I Took ADHD Medication For The First Time | My ADHD medication before and after experience

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I'm not even with it at the moment [Music]   so that is me every single day before  I take my medication and that was me   every single day up until about one o'clock  before I was taking medication but what exactly   does it feel like to take ADHD medication in  short my brain goes from sounding like this to sounding like this hello hello hello hello  hello it's quite quiet yeah yeah generally there   are two types of stimulant medication you have  the quick short-term fast acting and a little   bit Punchy medication and then you have the long  term slow build up and gradual come down but very   long lasting so my first experience of taking  ADHD meds came a few days after my diagnosis my   medication arrived in the post-methylphenidate  to start with and I took one set a stopwatch   and went for a walk in the woods with my  dogs just to allow me space to be able to   observe what it was going to do to me how it  was gonna affect me and about 30 35 minutes   in I began to get these little tingles  these little rushes in my hands and my feet   and then shortly after that peace and this was  the one thing that made me weep and break down   because all of a sudden my whole life had been  a million miles an hour of brain thoughts and   activity and suddenly a thousand miles an hour and  I was thinking oh my God this is how normal people   think all the time my grogginess had gone I was  able to remain more on a single thought before   my brain switches to another one I was able to  physically almost guide my attention to things   and I think because of this piece that I'd had  my senses were heightened I was feeling and I   still do now I feel the cold on my fingers and  kind of even the the air blowing through my hair   and I'm sure I already felt all of those things  but my brain was just so busy that it was never   able to uh register those things in real time  it was it was nothing short of incredible and I   just stood there in the middle of this forest and  wept wept with joy and sadness I felt this morning   from the realization of what  my life could have been like   if I'd have had these medications and this  diagnosis when I was a kid and it all suddenly   opened the floodgates and it all came crashing  down around me as to the huge impact that this   undiagnosed ADHD had had on me so how does this  type of medication Make Me Feel on a daily basis   well after I've taken one of these little  short-term uh tablets in about 30 minutes you get   this Rush of energy your muscles tense a little  bit and the come up is very very quick once you're   up within that I'd say about the 60 Minute Mark  you've then got a good two two and a half hour   window of energy Focus motivation alertness all  of the things that are really useful in daily life   and then almost as quickly within kind of  20 minutes to 40 minutes I'd say you get   the come down and it's not gradual at all it  very very quick so it means you can feel it   and it's not there's side effects in terms of  like a hangover once you've stopped drinking   it's more you get that very clear  juxtaposition between what your brain is like   on ADHD meds and then what it's like afterwards  and it almost rubs it in your face a little bit   of like this is where you could be but this  is where you are now um I hope that makes   sense but then the the L bands this this  12 hour one for me I take it and within   I'd say 60 minutes I start to notice the effects  if I'm trying to notice the effects because it's   very gentle and a very gradual build up by the  two hour mark I am alert my grogginess is gone I'm   focused all of the same things that happens on the  methylphenidate the short burning one but this has   come up very slowly over two hours and it stays  there for about eight hours for me at Parts I   will have waves of nausea that last maybe a minute  but not very often and only when I haven't eaten   that's usually the big one and when I'm on  this elvance I am able to deal with the world that's all I can say so what are the positive effects of  ADHD medication that I found well   it's been life-changing but when I say life-changing I'm not talking  about it either being positive or negative   it's just allowed me to shift my perspective  and give me a greater understanding of just what   needs I have as opposed to a neurotypical  person it's allowed me to concentrate and   focus and complete the more mundane  daily tasks and also there's the   there's the anxiety that gets removed slightly  as well because I'm more focused and I've got   less things that I'm dropping and forgetting about  when I'm on the medication the anxiety disappears   as well so I feel more confident I'm feeling  like I can accomplish these things a lot better   the negatives of this medication for me I'm lucky  I have very few apart from a little bit of nausea   every now and again and forgetting to eat but then  I make up for that once the medication wears off   um I don't get that much because  my medication is correct if I've   overdosed and I've taken two because I've  forgotten to take that I've taken my first one   it will zombie me out of course it will and that's  where a lot of the negative connotations with this   type of medication come in where you get kids that  are over-medicated and zombified it's only because   their clinicians are not giving them the correct  dosage or the correct type of medication so I hope   you found this useful insightful in some small  way these are just my experiences but they're real   if you've got any questions let me know in the  comments below hit the like and the Subscribe   button and I will see you again next time thank  you so much for watching bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Welcome To The Wormhole
Views: 459,005
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Keywords: adhd, adhd medication, adult adhd, adhd treatment, adhd symptoms, what adhd medication feels like, taking adhd medication for the first time, adhd medication before and after, Adhd, Adhd Management, Adhd Medication Side Effects, Should I Take Adhd Medication, Are Adhd Meds Bad, Stimulants, Concerta, Vyvanse, Adderall, Strattera, Adult ADD, Methylphenidate, Elvanse, How to ADHD, add, stimulant, adhd tips, concerta, adhd education, neurodiversity, what is adhd, how to adhd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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