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okay that was that was that was a while today we are going to be ranking every single skydive emote in apex legends we're going to start in alphabetical order with bloodhound this one's called cross swords led hound just whips out the knives becomes a full-on benihana's employee blood on is a hunter bloodhound bloodhound's a warrior bloodhound works at benihana's have you ever been to benny haws i'm making like a bendy hottest joke but i feel like half of y'all have never even been to benihanas they cook your food right in front of you and like chocolate chips shop and they're like dude they're like cool knife tricks and stuff honestly this kind of remote i think is starting as very strong i think it's a ton of fun it's not just a generic spin it's a full-on like song and dance number that goes on here i think we're already starting with the uh with the s to your skydiving that's going to like kind of set the bar i think it's like lowest here though like it'd be like lowest here i high eights here okay next one is nevermoor this is one where bloodhound calls all the crows holy crap this one is high damn i know i just gave the benihanas one s tier rating but i think this one like you can kind of hear like the angels coming down from the heavens this one's s s plus easily s plus this one's amazing then we got our generic this is one of the original skyline modes so i do have like a lot of love for it it's called stoic stance i have my love for the original skydiving modes that they had in this game but god sometimes like it was just you just see how boring it is just a quick spin it's not garbage here per se but it's very underwhelming for sure so i would probably put this one in like low seats here high d tier d plus or c minus let's say d plus because honestly like it gets way better from here you can't all be winners you know next up we got gibraltar the first goddamn mode is front row seat a little spin you know but at least see this one's a little bit better than bloodhound's spin i do like that at least for this one it's very gibby because he sits he sits crisscross applesauce you know kind of like in a very a very stoic pose that only gibby would do correctly and he's smiling the whole time while doing it so i do think it's still very uniquely gibby even though it is generic so i would probably put it in just a flat seat here i think a flat seat here is fair for this front row seat we got good vibes good vibes is a cool one he plays on his ukulele and it's like a there's a specific song he plays it's very nice and peaceful the good vibe skydiving because of how beautiful the song sounds the ukulele gibraltar really embracing his roots uh his his uh samoan roots and whatnot i do think that this is overall a very strong emote it's super simple i'm gonna be giving good vibes honestly a plus i think a strong eights here high eights here so a plus i think is really good so if that's really cool it's him riding on his on his arm shield as like as if it's a surfboard i mean it's good it's very it's a very gibby thing to do it doesn't really blow my mind compared to the other ones that they've added because it's it's still very simple i do i do dig its simplicity though honestly i think b plus is probably the correct rating b plus seems like the a fair spot for it up next we got lifeline none other than lifeline she's got four skydiving modes my goodness gracious me there's so many skydiving modes to see let's start with their most basic one peace out she just does a little flip does a little does a little peace sign on the way down you know it's nice but it fits in the same category as bloodhounds it's a little bit more specific to lifeline you know because lifeline is known for being like peace peace and love mozamb peace here i do like that it's a little more specific to lifeline but is it good not necessarily is it garbage no i would probably put it in c minus tier then we got bringing the beat down that's a great name she whips out her drone uh horizons ultimate and kryptos drone and she plays drums on them [Music] it's not s here really though like it's just simple i think it's nice that lifeline includes all these other legends drones and stuff in this in this whole thing it just makes the whole universe just or the whole game just feel very connected in a really good way i think maybe just maybe actually just like a high or like i think a i think flat a is good like a strong a tier seems like it's fair as well i think a plus for this one we got vibing this one's really cute yeah it's just her sitting on the drone nothing too special about her she leans back falls off of it keeps going i love the interaction with the drone it's definitely a fun one um not too much is going on but you know not every sky of a moat needs to be crazy like that i think this one's like b-plus it's a fun time it's a simple time then we got the windmill this one's sick this one's actually sick she does like a full-on spin the windmill breakdance in the air that one is good that one's hype the windmill easily easy eights here easy easy eights here right now we're on to pathfinder pathfinder has some pretty great skydiving five of them to be exact that is way too many five holding modes let's start with the basic one hi friends they're all just basic little spins pathfinder goes around just waves and that's it it's just very pathfinder-like but it's once again just the generic spin that all of them had in the beginning once again not garbage but it's it's definitely in the lower tier for sure i would probably put it like d plus c minus somewhere around there d plus c minus for this one sorry it just doesn't seem right i can fly the next one i can fly so this is like a really funny bit this one's hilarious pathfinder goes i can fly and just makes like little flappy noises and then the crew and then obviously arthur comes in like ruins his day and then he slaps he like slaps arthur in the face that one's hilarious this one is awesome this one's one of the best original ones that they released for being an earlier skydiving mode it holds up very well i'm gonna honestly put this one in s tier i think i can fly as an s tier one it's hilarious another one this one's really good too raven's rampage so remember how he smacked archer so this is essentially arthur coming back and getting his homies for revenge like all his homies come in and beat up pathfinder there's a full-on story in these skydiving modes who would have thought we would be treated with such a hilarious story this one's like a a plus i think high a tier is pretty good for this one this one's great i love it i love what it adds i love the little lore that that is going on next we got swing and a miss this one also includes arthur this one's cool it includes drone stuff like pathfinder grapples uh or yeah grapples on like all these different drones and different things like lifeline's drone horizons ultimate but then pathfinder grapples arthur and arthur is not happy with that and attacks him it's so funny this one's great because it really just fits pathfinder's vibe the best pathfinder is just like such a funny character i just i just love him who said he's such a lovable dude do you hear that the angels s plus okay this is the knee slapper this one is interesting it's just him dancing it has a song associated with it the sound that's what really sells it you know anyway uh it's like it's like a it's like a low eights here honestly i think a minus is fair for the knee slapper which i think we would agree moving on to the next legend we got wraith wraith has so many skydiving modes holy crap first we got flip the rift this one is one of the best original skydiving modes because like all the other original skydiving modes it's a spin but for some reason they let ray spin like twice but then she does this cool like superman power superhero pose she goes spin spin spin like like freaking goku full-on anime i'd probably put this one in easily in low eights here like a minus or even just acer i think i think solidly i think it's solidly in aids here honestly i have good memories with that mo i think it's really really cool next up we have the perpetual motion she goes in she makes two portals and just does like the the thing you do and when you play the game portal gonna take your portal over and over and over again it's very cool it's very wraith i think this one's also just a solid eights here if anything like a plus i think a plus is fair for this one it's just such a unique and very cool wraith thing this thing would easily be s here if you if you went through the portal a couple more times but like really fast like momentum going you know kind of like what you would do when you play a game like portal the spiraling void okay this one's the basketball one right yeah this one's cool she like creates a void in her hand which like looks like a like a ball and she like yeah she like spins around god she's literally like an anime villain faith literally belongs in anime i love it this one is really cool this one's very heat yeah i mean honestly like part of me thinks that this one might be ester i know some people were probably like maybe it's not but i personally just really really i really like this one ester effete i love anime s tier we're doing we're going with it this one's just her like doing a bunch of crazy movements like really fast very generic it doesn't feel like wraith it just feels like anyone could have done this and it would have been fine kind of a weaker of of the later emotes that came out this is kind of one of the weaker ones and it's kind of underwhelming probably have to put the think fast emote honestly it's like a c plus emote i'm sorry i'm not feeling this one moving on to bangalore bangalore's emotes she only has three skydiving months it looks like the first one's salute like i said all the original ones from the original kings canyon days it's just spin but this one's a spin and a salute you know very much on brand with bangalore so i do appreciate that it's still very much something that bangalore would do it's still so basic it hurts like it's it's so basic it hurts i would probably put this one low c like c minus it is whatever dude that's and that's all i gotta say about that let's get some macro salutes in the chat let's do it macro salutes thank you control demolition is really really cool she rides her rockets like the rockets that she calls in with her ordinance it's a vibe this one is definitely a vibe i'm about that just that skating around with their rockets it's something you would see in a cartoon it's it's so cartoonish it's so it's so out there yeah i would probably put control demolition b plus because bangalore here is one of the best emotes ever made period i know i'm already kind of giving a little spoiler to how i feel about this one but this is called target practice right she like goes down and the drone crypto drone is like attacks her and she shoots like her smoked things at it i know it's not too cray-cray but like i something about this made me so happy when i when i first saw bengaluru having it when i first used bangalore and she was shooting her smoke names at the crypter's drone it was just so cool man um i really do like this one a lot is it s tier i don't think so i don't think it's s tier i think it's a solid eights here bangalore just seems so mad she doesn't like she doesn't play around so she's like i'm gonna kill this drone right now like i love the ones where they interact with other legends stuff i think that's just super cool it's even cooler when you have that other legend with you on your team it just feels like i just feel so cohesive and stuff you know next up we got caustic costa has some interesting emotes to say the least first up we got of course the original the original skydive modes all generic all the same all just a spin around this one is just him going like power feel the power like he's just like doing the doctor doom evil bad guy like like i don't know like the uh the thing that that uh i think the collector from guardians of the galaxy does that it's not a great remote let's be honest with you let's be honest like it's not honestly almost almost f-tier almost enough cheer but it's still it's still a little cool it's still a little cool d-minus d-minus costic the first ever d-minus cost i've ever gotten was report card because you know for a fact this guy was a straight-a student and so we got chemtrails so chemtrails is a pretty cool one he grabs his gas canisters spins around so you get this really cool looking like a green gas spiral thing that exists when you're skydiving in i do think this one is very cool it's just fun it's very much something that costa can do and would do honestly let's let's say b plus b plus is fair for this one chemtrails b-plus here's some of the best ones knox powered this one is so good when it came out everyone was so hyped riding the caustic barrel come on y'all already know you already hear the angels out there do you do you hear that did you hear that i don't think you guys hear that s plus then we got the unstable footing this one's like a worse version of the knox powered one you know it's like he's like writing he's like writing the caustic thing and then like writing it like a log it really is just like the worst version of the previous one we just saw i do think it's still pretty good but i don't think it's anywhere near the other one so i'd probably put it in a minus b plus tier i think b plus that's it for the cost thick boy moving on to mirage first off we got our basic our basic one the little spin but this one he spins around and he goes mwah let's be honest it could be better it could be worse but it doesn't use any of the clones it just uses his pure swag i'm gonna put this one in c minus c minus because i want to see more clones oh my god the best probably the best demo in the game the emote that inspired me to make skulltown road this emote is literally like such a freaking banger it's such a great idea he makes a clone he rides his clone and you know where he's taking it even in this thing you know where he's taking it right chat he's taking this clone to skulltown road he's gonna ride until he can't no more oh my god i hear the angels are louder than they've ever been in my life oh my god s plus next up we got the private dancer this one is hilarious he grabs his clone he takes him on a little dance little dance little song and dance number [Music] yeah this one's awesome s tier easy s2 this one is very cool i think mirage has some of the best emotes for the sky octane time octane has so many skydiving modes my lord almighty dude okay are you ready for the oak train so octane has in my opinion also a very good original skydiving mode just like everybody else he does the spin around but his spin is different because he runs around like you know i mean he's so fast he's running in the air it's such an octane move to do that you know i mean like to to just run in the air it's freaking sick man only octan could pull that off so elegantly i really do enjoy this one this is probably one of the best original emotes in the game and they knew it they knew they had some they struck gold with octane in this one and there's a reason why octane has so many skydiving modes in general you know i'm gonna say straight up one of the first times for these ones a solid at for this one it's very simple very elegant for being an original one it's probably the best of the originals then we got the fidget spinner so he whips his leg off and he spins his leg like a helicopter how do they come up with this god damn this guy has good emotes i would probably put this emote also on eights here it's so cool then we got the influencer whips up the selfie stick spins around look at that oh my god it's just so it's just so cool it's so on brand for octane too because he's known for like doing these like selfies mid-air and stuff i'm gonna put this one in s tier easily an st1 oh my god so good just keep swimming oh my god all these are so fun he grabs his eye grabs his freaking jump pad i'm gonna put this one in eights here probably like eight plus tier because the next one is easily asked here so this one the jump has a boat again but he uses his leg as a paddle come on that's just so fire like how do you come up with that they had a blast coming up with these with these octane emotes man straight up oh my god do you hear that no way another one this soon s plus now we're on to watson we gotta start with the original so this one just has they're spinning but it's so basic oh my god i'm sorry like i love watson but this is arguably probably like the most basic spin of them all anyone could have done that it just doesn't tell anything about this character like that any like you know i mean like you threw this on any legend it would still kind of work for the most part i'm gonna put this one in f tier for french oh my god i can't believe i i just did it i just did it f2 for french but then we got this one called best buds he has a little nessie oh i love it she has her nessie and she's just like hanging out with it in the air you can just imagine them being so happy together oh my god i'm getting sad dude just look at that cuteness i can't it's too much cuteness overload dude i think this one's like a at least i think there's at least b b plus it's good but like it's not like phenomenal but i do i just i just love the wholesomeness of it though so be for best buds okay next up we got the tesla copter the skydiving mode with the tesla copter it's it's simple it just has to like whip out her ultimate and goes like i'm not gonna lie to you kind of a pretty boring emote it's not garbage but god watson you got some pretty boring emotes man i'm gonna have to give watson's tesla copter like c minus it's not it's not there it's not it's not there and we got spread the wealth this one's so fun she whips out her little treasure pack and then just starts releasing nessies in the air she's just so cute the cuteness overload it's here that's eight's here so fun she's she's she's just having fun out here that's it for watson now we're on to crypto so this is the first legend this is the first legend to not have a uh original sky of mmo so all these sky demos are a lot better than the original ones theoretically right the first one is hack and slash so he throws the drone out and like uses it like a sword and puts it back oh wow yeah it's kind of meh a lot of his other moves are a lot better so yeah it's just him like using it like a sword yeah it's not bad i probably put it like seats here like a flat seats here see for come on where's the heirloom at you know uh danger zone yeah it's just him and his drone flying together it's nice it's wholesome i don't feel like it's dangerous though danger zone i'm gonna say it's like c plus god crypto has some pretty meh emotes kicking it let's see how this one looks so he has like this like rubik's cube looking thing oh whoa wait no is that like is that like revenant silence what is he kicking is that a grenade oh it's like a frag grenade it's pretty damn cool it sucks because i feel like some of crypto's best emotes are the drones the drone is featured in better emotes than emotes for crypto which is unfortunate you know i mean the drone is in all these other funny modes i put in like beats here b for for ballin we are now on to revenant revenant has a couple bangers in here that i absolutely adore some of them i know for a fact are already asked here the first one we got is dodging death this one is so cool he turns into like his his revenant form his totem form and like does a little spin a little spinning around action and a little spinny winny oh yeah like with that dark cloud vibe it's it's very it's very go uh ghastly uh i'd put this one like b plus b plus for boo i'm a ghost then he got exhumed this one is hilarious he literally just dies and becomes the death box look at this dude it goes death told him death box like that's awesome and he comes out of the death box yeah when i first saw this emote i was like no way this is this is too funny this is just too funny i'm gonna put this one easily as tier easily s tier the only reason it's not s plus is because honestly i just wish you just i wish you just stayed in the box the whole time looks like we got third time's a charm third time's a charm he whips out his fans it's so funny that he like plays around with fans and stuff considering that looks that's not even his heirlooms it would be cool if a fan was his heirloom but so he just throws his fans and attacks kryptos drone once again kryptos drone being featured in better emotes than any of the emotes that crypto has how revenant is this this could have really been anybody's emote because anybody could use those fans you know what i mean like this this seems like more of a wraith emote honestly or or valcomo i don't know how i feel about it being like a revenant emote so honestly i think that this one isn't it's like it's cool but it's not really rev exclusive you know what i mean so i would probably put this one in beats here b for basic run to lobba boo thing let's go the first skydive that i see is head over heels so she does like a little walk around kind of like what octane did but like a sideways walk around it's kind of clean so you just she's like spins around with her heels look at that like he'll dance and then walks around upside down is it very loba-esque kind of like the elegance is very loba-like but is it like something that you could see other legends use i feel like legend like wraith or even valkyrie could do this pretty easily as well it's not bad by any means i do think it's a very nice emote as well i think b minus is a little bit basic who runs the world lobba who runs the world loba so she flips around spins her spins her staff there's a little spinning hand just a lot of staff spin action uh it's just a lot of spins it's cool though it does include the loba staff which is great i do hope the lobo staff i know it's her ultimate but like part of me wishes that sir also becomes their heirloom but i doubt it it's cool it's it's also still on the more basic side though but it is nice i put this one like b plus i think b plus is fair for this one not too spectacular but not bad here is the best one she rides her loba ultimate like like a witch's broom like a bruja i really really like this one i love loba ester ester for on me okay moving on yeah next up we got that we got ram party time perpetual motion is the first one that we see here it's just rampart riding her wall like a like a like a skateboard like a snowboard surfboard type vibe it's pretty cool it's like it's like a better version of gibby's riding his thing as a skateboard because you can just tell rampart actually knows how to ride a skateboard or ride a snowboard or ride a surfboard i'm gonna say solidly eights here hey two for perpetual motion recoil control okay so what is this one oh this one's cool she rides she rides the ultimate like a pogo stick she uses she like the vibes on this are hilarious i do like this one a lot i think this one's a plus a plus for uh i don't know i don't know i don't have to come up with words for everything next up we got s spray and sway so she grabs sheila out and then just spraying like that's my best impression of sheila it's very simple very on brand i'm going to say b for bra yeah beets here beets are for next steps horizon everybody first up we got black swan dive this one is so cool she's like literally uses the emote as if she's like she looks like one of those things like those like those spinny like you spin them and then like a ballerina opens up in the ballerina inside like spins and dances and stuff and makes like a little like kid lullaby sound that that one yeah so anyway black swan dive i like the way the song sounds i like the way it feels uh i'm gonna put in a an a plus a plus for black swan dive i do like that it adds the extra sound to it that makes it a lot more fun then there's also game time this one's cool she plays she plays with like uh with her ultimate like as if it's like a like a wall that she's like playing like handball with it's that that one's very cool very on brand very very simple uh a minus i think game time is a minus i i do like that one next up we got fusey fuzzy's got the grand slam one dude grabs his ultimate swings it like a bat home run grand slam the audience goes wild i'm pretty sure there's some sounds there that we're gonna have to go in in here i mean regardless just imagine there's a crowd going like ah those are the best views oh my god have my children have my babies that's that's basically all these the sound that happens right grand slam is pretty damn good i'm probably gonna put it in aids here it's a fun time hughes is just a freaking rock star next up we got stage dive stage drive he plays a guitar and actually he makes a full-on guitar sound i'm gonna have to easily put this one in do you hear that it's like not angels it's like like devils almost but like like kind of like they're like rocking real hard devils s plus [Music] hot potato grabs a nade he goes hot potato hot potato huh he just blows himself up with the freaking nade oh my god he literally just blows himself up with the nade what's wrong with him is he okay i'm gonna have to put this one i mean it's cool but i feel like something that i feel like octane would do this more than fuse would right am i tripping if it's cool i'm going to give it a b b for bomb valkyrie time valkyrie time first thing we got is in-flight entertainment so it's just her what's she doing spinning around she's just spinning around and then does a little little dance it's okay she has a beer in her hand which is kind of nice but it's uh it's okay i'm gonna say seats here laid back this one's a lot cooler i love that she's like sleep falling asleep mid-air dude only only valkyrie has the ability to essentially just like vibe i'm say uh beats here b b for bed that last one is showing off so just they're flying around and shooting rockets oh this one could be cooler but it really isn't wow i thought val cut some banger ones but these ones are kind of kind of meh i'm kind of sad about this this is kind of a letdown i'm gonna have to put this one in seats here again c2 for cause it's like it's pretty average so sorry valk fans i thought she'd have some banger ones i guess she doesn't have any real banger ones next up we got sears sierra's got some pretty interesting only only two sky remotes the first one being sol invictus so the little uh moth things are like flying around him it's pretty cool like the little the little moth things go around him it's it's cool it's also pretty boring as well but it's good i'd probably put it in beats here i think b tier is fair for this one next up we got style and grace this one is cool so he like flies through these rings that the moths make i do think this one's really fun for that reason though that he flies through the moth rings and stuff ton of fun uh aids here stalin grace has a lot of style and grace i'm gonna i'm gonna be real with you with that one okay ash ash only has one it's called floor steel so she whips out her sword or katana and just flips it around she has another one i believe in the in the in the battle pass and we'll go over those as well cool little underwhelming but it is pretty badass i think a minus is fair because i do love like oh he's just she flashes up the sword no honestly it's more like b plus i think b plus is the highest i can give this one it's just nothing too crazy happening nothing too cool about this now we're on to mad maggie okay so she flips she flips off and then spins that's it oh this one sucks f for flip off so boring mad maggie more like mid maggie am i right pre-game warm-up i like this one though she throws her knives and her axe that one's cool that one is cool she throws like a thing that yeah she throws like her ultimate i think yeah just like throw stuff at it tomahawks it i like that one that one's a lot better i'm gonna put this emote in honestly it's here it's a good emo it's very much showcases mad maggie's craziness and stuff i love it our final legend new castle it's not our final emotes though we have other sky demos in the battle pass this one is called three two one three two one it's just a spin and he collapsed while spinning why are they doing this why are they bringing back the spins like they did a good while where they didn't have like the basic spin stuff but they're giving everybody like a basic spin now d tier easily easy deeds here so the only other emotes that we have are the ones that are in the battle pass this one is a crypto skydiving remote called circling back so he the drone it does it's just like a spin it's just like a spin right spin with the drone why are they bringing back spins now i don't understand this one's a lot cooler because it has a lot more like flair to it and a lot more uniqueness to crypto it's but seats here crypto i'm sorry man you don't got a single good emote breaks my heart okay the new castle got a second mode at least that isn't basics let's see what it is it's called air defense this one is really cool it's newcastle acting like superman look at him um superman superman superman honey where is my super suit yeah this one is pretty cool i very much like this it's very captain america-esque mixed with superman a tier for america really liked that one thank you so much for watching thank you so much for vibing let me know in the comments down below what your favorite skydiving mode is and why what is your least favorite skydiving mo i just i gotta know play the outro to the video now [Music]
Channel: Macro LIVE
Views: 218,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apex legends skydive emote tier list, skydive emote tier list, ranking every skydive emote, skydive emote, skydive emote apex legends, apex, apex legends, tier list, apex tier list, apex legends tier list, season 13, new season, macro, the macro show, loba, caustic, bloodhound, octane, funny moments, apex funny, skydive apex, new emotes, new skins, cosmetics, battle royale, multiplayer, apex mobile, newcastle, for noobs, makes no sense, best emote, worst emote, emote tier list
Id: irzeXoSNfJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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