Peppa Learns About Nature! 🐷🐛 | @PeppaPigOfficial

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[Music] butterflies today dr hamster isn't pepper and george's playgroup hello everybody dr hamster has brought an exciting creature to show us all can you guess what animal it is is it a whale no it's smaller than a whale is it an ant no it's bigger than an ant is it a big ant it's a caterpillar wow lots of caterpillars yes there's a stripy one the stripes help it to hide in the grass there's a furry can we stroke it no molly it might give you an itchy rash the spotty one is eating in leaf yes caterpillars like eating leaves let's color in our very own paper caterpillars [Applause] i'm doing the spotty one i'm doing an orange one i think black and white stripes look nice well done everyone now who can tell me what this is here it's a leaf it might look like a leaf but it's not it is a chrysalis which is a shell for a caterpillar to hide in while it sleeps oh is it like a cozy bed sartov but when you go to sleep and wake up in your cozy bed you're still peppa pig yes but when the caterpillar wakes up in its chrysalis it has turned into something completely different can you guess what it turns into a whale a pirate has it turned into a super caterpillar no none of those look it's moving the chrysalis is hatching what is it dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a butterfly the caterpillar has turned into a beautiful butterfly who wants to decorate one of these paper butterfly wings [Applause] [Music] all the children are making beautiful butterfly wings oh can we do a butterfly dance yes but we don't start as butterflies doofy children no what was the butterfly before it was a butterfly a caterpillar that's right first you should do the caterpillar dance you're all caterpillars wiggling around on the ground i'm the wiggliest caterpillar me too i'm a super caterpillar [Laughter] i know it's time to go to sleep be very still children imagine that you're nice and safe inside a cozy chrysalis and you are changing into something different madame gazelle and dr hamster are secretly putting the wings on the children now it's time to wake up and open your eyes i've got wings [Applause] what is it mommy am i late for school no you are at school oh i'm a butterfly yes we're all butterflies we are little butterflies we like to play [Music] peppa loves being a butterfly everyone loves being a butterfly strawberries pepper and george are visiting granny and grandpa big come and see the strawberries i've grown grandpappy has spent days and days growing strawberries i think you will be impressed perhaps we can make some strawberry jam yes please pepper and george love strawberry jam may i present my strawberry one strawberry you've grown one strawberry it will be the best tasting strawberry ever why is it hiding in a little house grandpa it is hiding because the cheeky little birds have eaten all the rest ah you cheeky bird so now there are no strawberries and we won't make jam we can still make jam i know a place that has lots of strawberries it's a strawberry farm so that's where we will go [Music] this is the strawberry farm hello there have you come to pick strawberries yes miss rabbit then you've come to the right place we've got nothing here but strawberries wow so many strawberries pick as many as you like here is pedro pony with his mummy and daddy hello hello pedro have you picked a lot of strawberries yes but my mommy and daddy keep eating them oh is this the way out i never want to see a strawberry ever again how strange i suppose some people just don't like strawberries picking strawberries is fun i must say these strawberries do look lovely but the real test is if they taste any good actually that is rather good mmm yummy i love the strawberry farm strawberry strawberry juicy red and sweet strawberry strawberry they're so nice to eat scrumptious but remember everyone we're here to collect strawberries to take home and make jams put them in your baskets and try not to eat too many yes granny pig i'll just have one last one i suppose one more won't hurt naughty granny naughty grandpa right you are peppa this really is the very last one i can't stop eating them hello birdies have you come to eat the strawberries the little birds do not want to eat the strawberries perhaps they have just eaten too many pepper yes i think i've eaten too many oh peppa's basket is full george's basket is full granny and grandpa's baskets are empty granny grandpa where are your strawberries oh our tummies maybe it's time to go home here is danny dog with his mummy and daddy they have just arrived at the strawberry farm hello peppa hello danny look at all these strawberries oh don't say that word what strawberries how strange i suppose some people just don't like strawberries i see you've picked a lot of strawberries where's the way out the way out is just through the gift shop what do you sell in your shop miss rabbit strawberry cakes strawberry cookies strawberry cheese strawberry juice strawberry sweet strawberry anything without strawberries uh no i think we've had our fill of strawberries thank you funny no one ever buys anything from this shop miss rabbit look at how many strawberries we picked well done pepper and george now we can make strawberry jam george loves strawberries everyone loves strawberries mr potatoes fruit and vegetable quiz fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your farm it is good to eat five fruit and vegetables every day children mr potato has come to find out how much we all know about fruit and vegetables we know everything about fruit and vegetables and i know everything about carrots good because today we are going to have a fruit and vegetable queers what is a quiz a quiz is where i ask you a question and if you know the answer you press the buzzer ah we will need two teams peppa rebecca and pedro will be on one team susie danny and mandy will be on the other team let's begin [Music] our first question is which of these is not a vegetable lettuce radish celery or a car a car is not a vegetable that is right next question a chocolate biscuit is a fruit yes or no yes it's a fruit my daddy eats five chocolate biscuits every day have another guest pedro is a chocolate biscuit a fruit uh no that's right and now the fruit or vegetable questions fruit or vegetable i hope he asks about carrots what is a strawberry fruit or vegetable a strawberry is a fruit yes a watermelon fruit or vegetable a watermelon is a fruit yes a cabbage fruit or vegetable a cabbage is a vegetable yes a tomato fruit or vegetable vegetable fruit a tomato is a vegetable not a fruit no a tomato is a fruit not a vegetable would you like to call a friend yes please call a friend tell me which of your friends might know the answer elephants then let's telephone edmond the elephant [Applause] it's for you hello hello edmund is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable some people think a tomato is a fruit because it has seeds but in the 19th century the port authority of new york classified tomatoes as vegetables which was subject to a 10 import tax so i will say you are both right well done edmund the elephant are you ready for the last question of the quiz yes i hope it's a question about carrots rebecca you always talk about carrots i like carrots name that vegetable name that vegetable i will describe a vegetable and you will tell me what it is i am orange and i grow in the ground what am i uh what's your favorite vegetable a carrot that's right it carrots both teams win the fruit and vegetable quiz [Applause] everybody wins with fruit and vegetables body cups daisies and dandelions pepper and her family are visiting cousin chloe's house for the day hello hello hello chloe as it's such a sunny day we thought we'd have a picnic in the garden oh that would be lovely come on pepper and george race you this is a good spot for a picnic hmm yes oh look at all the flowers in the grass yes let's pick them i will pick the buttercups i will pick the daisies no george you need to find your own flower to pick george has found some very pretty flowers george don't pick the flowers in the flower bed only pick the flowers in the grass [Music] chloe is collecting buttercups peppa is collecting daisies george is collecting grass don't pick grass george pick dandelions like this one [Music] peppa george would you like to see a trick with buttercups yes please george do you like butter george does not know if he likes butter let me see yes george you do like butter how can you tell if i hold a buttercup under george's chin and it shines yellow that means he likes butter oh do it to me do it to me peppa do you like butter you do it's true i do like butter i've got a trick i can do with daisies oh what's that if i put a daisy under your chin and it shines yellow then um then that means you like cheese really yes george do you like cheese cheese yes george does like cheese oh there's no yellow are you sure you like cheese george i think they are the wrong type of daisies oh don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain i'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that daisy stem and thread another daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a hole in the stem threaded daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy queen peppa yes i am the daisy queen look at me look at me hello george i am the daisy queen you need to be something else oh george you can be a lion and these dandelions can be your mane george is a dandelion george likes being a lion children come and get your food look everyone i am the daisy queen and this is george the lion and i know a trick to see if you like butter daddy really yes you do like butter oh i do that's very clever peppa can i try hmm yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that mommy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front oh daddy pig loves picnics everybody loves picnics bird spotting it is a lovely sunny day at peppa's house granny and grandpa pig have come to visit hello everyone i like your funny hat grandpa thank you peppa today i'm doing a bit of bird spotting what's bird spotting it's grandpa's latest little hobby i suppose it keeps him happy uh yes i look for birds and when i spot them i tip them off in my book look this is a robin breadbreast i spotted one in my garden oh of course what i'd love to spot is a very rare bird like a cuckoo never mind grumpa i'm sure you will one day yes in fact i was um actually hoping to do a bit of bird spotting before lunch if that's okay no problem lunch won't be ready for ages grandpa can george and me go bird spotting too of course you can peppa we'll call you when lunch is ready the best place to spot birds is where there are trees birds like trees um but there aren't any birdies here grandpa ah but i know a clever trick we pretend to be a bird then hopefully a bird will hear our call and fly here look grandpa a birdie ah yes that is a sparrow a good start here are mr stallion and mrs corgi ah grandpa pig i see you're doing some bird spotting yes us too we've just spotted one of the rarest birds in the world a ribbon-tailed bird of paradise amazing to find one this far north well done i spotted a sparrow oh yes a common sparrow well done you see you later bye now um let's do some more bird calls i can do a duck quack uh i wonder if there's a duck in my book mrs duck must be in your book she is very special of course she is ah here we go a duck and george can do a pigeon do your pigeon george uh they seem to have left pigeons out of my book how are you doing grandpa pig spotted any rare birds we saw a duck and some pigeons um and i have high hopes of spotting a cuckoo pepper george grandpa lunch is ready oh goody bye ah coco you say how were you planning on spotting a cuckoo oh you know uh i was just going to call cuckoo my goodness it worked well done old chap cuckoo it's inside the house oh that is not a real cuckoo that is peppa's toy cuckoo clock sorry sabargin like this but grandpa pig has heard a cuckoo you're in here somewhere but grandpa quiet everyone we don't want to scare the cuckoo away oh it's a cuckoo clock that means i can't tick it off in my book but grandpa my cuckoo clock is very special it certainly is i think you should take it off i would if it was me uh what does everyone else think strictly speaking it's okay if everyone thinks it's fair [Applause] grandpa pig loves bird spotting everybody loves bird spotting the petting farm mummy and daddy pig are taking peppa george and rebecca rabbit to visit a petting farm mummy what is a petting farm it's a place where you get to meet tiny little animals you can feed them and you can stroke them ooh i love ickle little animals there's just one important rule of the farm before and after meeting the animals we have to wash our hands yes daddy pig this is the petting farm hello there my lovelies i'm mrs badger the farmer hello now before we meet the animals there's one thing we have to do we have to wash our hands that's right [Music] and now some water wash wash wash our hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrabbly scrabbly bubbly wash them nice and clean what kind of animals have you got here mrs badger we've got are the chickens it's time for the chicken's lunch would you like to feed them yes please okay have a bag of bird seed each here chicks what lucky chickens yes they certainly are well-fed no who wants to hold a baby chick [Applause] they're so little they're so fluffy they're so sweet it's true baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet mrs badger what other animals have you got we've got guinea pigs can we see the guinea pigs of course but before you see them you need to wash our hands that's right wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly scrambled eggs wash them nice and clean here are the guinea pigs oh look at their cute little faces and they're fluffy little bodies you can pick them up and stroke them if you like oh you are lovely adorable aren't they that's not quite the word i would use and they make excellent pets can we have a guinea pig daddy please we haven't really got the space to keep a guinea pig you don't need much space uh and they probably need lots of looking after oh guinea pigs are very easy to look after and i would do all the work but peppa um you might not want to do that forever and then you could always look after it for her uh look at the time i think we have to be getting home oh yes look rebecca there's your mummy she's come to meet you here is mummy rabbit with the baby twins rosie and robbie hello rebecca hello mommy oh look cute little baby rabbits yes my little baby brother and sister really are cute can we cuddle them please mummy rabbit of course you can peppa but there's something you need to do first wash our hands wash now you can cuddle robbie and rosie have you had a nice time today yes mommy we fed seeds to chickens we held the baby chicks we stroked the guinea pigs and now best of all we're cuddling baby rabbits peppa loves the wedding farm everyone loves the petting farm muddy festival peppa and her family are in their little tent at the children's festival it has been raining all night and the whole field has become mud what's it like out there daddy pig is there any mutt um a little bit of mud yes oh my goodness wow so much mud yes but it does say it can get a tiny bit muddy here sometimes a tiny bit muddy i've never seen so much mud in all my life it's brilliant yes and we've got a whole day at the festival ahead of us at the children's festival there are so many fun things to see and do let's start with making sand castles sand castles this is the sand castle area who likes making sand castles now you might have noticed it's been raining so instead of sandcastles we're making mud castles first fill your buckets with mud turn your buckets over give them a tap lift your buckets mud castles i like mud castles mud castles are the best well done miss rabbit how did you ever come up with the idea for mud castles simple it rains every year so we always make muds castles ah so what do we want to do next how about painting pictures yay this is the painting tent today we're going to paint pictures and instead of paint we're using mud oh we've got lots of brown mud and greenish mud i even found some blue mud this morning hmm what's best to paint with mud i know a muddy puddle taking mud pictures daddy what are we doing next something that's fun learn all about concrete in the olden days that sounds a bit boring this is the history of concrete area okay so who wants to learn about concrete okey-dokey owing to the current mud situation i've got a better idea who wants to do some puddle jumping [Applause] my most favorite thing in the whole world is jumping up and down in muddy puddles and if we're going to jump in puddles we must wear our boots that's right are you ready yes then jump in my turn although i said myself that was a good puddle jump well done daddy pig but maybe that's enough mud for one day yes next up is dancing oh good i love dancing dancing in mud great here is madame gazelle with her band hello everyone are you ready to dance yes [Music] splash [Music] [Music] splash [Music] this is a very muddy festival peppa loves the muddy festival everyone loves the muddy festival lots of muddy puddles it is morning peppa and george are playing in the garden look george a lovely muddy puddle to jump in pepper george come on we're going out oh but we wanted to jump in muddy puddles don't worry i'm sure we'll find lots of puddles today we're going for a lovely walk in the woods are there puddles in the woods yes i should think so is everybody ready yes mummy pig then let's go i love maddie puddles splishy splashy puddles i love muddy puddles pepper and her family have arrived at the woods ah i adore woodland walks the birds singing the dappled sunlight where are the puddles there's one hooray muddy puddles oh this puddle is not very muddy that's because it's got leaves and twigs in it not all puddles are muddy pepper hmm this puddle is twiggy and it's crackly so what would you call it a twiggy crackly puddle hmm i would have to agree woodland puddles are twiggy and crackly can we find a puddle that's a bit more sploshy okay but we'll need to go somewhere else why don't we go to the beach yes the beach [Music] this is oh this puddle isn't muddy that's because it's made of sand and water so what shall we call it it's not tweaky crackly it is a scrunchy crunchy puddle it certainly is peach puddles are scrunchy crunchy can we find more sorts of puddles let's try the playground yes the playgrounds [Music] this is the playground [Music] what kind of puddle is this peppa it sounds splatty so i will call it a splatty puddle excellent description pepper playground puddles are splatty time to go home what a fantastic day out that was yes we've learned about all kinds of puddles first the twiggy crackly puddle in the woods with the leaves and twigs then the scrunchy crunchy puddle at the beach with the sand and water and the splatty puddle in the playground it's sad we didn't find any muddy puddles i know where to find the best muddy puddles pepper and george have arrived back home so peppa what do you call this puddle it is splishy and splashy sploshy a splish splash splotch muddy puddle no daddy it is the bestest puddle in the world so i will call it a peppa puddle peppa loves jumping up and down in peppa puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in peppa puddles
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 9,258,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, pepa pig, peppa pig song, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, cartoon, for kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, toddler, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, kids cartoon, 2d cartoon, kids stories, kids stories about baby, first day of school, my teacher is the best, teacher song, TV
Id: 4KJ7jhRUcfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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