pain and I use a lot of speed paints so do consider that as a critique and comment on these paints because it's not my usual hunting ground with you fully informed let's crack open the box the first thing to point out with the box is how full this sneaky little biscuit is genuinely the Box doesn't even close when you first get it because it's that full of stuff anyway let's crack the lid off and see what we get inside first you presented with the usual paper add-ins what to do if you need customer service and a sweet sticker set which I am slowly finally finding homes for and pimping my painting stuff with under that is a free army painter painting guide they include this in pretty much all of their boxed stuff this is just the shiny new version and I say this every single time I see one it's surprisingly good after that what do we have here this is new this range comes with a fancy pants paint rack to store all of these new Paints in we'll build that up in a minute and see how it is finally we are at the juicy stuff here are all the paints and there are plenty of them it's hard to imagine that the complete set has four times this number of paints what the heck is this am I missing some paints now somewhere in here is a free brush digging around here it is so this set yeah comes with one brush it's the character brush and now nice little brush and it gives you enough to get up and running in the set alone as well as trying out one of the Armond painters triangular brushes all that is left is the actual paints themselves 10 here 20 30 40 50 all here looking good and accounted for and that is a te of a lot of new paints now from the box we do need to get on with building this rack to store up all these little bees so let's have a crack at that and see how it looks just going to go through and speed build this I won't boore with all of the details the instructions are pretty self-explanatory and everything seems to only fit in one specific configuration or it's being carefully designed so slots go together nicely and everything up it all clicks into [Music] place so that is now completely built and it's pretty good looking rack it's going to look nice on my tabletop nice on my shelves and it's going to keep all of these paints tucked together nicely there some kind of army painter formation the first thing to noce it has a load of slots for brushes in particular it has a bunch of triangle ones which fit the Army painters War gamer brushes perfectly so they've got a little place to slot in there having said that the monster brush is triangular and way too big so that's not going to fit in there but it's got these big round ones it also fits a bunch of the army painter's Master Class dry brushes and some of their round brushes as well but it's versatile guys they're just little holes that you can put any brushes you have lying around but it gives you somewhere to store a bunch neatly tidily and safely obviously this is not all the rack stores it stores every sing single paint in the set let's just run through every single color very very quickly that you get so you can be familiar with what to expect there's two deep skin tone one warm skin tone and one rose skin tone available two options from the Ruddy Brown you get Oak and fur Brown you get a single okra and a single ancient stone light neutral then onto the greens with a vibrant green rainforest you've got desaturated cool greens just one of them Autumn Sage two olive green colors necrotic flesh and The Dark One in similar in the Deep greens you get Angel green and green skin so a light and a dark again two from the teals a dark and a light and once again two from the turquoise color range dark and a light single deep green blue there and a single strong pale blue into the Vivid Blues you get two a lighter and a darker and then a couple of desaturated choices a light and a dark again then just one single Vivid blue which is bright Sapphire a single purples in this range which is alien purple and a single magenta Mage cast magenta single desaturated Violet it's almost brown almost red mold Berry and then you get three Reds in the cool Reds Triad a bright a medium and a deep sort of Shadow color taken as into the pink offering you get pixie pink and wicked pink bright and light and bright I think only one orange available and that's laara orange two yellows a pale and a mid one there's a single offering from the warm gray and white which is actually just matte white and then moving all the way back up towards black you have the black and Grays and there's three options you get a light gray a medium gray and black and something we're probably all fairly familiar with which is the wash range you get a dark one a strong one a soft one and then there's one skin one which is the strong skin shade and then this particular kit comes with three metallics you get the silver a gold and a bronze probably the most used three metallics and last but not least is three effect offering brings a replacement to glistening blood which is True Blood a new Fresh rust effect and what something I've never seen before oozing vomit there we have it guys the complete rack fully laid out in all of its Glory a nice little container for you if you need something to store paints on okay guys you've seen everything inside it's been Jesus Christ okay guys you've seen everything inside it's been sat alongside me the whole time anyway so you could have kind of kind of had a sneak peek couldn't you let's start the review with what actually comes in this box first and foremost it is far from the 216 200 plus paints you get in the complete set however I find honestly 50 paints is plentiful even with just 50 paints it comes with great choices across the whole color range and a lot of the paint groups come with a light and a dark so you can always mix them together and fill in some of the gaps while I am mentioning that the smaller subset of Paints in this particular box does mean you can't take full advantage of this six paint in each family group Triad system that the Army pain are pushing for with this fastic range having said that there is enough Paints in here to give you an appreciation of it I noticed it instantly using the paints that you had a light and a dark and it told you which family they lived in could see straight away which was the highlight which was the base color speaking of the colors I've not noticed anything particularly missing in this set that's normally something I do in a box set within a few Miniatures I'm like where is that desert yellow it's in this set where is that dark gray it's in this set those sorts of things you notice really quickly on using any paint box and in this one to this point in time I have not noticed any color that's particularly missing the metallics in the set are probably the three major colors you want gold silver and bronze and that gives you plenty enough to experiment with I probably will pick up some more of those myself cuz it's nice to be able to paint any metal the washes again give you a great sampling into what's available and it let you pretty much dark down any of the colors things like the yellow and the red look a little bit dirty with the four washes that are available in this set it's something I've always picked up in the past is the specific colored washers to just tone and subtly darken down Reds yellows blues and greens paint rack itself is a nice little addition I actually thought it was going to be a little bit gimmicky something I don't need I'm been painting for a long time I have plenty of stories didn't really see a need for this having said that it's nice to just keep all the paints tidily together it looks great on the shelf and it's a really convenient way to carry the whole set downstairs to the kitchen table if I want to be a bit social paint with friends or family let's get down to business guys the last thing in the box of course is the paint brush now it's a fine brush it gets you up and running it's in the Box off you go go and get some painting done having said that it's not going to replace any of my fancier brushes so that's everything in the box but how about the actual paint overall I'm going to have to make some assumptions that the rest of the set is of equal quality equal usability but having to use a bunch across the set that I've got I would guess that the whole range is going to be pretty fun to use easy to use and accessible for All In My Eyes they have absolutely crushed their previous line which was already kind of my go-to paints I genuinely think I'll be throwing all of those I won't throw them out I'll give them away but I genuinely think they are now Obsolete and I won't be using the old range these are my boys going forwards but on top of beating their own range these have fast become my preferred paints of all the paints I own I in plenty of different types and Brands but if I had to quickly just go reach a color without thinking about who may or may not have the best version it's going to be the fanatic range I rush to grab wanted to give you a little demonstration of the coverage of these paints so here I've got some bases which are primed in half black and half white and I just wanted to go over a few of the colors particularly Reds oranges and yellows knowing they've previously been quite difficult colors to paint they have weak pigments and don't get great coverage but I'll also show you the pink going over the black and the white as well as a blue and what else should we have should we go for a green and you can see the coverage single coat it goes on really smooth really easily and that single coat is more or less covering the black let alone the white which is popping out and being quite bright while you can see on the bases a second layer will do them great Justice if you're painting in the real world and painting miniatures and highlighting and shading them up that single first base coat May well be enough that you can then add other layers on on top of it to build up the highlights and it's just going to look AB fantastic with just one to two coats these paints both mix and thin really well with both the medium that comes in the complete set or you'll be able to buy separately but also just even with water they're holding their color on pain are saying the new Range has three to seven times the pigment that their original range had which they already said was Heavy pigmented heavy pigment heavy pigment a load of pigment in it and I think I can tell using them these have a lot of the pigies and I think using the paints you can really tell that coverage is really strong the next major factor major Improvement ment with this is kind of the labels of the bottle but it's what the labels now tell you which is what the paint rage has set up biggest one being this idea of the Triads that's all the paints being split into families for example teals and reds and blacks and Grays each one having six in the family and each one moving from light to dark in six almost equal steps now that is making it really easy for beginners it's making the paint incredibly accessible but even people who've been painting a long time I still struggle sometimes with remembering which green is the Highlight for which base color green that I use and I noticed it straight away on these bottles it made it almost like painting by numbers I found the highlight color that I wanted to use and then I just found the same darker version in the family and applied that first and then highlighted it up using the lighter one the labels are also borrowing from the speed paint we all worked on and that's taking a practical name and just giving you a rough idea of what this fantasy magical name actually means in the real world for example if we take the rainforest color who knows what that means but we can look down the side and we can see it's a vivid yellowish green color again that's huge improvements for accessibility anybody with any sort of difficulty seeing colors can read these labels and get a general feel for what it's going to look like I've always been a massive fan of the army painters metallics probably some of my favorite metallics and this new Range does that Justice too I found them just the same as before if not better I do believe they changed the formula they've obviously tried to make it so it doesn't really surprise me but they've definitely built upon what I already considered a great family of metallics with the new Range really taking it that step further for the effects I don't think it was difficult for them to improve on their previous war glistening blood was fine it was incredibly bright incredibly glossy it definitely stood out on a miniature but I don't think it looked hyper realistic the new True Blood in this set and there's a second one I do not remember they in the complete set but they look a little bit more realistic a little bit less car cartoon army painter's original rust paint was just an orange I had no understanding of what that was supposed to do or how you would use it any differently just the orange the new one has little bits in little artifacts some sort of blal stuff I think that's the scientific name and that just adds a texture and realism to both the blood and the rust now the oozing vomit I still have not used so stay tuned for me finding something to use that on I'm pretty excited to give that one a go too but that basically sums up my feelings towards these paints what a fantastic Improvement I am very excited for 2024 when I get to play with the more and you guys get to play with them too I'm almost definitely going to be picking up the full set although the 50 is adequate and you can get on with something I'm just that into these paints right here right now I need the full range especially really to take advantage of of the Triad system doing half the work for me I should add there is also a starter set that's going to be available too so if you want to start even small and just dip your toe in the water there's that and they of course they'll be out as individual bottles so really you can just grab one and I'd obviously recommend pick the worst color the color you have the worst experienced painted for me yellow white wrap yourself a bottle of that and try that out if you're impressed with how you're going to be impressed with the rest is a great way of not spending a fortune before you really know how you feel about this range but yeah I guess that that's it for me I am very surprised when I heard they were making a new set of acrylics which I'm not normally behind I like my speed paints but this took me by surprise the first time I used it I was like oh that makes it fun that makes it easy and that makes me want to paint more let us know in the comments below if you're excited about this range if you're going to be trying it out or let us know if you're going to give it a miss and why you're going to give it a miss and if you want us to film or cover on this let us know as well thank you all ever so much for watching bye-bye
Channel: Watch It Paint It
Views: 27,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch it paint it, Army painter, the army painter, fanatic, fanatic paints, fanatic paint range, fanatic mega set, fanatic complete set, fanatic starter set, fanatic review, fanatic paint review, fanatic paint range review, fanatic paints review, fanatic paints unboxing, unboxing, review, best miniature paints, best paints for miniatures, miniature paints compared, which paints should I buy
Id: 0ed40xSiI3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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