How To Find YOUR FIRST MAIN In Apex Legends!

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how to find your main in apex legends if there's one question i get asked all the time it's hey ashton who should i make the fact that so many of you out there don't have that one character that you like more than everyone else is pretty sad so let's change that but not before we say a quick thank you to ea for sponsoring today's video and supporting the channel in apex there are five different classes of legends well i mean there are actually four but i always say there are five because lifeline is just a different class of our own like you'll understand and those classes are going to be recon offense defense and support now i say lifeline is in a class of her own because in my eyes she is the only healer character in the game like an actual designated healer and personally i would put that in its own class on its own so i give lifeline the gila class that's class five but if you want to be technical it's four okay it's four aside from classes though the other trait that you want to be taken into consideration at this stage is the character's personality that's something i can't really choose for you which character you relate to the most i don't know that i'm sorry i don't know you like that i mean unless you want me to i mean hey if you do want me to make a video going over different legend stereotypes and the different types of people which play certain legends in apex then get this video to 2000 likes and drop a comment in the comment section down below saying ashton do the funny and then i'll get right on it for you guys but probably the most important factor of choosing your main is how they're performing in the current matter of the game to many people this will be more important than the character's personality probably myself included because i'm just a stinky sweaty player at the end of the day but really you've just got to weigh up on one hand you've got personality and how much you actually care for the character and on the other hand you've got their actual abilities and how viable they are in game this is why a lot of people struggle to pick their mainstays they don't know that the character they love more than all of the other characters they suck you know you might absolutely adore fuse but we all know fuse is just not good at the game i'm sorry for use mains you can't convince me but if i was to advise you on which factor you should take into consideration more when picking your legend i would definitely say meta viability is more important than personality if you're someone who's identified the support category as the class of your type that you want to go into and there are two legends which i would say are better in the current meta than any others now the first one is going to be loba [Music] for me she is one of the best legends this season especially with storm point being in heavy rotation in pubs and ranked currently so loba is very very good because she can traverse the terrain super easily with her bracelet the black market is logan's biggest selling point it's not only good for you as an individual being able to loot up with your favorite guns ton of ammo and any armor and heels whenever you need them also just having the ability to give all of that to your squad as well is just absolutely amazing luba is also one of those legends which nearly falls into the category of an offense character in my mind because she is so good at getting in and out of fights you know you can use her bracelet offensively and defensively and that allows you to play a little bit more freely when taking gunfights the other support legend i would highly highly recommend you try out is gibraltar jerosa is one of those characters which so many players are instantly put off by by the fact that he is a big boy he he really is such a big boy aside from his glorious thickness gibraltar has the best kit in the game in my opinion that bubble shield can be used offensively and defensively probably better offensively honestly if you throw a bubble shield when going into a fight you have that instant advantage and it is a little bit daunting as an enemy team to see a full three man with a gibraltar bubble dome towards you imagine seeing this big lad running at you he also has the arm shield passive to compensate for his thickness as well and that defensive bombardment should not be underestimated you get caught in one of these you'll kind of feel it gibby can also res people faster in his dome as well so i mean there are just so many layers as to why gibraltar is an amazing legend and not enough people have tapped into just how good he is yet embrace the thickness trust me it is the way just like the way to make me happy would be to like the video and subscribe to the channel i really appreciate you guys now come on that was smooth come on in terms of defensive legends you can pick from i would argue there are two main legends that you should really be deciding between right now in this current meta and that would be between watson who has recently buffed and has received a lot of love from the community since this buff i will say watson does feel a lot better to play now that her generator heals shields for a certain amount of time and it heals pretty quickly and can have a massive impact on a fight but it also destroys any incoming projectiles and grenades so you know aside from bullets obviously it's not going to destroy your bullets i would say the one downside to watson is the fact that her fences are pretty weak and that's where the other character to come into the defense section would be caustic for me caustic is the ultimate defense legend in apex of course we saw a little bit of a decline in caustic in the past couple of seasons where the damage numbers for his gas barrels and gas grenade were knocked down everyone loved it during that time and not a single call stick in sight it was beautiful but unfortunately the bogus gas man is back and he is at full strength now of course he's not as strong as he once was but he is at a power level which has a major impact on fights in apex and you should not underestimate a call stick the one major key difference between caustic and watson in my opinion is going to be the fact that once one of core 6 gas barrels are activated and the gas is spewing out enemies can do nothing about it they cannot remove that gas barrel compare that to watson's fences where a fence can be activated and you can just simply punch it once or shoot it a couple of times and you'll see why i think caustic is the superior defensive legend some of you might be wondering why i've not mentioned rampart in the defense category and honestly for me she just does not compete with the likes of watson and caustic in terms of what she can offer defensively yes amped walls are scary i do think they are a good ability and rampart is certainly a viable legend you can play her if you want to but if you're looking to be a defensive legend a character which holds down an area for your team i really do think you should be looking at watson and caustic but you know maybe you do like eating gum off the bottom of your shoe who am i to tell you no in terms of which offensive legends you should be playing in apex for me there are a whole list of different characters you can play from you've got the likes of mirage and fuse which i rate pretty lowly in the ranks of legends in apex but you can use them if you want to obviously i wouldn't recommend it on the current meta but if you're weird and you like legends that are particularly weak then go for it fuse's knuckle cluster is in the best place it's ever been and of course he can stack more grenades than anyone else in the game and grenades are seriously undervalued by a large majority of players so if if you want to catch on to the grenade hype then give fuse a spin actually talk in the fuse i do have a story about a very special fuse to tell you guys so basically i was in a game with a man named bought and bought is your typical fuse main board is actually the apex predator of fuse mains as you can see here he has the movement of a god he has the awareness of an eagle and most importantly the prowess of a young tiger so i decided to take board on an adventure down into the lava that's it that's where this story ends bought died the moral of the story is most definitely be like bought but the main offensive legends that we're going to be focusing on are actually wraith and bangalore now also i will be talking about pathfinder and valk who are both classed as recon legends but honestly i think fit way better into an offensive play style than a recon playstyle wraith is definitely a legend which is better suited to highly aggressive players who like to get in behind enemy lines and deal damage because that phase ability is going to give you that out it's gonna give you that moment to just dip out reset and go again and her porcelain could offer some amazing different angles for you to approach from during a fight if you can drop it correctly or it can just allow your whole team to just move from point a to point b without having to cross an open space bangalore is your more direct fragging character she has an absolutely insane passive ability meaning that when she is shot at she speeds up you're going to be moving faster which means you're going to have a faster strafe making it harder for your enemies to hit you her smoke grenade tactical ability has been a little bit iffy because of the different matters the game has gone through especially in season 10 where we had a scan heavy metal we all love scan metas right guys but for the most part it does do a pretty good job these days at blocking lines of sight which is exactly what it's intended for and obviously her ultimate ability is very very good at blocking off these specific areas of the map where you don't want enemies to play it does completely zone off a specific area of the map and if enemies do get caught in it then they are gonna take damage and they're also gonna get stunned and during that stun period you're gonna be able to run in and easily down them i would definitely recommend bangalore to players who like to run and gun because of that passive ability i really do think it is one of her most valuable assets as mentioned previously pathfinder and valk should get a mention in this section as well i do think pathfinder is just one of the best offensive legends in the game and he's personally my main of choice i mean i absolutely love his characters to start off with you know who doesn't love this dopey robo boy 350 bro wow man you're blending in you're a real predator bro but both pathfinder and valk have movement based abilities and they're gonna allow you to get in and out of fights very easily that's gonna allow you to heal up and take cover in different angles in which your opponents they just can't keep up with now obviously they are based as recon characters in the menu screen because they can scan recon beacons i would consider these legends way more of offensive type legends than recon legends but the recon beacon passive is just an added bonus i mean especially in competitive apex in which the knowledge of the zone can go a long way if you're not into dopey robo boys then horizon is also a very good offensive option to pick from because she has a large range of movement with her passive ability allowing you to slide faster when falling which is amazing it's way better than it sounds i promise her tactical is going to allow you to gain high ground very very quickly and heal on the lift which means you can heal while moving a lot faster than you would usually be able to while on foot and the ultimate ability gives the enemies the suck what do you mean by that and when they're getting sucked you can grenade them it's it's a great combo nobody's ever done this before i particularly recommend horizon to scottish people because they can actually understand what she's saying aggressive characters who like to run around with bangalore might also enjoy ash because ash's passive ability allows you to see where death boxes are on the map meaning you know exactly where the action is at all times meaning you don't have to run around looking for people because you know exactly where they are attack is going to allow you to tether enemies to the floor which is basically telling them you're not going anywhere sonny jim and then if you see a fight happening far away from you you can use her ultimate to instantly teleport yourself and potentially even your team if they're fast enough right on top of the enemies if you are looking to specifically be a recon type legend which gets knowledge of where enemies are for your team then i think the only option in the current meta has got to be bloodhound now i know c has very similar abilities to bloodhound but for me bloodhound is the uberseer see tried to be bloodhound but bloodhound just said nah chief my abilities are better bloodhound's abilities also makes them way more viable as an offensive type character as well because of course the beast of the hunt you just get that speed boost to get those nice red outlines on your enemies and unlimited scans it's just such a good ultimate ability and it feels like you're on top of the world when you're running around in houndhold the scans are just better for your team in general because they cover a wider range of space and that means you're more likely to catch multiple enemies per scan which is going to give you more information for your team than a longer scan on an individual in my opinion obviously like i say if you want to be a healer then lifeline is your only option so yeah so hopefully this video has helped you guys pick your main in apex legends make sure to join me next time where i dive headfirst into an oncoming car like the video and subscribe to the channel for more regular apex legends content and i'll see you guys in the next one take it easy and goodbye you
Channel: Simply Ashton
Views: 971,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simply ashton, simply ashton youtube, youtube simply ashton, simplyashton, simplyashton youtube, youtube simplyashton, simplyashtin, Apex, Apex Legends, Apex Season 11, Season 11, Tier List, PC, Xbox, Ps4, All legends, ranked, ranking, worst to best, worst, best, funny, who to main, apex tips and tricks, apex season 11 event, console, guide, how to, Storm point, Best Legends to play, Who to play, Best legends new map, choose your legend
Id: kUdZOm_QCL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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