La aerolínea que impresiona a los más exigentes: ¿En verdad es TAN buena? | Emirates 2022

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It will flatten out completely? in effect, it is completely flat. There is a screen with pretty new movies. I love the detail here as from the imitation wood, you know? here the buttons to darken, which are the physical blinds, tell me, what is this? the fact that you have Bulgari lotions for men, for lady [Music] Guys, welcome to one more edition of Luisillo's travel guide. Today we are going to document the experience to fly in Emirates Business Class on its Barcelona to Mexico City route, is a long flight, it seems to me that it's about 11 hours. Too many hours at high altitudes, among the clouds dodging birds, being one with the pigeons and eagles, but when you fly in Business Class of Emirates, it is another experience, it is very beautiful it is very cool. I have already documented an Emirates service in the past for the channel, but not this specific route and it is always a thrill, it is always worth to be shared. Important clarification, business class is not the same as first class, ejecutive class as first class. We have discussed this before, in several airlines there is the first class which is something else, it's like a private suite and it's a different kind of service and it is important to know the difference between business class and first class. This route we are taking today does not have first class and the reason for this is very interesting, as we are flying from Barcelona - Mexico City, the altitud change is a lot. Mexico City is a very high city, so a very large plane that can have first class, as such, can't reach such a height. We are going to fly, for example, in a Boeing 777 200 which accommodates 302 passengers if I have my correct my data correct. The largest aircraft Emirates and other airlines work with, are for example, the Boeing 777 300 or the airbus a380, which is already a double-decker plane that can fit more than 500 passengers, I think 520 passengers something like that but it's so heavy that it can't reach that height successfully. How about that? What a crazy fact, every day you learn something new, every day you learn a not disturbing fact but extremely interesting. For you to comment on it later at dinner. Finally she accepted to go out. Thank you for coming out with me I really appreciate it, did you know that airplanes do not get to...? and you already have a topic of conversation. You are welcome! If tonight Yolis kisses you, you're welcome. You already know who to thank for. Well then, let's fly. We start here at the lounge, pretty comfortable, pretty good There's option to eat, I ordered my hot dog, my sandwich, my sweet bread. The clouds on board Emirates Business Class await us Let's go for it! [Music] A little problem, we relaxed a little too much and then I saw the clock. I was happy eating my hot dog, my cookie and when I saw the clock I said OMG, they are gonna close Let's see, here there's a big conglomeration of people, then let's see... 374 there it is! Wonderful! We got here in time. I was worried, but they're boarding still. All in order and here we are, Emirates Business Class. I love the uniform of Emirates, I have to say it, it must be externalized. You never can be too cautious, I don't know, its never too much! We're on time. Okay, let's sit down to get some air. Hi, how are you? We've passed...that it's a very interesting thing about the big planes they usually open two accesses, like access one over there, access 2 over here. Look, Judith is letting me record her. The uniform is great thing from Emirates. I like it very much, big fan, very elegant, very sophisticated. And well, we have entered to the aircraft Let's go with the review part of the seats. It's really cool honestly, it's very good. We are going to use dear Ari chewing her gum. Like a goat We are going to use her as a model Let's see, miss model. Let's see. Look at this, the comfort, I like it. Enough room Long legs and of course it becomes a little bed. Why don't you make us a demonstrarion, dear model Ari? Ari the goat is going to show us. Look at that. Will it stay like this or will it become more bed? It will flatten out completely? This is flattening too much. In fact, it stays flat completely What a beauty! The sheets...yes, of course! Of course we are, yes. Look here, it comes out and they leave us champagne. Very well, and it should be noted that the seat later...hard to drink when lying down. It should be noted that the seat later, they do it little bed, they put a mattress for you and everything. Very well, really! Very good, very tasty. A television, there is a screen with movies that came out not long ago, these movies came out recently and here they are. I love the detail here as from the imitation wood, you know? I think it's very refined, the buttons to darken, which are the physical blinds, tell me, what is this? there's a button for everything. Of course we have a good luggage space Great, worthy. Over here, another storage space to put your blanket, your headphones. It is comfortable, it's good and this kind of little details, I love this from Emirates. Look, the fact that the table comes out of here. Here good old Marc What a beauty, they bring you the menu, you have your little table here you have all the commands, you have for charging and I love the fact that you have also to connect HDMI, that's curious. Here for more charging devices, USB, a plug with inputs from different territories. This right here I think it's cool, you have on your seat, your own storage. See during the whole flight, you have sodas, your cup, another soft drink, sparkling water no no no, delicious and you can ask for it to be replaced as many times you need it. I don't know how healthy that you finish all the drinks in just one flight and get refilled and finish them again, but you could. You have a remote control over here, so you can control the screen that's pretty big in front of your eyes. Take a look at this, look at the champagne, the Croc well extended, the screen, the flowers, all around. Little stars on the ceiling, this simulates different times of the night, when it gets dark and we all have to go to sleep, literally get dark and the stars glow, and as the sun rises it takes on new hues like sunrise. Really that's something very characteristic of Emirates, it's just beautiful. You have your remote control here and here you have a tablet with which... I think it's a bit of a pleonasm the existence of that screen, but here it is...because here you can control, you can have your screen more to your access, even though you already have your remote control so well look 2 always better than one, that's for sure. No doubt about it and nothing, to wait for it to take off. You know what? We are kind of uncomfortable here with jeans, let's go change to the toilet. [Music] While we're changing we're going to do a little review of the bathroom. Sanitary review, always emblematic for the travel guide of Luisillo. It is cool, in the channel we have a recorded very cool airplane bathrooms, this one, the truth is...what a beauty, the fact that that you have lotions and Bulgari for Emirates, look at this, for men, for lady, dental kit, you want to brush your teeth? don't smell like the onion from the tacos you just ate, please brush at this time, lotion for your hands, how dry are they from so much hygiene gel? please. A wipe, flowers, full length mirror to handle swag, the handle the flow and what is this? are we gonna fly in jeans? What kind of leg squeeze is that? I'll change to something more comfortable. Pause! How comfort, how colorful shorts, is it maybe a cockroach in his Crocs, gentelmen? yes it is. Is it's perhaps a snorlax in his socks? indeed is it, oh how elegant, elegante? what a refined gentleman! Let's get out, there is surely already a queue and I'm here documenting. [Music] Back in our seat and look, waiting for me, my traveler's kit. Look how cool that by the way it's also Bulgari, that it's nice. A wet wipe for refresh the face. Well, let's see what our Bulgari case has. They gave us here on the plane. Check it, we have a mask, obviously, a little hand sanitizer. We have another dental kit, if you want more than one toothbrush, you grab one from the bathroom and another one here, you already have to take home for the whole year. See, what a beauty, socks and a mask, to be able to sleep at ease so that you don't get bothered by the neighbor's light, lips balm, shaving cream, razor. Wow, it comes very complete, hand cream, face cream after shaving, deodorant for when someone smells strong after a good, long journey, comb for the beard or the scalp, handkerchiefs to pull out the boogers and what is this? Ah I think that lotion, omg includes a lotion to smell good, to get you down and what happened babes? Come here, hug me y'all that I smell fantastic. How complete. Everything in this little bag very, very well used. We have already taken off, we are one with the birds, one with the pigeons and well they have brought us the menu, food menu, beverages menu. Good choices, it says here that I can order cocktails, wines of many kinds, I can even order chicken, meat, seafood, desserts are a lot, arabian food there is a lot too. A tremendous beauty and something that offers Emirates, at least on long flights, is that you can order your food at any time you want, at least in business class, let's say I want to sleep right now, I don't want to be woken up, I'd tell the guy don't wake me up, I'll let you know and you'll get it when you want it. Truly, many airlines although you travel in business, executive class they don't respect this and here they do, at least in the long flights in executive. When you like dude, if you want to dine in two three four hours, go ahead, as you wish. OMG, the turbulence is tough. See, now it's gone down a little bit but omg. I had my soup served well...applauses to the flight attendants, who despite the turbulence they keep going. Truly, the turbulence is serious or not, I see they keep working and are calm. It's cool, but if I see that they sit down and put everything away, I say Okay we need to calm down, it's cool too I'm here in the hallway, I see how people go to the restroom and the flight attendants help them to walk so that they do not falls, it's been a turbulent flight. I'll put it this way, see how the flowers waggle, you can notice. "Vaya Vaya Tacubaya" send your good vibes, they are appreciate, its appreciate it that we arrive safe from this great turbulence. The stars have been set and after all I ate i'm sleepy, time to sleep. Wow, this is great Good night, see you in a few hours. Turn off, damn it. Turn off Good morning good morning, I slept, I woke up, I ate, I slept again, I woke up I ate some more it has been a good flight, relaxing. I tried to get ahead of some work that required internet because the plane has WiFi, but it was pretty bad, pretty slow, that's not the airline's fault is it more well a signal thing, the clouds and so on then I better gave up, a comment that it could be for the airline, is that I feel it's not quite cool, quite comfortable that it's an airplane that leaves from Spain to Mexico, both countries speak Spanish and there is no crew that speaks spanish everyone speaks english or arabic, so I say what about with the customers that only speak Spanish? They have a problem there to communicate, I fortunately speak english fluently so I haven't had a problem there. Delicious wipe, but I can't help thinking that I would be cool, if the origin speaks spanish, and the destination too, it would make sense, right? only have I seen that a member of the crew speaks spanish, that in fact is the person who gives the announcements on the speaker and omg he's back and forth, poor guy. To solve doubts of those who do not speak english or Arabic. I understand that this is a route that originally it departs from Dubai, then Dubai makes one stop in Barcelona and from there it goes to Mexico. That could explain it, however I think it would be cool to have at least three four members of the crew who speak fluent spanish, in order to be able to attend people on the plane which is quite a lot. Apart from that, everything has been excellent, delicious food, service, brutal! all good We are minutes away from landing, to have a refreshment and back to reality. Back to earth. At land, look what a beauty. Arisita had a great flight, had a great time Sleeping and in general it was very good, what can I say? It's a great airline, not for nothing is one of the top in the world, and I'm going to give it its well-deserved 9.5 out of 10, that in the Luisillo travel guide, is an excellent rating. With this we conclude the video. Small announcements before we finish, remember that we already have Pillo Phone service with Izzy, we have eSIM, links below in the description, similary FasFu now available in Spain, go to the restaurant. We have delivery in Guadalajara, Puebla, Monterrey, Saltillo and Mexico City obviously that it's been going on for a while anyway, links below in the description, just for Rappi. What else? Ah, my new book is coming. New book. Pre-sale or maybe sale, by the time you are watching you this video. Link below in the description and Gran Malo, remember that you can buy it in your favorite liquor stores. Flavors: horchata, tamarindo is now available in some Oxxo and I think that's all, all the ads for now. Look, the money has to come from somewhere to make these videos that we all like, that we all enjoy. Well now we're done. Goodbye. Thank you very much for joining me, we'll meet, as you know it, in a few days with a new video. Ah! sure I forgot this, King Palomo.You can also buy King Palomo. any support to the channel is good, It's cool. Well, see you in a few days with a new video. Goodbye let's keep flying, let's continue with the travel guide of Luisillo around the world, a pleasure to be with you.
Channel: Luisito Comunica
Views: 10,783,629
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, Aerolínea, Guía, Guía de viajes, De Luisillo, Emirates, Emirates airlines, Avión, Vuelo, Vuelos, Baratos, Primera clase, Review, Reseña, First class, Business class, Clase ejecutiva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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