Yard Sale GAMBLE paid off BIG TIME!!!

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you just calling real quick nah we got contractors texting us we got everything going should be home telling them what to do but good morning we got to work though we got to work hello there's a how we doing you said if I see one of yard oh yeah a little generator I don't know if that's the kind you want Champion know 350 if we bring one more thing into the house right now we might best it the same right how we doing like that electricity go out I know right it's definitely on our list of things to buy these have your name all over it this has what your name on it I don't know if they're or not you want to scan it real quick oh yeah got a little barcod I think I've looked these up before and they're not worth anything but you got to be uh got to be diligent and check right yeah might as well this is how you find the crazy things yeah that nobody suspects $15 list good how much are they though a dollar okay oh nine bucks yeah not the ones little fit bit are these fitbits good I don't know the Open Face ones I have no clue wonder how much it is we'll just get a little quick price on it real quick okay excuse me how much is your Fitbit watch $2 two bucks okay thank you I think it's got to have a connection or something I didn't know how to do it after you they connected to something so I forgive it okay sounds good for two bucks you just buy it right yeah it's crazy sounds good it's a crazy bargain it's a deal of the day for sure it is a deal of the day is that it that's it yeah what are you laughing at me for I just you're you're like me now you're funny not I'm not saying I'm funny but there you go thank you so much appreciate it have a great day you too take care of good yeah thank you all right you got another sale right down the street yeah ready to do it y all right let's do it all right at the next sale it's cool little setup they got here H oo that looks like a nice club over there what the heck I could already tell this is a nice one okay put that there it's probably not as nice as I was thinking but it's still pretty nice and I could already tell they have a price so we'll know right away 800 see what they want for it 25 bucks then here's a Ken griffy I 25 on that one too I think both those prices are a little too high dang it hey hey find anything yet no okay I found a salt cup OFW Shaker without the S oh yeah what are those these I don't know it looks like a little angel or a fairy well was something I guess you hung up but Ang look at the price on those 95 bucks wow I'll take that for them I bet you would all right but I don't have a clue what they are I I guess somebody made them they looked like they would been handmade they did they came out of a auction we got those things years ago okay out of a antique store was selling out at an auction and they was in a box and there you go I don't have a clue what they are pretty fancy interesting I figured if they was getting 95 maybe I try to yeah you got to try right they have no idea yeah are you firm on the prices on those gloves down there you got in the trailer I'm sorry are you firm on the glove prices down there you got two gloves down there yeah yeah those are good ones okay they are good ones thank you I'm going to hang on with that for right now yeah you might as well Sam that ball hitting leather hell yeah that might have been that that might have been her name there let's see that say I can't tell if I'm looking at it upside down or not but there might be a year at the end there wow oh you got a magnifying glass cool it's like like she sewed her name in there so it's definitely homemade nice does that say 56 right there yeah 50 yeah 50 or 56 uh what does that say here's know here let me wipe that GL it looks like b a l a let me wipe it's wet everything's wet definitely B something looks like b a l a c and then it loses me those are interesting though huh interesting oh W oh yeah there you go they do each one of them what is that side fancy fancy it could be a fancy G if not a b oh you asking on your copper piece over there I don't know what it those those are probably just weird enough where they're good right they're all stained up if they weren't stained up I would just yeah take a chance on them maybe they'll do all three for 30 we'll just take a shot you want to I mean 1950s I think it either says 50 or 60 I'm almost okay either one is pretty old all right now look up between your legs now okay see right here yeah that says 68 or 60 that's 50 or 60 that's what I'm saying it's hard to discern which one it actually is this one looks like says 56 yeah I don't know definitely 56 they're funky I wish we knew who that signature was and all of them being right between her legs funky funky okay I think we should do a little chansy on them take a chansy yeah they're weird enough that they could be something crazy do you think he put 1250 cuz he really wants 10 each I don't know it's got to be right he shut you down on those gloves but you might as well try I think on a thing that we don't really know what it is they actually say 12 each not 1250 okay so all right let me go ask him I think he's going to be talking to this guy over here it might be a minute pretty cool pretty awesome uh can we make you an offer on the Angels yeah okay you got 12 bucks each will you do three for 30 I'll do two bucks off each okay all right we'll get you some money and get you paid up here okay thank you yeah thank you I don't have a clue maybe if you can do something with them yeah we don't have a clue yet either so we we'll we'll try to figure it out we'll have fun with them and figure it out did you figure out what they say I did not and it says either like 58 or 68 I don't know I think he means the signature we have no clue maybe that's the person that made him that's what I'm thinking yeah probably the person that made hopefully it's like a Picasso of the Dolls right that be nice but I left at $95 on there I it yeah kind of like a sales tactic huh a very good one one 2 3 four yeah all right there's 30 all right thank you very much sir yeah appreciate it go grab our goodies and go y all right let's go yeah we'll go grab them right now yeah still up there there you go all right right yeah that's a nice good us yeah we'll see we'll see what happens with it thank you thank you yeah take care you did funky things all right funky funky extra Funky Man what is wrong with those angels I I what's your step right there okay thank you I do not know what's up with these girls I like ah cute funky they don't have to be cute to be valuable or worth picking up right yeah funky cute funky what do you like that I did uh that we took a chance on them just buying them yeah they're fun yeah not too often you see plush from the 50s handmade yeah everything about boms very unique yeah and they're like velvety you guys oh wow or velour velour I mean velour okay well we took a chance we'll see what happens you guys will see at the end of the video what we list them for y let's keep on rolling all right so we're just going to cut in real quick and tell you guys a little bit about these little plush statues so we found out that the artist is Diane Gabriel Diane Gabriel uh who unfortunately passed away in 2021 but she was a well-known artist that had pieces like this in museums all over the country uh which is really cool right very cool yeah so she even had like a traveling exhibit of all of her works that went around yeah traveling exhibits everything so uh we reached out to the person that runs her website she has a website and it happens to be her husband uh we've gotten one reply but the second reply it's been like a few days and we haven't heard from him right yeah um there was this one thing that we found uh so most of the stuff that's online is not for sale uh but we did see this one like this little coffin sculpture is listed for 450 but if you click on it it goes away and it says not for sale so the potential for these things to be valuable is actually pretty high but since we don't really know there's like no sales history or anything on eBay uh we're just going to kind of wait it out see if the husband uh writes us back and we'll go from there yeah I think this time he's definitely going to write us back cuz the first time it was just a simple thing where I couldn't attach any photos now I've sent him the photo so hopefully we'll get some decent information back we should but we got to put this video out so we're just going to tell you guys real quick and get back to the video all right and some of yeah okay okay 35 on the Arctic not bad you know that one's from the railroad railroad wow that's NE that's that's only 35 bucks um do you have like antique shop you got some cool stuff here no we just you just collect an and I got a whole bar full oh really very cool those are all these are older huh yeah they're from the 50s wow you got a deal if we buy all bags uh what you got 5 10 15 20 yeah these usually sell for about 20 a piece to be honest oh really okay I about 15 15 okay we'll grab those appreciate that yeah thank [Music] you oh wow appreciate that W NASCAR huh that's cool appreciate that let's see what she's getting into over here all four of those plugged together they work when we took them down okay they're from the 50 I've never seen these before Oh those are cool yeah those are those are old aren't those interesting yeah I like those up here nice what are you asking on those I would do 40 for all of them 40 for the whole set they go together they plug in it's the whole crew yes the crew just doesn't have the sound call okay wow you got all the reindeer yeah pretty cool any Lu U with those reindeer looking them up or I found they sell for like 20 bucks oh really and those are like very broken yeah I'm surprised found what kind of cars are these there's titsy and E I've heard about these tisis but I've never had any so that's nice he was saying that this one might sell for like 20 okay and then I don't know it might be just a lot up situation but is Mitch toy TI titsy what you say I have no idea I don't know anything about you all came this way yeah we did yeah thank you Sarah and I don't know what she has but if you turn right right here okay not the red house or the next one but the F house she's having she's got okay cool thank you all right appreciate it good luck today oh thank you enjoy your day take care so bad okay A little precarious uh situation here Kayla's going to turn around but yeah there's a cell up here I'm just going to peek out while she turns around okay a dollar each on the knives Pakistan stainless Pakistan that one's kind of cute or why am I saying cute kind of nice for a dollar H yeah it's pretty cool with the brass yeah you like that I like that coolest knife you ever seen or okay should we check out yeah you got some you got a dollar on you yeah I got a dollar awesome very cool nice crisp dollar um actually bab was oh yeah okay well you're fake you're fake yeah yeah we're real the Tik tocker you got to check us out on uh on actual YouTube yeah okay I have to look y up on all right look look he's coming over here got it there's your dollar dollar for your KN one knif thank you apprciate one up there okay and he got okay awesome down that road there's another one the house right there oh I do okay awesome thank you so much a purse you remember those Capelli purses we picked up one and that's the basket went so really well okay yeah that was right that a basket they have one of the straw ones oh it's probably like five bucks cuz uh all the other purses were five you want to ask her real quick yeah we can I mean the other one sold in like a day yeah yeah should we just ask her yeah let's go back you want me to ask her okay let's go see real quick um I'm in ask but it was right during the photo moment oh okay it's all the way down here at the end yeah yeah with the bamboo and the attachments okay there's no price on it three bucks three bucks I didn't say that there we go even better than five right yeah three do we still have once yeah okay cool surely we'll have them all day all right cool I'm meant to grab your purse too okay thank you very much awesome thanks again thank all right not bad not bad you get on the on the asphalt yeah okay bye thank you bye see you later too cute so this is Capelli brand which is not always worth picking up but we have learned the straw basky style it's pretty good does pretty well awesome I mean yeah this is probably 30 bucks 30 bucks all right 3 and 30 that's right we'll take it all right on to the next one hey we're at the next cell hello doggy a you like me better they always love you better you like me better it's like you're more my size oh my gosh he's cute this guys a jumbo hello little cutie we could be best friends hello little cutie all righty let's go what in the world jump New York jump New York studs hold on to these for a second got to look them up a little US Army outfit yeah has like looks like it has original patches tiny Soldier that's cool dang what do you think about these designer those funky designer too okay jump New York what's that they're made by jump I don't know never heard of them how how much are your shoes uh $5 five bucks okay it was wor one time for the prom oh really wow prom huh okay got some style you want to do me a favor here sure just uh look him up I guess okay oh hey doggo you look like a bear that's a big boy there's some pretty nice Justins jump okay I wonder how much those ones are too I an Ask let's see unfortunately I left my phone in the car okay all right we're going off for a second we're going to actually let me ask about these before I go off okay how about your uh boots um 40 40 bucks on this all right thank you 40 Buck of roonies okay yeah no problem all right so I'm going to grab my phone actually I'm going to turn these off and I'll just look it up real quick before we go back okay okay A little update on the shoes here there's one sold compr black pair that sold for 200 what uh but the listings are between 30 and like in the hundreds so I don't know okay probably just get them right yeah okay I think she said five bucks right yeah hopefully I have a five yeah I don't think we're missing any studs or anything they look pretty good some fancy prom shoes huh those are special those quad that deserves the long whistle what what I that mean these shoes sh what oh okay I was like what is he even talking about right now who knows I'm always saying something random yeah there you go thank you very much thank you all right okay we got the spiky shoes you know what they remind me of or like I was thinking she was going to say they were worn for like Halloween yeah cuz they're like Joker shoes oh yeah be good for that for sure or like uh the guy from The Mask Jim Carrey he he could wear those Flubber could wear those who else is green um well Flubber is a blob so I don't think he has feet he could make feet out of his blob all right on to the next one on to the next we got a $10 bag all $10 bags okay I mean there's about five in each one five trolls for 10 bucks how do you feel about that you got the bunny family New Old Stock that's cool they're in the Box yeah do you have your phone is there is it still up in the car yeah I grabbed it okay maybe look at these but these were in a booth somewhere they didn't they didn't sell for 12 bucks these are a little bit basic I mean not basic but I just mean 4 for 10 is not the best deal 4 for 10 is not it right we need about a dollar a piece oh no I did still leave my phone oh no no phone okay well it's okay we can uh take a little pause and I'll look them up real quick okay what's that watch out I don't want to be on there okay okay no problem no no that's fine what are you thinking for the two uh bunny families what's the price she has on her I'll do them both for 15 okay okay I think we could do that yeah that sounds good I'll take them over here for you okay okay yeah we won't we won't get I won't get you on camera thank you like on camera listen I don't either D and I'm just like and y'all got my mom my mom stopped y'all and said you're such an inspiration oh yeah she was sweet yeah and we sure enough I'm like I told her I'd seen y'all out but I said they're not recording those oh no yeah sometimes it's hard to tell yeah yeah I couldn't I think he was using his phone or yeah yeah yeah all right enjoy I'm so glad appreciate that okay I can't hide behind the camera anymore like I used to now that we're together do we want the rest of the trolls or oh yeah I mean if those aren't the actual prices okay I mean what do you think maybe uh so that's like 250 each I nor don't like to spend but like a dollar each a doar each at most right okay so maybe if she could do like half price like $5 a bag um then it would make sense right so she just did so it would have been close to Half Price was close for those yeah okay so how many bags are there 1 two three four five 7 * 5 what's that 35 yeah so that's like our base we could ask her what she wants for all of them right yeah there's more building and there's some box lock on the porch for anybody okay let me go here do you want to hold this since she doesn't want to be on camera I'm just going to go ask her okay and I'll just what record over here okay yeah or you could just record from afar or something so those other bags of trolls you got them marked at $10 a bag you know how many bags are uh you do have price on that okay so 35 total I think there's seven bag okay cool thank you okay so she said 35 is okay for all this okay yeah yes that's awesome yeah okay we'll grab all these and we know they've been protected too cuz they're in plastic bags those are some good like they're some have some nice little outfits in there yeah that one brand new with wrapper no nudies okay so we're at 15 plus 35 so so that's uh 50 bucks okay so I think we're at 50 bucks now total try to get some more all right appreciate it I'm excited about the trolls yeah as soon as I saw the boothie number on there I knew we were in business oh yeah yeah nice cuz it it wouldn't be the price of there Mar yeah nice there' be less than that's good brand new aots never worn let's investigate investigate away okay let's see okay a little worn a little bit of dirt right there okay maybe worn once check that price tag some dog hair in there 60 bucks yeah I think a lot of these are like even if they gave it half price would' be out of our range out of the range right the resale range anyways all right well should we just go buy our trolls then I think so okay so we're going to turn this off for the buying purp we're spending 50 bucks on some trolls yep let's go what are we thinking we know what we're thinking we're going to C let's go by them definitely more than one moment okay look at that thing oh he's into it guys it's gorgeous oh Kentucky snow 14 karat gold ring for three bucks made of hardwood Maple from Indiana and black walnut from Kentucky that's cool that's cool right yeah that takes ring that's yeah that's gold what are you talking about it's a ring is it that do we need to buy this for three bucks I think so sounds like you're superlake there you go I like it excuse me how much is your Fitbit [Music] watch these I don't know it looks like a little angel or a fairy we got a deal if we buy all bags pack stainless [Music] packan handles and the brass attachments okay there's no price Three Buck three bucks how see [Music] that what do you think about these designer Funk designer okay okay I think we could do that yeah that sounds good I'll take them over here for [Music] you put like a dollar each a dollar each at most right okay so maybe he's into it guys it's gorgeous oh Kentucky SN 14 karat gold Range [Music] all right we made it to Mr misers huh welcome to Mr Meers supposedly some of the best pizza in town um for sure so I used to live here for a while as a kid there are some projects like two blocks from here that I used to live in the and this was where we ate all the time wow okay Mr misers Mr misers well hopefully they're still doing Pizza huh they had pizza by the slice and they had like 10cent candy they had oh really like the little um lemon heads okay Berry heads all that I don't smell Pizza though I see pizza boxes you see pizza boxes good so that means they still do it huh yeah they have banana and strawberry soft syrup too I might have to try that I'm curious if they still have the little packs of candy like no one else you have even when they oh look see okay these are what they used to have but they used to have like the two rows of's so every single flavor of lemon heads grape heads Cherry heads orange heads I used to have them all okay pretty cool pause pause you're like dark dark pause okay you're not dark anymore I paused really good didn't I you paused really oh you're still in the same spot I think you moved but I was like but now I'm stuck on one so you're like super close Okay so I see the pizzas but I don't smell you don't have any pizza by the slice or anything ready is oh I mean it's sh ignore for me I'm sorry okay I got a pepperoni yes that's what I want okay so two pepperonis or you would just get one pizza and then get uh Mexican you're not having a oh Mexican what are you thinking we're going by our old home or my old old hometown of Danville also and they have Mexican you excited about that yeah but I'm not excited the thought of sharing one piece of pizza with you right now okay get two Pizza I'm growing C how big is it yeah not but then I want Mexican so you just decide these people do not need to hear this you guys know how two piz and three tacos I'm ready let's do that's the deal okay sounds good excuse me can we get two pizzas please I think you get out your own pizza okay I'm going to pause this real quick and uh get back on .5 much better much better do you want Ron too or do you want sausage maybe get that roony roon looking pretty good roon ronies oh it says it's 1/4 of a whole pizza oh okay yikes we need a drink oh yeah we do I'm being naughty not TR look at the water it's Pepsi though what are we going to do with that M gas station Pizza isn't that good for gas station Pizza it is definitely is when I was a kid there was not even one restaurant in this town I think there's one restaurant now across the way but so this was the best thing gone mhm dang the only thing gone all right there's nothing like they've only had a Dollar General here for like 10 years that's crazy all right we're going to enjoy these and we'll get back on the Hun mhm all right so we're going to do some shipping now if you guys guys caught our last what sold portion in a video this is going to be the second part of that so in total we have 84 things going out for 5,500 things for $5,500 as you can tell we're a little bit tired yep we're doing a lot and we just pulled this is the first half of the video first half of there and then we're going to talk about the second half so we got about like 42 things to show you guys real quick y uh first up we have a poker chip um I remember you told me that you didn't know where they are and I told you that I knew where they are and now I can't remember where they are okay okay but we'll just show them real quick okay so we have like 500 of these poker chips 500,00 like way too many of them realistically maybe like 70 of them uh but uh yeah sold for 15 bucks and I think as we keep on listing them we're going to list them back toback they'll just keep on selling or is it multi- quantity it's multi- quantity it's multi okay cool uh next is another item that we can't show you cuz it's in a box over there uh but it is a Patagonia jacket oh yeah that's a nice one did we get that one in California I cannot remember or was it here either way I remember we paid five bucks for it and it sold for 54 bucks okay pretty nice huh very nice okay next one you could show is that Fujifilm right there okay I don't this was all you I don't even remember where we got this okay so I got that it was at a route sale I think it was a Highway 23 uh paid five bucks for it there you go yeah sold within a few days so yeah sold really fast for 50 bucks plus shipping old cameras like that are really good um we sold a lot of good cameras in the past if you see old cameras I mean just look into them I mean there's certain brands like the Fuji are good the Sony's what else Olympia yeah the Nikon like if you see if you see a Kodak one it's probably not worth anything there there's good and bad brands for it uh we sold this little Rugrats thing remember you bought that for three bucks oh yeah that was very cool little members only zip jacket yeah so paid three sold for 47 what that's amazing next up we're going to March 2nd and we sold some motorcycle gloves oo April May March who you combined that said me for March there's not even a single March up there I didn't combine any months together oh you kept him in the same oh here it is right here so all the marches are right here oh there you go okay we sold some gloves so these things I can't remember cuz we bought two of these recently but I think these are the ones when we were in Arizona right yes they are so the dude wanted I offered him five and he said he wanted 10 yep which is fair because they sold for 50 bucks and that was just yeah we took an offer on those again just to get them gone but these are very nice gloves with Concept Boards of like 70 bucks yeah I think we had them listed for 70 right yeah okay next we sold a vintage fossil belt so this one's in January 2 um most likely we bought this at a Goodwill right uh oh we bought that at the Lighthouse one right the lighthouse thrift store oh yeah we did cuz I remember it was new with tags yep so I think their belts were a dollar yeah and it sold for $24 nice man the belts are so easy they make me happy to ship list I know that's going to be easy sh okay next we have a whole hand I'll just show you it because it's in a box right now yep so we paid we got that at Goodwill so we paid $ 99 Cents for it and sold for $16 easy yeah next we got the Sun and Moon things you want to show that yeah those took kind of a long time these did take a long time to sell probably a year plus just cute little votive holders with Suns on them and what they sell for 20 bucks uh they sold for 19 yeah okay next we have a little Clos a piece right here yeah what is this a n or something I think it's called a ginger jar it's a ginger jar yeah if it was a n it wouldn't be Ernie enough it wouldn't be be a little bit bigger you probably need like a Twist top on that thing too oh yeah that would be nice this was a viewer that uh asked if we would take 30 and we show is a cool piece right there yeah it is I got this an estate sale by myself yeah that is nice okay uh sticking right around here we sold the little duck tray oh this is so cool this is one of my favorites of all those brasses so we probably paid like a couple bucks for this maybe three or four I don't know we paid $50 for a massive amount of brass and this is just a cool you can either use it for like a desk organizer or like a mantle storage piece and uh yeah I didn't see any on eBay that were exactly like this but uh yeah listed it for what 25 bucks 29 $29 and it's sold okay uh next we got this blow mold so this we paid way too much for right yeah but they gave us a good deal on something else yeah so we got a really great deal on some trolls that we made a lot of money on a narwhal that we got for five bucks it sells for 100 but this thing we paid $20 for mhm and you want to guess what it sold for uh $69 59 okay you were very close did you give them a deal or is that just what I listen to that was just it yeah I don't think we're sending deals on H things no I wasn't but it's cuz the paint is a little yeah you know worn off there a little bit unfortunate that it's sold right now cuz I don't know if we'll have a box for it but well we will we could always run to somewhere and get a box there's boxes right there right yeah we have a whole thing of boxes right there organized last we got this we got this okay we sold the little butterfly candle opera things candle Opa things yeah those are C opas right no they're candle holders though um candle opas have just arms okay that hold the candle this um yeah this beautiful set was on that same table of brass so we have a few bucks into them and what did I list these for love uh you list them for 29 bucks $29 they sold for and just I don't even know every bit of this pretty much sold within a couple of days of being listed yeah you got something ready for me over there uh yeah kind of I think we're missing parts to it though oh um do you know where the small seagull to this is are you joking me it's not over there it's probably on the brass shelf right it's got to be on the brass shelf I not see it on the brass this is what happens when you move everything honestly still packed okay so it's packed somewhere it's okay so we sold this yeah we sold this thing and that one of these that CBO back there yeah but we can still talk about this first real quick let's yeah tell us about it well we picked this up with the same brass sale and it sold for uh shoot let me press on it combo order so gives me the total for everything oh okay 79 bucks $79 and the funny thing is is that the brass one of these actually sells for a little bit less than the like plasticky ones are you serious yeah cuz we just found that huge plastic set like a week earlier that makes no sense at all well it's a little bit larger but no it does not make any sense so I have to hopefully find that other seagull yeah we'll find it here somewhere definitely find it man we better find it and you said the next thing they purchased was that's SBO sbow yeah the big boy and it sold for what like 24 bucks 25 bucks yeah so the combo of the two that's pretty good okay I'll just leave those together right there so we remember that'll be fun to ship out next we're going to D1 let's go so this is a vintage Neiman Marcus mini hat sample box oh and it's very nice it is does it say very nice in the title so I've had this for a long time this actually came with like a little snake skin coin pouch inside I sold the coin things separately for somewhere around $40 or $50 and then um yeah this little hat box has been listed for over a year it's literally just a miniature version of their big hat boxes and it sold for $30 30 bucks pretty cool oh did we just sell we did we to just listed those though some kind of Crocs or something okay we don't care keep going uh you sold the Brahman this is very very nice this is gorgeous COC leather brammen cross body bag and the crazy part about this is we paid less than a dollar for this because we won a box of designer purses at auction was that the auction this was an auction one like that was over $1,000 in bags probably from there that's awesome Yep and this one sold for how much did you say uh 125 125 that is a nice purse you can just tell it's nice when you're looking at it oh yeah and it's like hardly used also I think that was the last one from that auction too yeah and sneak peek hint hint we just found another one of those at a garage sale future video okay um well shoot I really want to pull this one out but I'm not going to cuz it's going to take time okay but we sold that golf Garfield sweater remember that are you really not going to pull that out let's make it big let's it big let's just make it big so the history on this item is that we paid $3 for it at a garage sale passed it the first time didn't even give it any mention or love or anything on the way out we saw it and we're like instantly yes inst instantly yes so look at that bad boy so this is obviously the most gorgeous sweater ever but it looked like it never has been worn there was no wash wear the tags are still crispy absolutely perfect condition yeah tell them how much you sold for one4 124 bucks dang we got full offer on that and we haven't even had that for what two weeks two three weeks maybe yeah they probably sold a week ago at this point cuz we had our store on vacation with um we sold this beautiful piece right here nice I don't know if you can call that beautiful but she is a beautiful witchy light so this is her base behind there so she sits on top and then her little jack' lantern lights up this is just a little homemade witch light and we picked this up at the salty um at a salt and pepper shaker collector's house you remember yeah and somebody sent an offer and we accept it for 35 bucks 35 bucks and I think I paid $3 a piece for those the paint on that thing is amazing it is like it looks gorgeous like she looks someone did a job on that her skin looks like old and crackly dang yeah they did fantastic okay come on over we're going to show you the next one cuz all these are in boxes okay so first we sold an LL Bean jacket see that bad boy we see it we sold this vintage Levis blue denim jacket and a pair of Lucky brand boots mhm and if you can see there the combination of those sold for 129 nice that was a nice little bundle sorry I had to take a little seat Oh no you're fine okay hey kins hi what's up do you need something I do with this oh you can put it right there we we'll Dirty Laundry We'll Wash it thank you wa what is it I want WAFF you want waffies you can have some waffles in just a minute okay we need a couple more minutes look do you want to start shipping all this stuff here's the pile for you no I'm okay you want to get to work okay all those blankets where her furniture was wrapped up in them she talks like us waffies I know this is where we get it from you guys come on oh my gosh okay or are we rubbing off on her well sometimes people hate on us and they're like you guys talk like kiddos and I'm just thinking you realize we have a lot of kiddos right like we're parents first we're cool parents too that's right okay so we sold maybe this mozo yeah man my back hurts yeah mine too that's why I was sitting down okay mauno glove mauno glove so that yeah that's a little Cheapo glove I think we paid a dollar for it sold for $19 but still quality it just doesn't hold its value like all the other gloves do but it was still super cheap and very easy to ship so still worth picking up so do we have just a bunch of glass things that like the precious memor little uh stained glass looking thing is that in one of these boxes I have been putting the glass stuff but I don't I haven't came across the precious moments like this one literally has every single item that's in there this is just all vitrix this is Christmas only okay so that has she has not been found yet we're we'll have to find her but just a little uh pre Precious Memories moments little cap shell for $14 okay I'm going to skip the best one right yeah skip the best one could they just see it on the phone I don't think so cuz I was scrolling up maybe they got a little sneak peek but maybe not okay ready for this combo order we haven't even told them the best one you guys so for $1,500 15500 yeah yeah all right so we sold some stuff he sold okay this guy sold he's probably not going to fit so this is really cool I thought about keeping this for myself just a vintage like almost folky looking um Santa on a metal well he's metal and the base is metal very cool wow double metal double metal uh so that person bought that and then also this really cool little ornament hand painted uh I think it's wood maybe so sold that you okay or you yawning I thought you got hurt okay we're tired am I that boring we're sorry guys uh no you're not boring it's been a long couple weeks super long so and then these little deer thing uh the combination of all those sold for $66.99 okay nice pretty cool very cool all right I am going to put these over here cuz I don't want to forget things and have to do this like 30 times right I no I already put something back on the Shelf oh no would' you put over there I think I know where it's at oh every bin down hurts goodness here you want to hand me that and I'll never mind we'll do it later okay so we got a scarecrow this is a gym Shore one I think we got this what at that same auction that we got the purses at yeah so I think we paid maybe $5 for a box of things and this guy was in there and he sold for 28 bucks nice not bad right not bad at all you want to take a little break and then we'll get back to it yes let's do it all right cool all right so we're doing our shipping right now taking a little break but I want to talk about an item because I need to combine it with another item that I am shipping at this moment uh it is this right here a win the Pooh little stocking uh I can't remember what it's sold for I know we paid $3 I'm assuming it sold for like 30 to 40 uh but yeah that's that and the person that bought this also bought that uh little brass lion trinket you guys saw us pull at some point but yeah we're shipping I'm going to go ship this thing see you in one second all right I just got informed by the boss that I picked the wrong wi of the Poo stocking so this one is not the one that's old so we're going to put that back right there and we're going to go over to C1 which is around the corner and we're going to pick a different wi the Poo stocking okay see1 here it is okay so another cool W the poo talking this one sold for $77.99 all right all that stuff's shipped out now we're going to keep on pulling some items next thing is a Kate Spade wallet so we paid up for this thing right do you remember 15 or 19 I I'm not sure I was going to say $4.99 I'm not 100% sure somewhere around there that's what I was thinking too Goodwill uh it's an ostrich letter skin uh clutch wallet yeah little clutch you guys can see the little quill marks there yeah so that guy sold for 52 bucks nice yeah that was a good one yeah it was uh do you know where those drinks are the little mix and stuff oh okay I don't think it really I think they're right there okay all right well we sold one of them okay there you go for 20 bucks and we've sold a few of those now someone might want to buy like 10 of them yeah they did yeah so we might that would be nice to get all those a dollar a piece for those so that's nice one all right zoom in again cuz we're not pulling these shirts out uh what is that a Chase Authentics 2010 for 10 12 bucks and then another one for $10 very you go so that's that uh we sold this thing so you found this at a route sale recently oh yeah two buck it was only $2 New Old Stock still in the package look at that you guys with the satin trim got the satin trims got everything uh this one sold very fast and it sold for 47 bucks nice pretty good I still can't believe that was in the package for $2 right I was definitely not expecting that cuz that was out of tent city right yep yeah all right April 1st we got these Department 56 place card holders there you go thank you sir uh we picked these up in a big lot of stuff so we probably paid less than a dollar for these yeah didn't really pay much on those no okay two more clothing items we could show them real quick did you already tell us how much they sold for uh that sold for $21 plus shipping nice uh sold a vintage Haynes pocket shirt for 15 bucks okay and a Harley-Davidson vest for 45 that vest is pretty cool in the back to sold a bunch of sweaters yep vintage just plain sweatshirts okay cool those sold for 39 and then uh we are to the magic the Gathering mouse pad do you remember where that is because I remember we're at the old house sold as we're moving as Ming store and we didn't put it we had it out somewhere no and the crazy thing is we kept it out with another item that already sold so there're just two missing items together oh man another thing just sold uh okay so we're not going to be able to find that now so it's a magic the Gathering mouse pad sold for 17 bucks and the other thing that sold with it we're not going to be able to find either right now we might see it in a second so we can just skip them okay the other one was a Christmas plate for $19 $22 we might find them here in a second we might find them we might find them we have to find them either way yeah so we sold in an Onida set of stainless I know okay it's the Onida is it marked in a um skew or is it it just says bottom shelf okay so it's a 41 pieces cheetah Chau Chau okay that's it okay I'm going to grab one out so I can see what it looks like you guys know I love my flat wear oh it's already all looped up but this was just a big set we soled the set before just a cute simple Little Flower on the end super cute super cute all right next we sold this little grasshopper here this is really cool so I have one of these so if it was a viewer that purchased this we now match I don't think it is oh dang it or maybe it is but they just didn't tell us either way this is super cool we just picked this up the other day in that uh we bought half the table video yeah and he sold the first day I think I listed him yeah what' you sell for that guy sold for 27 bucks 27 bucks pretty cool yeah all right do you know where the angel curtain rod things are Angel curtain rod things oh are they not they they were oh you know what they're probably in the box with that Harley Davis and plaque that's missing okay cool they were on the same shelf we'll find that here somewhere find something we actually know where it's at uh we're on the last thing we're sorry guys so it can't be the last thing cuz we have a $1,500 thing two more things just sold while we were filming this yeah little two-minute clip oh the Apple here I'm just going to go straight to it so this video just aired which I'm assuming is probably helped this little beauty sell just now for $19 and we picked this up at Goodwill it's really cool with like the hammered metal around the edge and the stem is um well I was going to say it's brass but it's not it's painted doly brass all right you got one for us very cool uh we sold the simply what were you saying these simp Southern Simply Southern okay yeah they're kind of like copycats off the bog bags with the holes in them this is a simple little cross body style that I haven't seen before pretty cool we just grabbed this at a yard so the other day for what $2 uh yeah two bucks and it sold for sold for 25 25 shipping plus shipping okay so are we going to start talking about things that sold since we started shipping I mean I just did that one so go ahead we have might as well just get it out yeah yeah some born clogs sold for 29 bucks we won't pull those out okay uh we sold more of that stuff nice okay and then this purse oh that purse is glorious should be over here right yeah I just want to say like having our very first mail pickup day have almost 100 orders is the great way to welcome the mailman to our store yeah we tried to go out there and warn him today but it was a Fillin guy I guess our regular guy was sick well so hopefully we have another chance right this beautiful fossil bag so we went to a yard sale that had more designer bags than I've ever seen before in my life and this is the first one that Matt brought over and it sold immediately for what babe uh that one sold for 39 39 okay I can't remember because I just listed so many purses last night yeah 39 plus shipping ter okay you want to talk about your big one or you want to take a little break and then talk about it I kind of want to open it up so yeah you going to open it we'll be right back with a $1,500 sale oh my gosh okay so we decided not to open up this $1,500 item but we have it sitting right here slightly open this is why we're not opening it there are 34 character in there that I've already bubble wrapped up so many I opened one elephant to show you guys though so this is a lot sers vintage wood hand carb nativity set and I have the photos here pulled up cuz again we're not going to open that up but we won this Ed an auction for only $50 and it just sold for 1,500 bucks that's crazy yeah I think the figures are so I know aren't they gorgeous yeah I'm so sad I was going to keep the raccoon if you guys remember and that's the one figure we didn't make it home with yeah so that is uh that's officially my best like single or our best my best single item sell is it yours too that's way more than I've ever done there you go so $1,500 item out the door pretty cool all right and that's going to do it for us today right yeah we still have to go ship we have 50 orders left to ship 50 down 50 to come so that's going to be it for us today guys all right guys we'll see you soon with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 159,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: 0tsvsnL8AV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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