THE ADHD Test. It Could Change EVERYTHING!

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answer this simple six question test if you think you have ADHD [Music] this test is the updated adult ADHD screening tool the asrs 5. this test has the ability to correctly identify about 91.4 percent of adults with ADHD but remember folks although this test this screener is effective at picking up ADHD in adults it cannot rule out other medical conditions that may impact these results I also spoke to a qualified professional who gave me some really useful commentary when answering these questions consider my commentary before answering the questions as adults we may have consciously or unconsciously put coping mechanisms and masks in place to help us cope with many of the issues that these questions bring up my biggest advice is to answer these questions as if these masks and strategies were not in place I'll put each question on the screen in together with the five choices pause the video at any time if you need time to think or discuss and don't worry if you don't have a pencil I'm going to put everything on the screen at the end of all of this so you can pause if you need time question number one how often do you have difficulty concentrating on what people are saying to you even when they are speaking to you directly answer with never really sometimes often very often think about normal everyday conversations not so much the ones that are about topics or interests that really engage you also think about the environment one-on-one conversations in environments which have got very little external stimuli or distractions is totally different from say a restaurant or a bar or a cafe question number two how often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations in which you are expected to remain seated answer with never rarely sometimes often very often as one viewer commented this question is pretty binary for instance it doesn't take into account people who use wheelchairs it also doesn't stress the word expected consider situations or the avoidance of situations where you wouldn't be engaged a boring movie a lecture or even a simple meal think about whether you have made any changes that actively allow you to avoid these sorts of situations also consider whether you have the urge the impulse to move around and is simply just suppressing it question number three how often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself answer with never rarely sometimes often very often this assumes that we know what normal relaxing and unwinding feels like or that we actually have time to do this mythical thing do you always feel like you have to be doing something do you feel guilt or start worrying the moment you sit down does your brain go into overdrive the moment you get into bed question number four when you're in a conversation how often do you find yourself finishing the sentences of the people you are talking to before they can finish them themselves answer with never rarely sometimes often very often consider this most of the people I know with ADHD myself included don't do this what we do do is bottle up this urge and then spend all of our focus and mental energy trying to stop ourselves from blurting it out and focus on retaining what it is we're wanting to say at the cost of not hearing the rest of the conversation you may feel impatient for this other person to finish what they're saying because you've already anticipated it question number five how often do you put things off until the last minute answer with never really sometimes often very often some points to consider here are you always late or rushing to catch up do you find yourself procrastinating even though you know something has to get done and only taking action when the deadline becomes imminent and is staring Us in the face do you put off paperwork or paying bills even when you have the money to pay for these things and finally question number six how often do you depend on others to keep your life in order and attend to details answer with never really sometimes often very often this one is pretty difficult on the face of it now we can muddle and crash through life just fine by ourselves can't we here are some things to consider to open this question up a little bit do you just simply avoid the things that would help keep your life and finances in Balance do you only take action when the bills become Red Letters or bury your head even further in the sand maybe you love seeing friends and family but let the others be the ones to organize events and get-togethers maybe even the simple task of returning something to the shop or posting a letter or writing that card that you bought last week it just simply doesn't get done you can now score your answers so for every question that you answered with never give yourselves a zero for each question that you answered with rarely give yourselves one point for each question that you answered with sometimes give yourselves two points for each question that you answered with often give yourselves three points and for each each question that you answered with very often give yourselves four points now add up your score and pause the video if you need a little more time before we continue don't forget though folks to hit me up with some of that sweet sweet dopamine by hitting the like And subscribe buttons and leave a comment as well as to how you scored and what you found Difficult about these questions so your results are in how did you score well the threshold score for this test is 14 points this means that if you scored 14 or more the screener reveals you likely have ADHD and further investigation is required if you scored 13 or less you likely don't have ADHD but remember folks although this test this screener is effective at picking up ADHD in adults it cannot rule out other medical conditions that may impact these results and it certainly doesn't replace a diagnostic assessment by a trained clinician there's a link in the description below to the online version of this test together with references and sources the old asrs V 1.1 test and further reading let me know what you'd like me to cover in future videos but for now take care foreign [Music]
Channel: Welcome To The Wormhole
Views: 309,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adhd screener, add, adhd, adhd awareness, adhd diagnosis, adhd education, adhd exam, adhd help, adhd life, adhd medication, adhd problems, adhd quiz, adhd quizz, adhd symptoms, adhd test, adhd test for teenagers, adhd testing process, adhd treatment, adhd vlog, adult adhd, child adhd, do i have adhd, how to know if you have adhd, life with adhd, mental health, symptoms of adhd, test for adhd, testing for adhd, the adhd test, adhd assessment, adhd evaluation
Id: 2_4BYjdEHp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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