The Aeneid: The Animated Short

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Oh this is the story of Aeneas the founder of Rome a long long time ago in a land far far away on the Mediterranean Sea Aeneas and his fellow Trojans fled from their home city of Troy which had been destroyed by the marauding Greeks on their journey they sail for Italia where Aeneas is destined to eventually found the great Roman Empire as they near their destination a fierce storm throws them off their course and lands them in the African city of Carthage Dido Carthage's founder and queen welcomes them Aeneas relates to Dido the long and painful story of his group's travels thus far Aeneas tells of the sack of Troy that ended the trojan war after 10 years of Greek siege in the final campaign the Trojans were tricked when they accepted into their City a wooden horse that unbeknownst to them harbored several Greek soldiers in its hollowed-out belly he tells how he escaped from the burning city with his father an Chi sees his son Ascanius and the hearth gods that represent their fallen city assured by the gods that a glorious future awaited him in Italy he set sail with a fleet containing the surviving citizens of Troy twice they attempted to build a new city only to be driven away by bad omens and plagues harpies creatures that are part women in part bird cursed them but they also encountered friendly countrymen unexpectedly finally after the loss of an Casey's and about of terrible weather they made their way to Carthage impressed by Aeneas as exploits and sympathetic to his suffering Dido falls in love with Aeneas they live together as lovers for a period until the gods remind Aeneas of his duty to found a new city he determines to set sail once again Dido is devastated by his departure and kills herself by ordering a huge pyre to be built with aneesa's cast away possessions climbing upon it and stabbing herself with the sword Aeneas leaves behind as the Trojans make for Italy bad weather blows them to Sicily where they hold funeral games for the dead in high seas once there Aeneas descends into the underworld guided by the Sibyl of qma to visit his father he is shown a pagan of the future history in heroes of Rome which help him to understand the importance of his mission Aeneas returns from the underworld on the church Trojans continue up the coast to the region of Latium King Latinus the Italian ruler extends his hospitality hoping that Aeneas will prove to be the foreigner whom according to a prophecy his daughter Lavinia is supposed to marry but Latini is's wife Amata has other ideas she means for Lavinia to marry Turnus a local suitor meanwhile Ascanius hunts a stag that was a pet of the local herdsmen a fight breaks out and several people are killed Turnus riding this current of anger begins a war Aeneas at the suggestion of the river god tyrannous sails north up the Tiber to seek military support among the neighbouring tribes during this voyage his mother Venus descends to give him a new set of weapons wrought by Vulcan himself while the Trojan leader is away Turnus attacks Aeneas returns to find his countrymen embroiled in battle Paulus the son of Aeneas new ally Evander is killed by Ternes Aeneas flies into a violent rage and many more are slain by the day's end Ternes rushes out to meet Aeneas who wounds Ternes badly Aeneas nearly spares Ternes but remembering the slain Paulus slays him instead and that concludes the epic masterpiece of Virgil the Aeneid like yay the Greeks are gone and then in the middle of the night and all the Greeks were burning and pillaging and looting and whatever all soldiers do when they invade a city then yes it was just kind of like oh crap I gotta get out of here and then he was no that's wrong I made a mistake he wasn't like that
Channel: jubjubilations
Views: 229,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aeneid, animated, fun, virgil, greek, turnus, roman, rome, myth, wacky, classic, classical, epic, katabasis, underworld, journy, illiad, odyssey, homer, god, goddess, venus, zues, jupiter, love, dido, Mr., friday, war, animation, baby, toxic, jubilations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2011
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