The Amazing Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly | Monarch Life Cycle for Kids

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guys look at this oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness you know what's gonna happen now welcome to stelio we went shopping to buy some soil and swan plants guys look what we just found yeah is that did you see the grasshopper is it a baby grasshopper hello mr grasshopper why do you want to stay in [Music] don't there out oh it's going to jump in here's hand okay [Music] i think we should just put it gently somewhere so that we can yeah okay looks guys the girl was gonna find [Music] so this is our second slice do you want to do it too look at this look at stella we're doing it very nice okay [Music] then so stella is watering the beautiful swan plant isn't she yeah well done the butterflies right there playing eggs oh here are the tiny little butterfly eggs [Music] wow it's beautiful it's so so tiny can you see it stella look i can see it with the camera the camera makes it look bigger oh it's beautiful we have to cover this back up so that the wasps don't hit our baby [Music] caterpillars [Music] can you see one where is it yeah that's the tiny that's the baby one tomorrow too there's a small tomato [Music] can you see them okay so you've seen one right i'm gonna because there's one right there yes one i spotted both of them and then i just showed up okay where's the other one yeah oh it's another big one what is there egg on top of it no no it's not an egg it's a rock uh i don't know what it is it might be just mud yay great i'm gonna catch up you guys busy munching really nice lil can you see that in the top in the bottom i'm not sure it's good to look like horns on either side i'm not quite sure we're gonna get unpacked some one day and very soon mama that we just throw the flower out of the weed [Music] oh my goodness look at this beautiful kind of feeling [Music] but don't forget the other one yeah is the other one mentioned as well i don't feel [Music] can you see the caterpillars [Music] can you say caterpillar [Music] our plants fell over under the caterpillar yes so there was a storm last night and we just found out that everything just fell over the plant with one of the caterpillars fell over so we need to rescue them yeah oh my goodness the caterpillar is very big is the caterpillar safe yeah where is the caterpillar can you see it yeah oh yeah it's big oh we did it thank you it's pretty big too it is and is there a lot of caterpillar queen here oh because the plant fell down the scapula pulls on the ground here it is this green thing okay so do you understand what they're doing they're eating the plant and then they're peeling it yeah okay well done okay so the plants are now okay looking good we put them back up they're now all nice and strange i did it you did it well done leo but we have a little problem we had five caterpillars and we can only see or you think six the last i counted there were five but i could only see four now so we've got this big little fella [Music] we've done a lot of poo then we've got the other one we which we just rescued it's number two none of you guys did it i did it you did then here is our first caterpillar yeah the smaller one and then that's number five i don't know if you can see it well [Music] what is the caterpillar can you show me [Music] okay so we can't find the fifth one we can't find the fifth one all right so maybe because of the storm something happened to the fifth one we'll keep checking on them we'll come later and have a look hopefully we can find it oh guys i found it here it is i found it we have found this caterpillar okay everyone is all right and everyone has divided the world here here you're just behind the sleeve [Music] here i found the fifth caterpillar yay then we can see yeah well i think the moss will come in soon [Music] how beautiful are they and let you know what i didn't see the caterpillar eating the leaf yeah do you like our cup i think they're all my favorite i like them all we've got to try yeah i think these ones are ready to be very um [Music] do i saw it yesterday i saw it making a hook and i saw it just being in the form of letter j i knew it's gonna become very soon [Music] this caterpillar chewed the leaf it was hanging on and now it's gone now it fell over yeah that's what we think the thing we think that this caterpillar because it was just hanging here somewhere we think this could appeal to the leaf it was hanging on so what we can do we will try to save it so leo's got a little tissue so we're gonna put this caterpillar on the tissue i'm not gonna touch it yes guys um we're gonna keep the cocoon in our house until it hatches [Music] how many caterpillars we have their parents already died why because after their parents um make a baby um they die here it is [Music] i'm watching a video what are you doing with our flaws [Music] yeah but what if it gets knocked off again like somebody touching it we're gonna bring it inside here it is so we're gonna put inside so why the reason we had to do it this way the chrysalis needs to hang because once the butterfly is ready to emerge it has to have space around it so that it can dry it wings one more caterpillar has turned into a pupa or chrysalis so sofa with good freaks so this is the with our latest edition here is one more this one is looking more dark green we've got one caterpillar left caterpillar has hooked to the plant now and turned itself into the letter j hello hello this is the chrysalis right and this is that what is the second one where is it here yes that's the second one look they are getting dark and all right do you see how how we can see the wings those will be the future wings of the monarch right [Music] thank you for watching the plans [Music] say hi look at this the butterfly's coming out can you see ah still can you see [Music] it was pushing itself out guys look at this oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness you know what's gonna happen now the butterfly will straighten it with its wings and then the blood will flow through its wings and only then it will be able to fly [Music] i wonder if it's enough space for it in the glass i think we have to take it out i'm not gonna risk it to be honest why i don't want to keep i think it's okay [Music] is [Music] what do you think [Music] we did it [Music] oh my goodness [Music] do you think it's too indian no i need to or do you [Music] no no no we can't you see the butterfly's trying to straighten its wings [Music] down it's not gonna fall if it falls you'll get hurt now i'm not sure if this is a we're a girl um remember girls have um white things and boys have black yeah i think i saw some i read somewhere that girls have a lot of white dots or maybe that's a boy i'm not sure it's it's a girl i know you know what mama i think i remember his name when we named it [Music] beauty flesh beauty no you call it beauty and i call it flash this is a good day because my teeth came out and the butterfly came up such a good day i think you might see it can you believe that this was a tiny little egg and then it was a caterpillar [Music] beautiful [Music] mama look at the butterflies wings [Music] wow what's happening guys look at this this is amazing so how long did it take oh my goodness you were well done you're doing such a good job of filming i'm just looking at the butterfly i don't really look at the camera and just keep the camera still thank you wow so it's been more than an hour right it's been more than one hour the butterfly was very still trying to dry its wings do you want to show everybody that liquid on the table yeah so this is called meconium so basically the butterfly that's the remaining um liquid from inside the pupa which but the which the butterfly didn't need oh my goodness that was perfect we just got the right moment no like what's up that [Music] oh my god this is magical [Music] oh my goodness what well done butterfly [Music] how did you do that you see that black dot on the wing that means it's a boy we've got a boy butterfly it's got some black wings i don't want to touch it it's got some black dots to get ready to fly [Music] this is our girl so we've got a boy underground [Music] do you think it's a girl yeah [Music] yeah that's gonna hold and it's gonna straighten its wings to pump blood through the wings hello butterfly i think it's gonna fly right now it's gonna straighten the wings first [Music] we're so lucky to have seen this
Channel: Steleo - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 325,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing life cycle of a monarch butterfly, monarch life cycle, raising Monarch butterflies, monarch butterfly life cycle, monarch butterfly for kids, how to raise Monarch butterflies at home, how to raise butterflies, monarch butterflies, Monarch lifecycle, Monarch lifecycle for kids, monarch eggs, monarch caterpillars, monarch pupa, Monarch chrysalis, monarch butterfly emerging, monarch butterfly hatching, steleo, butterflies for kids, Monarchs for kids
Id: cDgKZqhgjcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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