The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Recipes to Try to Reduce your Risk of Cancer | Oz Health

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one of the first to really prove you are what you eat Dr Andrew W come join [Applause] [Music] us thank you very much for being here so Dr Wild's iconic in medicine especially when I was in medical school and residency and I was trying to see who's out there in the Vanguard of changing our thoughts about in particular food uh in our lives you were there so what's the problem with the AL American diet the ones you know the fast food so many of us get addicted the mainstream diet gives us the wrong kinds of fats it gives us the wrong kinds of carbohydrates that quickly digest raise blood sugar which promotes inflammation it does not give us enough of the protective Elements which are mostly found in fruits vegetables herbs and spices so when you offer an anti-inflammation diet which is what you speak so beautifully about what is the essence of it and why does it specifically prevent against cancer you know the anti-inflammatory diet that I developed is based on on the Mediterranean diet we have overwhelming evidence that the Mediterranean diet is the one that's has the strongest correlation with overall Health and Longevity so it sounds great doesn't it eat differently and maybe you can make a difference in chance of getting cancer a problem that all of us fear so deeply in our souls come on over here let's talk about how much of an impact it could really have in your life and I want you to see these numbers because you recognize this is not just a little nudge to the chance of getting cancer first off if you eat anti-inflammatory foods it affects colal cancer why and which ones well adding Cru vegetables this is the Cabbage family vegetables cauliflower broccoli kale collared greens all of that uh adding those to the diet can actually lower risk of chal cancer by 18% it's big difference one in five how about breast cancer again so common in women uh breast cancer I think using whole soy Foods this can reduce breast cancer risk by 30% you guys impressed with these numbers is't this crazy you know so many women walking around fearful of an ailment and of course we're encouraging this screening and all the other things but to realize that food can impact it in material weight specifically I'm saying that people who eat these Foods seem to have less of these cancers around the world right and I'm glad you're bringing this to life because we often ignore the power of that it's also what we don't eat uh in before we get to that I one more let me put the last one up here which is gastric cancer because I'm going to turn to your point so gastric cancer it also makes an impact tomatoes and tomato products can reduce risk of gastric cancer by 27% right so now we know the power of food show us the negative influence Western diet specifically that can increase cancer risk by up to 200% unbelievable so Dr W created a food pyramid which we have taken the liberty of actually recreating this is for the first time the anti-inflammatory cancer Fighting Food Pyramid you like our artwork you you did a beautiful job here this is beautiful so explain to everybody why this is different from the traditional food pyramid we all grew up with learning first of all the standard food pyramid the one that we learned in school and the the USDA puts out the base of it is grains and bread Lots lows of bread down there I don't think that's wise those are those are pro-inflammatory carbohydrates also animal Foods figure very heavily in the standard pyramid and and many more servings of dairy than I would allow in my pyramid so meaningful differences and there are a lot of folks I think Dr W who are on your in your Camp let's go through this in detail I want people to know this stuff first fruits and veggies they're the bottom they're the foundation beans pasta grains you do allow some grains iow I allow grains but grains in whole form as opposed to flour all right so you can get away with some of this stuff you don't have to run away from it it just shouldn't be the foundation you you DED uh you have fish next up and you have salmon in particular salmon because it's loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and this is something we want more of they reduce inflammation you can also get this from sardines are you worried about toxins in fish absolutely and uh I think you have to do your homework here there's a very good website it's this is put out by the montere aquarium they have Wallet card cards they rate fish in terms both in terms of sustainability and toxicity it's a very good guide to have with you when you go shopping for fish uh you don't ban Meats a lot of people think you're a vegetarian no I am not I mean I personally only eat fish and vegetables but I think uh moderate amounts of animal protein are fine but these should be up higher on the pyramid not low down on the pyramid herb and spices you call out in particular yeah I think that these are the more varied kinds of herbs and spices you include in the diet the better because these have unique protective compounds in it up here we have ginger and turmeric very powerful anti-inflammatory agents garlic one of my favorites I can't imagine life without garlic now we're going to turn to why everyone loves Dr Andrew wild look what he's got at the very top here he's got red [Applause] wine and and chocolate so what is it about these that make them acceptable to you both red wine and chocolate are very uh powerful sources of an antioxidants uh it's the pigments in red wine they compounds in chocolate and also in tea uh that these are related highly protective antioxidant compounds you know I think this is really good this is a also a recipe from the book They're called ridiculously good triple chocolate brownies made with a chopped dark chocolate and it uses olive oil instead of butter uh and some almond flour and these are I think really good you know I really feel guilty about not sharing the salmon with the audience so as we go to break I'm going to talk this over to you guys but hold back for one second when we come back quick and easy recipes from drw they on and we going talk about his book and when we come back as well because he's sticking around it's the supermarket Staples Dr W can't live without who wants these we'll be right back come on over Andrew wild is here today and he's keeping it local he's taking you to his Neighborhood Grocery Store to show you the super Supermarket Staples he cannot live without I've been all over the world and have shopped for food in many different places I have to say there's nothing like an all American Supermarket I love walking into the fresh fruit and vegetable aisle I'm very happy to see an organic produce section these are becoming more common in supermarkets I see some wonderful loose carrots here carrots by the way should never come from a can or be frozen you want them fresh like this here's some organic baby broccoli sweet broccoli uh this is this a new vegetable has stems that taste like asparagus this is a wonderful assortment of fresh herbs uh bay leaves basil chives Dill mint margom rosemary this is terrific I'm a big fan of berries which are great sources of antioxidants fiber these are organic strawberries they smell good I'm sure they're going to taste great the can food food AIS is also on my grocery list one of my favorites is uh Kipper snacks this is smoked Herring packed in water these are cheap wonderful source of omega-3 fatty acids taste good I mash them up with mustard onion and lemon you know there's a common belief that uh Frozen fruits and vegetables lose a lot of their nutritional value but actually some varieties of frozen corn are very good also some frozen fruits are very good quality blackberries here's a berry blend so I would keep all of those in my freezer there's lots of traps at the checkout counter a lot of things that you don't need but there is one thing I do pick up Dr Wild's new book is called fast food a good food and every ingredient in his book it's a handsome picture of you by the way can be found in the grocery store you actually brought your shopping list I did you have very neat writing for a doctor don't you think it's a sign of a sick mind so how is difficult is it to eat healthy the in a budget you know what are the most expensive foods that you find in the market it's animal Foods it's meat uh meat dairy products so if you're cutting down on those you have more money to spend on fruits and vegetables which are the bottom of the pyramid uh beans wonderful source of protein slow digesting carbohydrate very inexpensive now whole grains generally very inexpensive now you spent a lot of time trying to offer recipes and ideas yes they can be made in a short period of time that's a big obstacle that folks always complain absolutely the main uh complaint that I hear from people they don't have time to cook they want recipes that can be made very simply a lot of the recipes in this new book can be made in 30 minutes or less and the ingredients are familiar ingredients and the ones that are a little odd I tell you where to get them online all right come on back here today Dr Wild's going to reveal Supermarket Staples he cannot live without these are not things that we normally talk about so I'm curious about because you're always The Cutting Edge of this stuff a little bit ahead of everybody else and all of these we check can be found in your local grocery store so I don't want any complaining he's telling you less than 30 minutes and they they taste good I can guarantee that but it's also affordable okay grape seed oil why grape seed oil grape seed oil has a neutral taste and a high smoke point so you it's safer to cook with at higher temperatures uh I mostly use olive oil as no I mostly use olive oil but you know if I cooking something like an something Asian where I don't want the flavor of olive oil I use grape seed oil next cashew milk then we've talked about almond milk a lot of the show there's lots of alternatives to Dairy I've not talked about cashew milk no I I this is my favorite non-dairy alternative it's yeah yeah it's got a rich taste I I use it as the base of cream soups and frozen desserts uh I make my own it's very easy to do you buy raw cashews grind them in a blender fine add cold water blend at high speed that's it you can flavor it with a little maple syrup or you know I want to find out what people really think about cashew milk now I don't want any polite people up there Dr W's a doctor he can take the criticism if you don't like his suggestions again we know we can use this in many meals go ahead and give that a taste see what you guys think and I want some you know here hold that hold that and pass it along if you don't mind I want some honest opinions here what do you guys think nice that's all you have to say nice um it has no flavor no flavor so so it's bland Bland so he's not looking for Bland he's looking for the opposite he's looking for actually I like it I find that I eat I drink the almond milk often but this is pretty good it's pretty good and if you use this in uh a cream soup nobody will ever know it doesn't have cream in it have you thought of a better word than Bland yet neutral neutral neutral neutral you know I it's it's Rich to me doesn't it taste like a SC Rich taste and it's got actually fewer calories than skim milk so this is a good it does yes and it's a healthy fat yeah you see oh now they're in all right maple syrup well that's my favorite sweetener I love the flavor of maple the other reason I like it is maple syrup has the lowest content of fructose of any of the common sweeteners all right now this on the other hand looks like it's going to taste and look good this is cashews scream scream scream like I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream but this is not made with dairy this is made with cashew milk and very simple you blend cashew milk with frozen fruit add maple syrup as a sweetener keep going don't want Bland right now let's just find out and the word you use to describe it I'm just going to use the word she just whispered my ear cold is that the best you can do for Dr wild delicious delicious you got delicious that is special thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss out on new videos to live the good life
Channel: DoctorOz
Views: 19,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DR OZ, DOCTOR OZ, THE DR OZ SHOW, anti-inflammatory diet, cancer-fighting foods, dr. andrew weil cancer prevention, integrative medicine for cancer, healthy anti-cancer recipes, reducing cancer risk diet, inflammation reducing foods, wellness and nutrition tips, holistic cancer fighting strategies, eating for cancer risk reduction, culinary approaches to health, healthy eating
Id: yyGEH8OiiaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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