The ALMOST Perfect Electric Sailboat — Sailing Uma [Step 249]

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i like it we can just hit report from all right are we ready yeah rolling all right all right i'm ready when you are all right all right all right all right all right all right we're gonna do this before the stove goes out okay what's up everybody if you guys are familiar with our adventures you probably know how big of advocates we are of pretty much all things electric and if you don't know uh i'm dan this is kika we are on our boat uma which we salvaged from a wreck yard about six years ago we spent a year in florida refitting sailed around the caribbean rip things out put things back in including two different electric motors across the atlantic spent the winter in the uk and now we are in norway yeah just made up rap now you don't have to go back and binge watch all of our videos but if you do want to see our adventures definitely click that binge watch button get back up to speed just like them said for the past six years we've been selling on our electric sailboat and along the way we've experimented a lot and we've enjoyed testing all sorts of gear to figure out what doesn't work and what works in the real world with that said we have been in touch with one of our patrons graham for a while now who runs a company in the united states called green yacht sales they specialize in all things environmentally friendly in the marine industry but more importantly they're a yacht broker for electric sailboats one of the manufacturers that they represent is salona yachts based out of croatia who just launched their new 460 line and hall number one is electric yep so this week we are taking a trip to croatia yeah um how are we gonna get there don't worry i got this [Music] okay are you ready i guess ready for what pass me the book this one yes hang on i need to grab something for the beaver wait dan i uh have a feeling we are not in kansas anymore huh oh oh it's graham dan yeah graham is going to be there in 15 minutes okay so in the meantime i guess we'll give you guys a quick boat tour i hope we're in the right boat [Music] so [Music] so right now i'm sitting on the companionway steps behind me is the cockpit and there's two cabins one on each side of the hole and because this boat has two electric motors there's one underneath each bed so one of the super unique things about this boat in particular and what sets it apart from pretty much any other electric boat on the market right now rather than putting one big electric motor in the middle just to replace the diesel like most electric boats do they decided instead to put two smaller electric motors off to the side so underneath each one of these aft berths is you might recognize that one of the ocean volt servo props there's one on this side and there's one on that side so you get really really good maneuvering and double the regen while you're sailing so uh it'll be interesting to test these out and see how well it maneuvers and how much power we can make while we're out sailing okay so that's actually the same inverter we have since there are two servo props installed they've got two controllers and then one battery bank which is 30 kilowatts i believe so this boat should have plenty of speed and actually get pretty good range as well solona also did decide to leave this space relatively unmodified so if somebody did want to order one of these 460s without the electric it wouldn't be too hard to put a traditional diesel motor in there [Music] star wars on the port side there's a galley that's actually pretty spacious and oh a wine cellar there's only five bottles that could go in there clearly not enough across from the galley there's the head which is a pretty normal head there's a walking shower which is pretty cool and then there's the toilet here which is a normal that's loud soft clothes it needs soft clothes that's loud there's the salon area here which i think this table can unfold wow dude that thing's huge yeah this is huge you can fit like an entire basketball team in here it's pretty cool and you can fold it when you don't have a lot of people and then i'm assuming more cabinets and another wine cellar that's what i'm talking about so what's interesting too about this product is that they don't have a nav desk but so they put the nav instruments on the cabinets and what they did that's pretty clever is they're made a modular nav table which okay [Music] nope bring it yeah and put it back that's pretty cool i think nope wait no try again i really like that there's so many windows here and the windows are on the high side and on the low side so there's a lot of lights that come in another cool thing about solonas that sets them apart from a lot of other boat manufacturers is that the mast and the standing rig and the keel are all attached to a giant steel grid underneath here in the bilge and that just provides all the structure and support that all of those forces need and then the rest of the hull just sort of floats around that so it makes them really stiff and really smooth going through the water this thing's huge there's actually one sitting outside the shipyard that we got to see out of the boat and it looks like a pretty solid system actually forward of everything we have the birth which by the way didn't i totally call dibs on this room because graham is not here yet and the best part is those windows are going to be awesome i'm really excited to see when we're tacking back and forth to see the water going by cool oh mirror that's interesting uh yeah and then there's also another head and cool another shower perfect and that's pretty much it i think ford of this is another locker which could be used for fenders or extra sails and then forward of that is a chain locker so and then there's omega storage space in there [Music] [Laughter] oh hello [Music] and that's pretty much it uh we're just waiting now for graham to show up and we're gonna start making plans to steal out of here i am pretty excited to spend a couple days sailing this boat [Music] my name is graham balch i'm the managing broker for green yachts gringotts is a new boat brokerage dedicated to selling electric powered boats and green boating solutions that make it possible for us to enjoy the waters and take care of our oceans at the same time so we are in split croatia this is the uh home of selona yachts uh we are on selena s slona's newest sailboat the s460 and this hall number one has a twin ocean volt electric motor system in it uh and i invited dana kika to come here and see this because this is the next generation of electric boats with these twin ocean volt motor set up and there's no one else in the world who is a better uh evaluator of an electric boat than a couple who's been living on an electric boat for six years and we're going to be sailing around all the islands off the coast of croatia and all types of winds and conditions so that you can learn about how this boat sails and we i believe and selena believes that your experience and your ideas can help make this boat and other sailboats better and of course have fun along the way yes i forgot fun yes fun i hope we have fun [Music] cool well everything is put away and we're pretty much ready to go um yesterday we met up with the ceo of selena marin and he walked us through the shipyard and it was really cool for us to see the molds of the boat that they're building and how the boats are built and even walk through some of the boats that they are finishing afterwards we went on a media day sale with a bunch of journalists that were very interested in the selena 460 and i'm pretty sure dan even appeared in the local news let's go sailing [Music] you ready yeah [Music] turn down the lights tonight [Music] know [Music] tonight [Music] what's the plan do we know where we're going we're gonna try to anchor tonight the wind's gonna fill in this afternoon tomorrow and i guess tomorrow we might do some heavy weather sailing but first wine and food proper mediterranean stuff good croatian wine we have to sample it see if it's good yeah yeah one way to find out [Music] [Music] so so we just uh sailed across to this cute little island across the way not very far because it wasn't blowing very hard today but we pulled in right before sunset and we're gonna stay here for the night and um we'll still tomorrow morning but for now graham is making some dinner den is taking the night off yeah yeah today was kind of fun because we had a really nice sunny day and the it was blowing eight knots or so we were going into it so the boat points really well and we're enjoying just cruising into the wind nice close reach um i think we sailed about 10 miles today so it was a good first start and tomorrow's gonna be some more sailing but a little bit heavier weather sailing we got to test the boat for both conditions one for light weather like today was blowing four knots and we were moving at four knots so that was good and then tomorrow's supposed to blow 30 knots we didn't wait for a weather like this to sail which is funny because we've been here for a while it's been sunny the entire time we were here and then the week that we're sailing is the week that it's going to be shitty but it's okay because we like to sail no matter what i also have a carcelona jacket because we came to koresha thinking it was going to be warm but it's not so here's a fun fact we are ready to cook but we can't figure out how to turn on the stove no switch for a solenoid no gas no gas no food well no cooking food the solenoid switch that turns the gas on is missing or somewhere that we just can't find well i guess that would mean it's missing if it's somewhere but we can't find it that means it's missing we'll find it eventually we're gonna rip apart the whole boat the solenoids here we can see it that's what shuts the gasol the gas bottle off to the stove but there should be a switch somewhere that makes that click on and off right all right usually there's a breaker for these things these ones are all labeled it's that we have gas we have the good kind of cooking it's the unlabeled switch everything else is well labeled it's the only switch that's unlabeled of course it's the only switch [Music] how are the mushrooms [Music] [Music] today is our second day on the boat and we are getting ready to sail again it is blowing a little bit harder than it was yesterday so we're gonna need to reef but the thing is because it's a new boat we haven't none of the reefs are set up yet so den and graham are installing the reefs line right now and uh we'll be ready to go this boom's so tall you have to like lower it so you can even work on it uh first one's here all right that's not that one that is not a bullet i told you i didn't [Laughter] the pressure is on he's not doing that i'm not performing enough pressure angle on the feet he's doing that to flies last time i had to type bowling we spliced everything first try you're just practicing uh actually i was having a hard time going around this not so easy is it i don't like being on camera i'm not used to this welcome to our lives what you're a sailor you can't have bowling so the roofing system on this boat is kind of interesting we haven't used one before but it seems to make sense since the mainsail's so much larger on ours we pull the aft end down with the reefing line and then just clip the foot of the sail um onto the reefing hook and then tighten everything back up but this one has like a double line system and inside the boom is some sort of pulley block system so you pull a single line and the whole sail comes down with a rope on the front in the back so that's going to be interesting to try out it should be a lot easier because we can reef everything from the cockpit so one of the really cool things about this boat um aside from the fact that it's electric is that it has two electric motors which means it handles more similarly to a catamaran than a monohull and close quarter maneuvering is like awesome it's better than if we had a bow thruster so um yeah it's got twin throttles and we can put one and forward and one in reverse and start getting out of here like a tank only a really nice clean white sexy tank [Music] that is so awesome [Music] that is so awesome that is so much better than a valtteri could be and it's not all right are you getting wet it's like a little hose it's a sailor shower [Music] [Music] eight eight and a half eight knots let's call it and we're about to try hydro regenerating so this boat has the newer servo props or motion bolts on it we have the older sail drive that just has a feathering prop no a folding prop this one actually has a feathering prop and the pitch is controlled um so it can actually adjust itself based on how fast you're going to give you like better regen capability um and we're doing eight and a half nine knots so it should be plenty to charge our batteries back up 800. that one almost hit a kilowatt we are hauling along with first reef in the main on a beam reach in 20 knots of wind um and we're putting in right around one kilowatt per motor which is two kilowatts total um so if we can keep sailing like this we'll put in six kilowatt hours of power in about four hours which is significantly more than our boat but this boat you this is what truly makes the electric yeah better than a diesel in terms of potential range as long as you do some sailing yeah well it's a fast boat too and it's an efficient boat it's fast and with the twin motors you're regenerating twice as fast and arguably we're not losing any speed at least not real world speed i mean none that i can notice we're still doing eight and a half nine knots in 20 knots this is a conversation i've had with derek so much i was like i know i'm supposed to be losing speed but i tell you i didn't at least not at least not noticeable speed you know i i wish every sailor could experience this electric ceiling and the twin motors it's incredible [Music] wow [Music] doesn't feel like it doesn't no it feels like we're going six knots maybe yeah until you look down and you're like surfing based on what i've seen so far surfing i'm gonna guess this boat will get to 15. probably my guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] hello everyone today is an extremely beautiful and sunny day unlike yesterday we are getting ready to sail back to split but it's such a beautiful day that we decided instead of going straight there we're going to spend a few hours and enjoy this beautiful anchorage the water is absolutely beautiful and we're going to jump in [Music] oh [Music] ready one two three it's cold it's really cold it looks warm because it's sunny and the water is beautiful but it is freaking freezing [Applause] that's so nice the canadians i lost my canadian card so many times that i have to at least pretend like i still have it [Laughter] that is refreshing feels like norway i think norway fjords were warmer it was 23 degrees in the fjords this summer well since the water here is super duper clear and i haven't turned into an ice cube yet i'm gonna jump back in one more time and take a look at where the motors are installed and the rudder and the keel shape and stuff i'm gonna bring the gopro too so you guys can see it as well ciao i like that they're wider apart yeah i was interested about that with the double because i would have thought that like right behind the rudder would have been better for maneuvering right like a typical propeller on a boat but having them off to the side means you can get that like catamaran twist that's right that's right and i also imagine that during regen they're they're better because the keel is not creating turbulence they're like oh in open water and both of them are still in the water when you're healed over i would imagine as well that's cool [Music] now we're cooking med stuff because we're not cooking with ocean volts hydro regeneration which allows you to put energy back into the battery bank it unties you from the infrastructure that you feel dependent on with other boats so this boat can be set up so that you could never need to go to shore unless you needed food and it could be because the way electric boats work is you might use your electric motor with your motor for a couple hours and then on this boat after three or four hours of sailing you've put that energy back into the battery bank you can put solar on the boat that also adds energy back into the battery bank you start to make your boat sustainable in terms of living off the grid there are so many things that the electric motor makes possible that will redefine boating so for example this twin motor setup it is so much easier to maneuver out of a marina it eliminates the need for a bow thruster and the only reason why we can have this twin motor set up is because the electric motor is so small it fits under the aft cabin berths rather than having to go in the center area because it's so big like a diesel engine this boat represents what's possible when you start to think about about as an electric boat not converting a boat design from diesel to electric i think that diesel engine can be a crutch that keeps people from being better sailors i think you two have become great sailors because you don't have a crutch and you choose to sail rather than choosing to move i believe anybody with an electric motor is choosing to sail more and it's building their sailing skills and it's helping them sail in more conditions performance boats and the electric motor give that sailing experience back to boaters and we're really excited about not just putting helping people get an electric boat but helping people enjoy sailing [Music] so i think that when a lot of boaters think about going electric because it's new they have questions about how do i do it and what do i need to know and we want to make the decisions about what kind of electric system goes in your boat one that works for you but it's really important to set it up right and we love having the comfort when we start the conversation with a voter the first question we ask is tell us tell us about how you sail what are you looking for when you sail what kind of sailing do you do and we can design the system for the boat based around their needs so green yachts is based in san francisco california but we have brokers who are working with us around the united states but the easiest place to find us is at which i will link in the description video of course yeah because the point of greenhouse is not just to convince people to buy an electric boat is to have the awareness of electric motors and the like a greener industry and so opening the eyes of the curious mind we would love to see the electric community grow and you've shown everybody that it's possible to live on an electric boat to sail an electric boat anywhere around the world and we want to provide that opportunity to anybody wanting to buy a sailboat so that they too can be on an electric boat and enjoy the experience of an electric sailboat just like you guys have been for the past six years this first and foremost is a sailboat it's meant to be sailed the electric motor is an auxiliary propulsion not a primary propulsion and the electric um enabling them to be sailors not diesel not diesel mechanics oh my god that's great we're really excited about people buying electric sailboats and being sailors and not diesel mechanics [Music] well that was a lot of fun uh we're back at the marina now we just finished walking through the boat with marin and sort of going over the list of things that we found and little tweaks and improvements that they could make overall it seems like a really solid boat but since it's hull number one there's always little improvement so yesterday graham just flew out back to the states and the guys at solona are gonna spend the next few weeks going over this boat and fixing all the little things that we found while we were sailing and after this boat's actually getting on a bigger boat and getting shipped over to the u.s so that graham can start bringing its boat shows and having it available for folks who want to come see it but what he doesn't know is that we're going to leave a bunch of sailing guma stickers in the nav desk right there so if you're in the u.s and you want to come see this boat in the spring when it arrives uh ask him if you can take a sticker hopefully there'll still be some left ready to rock and roll that was fun yep you ready to go yeah all right okay dude give me a second she really i can't find it does that mean we have to take the long way home yeah i guess the old-fashioned way it is [Music] so ah there it is i was wondering where you dropped that cut and i'm trying not to highlight the green side as much like it's there coming from the shirt we're gonna go through and count how many times lots of electric [Music] don't break it that's the way that's the way i like it oh [Applause] you
Channel: Sailing Uma
Views: 530,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing uma, sv uma, uma, dan and kika, don't buy a couch, minimalism, living off grid, off grid sailing, sailing, sailing around the world, sailboat, boat life, sailboat life, circumnavigating on a sailboat, 1972 pearson 36, pearson sailboat, small sailboat, sailboat architecture, sailboat design, electric motor, electric sailboat, oceanvolt propulsion, oceanvolt, oceanvolt electric motor, electric motor on sailboat, electrobeke, electro beke, sailing in norway, norwegian sea
Id: jpAnGJpcnQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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