The ALDC Heads to Australia! (S5, E20) | Full Episode | Dance Moms

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<i> Coming up on</i> Dance Moms... I am opening a branch in Los Angeles. But before we go to L.A., we are going to Australia! (girls cheering) I want to go international. ALL: Hi, we're in Australia! MELISSA:<i> We're in Sydney, so</i> all the girls can perform at the ASTRA Awards. (crowd cheering) JILL:<i> All the girls are here.</i> <i> All the moms are here.</i> Where's Abby? You lost your passport? If I knew where I lost it, I'd just go get it! It wouldn't be lost! And there's a lot of negative press. The dance community here doesn't want Abby here. ABBY LEE: You know what, Jess? You want to crawl up my ass? That's an ugly place. If Abby won't include Nia in opportunities... Show me your invitation. I'm gonna create my own opportunity for Nia. I'm not putting up with your (bleep) anymore. One of you said that you thought Maddie had plateaued. That's really nice, that you talked trash about my daughter. KIRA:<i> She's plateaued because</i> <i> nobody's allowing her to grow.</i> JILL: Maddie, don't be sad. MELISSA: She's fine. But she's not. She told me she doesn't want to talk about it. Oh, my God! ♪ Living on the dance floor. Oh, my God. <i> My passport case is missing</i> <i> with my passport, my driver's license</i> <i> and every credit card that I own.</i> (huffs) Yeah. I don't know. My passport case is officially gone. It is not in any of the bags. I've looked in them a hundred times. I've ripped them open, I've dumped them out, I've done everything, and... they're not there. I-I just don't know what to do. (sighs) Thank you. (whoops) JILL:<i> The whole team is here in Australia to perform</i> at the ASTRA Awards, which is equivalent to the Emmys. <i> We are told that anybody who is anybody</i> in the entertainment industry will be here <i> at the ASTRA Awards.</i> Hi, we're in Australia! So excited to be here! JILL:<i> This is fabulous.</i> <i> What a great opportunity for our children.</i> (all clamoring) <i> All the girls are here.</i> All the moms are here. One person is missing. Hi, we got here! We're in Australia. Yay! We're here, but what's going on with you? Melissa? I must've dropped it in the parking lot. Did you go to the bank to see if they have your passport at the bank? I'm gonna reach through the phone and choke you. Yes, of course, that's the first place I went! Well, I'm-I'm just asking because I'm just... I know, but people always ask! They go, "Oh, where did you lose it?" Well, if I knew where I lost it, I'd just go get it! It wouldn't be lost! JILL: So, when do you think you will get here, Abby? What's the best-case scenario? When will you be here? Thursday morning. JILL:<i> Really, Abby?</i> You're not arriving until Thursday? That's the day of the ASTRA Awards. <i> Here she is, expecting our girls to be perfect.</i> <i> And she can't even get her butt to Australia on time.</i> She's leaving us in the lurch. You guys don't realize what a big deal this is. Being that I'm not there, uh... you know, maybe it's better to just have Maddie do it. But I thought all the kids were invited to do it. HOLLY: I think all the kids are invited to do it. Yeah, all the kids are. Show me your invitation. Well, w-where's Maddie's invitation? I don't have an invitation. Well, I know... That's our point. Abby! Oh, I do. I have the e-mail. HOLLY:<i> Abby hasn't even stepped foot in Australia,</i> but yet we're already on the wrong foot. <i> I don't know why Abby's making this executive</i> decision-- she's not even here-- about only having Maddie <i> perform at the ASTRA Awards.</i> We don't need to be divisive on day one. There's no reason to have an adversarial relationship. Well, Holly, adversarial or not, I'm not putting up with your (bleep) anymore. That's the way it's gonna be. <i> After the conclusion of this ASTRA Awards,</i> <i> we are also performing in our own private event and</i> I personally invited Kalani, <i> Maddie, Mackenzie and Kendall to go</i> <i> to Australia. I did not invite</i> Holly, Nia, Jess or JoJo. <i> Since they decided to tag along, well,</i> <i> that's their problem. I have no plans for them.</i> You know what, Melissa? Don't call me anymore... I have to take another call. Does this feel a little like déjà vu back in L.A. when a certain someone wasn't there the first day? <i> If this Australia trip</i> is any indication of our experience in L.A., I'm not sure I even want to go. You know what? No. We need to make the best of our trip. She's not here. It's okay. (all clamoring) She's not coming for a couple days. Let's go check in to the hotel. I'm ready to go. Mm, whatever. Nobody can bring us down today, lets go! JILL:<i> We're here in Australia.</i> <i> The girls are here,</i> ready to perform. <i> We need to stay focused.</i> If Abby doesn't show up, that's her dumb fault. KIRA:<i> Holly, do you have anything</i> planned while you're here? No, I definitely want to do something related to her music. <i> Since Nia won't be part of Abby's private events,</i> I invited Mikey Minden, who produced Nia's music video, <i> to Australia. And Mikey is thinking of</i> <i> a concert that Nia can put on in Melbourne.</i> But I'm not quite ready to tell the moms yet that he's coming. Jess, are you planning on doing anything Nothing. Nope. while we're doing our events? (laughs) I'm just gonna enjoy Australia. Yup. I-I will tell you I tried to do stuff, and there's a lot of negative stuff right now, and my advice was to stay out of it. <i> There's a petition here to revoke Abby's visa.</i> The dance community here does not agree with Abby's teaching methods, and <i> after the ASTRA Awards, I think it's better not to have</i> <i> JoJo associated with what Abby's doing in Australia.</i> The dance community here doesn't want Abby here. Abby's behavior definitely dictates the bad press. <i> I don't feel sorry for Abby. I really don't.</i> I think, honestly, Abby's brought on a lot of this bad press on her own. JESSALYNN: I have a serious e-mail from good dance people that say there's a lot of negativity... JILL: Like who? being thrown around. And she said I was lucky that JoJo's name was not a part of it. Like, it's very serious. Whose name was a part of it? Well, not mine and not hers. Oh, they had names? Uh-huh. They named our kids and...? They named everyone. JILL: See, Jess, uh, see, you want your cake and you want to eat it, too, because you don't want... you want to be associated with Abby when it's all this fun, good stuff. And when it's something negative, "Oh, my kid's name wasn't on there." Like, that's not fair. I wasn't invited to do your events. I didn't even have the, have the opportunity to say yes or no. Right, I understand that. Just so you know that. Jess, do you want to be here or not want to be here? <i> Because if you don't, I guess, just get off the bus.</i> ♪ On your marks ♪ Get set, go... Let's all do that. Watch Nia. Take your... Hi. Hi! How's rehearsal coming along? It's good. I actually just started, so... Ooh! I'm hoping to get it all done today. So then tomorrow we can just clean and perfect it. Have you heard anything more from Abby, like...? I talked to her when I ran up to my room for three seconds, and she just kind of gave me what she wanted with the routine. <i> Abby ultimately decided to let all the girls perform because</i> it's such a great opportunity in a huge venue. <i> She's worked out the creative,</i> <i> but it's up to me to do the choreography</i> <i> because she's not here.</i> It's called "Bulletproof, Baby." Maddie's the lead and then the girls are backup behind her. And it's just about the girls being bulletproof, and you can be knocked down by words and this and that, but these girls aren't going to be. Oh, I love that. Yeah! I like that. You're resilient. <i> The title for this week's performance,</i> <i> "Bulletproof, Baby,"</i> is basically a reflection of Abby's bad press. I think Abby's making a statement to everyone, <i> "I'm not going anywhere."</i> <i> It's easy for Abby to make that statement.</i> <i> We're here in Australia,</i> and she is nowhere to be found. Oh, it's Abby. It's Abby. Hi, Abb. I need to know what's going on. They're working on the dance right now. The girls need to realize that this could make or break them.'s gonna be by this show. If I ever want a franchise there, if I want to start my own dance competition... This is a big deal. Abb, you know that Jess had seen some bad press naming the moms, you, the kids, specifically. Well, Jess, maybe when you learn a little bit more about show business, you'll understand that any press is good press when they spell your name right. Keep telling yourself that. <i> You know, Abby can think</i> <i> whatever she wants about this bad press,</i> but eventually it's gonna bite her oversized butt. ...that can't even have her own dance studio successful talking about my bad press? We don't really need five dancers because it throws the numbers off since Maddie's featured-- I need two on each side. ...and we won't count on JoJo. JESSALYNN: Well, I think JoJo's already in the number. I don't think you're taking her out of the number. Okay, you want to crawl up my ass a little bit more in front of your kid and teach her that? What? You want to crawl... to kiss it a little bit better? I think that's a little inappropriate. All your dancers are in here, Abby. They can all hear you. Well, that's okay, I think your daughter should know that's what you do. A teacher should never say anything like that. It's awful. I-I felt really bad all day that I wasn't there and that I was letting everyone down, and now in the last ten minutes, I am so glad I'm not there. She should have stopped before she said that. Abby is actually getting worse, and I know that's hard to believe. To be so blatantly disrespectful <i> to the moms in front of their daughters</i> <i> is absolutely, to me, egregious.</i> I cannot imagine any leader doing that. <i> I think she might as well just stay home.</i> Why don't you get the light out of my face? ALL: Oh... KIRA: It's beautiful. JILL: All right, who's gonna make a toast? To the land down under? BOTH: To Australia. We're in Sydney so all the girls can perform at the ASTRA Awards. <i> It's a huge opportunity for the girls,</i> <i> but Abby has lost her passport.</i> She's not here yet. <i> Hopefully we can make the best out of the situation</i> <i> until Abby gets here, if she gets here.</i> Abby, uh... she just... she just goes there all the time, to that negative dark place, you know? We're trying to find out what's going on, what's the plan, Gia's working with the kids, and she just kind of... has to put a damper on things. She's the one that lost her passport, She's not even here. missed her flight, isn't here. We didn't do that. JESSALYNN: No. And our kids... our kids would be reamed. If our kids would lose something, they would be in so much... Can you imagine? And I thought Abb was comical today when she said, "Oh, bad press is better than no press," or whatever. I'm, like, Abby was flipping out at the beginning of the competition season <i> when she was getting all that bad press,</i> <i> and she was running away from her own studio.</i> ABBY LEE: I have to make a phone call, guys, I'm sorry. HOLLY:<i> Abby has a tendency when she's afraid of something--</i> she avoids the situation. <i> I think she doesn't want to get here</i> <i> any sooner than she has to,</i> <i> because she doesn't want</i> <i> to be accountable to any of the bad press.</i> <i> So how ironic</i> that she doesn't have her passport to come to Australia. What would you do in my situation? WOMAN: Well, I mean, what state were you born in? Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The only thing you can do, I could give you a contact number for Pennsylvania, you can call them and have them... to send you a birth certificate. S-Send it, like, they can fax it? Okay, so there's no other way to get a state I.D., not a driver's license, just an identification card. Right. Okay. I don't know what to do. JESSALYNN:<i> So JoJo said to me, um...</i> "Mom, they must have been talking about me in Ireland." There's a lot of stuff on the Internet about it. JESSALYNN:<i> I wake up to all these e-mails of,</i> <i> "Did you see the video?" "Did you see the video?"</i> And here it is, a video of the ALDC girls making fun of JoJo while they're in Ireland. GIRLS (mimicking JoJo): "I get this for free and that for free and that for free." KENDALL: Even if you pour water on her, she will not shut up. <i> I am completely shocked and mortified</i> <i> that these girls would do this to JoJo,</i> and that their moms or Abby didn't put a stop to it. Did you think it was innocent? I-I don't... I... as a teacher, I don't think it's so cute. But it was innocent. They never said anything that they hadn't already said to JoJo to her face. <i> Kira is one of the worst moms I know.</i> It doesn't surprise me at all that she's standing by what Kalani said. <i> I mean, when we first came to the ALDC,</i> <i> Kira was making fun of JoJo.</i> And, "Oh, I got these for free, and I got these for free, and I got these for free." Has she told everyone she gets stuff for free? Yes. Has she...? Does everyone at this table get stuff for free? Yes. Do they all announce it? No. JILL: Not the point. Not the point, Jess. You hide it, we don't hide it. She does... Exactly, so they say that. Okay. Okay. So that's what they said. True. Fact, they stated a fact. Now, how did they say it, Kira? Did they say it like you said it No. when you were mimicking JoJo? So they learned it from you. "I get this for free and this for free." They were making fun of her. They were making fun of her. They said it the way she says it. No... I don't think they made fun of JoJo. I think they were stating facts. They were... they were in the moment. They were getting the crowd to... So you're just gonna defend your kids Yes, I... no matter what. JESSALYNN: Even if they do something wrong, JILL: No, nope. you're just gonna fight tooth and nail for 'em. Nope. Nope, because... Actually, I'm the first one<i> not</i> to defend my kid. Oh, you're the first one to not give a (bleep). Yes, I know that. The world's an ugly place. Our girls weren't making fun of JoJo to be mean. <i> This is what the girls do to each other.</i> <i> They're always teasing each other.</i> <i> They would never hurt one another.</i> <i> It's not a "mean girl" thing,</i> it's just a kid thing, for goodness' sakes. Thank you, I needed that. JESSALYNN:<i> Based on Abby's reputation in Australia,</i> <i> after the ASTRA Awards,</i> I plan on keeping my distance and just doing my own thing. All right, now that Maddie's not here, there's nobody in front of you. There's nobody right on the count every time, so that means you guys will have to be, okay? Nobody to watch, just you guys. This is a big deal. Ready? KIRA:<i> The girls are performing at the ASTRA Awards tomorrow,</i> so these girls really need to pull it together, <i> but Maddie's missing rehearsal</i> <i> to do an interview in place of Abby.</i> <i> Let's all remember this</i> when our kids have to miss a rehearsal, and Abby rips 'em a new one. I think it's interesting, the-the pressure that Abby and Gia have said this is like the American Grammys, and what an opportunity, and it can make or break you, but yet Abby pulls Maddie out of... KIRA: The funny thing is, too, is I don't know that they had specifically said tailor the number around Maddie. A lot of these dance industry people, they've already seen what Maddie can do. They've seen Maddie, so the fact that she's highlighting her, they're, like, oh, they're gonna pay attention to the background dancers JESSALYNN: They will... more than they will Maddie. They will. Been there, seen that, done that. Like... And she does the same thing! She's not showing any growth. Any... No. No. Anything. She's plateaued. KIRA: Past... You think? Because... Well, the thing... No, she's plateaued because nobody's allowing her to grow. To grow. Because they're doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again. Sia lets her grow. JILL: I think she's growing out... outside of dance. <i> I don't think Maddie has plateaued at all.</i> So what if Abby has put Maddie in a box? Look what that kid has done. Everybody around the world knows her, <i> and every child wants to be her.</i> MELISSA:<i> Maddie and I are on our way</i> <i> to Channel Nine to fill in for Abby.</i> <i> It's really nice to be able</i> to spend some time with just Maddie and I, and we're just talking about <i> things that are going on in Australia.</i> So, yesterday, Jess showed us a video that somebody put up online. It's at one of our events. You girls were asked about... JoJo and if you all liked her, and everyone was kind of making fun of her. I did say that she was loud sometimes, but... And I feel really bad, because I never want to hurt anybody's feelings. I mean, she is loud and... But that's just how she is. That's her personality. I'll probably just tell her that, you know, I'm obviously really sorry and... I never meant to hurt her in that way. My plan to just apologize to JoJo would just to be to tell her <i> I love her so much</i> <i> and she's a great asset</i> to our team and... I mean, we love her like one of my sisters. So, on the interview today, what do you want to talk about to Australia? MADDIE: Obviously, the tour that we're going on and the ASTRA Awards, and even though there's a lot of bad things happening and not so many people like us here anymore... No, don't say that, Maddie. And don't say that on the interview today. At all. I won't. Because... that's not for kids. Because it has nothing to do with you. I know, but I feel like it does, because we're part of the life. Well, you are part of it, but... If someone does ask her <i> about any bad press,</i> <i> she's very good about it</i> and she can handle herself. Thank you. ABBY LEE:<i> I went to go to the airport</i> with all my bags. I go in, reach in my purse to get out my stuff to hand to the girl for my ticket... nothing. I'm dumping my purse out, freaking out... And it was like, oh, my God, oh, my God. 'Cause then it's all my credit cards, too. So it's been a nightmare. So we're going to take care of this for you. I might make it. Yeah. So we'll do everything for you. Thank you very much. Thank you for being kind. Thank you. JILL: Oh, my gosh. MELISSA: Oh, I love this weather. Oh, my gosh... MELISSA:<i> ASTRA Awards are only one day away.</i> I think the girls are prepared; <i> however, we need Abby here before the girls go onstage.</i> <i> Our girls can't make a fool out of themselves</i> <i> in front of the entire</i> community in Australia. JILL: So do you think Abby's gonna make it? MELISSA: She's gonna have to be on a flight soon. She has to be on a flight tonight in order to be here by tomorrow. Right. And no one's heard from her? JILL:<i> We really, truly have no idea</i> if Abby's gonna show up here in Australia. So, do you think Maddie is good with, like, missing the rehearsal and learning the dance quick in the dressing room and... Do you think that was any big deal for her? No. JESSALYNN:<i> These girls have been working so hard</i> to prepare for the ASTRA Awards, <i> and Melissa's acting like it's not a big deal</i> <i> that Maddie missed practice.</i> Our kids are the background dancers and they're the ones that are putting all the work in. Do you get, like, frustrated that Abby doesn't challenge her or give her anything or give her any more of her? What do you mean? This is the whole group. JESSALYNN: Right. I'm just saying, like, with Maddie. No. JILL: Well, I think what Jess is getting at is, earlier, Kira had said that Maddie... What-what were the words? How did you say... KIRA: No, I said that her... Like, she's not able to grow... She's not growing as a dancer. ...because she's doing the same turns... Oh, I think Maddie's growing quite well as a dancer, thank you. But she's doing the same turns that she's done since she was, like... forever. I'm not gonna bad-mouth Maddie's teacher, so... It's not bad-mouthing Maddie's teacher. Hmm... kind of, yeah. <i> The other moms think</i> that Maddie is not being challenged, but I disagree with them. She's being challenged every week. It doesn't matter if we do a lot of the same things. You still have to do them well. <i> I can't help it that my daughter</i> <i> gets picked to be the lead in a dance.</i> Maddie's a leader and everyone knows that. One of you said that you thought Maddie had plateaued. That's really nice, that you talked trash about my daughter when I wasn't here. I don't think the word was "plateaued," as far as a, like, dancer. It was... Maddie's just starting her career. KIRA: Yes, but it was... Just saying. It was a... It was more of a... she's big now and she-- it's great and that's amazing, and what you do with it now is either gonna go further or it'll stop. KIRA:<i> When it comes to Maddie,</i> <i> Melissa has blinders on.</i> As a dancer, you never want to plateau. <i> You always want to continue to grow.</i> <i> And you never want anyone to hold you back.</i> Melissa just doesn't seem to care. JILL: Look up there, look up! HOLLY: Oh... This is incredible. MADDIE:<i> The stage is so big</i> and I'm so excited, <i> because I think it's the biggest audience</i> <i> we're ever gonna perform at</i> as a group, together. I've definitely performed at big stages, but not with my team, so it's gonna be great to do it together. So, if the girls can end here, and then can exit stage left... Okay. ...that would be great. Okay. Guys, beginning pose, please. JESSALYNN:<i> At this point,</i> <i> we are only one day away</i> from the ASTRA Awards, and I don't even know if Abby's gonna make it. ABBY LEE: Could I have one of these pink and white things here? Of course. GIANNA: Freeze. JoJo, you and Kendall with the spacing today. I don't know what's going on. There's no screwups, there's no mess-ups. You can't just be in the wrong spot. (phone ringing) That's not a thing. There we go. Don't move. MELISSA: Hi, Abb. Gia's right here. Hi, Abb. Think big. It can't be little, tiny movements. They need to be big movements, like a... a jump needs to be, like, "run, run, glissade, leap!" It has to be big. GIANNA:<i> Even with Abby</i> halfway across the world, she's still trying to control every aspect of this dance. <i> She's second-guessing everything</i> <i> without even having seen it.</i> <i> Abby's stress level is only putting more pressure</i> <i> on me and the girls.</i> I've got this covered. Uh, girls, let's run it through from your first mark. ♪ You've thought it all, said it all ♪ ♪ Let it go Find your lines. ♪ All that's left to do HOLLY:<i> The ALDC has to do well</i> in Australia, because our next stop is L.A. and we want to make a huge mark there. After we talked yesterday about the negative press, it's nice that people get to see the girls in this kind of light, because they're doing something so positive. Yes. And I think it's important, 'cause people, I think, in their efforts to probably tear down Abby, they're trying to go after the girls. So we have to, as much as we can, continue to promote what they do and have the public see them in a light that's positive. HOLLY:<i> I like the theme for this week's group dance.</i> <i> I think the theme "Bulletproof" will serve our girls well.</i> It's not just Abby that has to be resilient when it comes to negative press. <i> Our girls, if they're going to stay</i> <i> in the entertainment or dance industry,</i> also have to develop a thick skin and rise above any kind of obstacles <i> or challenge.</i> ♪ Until you're fearless. (whooping) Okay. Good. Hi, Andrew. HOLLY: Hi. Thank you for fitting us into your schedule. Oh, my gosh, thank you for having us. We're very glad to have you and we're gonna have lots of, um, pretty influential Australian media executives, a lot of, uh, presenters from different shows across Australian television. JILL:<i> These kids need to be</i> at the top of their game. <i> If all these people are somebody, out here</i> <i> watching them,</i> they need to be their best. ABBY LEE:<i> I just landed in Australia,</i> <i> and I am thrilled that my feet</i> are standing on Australian soil. I didn't think I was gonna make it here. <i> I'm exhausted, but I am really happy to be here finally.</i> The ASTRA Awards are tonight, and I haven't even seen the dance yet. I haven't seen my kids do it. There's a lot of work to be done. MELISSA: Hey! Well, uh, I'm going to an awards show. Hi! Hi! Ah... Abby definitely pulled off the impossible. <i> She didn't even have an original birth certificate.</i> May I sit in the front? Hold on, let me get in first. Oh, it's on the other side, if you want to... Oh, that's right. MELISSA:<i> The other moms didn't think that Abby was</i> <i> gonna show up in Australia.</i> I knew she was coming. The, um, group dance got finished yesterday, which was great, 'cause she did it within just a few hours. Does Maddie start, like, center upstage dark? In darkness or no? Um... No, they all come out together, like in a clump or something. Okay, okay. (door opens) Hey! Hi! Look who's here! Hi. <i> I have a half an hour</i> to shower, do my hair, <i> put my makeup on.</i> <i> The last thing I want to deal with</i> is a bunch of moms in my room. They should know better. Welcome party. Welcome to Australia. <i> I'm a little bit shocked that Abby has</i> found her way here to Australia in time for the ASTRA Awards. <i> I should've known she was not</i> gonna miss this for anything. The girls are good? They're great. They've been rehearsing. The girls are great! Good, good. I'm so thrilled that our kids get this opportunity. Right. Well, speaking of opportunities, Abby, Nia's going to be doing something in Melbourne. She has a performance of her song. <i> I want to be as proactive as possible</i> <i> when it comes to working with Abby.</i> So, since Abby has just arrived, now's the perfect time for me to tell her. <i> Nia's going to be putting on a performance</i> <i> while she's here in Australia.</i> And knowing Abby, I don't know what to expect. So, just wanted to let you know. I don't have all the details yet. JILL:<i> I think Holly was trying to catch Abby off-guard,</i> <i> so it wasn't a big blowout.</i> And what better way than to ambush her in her hotel room? And they will not announce the Abby Lee Dance Company, correct? She's not dancing... (stammers) as part of Abby Lee Dance Company. It has to do with her music. <i> It's like she has that much contempt for my daughter</i> <i> that she doesn't want her to even reference</i> that she's a member of the Abby Lee Dance Company? Okay, that's fine. I think I understand where we're coming from. So, she's working with Mikey Mendin, so... Is it during one of our events? I don't know. Or is it on a separate...? I don't have the details yet So, of course, if it's not, everyone's invited. The girls, you, the-- Abby, of course. MELISSA: That's what I was wondering. HOLLY: But anything I do outside of the ALDC, I will not use your, your name, even though that's biographical record. Holly seemed to learn a lot for those few weeks she stayed in L.A. <i> She seems like she knows everything.</i> <i> Every agent, every music producer,</i> <i> every this, every that.</i> Maybe you don't need Abby anymore. I'd love to entertain you all day, but... I have to get ready. JILL: See you in a little bit. (indistinct chatter) GIANNA:<i> I'm really nervous going into our last rehearsal</i> <i> for the ASTRA Awards.</i> Abby hasn't seen the piece yet, and I don't know if this is what she's looking for. Hi, Abb! Hi, baby! How are you? Great! I want one, too. How you doing? Good. Hi, babe. Hi. I'm okay. You made it. Yeah, how you doing? She's an idiot. Seriously, you're in Australia. <i> You're meeting people from a TV network,</i> <i> and you show up in curlers.</i> <i> You look like an idiot.</i> (laughs) ABBY LEE:<i> This is gonna be the first time</i> <i> I actually see the kids dancing.</i> And they need to represent the Abby Lee Dance Company to the best of their ability. <i> To the best of my ability.</i> <i> So I want to make sure that everything is perfect.</i> And if I need to change things, it's now or never. That has to roll right through. ♪ On your marks ♪ Get set, go ♪<i> Jump</i> ♪ ♪ If you wanna jump ♪<i> Fall</i> ♪ ♪ If you wanna fall (whoops) ♪ You don't need anyone to catch you ♪ ♪ Over and over and over until you're fearless. ♪ (whoops) JILL:<i> From where I was sitting, watching the girls,</i> <i> I thought they looked amazing.</i> I don't know what Abby's gonna think, <i> but we're down to the wire, we don't have time for changes.</i> This has to be good enough for Abby. Uh, you think JoJo's late? Like three times or no? Yeah, she was told that twice yesterday already. ABBY LEE: Okay. You-You're late. Maddie, your corrections. When you're on this piece up here, you really need to look backwards over your shoulder and take the crowd with you to the switch jeté. Nia, twice, twice, you're rolling down to the floor on one section. And you're completely flexing your foot. Why does she have to do this? It was fabulous. ABBY LEE:<i> It's not just important that we do well on this Australia trip,</i> it's vital. <i> We have to start this trip out right.</i> <i> The Australian tour</i> <i> is the only pit stop we have</i> <i> before we hit L.A.</i> I want this to be the best performance ever. They have to knock one out of the park here or, let's say, win an ASTRA with this performance. Maddie, that's gonna be a really big shot right there, so you need to, you need to swallow... (gulping) ...and not breathe. All right. Let's go. HOLLY:<i> It's exciting to have</i> the girls in the dressing room getting ready for the red carpet event. This is the first red carpet event in Australia. <i> I mean, this is basically their debut</i> <i> to the Australian media.</i> <i> And right after the red carpet event,</i> <i> the girls have to get onstage and get ready</i> for their performance, so... there's a lot of hustle and bustle. ABBY LEE: Girls, this is, uh, a great opportunity for you all to be on the red carpet. We're here at the ASTRA Awards in Australia, which is a huge honor. They know Sia. They know the success of the "Chandelier" video featuring Maddie, and they wanted her to perform. But as a manager to some of you, I said, "Ooh, yeah, of course she's gonna be there. "Of course she'll perform, but my other girls are in town, too, and I would prefer that they all danced." Are we ready? Yes! Yes! Yes, we are! I know! It's crazy, isn't it? I think it's because of the huge number of dancers that you have. Mm-hmm. And amazing dance teachers, which is most important. It was amazing getting to work with such a big celebrity like her. KENDALL:<i> Being on the red carpet is amazing.</i> It's my first time being at a red carpet in Australia, <i> but it kind of feels like it's all about Maddie.</i> Nia, congratulations, you've got a song out at the moment. How's that going, and what's it called? It's called "Star in Your Own Life," and I am so excited to be here right now because it got pretty high up on the charts here. NIA:<i> After hearing about Maddie and Sia</i> <i> for the last 30 minutes,</i> I finally get to hear something about my music video. This is so exciting. Girls, it's so good to see you here. Can't wait to see you onstage. I wish you were there tomorrow, because you are a part of the ALDC. MELISSA:<i> Starting tomorrow,</i> Abby scheduled several private events that she only invited <i> Maddie, Mackenzie, Kendall and Kalani to.</i> <i> Honestly, after tonight, there's no reason</i> for Jess and Holly to be here. I just want to tell you, don't show up tomorrow. But any of our events, it's gonna be really not good. I don't want trouble. HOLLY: I want to go on record... MELISSA: You won't. I will never go someplace where I am not invited or not wanted. Melissa, can you be any more disrespectful? Like, in your face, "You're not included. Don't bother to come." Like, you're a teammate, <i> you're a friend?</i> <i> It's one thing to hear</i> this kind of nonsense from Abby about exclusion, but now to have the other moms chime in and basically carry on her battle cry? Hurtful. We have paying customers coming to see our kids, and I would appreciate you not doing that. HOLLY: I'm like, you're wasting your breath, 'cause if you think you're worried about me showing up at your event... JESSALYNN: Uh-uh. Sorry. (chuckles) You're wasting time, 'cause I am... there is no way I'm coming. No. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right, so... MELISSA:<i> To be honest with you, I'm trying to protect our fans.</i> I mean, our fans pay a lot of money, and they don't want to come into a fight, 'cause that's unprofessional. 'Cause it would look really bad for us to have an argument there in front of all... I-I wouldn't have an argument. (moms cheering) Oh, I hate you so much. You did? What happened to your hair? Really? You guys need to get ready, so, everybody, let's go. All right, let's go. Showtime, folks! MADDIE:<i> There's 20 minutes before we go on,</i> and we're not even dressed, <i> which is a little nerve-racking.</i> JILL: Do you have the NARS burgundy? The NARS stick? Is this it? So, girls, you know this is a big deal. This could make or break the Abby Lee Dance Company in Australia. I don't want to see any mistakes on that stage. It's on television, it's on film. And you know what happens when people film things-- they last forever. All right, so game on, game faces on; this is gonna be a big deal. JILL:<i> Abby's speech is pretty much worthless</i> to all of the girls except for Maddie. <i> Ultimately, it comes down to her</i> because she is the featured dancer and our kids are just the backups. Come on, let's go, girls. MELISSA: Okay, let's go, let's go. ABBY LEE: Okay, ready, guys? JOJO: Let's rock it. Okay, no. You are gonna be silent backstage. I don't want to hear your mouth, Okay. and I don't want to see your lips move. Understood? Okay. Yes. We're about to take the stage for the ASTRA Awards <i> and perform in front</i> <i> of the entire Australian entertainment world.</i> We have to be absolutely perfect. ANNOUNCER: From<i> Dance Moms,</i> please welcome the sensational Maddie and the girls from the Abby Lee Dance Company! Yay! ♪ On your marks ♪ Get set, go ♪ Smoke blows away Oh, those are our girls. ♪ Win or fail ♪ I don't know ♪ That only gets in the way ♪ You've thought it all, said it all ♪ ♪ Let it go ♪ That's all that's left to do ♪ Turn away from the mirror, babe ♪ ♪ She's the only one stopping you ♪ ♪<i> Jump</i> ♪ ♪ If you wanna jump ♪<i> Fall</i> ♪ ♪ If you wanna fall ♪ You don't need anyone to catch you ♪ ♪ Dance if you wanna dance ♪ You're beautiful ♪ You're stronger than anyone coming at you ♪ ♪ I can't save you ♪ The world will change you ♪ I know you'll break through ♪ Over and over and over ♪ Until you're fearless ♪ Jump if you wanna jump ♪ Fall if you wanna fall ♪ You don't need anyone to catch you ♪ ♪ Dance if you wanna dance ♪ You're beautiful ♪ You're stronger than anyone coming at you ♪ ♪ I can't Oh, my God. ♪ Save you ♪ The world will change you ♪ Over and over and over ♪ Until you're fearless. (audience whoops, applauds) Good job, Gia. The kids looked amazing onstage, <i> but, unfortunately, Maddie fell out of her turns.</i> <i> Thank goodness this isn't a competition,</i> because we wouldn't have won. From my view in the wings, JoJo, you were late right at the beginning. Right off the bat, the first few steps. I couldn't really see, Nia, if you corrected what I told you to today, from my angle. GIANNA: She did. She did? Good. I-I looked at it. JESSALYNN:<i> Abby's unfairness is really pissing me off.</i> JoJo can make a minor mistake that only a crazed Abby Lee Miller can find, <i> but Maddie can totally (bleep) up, fall out of her turns,</i> and Abby brushes it off like it's no big deal. <i> What are Abby's grounds for critiquing girls?</i> JILL: Maddie, don't be sad. Why are you sad? No, no, I'm not... JILL: You were amazing. You're always amazing. We're here because of you, honey. MELISSA: Yep, you're amazing. We wouldn't be here. No need to be sad. MELISSA: She's not, she's fine. Okay. MELISSA: She's fine. JILL: But she's not fine, Melissa. MELISSA: Yes, she's fine. She told me she doesn't want to talk about it. <i> Maddie's a perfectionist.</i> She always tries to put on a brave face, but it just got to her. Jill got to her, of course. <i> Jill always tells me to be quiet</i> <i> and not say anything when Kendall messes up,</i> so she should shut her face. Her turn wasn't perfect, so she was upset, so... With herself. MELISSA: She's upset with herself. (Maddie cries) It's very clear that Maddie's upset, <i> but if any other child would allow themselves</i> to shed a tear, Abby would annihilate. And for Abby to excuse and not have the same standards, it's confusing for all, and it's also not fair. MELISSA: Okay, just, Maddie, please... Just, please, I want to open this. ABBY LEE: Just remember that with stardom, with fame, with recognizability, comes responsibility and pressure and being perfect all the time. JESSALYNN:<i> This is a turn that Maddie has been doing forever.</i> <i> She's not improving</i> because Abby's not correcting her or giving her classes. She's plateauing. (Maddie cries) But you never know when your star's gonna end. You got to ride the wave. (Maddie sniffles) This is my event. I brought who I wanted to bring. <i> Your kid just flew</i> around the world and held a koala today because you're piggybacking my event. It was fun; they would never mean to hurt your feelings. Wait, what? Like, I thought you were my friend. Late, Kalani, late. You came unprepared. KIRA:<i> Go whine to somebody else who cares,</i> 'cause I don't give a (bleep). JILL:<i> I don't want a divided team.</i> I think it's gonna be trouble. <i> Who gets to have their choreographer</i> flown across the world? KIRA: Free. ANNOUNCER: Are you guys ready for Nia Sioux?! CROWD: Nia! Nia! Nia! Nia! Nia! JILL:<i> I think Holly's playing with fire.</i>
Channel: Dance Moms
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Keywords: lifetime, mylifetime, dance moms, abby lee, dance moms clips, aldc, dance moms season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, season 6, season 7, full episodes, flashback compilations, flashbacks, abby lee dance company, abby lee miller, dance moms full episode, dance moms compilation, dance moms reunion, dance moms clips for edits, dance moms clips compilation, dance moms clips funny, watch Dance Moms, stream Dance Moms, abby lee miller dance, Holly and Abby, dance mom
Id: BX37aa89oA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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