Basic background to Virgil's Aeneid
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Channel: professor nyquil
Views: 66,504
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Keywords: vergil, aeneid, latin, epic, poem, poetry, professor, background, sparknotes, cliffnotes, virgil, aneid, aenied, eneid, anied, aeneas, aneas, homer, troy, trojan war, juno, dido, carthage, history, historical, mythology, myth, mythological, ap, rome, roman, roman history, ancient rome, ancient history, classics, classical, roman empire, gladiators, phoenician, punic war, hannibal, scipio, augustus, caesar, julius caesar, emperor
Id: 53Ey43CrOb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2016
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