Bold 2023 Friday Night with Pastor Keion Henderson

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foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I belong to yes you oh God easy I belong to you oh God come on lift it up [Music] I speak to your God in this room come on we're gonna stay right there lift your hands to them and sing I belong to we give you everything [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time it's beautiful [Music] We Belong Together my heart again [Music] [Music] [Music] of yours forever [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] my life foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] sing I give you my give you [Music] [Applause] he's worthy of all the praise in this place and with God we can never be defeated Hallelujah come on we're going right there in this place just say never defeated never defeated it feels real good to me we're never defeated [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many believe it is [Music] [Music] we're going up lift your hands we're going up we're going up I believe God in this room right there one more time I don't know about you but I believe in God for him to do something great in my life and when I say I'll never defeated I'm declaring that over every situation every problem we're facing oh my God come on lift it up and say we'll never defeated praise God right there come on lift it up in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch this [Applause] [Applause] just think higher [Music] higher higher in you guys [Applause] [Music] is done for you and thank you for everything he's about to do in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am [Applause] Empire [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's right here whatever you need just lift it up right here lift it up real big we're going up we're going up we're going home [Music] [Music] one more time [Applause] [Music] Lord we're going higher higher I know I gotta do it say Jesus Jesus Jesus I am Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord we love you we lived your name we give you praise [Music] we believe you God we're never defeated yes Lord yes [Music] we're going home oh my God we're going up let's go there one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus [Music] he's worthy I bought the glory enough [Music] and we praise you your name is Yahweh we praise we praise you your name is Yahweh you guys back out lift your voice in this room we praise you your name thank you Jesus lift your voice in this room we praise you yes Lord hallelujah come on one more time let your voice High to him sing We Praise You [Applause] yes Lord one more time yes Lord your name we're gonna stay right there sing We Praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Your Name Is [Applause] your name is Yahweh we praise you [Applause] your name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your day where we praise [Applause] Hallelujah to our God [Music] I belong to you [Music] [Music] I belong to you stay right there [Applause] [Music] I belong to you I belong to you and I give you my heart I give you my life [Music] [Music] give you my love to you [Music] oh [Music] yes Lord oh just lift the owls [Music] Jesus [Music] Lord you deserve it you deserve it Lord you deserve it you deserve it Lord you deserve it you deserve it you deserve the glory you deserve the honor you deserve all the prayer all over this room just worship the name of Jesus in this place he's worthy yes yeah we give you glory we give you honor yeah I belong to you and I give you my heart I give you my life [Music] feel my heart just forgive me continue [Music] [Music] I belong to you [Music] worship the name [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] so we're going to reach up for some things tonight for our favor for our miracle for our blessings let me know that when you give you you you you you you you qualify for some things does anybody need something from God tonight right here let's go send my Miracle right now I'm I said my favor right now I'm pulling it down that's right come on say come on [Music] down One More Time come on say my favor tonight and every blessing right now come on [Music] one more time stay with us that's right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] put it down and if it's for me [Music] hey kids [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I want you to stand up on your feet right here come on come on come on tonight come on tonight y'all thought we just singing a song you gave tonight into good ground so when you Sue or see you can expect fruit and fruit got to be pulled down amen so we're just gonna do this as an Act of Faith tonight to pull down some things into heaven how many got some promises some prophecies some dreams that we gotta pursue in faith somebody say it's got my name on it it's got my name on it it's got my name I'm pulling it down pulling it down it's got my name on it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] last time if it's for me hey hey [Music] hey [Music] hey hey hey hey hey [Music] congrats again it's all right to give him praise hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah my name is Tony artist and uh I will be resigned over the 2003 graduation ceremony of the school of disciples better known here as sod here we have in the previous graduates here if so let me hear ya hallelujah hallelujah so at this time well the 2023 graduation class of the school of disciples please stand Hallelujah [Music] please position yourself for the graduation ceremony at previously Hallelujah while they are preparing themselves I want to just take a short moment just to give you a little overview about the school of disciples for the student disciple as I said sod is a 30-week course designed to focus on three areas three areas is the foundation of Christianity the personal discipleship and leadership development you see once they complete these courses they will be strengthened as a believer they will be prepared four anything that the enemy will bring to them they will also be prepared to defend the faith they'll be equipped or how to share the faith another thing that they would understand biblical leadership as it is expressed in the word of God while they are preparing for practical leadership the body of Christ here at Evangel Fellowship state who the disciples they Define a disciple as one who believes in the lordship of Jesus Christ and has irrevocably committed their entire life to food I cannot say this to pursue Christ's likeness in their character to participate or to practice Christ's lifestyle in their conduct to pursue Christ's Legacy in the community of like-minded beliefs [Music] say it wow banjo has a strong belief in discipleship we want you to understand why because we believe Christianity without personal discipleship is always Christianity without Christ so at this moment I shared with you what the school of disciples can do for you but at this time I would like to two disciples to come up to give their testimony of what the school disciple has done for them I would call up Brandon Bullock and the rain damn it Amy thank you will you please come the scriptures of names my God amen amen thank you [Music] foreign gracefully I noticed that all roads lead back to God has seen all my mess he has saved me from making my mess even bigger and in my in the midst of my mess it was his word that was the sustainable peace that I needed the school of disciples helped me distinguish agreeing with God and actually choosing the life denying yourself and allowing Jesus to live through you Pastor highlight of the invitation for invitation this class broke down the invitation as well as the imitation the life Jesus shows [Music] the life Jesus shows yes so finishing the class a bond of six of us was able to be created and everyone has noted that this is a walk since signing up for sod amongst church Bible study and sod God was able to develop what started as a two-man conversation every morning at seven o'clock with a brother in Christ of mine we pretty much would read the word of the day and just practice on how we can apply it to our lives and now that's development to seven people in the transportation industry that can now just read over the word and just apply it to our lives daily um so in summary I recommend sod to anyone that wants more of God says therefore be imitators of God as beloved children Ephesians 5 and 1. sod was a pivotal point in my life and I thank Evangel Fellowship for for this opportunity foreign Chaney um Elder Lewis came to me and said hey we have the school of disciples and I really think you should be in it and at the time I was at the point in my life I just wanted more Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus so I said sure but within the class we learned theology the study of God excuse me the study of God we learn christology the study of Christ and we learned new mythology the study of the Holy Ghost and within that study we've learned that all three their characteristics are the same they love us all the same the Holy Ghost is a person he loves us he has names and we need to treat him as such amen from that class I had the opportunity to go out with the disciple team and I want to sew and from now praise God yes and from that experience it just gave me the hunger the drive to continue to be a true disciple for Christ amen amen hallelujah at this time I'm going to call our pastor superintendent Otis Lockett Jr amen uh Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] so at this time we're going to do the call out excuse me sir again we want to say congratulations for you maybe see that we want to say congratulations for all of your accomplishments you know I was in the class with you for a few weeks um teaching and doing my very best to impart because I believe discipleship always ensures that the church has a future the Bible says that he will not leave us without a witness and I want you to know this that there are a lot of people that are proclaiming salvation but they don't resemble Christ and so discipleship is simply an invitation to imitation that means when you're dealing with the storm and you're dealing with some waves you don't have to complain and panic like the would-be disciples but you can speak to the storm because you have an invitation for imitation when people are sick and it seems that they can't get well you have the ability to lay hands on the sick and see them recover because you have an invitation to imitation and even when you close your eyes if the same spirit being you there was also in Christ Jesus it will resurrect and Quicken your mortal bodies because you have an invitation to imitation and I don't know about you but out of all the people in the world that I could be like I don't want to be like anybody more than Christ because Christ makes the difference and a Layman's turn for discipleship is one that follows Christ I want you to understand that Christ is not just the best leader but he's the best follower that ever existed and when you follow him you are imitating him and showing the world what Christ is all about the Bible says so let your light shine so that men will see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven in a few moments I'm going to lay hands on you I'm going to bless you our blessing is the god-given ability and the resources to bring all he has spoken over your life to pass I believe that's going to be a point of contact Abraham had promises but he needed a blessing he needed a Melchizedek to release the blessing in his life and then I want to anoint you because I believe that we all need the full backing of almighty God to do what we do and so we all need a transference we all need empowerment and that's what we're going to do on today I want to thank God for all of the sod alumni that are here on tonight so I want you to know that you're standing on the shoulders of other disciples and that you're not fighting this battle alone I want to remind you that even when it gets lonely if God be for you then who can be against you and so we're so excited I'm proud to be your pastor I'm proud to be your Chief servant I'm proud to be able to celebrate your accomplishments and this commencement so at this time I'm going to lay hands on you and we're going to commission you to do the work of Jesus Christ amen amen okay I'm gonna lay hands first okay okay amen I this is what I want to do I want you just to close your eyes and I'm going to pray for you I'm gonna ask everybody out there just to stretch your hand forward if you're watching go online you can stretch your electronic hand your emoji you'll mean whatever it is you can stretch it forward and be in agreement with us on today and all I'm going to do is simply say go and make disciples because the proof that you've matured is that you're able to produce what you are because leaders teach what they know they reproduce who they are so father God we thank you for these disciples that are represent the year we thank you for the anointing that flows from the Quran ahead to the soul that Feast we thank you God that you have called them for a Time such as this and right now God we Empower them in Jesus name amen now go and make disciples now go and make disciples now go and make disciples now go and make disciples now go and make disciples now go and make disciples come on give a load of hand place if you standing in agreement amen at this time we have a special presentation for all of the sod graduates we want to thank God for Elder Michael Lewis who is watching by way of the web for his commitment and his willingness to serve this great group of leaders and at this time I'll turn the service over to those who will lead us further in this presentation and now let us receive our 2023 School of disciples graduates Brandon Bullard foreign [Music] Chaney [Applause] [Music] Mark Q farmer I'll come down to you [Music] amen amen he said he had to come get it thank you [Music] Sierra Moore [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jalen stumper foreign [Music] [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen let's give a warm Round of Applause for your sod graduate of 2023 they've worked hard they've worked long and now they can Go Make Disciples you can return to your seats now come on let's continue to celebrate them as they return to their seats [Applause] now the real work begins listen I want to just take a few moments just to say thank you again thank you all the artist for your service thank you District missionary Michelle Lewis for your service as well I want to thank God for this great District that is present on today to all the district pastors that are here on tonight if you're a part of the Bold uh Fellowship I want you to stand at this time would you do that so that we can just salute you and thank God for you and God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you you know we're going to celebrate in a little bit but I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart you know it's a cause for connection and I'm just so Godly grateful that you all will remain connected to this Fellowship I believe we have some great works to do when the day used to come and I believe that we're just simply better together so thank God for you we want to thank God for all of our guests that are here on today for those that are watching by way of the web we are excited about what God is going to do in this place on tonight we are in high anticipation because I believe that in one word from the Lord can change your entire life but before we have the video introduction you know I have a list of thank yous I want to thank God for my Bishop The Bishop's Timothy Emanuel Powell singer God bless you Bishop if you're watching I want to thank God for my first lady lady Powell and I want to thank God for our state supervisor and the person of mother Patricia D Lofton may God continue to bless you all and Grant you along the life I want to thank God for our district missionary again District missionary Michelle Lewis we love her we're so Godly grateful for her want to give honor to the mother of this house my mother mother Barbara T Lockwood amen God bless you [Applause] I want to thank God for my brother the pastor Joshua the Locking thank God for you thank God for you I know he's somewhere around here if I know my brother but he's never far he's always somewhere around but never far and I'm grateful for my brother Pastor Joshua Lockett I want to thank God for my sister and my brother-in-law James and Faith Gardner amen I want to thank God for their support and then I have four nephews and I have one niece and they're all seated over there and I thank God for them you know they gave me good practice you know every weekend I would take them out for ice cream and then drop them back off and go about my business I'm about eight months ago the Lord allowed me to get married and I want to thank God for the first lady of this house Andrea Paige Shelby Lockett God bless you and let me say this whatever seems delayed is not denied God knows how to accelerate you I want you to know that we have not even celebrated the one year of holy matrimony yet and we have an addition on the way and we're so grateful [Applause] for her so September 2023 is going to be a September to remember and I'm so grateful for her listen here my wife made me some meatloaf that's why I was late for church with mashed potatoes in it broccoli and you know when your wife makes you Meatloaf I don't care how busy you are you have to sit down and eat the meatloaf now when I was single I was faster after service but when you're married you got to eat the meatloaf if you want to have a happy marriage so Elder Dixon it was about 6 50 and I was sitting down eating the meatloaf and so I'm thankful for her it was good it was delicious I thank God for my wife that can cook because some of you were playing me for years that I couldn't cook and I told you God was going to send me what I needed and he hasn't failed me yet amen listen we're getting ready for the word are you ready for the word [Applause] man my friend all the way from Humble Texas is in the building we're going to have a formal introduction but I just want to thank him for being a friend I mean I can text him anytime and within 20 to 30 minutes he always responds and he's been my friend he's he's been an encourager he's been an inspiration he's been an example for me in the ministry and I want to thank God for his presence here that is Pastor Kia Steve Henderson a person and at this time I want to encourage you to direct your attention to the screens for a formal announcement and then after I bowled a praise team has presented another selection the next voice she will hear will be that of Pastor Keon Henderson let's receive him by standing to our feet God bless you is founder CEO and senior pastor of the Lighthouse church and Ministries a church Community headquartered in Houston Texas with more than 20 years in active Ministry and speaking for thousands worldwide Pastor Henderson is a formidable thought leader his first book The Shift courageously moving from season to season has inspired people of all genres and backgrounds to face life's challenging stages with tools courage and purpose founded in 2009 the Lighthouse church encompasses five campuses and 30 Ministries as of one of the fastest growing churches in the nation with over fifteen thousand members and climbing welcome 800 000 unique weekly viewers worldwide Pastor Henderson has been commended as a true servant leader recognized as a CNN Heroes Award nominee helping disaster Aid initiatives both locally and internationally he is originally from Gary Indiana the husband to Shawnee Henderson and the father of one beloved daughter please stand and welcome Pastor Keon Henderson come on if you're happy to be in the house of the Lord tonight I dare you to put those hands together yeah come on I dare you to open up your mouth and give God some praise come on is he worthy come on is he Worthy is he worthy of all of the glory of all of the honor and all of the praise come on begin to stand up on your feet and magnify the Lord with me let us exhort his name together come on just begin to open up your mouth and bless him bless his name Bless The Name of Jesus bless the one who we put our hope in let's do it when we put our peace in bless the one who we put our trust in I tell you to open up their mouth and give them what they deserves the name of Jesus on tonight is that right is that writing yeah who we gonna have some church tonight y'all ready y'all ready who do you put your trust in come on who do you put your hope in I'll put my hope in Jesus Christ come on I dare you to put those hands together like this come on [Music] come on the song is real simple I'll start it off it goes like this My Hope is in you My Hope [Music] do you [Applause] my hope is in you come on join us right now [Music] let's do it again [Music] [Music] [Music] come on we're going up come on [Music] [Music] come on do it again [Music] [Music] you [Music] might be say I don't have to worry come on [Music] let's do it come on [Music] but I don't have time [Music] come on let's do it again [Music] when I tell you to put those hands together like the devils in between them and open up your mouth right here come on where does your help come from now all of my help comes around you I know who my hope is in Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] please everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on now open up your mouth [Music] together come on let's do it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes and you are all I need is in Jesus Christ [Music] right here open up your mouth and give God some praise [Music] [Music] [Music] somehow things are beginning to move some way somehow no matter what it's looking like up no matter what it seems like some away somehow God is continuing to blessed fear I mean I have no money but God is continuous to bless me I may be sick in my body but God is continuous to bless me some way somehow I'm still here and that's just testimonial tonight the devil tried to kill you but some way stop now you're still here to open up them somehow [Music] [Applause] some ways somehow I'm talking about the one who who died on a call for my sins and not only that but he's such a good god he's such a mediator that he went down for the souls that didn't have a chance and came up they said who is this king of glory the lord got strong and mighty the Lord God body in God [Applause] [Music] that's who I put my hope in that's who I put my trust in and he deserves a crazy place he deserves the Crazy Praise open up your mouth and begin to survive the Lord right now he said let everything that have breath praise the Lord let everything that have breath praise ye the Lord for another man if you're black or white it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman open up your mouth and against God so blessing [Music] together [Music] [Applause] come on put those hands together come on come on it's a simple song we all know put all names together we know it it's real easy well praise him Oh Praise Him oh Embrace him [Music] Praise Him Jesus [Music] [Music] Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the morning [Music] [Music] if you believe it and only if you receive it bless the name of Jesus everybody clap your hands [Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] my friend my brother Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you everybody clap your hands it's the Holy Ghost Party now [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please please [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's his name [Music] only if he deserves it only if you believe that [Music] I don't mind giving it all to you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody's here tonight and they're looking for a blessing her and they're looking forward to Jesus stop by [Music] [Music] right here at this altar right here at this Altar and I knew that there was something about the name Jesus when I begin to say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus they call it Darius thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you and before I knew it I began to speak in tongues because there's power in the name same thing in the name that name above everything you cannot just call the name of Jesus and move on like everything is okay you want to know other reason he says don't call my name in vain because when you call his name speak out the ship so if you didn't mean it don't say it but if there's something in your life that you mean that's who I've been thinking about they're calling the name of Jesus will heal it we'll fix it we'll pick it up and put it out [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus that's the name I love to call that's the name I love to call Jesus Jesus Jesus Hallelujah [Music] [Music] there's nobody like you come on do that with me that's nobody like him come on begin saying stop him with your words there's nobody literally there's nobody like him literally there's nobody like him not my mother my mother's close but not my mother not my father not my sisters not my brothers nobody on this Earth [Music] but we just came from Resurrection Sunday so I don't know what it was like here but I know when I was on my way to work back in L.A and I was just sitting in my car and I was driving I was just listening to some music and God began Jesus began to come down and fall down and he told me this one thing because we were getting ready for Resurrection Sunday he was getting ready to rise and this is what Jesus told me he said everything in your life is about to rise up because I rose up he said everything in your life is about to ride I began to cry I began to speak in tongues while I was driving and that's another testimony that it was nobody but Jesus that allowed me to get to my destination safely nobody but Jesus okay he told me that in my life everything that wasn't right is beginning to rise the sun is beginning to rise on my behalf and it's beginning to rise on your behalf as well if you call on the name of Jesus you can call on the name of Jesus so you got to be intentional about who you serve well you got to be intentional about who you serve and who you call on it is my intentions to serve Jesus it is my intentious to Praise Jesus and no matter what no devil in hell can tell me anything different okay all right you got to be intentional about who you serve I honor you Jesus I thank you Jesus begin to open up your mouth and bless them bless them bless them glory to the name of Jesus glory to the name of Jesus glory to the name of Jesus Hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] if you love the Lord say Amen again our God is great and he is greatly to be praised let me ask you has God done anything for you today that nobody else could have done if they have tried if God has been good to you just look at the neighbor you decided to sit next to and say he's been good to me I often say that if our God were a small God then the praise you gave would be all right and if our God were an average God then the average praise would suffice but the Bible says that our God is great and so he deserves great so let me ask you again has God done anything for you today there it is [Applause] giving honor to God our Father to you Jesus Christ Our Redeemer the Holy Spirit our comfort to the angel of this house would you praise God for Pastor Otis Lockett [Applause] um he's he's mother like it he's such an encourager just he never misses an opportunity to encourage me and as Tyrone and I were driving up on your campus I knew he didn't know how young Pastor was so I said you you won't guess how old the pastor this church is and he said what I say about 15 something like that about 35. I said to him in the office because he always says to me that he thanks God that God has connected us and his words not mine you know God connected me with somebody who was already doing it and I told him I want to say this to you the reason why your pastor has always struggled to find what he was looking for it's because he was never looking for himself [Music] he was what he was looking for he is the greatness that he's been searching for and I want you to praise God for him that's my brother that's my friend and now standing beside him [Applause] literally drift before we even knew who you were he and I prayed that God would send him suitable help it wasn't going to be easy because he saw his mother be great help and I praise God for him sending you into our lives and we love you and we thank you so much for who you are [Music] to my good friends Chantelle and Mitch Summerfield come on and praise God for them word of God Fellowship love you all see my bailey family on the front row come on and give it up for pastor Miss Bailey love you all thank you so much being here to all of the Bishops those who are in the five-fold ministry those who are Saints and as my father would say and the ain'ts we give love to you in the mighty name of Jesus listen before you sit down I've brought this book I'm gonna any authors in the room anybody know that God gave you a book an author or something like that let me tell you something you'd be surprised at how much better you would feel if you wrote a book I'll tell you why when I wrote this book people asked me what was the purpose of it I said I wrote it because I couldn't find any other place to put the pain so I put it on pages and I released this book March 24 2020 when the pandemic shut down the entire city of Houston had a 3 000 in-person event scheduled that day they shut it down obviously for for reasons we know now and I never got a chance at that time to sell this book in person it was completely online and it still went on to be a bestseller without ever having sold one to an individual person the person so I encourage anybody who wants to write a book to write it you don't have to have a big church you don't have to have a big follow and all you need is a testimony and God will bring forth the people who needs to have it I want to give two of these away anybody got a birthday today you raise your hand first so you come on up here but your hand went up so you come on up here anybody else got a birthday no uh come here come here I want to give both of y'all this this young lady right here with the uh yes you go you can have this one God bless you thank you we've got some more in the back uh we'll uh make sure that it's I think I I don't know how many I brought but it's too expensive to take them home so can y'all bow I ain't got time to be asking FedEx to come back over here and get a label and all of that so you get them and I'll just tell everybody that they sold out is that fine we'll we'll do that I've got another book that's coming out um you'll hear about it I think it's going to be the best one that I've ever done so far um and I'm looking forward to God blessing us on that I flew in at five o'clock this morning to be with you yes ma'am yes sir yesterday I had an opportunity to preach in New York for the National Action Network uh with uh Reverend Al Sharpton and some of the brightest best Minds in the world and the entire time I was thinking about as soon as it was over I had to get on the plane and get back home because this is home for me amen let's go to the book of Acts the book of Acts chapter 13 I'm going to read verse 14 and a few of the following acts 13 let's go to verse 14. you gotta say Amen still look and say hold up if you don't know where to look they got it on the screen somewhere it'll be it's back there you can read it with me says but when they departed from perga they came to Antioch in Presidio and went into everybody say the synagogue and after the reading from the law of the prophets the leaders of the synagogue sent them a message saying and I'm reading in the new English translation for this particular verse saying Brothers if you have any message of exhortation for the people speak it so Paul stood up gestured with his hand and said men of Israel and you Gentiles who fear God listen the God of this people chose our ancestors and made the people great during their stay in a foreign land of Egypt and with an high arm one translation says an uplifted arm he led them out of it can I just read that version that verse again in the King James version of the Bible it's one of the most powerful verses in all of the scripture the Bible says let's look at verse 16 it says then he stood up and beckoning with his hands said men of Israel and ye that fear God give audience the God of this people of Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt and with the high arm brought he them out of it do me a favor and help me preach this look at your neighbor and say neighbor I got a word for you I guess pastor wants to talk about he'll bring you out that's that's what I want to talk about he'll bring you out you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to Pastor Bailey start off at the top and say to everybody in your section and everybody's surrounding you that if you ain't never been through nothing I don't intend to talk to you today so that being said the benediction has been given all hearts and mind clear let's stand because if you haven't been through anything I I promise you I don't have nothing for you today for those of us who've been through the valley of the shadow of death those of us who have been through more hell in high water than we can care to express those of you who didn't even know how you were going to wake up in the morning and had friends that you thought would be with you forever and now they're nowhere to be found if you've been through anything like that then this message is for you if you've ever had anybody to betray you make a promise and didn't keep it lie to your face as if you didn't know the truth and then came to church and hugged you like they didn't say nothing you ever been through anything like that just touching everything I ain't talking about you but I've been through it Pastor Lockett those of us who subscribe to the study of the word of God those of us like myself you and Pastor the ministers in this house pastors I know for a fact that some point in your life you've referred like me to the book of Acts as the Acts of the Apostles and raise your hand if you've ever called it that I have no quarry with that because um in a way it is a true statement but it is not the Acts of the Apostles and an apostle is just simply one who follows God for this dispensation and conversation it is just the acts of some apostles for the only Apostles that we see the acts of in the texts are Paul and Peter John is mentioned a few times and the only time we hear about James the son of a Zebedee who was a famous fisherman the only time we hear about him is when he was murdered by an evil King by the name of Herod and so you've got four Apostles mentioned in a book with 28 chapters that ends with Paul under house arrest on his way to Rome to spread the gospel and yet we call this book parenthetically and continuously the acts of the apostle but I know I got the right sermon because of what I've been hearing since I've been here the truth is if you will accept my analogy and my truism then we should actually not be calling this book The Acts of the Apostles we should be calling this the gospel of the Holy Ghost are you with me so far uh the only access I've stated are the disciples that I've talked about uh and it is therefore my humble opinion that we refer to this book as the acts of the holy ghost starting off with a statement theologically and kind uh in our understanding the paraclete uh he is he is God With Us everybody say he's God With Us and the reason why he's called paraclete para means to be with because when you paraphrase something you take words and put your words with it if you are sick the paramedic comes to be with you if you jump the parachute is there to save you and so now the paraclete the holy spirit is our comfort and our guide and so when we look at this uh this text talking about the paraclete I'll jump right into it because of the hour verse 2 says that while they were serving the Holy Spirit the holy spirit said separate me Barnabas and solve for the work I have called you to do now this is precisely why in today's dispensation of the church that we use the name of Jesus very heavily and use the name of the Holy Spirit very lightly because the Holy Spirit requires us to confront ourselves overcome our sins and look in the mirror the Holy Spirit challenges us and so we walk right past him and give Jesus all the credit because he makes us feel good about ourselves we give Jesus all the credit because he paid it all we give Jesus all the credit because there is no judgment in him we give Jesus all the credit because there is no condemnation in him but what if I told you that by giving the credit of what is happening in the earth realm to Jesus you are actually disrespecting the third person of the godhead because Jesus is at the right hand of the father and his work is already finished the only part of God that's left in the earth is the Holy Ghost he ain't talking about nobody he's just talking about what he talking about yeah it's it's it's the Holy Ghost it's the Holy Ghost it's the Holy Ghost and the reason why our churches don't have the power that they need is because we thank Jesus for everything but let me tell you something when you survived that car accident that wasn't Jesus that was the Holy Ghost when you survived that breakup that you thought was you was going to lose your mind over that wasn't Jesus Jesus don't get in your relationships that's the Holy Ghost come on talk to me somebody say the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost now I know I'm in the Church of God in Christ somebody in here know about the Holy Ghost my mama grew up COGIC and she taught me to Terry and call on the name of Jesus but I I believe what she really meant was the Holy the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost everybody shout the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost it was it was Lucy uh Eddie Campbell who said in the early 1900s she said uh something within me hold of the Ring oh come on y'all don't y'all ain't been to church that long she said something in me hold up the ring something within me banishes pain something within me I cannot explain all I know is there is something within and I don't mean to disrespect an ancestor this is not disrespectful but I want to say sister Campbell I know what that something is it's called the Holy Ghost I believe one of the graduates was talking about he is a person a beautiful personality he is God With Us somebody Shout again the Holy Ghost now and I'm not I'm not going to tell you uh nothing you don't understand but this is the reason why we skip right over the Holy Spirit and go right to Jesus but the Bible says in John 16 that Jesus says himself you ought to be glad that I left come on help me somebody for If I had not left your helper could not have come Lord help me in this place Jesus Is Our Redeemer but the Holy Ghost is my help no wonder when the old preacher started feeling good he would say I feel my help coming matter of fact feel my help coming if it wasn't for my help somebody would have been cussed out already if it wasn't for my help somebody would have been punched in the face if it wasn't for my help I would have left them kids somewhere on the side of the road if it wasn't for my help I would have got even with my husband if it wasn't for my help somebody shall thank Jesus for the Holy Ghost [Music] it was in the Jordan River where Jesus was being baptized and a voice came from heaven and said this is my beloved Son and the Bible says it descended like a dove well what is a dove a dove is a picture of the Holy Spirit and one of the things we suffer with in our church dispensation is realizing that the Holy Spirit did not start after the death of Jesus the spirit was there in the beginning when God created the heavens and the Earth if you don't believe me the Bible says the spirit hovered over the waters which is why when you get to the New Testament you see Peter Walking On The Water Well we do know that it's impossible to walk on water so how did Peter walk on water he was not walking on water he was walking on the Spirit come on help me in this place today somebody shout the Holy Ghost now now how and when did the will of the Holy Spirit reveal himself to them this is important the Bible says it happened listen as they ministered to the Lord I got to say that again when did the spirit of God reveal himself to Paul and Barnabas the Bible says he revealed himself to them as they ministered to the Lord in other words they had no clue what God was calling them to do what they were doing is serving God and while they were serving him he revealed himself to them all right I got I gotta I gotta get right here because one of the lost arts of the New Testament Church is everybody wants to shout but don't nobody want to serve yes you can find you can find somebody who can tap their feet on every road but where are the people who will give and expect nothing in return oh come on now come on Church come on Church touch your neighbor say where are the servers if you don't believe it's important to serve I'll show you that Jesus shows us at the first miracle in John chapter number two the Bible says that the water had the wine had ran out and Jesus says to them bring me the water pots and they bring him the water pots and the Bible says that he looks and turns the water to wine watch this and the Bible says that no one knew it except for the servants the people whose wedding it was they didn't know it the disciples didn't see it and none of the family members seen it the only people in John Chapter 2 that saw the water turn to Wine were the people who were humble enough to serve somebody I don't know who I'm talking to but God told me to tell you if you get the heart to serve you're going to see a transition in your life that nobody else will see matter of fact look at your neighbor and just say can I serve you if you don't believe me the Bible says they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength and the reason why that scripture doesn't hit as hard as it needs to is because when we say that they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength we're talking about they that wait on the Lord when the Bible says they that wait on the Lord he's not talking about those who are looking at their watch he's talking about those who [Music] wait on the Lord I'm looking for it listen not a shouter I'm looking for a servant do I have any service in any section of him I know you can shout but I'm looking for a server I'm looking for somebody who will come early and leave late I'm looking for somebody who won't feel less than because you Carriage somebody's back I'm looking for somebody who'll ask somebody how are you doing as opposed to getting mad because nobody asked you [Applause] and you know why ain't nobody in your section shouting yet I got some you gonna shout on later but you're never going to get the Holy Ghost until you get this part you want to know why people so mean today they ain't got the Holy Ghost I told my staff the other day I said I know what's wrong it ain't that you unqualified it's cause you unsaved we got too many people in position who know how to shout but don't know how to serve you got Jesus that was being baptized in the water but there is another baptism it's called being baptized in the fire now I didn't come to play with y'all you did not invite me from Houston to look at me let's give God some glory in here together God [Music] it's the reason why most people don't know their purpose because the Bible says that as as they were ministering to God he revealed to them next the problem with most of us is we're saying God show me my purpose and then when you show me my purpose then I'll serve God says you got to twist it you serve and then I'll show you if you need Bible somebody shout out in the Bible Abraham get yourself up leave your family and your Kindred and go to a place that I will show you when you start walking Abraham did not know where he was going he just started ministering to God and as he started taking the steps then God revealed his purpose to him because God says I ain't got to prove nothing to you you got to prove something to me I created the world what I got to prove to you I made water when I make the Sun hot I made the sun to Rule the Day and the moon to rule the night I'm the one that put grass down and tacked it down with daffodils and dandelions I am the lily of the valley that's why when I stand up I hang my hand I ain't got nothing to prove you got something to prove to me and so if we're ever going to be the church that's bold we can't just Shout We Gotta Serve see this this don't hit hard in Church's Bishop this don't hit hard in churches because everybody comes to church to get theirs I'm just going to get my but God says you didn't just come to get Minister too you actually was supposed to come to minister to me oh God help me if everybody would just start ministering to God through worship right now nobody would be sleepy if if we would just all start ministering to him right now nobody would be looking at the clock if we would just start ministering to him right now [Applause] God said Abraham leave your country and your family to a land that I will show you not a land I will tell you right because God is so powerful that if you start walking he can make the place your next step you missed that you missed you missed it he can make he can make and and so that's why we learn uh in Genesis 22 that when Isaac was going up the mountain with Abraham he didn't question what his father was telling him to do because he had witnessed his father listened to his father you see you see Abraham says son let's let's go up yonder and and and sacrifice and Isaac is like uh pops uh you had said that uh we was going up the mountain to sacrifice right yes son that's what we said now I don't mean to be in your business and I don't mean to talk back but every other time we've been up here uh we had a lamb with us Daddy where is the lamp look at what Abraham says the Lord will provide are you listening to me in this place today and and so now Isaac is following his father blindly because he saw his daddy follow his daddy blindly can I just be nosy and messy for a moment there are so many parents in this world right now that have a problem with children who talk back problems with children who don't listen but the problem is you have to take responsibility for the reason they don't listen because the reason why they don't follow you blindly is because they ain't never seen you follow God without a question and so now they question it in you because they saw you question the Lord [Applause] you can't say man say ouch I got a church so if you don't invite me back I got a place to preach I came to make a difference in this place today I came to make a change in this place today because I'm sick and tired of seeing the church every week weekly with no power we come together for our convocations and we leave still splintered why because we knew that Jesus died but we haven't found out that the Holy Ghost and it ain't too early to get the Holy Ghost but the Bible says that John got the Holy Ghost in his mother's womb oh my God you don't you don't believe me do you the Bible says that when Mary and Elizabeth walked in the room the Bible says that Mary walks in and and and she has Jesus in her and Elizabeth walks in and she's got John the Baptist and her and that's six months the Bible says that when Jesus walked in the room John the Baptist leaped in the womb you know why because she meaning Elizabeth and she meaning Mary and he meaning John and Jesus why because the thing in Mary made the thing in Elizabeth Lee I want to know are you sitting next to somebody who makes your baby leap if you sit next to somebody who ain't said amen all service I dare you to switch your seat say baby I gotta give birth and I don't need nobody stillborn sitting next to me I got something God wants to get out of me and I ain't got time to sit here and look at you looking at you I want you to find somebody to say baby I got something in me that'll make the thing in unique now imma give you 30 seconds to open up your mouth and give God glory [Music] come on somebody shout out baby I got a business to open leap I got spoils to get Lisa I got a company to start at least I got checks to deposit leave I got a sickness to pay off my body Lee do me a favor look at everybody on your section and say neighbor this is the praising section so if you're gonna be quiet go sit in the balcony but as for me and my role we gonna praise the Lord did they start praising them just tell them go go go go go go go give me room cause I got glory to give give me room cause I got Ministry to unleash give me room cause I got something I need from God [Music] why am I trying to get the Holy Ghost in this room because what the spirit of the Lord is [Music] [Music] I'm telling you this is gonna be hard because the Bible says that in order for Paul and Barnabas to do this in the name of the Holy Spirit watch this he says separate me Paul and Barnabas because sometimes the reason why you don't get it is because you trying to take people who wasn't invited no no no no no I came to fight the devil today let me tell you something there are some people in your life that can't go where you going and you got to make a decision are you going to stay here with them are you gonna go where the Lord called you to go he says separate yourself watch this and he says and when they fasted and pray see we don't do that in church no more we don't fast like we used to how many y'all remember we really fasted not this fasting that they mean I ain't gonna be on social media that ain't no fact [Music] I'm just gonna put social media down for about two days and that ain't no fast fast means giving up something you need in order to get what you need from God how many of y'all remember fasting I'm talking about hungry hungry come on y'all I'm talking about so hungry that if somebody say the wrong thing to you you're gonna have an attitude and come out the Holy Ghost [Applause] we used to go all night and all day drinking nothing but water now we fast from 12 to 2. a mini pass I'm a fast Steve fastish but something's only come by fasting and praying and see the reason why I saw people looking at me because we don't preach like this in church no more all we tell people is if they turn around three times and give their neighbor a high five everything's gonna be all right that's a lie you gotta have the Holy Ghost [Applause] everybody who's been praying over the last 32 to 35 days and you know that God has told you that your life is about to change how many of y'all feel that thing in your life right now that things are about to get better oh I feel something about to happen right now but I need your help to do it because I can't do it from where I am the Bible says after they fasted and prayed here it is verse three they laid their hands on them and sent them away I need everybody in here who knows you have the power of the Holy Ghost to take your hand and put it on your neighbor and I want you to say something to them that's going to change their life are you ready look at your neighbor I want you to know the one they didn't look at they don't like you they picked the one they liked no I'm just kidding lay your hand on your neighbor and say these words to them are you ready y'all ain't ready let me move on do y'all want what I'm I'm telling you what's in the screen I'm a captain person who looks like they want to tell him God told me to tell you I know you've been through hell and high water but here is the word of the Lord you're released you got the wrong neighbor because they didn't act like I thought they was gonna look at your other name and Shout neighbor God told me to tell you that in the next 30 days everything the devil has taken from you God says he's gonna have to give it back somebody shout release [Applause] I need to find somebody on this side high five your neighbors say it ain't gonna be many days God told me to tell you release if you believe it shout yeah [Music] somebody shout release release release my money's released my health is released my mind is released my children are released my marriage is released my company is releasing somebody's shot release release really somebody shot release I bothered nobody I involved with nobody but see those of y'all who are watching us online let me tell you something ain't nothing wrong with streaming but sometimes you got to come in the house to get a touch oh I feel the holy ghost from here ain't nothing wrong with streaming cause I do it from time to time but every once in a while you gotta get in the room because we're two or three are gathered oh two or three touching and agreeing on anything somebody shot neighbor I got your back if the devil come after you he coming after me if the devil bother you he bothering me if he messing with your children he messing with mine one can change the thousand [Music] [Applause] [Music] released released released some of y'all been holding that that Grudge released you've been struggling to forgive somebody released you've been struggling to get over it released you are released don't you leave this place the same where you came somebody shall release you'll forever remember I was released on a Friday when it was raining outside that eventual released [Music] Hallelujah somebody shot released and who the sun sets free history and didn't going back can I just prophesy God told me to tell you stop giving CP [Music] CP here you are continuously breathing life into things that God is trying to take out of your life God told me to tell you from this day forward you are released [Music] if they broke up with you let them go your destiny was never connected to anybody who didn't see your value anyway the Bible says in first John if they can go away from you then they will not with you because if they were with you they would have stayed let me tell you your destiny was never connected to anybody who left you prematurely [Music] oh I feel the Holy Ghost some of y'all call it a divorce God said it was a release [Music] you thought you got fired you got released to start your business Watch What Happens now if you read this text it's ought to change your life but you got to read the whole thing because what is happening in this text and you go to chapter 14 and chapter 15. are you ready for this Paul and Barnabas are on their way for their second missionary journey but there's a young man that's that's in the mix his name is John Mark and the Bible says that Paul says uh look Barney we on our way to Presidio but I don't want John to go with us Barnabas said Why That's my cousin he said it might be your family but the last time we went on a journey he quit on us and Paul says where I'm going I need to make sure that I ain't taking no quitters oh God help me in this place today where I'm going to go to to purga I need to make sure that that I've got somebody who won't quit on the journey see sometimes you got to quit on people before they quit on you and the truth is is you know they're gonna quit but you loyal I'm a loyal person loyalty doesn't mean taking somebody who's not on the invite list Paul said I don't want to get out here and turn around and he do what he did last time I can do bad vulnerable said but that's my cousin he said well then go to the family reunion but but I'm he can't go he he can't go with me just look down your neighbor and say if you're scared you can't go with me if you're weak you can't go with me if you ain't got the Holy Ghost you can't go and the Bible says that they traveled 100 miles to Antioch now this is amazing because Antioch is the place where Paul's Ministry began the problem is is that even though his ministry began in Antioch the Antioch that they are headed to is not the Antioch that he came from one Antioch was in Presidio the other one was in Syria and they were 300 miles away I'm about to help somebody because when you are on your way to the next level sometimes the devil will trick you into falling in the Trap of similarity oh God help me in this place they went and left for perga near presidia they came from Antioch and presidia and went to the synagogue the Bible says on the Sabbath day and it's important that we realize that there is a difference in the Antioch that he came from and the Antioch that he's going to let me put it this way there's a difference between any uh between Manhattan Kansas and Manhattan New York now you get it because I know I know we got to put another there's a difference and and you don't you don't behave in Antioch in Manhattan Kansas the way you behave in Manhattan New York you don't pay the same rent in Kansas that you that you pay in New York you go and take your Kansas money to New York and you will find yourself on the corner with everybody else [Music] why because you have to know which Antioch you're going to God Lord help me in this place so where where where they're going listen to me let me put it in your where you are going it's not the same is where you came from [Applause] it might be called the same thing somebody say it ain't the same thing and so you got to be careful here because when you know you're going to a different place people will say stuff to you like they acting funny they acting brand new how many y'all heard this kind of stuff like all they they ain't like they used to be yeah you're right because I didn't work this hard to stay the same I don't know I don't know why they expect you to be the same tell them that was Kansas I'm going to New York I don't know who I'm talking to but I need somebody here say it ain't the same matter of fact I'm not the same I'm not acting funny I'm just in a different place I ain't mad at you I'm just in a different place I used to gossip now I'm talking about ideas I used to do things that I don't do anymore there's nothing wrong with me I'm just not in the same place I'm going to a different Antioch friend change locations let me tell you something some of y'all been trying to figure out how to get rid of people in your life let me tell you an easy one go somewhere different going to a different place automatically differentiates those who should be with you from those who not because when you go to the right place the wrong people won't go there's somebody you friends with right now you told them I'm going to church on Friday said well call me when you get done because locations will change friendships [Applause] meanwhile you got some other friends to say how many of y'all told you I'm going to church and they say well I'll go with you that's how you know you got your Barnabas come on somebody who got somebody who came with it and I say baby I knew he was my friend I knew God had connected I knew you had the Holy Ghost this is how the devil gets us just because it looks like the same place just because it's called the same place does it mean it is the same place this is why people have church hurt because they change churches but they don't change hurt and so they get into the new church and say well I got church hurt no you got that church hurt you ain't got this church hurt [Music] oh y'all gonna talk at your boy no no it's like been in a relationship well I always get hurt in relationships no you got hurt in that relationship but if you walk into this relationship talking about that relationship you're gonna turn this relationship into that relationship this ain't the same thing [Applause] this ain't the pastor that hurts you this ain't the choir that puts you out this is not the church that broke your heart so you don't have to sit and hear her because this ain't that Antioch [Music] I think I'm a preach this at my church Sunday that's what I'm gonna do lord gave me this from Lighthouse and I gave it to y'all I'm preaching this Sunday just because this ministry don't mean it's the same Ministry it's a different Antioch 300 miles apart you don't even know how far you've come this young man sitting over here one of the armor bearers I can't find it right now uh there he is one two three on the fourth row stand up the young one the tall one you you yeah him right here I walked in I seen him the last time I was here he was down here I mean I remember that two three years ago him he was 9 000 inches short shorter than that the last time I'm saying I walked in the office and said man what happened to you he said I grew [Applause] I figured some of y'all was gonna get it look at your neighbor say if the next time they asked you what happened to you tell them I grew and had you grew too we still be looking eye to eye but I refuse to dumb myself down because you can't handle me at 100 Proof foreign [Applause] [Music] God says I'm changing the place better get ready because this ain't that that and the way you know the place is changing is because you feel so uncomfortable right now you don't know who to trust you don't know who for real and who fake you don't know who to call and who to stop calling you don't know who to answer for or to send the voicemail you don't know who to sit next to or just wave at and act like you're busy you don't know because you're in a new Nia touch your neighbor say God's changing the place it's changing the place now here it is next you got to change the position because the Bible says that Paul went to the synagogue and he sat down oh God in the beginning but if you go and read the texts the Bible says when he started to teach he stood up somebody read their Bible in here he stood up that's why you graduated he stood up and listen he stood up and the reason why this is important is because the position of the rabbi when he was teaching in the synagogue was to sit down but remember Paul is a Christian he's used to pulpits so now he's in a new place in a position they ain't never seen before and so now Paul walks into the synagogue full of Jews and Gentiles and the Bible says that he stood and began to teach them because Paul realized are you listening to me that when God gives you a new opportunity it dictates that you have a new position you used to sit at that Antioch but at this Antioch you're gonna have to stand up to let them roll over you at that Antioch but in this Antioch you're gonna have to speak up for yourself Come on talk to me somebody somebody's just nudged your neighbor say I'm changing positions I'm changing positions if you don't change positions you're going to miss your Promised Land like Moses because when Moses got to the Rock his problem was he couldn't change positions the last time he saw the rock he's Trucking this time he was supposed to speak to it but because he couldn't change his position couldn't get in because not being able to change position prevents God from giving you the keys to your next door touch somebody say you got to stand tell somebody else you got to stand where you are going you got to learn a different language your tone don't work where you going come on come on come on come on come on it ain't nothing wrong with being born in the ghetto but where you going you're gonna have to change your vernacular come on come here young people come here young people it's all right to have a tick tock but you need to make sure your Tick Tock don't shut the door on your future oh come with somebody come on cause One Day You're Gonna Want to be a nurse and you don't want them thinking you're a stripper I ain't talking to nobody in here but I'm trying to help somebody because if you're gonna get what God has for you you're gonna have to change your position ain't nobody gonna hire you to be the CEO of a company and your Instagram name is thick bones if you don't I told you you could have left earlier I already gave you a way out you can't be dark and lovely 62 and run somebody's company you're gonna have to change positions I'd have somebody here shouting right now some of them pictures you got on your Instagram they gonna have to come off if you go to the new Antioch you can drink as many Jack Daniels and and lemon drops as you want you ain't got to post it though [Music] this is a new Antioch who am I talking to somebody say help me if I'm talking to you I'm almost done watch how he starts the message he says the god of his people of Israel chose our fathers God said I chose you that's why you're gonna have to clean up your Instagram because I chose you that's why you're gonna have to do something with your temper because I chose you that's that's why you're not gonna be able to clap back all the time and I know they said something to you and you had a right to say something but I chose you I didn't pick them they can talk how they won't but where you going oh [Applause] where you going you can't take that old Antioch Behavior you're gonna have to change how you dress you're gonna have to change how you walk you're gonna have to change how you talk and you're gonna have to change who you call friends because this Antioch ain't that Antioch somebody needs to be telling their children this right now maybe I can work hard for you but if you don't clean up your image God ain't gonna be able to do nothing with you because this ain't that Antioch you got to tell your children stop hanging with people at the Antioch over there this is the new headache I'm trying to build something for us in the future this is a new position help me Holy Ghost he says I pitch you cause you were special tell somebody you're special let me tell you something true story they don't believe you they don't believe you you just told them they were special those words ran off of their back like water off a duck because they are so used to not feeling worthy they heard you say it but they didn't believe it I want you to look at them again and Pierce them through the eye and say God you he told Israel he said I didn't pick you because you were better than anybody on the earth in fact you were fewer than everybody else I picture because I loved you why don't y'all make me get happy in here Lamentations 3 and 22 says it is the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed and because of his compassions fail not I just want to get to the end great is that faithful anybody know he's been faithful I said anybody know he's been faithful grab your neighbor by the hand and Shout neighbor He's been Faithful do I have somebody in here that feels like giving God the praise grab your neighbor by the hand and Shout neighbor God told me to tell you he'll bring you out [Music] [Applause] I got to get to this last part and I'm Gonna Let You Go [Music] you mean if they want me to be done but I hear you I appreciate you it's always one person at church time about take your time somebody back no don't take your time don't take your time I got to go my hog moms is ready no see y'all don't understand that when you start ministering back to me [Applause] see you know the word is working because when you start to say it back to me let me tell you how I know that's true the Bible says that when Jesus was in the wilderness the devil tried to tempt him but then Jesus looked at the Devil said for it is written man should I live by bread alone but by every all y'all not to when you start to tell God his word things will start to happen for you [Music] matter of fact let's go to the beginning of the sermon somebody shot I'm released I'm still shouting about that look at somebody else to say you're released watch this I just want you to help because see Pastor the people in the room don't know Mitch you've been picked that's why it's been so hard yeah drill you hear me it's you've been picked and people always have a problem with God's choice [Applause] I said it he didn't I said what you gonna do sometimes they have a problem with the choice because they think they should have been the choice but they don't realize the reason why they wasn't a choice because they ain't got the Holy Ghost you might have some thighs but you ain't got the Holy Ghost you might got a BBL but you ain't got the Holy Ghost your edges might be late but you ain't got the Holy Ghost you might be fine but you ain't got the Holy Ghost cause when you marry a pastor fine don't work you need somebody to land all and praying over you you need somebody who will cook some meatloaf and ain't got a attitude [Applause] thank you how many people in the room sir I feel like I've been preaching to you all day have you ever felt inadequate I don't know why I've been looking at you all day sir have you ever felt everybody else is telling you how great you are but you just inside you just feel like I'm not enough I'm not enough I'm not gifted enough I'm not pretty enough I'm not handsome enough I don't like my body I don't like my shape I don't like my nose I don't like my hair I'm not enough I don't look like what they say look like should look like God says you might not look like what they say look like should look like but I picked you [Music] somebody shot I've been picked I've been picked that's why you see this smile on my face everything ain't going right but I've been picked I got bills that are unpaid but I've been picked I feel inadequate and insecure but I know I've been picked [Music] picked the Red Sea parts wouldn't you be when you've been picked they throw you in the pit but they got to meet you in chapter 50 and you can look them right now and say what you meant for evil [Music] God turn it around for my good why did he turn it around because I've been picked I need about 500 people online and in this house to jump up on your feet and give three people a high five and say I've been picking I've been picked I've been picked somebody should have been picked turn and find your neighbor and shall neighbor I've been picked yet they Shout you got the wrong neighbor sure to somebody else and Shout neighbor I've been picked if they Shout you got the wrong neighbor turn to somebody else and shall neighbor Arabic did they shot tell them the reason why I keep turning around it's because every time I turn around He Keeps On Blessing Me every time I turn around there's another miracle every time I turn around there's more praise [Music] I feel glory in the room I feel glory in the room I said I feel blurry in the room if you don't mind find another neighbor and Shout neighbor this is the last time that I'm going to bother you today but I have a word from the Lord if they not excited to find somebody else because what I'm about to tell you is about to sit you out of here find you a neighbor and Shout neighbor he will read you out he will turn it around won't he do it won't it do it won't it do it though won't it do it up won't it do it shadier [Music] he'll bring you out yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] I don't mess around and call the Holy Ghost [Music] anybody know he's all right have you tried the man ain't a man or a writer yeah [Music] he'll bring you out he'll bring you out he'll bring you out [Music] don't you give up you throw in that tile and do not bow to the opinions of people who haven't been sanctioned to go in your direction [Music] if you do the map and watch the steps of Paul from where he got the bad news to ending up where God told him to go he had to go up 3 500 more feet above sea level because sometimes you hear the negativity of the snakes because you live too low so anytime you don't like the sound of where you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sometimes you think they quit on you it's just called destiny [Music] and it hurts it's painful it'll make you cry and make you want to quit make you hate Church and not stay in church people if you're honest it'll make you question God [Music] he'll bring you out I know it because I was in [Music] I didn't know how it was going to work but I put it in his hand and I'm a witness that he'll bring you out of three people and say he'll bring you out nobody told me that the road would be easy [Music] and I don't believe he brought me this far to Lead Me did you find your right neighbor did you find your partner come on let's Tell him [Music] I just can't give I've come too far [Music] no one said it would be easy nobody told me [Music] and I don't know I said one more time somebody said I just can't give up yeah [Music] I come too far from where [Music] body [Music] nobody told me [Music] if you give up now you're quitting on the other side of the promise and you can come to church and act like you gathered all together but some of us in here who are honestly struggling crying in the middle of the night you don't feel worthy you want to leave you want to disappear God says hold on I did not bring you this I don't know [Music] [Music] I believe [Music] [Music] he'll be right there [Music] come on you can do better than that he'll bring you out from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same He's Worthy He's Worthy Praise Him Praise Him Praise Him [Music] Jesus [Music] please [Music] [Applause] thank you I really feel the Holy Ghost I noticed that I was late but we got to minister to the Lord you don't know how close somebody was to giving up I'm just I'm just saying you might be all right but I sent you next is telling you you don't know the hurt the confusion and the pain you sit next to that's because you see them at church and they always got it together we all got our church space nobody told me that the road [Music] he brought us this far to leave [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for Every Mountain [Music] for this I give you praise can't we all sing it together one time forever [Music] [Music] you see me through [Music] everything [Applause] [Music] [Music] for every [Music] oh yeah [Music] you seek me through forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Applause] [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody give a glory somebody give him glory somebody give them Glory [Music] Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah it's the highest praise Hallelujah Hallelujah it's your turn to minister to the Lord now Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like you five years ago I didn't know whether I wanted to live or die [Music] I stand up there I'm supposed to go right embarrassed preaching about people's marriage working in mind broke failed I did everything I thought a man was supposed to do [Music] trick out on an October how to go before my church and tell them that I came home to an empty house not for the reasons you would think right [Music] realize that God says separate me on it honor whatever it is God says it's a Deliverance is to Deliverance hear the word of the Lord you shall live and not God May the glory of the Lord be your portion and you walk out of this room in holy boldness lift up your hair oh ye gates be lifted up he Everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory I don't know about you but I just got tired of playing Church I just got tired of coming here and acting like everything was all right and I I just figured that the word was true I guess if I become weak that he become stronger and all I came to tell you today as we bring these churches together that we would have a Revival if we let the Holy Ghost take over and not come to church to be ministered to only but now we're ministering back to him and here's the deal the reason why we don't get the Breakthrough is because we're always ready to go when it's our turn to minister back [Music] doing to him what he has been doing we give you all we're going home the Lord we worship you know you are worthy to be Embrace can we say it two times together and we're going to go home say we give who we you you are we worship you our Lord [Music] come on and said one more time open your mouth and sing it again we give you all [Applause] we worship you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was in Orlando Florida where we're going to be at the same companies and I was at a restaurant called J Alexander at the time I was there I could not afford to be in there this was 15 years ago I was driving a 1996 Buick Regal turquoise gray interior dual climate control 98 000 miles and it was new to me they don't y'all forget where you came from and let me tell you something I didn't know I didn't know no better so the oil would leak out of the car I thought I could put the oil in faster than it could leak out engine locked up on me so now I gotta replace this engine the car costs twenty five hundred dollars the engine costs more than the car and at that time sir I'm in the room with all these big time preachers missing those a lot of them they were it was Bishop jakes's birthday coming up and they were all blessing Bishop with a gift and these big time preachers first lady was like I'm gonna start the offering off of 25 000. I said well this ain't my Ministry nor is this my offer next man said fifty thousand Pastor Baylor was there your daddy he came in swinging I said I can't I can't I can't work with the babies I got to do what I got to do so I walked up to the bishop here tell you it's a true story I had a hundred and eleven dollars in my pocket and that's what I had to my name because I bet they were going to raise the offering after nothing I didn't give it at the conference because my faith wasn't strong enough to release it and I kept it in my pocket one of the things I regret to this day saw the bishop at the restaurant he was at the table Noel Jones and all these other pastors and they were all blessing them I walked over with my 111 dollars and I shook his hand I said Bishop I don't have 25 000 of anything I said I have a hundred and eleven dollars I said I don't have much for give of this to you and I said would you allow me to be a liability until I can become an asset took the money didn't even know I was planning to see a couple weeks later I get an invitation to his birthday party at his house everybody's there Tyler Perry is there Oprah Winfrey's there Loretta Devine is there uh I just can't tell every superstar you can think of is that and here I am sitting at the table with Angela Bassett and I ain't got 111 because I already gave that up cost ten thousand dollars to get into the event borrowed it from the bank to go because see I had spent money on me but I'd never invested money in me and I invested the money and I got in that room and so if I tell you what God has done in my life from that day to this day you would think I was bragging I can't even I can't begin to can't begin to tell you where God has taken I've been in rooms that I had no business yesterday I was with a man worth five billion dollars two weeks before that I was at a resort in Anguilla with the owner of Best Buy now I'm not I'm not talking about I'm not that Antioch I'm talking about the other Antioch I'm talking about I'm talking about head spinning crazy miracles my mama I take care of her now particular moment and it started with a hundred and eleven dollars and from there millions of dollars have come my way only because I put a seed in the right man's hand and my mom worked at Taco Bell so poverty was the cycle of our family every woman in here who's ever had a baby raise your hand S one thing I can promise you that unless you had a medical condition when that seed connected with that egg your cycle stopped because the only thing that can stop a cycle is a scene [Music] [Applause] and every one of you in here who has a cycle in your life that you've been trying to pray off and it won't stop you've been trying to shout it off and it won't stop listen this ain't for I I'm only talking to who I'm talking to because I know for myself it works that that seed stopped this poverty cycle in my family and my daughter's daughter ain't got nothing to worry about and she 10. so if you're in this place today I want you to grab a seat now the seed that broke the poverty cycle in my life 111 if you ain't got that I'm not talking to you maybe you only got eleven dollars maybe you got 11 cents but I want you to grab a seat and I want you to give it an assignment and say God I'm getting ready to plant this seed to break the cycle listen not over my life but in my kid's life how many of you all need your kids to be financially solved as soon as you get it I just want you to hop on your feet we got to go home y'all got to go yo you ain't got no work tomorrow William you good you good how many I work tomorrow anybody work tomorrow we praying for you what time you got to be there six o'clock listen watch what I tell you give your pastor the testimony when you wake up tomorrow you're not even gonna feel tired watching I'll tell you you gonna pop up in the morning I'm like what happened I pray a double portion of God's energy over your life right now for your sacrifice tonight all right when you get that gift just hop up everybody will have one because it's whatever one that God speaks to you get that gift in your hand right now this is [Music] [Music] all right stand to your feet we're getting ready to give repeat after me this gift represents how I feel about you I don't get because I must I give because I trust if you believe in somebody shout Amen in this place today [Music] do we have them bring it Pastor do they bring it okay bring it break it break it break it break it to the altar real quick we have one in the center one to my left if you just want to attack it with your cell phone just bring it bring it see to remember [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] amazing [Music] [Music] amazing God bless you all thank you for your generosity online we believe that God will return everything that you have sown on tonight you know we haven't heard from Lady Drea all week long so I'm gonna give an opportunity to greet you and just to think God bless you both District I love you all so much and did not God move tonight oh my goodness I am still full so God bless you and I hope you have a great evening again I want to thank all the pastors for being here on tonight thank you Dr Maddox lady Maddox thank you Hendersons thank you Lewis's thank you so much thank you Pastor Coons thank you Pastor McDonald I thank you uh Pastor praylor thank you so much so very much thank you Pastor Josh thank all of you thank God for my good friend Pastor Chandler Bailey and his lovely wife I want to thank God for pastor Mitch Summerfield my cousin Pastor soon to be Bishop Lockett is over there with his lovely wife and we're so grateful for all of you all may this concludes an unforgettable bold conference and I believe our churches will never be the same again I believe passes you going back with the greater anointing you're going back with greater passion and greater fervor and we believe in God to do some unprecedented things in the days to come we're getting ready to go home it's really nothing left to say but go home everybody's sending your feet let's go home let's receive the benediction amen I said amen this church terminology benediction that means the good saying that means we're going to pray announce God's blessing upon you as we leave this place father God I thank you for your grace I thank you for your mercy I thank you that our cups run over I thank you God that you're taking us from here to there I thank you God that you're even changing our future and our perspective and you're bringing us into an expected end I pray God that you would bless your people as we leave this place but never your presence let your anointing overtake us and let your angels be encamped about us until we meet again in Jesus name amen and amen I know we haven't done this in a while because of the pandemic but if you're bold enough and you are fearless enough I want you to greet somebody and hug them and say I love you with the love of the Lord and there's nothing you can do about it God bless you good evening and may God's favor continue
Channel: Evangel Fellowship Church
Views: 21,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YmwqoAzWGRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 17sec (10397 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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