Elliot Explains: The Aeneid (Book 1)

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[Music] hello and welcome to Meaney its summary series today we're going to be looking at book 1 and all of the crazy that occurs in this kind of patriotic but also not patriotic fanfiction written especially for Augustus and his regime vibe pardon me Virgil so it starts off with an invocation to the muses and things of the man and arms referencing to Aeneas the main character of this story and the arms which the arms not the arms the walls that occur in this epic doubles being two wars which is the treasure war and the war that happens like way later on which we will get to and this implication also includes the founding of Rome because or Gustus and his heritage and now if this whole implication being sounds familiar it should be familiar if you have been watching my other series on the Odyssey because virgil throughout this entire epic just steal from homer and the Odyssey and the Iliad just to make himself look like a better writer which to be honest I'm sure a lot of us do in fan fiction if you write fan fiction so moving on from that the Train we also find out that the Trojans are faced to overthrow Carthage which you know isn't entirely happy about because she likes Carthage because they like prayed to her and they're quite nice to her and they like worship her and stuff so she's quite mad about that she's like the Trojans because of this and she has a little bit of a hissy fit to Jupiter there and like kind of calls him out for helping Athena punish the Greeks because Ajax was a bit of a dick but not the Trojans as if the Trojans didn't lose an entire war and their entire hometown and that most of them died you know sure do you know that's fine and so then Jupiter just ignored her like he usually does and she goes down to Aeolus still angry and tells him to send down a storm to Aeneas his ships to light recommend stuff and in exchange for this she will give him day appears hand in marriage they appear being like a nymph and he's like yeah sure that sounds cool and now I hear you guys say Oh Burke she listening is she keep talking about Aeneas I'm glad you asked he is a survivor of the Trojan War and he's kind of like a big deal because of that he like leads the people away from Troy and now I hear you say over the Beck if you're saying that Troy experienced such destruction how to these people survived from the Trojan War we will get to that in like the next book just wait a couple of weeks we'll get to it soon so after this as one would expect from a storm caused by God a lot of ships kind of get lost and and because this is all happening on Nick Neptune's domain without his permission Neptune gets a little bit pissed and so he goes over to meiosis and he's like hey dude can you maybe calm the down and stop causing a god damn storm on my sea to the Trojans who I like I'm not happy about that and he can't stand the storms and it's like don't do that again otherwise I'll come for you and so the Trojans land on the shore and Aeneas goes onto a rock to try and gone look out for any other ships who we might find plot twist he doesn't find any ships like none at all in his life this is fine this is great I love this and he goes down to the Trojans in his sight okay guys we have lost ships but we'll be fine if we survive the treasure war we can get through this we'll be okay all the world has given this motivational speech he is having like a mini panic attack internally he's just internalizing that panic like a good Roman physician should even though it's not Roman yet but he is a model for the Roman people again important point because the NIA is supposed to be like an ancestor to Augustus so supposed to like reflect upon Augustus but you can like analyse it yourselves it's like your exam and while this is happening being disguised to Jupiter and as I let the Trojans live let's just stop being mean to them let them be okay for five minutes and Jupiter a sight look that Khan is going to be fine they're going to be fine because processing I never watch the bus now here you ask why is what you say in part one though there's a lot of additions there's a lot of additions to this prophecy which we kind of get like told about throughout the epoch yeah I trust me when I say this is just part one that's a ton apart now in this part we find out that Aeneas is going to have a war in Italy it's going to win this war and he's going to rule whatever the land is called where he wins it for three years and his son Ascanius is going to rule for thirty years in our belonga a city kind of near the place where he's going to take over and we also find out about Robinson Remus who found Rome and a Trojan Caesar who will begin a Golden Age this chosen Caesar as many of you might guess being or Gustus could be Julius but is most likely Augustus considering this whole thing is supposed to be light up in him up in him up that's not the right phrase but right this supposed to be like promoting human history human being like our his such great leader and you guys should totally trust him and so then mercury is sent down to make the Carthaginians hospitable quotation marks and Aeneas goes out into the forest and encounters Venus he's in disguises spot as a Spartan girl and she tells him all about Dido the queen of Carthage and how in her previous city where she used to roll with her husband to chaos and her husband was killed by her brother because I brother kind of wanted the money that her husband had now it's okay if after there she kind of just assumes that her husband is missing until she is visited by his ghost in the dream and he tells her hey hon yeah your brother kind of killed me please run away please just run away as far as you can and she does so and she finds garbage because she's a strong independent woman you don't need no man trust me when I say this you're not going to believe me later on girl like it's not hurtful it's not her fault that she goes against this ideal it's penis's fault but I will get to that eventually so anyway after the Venus leaves Aeneas realizes like last minute Deus Venus and he's like mom what the bug why can't you just talk to me like a noble goddess why can't you just show yourself when your true form I'm your son and she just ignores this questioning completely and covers him him mist and just disappears and it's like fire and so him and his friend achates achates however you want to pronounce that they enter Carthage and I find like a shits on a construction work and it's like there's like a lot of action happening in Carthage like this includes also a temple to Juno do you know who hates the Trojans ain't that just a good sign and after this they see a tapestry showing all the horrors of the Challenger war included like a night raid that happened on one of the Trojan camps or the Allies of a choice of the Trojans and also this young guy who got killed is very sad and because it's very sad both of them cry actually I think it's mostly Aeneas who cries which is important because it goes against stoicism another point you could probably use against him being like the model citizen and you could also kind of count this tapestry as a necrosis and look up the definition because I can't remember what it is off the top of my head but it's like kind of like a piece of artwork that conveys a message I think but like look it up just to check and then Dido the queen of Carthage enters and is described like Diana because she's so pure and powerful and she welcomes some other Trojans who come on and we find out their de Trojans that they lost oh my god and one of them ilioneus is like hey help us we got stranded and she's like brought bright chill I hope I'll be like welcome you into my city you'll be fine and they're like can you also help us find out our buddies and she's like I'll help you find your buddies it's okay and then æneas like refills himself out of the midst of the sights up pictures I'm here and he is like oh when gal was buted by Venus sounds like super attractive I died I was like wow is so amazing and she prefers like some sacrifices for their arrival because she's like so impressed by him and then æneas while she's doing this center-cut piketty's to get some gifts for guide up Dido Dido and his son Ascanius and after this B descents down Cupid in the form of Ascanius to make Dido fall in love with Aeneas even though Dido has committed herself to never having another husband well done Venus for ruining relationships that don't exist sable also like as you can probably guess from like the premise of the Trojan War in which the universe also match makes two couples glasses of all this is going to go really well and then like obviously Dido is like I know it is his heart and she'll I becomes like Loki very obsessed with him and she might are sinuhe's Oh tell me how you go ahead tell me to me all the tales on how you got here and then that that's literally where book one ends it just ends on that so look forward wait for but to next week bye bye
Channel: Classicist Elliot Explains Things
Views: 40,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the aeneid, virgil, aeneas, dido, book 1, aeneid
Id: mpEKkqF9v9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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