the ace attorney anime but its just iris (dub)

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[Music] a spirit medium that's afraid of ghosts is kind of ironic oh awesome I think she's actually alive hi I'm going to be doing some Advanced Training in here tonight oh I'm Iris one of the nuns we're very glad to have you at the temple my name is Maya F it's nice to meet you Iris yes you as well please excuse me I have chores to do uh Iris hang on a sec you wouldn't happen to what Nick you got to check this out [Applause] quick wa that is so cool hungry it's time for everybody to come and eat dinner meet us in the main hall if you please time to get some Curry just who is she she's a beautiful flower here you go eat your F she looks exactly like her but there's no way that would be impossible all right I'm stuff to the gills with curry and ready to start my training be careful promise you won't overdo it Iris if you would please ring the bell at 10 p.m. for lights out yes of course sister looks like a bad winter storm that tree has some kind of Aura to it is it a weeping cherry hey Iris sorry to bother you good night hang on Mr Wright do you need something how does she know my name sorry I'm being rude but if you would could you take off your head scarf please [Music] miss it's way more than a resemblance she's the same person but Dalia is still in prison Mr Wright is something wrong uh excuse me Iris but can we talk for a minute sure I appreciate it when did you come to hazakura Temple I've lived here ever since I was a little girl because I really don't have any family to speak of people come here to train and boost their spiritual Powers right right the temple is Loosely affiliated with the Kine School of channeling it does seem extremely different from that place I believe that's a good thing communicating with the dead has never helped anybody I don't like it at all forgive me I have to ring the bell for lights out sorry I didn't mean to get in your way hey Mr Wright yes if you don't mind I'd like you to take this this scarf will protect you from evil spirits on a night like this you may need some extra help thanks but what about you now don't worry about me thanks again H Iris the two of us haven't ever met before now have we I have to get going I have to ring the bell at 10 p.m. she knows me there's not a doubt in my mind definitely need to bring it up with her again tomorrow what the hell there's no turning back now I'm Iris a nun at hakura Temple I'm miles Edgeworth I was sent here at the request of Phoenix rice really so you've actually talked to him how is what is he doing all things considered he's doing remarkably well I'm so relieved at first I heard that he didn't survive the fall of course Larry had to go and tell everyone that this may seem odd but I feel as though you and I have met before I don't see how that's possible I hardly ever leave hakura Temple so unless you've been there understood tell me are you there training to boost your spiritual abilities I'm afraid I don't have those abilities for me I'm strictly trying to atone for my wrongdoings the sins of my past I'm training to purify my soul about last night can you share with me your Recollections of what happened of course after dinner I led the new traine and sister bikini across the bridge and over to the inner Temple and then at 10 p.m. I rang the bell for lights out after that I was in my room until I heard all the commotion I'm going to ask you directly did you murder Elise donam last night on the hakura Temple grounds no I swear it wasn't me before coming here to see you I paid a visit to Wright at the hospital he requested I do him a favor that I act as your defense attorney in the trial tomorrow morning what he really asked for that he did be honest with me you knew him before this correct why would you think that he acted strangely when your name came up in our conversation he couldn't hide it from from me so let me ask you do you consider him to be a friend of Mr Edgeworth without a doubt one of my oldest you should know this 5 years ago I betrayed his trust and deceived him what do you mean by that well long story but I was a weaker person then I know that my coward is truly hurt Phoenix I made a vow that I would never show my face in his presence again whatever you did to him he's still hurting from it I firmly believe the only cure for that kind of pain is honesty it's not too late you can tell him the truth and set him free I will I promise very well then I'll provide your defense am I truly up to the task I am fully prepared to defend my client can't be true because the defendant never went to the inner temple on the night in question isn't that correct defendant I was in my room in hakura Temple all night up until I heard the commotion outside when the body was found I swear I saw her with my own eyes Iris this head scarf or Hood had you done anything with it I gave it to Mr Wright on my way to ring the bell for lights out before 10 p.m. you gave it away I heard a strange noise coming from the courtyard when I looked that way I saw Iris holding a sword it was plunged to the hilt into poor Miss Dam's back she wasn't wearing her headscarf at the time but I know it was Iris when I awoke Miss donin was lying dead underneath mami's golden statue Dusky bridge that were made that very night tell us witness who could have used the snowmobile that night well just Iris she's the only one what why just her because she had the only key to the snowmobile Iris did you really do this Iris I'm so sorry sister but I can't answer that not right [Music] now Iris it's Mr Wright please you got to get Maya out of there quickly of course I'm head heading over to the inner Temple right now back off you can wait for us inside the main hall are you serious I'm going too I assure you I'm quite serious I know what's going on it's because Maya's a suspect now right good to know that you do understand the position you're in Iris I'm counting on you you're the only one who can open up that door right let's move that's what's been bothering me I can't believe it iris is Dalia's twin sister but I was in luck because there she was Iris showed up and to make it even sweeter she was all by herself I got her to tell me everything that was going on and then I locked her up in the sacred Cavern short now then is it safe to assume I'm speaking with the real sister Iris this time yes I'm sure you you've heard this before but you two look awfully alike well anyway I shall hereby deliver the verdict in this case obor please forgive me for worrying you I'm glad you're okay look we're short on time tell me what happened that night well after I rang the bell for lights out I got a phone call it would have been around 10:30 I was asked to come to the inner Temple at once so a call that's right I got on the snowmobile right way but then I couldn't reach the inner Temple because of what happened to the bridge the lightning yes I had been told to receive Alisa's body on top of the gorge and take it to the temple so that's exactly what I did and when you were staging the body in the courtyard that's when sister bikini saw you Iris I need the truth you got to tell me who it was that called you and told you to move the body they have to be the one who murdered Misty Fay please forgive me but I just can't do it I can't tell you who is behind this defendant the judge is calling for you listen Mr Wright I uh hurry up defendant defendant is there anything you'd like to say before I hand down my verdict as a matter of fact there's one thing and it's to Mr Wright it's not easy but I hope you can forgive me someday forgive you for what exactly well for back then six years ago when my twin sister Dalia tried to kill you honestly even after all this time I still can't believe it I mean the girl I knew just wasn't likeing that it's not surprising because in reality the two of you barely even knew each other what do you mean by that you and my twin sister actually only met on two occasions what twice the first time was here at the courthouse and the other time was on the day when Doug was murdered apart from those two times you never really interacted with her at all I don't understand ever since she gave you the bottle that day her main goal was to get back from you however she could and quickly she considered you to be a huge threat so you had to go I couldn't I just couldn't bear the thought of more sins Weighing on her soul I begged her not to do it and she gave me a chance I promised her I said I would be able to get the pendant back from you I tried but I just didn't have it in me you were so happy about the gift you've been given and the love you thought it symbolized this went on for 6 months but I wasn't able to get it back finally she ran out of patience and committed that terrible crime she didn't even care that I had developed real feelings for you I let everybody down I couldn't stop my sister and I couldn't protect you I lied all I ever did was deceive you Iris I I know you may not believe this but the kindness you showed me was genuine even after Dalia Hawthorne was found guilty I still believed in the girl I knew I hope you can forgive me P I knew all along that the person I fell in love with was real
Channel: dementedmentos
Views: 38,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace attorney, ace attorney anime, ace attorney trials and tribulations, phoenix wright ace attorney, iris hawthorne, iris fey, iris ace attorney, iris hawthorne ace attorney, phoenix wright
Id: L-YjKxNe634
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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