Proven Methods and Expert Tips for Chronic Joint Pain Relief | Oz Health

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I want you to take a moment to check in with yourself take stock of what in your body feels stiff or in pain if you're feeling that discomfort You're Not Alone In One National survey it's estimated that more than one-third of adults have joint pain in the last 30 days but here's something to brighten your day today we're bringing you the biggest medical advances to treat your chronic joint pain that you can do in your own home bringing us these new innovative solutions these Orthopedic physical therapist Peggy Brill she takes care of me our first breakthrough is something you can do right at home rent a light therapy wrap explain what this is give us some insights there's so many great things coming out because everybody's aching right so this is a red light therapy and so if your knees are stiff or your back is stiff you can put wrap this around you just hit the button the red light comes on and I'm going to demo with on my knee look at that flexibility you got to be flexible in this industry and you just wrap it around and you can do that for a period of time every day and that will help with just getting your joint metabolism up so that you can go and do stretching and strengthening which is really ultimately what's going to help you and I'm told instead of putting it on for an hour once a week you're better off doing it yes five ten minutes every single day like those things yeah like use it consistently like you would medicine and that's how we look at Physical Therapy like like consistency as medicine and just again you're a very practical person how long would it take for someone with with knee pain that's become irritatingly severe to get some results well some people say they've had that on for like 30 minutes they can think it's almost like you know a hot shower to make them feel better but this is actually going right to a joint and getting that metabolism to increase in that area right check the box we've got one idea our next at Home Solution targets one of the most common sources of joint pain knee pain which I happen to have and we're going to do it I mean with a Pilates ring first off before you do this why knee pain why is why am I in so many plagued by because the knee has two degrees of motion flexion extension internal external rotation and if that's not stable then what happens is when you land or move the joint is getting excessive wear and tear so even if I'm dancing getting my best moves if I don't have stability on the joint exactly taking in the directions that's supposed to go in correct and you get that stability from the hips the pelvis the stomach so I love doing an exercise it's like fast and efficient to hit all that all right let's do a couple okay great now this is a Pilates Circle I'm holding it here and I love this because you can do this in bed you can put this by the side of your bed and just do this every day okay all right and you just lie down on your back and you're going to put it on the outside of your knees and then you're going to lift up your buttocks what we call a bridge which is like ancient exercise and physical therapy and then you're going to push outward and what that's going to do is activate your gluteus medius to help stabilize your femur which helps the alignment and stability of your knee and then you're going to come down you do about 20 of those and then you're going to put it on the inside of your thigh to activate those inner thigh muscles lift up again and then work it that way again doing about 20 of those and tucking your chin so you get a good alignment through your whole spine this is a much stronger muscle for me yeah the previous one I didn't have much strength yeah and I realized this I think that you have weaknesses that that have sort of stuck up on you over time right and you notice that when you do these things like and that's what we want to create is the balance so now you're going to bring your legs up so that you're 90 degrees at your hip 90 at your knee 90 at your ankles and you do that it's called tabletop position you're going to activate your abdominals your head's going to be down you're going to tuck that chin so you could go to alignment and you're going to work on pushing out in this position you've got nothing here I mean literally I have no strength well this is good doctor I could take this home and work on this all right and then put it on the inner thigh and do it this way this is much better and this is also great for strengthening your pelvic floor and your lower abdomen as well as getting your knee because it's all Incorporated together see this makes sense to me because I'm now uncovering weaknesses that I I you've been telling me this but it now makes more sense and I wouldn't have ever figured out that I don't have any ability to pull my legs apart maybe it's that weakness that I compensate with with my knee so I have to come from your back it could come from many things so this will Target and hit that and get you stronger in those areas try paying can come from lots of sources it's not just you know repetitive trauma like we always think it's muscular imbalance it's you know what's tight and what's weak is pulling asymmetrically on the knee so the axis of motion is thrown off and then that's when you're going to get excessive wear and tear in addition to wear and tear we of course have autoimmune problems sometimes it's not because you danced wrong last night you actually have your body attacking the joints rheumatoid arthritis right which is autoimmune and that's you know that's different but you still need to stretch and strengthen and what's nice about this is a non-impact you can lie down and do it without hurting your joints all right so let me cover what rheumatoid arthritis is now I'm going to take some more ideas that you can do at home so rheumatoid arthritis happens when antibodies which are supposed to protect our bodies normally they get confused these antibodies they begin to attack our own tissue and with rheumatoid arthritis they attack our joints in particular like our knees our neck and our hands right knee and in our hands it's particularly an issue because unlike wear and tear rheumatoid arthritis has an autoimmune problem when these antibiotics get through the capsule right they cause painful swelling they can squeeze down with this erosion of the bones and Joint deformity which you can actually see on the outside one little classic example it's called ulnar deviation the wrist will rotate out like that so if you ask people to put their hands out it'll look like this more it's pretty typical for rheumatoid arthritis and these problems you got to actually get medical support for it because you won't be able to treat it you know just with the ways we treat the wear and tear arthritis all right next breakthrough it's pretty important that you can do it at home again it's a device that can alleviate any kind of arthritis pain and this is called a TENS device yes this is a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and these have been around for a long time Dr Oz and we use them like because it blocks some of the pain reception it creates endorphins in the body so like if let's say you have a painful wrist you can just roll up your sleeve you take one of the electrodes off put it on and then take the other one you have to you need one positive and one negative because the charges flow from positive negative and what that will do is that will block some of the pain reception in that area now you know we don't want to chase pain but sometimes getting people out of pain allows them to do more stretching and strengthening which is ultimately going to be what as electricity is passing through here it changes how the message of pain gets back to your brain correct which I like more than taking an opiate absolutely that's how you become addicted absolutely it's expensive and treats your whole body when you're when your problem is just your wrist so why would you do that right you have some low-tech solutions as well which is very low Tech I mean I like to try to keep it very simple doctor this you made it home for us yes I made this at home this is like the easiest and oldest man that my kids used to call boo-boo ice if they found twice all right you just take a regular cup fill it with water put it in your freezer then I would peel it back so you can hold it and not feel cold on the hand that's not hurt and just do an ice massage on the joint and then you you can do it over the sink you know as this one's dripping just let it drip over there and you do it for like a minute to three minutes first it's going to feel like cold then noxious then you know like kind of burning and then it goes numb so by the time it's numb then you just that's it and you can do that a couple times a day and it's very localized anti-inflammatory analgesic and again we're breaking into the cycles of pain inflammation weakness dysfunction and you'll feel better and that's what it's about once you break that cycle you also see we can stretch absolutely important to make sure that you're dealing with the root cause so give us a couple of simple examples so this is a people know about rolling on a foam roller but we've done less of that lately because it's too compressive that we're finding on the nerves so this is something you could do at home with a with a roller and you just can typically what happens is the iliotibial band will get very taut and that pulls on the knee and then if you have weakness in here then the knee is off its track so one of the things we'll do routinely is get somebody to Roll Along their iliotibial band and feel those tissues soften up anybody who's had like L5 nerve problem in their back this tends to be very sensitive and adhered so we want to get that flowing we can also go behind the calf muscles in the bulk of the muscles and massage in there and this again is a great way to stretch out the calf muscles and get the soft tissue Mobility to improve you know you can use this as a pi roller too yeah it's a good track because there's almost anything you do you know it's so practical and so insightful to realize that you can break a cycle of pain understand the underlying issues deal with them and through with your own body with appropriate therapy avoid having to take toxic approaches to pain that I think are afflicting a lot of Americans right and if you take a pill like the availability let's say going to your wrist is very minimal yeah when you're doing ice it's directly like affecting that getting the analgesic anti-inflammatory and it blocks the pain reception thank you bro thanks for the advice all right you've seen the newest Innovations in taking care of your joint payment up next we're going to show you how to heal the pain from the inside out with the ultimate arthritis diet when it comes to pain we're always on the hunt for the newest and fastest ways to treat it man it's no wonder with over 60 million people reporting chronic joint pain all solutions are welcome but what if you can stop it before it ever starts or reduce pain just by adjusting what you're eating we're looking into the best anti-inflammatory foods to heal yourself from the inside out joining us now is author of The cookbook spice spice baby conchan Koya who's taking us through the foods you need to incorporate to get those joints feeling juicy again first we got a meal for those who want to start the day on the right foot see what I did with the right foot the pain never mind yeah best anti-inflammatory practice you've got some some Heroes here who are busy and want something quick on the go so our star ingredients here are Omega-3 Rich walnuts chia seeds and antioxidant Rich blueberries I love to throw those into a smoothie with some almond milk you can add dates for sweetness a little pinch of salt and if you don't want to do a smoothie you can add it to 50 cases for a second by the way the salt interesting idea it brings out a little bit of sweetness exactly you can get away with less sweetness if you add a pinch of salt this is good I'm gonna be the same old same old that I usually get but this is actually a nice little twister right and then if you don't want to do a smoothie or you want to shake things up you can add it to things like yogurt or your oatmeal which is your favorite I have to say I do love the Smoothie it's kind of a quake I can take it with me in my car perfect I don't know I would go with the oatmeal without question still cut oats there for me in the morning all right we have some everyday ingredients you probably cook with it in your house right now that you don't know are also powerful anti-inflammatories and these are foods actually it's for historical reasons you know have been part of our cultures but people didn't realize these roles so garlic in particular in turmeric yeah turmeric's been studied for centuries and it has powerful compounds like curcumin which may help inflammation and garlic we think of is just flavoring for food but it also contains powerful antioxidants see I think one of the reasons that garlic helps with pain is keeps people away from you right they're not around you you can sort of calm down a little bit so we've got Paul who's joining us from our kitchen to show us how she cooks with her favorite anti-inflammatory ingredients so Paul take it away how do you use garlic and turmeric in your meals to keep your joints healthy or hi Dr Oz growing up in a Lebanese household uh we use turmeric and garlic and actually all our food preparations and now that I know all the great health benefits I actually just add it to almost everything I make at home well I'm very proud of you what do you got there in front of you so like today uh I'm making a simple salad but for my dressing I'm adding a little lemon juice a little oil salt and pepper and I'm taking my turmeric powdered turmeric adding it to my dressing mixing it around and adding it to the salad and to make me healthy and really tasteful meal I'm very proud of you keep it up you look pain-free to me lastly anti-inflammatory treat I know you will not refuse chocolate now whenever someone offers chocolate as a therapy people perk up a little bit but this is a great great concept take it away yes so we really need 70 percent or higher when you get get concentrated anti antioxidants anti-inflammatory compounds like flavonols this hot chocolate we're going to use almond milk again we have our raw cacao cinnamon nutmeg Ginger turmeric we're just going to whisk that all together and then if we want some sweetness or our almond milk you have yes exactly and if you're going to use large amounts of cinnamon like in this hot chocolate I like to use something called true cinnamon because the regular everyday cinnamon in high enough quantities may have some liver damaging compounds so go out of your way fine true cinnamon it's easy enough but what is true cinnamon so it's just a different variety of cinnamon called Ceylon or true cinnamon and it has lower or immeasurable amounts of coumarin which at high enough doses could be a liver toxin oh my goodness I had no idea so this is whisked up and then here's here's the finished one and you can use maple syrup to sweeten doesn't that smell amazing can I borrow one yes absolutely trust but verify on the show only always although that's good this is wonderful right yeah I think part of it is that it's not the usual taste you get it's like a soup Mary to tea Ah that's a good way to describe it thanks for being here thank you you can hear the last more from kanchan Koya on our health tip I know over health tips on our podcast radical Vitality every day new breakthroughs emerge to help those suffering from chronic pain listen it can be a long road I get it I'm always there standing with you
Channel: DoctorOz
Views: 15,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DR OZ, DOCTOR OZ, THE DR OZ SHOW, chronic joint pain relief, joint pain, knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis, natural remedies for joint pain, arthritis, arthritis treatment, arthritis pain relief tips, exercise for joint pain relief, treating chronic joint pain, joint health tips, remedies for chronic joint pain, joint pain prevention strategies, pain management, pain management techniques, relief for achy joints, techniques for reducing joint pain, health and wellness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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