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Jack's here and it seems that Kane has created a carnival of Terror Adventure here in The Amazing digital circus how but how do we get here I don't remember Kane starting the game this is strange he says Ah we've been locked in the abandoned carnival by an evil clown let's find a way to escape you got it guys and if you want to see me escape this adventure hit the Subscribe button we're closing on 20,000 subscribers and maybe one day I will be able to escape the amazing digital circus okay apparently we're not supposed to ride the ride hi Ivan are you a player or are you an NPC I think he's an NPC kind of like Kane he doesn't seem to be a player like py Kane why is it always lava Al where are these leaves coming from they coming from this abandoned tree over here man Kane look at my face glowing in the lava you do a great job designing these Adventures wait a minute there's a balloon what does a balloon mean hi I want the I wanted the balloon but now I'm who oh Kane what is that what did you create have you shown this to pomy yet I don't think she'd believe it makes a squeak bney would not like this amazing adventure that you have created you know if my reward is just a meal it's not worth it it's not worth it little boy quickly through here looks like some kind of boiler room oh la la what's in the Boiler Room oh boiling hot fire no wonder it's called The Boiler Room no no that is the worst no wonder it's called The Boiler Room they should call it the Flaming room nope stop my goodness I almost turned into a jack kebab a a crispy Jack sandwich oh okay careful are those clown hens coming out of the walls you Kane you know I don't like clowns clowns are scary clowns are creepy oh don't grab me oh careful we just need to be careful okay oh this is fine just just be calm just it's just an adventure it's not real if you die you just restart you're not going to abstract you're not going to be like kfo or kfco I can't remember the clown's name anymore the poor clown used to be a good friend of mine but ever since he abstracted kind of forgot who he was I wonder if that's a feature of the amazing digital circus that we are trapped inside of if you if I ever become distracted is pomy going to forget about me no no way that's not going to happen not a chance hey there's a player I think that's a player player are you an NPC what's your name well guess never going to find out he just OED himself into Oblivion down into the void you do not want to go into the void it's scary it's terrifying it's just there's nothing in the void that's why it's called the void it's just an empty nothingness for all time Buzz saws yeah yeah get wrecked I'm better than some buz saws there's no way they're going to stop me careful and now we climb up the ladder the ladder there's stars is this Freedom did we do it no it's not Freedom little boy says gulp I can hear a clown make your way into the ferris wheel you got it we have a lot of other contestants here and I'm looking oh oh murderous clown and clown is angry please don't stop me clown face no he Fallen be on to the ferris wheel you can't do that I made it the ferris wheel Kane that is not how you design evil clowns evil clowns cannot follow you onto the objective that's how Adventures work why did you design that like that I'm not making this in time oh he still got me he got me through the floor this clown is not clowning around he's a big meany mean pants from Mean Time so we need to get onto an upper Ferris wheel this one looks good this one looks good oh I've got the clown stuck take that clown you think you're smart not as smart as Jack I am the smartest person in the amazing digital circus even smarter than ker and I'm probably smarter than Kane just don't tell Kane if Kane hears me say I'm smarter than him he will give me the worst Adventure we have ever played let's get out of here who what's over there in the distance hi there's a bacon hair girl here don't worry Miss Bacon hair who's totally not a player and just an NPC just follow me see it's all you got to do do it like that and then the balloon jump little squeak on every balloon easy hey little boy there's only one way down hop onto the drop ride yeah did you hear that I think my spleen broke into my spine oh oh no no no no no no no no no back up back up please okay okay no no no I don't want to let me off this let me off this I I didn't like that that was scary oh okay now we're down into a dungeon and there's stabby spikes watch out for those stabby spikes stabby spikes stab my achilles oh that hurt okay watch the stab spikes go watch the saaby spikes go oh he almost stabbed me in this plane oh G careful I do not want to get chopped into my uula okay man Kane you have outdone yourself these games are far too diffic how do that not hit my head is that a portal to an evil Realm where does that go Kane little boy what is that a portal only one way to find out well you've got it little boy time to go and discover what this portal surrounded by bones is all about guys I don't know where we are but I'm not sure it's the amazing digital circus anymore we need to get out of here why is the moon beneath us do you see that that's not good that's not good at all I don't like this anymore you know when I was a kid before the amazing digital circus I used to play a game called Mario 64 and this area is giving me a big Mario 64 Vibe maybe Kane also played Mario 64 well then again he's in the amazing digital circus he's an NPC maybe he has access to the internet and Kane knows what Mario 64 is h a yellow portal this yellow fire will make you run really fast time to go fast who look at how fast this is this is insane Kane please put more things like this into your adventures this is so much fun let's go yeah that was awesome that was so much fun we'll do it again a blue portal little boy what's going on this blue fire will make you jump higher okay Kane you've outdone yourselves whoa front flip let's go I've learned how to do a double front flip that is so much fun yeah watch watch the double front flip let's go actually awesome double front flip yeah Kane I like this game at first I thought the game was a bit scary you had a scary clown you had lots of scary things yellow isn't that speed it is speed oh let's go let's go oh no I landed in the lava and I'm back at the fun house I don't want to be here phew that place is scary we are still trapped in the carnival okay I guess we got to go into the fun house this is not good I don't want to okay okay okay we're in the fun house this is not fun this is not ah my toes I just turned into pink dust H Kane didn't like that okay I'm going do whoa I think the room is shrinking something's really weird is going on here guys look how big the door is right see how big the door is I go up to like here okay watch this watch this okay and then as you the walls are shrinking am I growing or the walls shrinking look how small that door is now look how far away that door is now okay okay I'm feeling really big the wall is going on this is crazy Okay we okay that that was totally fine just avoid the bear traps this is a Hall of Mirrors it is a Hall of Mirrors so I'm going to go into this question mark door and see where this brings me into this door whoa oh we're SP are we spinning I can't tell okay don't oh no these are going to collapse okay run run run run run [Music] run careful is is crazy Kane what have you done that game is crazy this adventure is crazy Kane oh oh now it's a conveyor belt oh Kane don't I don't like these games anymore I said I like them I said you made some really good ones I'm not having fun anymore Kane me out of here okay another mystery door guys this is the craziest Adventure Kane has ever given us let's keep going this is actually kind of fun oh hey roller coaster hop onto roller coaster and let's go out of here let's go roller did you hear my bones crack my spleen is gone my oh no no no no no no no no no no this is high in the sky this is high okay we are going really high in the sky I'm not liking this no let's go let's go okay this is kind of fun Kane can we do more roller coasters in the future this is awesome let's go wait a minute wait wait a minute roller coaster stops waa where are we going oh H it broke out did we do it ouch that was a bumpy ride at least we escaped the carnival guys we did it Kane that was an amazing adventure but guys check out this one Jack's here and it seems that Kane has another adventure for us in the amazing digital circus but this time it's a scary Adventure I need to find our way out of here whoa look down there that's horrifying guys I need your help I need you to hit the Subscribe button if you do not subscribe I will not survive I need your help red button subscribe button hit it he does doesn't like his sleep being interrupted why why not what's so what's so scary about having your sleep interrupted oh he is really creepy looking machine guy all right run run oh no no no no run okay he's coming he's coming he's coming and he's scary he's coming and he's scary oh no no no no no no no please please no no no okay he is definitely very scary guys you got to hit that subscribe button give me the power I need it right now let's go we're going to do it okay don't look back don't look back take the corner don't look back just run straight he's behind you you can hear his footsteps you can hear him just look oh he's right there okay okay take the corner nice and tight oh too tight go over the blocks over the blocks ah he's nowhere near you guys thank you for hitting the Subscribe button if you didn't you wouldn't have got me out of there I really appreciate it there's no escaping me well we'll see about that hey bacon hair guy whose name is Jordan you coming too let's go Jordan are you a player in the amazing digital circus or are you an NPC the problem is I can run into you so I'm trying not oh no I just got ground up into tiny little bits Kane why why have a me grinder in your adventures I like the ones where we're collecting things not the ones where we're escaping scary places they're not my favorite oh my toes my toes I touched the spike just barely this Bon hair Noob is going faster than we are okay guys we need to focus up we need to focus up you guys want to give me some more power I need you to hit the blue like button make the like button turn blue do it right now if I can get two likes on this video only two I don't want any more than two if you even think about pushing it when there's more than two you're doing it wrong I only want two likes whoa where where where's all his color that guy got no color is that our bacon hair friend or is that somebody else here in The Amazing digital circus oh no there's bacon hair his name is minmin oh okay let's climb this ladder wow Kane you did not skimp out on this adventure We Are Climbing super high into the sky now and I'm afraid that if I touch these spinning blades they're going to O me and send me back to the start of the game whoa that's fun oh that was kind of fun I like that that was actually really cool that was that was a ton of fun let me out of here Kane more slides please put more slides and more bacon hair noobs hello bacon hair girl whose name is FH fuff I'm call you fuff what's up fuff having a hard time with the bear traps you're clearly an NPC a player would have no problem jumping through the bear traps NPCs might struggle oh there's another person oh those are scary do not go down there guys don't even think about it oh no oh okay okay just it's okay we restart it's the amazing amazing digital circus I'm I'm scared my I'm stumbling over my words guys I don't like heights I don't like that spinning turbine down there there's one button come on come on come on come on come on don't look down don't look down just keep your head up right just walk on the pipes super easy walk on the pipes nothing wrong with the pipes super easy oh we did it spikes oh whoa look at those scary trees over there okay let's jump across the checkerboard of spikes oh it's a speedrun and the NPC just speedrunned all the way to his Doom speed run with a super jump yeah oh it wasn't so creepy i' be having the void we landed in the void oh no no no no no please please on the void I don't want to abstract I don't want to okay okay we're good oh okay we're good I did not know there was void there okay maybe no more random jumping for fun we just got to keep our eye out for the gaps in the track oh who's that scary guy it's our it's a bad guy we're running towards his face and there's a magical portal leading us somewhere who where are we now we're somewhere horrifying what is this place none of this makes sense Kane what kind of a crazy location did you create here in The Amazing digital circus this is so strange use these crates to build up okay okay can I jump no I need more crates I wonder how many crates we actually need to build up a tower large enough to escape only two crates okay come on okay guys Kane has outdone himself he's created a really creepy atmosphere this is really really strange I love zip lines though zip lines and slides it's like Kane gives us some things that are really scary and some things that are really fun in this amazing digital Circus Adventure that he's created so it's like kind of scary but not use the bounce pads below to get across okay whoa yeah oh see a little bit of scary oh oh the void I don't like the void little bit of scary SC a little bit of fun but in the end we're going to escape this place Kane can't keep us trapped here for forever guys when we get out we're going to get a nice bite to eat I'm having a cheeseburger I don't know what you're having what would you have if you escaped the amazing digital circus comment down below I would have a cheeseburger with a side of ice cream I love ice cream and oh no we were right there oh we almost escaped guys let's keep going I'm not giving up I'm not giving up I'm not giving up go got to use the bounce pants Kane you can't stop me I will escape this place also have you seen pomy Kane she's usually here by now usually we see pom here somewhere but I can't find her she seems to have gone missing let's go let's go okay yeah okay oh who hey there NPC named uh KZ XX gaming whoa this is strange okay I'm just going to not look at the walls I'm just going to focus on the path as if I stare at the walls for too long they make me feel kind of weird almost like I'm abstracting almost like I'm dissolving into a different creation a different person a different no oh I didn't even touch the spikes man that is so weird don't even touch the spikes okay that that was bad that was bad oh no it's the void Beyond look at this oh but wait I thought the void didn't have any stars that's strange why were there stars in this void Kane do you know something we don't know do you are you playing a trick on us here with this whole void concept as the void even real where are we going what's that it's a terrifying red portal ahead of us okay here we go here we go into the portal oh oh where are we where are we hello Kane wait a minute it's the bad guy is it time for the boss fight are we here to defeat the bad guy all right let's do this guys what's this line do we get a speed booze let's go whoa okay why this giant face chasing me I'm just going to run and shoot it by the way this gun that Kane gave us whoa whoa no he you me oh I got I hit this post I didn't know was pillar was here got him down a half life guys you know what I can do better than that oh he's still had a half life oh that makes it super easy we're totally going to defeat him guys here we go not a problem just start shooting him with the crazy lasers who don't run into the pillar okay don't run into the pillar I'm going to zoom out a little bit there we go I can see better we're going to go around this Altar and now this crazy giant bad guy was never any match for us get wrecked bad guy into the portal we go have we done it have we escaped this adventure no we haven't there's more it says Escape through the forest okay let's go could really use a speed boost right now why are we oh he's coming through the portal that guy came through the portal okay he came through the portal and now we got to escape I thought we destroyed him with our weapon but he's still alive and he's chasing after us but luckily he's pretty far away I have time but I can hear him I can hear him getting closer he's he's breathing heavy y he's getting closer he's definitely getting closer we're running at a time okay just keep running but he's closer he's closer he's closer over jump jump come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on we can do this we can do this oh I can hear his breath getting even closer there he is a he's getting closer we got a ghost let a jump all right we're going to jump guys this bad guy never going to catch us it's time to jump let's go uh oh I can't see I think I'm climbing up out of the water okay there it is oh but look our bad guy he's still there he's looking and there's us there we are but how can I see us there if we're still in the water this doesn't make any sense I don't understand what's going on guys do you know what's going on okay just keep swimming okay focus just keep swimming in this disgusting green water and maybe we can make some sense to this situation but there we are and we seem to be happy we we're waving like we've won is that is that the adventure and Kane why did you have a giant version of us here at the end of this adventure but we're being looked on the stars in the sky it's so pretty the bad guy is like looking over us he's like watching us with his machine I guys we did it we defeated Kane's Adventure but if you want to see another adventure check this one out Jack's here and it seems Kane has another adventure for us here in The Amazing digital circus that looks like Timmy we need to escape timy what is this place guys I need your help I need you to hit the big red subscribe button if you don't I don't know if I'm going to be able to escape this place and find PNE have you guys seen pomy she might be around here somewhere let's go find her she's got to be hey you're not pomy are you a player or an NPC quick let's go through the vent all right whatever you say Mr packstabber you got it dude I got to go find PDI I know she's here but I just don't know where she's got to be like scared hiding around the corner somewhere let's get her guys we're going to find her and maybe we'll find ratha on the w way wow look at this place oh I can see the sky is that how we get out of here Kane also Kane is that the void down there or is that just some ew disgusting black sticky goo find a button okay what I just jump through here oh no it's dark oh oh it's Timmy run from Timmy run run oh okay uh look for the vend okay just going to push the button run run from Timmy no uh Timmy where's the vent I got to get out of here I got to get out of here oh oh the vent the vent go go oh oh that was scary Timmy I don't know what he was going to do if he caught me maybe he would force me to abstract and leave the digital circus for forever he why they big Timmy I'm just going to push this but you're not going to come out and eat me right Timmy I mean I don't know if little boys eat rabbits don't touch black line little tiny pieces of the Void I don't want to get abstracted so we need to be very careful Timmy Timmy Timmy do you have pomy do we have to save pomy from Timmy why are you like a cowboy wait if I just stand here and jump oh I just jump through his hat take that Timmy let's go and climb up the ladder get out of here open his pack stabber and he says maybe try looking through the mirror oh look at that I can see the invisible platforms using the mirror except the mirror doesn't show us I don't wa hold on oh it's not a mirror it's another was another area over there it's made to look like a mirror but it's not actually a mirror nice try Kane you thought you were going to trick me you thought you were going to fool me not a chance my name is Ja and I am far too smart for you Kane give me back PNE I need my new friend or you know K if you want to you can uh give us a new player here in The Amazing digital circus that would be great I always like having new players new friends to play with PX stabber use the pencil to get across okay I pick up this pencil and I put it down and then I pick pick up this pencil we walk across and we put it down and then we come and grab the third pencil oh this is super easy cane man you got to update these Adventures you got to give us more difficult challenges I mean usually your adventures are like run around and pick up all the Little Critters these new adventures are interesting but they're too easy watch watch how fast I can dig go go go I dig faster than you I am the fastest digging rabbit you have ever seen Kane um oh deep Des okay that was pretty far down and now we got to navigate the lava cane why is there always lava oh there always lava in these types of Adventures that you create for us here in The Amazing digital circus lights shining into the void let's not go into the void let's just aoid ah get it all the lava Dodge all the bones and carefully navigate this ADV [Music] no oh I'm alive let's go good you can die in The Amazing digital circus you just can't abstract which is basically like fall into a depression that you can't recover from if you die accidentally in one of the adventures you seem to live and respawn which is painful but doable just don't abstract that's the goal punch punch punch punch no it took four punches also Kane do you have to have that guy laugh every single time Hey where's bne she's got be here somewhere I wonder if we ever get any new people in The Amazing digital circus it's been a while since we had pomy joined us that was a day oh no that was a crazy day when pomy joined us kfo and all like abstracting and ratha got touched by kfmo and she turned all like glitchy then pomy turned all glitchy that was a crazy day but it's been a while since we've had a new player so I think it's time that we get one Kane then again can Kane really force people to put the VR headset on to join us here I don't think he can he has to like wait follow me all right packstabber leave the way go go Le the way I guess he doesn't want me to follow him it says follow me but I don't trust it so I'm just going to go packstabber seems to be an NPC kind of like Kane not a player not a real person but part of this program part of this amazing digital circus [Music] oh part of this amazing what digital circuit I don't want to go all the way through here Kane seriously did you have to make me run this whole way are you kidding me all right let's be careful I don't want to do that again I don't want to do that again H we go this seems safe this seems Timmy Timmy wait hold on a second that's not a real Timmy that's a cardboard caught out of Timmy you're not a real Timmy never mind it still hurts it might not actually be a real Timmy but this fake Timmy is going to get you okay nice nice try fake Timmy you think you're going to get me you think you're going to succeed you think I'm afraid of you not a chance you're way too slow fake Timmy through this door take that fake Timmy nice try it says get a sort of machine oh it's a super speed run Kane loves his super speed runs let's [Laughter] go yeah this is awesome these are the best parts of the adventure you go you jump you fly through the sky at a speed hither to unseen I just like going fast it's a lot of fun let's go all right PAB what we got he says I wouldn't go out there if I were you I'm going out there my name is Jack can't stop me I'm going out oh no no no no it's boss fight time this is how we finish the adventure oh it's a giant Jimmy Jimmy uh I remember how I said I was scared of you and I didn't want to be your friend I was wrong Timmy please don't hurt me oh he's dizzy okay keep shooting him he's dizzy he fine you just got to keep hitting him with with the gun oh he's coming back he's coming back okay I'm going to go this way timy stay away from me please don't get me jump jump jump over the black lines little bits of the Void Timmy I have to say this is a lot of fun but it's time for me to leave cuz my name is j and we're going to leave guys if you want to see another Amazing Adventure by Kane check this one out how's it going guys my name is Crow and today we're going to try and help JX and our friend PNE to escape Miss anon's detention pomy don't worry we're going to help you out we're going to get you out of here it says I will not annoy Miss anron well miss anron pomy needs to escape she doesn't want to become abstracted so we're going to pull the fire alarm and we're getting out of here cuz you guys know this is just another one of Kane's Adventures here in The Amazing digital Sirus uh P me Jax we got to get out of here I don't know where we're oh no there she is run from this that drun run going to go this way H okay go go this is fine this is fine this is fine it's okay pom me don't be scared don't be scared we're going to get out of here I just need to figure out where to go now and I hope this is not a dead end no she's so scary she's so mean why did Kane design Miss anron to be so scary I'm waiting for Miss anron I don't know which way she's going to come from is it Miss sron oh de end oh no no no no no no no not again guys it's got to be a way out of here we need to find pomy is scared she's terrified of what's Happ okay there's is this also a dead end no okay hang a left we're good we're good we're good I think I saw no it's not an arrow those are lights okay we go this way I don't know if that way is safe but miss anon's right behind us guys oh Arrow yes yes goodbye miss anron we're getting out of here goodbye take that don't worry pomy I'll get us out of here all right come on Jax we can do this come on make the jumps we can get pomy to safety I know you do not want to abstract Jack and pomy does not want to abstract so we got to get out of here go make the jumps careful who careful no no why why why was I programmed to feel pain careful oh I almost didn't make that jump guys did you see that that was crazy and I walked into that if you're still here if you you right now if you're here hit the Subscribe button join us we're almost at 20,000 subscribers guys we're going to close in on 100,000 but I need your help just like py and Jax need our help to escape this adventure by Kane okay good go go go come on guys oh oh it's open pomy are you are you okay in there pomy you look pretty comfortable in the backpack Jack Max has taking really good care of you careful okay R run run run run be very careful stay as far away from Miss anron as you can she's right there oh no no no no no no okay oh she's still chasing me into a dead end ah Juke a I tried I tried I tried to do a little juke move right one are these one are these didn't work okay so don't go left left is all right Mr anron all right I'm not afraid of you I'm not afraid of you I got Jax and py with me and together we're getting out of here come on Miss anron no no no you're not doing it no no no Miss anron look at those moves look at that juke move Miss anron is right behind me I can see the pink glow down the hole oh okay you smell that oh oh smells like stinky farts okay we're okay just jump on the Rusted pipes and walk along the Rusted pipe Jack got to be very careful you do not want to fall down into the abyss into the darkness into the great beyond you fall down there you will be abstracted that's the void the endless void in The Amazing digital circus Beware of the duck Beware of the duck quack quack quack quack quack where's the duck oh oh wait I found the duck ja run run run run run run keep on me Safe Keep On Me safe go go go go go I see the duck oh there's red arrow red arrow goodbye duck get quacked like Get Wrecked but what did you hear that sounds like knives oh look at the stabies okay climb past those stabies no what my ears Jax's ears come on we were right there I was totally getting clear of all the stabby bits okay hold on I'm waiting for it look at that shop my ears off and doesn't even matter okay right chop me ears off go that was close guys that was terrifyingly close okay now we have Hopscotch I love Hopscotch it's so much fun you got this Jax let's go buddy climb up and take pomy to safety do you think Jax and pomy are going to make it guys I think they are watch out with the bear traps remember we're not Bears we're Jax the rabbit and paly the clown so bear traps can affect us art class all right I like art it says avoid the mannequins okay I can do that not a problem that was scary guys don't touch manin don't do it Jax Jax stay away stay as far away from all the mannequins as you can JX don't do it do not do it we're in a film studio to process film and now we've got spinning leers jump nice try spinning lasers work going to get us got it let's keep going climb all the way down how much further do we have to go cafeteria oh no miss antron's going to be there should be waiting for us are you ready here we go I'm looking there's pink goo on the ground and that doesn't sound like Miss anron that's a chef hey there Robo Chef how do I get the feel and it's not going to be a good time if you catch me okay here we go Robo Chef no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Robo Chef get away from us no okay it's okay pomy don't be afraid you look scared it's okay we're going to make it time to swim hold your breath pomy I can't hold my breath I'm really bad at holding my breath guys don't even try to hold your breath either it's probably not a good idea but don't worry pomy she's uh a clown and you know in The Amazing digital circus you don't eat you don't sleep you don't really need to breathe either it's like in The Matrix you think that's air you're breathing right now oh it's a swimming pool hey I want to dive in look another player I think it's a player is that a player or is that an NPC it name is D it's not a name that player is totally an NPC okay let's get out of here oh no no oh there's the duck try and run from the duck okay I H the duck oh and there's the chef the chef Miss anron and the duck are all here and I'm in no the chef got us guys we can do this we can do this we're so close we are so close we got to get out of here guys bney has been here for way too long she's scared she's terrified and now I just got to run from Miss sanitron run from the duck and there's the chef get the chef over here on this side yeah nope not doing it now I'm totally getting in the bus ha take that we did it we ran from Miss anron hey uh I don't think this is how buses are supposed to travel I don't know what's going on now what do we do we just are we driving oh we are driving we're actually actually driving around you see look the ground's moving down there this is weird W no to that it's way too dark out there that's the void in every direction guys you don't want to get abstracted stay from the void don't get scared okay don't get scared it's not over yet we can do it oh oh I heard that that was nice oh and the bus is slowing down um if the bus is slowing down how do I get out okay there we go we did it guys we finished the adventure but if you want to see another Amazing Adventure check this one out how's it going guys my name is Crow and today JX and pomy are trying to escape this haunted evil pizza shop is that sauce on the ground or is that blood there's somebody out there hey hey how how did you get out there how did she Escape hello hello I saw that girl go out through that door a I want to get out okay guys we have to save pomy I need your help I need you to hit the red subscribe button red like this pizza sauce hit the red subscribe button to help me get PNE out of this adventure that came from the amazing digital circus has created your welcome to your doom I don't like the sounds of that oh look at the body parts going into the blender is this how the pizza's made I don't want to be in this pizza shop anymore Doom ahead he's here go back now what do you think guys anything over there over here no we're safe we got some bear traps okay avoid the bear traps really big Power powerful jumps hello Nez hello Cen how's it going my name is Jax this is pomy I can see you you here where's this person hello oh no no no no no no no no oh oh no no the chef there's an evil Chef there an evil Chef no no no no no please please please no please no he's right on my tail oh oh There was a hole oh we found down the hole hole that could have been very dangerous Nez made it and Cen welcome guys hi ready to go I love your ear muffs they're like Pand at ear muffs or bear what what what what what that person survived how did that person survive did you see that the person landed like on the wall and didn't fall I rhym like a poet and I didn't even know it um uh that's like a i Tred that I tried okay yeah yeah yeah speedrun speedrun this is cheating this is not how we're supposed to go that was awesome seeing great idea how creative was that he just do you hear that Doom is coming oh hey hey there m who you staring at there there's there's nobody down there I don't like that pizza man spider webs don't touch the cobwebs I think those are hello these are a little bit bigger than simple cobwebs these are fullon spider webs okay big jump big jump big jump no hello hello py are you okay she looks okay guys let's keep going do you hear that it sounds like engines or a motor huming I get the feeling I'm not supposed to touch the black pads on right ah it still got me I tried I tried I tried to like Escape it I it through no I got to go that way I Tred to like trigger the Trap but then like run from the trap but it still got me there was no way ooh a cork screw I hear more noises oh oh oh oh I don't like this I don't like the noises that I'm I'm hearing in my ears guys it sounds like machines are breaking down or being destroyed we have to be quick we have PNE out of here out of this adventure so we can go back to the amazing digital circus and we don't want pomy to get too scared because if she feels like she'll never Escape she might abstract and we do not want to see that up up up you got it dude oh this place is really scary I don't love like it I don't like it come on let's keep going I I think we can do this if we're careful I'm pretty sure we can do this okay he's here where's here well here's here get to the vent I don't see a vent there's not over here no okay oh no oh no he's behind me oh he's no I found the chef he's right there bney we can do this yeah I got here okay how about I run to the side over here let's go over here ready look look look look there's a chef there's a chef don't get me sh oh I found the vent the vent's behind me okay big wide turns big why no we were right there we were right there okay we do know where to go now okay Mr Chef Mr evil Chef you're never going to catch us I'm Jack's man I got Jack speed going straight to the vents Get Wrecked evil Chef you won't Escape you think so eh you think I won't Escape I don't know I have to protect pomy I have to get her out of here let's keep going turn back who now careful all right this is fine yeah let's go not bad I don't want to turn back ah find the Crowbar yeah yeah don't touch a skeleton hey there Mr skeleton thanks for the Crowbar open up the door with the grow bar okay we did it we did it oh okay no no no no no where's the elevator taking this down I don't like this I don't like this at all no no no no no no no okay follow me just stay calm we that frown off your face turn that frown upside down bomy we're going to get out of here we're going to do it we're going to do it there's the way out right there okay hopefully we don't get squished let's jump oh watch out for the smers okay make it through ooh o that was close those smooshes come down quick the kitchen wouldn't the chef be back in there this is not a kitchen this is a meat grinder this is like above and Beyond an industrial strength meat grinder look at this w super speed and then super slow made it I saw people's heads and body parts no jump over the body parts no no okay okay okay I'm doing it we're doing it hop on Doom this way Doom this way all right hopping on pomy pomy you're comfortable how's that metal pole look does that metal pole look good oh lava lava lava lava lava lava lava please let me out please let me out please no that lava why did I do that guys it was right there oh we made it okay now we got to climb up this lava trap area look how beautiful the lava looks flowing like that that looks great looks awesome look cool like the glow the glow is the best careful careful it's a lava waterfall it says this way I jump on the rail and then I can jump a cre got it okay this is tough thankfully Jax is a really good jumper being a rabbit exit I don't believe you I don't trust you do you trust it guys I don't trust it at all this is going to be a bad idea run home but I can't go home we're stuck in the amazing digital circus there's no way out there's nowhere to escape run home all right you know what Kane if this is the way out there's an exit oh no he's back uh Kane if there is an exit at the end of this I will be so impressed why was he right there where did he come from I thought he was behind me it sounded like he was behind me okay you know what straight line straight line go go go zoom out straight line we can do this we can do this there's the shell I hit a tree I hit it there's a tree perfectly good tree this is solid hunk of wood in my way there we go if I don't move if I don't move hands up in the sky and just run in a straight line I will avoid the trees the chef gets me again okay do I got to go wide I'm going to go wide to the left wide left like a like a wide receiver ready straight shot right there that's a straight shot okay here we go careful careful where's the chef he should be over here somewhere hello Mr Chef there he is Mr Chef Mr Chef okay I'm running through the trees still dodging the trees and I got it get on the box and get out oh we did it guys we escaped what a great adventure but we're still in the amazing digital circus and if you want to see another adventure check this one out Jack's here and today we have a brand new knew never before seen cart ride apparently into pomy and we have to try and get pomy here in our backpack to escape this adventure that Kane has created there's Kane the lovely game from The Amazing digital circus and there's abstracted Creations down there abstracted kfo and then there's the worm thing from the end of the show remember that giant worm thing that's deep underground what's its name guys comment down below remind me of what that big worm was called I love the episode I love the show but I can't remember let's go on our cart ride oh look at the cute little pomy I got to get these guys going here you know what guys why this one person is just sending all the carts off you know what I'm just going to send all the carts off okay everybody getting your own cart there's a Jax what's up Jax how you doing name's Crow I see you bye off y go I'm trying to send them there we go just hit the button good now I will get my own card guys guys by you're not getting in my cart we're out of here guys yo look at the the abstracted monsters are actually eating people you know kind of want to test what happens if I get down here oh no oh no no no no no the abstracted monsters are actually chasing you no no no hey dogies hey abstracted doggies no I'm trying to escape this is fun you're never going to get C me cuz I'm ja and ah no they got me okay let's do the cart right for real we discovered that the abstracted monsters can attack you here in The Amazing digital circus so let's see where this lovely cart ride adventure takes us this is awesome wow look how high the circus goes in the sky I wonder how long the cart ride goes for I wonder what you earn for defeating the car ride and more importantly can I land on the giant War monster oh you know we have to try let's do it here we go oh wait wait wait wait hey there's a big pomy doll there's a pomy standing there on the blocks guys I'm going straight for the giant monster I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm going to get off right here maybe in the next Bend we're going to get off I want to see hopefully it don't get eaten by the abstraction monsters hey here's the giant oh oh you can actually touch it is it has a physical Collision detection I want to see if I can get on the giant sneaky b why are none of the abstracting monsters attacking me oh oh oh no oh I did I almost got on top of the giant snake guy okay let's go again we're going to do this guys this time we're going to go all the way to the end of The Amazing digital circus cart ride okay I'm going to send pomy on her way bye po bomy get out of my way I'm going to go now don't get on oh yes I avoided the other Jacks ooh the abstraction monsters are just destroying all the contestants hold stop stop stop stop pomy why'd you stop pomy P pomy I need this pomy to go go pomy thank you pomy no the other Jacks got my card now we're a double Jack card don't don't stop don't stop go go this is why I didn't want to go with Jack the other Jacks the fake Jack even though we look kind of antical this is a well well put together Jack not going to lie uh-oh oh no no no no no we've got contestants here on the track guys this isn't good this isn't good this isn't good we better stop no oh they all loed all right you know what the two jaxes US two jaxes we're going to make it to the again we're going to do it no one's going to stop us wow okay hold on watch let me zoom in wa look how high and how crazy this is it seems no we fall out why did we fall out ja fake J what did you do none of the abstracted monst just myself and then oh look that Jack's glitched out just like pomy did and ratha did you see the glitching on Jack all wonder what that means here okay I need to like get people out of the way this person can go bye why are they stopping why are they stopping don't stop go don't stop get stop don't stop guys I need everyone to clear the track and get out of my way if they keep spawning carts on top of each other they're going to fail there you go watch this cart let go go away all right all the cards go all y'all in your cards can go I'm getting him in my cart no pomy you're on your own bye bye bney here kids kids get in your carts I'm going wait no I'm not following for it guys we're not folling for it everyone can just get in their own cart watch get in their cart get in the cart bye off you go bye Kane off you go Kane bye Kane there's too many people on this server maybe I need a more empty server all right Kane off you go bye and then pomy off you go bye I don't want to go with anyone there's a pomy she's getting in bye pomy bye bney get going okay now get out of my card this no get out of my cart I I got to go and get myself OED no we're finally on our way after all this time we're on our adventure and we're going to go to the end oh no no stop stop something's wrong something's wrong something's wrong something's wrong is this person ruining everything that person's honestly bumping into us and ruining everything guys we're stuck I'm going with this girl yeah this person's literally oofing us entirely there we go we're clear we're good no no no no don't do it don't do it Palm NE on a Magic Carpet just let us be safe let us get to the end of the adventure this bomy and I oh no this person's going to play with us can we go a little bit faster if I click the faster button can we go faster okay this is about as far as you made it last time guys I want to see what happens when you go inside the mouth of bney over there the doll no no no guy in the magic carpet don't do it that person on the magic carpet's thinking about it thinking about completely oing us but now we're we're going up this spiraling staircase we're further than we've ever been before and my palmy friend is gone guys it was just us in the cart okay I wonder if I can slow it down a little bit we're going to make it guys we're going to make it we're going to make it so excited I'm so excited I'm so excited now I just can't hide it there's a giant pomy there's a tiny pomy on the Block there there's an exit I like that that's awesome but okay now we're up high oh yeah we're going to make it we're going to make it this is great guys I can't wait I'm so excited there seems to be a cane way over there in the distance in his own cart and our cart is about to make the Final Approach we're up to the proper height oh there's a cute little Jack baby there that's awesome everyone knows ja is the best part of the amazing digital circus you don't even have to to ask there's a cane up there that's interesting we're almost there guys the Moment of Truth the moment of Triumph what do you think is inside the Palm KN is it gold is it riches is it Donuts is it the exit from The Amazing digital circus nobody knows hi baby Jack bye baby Jack this is nice guys oh there's people stuck on the spinny wly boat the spinny windly boat you know what don't ask questions this is fine we're on the home stretch I got to go faster can I go faster now no don't stop go don't stop if we stop we might ruin everything and look all the abstracted monsters down there on the ground of the amazing digital circus look at this is so close I'm excited I'm excited i' I've the last time we did a cart ride guys it was into PNE we couldn't make a cart go the entire way and then when we flew to PNE she was solid and you couldn't get past her but this time you might be able to do it this time we might finally escape the digital circus cart ride oh we're so close now we're so close I can taste it let's just zoom in let's appreciate little paly scared in our backpack she doesn't like heights she's not having a good time looking down there at the ground that's wimbly wobbly the ground is scary one more Bend oh we're almost there we're almost there there's a cane did I see that cane down there huh that's weird why is there a tiny cane down there is that the real cane he's moving is that the real cane in charge of the amazing digital Sur circus that put us in this adventure oh the Moment of Truth here we go we're about to go to bom's mouth what's going to happen here we go here we go we're going in oh we did it hey we did it we beat them do Obby for oh it's an Obby guys you know what let's go I thought that was it I thought that was the end of the adventure we're going to beat this Obby all right let's go we've got a digital circus Obby guys let's go I wonder what the priz is oh no no no no that that pom is glitching just like in The Amazing digital circus she's glitching that's not good okay let's do this there we go yep yep okay I can do this Obby this Obby is super easy the easy the glitching pom is kind of making me freaked out though I don't like it at all okay let's go along the spindly bendly bit like that perfect I thought that was the end of the adventure guys but the Adventure Continues in an obstacle course so what is the prize at the end of the obstacle course do you know because I don't know it could be anything it could be nothing we're just going have to wait and see ker hey ker hold on I have a speed coil all right let's use the speed coil there's a baby Jax there okay make the speed jumps use a speed coil I didn't realize I had the Speed coil until I actually look down on my inventory this is awesome let's get through through here we're going to crush this soly I went inside the mouth of the noob a little bit freaky climb up up up up up up up up with the speed coil how long is actually no we're almost done the obstacle course guys we're about to unlock our next Prize or our final prize our first prize don't know uh-oh I'm going to guess yellow no no no it's not yellow all right so we got red and then no no not red it alternates it could be anything okay so it's red red yellow red yellow red that's cheating that is such cheating oh they kept it all on the one side that is so awesome oh hey we do it we do it we did it save gear teleport to cart ride clear tools remove character free tools oh okay what I just grab all the tools what if I just grab all the tools hey we did it and that's how you go to the cart ride with the tools guys that was an amazing adventure by Kane but if you want to see another adventure check this one out Jack's here and it looks like Kane has a new adventure for us here in The Amazing digital circus and it's a teddy bear Adventure something about escaping the teddy bear okay so there's a blue button over there let's go give that one a push and okay I got a blue one I got a red one there's the green button nailed it that should probably give us our way to escape this place waa okay Kane you have created a crazy world here all of this just for an amazing digital Circus Adventure oh my God there's lava everywhere why is the lava not burning the toys you know what don't ask me I I I'm not going to ask questions I'm just going to try and escape this adventure or else G might ah what you mean the the book it doesn't work wa I can't I can't land on that book oh I'm supposed to stay over here that makes a ton of sense please tell me the bouncy the trampolines actually work come on yeah let's go oh that's awesome w oh it's a big trampoline don't move when they shoot you got it can I go around what do you mean I can't go around why is there an invisible fa force field that doesn't make any sense okay Little Green Men you think you're going to stop me my name is Ja no I I tried to stop I did I really I I tried to stop but the game is too tricky my couldn't stop why oh it's like you have when they when they stop you got to like commit you got to commit you got to commit see right there I'm not falling for it I'm not falling for it again nice try Kane you have some very tricky games here very crazy Adventures guys if you want to see another Amazing Adventure comment down below let me know what kind of an adventure we should go on here in The Amazing digital circus oh careful lots of colors little boy says avoid the socks all right not a problem look at that just weaving ducking diving making our way through I'm guessing we have to avoid all the paint colors so far this is interesting this is supposed to be a Teddy playground but we haven't seen a Teddy yet where's a Teddy he should be here somewhere okay let's keep our eyee open let's look oh oh there's a little there's a guy down there hey he's trapped all right hey hey music I love oh no no no no no no run run run run run go scary oh was scary all where is the teddy bear here and this teddy bear hold on I think I saw a pomy guys did you just see pomy there in that that building rewind the no oh we're getting I got to find pomy I'm pretty sure that was pom guys rewind the video and double check did you see pomy there in the cave and I can find her looks like a mouse hole that's great where is oh wait wait wait wait I thought I saw her it is it's a pomy pomy wait for me okay py pomy wait for me it's a friend Jack we got we got to get her guys come on we got to go fast got to go fast we can do it we can do it it just got to don't stop running don't stop moving now we got a bit of a speed run on our hands as we try okay can't quite faster than this stage 17 where's the teddy bear we haven't seen a teddy bear yet it's really weird Okay U I'm getting out I can't get out I'm trapped where's pomy PNE oh wait isn't that where we were oh where did we go hey hello oh we've got some armored Knights there's pomy pomy pomy wait for me oh she can't hear me she can't see me I'm going to follow up her name is buggy Laurence hello PNE hi hey PNE it's me Jax how's it going nice to see you oh that person got oh pomy OED well PNE I'm sorry but I'm not going to lose this game to you bye pom bye that's some open jails here what's going on with this J no let's go oh there's a button push the button it opens the gate that's awesome let's keep going there's a laser grid okay I came from there I went that way now I got to oh there's a coin stop stop stop stop stop we have four coins now R about to have five coins is pomy caught up yet guys I think we're going to leave pomy behind here in The Amazing digital circus I'm pretty sure she will be able to take care of herself I mean she's been here a while now I'm okay ow just shocked my brain with a laser beam right to the Head not a good time you don't want to do that at all careful careful find the button uh sir the button's right there I found it it's right there this is really easy looks like we can go through that door now well which one the light one or the dark one you know in Mario 64 if you look up in the light you find a secret level but apparently not apparently not here in this Roblox game of the amazing digital circus oh hey checkpoint stage 20 I don't know if I want to I knew it I knew it it wasn't a good idea but I wanted the coin the coin was super important ah was not a good time okay okay then it's GNA go that way and then you go Y and then it goes that way and then goes that way and you go nice guys we CW oh hey you're a big robot night man please don't crush me please don't crush me no no no no no no no no no oh this is oh go go go go can I make it all the way to this one yeah wait was I supposed to go here oh am I supposed to go here let's try yep that was it that was the way we had to go now it all makes sense stage 23 who's that over there there's somebody sitting on the throne and we have a bacon hair Noob here are you a player or are you an NPC well Mr oh hurt let's not do that again let's just get across thanks hello your majesty your name is oh all your majesty [Laughter] greetings greetings your mesty she is the queen M bow down to the queen I'm leaving now bye your majesty have a great day I got to go got a game to play got an adventure to song oh ohello okay R stage 27 guys I think we're getting closer and closer to the end I think stage 30 might be the end okay no wait Dodge go go go oh lava lava toys that's great that's totally trustworthy we almost got crushed that would be crazy stage 29 oh look there's a treasure chest and I can't take the treasure but I will open up this and then take the gun oh I found the magic key everybody's got to find the magic key I'm not seeing any more coins we open the door uh-oh uh-oh oh hey oh what okay got my god oh it's a giant teddy bear remember how I was saying where's the teddy bear well I found it oh oh got to jump over the oh no no no no no no no no run jump jump jump ow jump jump shoot her the blocks at teddy bear it's dangerous everything about this is dangerous we did it we defeated the teddy bear guys and we finally got the final coin that was a great adventure but if you want to see another adventure check this one out
Channel: KroGames
Views: 841,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, obby, roblox obby, roblox escape, escape roblox, glitch, gravycatman, lankybox, roblox game, roblox gaming, roblox funny, digital circus, the amazing digital circus, amazing digital circus, amazing digital circus roblox, the amazing digital circus roblox, digital circus roblox, jax, jax roblox, jax digital circus, jax amazing digital circus, ESCAPE THE CARNIVAL OF TERROR
Id: WGiN_flxjlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 44sec (4364 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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