Ace Attorney season 2: (Story Past Godot) - English Dub/Sub

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mia faye my love she's special to you diego armando did i hear the defense correctly are you him the last time somebody called me by that name was over six years ago this all goes back to an infamous case and a trial that ended in the defendant's suicide in the courtroom you stood beside me as she made her arguments but in the end she was unable to find proof of dalia hawthorne's crimes after all that went down we went over every detail of that fake kidnapping case with a fine-toothed comb [Music] the way she treated her clients came from her kind pure heart i was captivated by her we were still pouring over that case when i asked dalia hawthorne to meet me at the cafeteria right here in this courthouse [Music] next thing i knew i was going into a deep sleep the poison i was given did a real number on me i lost my sight and my hair turned as white as cream five years later i was awoken by the smell of fresh brewed coffee then i got a real wake-up call the woman i loved had been murdered she was gone forever and the woman i loathed had been sentenced to die in the ironbar hotel there was no way i could go back to sleep i had two things keeping me up there what drove me to become a prosecutor the first one was you trite why me because you're the one who let me a fake die she'd still be alive if you weren't such an immature child i wanted the whole world to know what kind of a man you really were and my other reason to go on living was maya she was the only way i could atone for the sin of not being there for me after the incident at karine village last year morgan fay was arrested but it was obvious she'd still be plotting something i listened to the conversations she had with her visitors hoping she'd let something slip that's when i learned there was actually a written plan i found instead of destroying it right then and there i thought playing along might be a better strategy if i could pull it off this would end once and for all but i realized i couldn't do it alone so i asked for help from iris because she would be there temple i also contacted misty faye the police have been keeping an eye on her movement since the dl6 incident years ago and due to my newfound position at the prosecutor's office i was able to access that info then finally the call came in from iris i rushed to the temple as quickly as i could the only way we could stop their evil plant from happening was to make sure pearl didn't channel dalia hawthorne i see and that must be the reason misty invited little pearl to come up to her room that night unfortunately she never showed up she went to the inner temple instead that's why misty had to channel dahlia herself into her own body risk she was forced to take because if she channeled the spirit first then pearl wouldn't be able to do it still if things went sideways i would have to stop dahlia myself so i hid over by the inner temple anyway that's about all i'm gonna say at this point you
Channel: POKE ASG5
Views: 29,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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