One of One (Part One): The Truth about Being Single - DeVon Franklin

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how many are excited and glad to be in the house of God today [Applause] amen um I just have a disclaimer if you came for entertainment there are Essex right behind you in our exits right to either side of me you can go ahead and leave now if you don't want to be convicted this is a kind of convicting kind of message you know the word like they say ignorance is bliss so if you want to stay and Bliss you can go ahead and leave say hey I got to worship and I'm good but if you stay for this word you are agreeing to go wherever the word takes you amen all right anybody leaving y'all ready to go let's do it dear heavenly father I pray right now that you would take your stand on this stage dear Lord speak through me and I pray that you would use me as a vessel I pray if you're listening to this prayer anyone watching online or here in the audience I want you to know that God has a word for you I want you to know that you didn't come here just because you were invited this is a Divine appointment and I pray that you will receive everything you need in this moment in the name Jesus we pray amen amen amen so for the the nine o'clock we got into some some real uh deep word and so I said I don't think 11 30 you know I don't think y'all ready but here's what I'll say um I'm not going to pull back I'm gonna tell you what God told me to tell you and if you got a problem with it I want you to take it up with him not me amen so so here's here's the thing that that you know I've been in the church my whole life and one of the things that that is always just gotten to me is this idea and this stigma around singleness oh boy okay all right let's just pause how many of you are single all right now [Laughter] somebody started looking around who who raised their hand boy y'all ready how many are not single okay okay interesting um for those of you I don't know what's going on over here for those of you that raised your hand and said you're not single were you born with your partner hmm I want to submit for all of our consideration that no matter our relationship status we're all single we're all an individual why is this important because if you want to be in a couple a couple is made up of two singles if the single is weak the couple is weak two the couple is only as strong as the singles that make up the couple and too often in church Castle Cup in church culture we're rushing people into being couples when we have not equipped them to be a good single I don't know who I'm talking to right now but but you gotta know that if you are not in a couple that doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you because so often we wear a stigma with singleness as if singleness is a disease to be cured from I got a news flash for you there is no cure for singleness because it's not a disease and and too often we have that stigma and it gets revealed in this question how many of you heard this question before um why are you still single come on by show hands right so so in inherent in the question is that there's a problem being uncoupled and usually the person that asks the question is the same person that rushed into a couple not happy themselves misery loves company so they're trying to ask you a question to make you feel less than about a status that is part of your Divine Design we are all individuals and there's nothing wrong with that can I say say more um next time I hope y'all y'all might get me out of here for this okay next time a married person says why are you still single I want you to say well why are you still married [Applause] right because see no no because here's the thing too often we assign God's favor over those who found a couple watch this watch this and as a result we don't feel good by ourself we don't feel good as the individual he created US unless we are coupled up with somebody and may I submit for your consideration if I don't feel good as me I will not feel good with you no boy okay I'm gonna talk to this side ah what does it mean to be single it means to be one of one one of one it means you are unique you are individual you are worthy you are valuable you are one of one turn to your neighbor say I'm one of one you better act right I'm one of one you better tell somebody come on now uh-uh that's you might think there's others after me or before me but there's only one me so don't think you're gonna get another me out there because you're not gonna get another me out there so you better treat me right because I'm one of one come on somebody you gotta know who you are you gotta know who you are you and and here's why this is so important when I say one of one I say that as a statement of empowerment I am one of one God didn't create anybody else like me and as a result when I know my value and I know my worth then I can choose better oh boy okay I'm again I'm gonna get I got the scripture to back this up I'm just giving you what God told me to lay the foundation um how many have the courage to admit that you probably have dated some people using the data hating that person right now they right next to you so you don't want to say nothing but how many of you come on by show hands hey there's some people you probably shouldn't have dated right okay cool I argue that a lot of our decision making reveals our value system so if I don't know I'm one of one I will date down instead of dating up I will couple down instead of coupling up and I will align myself with someone who cannot handle the fullness of my value because I have not handled it first [Music] if I want someone to Value me I must value me first if I want someone to love me I must love me first and here is the challenge because we've gotten away from the Divine Design our relationships are not working because we tell people get into a couple it'll solve your problems but whatever problem you had as a single you're going to have when you're in a couple if you are not happy as a single uncoupled person you will not be happy as a single coupled person and here's what happens if you say oh you make me so happy be careful of that because the same person that makes you happy gonna make you sad too why because you have given away your power when you know you're one of one you become the creator of your happiness people can contribute to your happiness but I am the keeper and the creator of my happiness who am I talking to today ah because then if I don't know I'm one of one I get into a relationship and I ask somebody to do something they are not created to do and then if they don't get do what I ask them to do then I say oh you're the problem but the real problem I didn't know what it takes for me to be happy to begin with so now I'm trying to get you to do something for me that I ain't doing for myself who's the problem in that equation why is this important because I don't want you to feel badly about your relationship status another day of your life if you are not with somebody that's okay if you're with somebody that's okay but I need you to know regardless of your status that you are one of one let's go to the word let's go to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2. I'm going to start at verse 7. the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and the Man became a living being I repeat the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the Man became a living being does it say that the Lord God created the man and woman at the same time so does it say that he created the couple he created a single that's the Divine Design you catch that does he say that there's anything wrong with the man being created first no but watch this and this sometimes is misinterpreted I want to go to verse 15. verse 15 of Genesis chapter 2 says this the Lord God took to man put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it so the first thing that God did was give the man a job I'm just I'm just reading the word don't I don't get mad at me I'm this is what is that read the Bible for yourself this is what it said I didn't hey don't get mad at Devon okay the man had a job that was the first thing that God did all right the man had a job to take care of the Garden of Eden all right I'm gonna leave it alone I'm leaving it alone to stay Divine keep moving okay I want to move to chapter excuse me chapter 2 verse 18. the Lord God said and this is a verse that sometimes gets misunderstood the Lord God said it is not good for the man to be alone I will make a suitable helper for him so often we think that the word alone has everything to do with being by himself that's not what alone means in this context it means that it's not good for the man to be without support so as a result I will create a support system for the man I gotta pause can I kind of give you a commercial break now I'ma come to the brothers but this is for the ladies if you want your relationship to succeed it is in part based upon the support that you are giving the man you're with him say it again [Applause] okay I'll say it again if you want your relationship to succeed you gotta look at the support and when I say support I don't mean like you know lessening yourself for that person I'm just saying uh supporting what that person is doing as they support what you're doing because so often what's interesting is that the calling of someone may attract us to that person but then all of a sudden when you get with that person and they spend the amount of time they do on their calling that then creates a conflict but wait a minute if I wasn't called you wouldn't be here so how all the sudden does my calling create conflict I don't know who I'm talking to right now but when we are happy being one of one we can support somebody else who's one of one and when they're out there winning for the world we're winning because we're with them that's not a conflict to the relationship who am I talking to right now [Applause] ah well and then you know well I just want more time well you you're gonna have to date somebody else because that ain't me oh y'all don't see see here's what happens here's what happens we want to get with somebody and make them into what we want them to be instead of acknowledging who they are okay all right all right 11 okay here we go I'ma say this they changing the lightning here that's how we do this word is hot laughs look we want to church we have a good time I hope you watch it online too we having a good time right notice this is so important it's so important because so often we because we don't accept ourselves we don't accept others right so so we want to get somebody we want to be with someone and we want to change them instead of saying this person is who they are does it work for me or not but because I have not taken enough time to know who I am it makes it hard for me to evaluate who fits and who doesn't watch this watch what happens in the word go to verse 19. now the Lord God after God says I will make a suitable helper for Adam verse 19. now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air let's pause he said it's not good for a man to be alone his first response to the question was not creating Eve he created the birds and the beasts this is interesting Watch What Happens it says that he God then brought them to the man to see what he would name them and whatever the man called each living creature that was its name so the man gave the birds to the man gave names to all the livestock the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field but Adam for Adam no suitable helper was found now this is very interesting it doesn't say that God said no suitable helper was found but when the text says for Adam no suitable helper was found it implies that Adam came to the conclusion himself after he had enough time to explore the birds and the beasts he came to a conclusion that there isn't the type of support I need in what you've given me in my exploration I know enough about myself to know I haven't found the right fit ah see if Adam did not give himself time to know himself he would have ended up with the Beast oh help me Lord help me Lord uh oh some of y'all ended up with beasts because you didn't take enough time to know who you were so you could decide who's the right fit or not Adam could have had a beast but he waited for a beauty I don't know who I'm talking to right now some of you you're so rushed to get into a relationship you are dating beasts and God's saying you gotta wait for a beauty I don't know who I'm talking to but I'm gonna talk to this side right here ah T how do you know when you're dating obese it doesn't quite fit you can't quite be who you've been called to be you can't quite say what you want to say you can't even sometimes wear what you want to wear because they're going to get upset they're going to be upset with you they're going to call you out and in order to be who they want you to be you conform your identity to fit what they want you to be and you wonder why you're not happy because you're not being you you're being a cheap imitation of who they want you to be and guess what a beast is always thinking about themself ah the Beast is not concerned about you the Beast wants what he wants and if we're honest we've all dated some beasts come who got enough Courage the media I've dated the Beast before now some of you might be dating them right now don't raise your hand if you're here if they're here with you don't raise your hand it's okay but Adam had enough patience to not get with the Beast and wait for a beauty why is this important because when you don't know you're one of one you may not be able to evaluate the right fit and you link up with someone that takes you away from God instead of to God and and let me tell you one of the challenges with dealing with the Beast is if you never get into the realization of your value and your worth your dating appetite will crave beasts not beauties okay all right let me what you're saying Devon what are you talking about if we have a habit of dating people that are dysfunctional I tried to tell y'all I tried before we started this message I tried to tell you that hey if you didn't want to be convicted leave it's cool but when when you're dating a beast you get to that place where you're like oh you know I crave the dysfunction of someone because that's how I've learned love when you have a habit of dating beasts when when you meet a beauty who treats you with love and respect for some time for some people you reject it because that's not how you began to learn love I only know love if someone is dogging me out I only know love if somebody doesn't let me have a voice so what happens is our dating appetite gets turned around so when God has a great meal for us we say That's not healthy because my appetite is for fast food [Applause] laughs [Applause] let me tell you something let me tell you something and here's here's what I've here's what I know in my own life just when I talk about like you talk about health and whatnot in an appetite you know I did not used to eat according to uh what was healthy right like I just eat the cookies and and the chips and and all of that just think everything was going to be great and then when my doctor was like look you got to start eating healthier as I started eating eating healthy food initially I didn't like it because I didn't have a taste for it I had to reorient my whole body and my whole mind and my whole palate to have a taste for what is healthy when it comes to your dating life you may have to re reorient your whole mind your whole body your whole spirit for what is healthy because your appetite has been working against you oh and the church got quiet am I saying too much can I say some more hmm when our appetite works against us instead of being judgmental and upset we got to pause for a minute because we find ourselves in a cycle of dating the same type of person that we know is unhealthy for us hmm anybody been there come on who anybody been there somebody might be there right now you don't have to raise your hand I see it in your spirit I see it right but what happens is when we are dating somebody or we have a history of dating people or the type of person that's unhealthy for us instead of judging ourselves we have to take a moment to evaluate like attracts like so if I'm attracting that there must be a part of me that is that so if I want to attract differently I must become different I must look at those areas I don't want to look at so why am I attracting people who don't communicate well because I'm probably not communicating well why do I attract people who don't value me because I'm not valuing me why do I attract people who have short tempers because I'm short with myself like attracts like very important to evaluate what's going on inside of me and not judge we are all works in progress amen turn your neighbor say I'm a work in progress turns you into other neighbor say be easy on me God's not done with me yet come on somebody all right let's keep going let us keep going Adam waited for a beauty but for Adam no suitable helper was found he knew enough about himself to make a decision about what was the right fit right don't let anyone take your Power of Choice you as one of one hold the decision-making power to choose who is and isn't the right fit for you but so often what happens is if you are single and not coupled people then start to tell you if it happened for a period of time your standards are too high anybody been there oh well you're just too picky wait wait wait wait wait wait the reason why you're not happy because you weren't picky enough who am I talking to right now what do you mean my standards are too high well maybe your standards were just too low because I could be with let's watch this anybody in here if you're single and uncoupled it's not because you can't be with someone it's because you've made a choice not to just be with anyone you are Discerning come on who am I talking to you are concerning you're not just going to be with anybody you'd rather be by yourself than to be with somebody who is not where God wants you to be there's nothing wrong with you next time somebody asks you why you're single you say I'm single cause I'm whole ain't nothing wrong with me I ain't right for everybody and everybody ain't right for me who am I talking to right now [Applause] single by choice uncoupled by choice we all compete with somebody right now if we wanted to be but we are discerning and we may not want to make a choice that doesn't work and that's okay don't let the pressure that your family puts on you your friends put on you to make you feel like there's something wrong with you if you're not in a couple and to pressure you to feel life will be better when you are in a couple because there's some couples in the house I'm not asking you to say nothing couples next month when I'm back I'm gonna be dealing with the couples just so you all know but here's the thing so often when you are rushing into being a couple you get to be in a couple and you say I thought this was the answer to my problems this only creates more problems why why why because I falsely believe life will be better if I could just have somebody I would be happier if I could just be with somebody I would just be at peace if I could just find love may I submit for your consideration you don't have to wait for somebody to find love you are love God is love you are created in love come on if you don't love yourself how then will you allow yourself to be loved by another the greatest commandment love your neighbor as yourself love yourself do me a favor put your hand on your heart it's gonna sound really weird say out loud I love me now I want you to say something that's gonna be real crazy say your name well let's do it let's try it again say your name okay let's Okay well last time say say your name and say I love you you're doing great I love you and you're all right I love you there's nothing wrong with you I love you and you're right where you need to be how many feel that in your spirit right there yes yes [Applause] let me get back to the scripture but for Adam no suitable helper was found so what did God do the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and he brought her to the man so let's let's just slow the tape down so the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep pause Adam came to the conclusion that there was no suitable helper found this implies that he let God know that God immediately goes to work on his behalf but we don't know how long it took for the creation of Eve to happen do not let impatience do not let the pressure get you out of a posture of waiting now what's interesting about this it doesn't say that Adam started looking for the helper he made the Revelation I have not found the right helper he and he let God breathe to him listen I gotta put you up on game I don't want you to have a looking Spirit out in these streets why because when you're out there looking you're going to open yourself to be manipulated all right because people can can can can basically tell when you're thirsty right come on who am I talking to you can when you want it a little too badly you give off an aroma that allows you to be open to manipulation look at Esau and Jacob Esau was so hungry he gave up his Birthright to his brother because he was too hungry don't be hungry out in these streets I don't want you to have a looking spirit I want you to have a receiving spirit I am ready to receive love I am ready to receive the right person I am not out here looking I'm ready to receive and I trust that God is going to bring me the person when it's time I don't have to wear a certain thing I don't have to look a certain way all I gotta do is be the great person he created me to be and God loves me so much he gonna bring me the right person at the right time and I'm gonna stay in my power and not compromise it until it happens I don't know who I'm talking to right now but somebody gotta take your power back I'm not out here looking I'm ready to receive I'm ready to receive why is this this may seem like a small thing but it's monumental because when I'm looking it implies I don't have okay we walk by faith not by sight by faith I already know I have what God needs me to have so I can stand in a posture of receiving because I know how God does it amen don't be down because you're not coupled all right hey somebody say you're looking I'm not looking I'm ready to receive though okay what do you want to look like well I'll tell you what I like to use here's what I would like them to look like right here's what I'd like them to smell like there's nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone that's cool there's nothing wrong with that but do it from a place of strength and confidence not from a place of being less than if you don't amen is that all right am I saying too much let's go back to the word so add so the Lord called the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place of Flesh here's another very interesting point Adam had to be honest about what was going on in him too often we're not honest about what's going on in US too often we wish we felt differently but we don't so instead of being honest and say you know I have some negative emotion in me there's some things in my life that I need to sort out we try to override them I'm here to tell you it's okay if Adam didn't have the suitable helper it means that he probably was in a level of pain I'm here to tell you I don't know how we get through this life without pain I when I when I meet Jesus when I meet God I want to ask why was pain a part of the journey but just because you're in pain doesn't mean you're not in your purpose you know I'm and I'm talking about something that sounds intellectually good I'm talking about what I've been through you know these past whatever it's been you know 18 months to 24 months of navigating the pain of a divorce most painful experience in life I would not wish it or prescribe it for anybody but there was a Temptation in me to not feel the pain and try to come out here and present to you all hey look what God did and I made it through and it's okay no no sorry no I can stand on this stage because I cried I can stand on this stage because I've been in therapy I can stand on this stage because I've been in life coaching I can stand on this stage because I have good friends I can stand on this stage because I Journal I can stand on this stage because I affirm I can stand on this stage because of the work that I had to do to acknowledge the pain that I've been through we all go through it I want everybody if you've been in pain I just want you to stand up for a moment you might be in your house stand up let's just do a pain wave it's all right come on somebody we all have gone through it come on we all have gone through it and it's okay there is strength in numbers you may have your seat there's strength in numbers and too often we don't want to feel and if we whatever we don't feel we can't deal with so I stand before you saying I had to acknowledge the pain in order to find the purpose Adam who had to acknowledge the pain now watch this and then we're gonna we're gonna be done then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and he brought her to the man hmm then it says in verse 23 the man said this is now bone of my bones Flesh of My Flesh she will be called women for she was taken out of the man this is really interesting in verse 22 this is the creation of the woman Eve but you don't hear Eve coming into the Earth saying where's my man huh am I reading it right it says the man said Eve came into the Earth watch this Adam was the one who was broken Eve came into the Earth whole she had both ribs Society wants women to believe you're broken if you're not with somebody but God says the woman came into the Earth complete not seeking or needing anyone or anything I don't know who I'm talking to today but you got to stand in your power you are one of one there's nothing wrong with you if you're not with somebody you as a woman are complete you're whole [Applause] ah and I gotta say it cause I'm tired of us supporting a culture that tries to make women think there's something wrong with them if they're not married it's just not true [Applause] ah we as the men were the ones that had the aim we were broken we were not whole now watch this Adam says now this is bone of my bone Flesh of My Flesh she will be called woman for she was taken out of the man now what's interesting is Adam did not manipulate the situation to get Eve he was honest about what he needed and let God do the rest I told you earlier I talked to the ladies now I'm gonna talk to the brothers do not be a manipulator I'ma say it over here because Brothers got quiet over there do not be a manipulator let me say it to those watching online because they quiet and hear y'all do not be a manipulator what do I mean by that as men especially men of God we gotta stop lying to the women we're dealing with because we want something for that from them but we're not serious about them I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you got to stop the manipulation if you're not serious about them let them go and let them know stop playing with the hearts of God's daughters come on somebody ah I said it in love in love come on because too often when it comes to dating and relationships there's a lack of Truth and and sometimes as as men we have a Temptation and a tendency to operate less than what we're capable of because we're afraid that if we're fully truthful that the woman wouldn't want to deal with us and would leave but I would rather a woman leave because she can't handle your truth then for you to lie to her she stays under false pretenses give the person you're dealing with the information they need to make their choice if you work for them or not truth truth and here's the truth um too often we don't share the truth about who we are or what we want because we're afraid it's going to make someone upset well I don't want to make anybody mad their reaction to your truth is their reaction it's not your responsibility you not being truthful with somebody means you are manipulating their response if they don't like your truth that's their reaction our responsibility is to operate in the spirit and Truth Adam operated in truth he didn't have to manipulate the situation to get Eve no no lastly I'm gonna say it I'm just gonna mess up some dates I'm just gonna mess them up it's cool cool it's cool I don't mind doing it I'd rather you cry now instead of crying worse later if you are in a dating situation where you know you really don't care about the person I I challenge you to end it today [Applause] I challenge you to enter today because so often sometimes you're keeping somebody around because you don't want to be lonely and you like to go to the movies with somebody and it's just the movies for you but for them they're thinking oh this could be somebody this could be my partner but for you it's just play if you know that you're not serious let them know hey you know what I'm just in a not serious period of time and I just want you to know where I'm at be honest be honest we got to get more truth back in our dating come on somebody [Applause] Adam said this is now bone of my bone Flesh of My Flesh she will be called woman for she has been taken out of the man this is now bone of my bone Flesh of My Flesh Adam communicated Adam expressed his feelings this idea that we as men don't need to express our feelings it's not biblical the moment that Adam saw evil this is bone of my bone Jesus that's in my flesh this is the only reason why I leave my mother and father come on somebody I'm expressed I'ma let you know because I honor you let's get you a place where we start honoring our women more who am I talking to Let's honor our winner let's honor our women let's respect our women let's put our women where they deserve to be which is up let's let's honor who they are let's celebrate who God created them to be Let's us as men do what Adam did and say wow [Applause] you were the last of creation and the best of it [Applause] am I saying too much all right I got it I'm over my time I got one last point we good for this reason I'm taking too much time for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be United with his wife and the two will become one flesh one plus one equals one if you don't know how to be one with yourself you won't know how to be one with another if you don't know how to respect your individuality you'll allow somebody else to disrespect your individuality one plus one equals one one of the reasons why we don't know how to be one with somebody because we haven't practiced that with ourself if if you find yourself spending most of your time as a single person who's uncoupled wondering when you'll be in a couple you are going to miss one of the most valuable periods of time in your life being without somebody or without being being uncoupled God did not design that for that to be a period of depression and anxiety and frustration well when am I going to get with somebody when God decides it's not an easy word but it's a true word when God decides now that doesn't mean you don't try to evaluate the right fit of course but I need you to know right now you are everything God created you to be and I don't want you to to run out of here thinking that oh there's something wrong no no you're everything I want you to be last thing I'm going to say is this it says that the man and his wife were naked and they felt no shame hmm looks like vulnerability to me a great relationship is a vulnerable relationship vulnerability leads to Victory and next month we're going to be dealing with how to navigate that in a relationship but here's what I know if you don't know how to be vulnerable with yourself you're going to struggle being vulnerable with another Adam and Eve were in a perfect union they were naked and not ashamed they were vulnerable and there was space for that vulnerability you got to give yourself more space because if you're not giving yourself space you're not going to give space in a relationship for somebody else's vulnerability and what I mean by being vulnerable is to say it's okay how you feel where you're at hey God this is where I am I wish that I could stand before you with the pristine dating and relationship record that's not my reality and the vulnerability is saying it's okay to acknowledge it and to acknowledge it publicly and how you think about me is your business it's not mine but I want Victory so I'm going to live in vulnerability and I guarantee you you do the same and you'll experience it I need you to know and I want to do one thing and then we're going to pray I need you to know that you're one of one you are valuable you are worthy the Mona Lisa most valuable painting in the world worth billions of dollars it's protected 24 7. why because they know it's worth oh you got to know that God has angels all around you protecting you because he knows your worth but it's not about what he knows about your word it's about what you know about your word don't allow your life to be less than allow your life to be at the level of what you know about yourself he gave everything for you including his son to die on the cross for your sins you are one of one and anytime you start to get down I want you to look in that mirror and say God you did a great job oh you did a good job I'm one of one you broke the mold Lord when you get out there to take that selfie just stop before you take the selfie and say wow God we we Lord have mercy you did a good job on me come on now if you're not talking yourself up come on now encourage yourself before you need somebody to encourage you be your source of encouragement and affirmations so that you can be who God calls you to be here's the last thing I want to do I want to do this thing that I call the love affirmation anybody ready to receive love come on stand up stand up stand take your feet amen I want you to repeat after me I receive what I believe I believe in God I believe in Jesus I believe in love I believe in myself [Music] I am the love I want to receive I release my anxiety I release my fear I release my doubt I open my hands I open my heart I opened my mind I don't wait till love I don't wait to love I love myself now I love myself now I love myself now I love my life now I love God now I love me now I'm grateful for love now and I'm grateful for the love I know I know I know it's on the way if you receive this love affirmation go ahead and give God praise come on you can do better than that you can do better than that you can do better than that come on come on [Music] how many of you feel better now than how you came in who am I talking to hey man how many feel more empowered to walk in your singleness whether you're in a couple or not amen now here's what I want to do I want to do two things one if you want prayer because this has been an area of struggle for you and you just want to seal the deal in prayer I want you to come down to the altar I want you to come down to the altar if you want more power in being single if you want more power uh and being one of one and you want the strength to navigate decisions that may not be in alignment with your value come down to this altar amen come on Amen amen amen come on make room make room it's all right make room make room come on come on come on [Music] very few messages that I've ever preached resonate with me this strongly because there's so much pain in our culture around this issue that's unnecessary when I know who I am and I practice getting to know me and letting God love me and all the things I need to know about me then I can have more patience when he decides to bring the right person I want you to have more patience with yourself there's nothing wrong with you you're right where God wants you to be just got to give it time and in that time become who you were created to be work on your heart work on your mind work on your soul work on your spirit and stand in the truth of your power you are one of one and nobody is like you if you receive this prayer I want you to do me a favor go ahead and raise your hands like this I don't want you to turn your palms like this this is the international sign of receiving I want you to receive what God has for you right now dear heavenly father I pray for every single solitary Soul that's down here at this altar those that are in the audience and those that are watching online I pray if you're listening to this prayer that you would know that God did not bring you here by accident you are here by Divine appointment I need you to know that that you are everything God called you to be I need you to know if you're listening to this prayer that you are valuable I need you to know that you are love and you are loved and I know you've been going through it if you're listening to this prayer I know the pain that you're in but I need you to know that God wants you to receive his love right now God wants you to receive Jesus his son right now God wants you to receive healing right now I need you to know if you're listening to this prayer that your better days are yet ahead and instead of looking back to your past with regret everything you've been through has brought you to this place everything you've been through has taught you who you are all things work together for the good of those that love him and are called according to his purpose everything is working out in your favor if you're listening to this prayer I need you to receive that last thing if you're listening to this prayer I need you to receive confidence I need you to receive confidence I know that you might be insecure because there's some areas you wish were different those areas you wish were different that's the area God wants you to take ownership of because your difference is your destiny and when you embrace your difference you achieve your destiny I need you to know right now if you're listening to this prayer there's nothing wrong with you you're exactly where God wants you to be and I speak life over your life I speak love over your life I speak success over your life in the mighty name of Jesus would you go ahead and give him a hand praise amen how many receive this prayer God bless you family well I just believe and know that word ministered to you as they often always do remember to subscribe so that you can continue to experience this Rich we'll send you a reminder if you want to sow into this ministry we are reaching people as you know all around the world and we need your help and your support to not just bless people spiritually but practically in all the ways that we do the giving instructions on the screen sow into this and may the Lord bless you abundantly in every way God bless you we'll see you next week
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 934,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes,, one
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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