The AliExpress RTX 3070M

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hello everyone and welcome to another video now this is an AliExpress graphics card that was actually sent to me from a viewer by the name of Sam so thank you because I've wanted to look at one of these for a while in here is an 8 GB RTX 370m or 3070 laptop GPU that has been transformed into a usable desktop card you may have seen videos of other models in action but what these seem to have in common is a lack of support for a NVIDIA drivers before talking more about that though let's get it out of the box according to the packaging we have a quiet fan thick material high temp high temperature oh we certainly don't want that and solid performance speaking of solid the card definitely has a quality feel to it it's quite weighty this card is two slots wide and it requires a single 8pin connector it also has two HDMI ports and two well it has two slots for display ports but just one actual physical Port this is a laptop GPU after all it could be seen as a bit of a Frankenstein's monster and that brings us on to the drivers I was informed that official drivers don't work but the seller did provide a link to drivers for it when asked and these worked fine that said they were a bit dated luckily we can make use of a newer an apply named Frankenstein driver or Franken driver which will'll make set up and using one of these cards far more simpler there are also a couple of options to support the Creator and get access to the very latest news and Driver releases now this 37 TM seems to go for about $250 at the time of this video and the price could very well make up for the lack of official Nvidia support but on the other hand relying on community releases or seller supplied drivers will put some people off for sure I commend the person or people who have dedicated their time to make cars like this work but let me know your thoughts below would you get something like this have you got something like this now as I said before I didn't buy this one myself it was very kindly sent over by a viewer and one observation they made outside the driver stuff was that this specific card crashed after a couple of hours gaming I've been using it now for about a day on and off and as of yet I haven't been able to replicate this issue even when pushing it quite hard with raid tracing visual settings that brings us onto the performance I found that in operation the fans were certainly audible but not excessively so and I made no attempt to adjust the fan curve or the power limits out of the box this thing sat at around 60Β° when in games and consumed just over 100 wats of power in most titles its performance was very solid considering ing I paired it with my ryzen 5 7500f and 16 gigs of ddr5 6,000 MHz Ram I could have certainly pushed the settings and resolutions a bit higher in some scenarios so for our first game we have Red Redemption 2 with 1080p the ultra textures everything else set to high the geometry L set to Max and the grass L set to 2 out of 10 with TAA at 1080p here we seeing 110 FPS with a 1% low of 79 and a. 1% low of 71 so nice consistent gameplay result here we probably could have gone with 1440p and perhaps Beyond cyberpunk 2077 with the high preset at 1080p here and I was expecting a lot worse in terms of that average figure which came back at 100 FPS without any dlss or FSR upscaling the 1% low was 73 and the 0.1% low was 55 so all in all it was a very nice gameplay experience in Marvel Spider-Man I went with 1080p with a high preset and Ray traced Reflections enabled and left at their default High settings we also had TAA on here 110 FPS was the average with a 1% low of 71 and a. 1% low of 52 so again a very nice average here and we certainly could have gone with very high or even 1440p with the very high preset I'm sure for at least 60 FPS Starfield now this one is of course trouble for some Hardware but at 1080p with the medium preset and no form of upscaling enabled here we still saw 67 FPS with this car so a plus 60 FPS average without any dlss or FSR 2 51 was that 1% low and the. 1% low was 35 which I expected in and around those more intensive areas finally we have The Witcher 3 next gen at 1080p this time with the RT preset so really pushing it here with raid tracing enabled hbao plus was also on and SSR or screen space Reflections was set to low of course being a 370 mobile GPU we can also make use of D LSS as well as that ra tracing and here we saw an average of 73 FPS with a couple of little dips and drops but this was certainly a lot more intensive on the card than any of the other gameplay tests now in conclusion this is a very interesting GPU as some of these AliExpress Creations often are with no official support from Nvidia I can see why they won't be for everyone but let me know what you think Down Below in the comments and if you would like to send me something maybe an old piece of Hardware maybe something unusual anything PC related really please get in touch using the business email address in my channel details section alternatively tag me on Twitter at rg&d is it called tag I don't know I'm getting old mate thanks to Sam for sending this over and thank you to all of you for watching if you enjoyed it leave a like leave a dislike if you didn't subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and you want to of course and hopefully I'll see all of you in the next video
Channel: RandomGaminginHD
Views: 137,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: in21K0a1iNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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