The Adam's Apple | Pastor Keion Henderson

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foreign [Music] lift your hands there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and I know that it is the spirit lift your hands I want you to begin at this moment I literally see us at the pool of Bethesda I literally see the angel troubling the water I literally see manifested Miracles and promises but you have to go get it now I'm not talking about with noise I'm talking about with posture I want you to posture your heart at this moment to receive what God has for us in this place come on can you do it internally internally wherever you are Miami Chicago London Africa wherever you are posture yourself in this place right now stay right here with us stay right here with us fill us fill us and God we will be so careful we lived our hearts with praise without a doubt we'll know that we have been revised yeah when [Music] we shall please [Music] leave this place everybody say Wednesday June 28th Wednesday June 28th at noon I am pleased to invite you to the Grand Opening and ribbon cutting of the Dream Center Houston cultural complex come on give God some glory in this place today [Applause] it's been a long time coming the devil thought he was going to stop it but it did not work somebody said it didn't work our tagline for the Dream Center is this is the destination for dreamers and let me give you our mission statement I believe that dreams are vessels of Hope and that every treasured memory Milestone and cultural event is worth celebrating our mission is to honor support and serve all dreamers in pursuing their goals with courage determination and creativity everyone has the potential to turn their dreams into reality and we are committed to nurturing the pathways of innovation and self-expression with versatile programming and high quality resources in a modern environment for those daring to manifest their passions achieve their goals and take bold action we offer a welcoming multi-purpose state-of-the-art complex with adaptable functionality where boundary revolting dreams can be catalyzed to thrive in an inclusive environment at the Dream Center we are founded up on a legacy of success to foster a culture of Excellence where the Intrepid our fear to soar to the heights of their imagination and I also want to let you know that the ignite community school will be opening in August in the Dream Center with over 250 K5 through fifth graders right here on the lighthouse North Campus can you praise God for it all Hallelujah so it's Father's Day [Applause] and if you've ever struggled to understand a man I'm about to tell you why I've had to keep my emotions encapsulated today because I'm on assignment there is no more misunderstood species on the Earth like a man and women are empowered all around the world all the time almost every day and yet men are just expected to just figure it out today I asked you to posture your heart so that I can explain your father to you so that I can explain your husband to you so that I can explain your son to you and the reason why you don't know is because we need the most help and we do the less speaking we will hurt and not tell you we're dying at this very moment as I preached this sermon my brother is in the hospital they found a double aneurysm on his brain and they didn't find it while he was on vacation they found it while he was in the boxing ring training because all men do is fight and it is often in the fight you see our weakness and when we explode we die now thank God they called it he took his first steps yesterday walked outside was it Wednesday or Wednesday my wife and I were at the airport standing at gate D1 that 161 gates in IAH Airport we were standing at gate D1 flight set to leave at 6 19. we are in line about to walk on the plane and my sister-in-law calls me hysterical she's crying she tells me what happens I immediately start sweating my wife is looking at me she's trying to figure out what's going on I go in the bathroom I wipe the sweat off my face she takes the phone and we switch our flight to go to San Diego on Wednesday the travel agent said there's only one flight going out to San Diego today it leaves at seven o'clock but you probably won't make it it's at gate D1 so we are literally at the gate that's taken us where we thought we were going and taking us where we needed to be Touch Somebody and say you have to write gate you're at the right Church you're in the right service because God's about to do a turn around and you're not going to have to get far it's going to start from where you're standing Touch Somebody my my Miracle is starting from where I'm standing right here I don't have to switch seats I don't have to go to another church I don't have to wait till next week it's about to turn around now and I'm standing on Holy Ground and the Miracle is I could have been telling you about his Arrangements and I'm telling you about his testimony let this be a lesson that you can lead while you bleed and you can do your job when your heart is broken you got something to do slap your neighbor and say you got something to do don't let the devil have you in the bed five and six weeks and five and six months you got territory to seize you got you got miracles to attain you got things to do touch your neighbor say I got stuff to do Genesis chapter 2. verse 18. Genesis chapter 2 verse 18. and the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him and help meet for him not him for her for him see we can stop right there I know y'all I know y'all all think we for y'all but y'all for us so just gonna mess up this ain't gonna mess up your theology it's gonna mess up with your culturalology that's gonna mess up your Tick Tock and your Instagram because we ain't for y'all y'all were made and Mother's Day don't look for nothing for me today Mother's Day ain't here fellas I got your back let me hear you [Applause] and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every foul of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them not they he [Music] and whatever Adam called it that's what it was um fellas you're gonna have to have my back because they already got attitude they they already I'm and I'm reading the Bible that'll tell you how difficult this is going to be I'm not reading I'm not giving them a thesis statement a paper that I wrote a doctor I'm reading the Bible and they already like [Applause] what is going and Adam gave names to the cattle and the foul of the air into every beast of the field but Adam was not he was there but it was not found any help for him verse 21 that the Lord God calls the Deep Sleep to fall upon him and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up his flesh instead thereof and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he woe man and brought her unto him and Adam said she fine that's what bone of my bone flesh and my flashlight she's a brick it's a mighty God and after all of that after being alone all of that time the moment she got there everything changed now he has to leave his mother and father while she keeps hers and cleave unto his wife I'm gonna tell you right now women gonna say this all day to me watch it Reverend I'm not watching it you watch me it's going down [Applause] I've been waiting on Father's day since Christmas I've marked this on my calendar y'all get all year but we gonna get today and they became no that's not what it says because when we read it we always says and and the two and they were both naked but but but I want you to hear what the Bible says the Bible says therefore shall a man leave his mother and father in Cleveland to his wife and they shall be one flesh just because you found a man or a man found you doesn't mean you become one flesh you gotta work and if you keep working one day you shall be [Applause] so it doesn't mean you got the wrong partner because y'all can't get along right now you're still in the shall be phase and they were both naked the man and his wife and as of this moment they were not ashamed I want to talk on this subject for the next few moments the Adam's apple you may be seated in the presence of the Lord the Adam's apple um for those who will watch this online and for those of you all who have a tendency to have my back online when people lie torn them to the first five seconds of the message this don't go for everybody because all the comments are like well in my case you don't know my case generally speaking you got that part Watch What Happens tomorrow I don't think it is new news to anyone listening to me online or in this building that Adam was the first human created I do recognize that there are other theories but they are not supported by the Canon of scripture there was only one name that Moses documents in the Book of Genesis which is not the first book written just the first in chronological order in the scripture the book of Isaiah was written before Genesis be that as it may by virtue of the fact that Adam was the first man created he also coincidentally becomes the first father in operation God formed him out of the Dust breathes into him the Breath of Life and Man became a living soul God forms them out of the Dust breathes into him the Breath of Life Adam takes his first breath opens his eyes and everything already is the water's already wet the sun is already hot and he sees animals that already have companionship and here he is all alone now I don't know this to be true but I do know the Bible says that to to God a day is a thousand years second Peter and in a thousand years is but a day there are some theories then that would suggest that these are not seven consecutive days these are seven consecutive thousands of years quite plausible not impossible that Adam was in the garden a thousand years before he had company are you with me so far and all of a sudden after doing his own thing his own way whether it is for 24 hours or a thousand years now everything has to change because of the introduction of something God said he needed you have to understand that the first desire for woman didn't come from Adam it came from the design of God and he brings her out of him she is man but she is Whoa man which means Womb man that means she's a man with a womb she's made of the same thing he's made of she has the same Drive tenacity and will that he has and the intentions of God was for them to walk in Blissful happiness and the Garden of Eden was Paradise until the serpent snuck into the garden and beguiled Eve and got her to take of the fruit which was the forbidden fruit that God had given them instruction that everything in the garden was theirs except for the tree in the middle of the garden anybody here knows the fruits you want the most is the one you ain't supposed to have talk to your boy in here today Adam has never had Parents he's the only man never born he was created he never saw a father he had no uncles he didn't get a chance to have an example no role model he was born and he began he didn't know what a father was supposed to be he didn't know what her husband was supposed to be he had no family he had no friends he just arrived to a functioning Planet are y'all still with me and when God needed somebody to take care of what he created he got at him introducing the malady of man were only needed when somebody needs something taken care of as long as everything was well Adam wasn't needed but when he recognizes and this is after the fall that the earth needs to be tended and the ground needs to be tilled he goes and says all right now I need Adam because the grass is overgrown I need Adam because the refrigerator is broken I need our I need Adam because the carburetor needs fixed I need Adam because the the car needs gas I need Adam because the windows are are broken I need Adam because they won't listen to me so if I get Daddy to be the disciplinarian I'll go get your daddy I'll tell you Daddy if you won't listen to me now now there's a complex in men that were only needed when somebody has a need not needed because you need us need it because you need us to handle a need oh come on talk to me somebody uh I need me because I've gotta I've gotta change the tire now now you can do anything a man can do until it comes time to do things that men do you can open your own door until you want a man to open your door I got it I can't carry it until you want somebody else to carry it and then when we don't do what you tell us you can do then we are considered inconsiderate for not doing what you told us you can do on your own now fellas they ain't never this quiet I normally can't even get past this far in the sermon without seven thousand women I'm telling you they ain't gonna have nothing to say today and look at the woman next to you and say I don't care how you look and he don't either you ain't gonna give me today I came to fight every one of you [Applause] he never saw a marriage he never saw a marriage you might not shout today he never saw marriage he never saw a father give Grace and so now he's asked to do what he's never saw which is exactly what is happening to black men and brown men in our country today because 67 percent of minorities are born into single family homes axed to be what we've never saw ask to be a father our fathers were fathers to somebody else but not to us because typically a father in this generation in dispensation only gets to be a father in the home he lives in but it doesn't get to be a full functioning father in a home he does not live in because when you have custodial parental rights you get to make choices without input [Music] but only call us when the outcome isn't the same as you anticipated come get your son Oh I thought he was yours come get your daughter oh no uh you told them in court that you had it and now we have women who are having babies without the intent of having a man introducing fertilization introducing all of the technology that allows for a woman to have a child without the influence of a father and let me tell you something women you might be a good mother but you ain't never going to be a good daddy [Music] [Applause] can I just be quite Frank and I hope you take this with a grain of salt you don't have what it takes to be a father you have to have certain things inside of you in order to be a father and guess what we can't be mothers either so it is not about sexism it is about knowing what you can be be a hundred percent mama and leave Daddy and up to mentors and Jesus see the thing about a father is everything don't make us happy your child can bring home uh um he can go in the basketball game and and play 75 minutes and get two points and you're gonna be like that's my baby when he get in our house I'm like boy if you're gonna be out there that long and don't do nothing sit your butt down this ain't what this ain't what God birthed you to do let me tell you something daddy loving Mama love ain't the same that's why the Bible says that we got to have both of them in order to raise fully functioning children you got to have somebody who'll hug you at night and you got to have somebody who will get in your face and tell you that being trifling is not something you're going to do with this last name and I know some mothers in here do both of them but ain't nothing like a father let me let me let me slow down [Applause] and what I've learned about fathering is that it is a good exercise when you witness it but it is hard for you to let it be it is hard it is hard to watch a father really be a father we don't have the same emotions you have we don't have the same outcomes and realization you have and they need both of them they need listen if if God is a father then let me tell you how he loves those whom he loves he chastises y'all got to hit me in here today you got to understand the difference between punishment and love some love says I'm not letting you get away with it some love says you are better than that some love says let me call you on the carpet and if it means our relationship is a little rocky for a few weeks then it's okay if I'm securing your future so stop calling your husband mean and just call him a man Come on talk to me somebody stop calling him callous and narcissistic every time he stands up for something you've got the wrong definition on him let me tell you what he is in most cases uh m-a-n a man and when you have been born into a home where there wasn't one you don't recognize one when you see one and so when you don't recognize a man when you haven't seen one then the only definition of man you can come up with is the one that was given to you by somebody who came before you imagine you were the daughter of the son of a bitter woman and she defined manhood to you imagine your mother had been hurt by five men before you were born what kind of man do you think she's gonna tell you that all men are most people who Define men Define it from their pain not their intellect [Applause] and so we are mean and weak and calloused and inconsiderate but it's a little more complicated than that y'all got time because heck when Hammond was up here y'all was ready to go all day so you're gonna wait if you if you look in the Bible it is interesting if you connect the reality of Adam just opposed to the Theology of Adam the Hebrew word transliterated Adam is found 560 times in the Old Testament alone and the overwhelming majority of cases the name Adam means man did you hear what I just said that in in 560 times you see the word Adam it is God actually saying the word man so how many times have we read the scripture thinking about God talking about the man in the garden and he was talking about somebody say man all right and so in Genesis 1 I'm about to help you Brothers I'm about to help you I hope I am anyway in Genesis 1 we see that God created the world and everything in it and on the first day he created what light and darkness on the second day he created the firmament or what we call the atmosphere on the third day he created the land and the plants on the fourth day the Sun the moon and the stars on the fifth day he created the fish and the birds and on the sixth day he created man with the animals and on the seventh day he rested now without getting too far into the discussion you have already been introduced to the male malady first came the light in the Darkness then came the atmosphere then came the the plants and the trees then came the Galaxy then came the fish and the birds and finally after everything else has been considered Here Comes man and you have been introduced to the male malady because most men in this room and most online will tell you that all of their life they have been the last thing to be considered everything comes before man we even got statements like ladies first happy wife come on don't get quiet but remember when I read the text the text didn't say we were made for y'all [Music] the Bible says she was made for him and by the way if you go and look in the Old Testament whenever a man and woman was married in the Old Testament a woman stood at the altar and the man walked down the aisle [Music] but now here comes [Music] oh if you don't believe me if you don't believe me the church is the bride and Jesus is the groom and the last I saw the churches here waiting on the groom to come oh so if you want us to love you like God love the church why are we always doing the waiting well I'm messing up see and I'm not messing up your theology I'm just messing up your opinion because the things most of y'all are thinking have nothing to do with scripture [Music] oh God I I can't stand how quiet y'all are it's this is very you ought to you ought to be really paying attention to yourself how you act when you get the truth men are all ways considered last we gotta wait any good man will tell you you if you got a couple of dollars you got to make sure everybody in the house has it you got to go without and even parents teach their sons your sisters let them go first let them get the bathroom first let them be first let them be first and so in every step of his life he's always last women get in the club for free y'all get free drinks from four to six [Applause] tell me one club that says men special the first 50 men get in free I know we got to buy bottles at fifteen hundred dollars a pop so all of the women can drink for free come on now come on if you can't say man say ouch fellas I'm telling you gonna have to you're gonna have to say something because if y'all don't start saying hey man I'm gonna switch on y'all right now I'm gonna turn a corner because when I help them out they say something that you better say something I fight y'all too [Applause] but let me tell you why let me tell you why the men are sitting here silent because they're afraid if they say too much their consequences oh oh oh so you're gonna you're gonna let rev get you in trouble don't let Reb come up and mess up our house no rev telling the word of God you messed up the house [Applause] I want you to remember the name of my sermon the Adam's apple and I'm not talking about the one in the garden I'm talking about this one you're gonna get it in a minute you're gonna get it in a minute I came cocked and loaded and ready to fight the devil in here today and the reason why I'm not talking about the one in the garden we don't even know what fruit they ate in the garden we don't know if it was an apple but I'm talking about this Adam's apple [Music] ladies night what a news night have y'all ever been to a jewelry store say the jewelry store is the size of this stage all of this is the women's rings and here go to men's ring section right over here in the corner that's why all it's got the same ring on we ain't got the four choices [Applause] ain't but three men's rings in the whole world women got oval Square Emerald cushion uh big small clarity cut princess cut Diana cut Sarah cut all we got is a band just a a gold or black or wooden van see we live in a world of double standards now now I've been watching online men have been getting wigs lately and y'all been laughing and talking about us but uh you haven't wore your hair natural since madam CJ Walker why in the world why y'all making fun of us if we want to change how we look shouldn't we be able to do it like you your hair is not that straight and it ain't that long now if we get rid of all of the help in here today it's going to be a whole lot of Nigerian sisters in the room today because your real texture underneath that Silk texture all we gotta do is look at your neck now we can tell y'all better stop playing with us [Applause] that ain't yours I ain't saying nothing wrong with your way but stop making fun of the brothers if they want one you can see sisters online oh girl look at him that wig is out of control uh baby let me tell you something some of y'all wigs [Applause] out of pocket fellas I'll let your boy cause they they ain't they ain't came to no church I was in the golf store yesterday getting me some give me a golf bag and women always make fun of men about how we always wait to the last minute when it's Mother's Day let me tell you how many women was in the golf store yesterday getting golf getting getting gift cards last minute just just I mean a million of them in there asking a man what men like I get this was yesterday y'all want picnics in the park a drone to bring about a crystal down from the air you want a plastic bubble with an air conditioner in the inside cause you had nine months of Labor and I understand that mothers ought to be respected and applauded but so should fathers [Applause] would just always falling behind go do the statistics right now look at boys and girls in Academia the boys have fallen behind academically behind women if you go to graduate schools right now women are outnumbering men in graduate schools two to one and in the 1980s it was even so right now you have two women being educated for every one man do you hear me you and if you're a woman you can be a double minority if you are black or brown are you listening to me and let me tell you something and when I looked at my brother in the hospital bed it made me realize that our men are dropping out of the workforce overdosing on drugs contemplating suicide drinking themselves to death and dying seven years earlier I want you to look at the model next time you go and you see an older couple and the woman is about 70 years old and the man is about 72 the woman going to be 72 75 still in Hills walking just getting it and he go really Earl behind her they're the same age [Applause] [Music] pay attention why we why what is it about why are we dying seven years earlier did God give women special Hearts then he gave man do you all have veins we don't have do you all have kidneys we don't have oh maybe we have pressure that you don't have maybe we have responsibilities that you don't have and maybe the weight on us has drug us so far down that a 50 year old man can be in the hospital with a double aneurysm and where and where hashtags that protect us too we have no dates that protect us only dates that memorialize us not only are we being killed in our homes we're being killed in our streets not always by gang members sometimes about those who promise to protect and serve on the first day he created day and night on the second day he created the atmosphere oh there is a Paris climate agreement with 160 plus Nations protecting the air he created the fish in the file there's a game and Wildlife Coalition that protects it he created the sun Moons and stars and NASA has spent trillions of dollars appreciating and exploring it but where's the commission for man everything he created has an agency that protects it except for us look at commercials that that publicize things for women it's always women in the park just happy just oh if you take this medicine you're gonna be good when it's a man's medicine he like [Music] you seen that one voltarian with with the father and the son he gets up he can't get up from the desk he can't walk and then he takes his dad up to the mountain and he wipes the stuff on his knee and all of a sudden he's better because even the way we're depicted on television is always broken down always dying always in need of more I'm gonna Preach Today whether you like it or not and some in our society will blame it on video games and some will bling it blame it on fatherlessness and some will blame it blame it on negative uh relationships and some but I'm afraid that the problem is a lot more complicated than that and so are the solutions here it is are you ready you want to know why we're struggling men Satan hates Adam I'ma prove it to you Satan hates Adam verse 5 says there was no man to work the ground verse 7 says so God formed him from the dust Verse 18 says the man was alone and God made him a helper well why does he need help everybody just say this for me help a brother out let me tell you why he needs help because the first two jobs that God gave him are never ending the first thing God told him to do was till the ground can you imagine Adam is over here tilling the ground and as soon as he gets the east side of the garden together he goes to the west but before he finishes with the West the East is already growing again and then he goes south to get South done and then he goes to get North but once he gets North done then South is overgrown but West still needs help so he's over here now trying to fix the rest again and in the same time that he's trying to keep the garden cut just imagine having to cut a yard the size of Houston by the time you get one side done and go to the other side it would have grown again so now he's in a full-time job don't know when he's going to get a break doesn't get an opportunity to stop because he's got to make it pretty for everybody and in the same time he's got to name all of the animals and scientists are still discovering animals today so that means that just when he figures and thinks he has named all of the animals here comes another species that needs a name so now he's cutting and naming cutting and naming cutting and naming and then Eve comes and say I need me time I thought you were here to help not tell me to do more I thought you were here too hell can you name some of these animals can you cut some of this grass because let me tell you something you will either babysit a broke man or miss a rich one no man who is bringing home the bacon and can buy you the house you want and can buy you the car you want and can clothe you the way you want to be closed has enough time to eat lunch with you every day [Applause] so either you're going to have a man who's at home with you all day so you can know where he's at at all times and he can't contribute or you gonna have one who knows how to slay Giants but you ain't gonna find both of them anyone any man who got as much time as you want him to have ain't gonna have as much resources as you need him to have so you just pick Boo or do you want a man and when that man comes home from cutting that grass and naming those animals you be at the door talking about Adam wherefore art thou Adam remove your fig leaf no because we need some help help her brother out slap your nose and help her brother out he needs some help he needs some help [Applause] see the thing about a man y'all better hear me a man's primary job is to protect and provide and let me tell you something if a woman takes care of the house you can be too tired to cook he can't never be too tired to protect oh you better hear me see the man's job is never ending he can't ever be too too tired to provide he can't ever be too tired to protect but you can have a headache by the way the Bible says your body don't belong to you it belongs to him so take an Advil [Applause] if you know you're prone to get headaches wake up and take one so let's start working before you get one [Applause] you know you got headache problems oh I know you don't like it I know you don't like it but you don't recognize that Society has commercialized man and Womanhood and because women buy that's what story is sold oh my God you have any idea how a good man in the house wakes up every time he hears a sound this is all men to do right now when a man is with you let me tell you something he has he has looked at the Topography of everything okay if something happens I'm gonna pick this up and knock him out this is the exit this is where I'm gonna go I'm gonna tell her to go here yeah but he's he's all ready trying to figure out how to protect you at all times every man in this room right now that is with a woman has already calculated what it would take to protect her without saying the word to you I know it's Sarge I just want to think oh if I don't open the door for her how long she gonna be mad at me if I if I if I don't speak to her when I walk in the house even though she don't speak to me how long should she gonna be mad and if I don't kiss her but if she don't kiss me it's I forgot but if I don't kiss hers who yeah who else she got is it's ain't no need of y'all getting quiet I'm telling the God's honest truth she's cutting the grass and he's naming animals cutting the grass naming animals cutting the grass pruning and Lord knows don't let him make a mistake don't let them make a mistake as we make a mistake it ain't never gonna be forgotten and here's the thing everything that God created in some way has to served you and yet you still enjoy it the sun can give you cancer but you don't stay inside the atmosphere can give you allergies but you just take a pill and you go the fish can give you food poisoning but you eat it anyway but let man make a mistake man makes a mistake he might not ever be forgiven and women say oh we do forgive we stayed just because you stayed don't mean you forgave some women stay so they can manipulate you into being the kind of weak man they need you to be so they will forgive you so they can control you they will pretend to forgive you so they can control you you made a mistake they think ah got them now I'm going to make him spend the next 10 years making up for an insecurity I had before I got him look at every woman and say unfold your arms I don't care I don't care see because let me ladies let me tell you something and this summer this summer going I know they're gonna go crazy online I'm not worried about it but see you can't use your body language to get me to change my conversation you can slouch down in that seat you can keep rolling your eyes at me I'm still gonna preach because why am I talking about the Adam's apple Brothers let me give you the end before the beginning if the devil can get you to stop talking so now now you have men their answer to the frustration is to get a man cave and to play video games for nine hours a day and be in silence and if there is one thing that frustrates a woman with a man is when he won't talk but my question for you is when was the last time what we said consider to be valuable we are only quiet because you told us we talked too much which one do you want do you want us to talk to you or do you want us to shut up and let you be you which one do you want because you are confusing us do you want us to shut up and talk or be quiet and listen or does it depend on which version of man you want that day y'all hear them Church mice we have to detoxify what it means to be a man and being a man doesn't mean we can do everything let me tell you something that man cries people saying I ain't never seen my daddy cry before that's because he wouldn't let you see it but let me tell you your daddy cries he goes in the bathroom and locks the door and cries in the shower makes sure that his eyes are not red when he comes out because he knows all of his life tears have been met with condescending comments like weak oh he cries and let me tell you about a man he doesn't cry like you he don't cry with tears he cries with another woman he cries by going and buying a sports car and washing it all day long he cries by buying jewelry and watches he cries by buying rims oh he will get attention from somebody if he won't give it to him he cries he cries touch your neighbor and say me and cry and he struggles to do the one thing that he needs to do the most listen to me he struggles to ask for help he struggles to ask for help and when he does ask for help and he does get the help he will realize that his life could be better but Satan has gotten the Adam's apple the Adam's apple is cartilage that God strategically placed in the body that covers the larynx or what scientists call the voice box so every attack of the enemy is to silence a man because things happen when we speak which is why we are silent because we're under the spell of Satan we're quiet everywhere we're quiet at home we're quiet at church you know your son needs to be talked to but you don't want to fight with his mama because she telling you how to talk to him let me tell you some women if you got a good man in your house don't you stand in between him and his son [Applause] don't put your hands on my child the Bible says beat them and they will not die read your scripture read your Bible read your Bible read your scripture I know I know what you're thinking but read your Bible Those whom he loved he also chastises what is wrong with our young boys today is that they have no disciplinarian [Applause] can I still talk to you [Music] Adam is in the garden he feels last now all of a sudden he sees Eve he see what the animals do he tried nine months later they got Sons he learned how to procreate from an animal what do lions do after they mate with lionesses they leave he learned from the Beast the one thing a man can do without help is leave that's his nature that's why I told y'all to praise God for a man and stay because any man that state is acting in opposition to his nature [Applause] he leaves he has two sons Cain and Abel and they are born and then they give an offering to God and the Bible says that God saw that Abel's offering was more advantageous than canes so Cain saw that his offering was considered last now why does he struggle with being considered last well because the first thing that Adam gave Cain was not a name it was insecurity Adam felt last now Cain feels last and now Cain kills Abel because he feels last and by the way go read your Bible by the time you get to the fourth chapter Cain has left the garden he leaves and the Bible says he lives as a vagabond for the rest of his life because men when we are in a tight spot and we don't have words to say or we don't feel that we would be believed or we don't feel validated let me tell you what we will do we will leave we will walk right out of the room and you will think we walked out on you we've walked out on something that was passed to us because what is the benefit of staying am I staying so that I can be manipulated am I staying because it's right to do am I staying for the kids and and I know we talk about men who stay for things other than the relationship but women y'all stay for other stuff too because some women they want to leave but when they start calculating the bills they figure they can't live on their own yet so they stay until they can so I can't afford this house by myself so I'm gonna stay for a little while but by the time tax return come I'll be able to get it so I'll filed in February because mm-hmm the devil is after the male voice and let me tell you why your sons are joining games not so they can get AK-47 but because they want a man to tell them what to do they're getting in the game so that somebody would clout in Authority can give them instructions even if it's the wrong instruction or you listening to me so Adam gives Cain and security and now Cain is insecure listen to me women which means that if you don't start lifting your men you are actually punishing your voice [Applause] whatever man doesn't get from you he can't give to his sons and so if you don't have healthy men you can't have healthy Sons if you don't have strong fathers you can't have strong boys and daughters for that matter that's why you got to understand the nature of men the Bible says in Genesis that man was created in the image of God and one of the things that God needs to be is what praised and every time God is praised he does more why do you think why do you think Solomon said it is better for a man to be on a rooftop or in the desert than in the house with a complaining woman if you would turn that complaining in the praise let me tell you something a man who is praised will run through fire and a brick wall to bring the bacon home a man who is praised and let me tell you something listen to me women we need to be loved before we get rich we need to be loved before we get it right we need to be loved when we're getting on y'all nerve we need to be loved because most of us are learning how to be husbands and fathers on you [Applause] nobody wants to praise the man all we want to do is correct him but you got to praise that man and when you praise that man he'll perform Miracles when you praise that man he'll protect you the more when you praise that man he will remember to do the things that you need done without you having to ask for them one of the things that most women say about men is why should I respect him if he don't respect me but how many women have been loved by men they didn't love you got to respect that man even when he is not in the best position to be respected he can be acting a fool and be Plum ignorant but he yours talk to me somebody I said talk to me somebody aren't we taught as a society to love women the way they are well why don't y'all love us the way we are messed up toe up psychologically Disturbed insecure rejected we are all of those things too somebody help Adam I want you to look at a man right now say I I got your back bro just look at him I got your back bro I'm gonna let y'all go let me tell you let me tell you why this is so hard let me tell you why this is so hard because only 10 percent of the room wants to hear what I'm saying that's why this is so hard because only ten percent of the room wants to hear what I'm saying but I promise to God if I was saying women you don't need a man you can get a man y'all are being here going crazy thank you that'll be going crazy if it was for you I'm just trying to get you to understand you're damaging your child when you don't give a damn about him [Applause] that showed child's father do you not want him to be healthy enough to pour into your child and love your child and let me tell you something most men are confused and broken and let me tell you why because they were born two men who were confused and broken and let me tell you why because they were born to men who were confused and broken and since Adam's time men have been silent Adam should have stood up and said eve you heard what God Said God said we can't eat that tree you know what he did he acquiesced to make her happy and he bit the fruit and now we are all in trouble because a man didn't speak up brother let me tell you something the last thing I want you to be is silent you can be broke but don't be silent you can be broken but don't be silent you can be confused but don't be silent you can be a whoremonger but don't be silent open your mouth and Speak Life I need to hear every man in this place so they open up your mouth and begin to praise God like your life depended on it [Applause] how do I know this is true because even Jesus when he was going through his crucifixion the Bible says he never said because when men struggle we get quiet the most dangerous man in the world is the one who gets enough courage to not care if you talk to him either when the man gets to the point where your Silas doesn't make him do something different you're losing because every man who still cares will come to you and say okay baby what we got to do what's wrong with you the moment you can go three days without talking and he can go forward I'm telling you it ain't gonna be good and you might not care but I'm just saying it's a wrap don't lose your voice talk to your sons even if you feel uncomfortable and don't let a divorce make you not be a father to a child you brought into the world fight whoever you gotta fight to see your child stop buying Louis Vuitton and go get you a lawyer [Applause] don't you just let your son or your daughter be out here without you there's something in you that can't get from nobody else and I don't care how good the man is that she got he ain't sure [Applause] if anything get alongside that brother and help him raise your child but don't be absent because you can't have the Mama you're the worst kind of man that won't raise your child because you can't sleep with a mama [Music] she shouldn't have to sleep with you for you to pay child support she shouldn't have to flirt with you for you to be a man be a man every day of your life somebody shot I'm a man got responsibilities it's hard to be a man it's tough to be a man it's uncomfortable to be a man but nonetheless be one anyway be one anyway be one broke you ain't got to buy your child Jordans to be a father all you got to do is show up and spend time with them be a man [Applause] sit down and play the video game with him if you don't understand what's going on sit down with them and dribble the basketball have the conversation of the birds and the bees with them and let me tell you something just because you made mistakes don't mean you ought to not try there man shout be a man don't you ever be more father to somebody else's child than you are your own [Music] be a man you're gonna have to fight because it's going to be stuff trying to get you along the whole way but you're going to have to fight and you're gonna have to be strategic and you're gonna have to be smart and you can't be emotional you're gonna have to think because a real man always thinks about the long-term consequences of immediate decisions speak up stop coming to church and letting the women praise and you just sitting there looking like like I ain't talking to you too women around here praising and dancing the Fella's just sitting there cool let me tell you something you ain't gonna get no Miracle with your hand in your pocket you ain't gonna get no Miracle with your tongue at the roof of your mouth you're gonna have to survive God too you're gonna have to fall prostrate in the sanctuary you're gonna have to speak in your heavenly language you're gonna have to lift your hands I want to see men walking around this room laying your hands on your heart yo yo your your wives and your your sons and your daughters I want to see husbands doing it too women should always be at the altar prayer [Applause] ought to be some men carrying your whole family up here coming to the Lord beseeching the throne of grace having a beer don't make you a man having pecs in your chest don't make you a man having biceps don't make your man what makes your man is you responsible for your garden and naming your animals that's what makes you a man and you might not be able to buy the garden I can buy or you might not be able to buy the garden and Pastor Taurus goodbye but get your garden you tend that Garden don't don't wish for somebody else's Garden work the garden you got I said work the garden you got if you got a two bedroom apartment Works your garden if you got a 5 000 square foot house work your garden if you got vacation homes work your garden be a man help me Holy Spirit and let me tell you why you're having trouble because I'm gonna tell you what the Bible says it says the first Adam was a created creature the second Adam was a life-giving spirit oh we got a problem the reason why Satan hates the first Adam is because he picked a fight with the second Adam the second Adam is Jesus according to Paul not only here it is not only was Jesus the second Adam if you look at it in the Hebrew the Bible says that Jesus was the last Adam so Jesus says men you got a complex as a result of the Fall you ain't the last Adam I was the last Adam so you never have to be last again the reason why most men don't know their place is because they have been founded in God [Music] you keep finding your place and how much money you make and how much your job pay you but can I get some spiritual men who don't count your worth by what your bank account looks like but count your worst because when you pray something happens can I get a spiritual man in this house to make the roof Shake on this place and use your voice [Applause] I need every brother to find another brother and tell them you ain't last the first shall be last and the last shall be first I speak to every man in here it is time for you to find your rightful position it is time for you to get in the front of the line it's time for you to call the prayer meeting with your wife not the other way around it's time for you to anoint your children with oil not the other way around every man stand up and shot I'm a man I said every man stand up and shot I'm a man I'm a man whether I'm unemployed I'm a man whether I have a savings account I'm a man whether I have a woman I'm a man because God created me to be one [Music] stop calculating your worth on stuff you don't need seven rings on 12 bracelets and 15 chains to be a man you don't even know how they talking about your crazy but when you come over here with all that jury on the women like it ain't real anyway you want to impress a woman come over and bring her your Journal your prayer life and your devotional and tell her baby I got your back I might not be where I want to be but I promise you I can keep the devil off for you where are the real spiritual men in this house today give another brother high five and tell them this is your season to be the man that God called you to be lift up your head oh ye games P he lifted up he Everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in thank you I need every man to shout shout this man say it's my time shout is My Season shout out to Victory now man if you believe it I want to hear some noise in this place [Applause] men remember Romans 8 and won the rest of your life because men are not often forgiven for that sins but Romans 8 and 1 says therefore is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus let me tell you something even if they don't forgive you God has foreign God has forgiven you for every mistake you've made God ain't just a God for women he don't just forgive them he don't just give them another chance he don't just forgive them for divorce he forgives you too let me tell you something if all mothers were staying with their children then we would not have receptacles at fire stations let's talk about it let's talk about they now have a new box at the fire station where you can go and drop the baby off and it is inside of the fire station and it locks from the outside after you drop the baby off so let me ask you are men doing that but we got a myth that all women stay in all men leave it's a lie from the pit of Hell there's some single fathers in here right now raising children ain't got help from nobody there are some single fathers in here right now speaking life into their child and their mama in Vegas Living up their life I want you to start recognizing that men are not asleep at the wheel it ain't as many of us as it is y'all but we got this help me Holy Ghost help me Holy Ghost I'm breaking curses in here I'm Breaking Chains in here right now because if I can get these fathers to see who they are they gonna call their sons when they get home and say baby baby boy I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you but as of this day you got your daddy and I got your backers let me tell you a man that knows that his father has his back a daughter who knows that her father has her back I told my wife I told my wife one day in the conversation I said baby I got a revelation I said baby I got a revelation I wish I would have known this a long time ago I said but here's a problem that I've always had and the Lord helped cure when I met you it is not my job to turn you into who I wish you were it is my job to love you just like you are [Applause] and she's always done that for me but that's what men need can you love me with my bad temper because I love you with your over emotionalism can you love me when I don't cry cause I love you and you cry for everything and after you cry you still don't change [Music] can you love me when I lose your job because I definitely dated you when you wasn't making a lot and do I have time to get better because I definitely am giving you time to get better literally I think I said this the last time I was here at the north campus that we got to get out of human worship do y'all remember that conversation and my brother Cleo sent me a message the same day after the sermon where a woman posted online I need a medical just trying to figure out why y'all get to be worshiped and we don't either we both gonna be worshiped oh we're not but this double standard that has men at the back of the line as if we're not contributing those days got to be over you think [Applause] that's sleeping with him will satisfy him it will for 15 minutes and I'm being generous you live in your house you you adjust I want you to look at these men standing up all over this room they ain't sat down in 25 minutes you know why they're standing up [Applause] so I want you to look at all these men because people say man it ain't that many men in the church all the men stand up real quick all the men stand up oh it's it's a man in the church [Applause] look at them in the balcony look at all those men in the balcony there's some men in the church let me tell you something you know why they're standing up because they go their whole life and nobody speaks up for and the reason why these men in this church and they gonna be back next time because they finally found a place where somebody ain't scared to speak the truth for them and you know why they're standing up because all of them thinking real this is what I've been trying to say but if I said I get punished if I say it it's going to be a problem ladies stop always trying to get us to hear you and hear us too [Applause] cause if Satan Gets behind this Adam's apple and he gets the voice you're going to have an issue because the Bible says in First Peter 3 and 7 let the man pray for the wife for she is the weaker vessel that his prayers might not be hindered did you not know that when you find the right man you just haven't found a lover you found a prayer Warrior [Applause] I will grab my wife's hands in a minute and get to praying sometimes I get to praying and she'll she'll be looking at me like what you want I'm like I don't want nothing we're just gonna pray we riding in the car today I know this is a second Father's day without a father I just looked at him said you gonna be all right watch what I told her next let me know if you're not because she got permission not to be okay today she got permission [Applause] but she can get that from me because she gives that to me is trying to tell you that a man you won't praise will not perform even Jesus got to be praised and we were created in His image I tell you what every man in this place grab another man by the hand one can chase a thousand two of us can put ten thousand a flight and I'm actually doing me one more favor before I pray I can almost guarantee you that that brother ain't got a hug from another brother since he can remember I want you to wrap your arms around that dude and I want you to hug him like y'all used to share twin beds as brothers wrap your arms around and hug that brother hug him [Music] [Music] oh it's amazing hold on hold on before we move on hold on hold on before we move on I ain't say Patty because just come here Raymond this this is how brother's hug all right I said hug that brother put your arms around there brother and squeeze and let them know he ain't by himself hug that brother hug him hug him hug them [Music] now how many of y'all brothers feel better so there may be some women in this place today you're a single woman you live by yourself you raising children on your own you don't have no help you wish you could find what a Daddy was let me tell you what we about to do I got enough Brothers in here that's going to pray the Spirit of Courage and tenacity in your house and I'm going to pray that the spirit of man falls on your house [Music] there's enough of us in here to do it look at me ladies please raise your hand if you have a teenage son in your house look at me look at me look at pastor do me a favor do not make your son think he's your husband nor the man of your house because when God does sin both your son is going to pretend as if the person God gave you got to pass an exam and there's going to be contention you let God lead your house until he sends the man that he wants in your house cannot get an amen in this place today you put that boy in his place so he will be in his place when God puts somebody in your space don't let him sleep in your bed I don't care if you're home or absent let him sleep in his own room he need to knock on your door before he come in just walking in the door put some parameters in place sometimes God won't send you a man it's because your environment ain't for men start balancing your money you want a husband either learn how to order real good or start cooking right now either one of them do if you order real good he won't know you don't cook I want you to order real good take it out the box put it on the plate make it look like you made it he won't know all we is is hungry that's it am I right Brothers all we all we is is hungry most of us don't care if you make some different every day as long as we fool just feed us until we won't know more Brothers I'm your father talking to you right now I have spoken for you but now I'm going to challenge you do not let this seed Fall by the wayside don't you leave it arrogant don't you leave here Hardy and puffed up with pride you leave here humble under the mighty hand of God you leave him broken and mistake written cause you ain't perfect but nobody is but do not weaponize this message to be manipulative and get your way when you get home you be a man honor that woman as a weaker vessel that your prayers may not be hindered provoke not your children to Raft acknowledge the Lord in all of your ways and he will direct your path don't be silent man stop just trying to be rich find your voice stop just trying to put on muscle find your voice stop worrying about your fashion for a little bit and find your voice be authentic be courageous and I promise you my God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches and Glory let your family see the emotional side of you you don't have to be hard all the time you don't have to know everything if you don't know where you're going ask for directions stop getting lost for no reason do you hear me I'm so honored to be your father I'm so honored to be your pastor I love you too and it ain't easy to get men to come to church but Brothers I'm over trying to get you to come to church I'm after getting to church in you I want you to take your position I want to see some of you as prayer warriors I want to see some of you as Ministry leaders I want to see you in your position I want to see you here early and not coming late I want to see a volunteer army of men rise up that everything we do in this church we're gonna have to ask a woman to lift nothing I said we don't have to ask her I don't want to see another woman carrying a chair and opening a door I want you doing it if you got my back say I got you let me tell you something the devil tried to fight one of us he fighting all of us we see a child in this church going by the wayside we all praying for him can you hear my mouth and my heart and my mind Spirit of the Living God touch these men these are not your typical men these are men on the upswing on the rise for the upward call I call prostate cancer out of their bodies I call tumors out of their brains Hallelujah cholesterol levels going down hypertension going down back pain going away rejection and insecurity dissolving I feel them Rising as tears fall down their eyes and it's okay to do so I speak courage and life into you and no weapon even if it is a family curse no weapon formed against you will prosper and every lying tongue of the enemy that rises up against you shall be condemned in Jesus name we pray [Music] let every heart say man one last time ladies can you praise God for these men [Applause] come on ladies praise them praise them what if I told you your man is in this praise what if what if God sent him you've been waiting but have you been worshiping come on open up your mouth glory to God every one of you every one of you find your voice and you speak whatever God tells you to say you'd be surprised what would happen if you don't settle for just being quiet this is what every man said I'm just going to be I'm just going to be quiet that's where the enemy wants you I want you to get scripture in your mouth Clarity in your heart speaker you hear me are we going to worship and we're going to take offering and we're going to go home our Sarge you want to stay they want to go they got it they got to go to um a restaurant yeah how many y'all got reservations right reservations all right next year all the women cooking for Father's Day amen didn't get no amass I got a few I said next next year all the women cooking for Father's Day [Applause] you know and if you can't cook get your girl to make her dish and your other girl to make her addition just have them drop it off and be like baby I was on Tick Tock thinking about you I will always [Music] come on [Music] how are you always [Music] and I will not be [Music] I will always worship you foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] do it again do it again not be [Music] I will [Music] love foreign [Music] that after all of this pageantry Father's Day is a hard day for some people some of y'all had a father and you lost them to death or disease or to absenteeism and I don't want to be insensitive to speak to all of you as if we're all in the same place for some of you today is a a day of tremendous pain and I pray that God would give you the peace [Music] that will surpasseth all understanding like many of you I can see my father in the casket still in his clothes with a familiar face that appeared as if he was just asleep and I am reminded that that's all he was he was just asleep because one day the sky is going to crack like glass and we're going to be caught up in the twinkling of an eye and once more and again I'll be able to behold his face but before I get to him I'm going to pass up my grandfather I'm gonna pass up my biological father I just want to see Jesus's face I want to see if I can put my hand in the nail print I want to see if that hole is still in this side oh and I want to tell them how grateful I am that when he died he didn't leave me out I'll get to my daddy I'll get to my grandfather I'll get to my other brother who's passed away but I want to see his face thank you Jesus for being my elder brother Hallelujah I pray that the peace of God will be over those of you who've lost a father and that it never gets easier you just you just learned to live with it and you'll have moments where you wish you could turn back the hand of time but anybody know God is too wise to make a mistake and he is too loving to be unkind hallelujah thank you Jesus if you're in this place today and we're still going to give but I want to see if there's anybody in this place who feels like this is an apropos moment for you to give your life to Christ because this father he will never leave you [Music] nor will he forsake you he cannot die he cannot lie he's from Everlasting to Everlasting if you're in this place today and you 've never accepted him as your father your lord and savior and you believe that this is a place where God is going to continue to grow your faith and to reach you to to raise you to higher Heights and deeper depths wherever you are in this room if you're in the balcony you're in the back you're in the front I want you to come and consider being a part of this family Lighthouse Nation we're talking to you too they're going to put a link up on the screen so that you can join us virtually and be a part of our Global Experience if you're in this place today and God has sent you here to connect with this church I want you to come and we're going to praise God for you as you come wherever you are wherever you are wherever you are just come you can come as you are but don't leave like you came they're going out of the door come on and praise God for them God bless you God bless you brother God bless you my brothers thank you for men coming God bless you Sister thank you Hallelujah All of My Worship [Music] God bless you Brothers thank you my word right this way Hallelujah God bless you thank you thank you [Music] and I will and I will not die I will always [Music] as alone [Music] I will I will I will always come on let's sing it one more time we're going home and I will not be silent [Music] I will I will always [Music] as the longest higher oh yeah I will always Here's My Worship all of mine please receive [Music] one last time is [Music] listen let's get ready to give how many of you all are glad that you have something to give come on and praise God for that God bless you they're still coming God bless you my brother my sister as we get ready to give I want you to give intentionally everybody say intentionally come on listen to me say intentionally if you give with intent you will know what to expect how many of you need something from God let me see your hands if you need something from God [Music] when you give today I want you to have on your mind what you need from him and I need you to give to him as if he can supply the thing you're thinking about so don't be overzealous in what you need and underperform in what you give freely you give freely you receive and let me tell you about God when you give to him he'll give it back to you good measure press down shaken together running over and then he'll he'll employ people to give to you I speak checks in the mail unexpected raises on the job refunds you didn't see coming even the Lord showed me you overpaid on something they're gonna have to pay you back and while I'm praying I need somebody to give into your health because God showed me while I was up there he showed me um that there was somebody in here a male struggling struggling with kidney failure kidney failure and we're going to sow into Health if anybody know anybody in the room that's struggling with kidney failure I want you to I want you to sow is it you come here come here come here [Music] Nick come with your dad [Music] Hallelujah we're all about to go before the Lord on your behalf Hallelujah is anybody else literally I was standing there the Lord showed me to make an altar call for kidney failure I know it's Father's Day maybe there's a woman here today we're not we're past that I'm in the new is there anybody else other than this gentleman that we're praying for hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] we're all about to sow our gifts for your healing I'm assigning my tithe today to your healing oh God help me in this place now some of y'all might need something for yourself see my God supplies all of my needs I can afford to sow a seed on somebody else's behalf how many of you ought to sow your seed today for their healing just hold it up I want you to turn around and look at how many people are getting ready to sow their seed on your behalf Bread of Heaven Bread of Heaven Feed Us until we won't know more I anoint you the name of the father son and Holy Spirit and I speak heal into your entire body and I decree and declare that every cell in your body will align up with the scripture that says by his stripes you are healed in the mighty name of Jesus no weapon formed against you [Music] so prospering [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I will always [Music] oh you give up in here Lord God we are online and in this place getting ready to sow seeds on behalf of our brothers and sisters who need you you created every one of their bodies you know them inside and out and if you did it before you can do it again we declare healing in their physical body by The Mercy Seat of God by the blood of Jesus online we project healing in every city every state every home every office every automobile God touch your people like only you can I'm asking for hundreds of testimonies in Jesus name we pray everybody shot a man pass your gift to my right you're left [Music] for the receivers [Music] Ary I'm going to pray this prayer I've been addiction over you as you go home I pray that you will find everything in order I pray that God will mend you everywhere you hurt I pray that God will give you clarity because he is not the author of confusion no car accidents on the way home thank you Holy Ghost I'm just going to say it I pray over the daycare your babies at [Music] I'm praying over your neighborhoods and the companies that you're about to start they're going to start off in an amazing way I pray every father in this place would not lose his voice I will speak what God told him to say in Jesus name we pray everybody say Amen hug somebody on your way I'll tell them I love you and there is nothing you
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 88,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2Z6eJVp0X3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 56sec (6896 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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