The Alphabet Soup Nazis | Doug Wilson & James White

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james welcome to moscow and another sweater vest dialogue we're we're racking them up yeah and the funny thing is i think we're wearing the same clothes last time that's right i should hope so [Music] so um what i thought we'd talk about um is a little bit about um you wrote a book uh together with jeff neal the same the same sex controversy and when was that when uh 2001 and the only reason i can remember that is i had lasik that year and it went wrong and i couldn't be involved in the final editing jeff had to do it all because i couldn't see for a while it was it was wonderful it was great but it was it was 2001. and it came about by the way after jeff conte jeff had done a study in his church on homosexuality which in 2001 was not the most common uh thing to do in a church so jeff was a little bit ahead of the curve on that and we were invited to go on a local radio station at a local christian radio station to debate the chaplain i think for the uh the arizona state senate who had gone to school with jeff and i jeff was a year ahead of me at grand canyon college and so we had the same greek professor and and and so on and so forth that's where we got to know each other and become really good friends and so the chaplain came out as a homosexual and so the radio station invited jeff and i on to do a live debate with him and another homosexual on the program and after the debate was over um i was already i think i just started writing for bethany house publishers at that point in time the acquisitions editor had been jeff's boss at breen christian bookstore many many moons ago and he had listened and he said you know i think there's a book there and so jeff and i split up the various texts that we're going to be looking at he already had a lot of good background information but even in 2001 during the writing process i was stunned this was this was 21 years ago now i was stunned at how many books came out on the other side just during the writing process and the number of books that i had to read just to get up to speed on what the other side was saying and that's nothing in comparison to what comes out now right so um we we divided up the the key texts and some of the historical information um and um honestly i would love to see a an update but the biblical stuff really hasn't the biblical stuff doesn't change right so so it stayed the same so a few years ago i wrote a book called same-sex mirage and it was more from the trenches a lot of a lot of that book was originally blog posts responding to this thing that just happened and this thing had just happened uh yours was a more systematic approach to what does the bible teach and what is the current scholarship that we have to refute we were still 14 years out from a burgerfell right it was a different world in 2001 that and that's part of what i wanted to talk about is how much of a different world uh how much the world has changed yeah right so um before uh back when you were writing christians would be saying hey everybody knows that heterosexuality is god's norm why let's just not be mean to the homosexuals you know that it would be that sort of thing and now you're being arraigned as a hate criminal if you simply in the court of law if you're not just a public opinion yeah you can lose your job you can lose your job um from any major corporation in america you could find yourself down in hr trying to explain yourself if you if you gave five bucks to proposition eight in california yeah uh it's there's been a um it's like we went off a cliff right and whenever that kind of uh the the ground gives way under you know the cliff that we were in the middle of kansas and we went off a cliff and there are no clusters the ground gave way underneath us that that means that they've been sappers and tunnelers underneath us for a long time for a long time right um and it seems to me that the secularists and the leftists and the sexual revolution uh people have been playing the long game right well and they they wrote about it that's the we didn't read their books right but they pretty much laid out exactly how they were going to do it and they have succeeded in accomplishing their their goals despite being open about it from the start right so when you're talking to christians well and it seems to me that uh we have to take into account the last two years the the last two years of crazy do we really have to do that because it makes my head hurt makes my but it it has given us a great gift in in this there are things that i would say or that you would say 15 years ago that many decent christian folks would say oh that's a little extreme little heart that's a little hard do we have to we can america can continue to run on autopilot on the method neutrality on the myth of neutrality we can still have uh our standard of living we can still have our suburban lifestyle we can still drive to church on sunday and everything is going to stay the same because we're americans right right and there's no sense you being mean to these people we would just have peace let's just have peace and we would call them sexual minorities today but no sense being mean to these people a lot of those people have been red pilled in the last two years they've they've seen not only and it's not just lockdowns not just masks but it's also videos from disney maybe yeah yeah uh the the basically the the uh transsexual uh jihad right which is what it amounts to uh because they've gone into take no prisoners mode they're not about to stop and say okay now let's set up a dmz they're not doing that and a lot of christians who used to be sort of wishy-washy in the middle have been radicalized not by us but radicalized by the hard left oh yeah you know i've hear i've been sweet and nice to you guys for 20 years and you're going to load me onto the same cattle car with that james white guy right oh no the doug wilson that's that's that's much that's much worse that's much worse yeah no and and you know i'll just i'll just give you news from outside of moscow again i brought bad news before well yeah do it again i'll just bring some i can take it i'll bring some good news this time uh over the past couple of years i have communicated with so many pastors and christians who recognized the world was changing radically but there was nothing in their paradigm that would allow them to really start to zero in on what that meant and what they could do about it and some of the most important resources that they eventually found that rang a bell with them and gave them guidance um one of them was blogging mayblog okay and i mean worldwide and and a lot of them won't say that publicly yeah right because of that because my daughter had you on to talk about a food book once if i recall correctly she got the treatment and she she got the treatment for daring uh to to do such a thing and and so uh but but it's true during this period of time there have only been a certain number of voices that have been saying this is what's happening some of us actually did see it coming but this is now that everybody sees it's here this is what we need to do about it and it has to do with having a view of christ's lordship and god's law right that fits with the proclamation of a gospel that has a sovereign god who's working his purpose so with the the sexual revolution is sort of coming to its uh culmination which i think is going to be some sort of reign of terror i think it's going to be like the french revolution um it's going to be some sort of horrific thing and when i think that they're they're doing surgeries on kids eight-year-olds yeah and you say no you can't no you can't buy a pack of cigarettes you're five no no you can't buy condom you're five no you um you can't rent a car you're five um oh yeah you can transition some somebody is that can't last no uh stupidity is not a long-term strategy right and it it just doesn't it doesn't work but all the christian the christian leadership and will and this might be unfair to one or two of them in in in that network the constellation of the of the great conference circuit um the the big what carl truman calls big eva right uh overwhelmingly those voices either did not didn't address what was coming or were reassuring oh don't worry about it you know [Music] too let's not be reactionary don't yes they're going to be all right don't be all right and now that it's all come down the those leaders have been astonishingly silent about it's like the neville the neville chamberlains um all of a sudden don't have much to say right hitler invaded poland and and you're they're now coming to get you and your children right yeah and it's true that there was and you've discussed this many times um in your program you've you've even classified who was doing what and once in a while and in fact i think i think last year sometime i texted you and and said how how many how long did it take you to actually decide to go ahead and throw that line in where you identified a really well-known evangelical i think you said uh uh i don't know about 30 seconds uh something along those lines but you'll throw those little things in there and say yeah we know that you knew we know that you know and and you know that we know that you know and it goes on and on with the solstice nietzsche but yeah they they left us they left a lot of people a lot of churches feeling like we trusted you right and now we feel betrayed but we still need to have a solid a solid response and we still need to be able to teach our our people except we didn't get to start doing it at the time when it would have been best to lay the foundations right and that's that's what i'm seeing right now is is people are desperately trying to catch up but you know what christ sheep hear christ's voice and when the shepherds say we should have been dealing with this 10 15 years ago we weren't but here's where we are right and we got to dig in right christ people are willing to do yeah we need some sort of flag to rally to right and um i know apologia is growing yes right oh yeah and and and we're growing here and it's like it's it's really interesting because one of the critiques of the strident voice that we we appeared to be 20 years ago is that it's off-putting it's off-putting it's off-putting well then why how can you account for the fact that the off-putting churches are exploding right the churches that refuse to close down the churches that refused to go along with what everybody said the the cranky churches are the winsome church because it's true because truth is winsome that's why cranky is the new winsome it's true and that that was what has drawn a lot of people to our church it wasn't just that we didn't we didn't close down we didn't and look i'm not going to sit here and say that we as elders had some kind of prophetic vision that knew what the eventual numbers on the virus was going to be or any of the rest of that stuff honestly we just simply looked at what our responsibility was and there's the worship of god there's the celebration of the supper there's the encouragement of god's people and that really doesn't work well over zoom um and that's not what we've been called to do you would like to partake of the bread click here exactly dragon dragon drop communion well there are so please don't stop giving people ideas it's really a bad thing because you've done it before uh drag the bread on top of your avatar then you are oh please oh that's going to happen the sad thing is it probably is out there someplace but but it wasn't just that it was also the bold proclamation uh for example jeff preached a sermon on what loving your neighbor really meant given god's law and that what we were doing to so many people in their businesses and their families was not what it means to love people it was the exact opposite of what it means to love people and so that whole idea of bringing god's law to bear let's just be honest the vast majority of evangelicals have been cooked in a stew of antinomianism for their entire lives right and one of the reasons that we looked so cranky was we were using a term and referring to something that they had been told was a no-no it was an alien category for alien category and an alien element of the church to be able to say look god actually says this he has actually revealed his will in this way you know that that other use of the law type thing um and so i think people started hearing that and it started clicking it's like yeah this is i'm why isn't why isn't my church addressing what's going on why is it like they're just ignoring it why aren't they giving me practical direction as to where i can go what's missing here right and then they start listening to other people that are going well what's missing here is the lordship of christ and the advancement of the kingdom of god and and they're also like oh the mass could be uncomfortable to rethink so much of this stuff and it is uncomfortable to rethink so much that stuff but the pressure from the world now is more than sufficient to bring that about one way or the other right so um bringing this back to um we started with my book didn't we started with the book i wanted to bring it back to the theme of the book um i one of the books out there that i really appreciated uh within the last 12 months was carl truman's rise and triumph of the modern self which is a wonderful you know let's let's go back to if you like ripping on rousseau yeah which i do which i do i can if you're ripping on rousseau i can eat that straight out of the can with a spoon i don't even need to put it on the cake is this wow okay i think we just discovered something so i think it's glenn sunshine said if i if i was in a room with hitler and rousseau and i had a revolver with two bullets in it i'd shoot rousseau twice okay so um and c.s lewis has a great throwaway line in one of his essays one of his uh pieces where he's he calls rousseau the father of the totalitarians uh which i think is just right on the money and we're we're living in the realm of tatala tolerance so it's it's totalitarianism with a smiley face right and it's so is it brave new world or is it 1984. well i think it's both basically i think they've they're doing the 1984 stuff backstage and they're doing a bunch of stuff for public consumption um briberies and you know porn everywhere and affirming whatever sexual choice whatever deviant choice you want to make and and it's amazing the astonishing rapidity with which it's happening so when uh you wrote your book how far had the alphabet soup uh gone lgbt yeah yeah it was right around that time interestingly enough we were up in salt lake city at the general conference when i ran into the queue for the first time the the the homosexual mormons were using the q part but we really the t and i don't know if you experienced this too but i had somebody explain to me recently it seems like when a burger fell hit the entire focus came off of homosexuality straight over to transgenderism it was like it was overnight and i wondered what that was i recently listened to an article where someone was talking about how the well-funded organizations like glaad once they had a burger fell what are they gonna do yeah they gotta keep money coming in the door so they just shifted their shifted there and they already had enough politicians in their pocket to start making it happen fast because i was stunned at how quickly the focus just came off of homosexuality and straight on to the transgender idea and it's going to happen with the same rapidity with that plus you know oh yeah so the that plus is about the kids you know always has been and and we see that with the disney and the um the okay groomer uh stuff and their disney going to war with the state of florida over not being allowed to teach kids about sex until fourth grade yeah until fourth grade you say and conservatives are thrilled with the stalwart victory oh yeah fourth grade they don't go they don't get to start grooming our kids until until fourth grade we've got three years to get them ready for that um right so that shows us how we've sort of lowered our sites just a bit but that that plus is it's gonna be we're gonna get to the point where pederasty and pedophilia is mainstreamed and and it'll be uh mainstream such that that this is part of the lineup they'll take the plus off and put a p there right and then within a year you're a hater if you don't applaud the the p right it's worked that's that's how it works now um we didn't address that in the book because to be perfectly honest with you that was too far down the road to to even imagine in fact the argument back then was if you dared even raise the possibility that you were engaged in just horrific hate crime in essence in trying to poison the well and no one would ever suggest this type of stuff and here we are you know for some people 20 years is a long period of time but once you get up to our age it's really we don't care anymore no 20 years that was i remember 20 years really clearly that was that long ago yeah so uh that really wasn't that would be one of the obviously the updates to the book uh would be to go let's let's continue on because what what has the transgender i mean how would the transgender movement change our book because that wasn't an issue then either right uh there would have to be a whole discussion on created creative order matthew 19 the whole nine yards at that point it seems it's expanded seems to me if it would be wonderful if you were to expand the book but it seems to me the the way to expand the book would be with the whole chapter on um sort of anthropology the and the metaphysics of it what the nature of humankind um and the very fact that we would need to do that is one of the things that illustrates what has happened over the past 20 years because we were really focused upon the the the claims that were being made and the pushing of the the homosexual agenda and we did try and jeff was especially focused on on being broadly biblical in regards to a sexual ethic of mankind but now the t because the the t is antithetical to the l and that that whole alphabet soup is at war with itself oh absolutely and that's part of the design that's it's meant to be that way um the pope may have come up with the phraseology but the culture of death i it's astonishes me how many people do not recognize that the sexual revolution is like that with the culture of death and abortion right it's all meant to destroy human human flourishing back in the 60s the poster was make love not war but it turns out both make love then make war on the product of what you just did what you just did and the bloodshed downstream from roe so the 60s revolution hit in the 60s and then 73 was was row and uh massive bloodshed like 60 million unborn children in america have been have been killed and you wonder at what point do we say the old order that you heard about from your great-grandfather is gone right they burned the house down this is they successfully did it and there are a number of christians who heard stories about the old house who were standing out in the yard yeah right saying well when can we go back when can we go back in the house yeah there ain't nothing there left but we want to go back in you you christians are going to have to build it right and in order to build it you're going to need blueprints and if you want your blueprints you want you need to read your bibles and you have to get a better view of biblical law you you mean the bible has something to do with something outside the church yes there is the issue there's the issue there is the issue is the bible relevant to anything other than your son to go to meeting club right and that's what people are starting to find out thankfully thankfully so if um let's talk about practical solutions um and this i don't want this to sound self-serving but it seems i'm saying to a an apologist and an evangelist it seems to me that we need to start with preaching the gospel to to a world that is thoroughly befuddled but not the escapist gospel not the escapist gospel the the gospel that will allow you to proclaim a message of hope for your great grandchildren right right that's that's very different because that that gospel speaks to who you are as a creature of god and what your duties are before god right and too many people have the idea that no no no you're that's now you're now you're violating sola scriptura or solafide and you're not now the reformers can you imagine what john calvin would think if he all of a sudden appeared and saw what we're having to deal with today and and saw how we were in fact dealing with it exactly like i failed just just the fact just the fact we considered a great victory that we want to deal with it we would like to have a way of dealing with it but our fathers in the faith rose up and fought the dragon and they killed the dragons that they were dealing with they overcame they what is um uh what is it that overcomes the world is it not our faith so we need to say okay things have been bad before things have been hopeless before right things have been uh against all odds before and i'm i'm not using that i'm not opening up another subject here i just want to grab an illustration in the in the first week or so of the ukrainian war um and this was after the tail end of two years of leaders masking up and hiding in basements and right sneaking off to the nightclub yeah but it was two after two years of fear-mongering uh you know two years of fear-mongering and then the russians invaded ukraine we offered to fly zelinski the president out and he said i don't want to ride i want ammo right right and the thing that i want to point to just as an illustration is how that phrase resonated like oh you know he's a superstar he's just all of us all he wanted to do is stay and fight first like an ordinary you might describe it as ordinary heroism right um the the kind of virtue that millions of people had had in another generation but we've been brow beaten for two and everybody and what i want to do is say say to christian leaders look at that why he he's not a christian he's not a godly man he's he you know there's all sorts of problems there so why does he have something to teach you right what did you lose it where did you lose it um christian shepherds need to fight for their sheep and to to to to love the you either love the sheep and fight the wolves or you refuse to love the sheep or you just let a few of the sheep go to keep the wolves happy for a while yeah you feed them a little bit a little bit tribute payment isn't that what we're doing yeah is that what we've been doing with our young people we send them off to send them off to university and we've not prepared them we've not given we're we're giving a little bit of sacrifice to caesar to try to keep him keep him out yeah we we're sending a virgin up to the volcano every year every year and and this might be the simplistic fundamentalist in me talking but we shouldn't do that i i just you just completely losing you get so complicated like that um but you're exactly right throwing virgins into volcanic volcanoes and some will find some misogynist message in that something but i said stop doing it but but obviously what we're seeing i think is that the gospel that we had become comfortable with that does not challenge us to say anything to the world that they're going to find offensive outside of well you might not want to do those sins or you you might you know receive judgment someday the idea that there is an authority in that has been given to christ on earth in heaven and on earth um that's that's not comfortable christianity right that's not p that's that's not having uh peace with the world well we we were never supposed to have had peace with the world in that in that sense in the first place there was an anglican clergyman who said everywhere the apostle paul went there was a revival or a riot he said everywhere i go they serve tea there you go that's it there you go so why the most stalwart among our pastors and leaders are the ones who are actually trying to put out the fires that the bad guys set but we don't yet have pastors who want to set fires that the bad guys have to put out right right so we need to be preaching a hot gospel we need to straight up the middle uh and it's got to be a gospel that kaipe in a it's a it's a gospel in a ciperian setting a gospel that touches the world at every point you assume that everyone watching this knows what a kaiperian setting is i didn't miss it did i assume that so let me let me give you a classification and see what you think of it the the reformed you can divide reform types up into three categories um there's there are the pietists you know the the ones who just keep your notes clean get through this life be a decent human being the pietists uh there are the confessionalists who are you know doctor you know john tittle um are scott clark that type of names that type of guy and then there's the kaiperins the abraham kuiper was a a dutch um dynamo uh minister he yeah he was prime minister journalist theologian pastor uh founded a newspaper founded at a university was the prime minister of the netherlands and slate much obviously yeah tornado and boots is what he was and he he just did a remarkable thing but he's famous for saying that there's not one square inch over which the lord jesus does not say mine so um so what we're arguing for and operating within is a very much a kyberian stream what does the bible say about art what does the bible say about architecture what does the bible say about politics what does the bible say about engineering what is the you know the bible applies to and this goes back to our discussion in the previous episode of van till where van tilt said this book the bible is authoritative with regard to everything it addresses and it addresses everything oh but it doesn't tell you how to change the oil in your car that's the automatic response right to that one not recognizing what you're meaning by that is it provides you with a world view that has authority and direction that's not simply a fill in the blank that you get to decide how everything works and if it is the fill in the blank type of thing you have nothing to pass on to your children your grandchildren your great grandchildren that is consistent and that's what needs to be i don't know if there is a dark time coming okay i don't know how deep it will be and i don't know how long it will be i can guarantee you one thing if you were a christian in 1918 in russia you probably didn't expect that it was going to be 70 years and how bad it was going to get in the process right um but christ was still on his throne right through 70 years in that context and one of the reasons that i've become a post-millennialist aside from the fact that you know like my other three elders are much bigger than i am um and younger than i am too and one of them's used to be a world champion karate guide but uh the reason i become a post-millennialist is i need to have a way of understanding scripture not only that for me it's top to bottom it's this is consistent with the purposes of god and history and everything else and that's beautiful and psalm 110 and psalm 2 and isaiah 42 and 1st corinthians 15 it's all beautiful but what if there is an extended period of darkness that we're going into what message do you have to the people who come out the other end because christ will always christ building his church he's not going to fail but whoa it can it can become really dark yeah uh it was real dark in 1347 yeah i mean when the black plague hit you could have even tim lahaye could have just sold millions and millions of books right there pretty easy um but god got got everybody through that and it's going to happen in the future as well and so what are you going to what are you going to what message am i going to send to christians four generations from now right am i going to be silent am i am i going to be quiet or am i going to invest build send a message of faithfulness to the people who may have to go through much we've had we've had pretty easy lives let's be honest we've had lots of freedom but my grandchildren my great-grandchildren what if they have to face much more than you and i ever faced have i given them the foundation they need to have and you've touched on something important i'm glad you brought it up because i agree with you that we could be headed for a dark time it could be a brief period of turmoil five years or so it could be a generation you know [Music] but when we're in the dark time the one thing we should know is that the darkness cannot overcome the light right the darkness is going to lose we don't always have the timetable right it might be five years might be 50. um you're right you're right there the we tend to look at human history at church let's just look at church history and think that post-millennialism can be refuted by looking at it in five-year increments right no no no look at it in 500 year increments um so if you look at it's it's uh the the advance of the kingdom is not like the launch launch of a space shuttle where every second you've got higher altitude than it's not just off into the heavens it's more like walking from nebraska to oregon over the rocky mountains and you walk into the foothills and up a hill and then down and then up another foot and then down and you're going into canyons and crevices and but overall you're steadily going uphill so would you rather see the kingdom situated the way it is right now the kingdom of god the way it is right now or 500 years ago in 1 500. how about 1 500 and 1 000 how about 1 500 right well now you can see the growth the the incredible growth of the church so south america is becoming protestant faster than europe did during the reformation um and there's a lot of craziness just like there was in the reformation not supposed to talk about that um martin the anabaptists are running naked through safeway again what do we tell the prophets are back what are we gonna do about it yeah uh so there's always been uh in africa the same way the average i think philip jenkins was the one who said that the within a very short space of time the average christian on earth today will be a 30 year old black nigerian woman who's an anglican right you know um so the center marvelous things are happening in africa and very very messy right and south america and very messy and china china very messy i've often wondered i wonder if god would go hey guys watch this and then let the church just explode in china and then it becomes this massive light for the whole world it's not beyond his power no it's not beyond its power at all and the thing that we need to recognize is if we think that post-millennialism requires that every monday is sweeter and brighter than the monday before we're not going to be prepared for the hard trials that we're in but this is something that i when i was first becoming post mill when i was working through all of this uh one of the side worries i had was why all the cultural analysis that i was reading that was insightful and pointed and predicting hard times if we don't repent you know it was really important it was coming from reconstructionist types who were post mill and i couldn't why and why were all the people who were the doom and gloomers the the people whose eschatology was doom and gloom right they were like hey they're playing ball they're they're going along they're living they're living the suburban dream right right and the people who said everything we're we're going to conquer this place we're the ones who are getting me ready for battle right well i think it's no different now i think the i think post-millennialism is not a pollyanna faith but it's a faith for christian infantrymen people going um i will never leave you or forsake you if you take that statement from the end of hebrews and also from deuteronomy and joshua i will never leave you or forsake you if you looked for that on a christian poster in a christian gift shop you would expect that phrase that verse to be on a picture of a basket of kittens or not yeah not somebody in a landing craft at normandy right you what you should see is a panoramic view of normandy beach i will never leave you forsake you because that was given to joshua on the brink of the invasion you're gonna go fight giants yeah i'll never leave you forsake you right and in the next generation we're up against giants um big ones big ones big tech big government big corporate big you know we're up against some big giants and because the christian response should be so well let me because i want to do this for a long long time so this is this is my shot so let me let me throw this out there and i want to hear what you think about it the thought that i have had and i've expressed a number of times i cannot think in church history of a greater most more virulent enemy of everything christ taught and stood for than secularism yes even the pagan romans at least had the idea there was a god or gods that mankind had some kind of spiritual meaning you look at yuvil noah harari and the world economic forum the man's a jewish atheist homosexual and he's the one writing books like deus homo the coming god man and how we can be hacked and the next step of human evolution is um you know changing the genome and and all the genetic stuff and inserting stuff in us so we can immediately enter interplay with losing his abolition to man totally and straightforward so here's here's my thinking as a post-millennialist every enemy must be placed under his feet yes i've never seen a bigger enemy has the world ever seen a bigger enemy than secularism with with the evolutionary theory you have no meaning you are you're a bag of to use a star trek metaphor i like to use ugly bags of mostly water right moist robots you have no meaning right so there can be no resurrection there can be everything that christ stood for is utter nonsense that enemy must be put under his feet yes and i i agree with you completely what secularism is um that's one name the progressive left but say the secularist worldview is what you might call an inverse kyberianism right it's unbelief at every point right so what kuiper wanted to do is bring the lordship of christ to bear at every point in the e with paganism or in the old common grace days of eisenhower's america you could have an unbelieving next door neighbor who would share many view he would many of his views would be biblical he couldn't account for them right he couldn't defend he was blessed by him but he was blessed by them and and oftentimes he knew that he was blessed by them right he it would be he was a willing participant in that kind of common grace but what secularism is doing is revolting against the goodness of god at every point all the isms communism socialism uh feminism egalitarianism all the isms are whatever god says in his word they say no in the world whatever god says through natural revelation they say no it's kyperianism it's it's revolt against god all along the front but see my question then is if we didn't learn from the collapse of the soviet union 120 million people dead right how big does the collapse have to be before finally mankind for the rest of its existence says never that again we've learned our lesson right that would have to be a pretty big collapse yeah that would have to be pretty major and if it happened christ is still king yeah if it happens christ is on the throne and he what does he do when when christ is enthroned well he dashes the nations with a rod of iron iron he knows how he knows how to do that and we think oh no he wouldn't do it here well why not you know it might have a real impact upon all of us when he does so yeah and so we we should pray that god would spare us so that we can be part of the rebuilding right right but if if that's my grandchildren's generation then we hope that we have invested in them right the strength of testimony that will give them the foundation to stand on to be the ones who put everything back together again amen preach it [Laughter] thanks for watching if you'd like more of this kind of content be sure to check out canon plus that's where you can find all of my audio books and a huge collection of resources to help you engage with culture and live faithfully by subscribing to canon plus you're supporting the making of this show and more if you haven't joined up yet you can get your first month for just 99 cents by using the promo code doug 99.
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Keywords: canon press, canon press interview, doug wilson, moscow idaho, douglas wilson, christ church, theology, ask doug, pastor doug wilson, blog and mablog, christian worldview, pastor, moscow, christian, bible, podcast, politics, dougwils, canon, conservative christian, christian apologetics, james white, alpha omega ministries, dividing line, alphabet soup, lgbt, christianity
Id: DfucC7Xz2T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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