$60,000 Modern Yacht Tour REVEAL OF OUR NEW BOAT!

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[Music] foreign what's up guys welcome back to sailing GBU today is a very exciting video especially for me I've been waiting to film this video we are showing the reveal of our brand new interior of our boat yeah I mean I know you probably don't recognize me with the collared shirt on basically I ain't Larry lamonado no more I'm not James Bondo I got a new name now after looking at this you don't have to wear your holy outfits yeah my name is my new name is Thaddeus Thaddeus Worthington I'm a bougie boy now you know I worked hard on my boat so all my old thug nasty nature it's all gone now I'm a nice boy the boat is too beautiful to ever even claim gangster but you know we're going through the new boat today and a lot of y'all have been following along with us on this journey and a lot of y'all are new here with this journey so we remade our whole boat and we've been living the boat life for five years now and when you get into the boat life there's basically three ways you can do it you can either not have a budget which is the best way to do it by the boat go out and enjoy yourself don't worry about nothing you can have a decent budget and you know maybe finance a boat or get some payments or maybe just buy a boat like just under the hundred thousand dollar range and then go out and enjoy yourself and just fix things and update here and there or you can do it our story we're the only ones I ever heard of doing this that just buy an absolutely gangster boat with absolutely nothing on it and then just leave a lot of people have gangster boats but they don't leave and a lot of people leave but they don't have gangster boats we was the only one that intermingled those and we were not the only one but we're the only ones we was the most gangster and we suffered in a lot of ways like I said with hand steering we never had anything that could drive our boat so we had to drive it all the time which was crazy we never really had a reliable engine so we could only motor like maybe two miles at a time which was pretty crazy if you go 3 000 miles and you gotta not motor the whole way we never had a refrigerator we had a gangster cooler that would talk trash all the time so we had to ask him you know it was hard living out of a cooler for a long time and then what else we do oh yeah to even get off the dock I had to take driftwood that I found washed up in the mangroves and I fashioned myself a bracket to put the outboard motor a transom yeah so I could get the outboard down in there so I could motor down the intercoastal waterways of South Florida with my little 99 Mercury so we did some gang string we got our sails our first sales came out of the trash I did so much ratchet stuff that I can't even remember all of it yeah we got a sail out of the trash in Key West and he clipped him on his backpack Clips but we didn't have Hanks because bronze Hanks are like super expensive so I just use backpack clips from Walmart and we put 3 000 miles on that on that ratchet set up and you know what when we got here we decided it's time to live it up it's time to make some small contributions to the boat and upgrade it just enough to make it somewhat safer because I don't want you to die foreign so a lot of upgrades we had made on the boat were big ones you know big big major components of the operations of the boat the sailing of the vessel we got all new sales we did all new rigging standing rigging which was pretty crazy me and Kristen had to work hard on that and it's a big structural part of how the sailing rig works we got all new running rigging we did an all-new big solar uh panel farm and then we did our batteries and stuff like that not to mention we completely painted the outside completely reconditioned the bottom as well as the outside took her took out a bunch of soft spots in the deck so we had done a ton of work and we were really really committed to this boat on the outside operations and that's why we decided to go forward with this refit a lot of people had crazy questions well I guess not crazy questions it actually makes perfect sense we were obviously putting a ton of effort and a decent amount of money into our interior refit and people said oh why didn't you just take that money and buy a bigger bow a better bow and the reason that we didn't do that was because as for the small relatively small increase Financial investment in the boat interior refit we wouldn't be able to get a new boat a different boat anywhere near that price that would have new sales new rigging new solar new batteries Fresh Deck work and a fresh bottom job you're just not going to be able to find that very easily for much less than 60 70 000 which I can tell you we definitely did not spend on this refit so that's the reason we stuck with our old girl because we were committed to her and everything's brand new on her pretty much except for the inside and now the inside's even like better than brand new I'm telling you I really hate to brag and like blow my own horn on this but Kristen did an amazing job with the interior design and people were Larry Lambs knocked it out it looks so beautiful I can't believe it looks as good so let's get into it and let's go unveil the magic [Music] as you can see we are starting off in the galley we have made so many upgrades to this Galley I am going to be so excited okay that's a lie I never like cooking I'm gonna be so excited to maybe cook a little bit but to start it off we upgraded our sink we got a much bigger sink installed we used to have a smaller divided sink I know a lot of people like to divide it but oh people were mad boy I really like a bigger sink to catch as many dishes when you're on a boat last thing you want is overflowing dishes you don't have a dishwasher so you have to constantly keep up with your dishes it's going to be a great upgrade we also got a brand new Force 10 two burner stove and if you knew what we had before we had a broken stove propane stove with a camping gear installed on on top that we are trying to make it a repair it worked actually for a long time but we never had the oven now I have an oven I know it's hot and we don't have AC so I don't know how often I'm gonna use it but I'm excited to at least have it the next thing we did was we took off our old Dragon door it was a pull down cabinet with three small drawers underneath we never used the small drawers underneath there was nothing that could fit in those but Trinkets and trash pretty much so we took that out and now we have a perfect sliding doors it is fully made our space so much more in there and talking about space I know I'm going a mile a minute I'm excited about this but we upgraded our drawers before they were on what would you call this those bottom sliders basically sliders from 40 years ago so they were stuck and sticky and the drawers were small you couldn't even like barely fit in a spatula they were horrible Matt redid them for me put them on push button sliders and now I have so much more room even the bottom drawer can probably even hold pots and pans or these cookie pants for your or your muffin pans yeah she got a bunch of little pans for the new oven so your boy is going to be they're going to be calling me El Gordo sorry Dad I know you think I'm the fattest thing on the planet but I'm going to get even chunkier outside of the box you can see the new counters they probably look beautiful on tape they're a little bit funky on the edges here they're not crazy hopefully if you ever come by my mode I'll show you and I'll say look how terrible that looks and we'll all laugh together and drink a Modelo but I decided I wanted these to be as light as they could be a lot of people do Corian or some heavier materials I did it with PVC which was extremely light you can see I can move it whenever I need to it's 100 waterproof as well no rot no bugs so that's really really good and it was interesting and it was fun to make them they came out plus we now have the in slots so now this can be a whole working area where we have more counter space so I'm really excited about yeah Kristen said we were moving the cushions and the cushions were laying up here and she said who could even sleep up there and I said there's tons of counter space but yeah she she was weird about sleeping on top of the counters but yeah we did that one and then we did the companion way I completely redid that the old was like an old I don't know it blocked off a lot of the kitchen you kind of had to walk around it and it was just really ugly and it caught so much cat hair and dirt it had a bunch of little Corners in it that you could not get clean so we did a nice finished more modern look with that as well and um you know I read a lot of hardwood so that actually came out lighter also and then I did my slider trash can the slider trash can might have seemed like an overly crazy you know why is he doing that why is he going so luxury but it's a lot easier to clean when you don't have a door on the outside catching cat hair you know I'm not getting rid of bear that that's my heart and soul so I'll never get rid of her so I gotta deal with the cat here I gotta deal with dirt this is just a flat surface that you can wifey wipey you can cut things up on here and just slide it off the counter into the trash can yeah it's convenient you know was it easy no and I can still access everything back there I have a Seacock under there that I have to get to and I get to the plumbing easily as well so it was it was those were the great the great kitchen uh or Galley things that I came up with that I had fun doing and I think it came out well [Music] all right so we made it to our salon and as you can see we have new cushions the cushions on one side are reused from our old one and these are new high density foam on this side we have brand new Sunbrella fabric so it's gonna be good they're gonna last and I sewed them personally myself if you didn't catch that episode we also have brand new cabinets as you can see behind us the mat created these cabinets he designed them himself obviously they're custom to be completely wipeable in the front no dust or dirt can get stuck in weird trim now we can easily swipe across all of them and keep our boat clean on top of that we covered up the opening we had previously where you can see a whole bunch of junk one thing I hate on a boat since it's so small or any tiny living space is for you to see all of our junk just hanging out like the Clutter it just really bothers me so we covered that up and overall your new comments made a ton more space for us and I think it looks great and the clean ability I think is going to be a big life-changing event for me also in the salon I was able to completely redo the floors which was great because the old floors I had the wrong tools so there was a bunch of gaps Bunches of tracks it just didn't look good so I got the new flooring that thing's looking clean and wet I did the overhead lighting we used to do like the sconces sconches or something cuts sconces they used to just be lights on the wall and it was so dark in here that it kind of gave it like a dungeony feel for me the overhead lighting spreads the light evenly you can see a lot better everywhere inside the boat so I was really happy about that it's just the lighting isn't a focal point the lighting is just the lights you don't even really notice it at all so really happy that that happened and then also my pull out bed we're sitting on a couch right now but just with a Zip Zap of me pulling this it converts out into what I'd say is a full full-size bed it's bigger than a twin for sure so that just pulls right out I have a nice secondary sleeping area for when Big Mama gives me my walking papers from the V birth and says hit the bricks so it's sometimes when it's hot out sometimes it's just too hot in that rebirth you know sometimes they get real hot and down but anyway so now I have a slide out bed here too or for for Neighbors you know if we ever have a sleepover with our boat homies they can sleep on the the pull out bed so those were some of the major improvements in this Salon other than you know obviously we did trim and fresh paint and all that but those were the big big overhauls [Music] all right guys so we're back in the salon here I know we kind of covered that a little bit but this particular area it's not in a salon no more it's its own area of No Man's Land I wouldn't even know what to call it an extra counter perhaps a mini half Galley I don't even know what to say but this was just where our friends used to sit and it used to be our what it used to be a nav station but we don't do paper charts no more we don't really need a nav station the nav station is the phone it's 2022 and the good Lord bless you always roll your papers out technology yeah and I could I could use this as a an old nav station and before you get into comments saying one day you're gonna want them paper charts no we ain't never gonna want paper charts so don't even spend your time doing it but we converted this into a blues Locker this area right here you can open up this top part and that's where instead of storing the beers and the bilge we can now fit probably 12 bottles of liquor or a case of beer and six bottles of liquor and or wine you know we can do one or milk or juice we might decide to go you know to an a meeting and decide to retire from drinking and then also a refrigerator spot the fridge goes under there and now it's not just flopping all around we sail it's got some tie down straps in there so this area I can see bear sitting on this and pretending that she's scarred from Pride Rock just looking down you know lording over us and I think she's going to enjoy it but this was a great addition to the salon or the kitchen I don't even know what is it still on our kitchen it's the galley salon so it's salaly sagali sagali but then you get all the galley you know just tell them about our electric spot oh yeah the electrics as well obviously that was exposed before and it was looked like a washing machine almost so now this Dragon door comes down and then I have a nice electrical panel with the hinge with a a hinge on it and a clip a door clip so that it can open and I can do it really really easily and you know we're gonna still add I think some cool Electronics to this so having that easy access is going to come in handy foreign [Music] to what we call our half bath area it basically is the sink another sink for like the bathroom area but not in the bathroom or the head as they would call it we really upgraded this area with a brand new cabinet that has a nice decorative area underneath for towels or toothbrushes or decorations whatever you want to put down there we also upgraded the sink we got a porcelain sink that now is deeper and before our old one it was like uneven so the water would never like go down the drain and it would get dirty in weird spots it was a nightmare it's obviously 40 years old so we got rid of that and we still have some nice Lighting in here so overall this area has really came up in the world in my opinion foreign [Music] or should I say welcome to my humble commode this is the head of a bit of a boat the boat the bathroom's called the head so this is my new and improved one the old one used to have this crazy pocket door right here that was Buck Wild it came out like it encroached on your space while you were trying to you know exit yourself of toxins and uh I don't know how to nicely say that but yeah so I took the old pocket door out it was gone and replaced and you know now I have this cool door that swings like 180 degrees so it opens all the way up and now we have a nice open space in here where the pocket door used to be Kristen put a nice towel rack over there so that's good when you're done taking a shower you can reach over there and easily get your towel we went with the same overhead lighting in here which was brightens it up a lot more at night you can see yourself you know making sure you're getting everything when you're wipe and all that and uh in the shower the biggest there's two big improvements that we made this used to have trim that connected it uh to the fiberglass frame of the boat and what I did was I took all that trim off and connected it with the actual fiberglass from the shower to the fiberglass of the boat frame or panels whatever it was in there and then so now that's all water proof where water can't leak out at all and it's much much more wipeable where like dirt and slime and things like that you know soap scums that would set on that ledge those are no longer in there and then also we have the shower Niche which is a great place we used to have this weird thing that we got from like Dollar Tree that was like a corner sticking and that thing got filthy also it was a nightmare to clean it would fall off occasionally while sailing so the shower Niche worked out really well as well we still have our old electrical toilet and we just push a button and go off with that bad boy so it's nice in here nice trim on this Edge it's had all that old wood crap and it's beautiful I'm happy every all my wildest dreams came through with this head [Music] all right we made it to the v-birth my favorite spot this is where I sleep this is where I relax this is where I edit my videos and it got a full remodel basically we used to have old vinyl on the wall that we got from Joanne Fabrics that was not the real deal it got moldy I scrubbed it and scrubbed it it turned a yellow it was like I hate to say but P yellow color and it used to be a light cream so it had to go I ended up splurging on this foam back vinyl this claims to not change color from the Sun and it's supposed to not grow any mold so we'll see so far it's been nice able to clean it wipe it down I kept my same cushions that I had before we upgraded the lights again with the overhead lights and now I have a lot more they're a lot brighter and they're dimmable so you know you can get that romantic time up in the v-birth and then my new cabinets is the star of the show Matt made me a custom Cabinet before it was had no back so things would like fall out to the chain Locker which was horrible so I never really used it and he added a bottom pull down area so I have way more storage in here we also got new windows in the entire boat so now I can even see out my windows I can say oh shoot there's a dolphin who's that guy's boat almost crashing into us what's that over there so overall it's really came up in my life I almost forgot we redid my closet so I have more storage for my clothes we added drawers I also have motion sensor lights or just regular lights whatever you want to make them and I have a small pull out area for hanging up clothes I don't hang up as many clothes as I fold them so hopefully this brings up a lot more space for me and all my clothes and bikinis because you know I have a lot of bikinis I did cut down on them but I still you know me I can't stop buying them foreign [Music] T cabin and before we had it it was like my makeup room is what I called it it basically just had a dresser with a drawer and I put a mirror there and this is where I'd get ready and we also had this Pantry the biggest upgrade that we've made is we got rid of the makeup room and now we have a brand new washing machine it is a mini washing machine but it should help with all of our laundry and we have to hang it up still because you don't have a dryer on a boat but it's gonna do a lot for us and we just basically upgraded this room painted this so now it's wipeable paint so it should stay a lot better for our food and we replaced the flooring we made it into like a garage flooring because this is where we're gonna store a lot of stuff we took the batteries down a level they're underneath what I'm sitting on and now we'll slide our scooters in here our electric scooters and we'll have our way of Transportation on land so overall this room came up Matt even made his access door to the engine a lot bigger a lot more suitable and now that we have the laminate this overall room looks like a nice little cabin to stay and if you really needed to [Music] this was the biggest part of the whole refit this was the whole reason we even came to do this and this is what led us to this whole adventure of completely redoing the inside of the boat because we said well if we're going to do that we might as well do everything else too and that's old Clifford Clifford the Big Red Dog is the name of our engine I was sorry I put that in perfectly tight sized perfectly tight size wise oh a floppy came off that ain't good it's your floppy my floppy came off I gotta glue that down a little bit better guys don't mind me on that there when I pulled into Fajardo this this first time you know I was not a certified diesel installation person and when I pull out a Fajardo I will be certified as such uh we installed the engine completely by myself myself and Kristen helped me out with some of it the boys at the yard did help me put it on and kind of put it in here a little bit but I had to go back raise the floor up and do a whole bunch of that crazy stuff so the engine went in I connected all the hoses the muffler the coolants all that stuff the bigger access panel that Kristen was talking about earlier definitely helped with that it was a lot easier for me to crawl in to the back side and deal with the shaft so that I could get the alignment perfect so we got that done to dumb down the sound that's what this foam is actually for the foam does make it much much quieter when I run the engine you can hardly hear it it's like maybe 50 to 60 decibels so it's much much quieter I think I am going to do a little bit more sound damping learning to get it down as low as possible but I'm going to do that later because at where it sits now is definitely good enough but I want to do a quick experiment because a lot of y'all had some uppity uppity eruptions in the comment section when you saw me doing this everyone said oh my good lower mattress material is the most flammable thing on the planet which I didn't know apparently I had been around mattresses my entire life and I'd never really seen any of them just burst into flames but apparently this sort of flame is polyethylene or urethane something like that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this outside and I'm going to put it next to something that's also in the engine room like a little piece of uh plastic hose and I'm gonna just heat them up with the heat gun which I know gets to like 500 Degrees which is hotter than my engine room ever will get and I'm gonna see if this thing does burst into flames because obviously I don't want to burn my boat down so oh boy we're gonna find that out live [Music] foreign let's see how it does [Music] it's smoking it will melt but it does not catch on fire okay so it took about 25 to 30 seconds to even melt this to where it started putting off some smoke or some of that harmful Vapor I'm gonna get a temperature gun or a uh what's it called a what's the thermostat I'm going to get a laser thermometer and uh yeah and I'm going to test this a little bit more to see exactly what temperature it goes to but I can tell you with melting things with this and burning myself on it a thousand times this gets much much hotter than my engine ever will that engine diesel engine is going to shut off at about 220 230 240 if it gets to 300 it's definitely going to shut down and my alarms are going to be going off anyway so yeah because the tube melted just as much as the foam at the same time yeah the tubes that are all in there melts faster this melts faster it would catch in a flame I bet if I held this right up an inch away from wood that would catch on fire eventually either way this gets much hotter than the ambient temperature is going to be in my engine room so my logic to me tells me that there's no way that this is going to just burst into flames in the midst of my engine room I think it's going to be the same as every other foam that I've looked up it's just not as dense so it doesn't provide as much noise control but as far as viomability all start are all foam panels are most mostly unless you go really high in all equally as flammable so stay tuned stay tuned we'll see if we catch on fire and then also another big thing that I did a big addition I think to the overall happiness of life was the companionway doors I made him like swinger saloon doors so that now you don't have to take the little slats out pile them up they fall over you gotta get crazy and then pile them up and down whenever you want to go in and out of the boat at night but I have the doors with the screens inside that I can just close and the bugs stay outside and I can stay inside but if I hear something outside and I gotta run out I just open jump outside close them two seconds not a bunch of stuff to take out so pretty happy with that as well and then I also installed an autopilot we sorry I say I I mean we installed an autopilot and basically all that does is steer the boat while I don't want to do it and she doesn't want to do it maybe I'm catching like a world-class tuna or maybe I'm taking some photos of Kristen while we're sailing you know how girls like to get them photos when they're sound they all turn into Jeffrey Dahmer and they say okay relax just want to take some photos and then I'm like I'm trying to drive the boat she's like relax just want to take some photos stop that's scary so yeah it'll be great to take some like some more videography you know if we see a whale all the travelings we did we'd see pink dolphins doing flips and stuff like that true story and Chris it's like wow look at these dolphins and I'm like I can't hardly see because I got to steer the boat so now I'll be able to flick on the belly Dolphins we'll be able to flick the autopilot on and and you know we'll have we'll have some good things going so I think overall thank you so much for watching us build our new home but I think we came up over the world now we can do I'm gonna name five things that we couldn't do before this job and then you're gonna name five things that we couldn't do before this job so one thing we can do now that we could do before is bake cookies now you name something uh wash our draws with a washing machine another thing that we can do so we got baked cookies wash our drawers now we can wash your drawers if you pull up on me we're not washing none of it okay sorry we can't wash your draws um we can go outside of the boat without having to take the door all apart yeah I can clean the boat and it actually looks clean when I'm done we can clean the boat next to the Clean workout we can store our booze but not out in the wide open where everybody could see and judge us for drinking too much Jagermeister we can pull out the bed now for a much bigger nicer bed we can sit down in the shower to take a shower because it's so much more cleanliness in there and you don't have a bunch of weird edges with soap scum on them true uh we can now our countertop keeps a bigger spot so we have more counter on top of the kitchen area so I can do more bigger projects like you know knead out biscuits Maybe yeah or any sewing projects we'd have a more oh now I can take beautiful photos of you while we're sailing and I can go catch world class Tunas without having to steer the boat and we can or on a passage of 100 miles or more which is 24 hours one of us could actually sleep at some point and we can film at night time because of our lights bam that's 10 great things that we could do I'm sure there's a hundred more like an engine we can use our mother yeah we can use our motor how pure of sailors are we that we don't even consider using our motor yeah we have a whole motor we can back down in the anchor you guys know when I used to swim down there you can grab Mooring balls you're not having to sail to them boring balls without me having to jump off the front of the boat with a line in my hand and tie it on like a lunatic we don't have to push the boat with the dinghy no more so yeah those parts are good too I guess that's one small one small step for man one giant leak for GBU mankind so let us know what you guys think in the comments below and I think we're going to have to tell everybody how much it cost and how much our 5K bow I don't know if I can keep dragging on the 5K boat guys let me know should I should I keep dragging it along I think I'll never give up on calling it 5K but we bought it for 5K and I'm proud of it so I think it's just the amount that we suffered for the first four years of living on that boat that's why it'll always be the 5K bow ties we went to the Bahamas from Key West which was a four day overnight trip that we hand steered so do the quick math on that our boat goes 100 miles in 24 hours so that was four days of two people having to steer the boat so think of you can just consider how much sleep we got on that trip so for that one trip alone it will always be a 5k boat for me all the times I had to eat dirty ham out of the cooler water that had fallen in there once touched the cooler water she wouldn't eat it but I'd still be but yeah we're gonna we're gonna come back next week and we're gonna go over we're gonna do a video we'd like to do let us know in the comments below but over what this interior refit cost us an addition and then I think we're gonna go over some of the other components too obviously our sales are less than two years old our rigging's less than two years old you know what the engine cost basically I want to give like an up-to-date value of or what I would consider dollar for dollar what I have into this boat over the last five years and then also some systems components maybe explain some things like how much water the washing machine uses because I know a lot of you guys are considering getting something you can probably do some of those things as we go but let us know what questions you have down below and we'll probably answer those in the next video yeah next video I think we'll do the financial breakdown of what it costs to have a bow that's 37 feet long that looks this got dang beautiful also check out our merch I have a new shirt coming out guys get excited it's going to be a little different than what we have done in the past and it's might be limited edition it's going to be something to celebrate our big refit so she went if you guys enjoyed if you guys enjoyed this whole Saga and this refit make sure you cop yourself one of those shirts so anything else you gotta say it should be interesting no I I'm super excited about the vocas I can't tell you how happy I am with how everything came out we should be sailing pretty soon getting some stress on this rig seeing how everything works while we're out and about there rattling around bouncing through these vicious Seas um but yeah I can't say that you know I could easily be a doc princess now and just live at the marina forever and go wow what a cool boat you got to pop your collar for that foreign guys we'll see you next episode thanks for watching comment like And subscribe if you're new and we'll see you next week bye [Music]
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 722,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yacht, yacht tour, boat tour, new boat, new yacht, budget boat, liveaboard, sailing, sailboat, boat restoration, boat refit, modern interior, yachting, living on a boat, boat life
Id: V-5CiyPFxMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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