The Apartment Renovations Begin

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foreign [Music] thank you okay [Music] [Music] good morning everyone and welcome back to another video today is a Thursday and we are outside pressure washing the rest of the courtyard we've just moved the bell and Rick is scraping up all the mud and debris that built up when I was spraying earlier on in the week so we're going to crack on with that this morning and then this afternoon I'm going to start work in one of the apartments so really excited video today excited exciting so let's crack on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign what are you up to I'm just cleaning out this block through it's got quite a lot out of it looks like there's a an old tree roots or something at the bottom all right we're just trying to clear it to the water can floor yeah because it's getting that time of year the wet the wet season yeah all the water drains away and we don't end up with like a swimming pool we're actually quite depth in the middle yeah just uh we'll get it on blocked good man good man I'll let you crack on Cheers Mike foreign so Rick has just cleaned out this drain and I've just been jet washing the bottom of it just to try and get it all clean and so it flows away nicely I did notice the strain works perfectly anyway but it's always good to keep your plumbing nice and clean because uh it lets the liquids grow away so yeah we've got a few more to do so let's crack on we'll crack something foreign [Music] you can see part of it is broken the Metal's in there if we get that out then we can just clean out a bit all right you got up you did well getting that grid up Rick yeah it's all about brute force with a job like that now I've just got to clear another drill now good man you've done a lovely job there Rick yeah this one wasn't as bad as the last one it's just generally a buildup of uh soil and leaves um so it's quite easy to do this one it's not a problem Rick and I we're done and it looks absolutely amazing Rick's been cleaning out the drains and I've just finished the block concrete cobbles and importantly it means we don't have to keep tracking in all the dirt into the building so yeah it looks really amazing Rick's done all the drains so the water will now flow away perfectly um I've just been doing a little area here to see how these cobbles come up but what we're going to do next is we're going to get into one of the apartments and finally start work on one of them so yeah it should be good fun so let's go and work [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] welcome to the ground floor apartment this is one of seven apartments and I've already had some work done in here originally it was one big room that we're currently standing in and I had some Builders come in and they put a partition wall also we've studied and insulated the exterior walls and we've had all new electrics put in by Duncan Duncan did a great job this apartment is intended for a family member who doesn't want to be filmed somebody you've never met before and you'll probably never meet just because they value their privacy so yeah when we first got the keys to the convent one of the first jobs was mince was meant to be one of this apartment basically and we got in here me and Steve and Dad and Rick and we started ripping out all of you know the old electrics all of the old bathroom the old kitchen because it was really really outdated and old so now that we've had a lot of the work done the important work so the electric stud walls insulation things like that also new doors we've had put on um we can just get on with it now I was trying to get the office finished first just so we got somewhere to work but now that's near incompletion we can get on with other jobs so let's crack on this is the main door into a vestibule before you go into where the staircase is for free Apartments so this is the front door me and Rick have really started doing some work on it I broke the handle off that remember so yeah if you come outside you better see the building this is a car park and the three apartments are just this building in front of me so the single door all the way up to the Dormer um but follow me as you come in the main door you're in this vestibule and right next to me there or in front of me there are some post boxes and then you come through into this room and you have a staircase which then goes up to the two other apartments but you've got a door here right which leads into the first ground floor apartment but the only issue is this room is going to be a bedroom and it's not my decision it's the person who wants to live here who wants their bedroom here but it's not very nice to walk from here into directly a bedroom is there because the room over there is also going to be a lounge and then you've got a kitchen and then a shower room and then a storage room so what I'm going to do is if we go back into this room where the vestibule is you've got the original entrance which is here so you can see here where the post boxes are the crucifix this is the original doorway into that apartment and those ones were added I think probably in the 50s or 60s something like that so I think we should reopen this entrance so you walk in to a small hallway which will be really nice and then you'll walk into the bedroom and then to the lounge and then the kitchen and things like that so I think that will work better I would ideally like the lounge there and the bedroom in the other room but you don't really want the kitchen and the bedroom linked because you know if you're cooking you've got smells and things like that so it's not ideal the layout is also not ideal but we're gonna find a way around that an alternative plan is that we seal both of them entrances so the new door and leave the old door sealed and use this door as a main entrance so the family member or occupant we'll call them occupant for now because you'll never meet them um we'll walk through the gate around here and use this main door as an entrance what do you think I think that's a good idea well I'm asking you Ryan oh yes Ryan said yes I think yes yeah um I think that might be a better plan actually so we see all that though I don't know I just don't know it's just really confusing the layout isn't it it doesn't make any sense to me leave a comment well leave a comment but it would also be nice to leave a door that can be locked like I want to take these old doorways out and put new modern doors with seals so it stops the sound and things like that the old door that was there is Pine and it's about that thin and when you open it it sort of well it's all Ben and rickety so we're going to put new doors in but yeah I think maybe well just changing my mind I swear I've got bipolar look come with me a minute so we might leave this door and then leave that one sealed and this one can remain closed or locked just if in case the occupant wants to go upstairs and you know fire here to go and see Sadie and mo or anything like that so I think that might be a better plan okay yeah I've made my mind up we're gonna keep this doorway uh I'm not meant for this sort of thing yeah okay so that's the plan all along really I know I've just gone over loads of different ideas for no reason okay yeah anyway let's just get on with some work so you're currently stood in the lounge the room we were in is the bedroom so come with me this will be a kitchen this is where Rick is currently swooping up this is where the kitchen originally was and then in here it's a little bit dark is going to be the shower and toilet room we've cut out the old plasterboard where the tiles were attached to we need to put some of that back in here we need to keep trying to remove this wallpaper which has like a waterproof laminate over the top of it and it is impossible to steam off so you'll spend a few days in here trying to get the rest of this wallpaper off and then um flooring when you think about flooring so that will be another day thinking about that and possibly going to get some um we need to put this bit of classical back in here we've got plugs water drainage here we've got the hot water tank which is going to be made smaller washing machine down here it'll be quite a small compact kitchen so it will be nice and cozy for whoever is living here so we need to cut some plasterboard to put it back to the areas where we removed it where the old tiling was in the bathroom shower room so I've got the measurement 60 by 90. so we're going to cut up this plasterboard watch this got it [Music] cheers Rick [Music] there we go I'm not sure a bit we've got to keep now [Music] there we go so this is the bit that we need should we go and see if it fits we're in the shower room now or bathroom and I've cut the plasterboard but there's an issue there's these two big huge metal prongs coming out of the wall which used to support the old sink and I need to remove those because I'm going to put a floor standing unit here for the sink so I need to cut them off so let's cut them off [Music] let's see if it fits okay it's gonna be slightly bigger or slightly too small even yeah that's perfect so that's going to be Dobb and dabbed in but once I've cut everything else I'll then mix up the stuff and we'll put it all in at once you've got hot and cold here for the sink and you've got the waste pipe so it's going to be perfect you've got electric up there so we can have a lamp and a nice mirror all the walls in this shower room are going to be tiled I've got the tiles already so we'll be doing that at some point that'll be good fun all right take this out and cut the next piece oh I can't get my fingers around it there we go I'm going to measure this bit first because this has got stud wall and I can screw directly to that and then just join it along that wall and then that will fit in nice and tight there and then the next piece will go up to it rather than that piece first because it will cover the uh metal stud work so this is the best way 83 83 there still 83 just about 83 there foreign [Music] [Music] sorry mate okay where do they pop it yeah there we go sorted let's see if it fits that fits perfectly yes oh [Music] okay let's see if it fits [Music] the only issue we have is that there's two water pipes hot and cold for the shower head so okay it does fit and I've got a trick so we can cut out the pipes or the pipe holes easy so we just give it a tap and if we turn it around we've got the two marks so now we know where to cut out I'm going to make them slightly bigger so just in case it needs moving a little bit but that should roughly be where they should be how's it going Rick very well very well I'm doing the most important thing of any job brushing up good man that's hardly Bliss is a happy place Anywhere With You Rick is a happy face [Music] there we go [Music] now let's see if it will fit [Music] look at that what do you think I think you are incredible how did you learn to do this as well with all your other skills the old man taught me yeah I watched him do it and then I started doing it myself and then from there my skills developed slightly not very well well I think you've done an amazing job well done Billy yeah so this is the moisture proof board it means that in any case at some point moisture might creep behind the tiles you know it won't ruin the plasterboard it won't turn to cart wet cardboard or wet paper so yeah should be good um I need to now drop and tap essentially mix up some really really strong plaster adhesive it goes on very thick in dots or dabs behind and then you stick it on I get it level and I start tapping it trying to get it all smooth and then I'll do the joints afterwards so yeah so we're going to mix that up now we're going to stick these to the wall so this stuff is called map collage the plaque the platra and dublage yeah this basically for filling holes or sticking plasterboard towards cheers [Applause] I don't even know how to mix it up properly but we'll make sure we've got plenty I reckon okay so now we need water I didn't read the instructions on the packet but I generally know the consistency by eye or feel so let's just go for it I've got the dob and dab gear mixed up look at that yum what do you think tasty so um yeah you put it on in nice big thick portions you don't have to go mad you just get it on you haven't got to spread it over the wall you just put spots like this which drops it up here that will do it let's put the plasterboard on let's see if it fits yeah so there should be a bit of resistance now but you don't want to push too hard what we do now is we use a level thank you Rick so that's the first one now um tomorrow I need to join the plasterboard in place with some tape plasterboarding tape and it should stop that from cracking in the future but it's going to be tiled over anyway so it doesn't really make any difference but yeah let's put another bit on oh one there one there I think that'll do and one there [Music] that's fine it's all done I've just got to join it all tomorrow using some jointing tape fill all of these holes and cracks and then it's ready for tiling and it's new shower so yeah I'm glad that's done and out of the way I think there's one more bit to do but we'll do that tomorrow so perfect happy it's done thank you so much to Rick for helping me Rick was passing all the tolls and Rick is trying to learn how to dub and dab for the future if he needs to use that skill at any point so yeah it's nice to show somebody it's not only just to you guys but to Rick who's also here with us all right thank you everyone for watching today's video thankfully the rain held off and we could get the rest of the pressure washing done and we've made a start in the first apartment so it's great it's given us the motivation to just get on with it so thank you so much for watching and we'll see you all tomorrow
Channel: The Pethericks
Views: 814,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau, chateau diaries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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