ace attorney bloopers (season 1 + 2)

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one don't forget right hey legit the second man who the hell took that picture the man who she was sucking that means she's probably still in the hotel across the way my lips are tighter than a [ __ ] yes of course sir that means she's probably still in the hotel across the way my lips are better than awake yes of course sir hang on just one second dick it would have been impossible for the victim to leave that Bloody message herself ah and what makes those shows hang on just one second dick it would have been impossible for the victim to leave that Bloody message yourself and what makes you think April May will have her own trial I brought a visual of the floor office [ __ ] yourselves thanks it was a small victory was there something that you wanted I know that was just word garbage sorry your testimony contains there truth because you were listening in on the calls of the law fellow office I saw you I seen now that burns his Skittles are not of this Earth [Music] wait only one you thought question changes nothing I demand we go directly to the verdict a little while later the boat came back to shore then a man walked by my window he looked like that punk ass [ __ ] Eric Vale just like what we heard from Lada I lost Consciousness and woke up later in a hospital bed with a giant erection no please father kill him that dog sure was tasty it's a puppy love yeah no joke you want to eat him I'm positive of that okay I'm gonna go smoke a fat blunt go on Nick I can take care of the Rugrat you sure I'm totally [ __ ] yeah I know [Applause] it was so clumsy I love Mystic Army Spirit fly away did you go cry to your mommy like a little [ __ ] I opened the passengers did you just dab from what I heard they used this picture as a reference for what she looked like before the wreck damn near melted her face off is this her driver's license yeah I know Dad see ya bye it's the only place that she could have been I don't buy it something doesn't add up oh [ __ ] that's a mental line tell us Phoenix Wright just look closer no way those appear to be buttholes foreign acro's little brother Sean dingling also known as bat was attacked by Leon the circus lion in a horrifying accident his name is ding-a-ling but when we had the scarf tested for anything out of the ordinary we found traces of something on it Eric there poop that doesn't even make sense seriously the note mentioned conclusive evidence and you're looking at it well I never here are the XBox One gaming stats the court accepts them I'm here for the biggest Scandal of the 20th century dude it's over he's been in the 21st century for a while anyway I know she's definitely gonna try to [ __ ] me to take the case no doubt what exactly do you stand for tell me do you even have an answer for that question huh well ridiculous do I stand for pancakes I like pancakes stand for pain come with me yes ma'am that turn you on oh [ __ ] there he is red red suit listen it's what you hear and listen on your own and go and deliver to you oh hell yeah dude the trial can go on I shall argue in her Stead why are you here he said it was to strengthen his body and soul well that's totally [ __ ] I need someone to go by my place and feed shoe that's my bad kitty named shoe I haven't been home for a while so it's probably dead by now yeah yeah we can there's no knife there's no peanut butter for that jelly on the plate I don't think you're ready for this jelly guess it's time you met the real mad on guard [Music] surprise [ __ ] this is a real name I'm Adrian Andrews and I'm Matt ongard's manager [ __ ] I'ma slap those glasses off your face is it about that time we spent at camp together sniffing each other's armpits at night [Music] this is some kind of wireless transmitter which means somebody was watching this room remotely and jerking off here where'd you get the card see the final showdown is about to get underway as the killer gives his testimony and I've suddenly slipped into somebody else's voice it's not a character in this show is it a character on another show we found a picture of her in unguard's house that was signed nice tits how long are you gonna ignore me bro a slab would be nice at this point no one on their side and the truth that's what it was all about it was the best careful you pansy I call to the stand CB radio [Music] because his fingerprints are all over it that's how oh why was his most beloved possession found at the defendant's house there's only one answer after murdering karita that night in his hotel room the killer then delivered the bear to his client I didn't read it till I got there who's got Froyo unfortunately it seems we're a bit too late ah damn it that always happened consider the disability a eight and to what end because well she she thought it but um I'm not really sure I'm gonna figure this out you just shut up there stupid I'm gonna keep talking and then I win [Music] and you hear that the cat I did yes it was a loud ass cat I mean who wouldn't hear that but that's not what normal men do well why don't you tell me what you can't beg a Bugaboo the truth you mean Phoenix right don't you no I mean you miles Edgeworth I want to take you for a ride I put my faith in you why is everything in Japanese oh my God indeed it does which as we know is the name of the defendant sorry to burst your bubble but I have more evidence against you you are so what nonsense [Music] [Laughter] yes why don't you put all the farts in everywhere I didn't realize I was starting to get so famous gosh you're making me blush relax it's not like you're an anime or something Maya's the daughter of the Karine school's master and is training to become a spirit medium herself of course the precocious little girl is Pearl Faye she's Maya's cousin and good Lord is she an annoying [ __ ] criminal mastermind a thief that targets rare Treasures this is like when Erica Vale thinks he's alone it's not gonna work sorry for dropping in unannounced that's cool without Ronnie here my only company is my giant box of dildos there are a lot that was good smooth and I don't know I that's a hard line to deliver okay coming yeah he's gone for the night let me kick these [ __ ] out here good old Maya Faye she's the younger sister of my friend and Mentor the late miave I met her a couple of years ago and even defended her when she was falsely accused of Mia's tragic murder they're from Kuran Village home of the mysterious Spirit challenging farts Maya is the daughter of the Korean School [ __ ] hell [ __ ] foreign oh no you tripped on the dildos but what if it turns out that Ron Delight isn't really Master mask after all oh because his wife said he was delusional come on Nick she's not even that hot and she's fine she's prettier than you smooth and hard like a dildo the [ __ ] what are you doing what the [ __ ] fingerprints really oh dear don't make me laugh sir lawyer that's your big reveal my mind how thick headed it would be perfectly understandable if that urn was covered in my fingerprints after all I was the Slick Sentinel assigned at safety [Music] not presenting your fingerprints is evidence oh Mr Abby do you recall you saw me yesterday [Music] the car ain't earned in your bag was there then wasn't it that's quite impossible sure I didn't look in my bag myself but even better than that I touched whatever was inside what you did your honor it's a bunch of stuff past my line can I go home otherwise I suggest you throw out the pot and try another grind yes indeed you're random bling rambling Bingham cool otherwise I suggest you throw out the pot and try another grind yes indeed you're randomly rambling rambam random random ram ram ram ram ram ram otherwise I suggest you throw out the pot and try another grind yes indeed hurling randomly wait did he do it because he knew security would come why didn't I see it before in case less reference [Music] objection the two entertained intertwined intertwined child beneath in order to believe runs innocence available it's an emergency buzzer can't you read it says it right there it sets off an alarm in the basement guard that room that tells the security hightail it Tyler Walker wonder the other night was that button pressed I had the same thought so I asked around security says there's no record of the line plus we dusted the button for prison we didn't find a thing wow usually you're like serves you right you got what you deserved for something along those lines well I can tell when someone puts their heart into their my mic cut out guys at 1am the night of September 12th Kane Bullard was killed in his office at KB security what were you doing at that time and most importantly what are you doing after this maybe some dinner perhaps some cocktails I gotta go pee all I ever truly wanted was for my darling Desi to be happy but this was the only way that I knew how to get enough money to make sure she stayed that way does she have a magic [ __ ] to like yes suddenly there was a large set piece right in the shot where it hadn't been before which means you had to move it somewhere out of the line of sight at the very least so everything would match your pictorial Alibi for bullard's Myrtle Myrtle ah Myrtle I'm sorry Desi I know you can't stand criminals oh the only how was that nailed it like that awful Detective it's such a wonderful what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] consider it done in that case I'd like to go with you there's something I really want to do afterwards I want to ride miles disco stick what what [Music] after the incident with the first murder I quit the force and started working at a restaurant sounds like a nice change of pace so you're training to be an actor pretty pretty bird your honor this clearly sheds down on his memory and his claim that he saw the defense the defense gave a child childlessly amateur perform I can't even read those words huh oh no there should have been another man at the table across from the one you saw yes that's what Maggie was saying that was German that's what's Maggie was saying wow they're so close hahaha then I guess I kind of am responsible and my imposter was willing to defend this client huh oh God I gotta drop one out I shall hear my hand down the verdict in the case against Maggie bird [Music] guiltius that'll never come out yeah but what is it definitely not blood absolutely not it totally doesn't oh she had her period I'm going to settle this in court tomorrow up ah and now you I hope you can forgive me well you weren't wrong why you're right I apologize for snooping but this is the rep [ __ ] you Eric all right really he impersonated you he posed as her lawyer in the first baby boo the murder at the French Bistro Trey bien has served up a full course of mystery the strange bottle found in the kitchen Chef Armstrong's massive the computer virus that the victim wrote worth millions on the black market why the hell should we give a crap about that tiny little bottle because it contains the potassium cyanide that cut Glen Elk's life what and the shadow of the cadaverini crime family looming over it all but I was able to figure out who was my imposter a dangerous lone there is only one thing on my menu dick gumshoe it is true that the bottle in question was presented as evidence in Miss Bird's first hearing a month ago listen [ __ ] this is my case my witness shut up old man beard and stupid farts this particular one was found inside trebian's kitchen why would that all be plain sing be there what a pertinent question analysis shows that Bob vid it's the stinky bottle no but how could that be so tell us Mr T gray on the day of your murder you don't remember that do you because you're dead what I don't know nothing about none of that or what the hell a trait being even is you're [ __ ] lying then explain this note [ __ ] what the what's that Ahoy steal Samurai can I [ __ ] it I'm afraid that I don't actually understand all of the words that are coming out of my mouth objection could the international fugitive Avery Richmond really be innocent my opponent American prosecutor Tristan Turnbull presents scores of evidence all of it reinforcements all of it reinforces to make matters worse the lead actor in this show doesn't know how to read words on the page because he's stupid and no one loves him find the contradictions believe in the truth next episode I'll shoot the bed again take that we're moving again I wasn't expecting that excuse me what the [ __ ] you looking at yes dearie and aren't you just the sweetest for asking about me Maya calls detective gumshoe for help in her walkie-talkie but it turns out the train car we're in seems to have vanish with baby poopy Maya calls detective gumshoe for help on her walkie-talkie you Eric that's worth you say that's right he and I used to do some pretty gay stuff he's a prosecutor so he's like Nick's rival the turnabout Express finally rushes toward its conclusion find the truth is yeah according to the records he's named Gail all right does anyone here have any idea where I left my pen you didn't let us get close to it and then close the door behind you to preserve the crime scene while you were buying time for him by the door me in the head wait did you [ __ ] it sure did by no small coincidence we ended up behind the third car so when we all reached the junction then they hid themselves behind the door what yeah no yes sweet Dolly I object wait seriously damn it Eric get the hell out of here ow it's not right I was under the impression we were here today to solve Dougie's murder Am I Wrong farting butthole damn it no it's not my fault it couldn't be I didn't kill this guy [Applause] I kind of did that morning Doug had asked me to meet him behind the pharmacology department at 2 45 PM I was like dude I'm not into dicks like that but I'll meet you there just don't show me anything weird Mr Right excuse me supposedly a special kind of poison this music turns me on damn it I was thinking that too I was like what is this music what anyway I'd like to proceed with a brief summary of the events in question this tragic incident occurred one rainy afternoon on the local Campus of IIT sorry pharmacology some fellow students happened upon the crime scene and noticed the authorities oh notified ha I can't read and at that exact moment that Dougie collapsed I heard An Extremely Loud cracking noise I thought my little heart was going to pitter patter right out of my chest I want a pitter patter all over your tits why why I'm sorry for what four pooping my pants what did you did he yeah it was too big so I had to break it into little pieces and chew it you you did what I got worried so I came back a little bit later and I saw Dolly kneeling over him she was sucking his dick anyone even makes one rude remark toward you I will make them eat their words my Devils I pound them in their buttholes no I think so taking it talking talking down to me uh well that's my personal philosophy nice I've been thinking about taking some law classes it's got me thinking about taking some law classes because that's what I was thinking about and after meeting you I don't want to be a lawyer oh really sounds like a really job and you're not really good at it and everyone hates you afterwards I mean not as much as if you're a voice actor in anime but they still hate you yeah I've been doing some thinking too about what penises mostly no it's not true I have a request Noah demand that Miss Hawthorne gives sworn testimony regarding that incident before this quote try that again if you believe that I should ask you would you like to try a sample of this medicine huh if she's as innocent as you claim surely there's nothing harmful in this little bottle it may even clearing your say anything she would never have said that all those terrible things I'm such a [ __ ] it's tough but learn from this and move on you pansy I know oh witness I can tell your plant you you're oh yeah she'll have her own story to tell about this one Maya this just says eat more Ramen well now that it's all figured out I can give this one to pearls wait up ew whoa I can hear something that's the waves this is filled with the sound of the ocean looks like a pretty old one since we're here let's ask the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for help would you please help us Jesus Christ oh I remember something myself about the Jew Bank man that was so good wasn't it I'll never forget my lines but I will though this is very it's special treasure that Mystic Maya herself gave me yeah no one cares there it is because it seems the waves decided to come back [Music] another one around here so if you could look over in that area we might have better luck got it there's a Snickers bar in the water over here special seashell is pretty hard to find [ __ ] you Eric [Music] hi to the contrary we're prepared to hear their statement at any time oh your suit is loud [Laughter] oh I suppose youngsters these days don't know when to give up well I mean she is a woman what do you expect I wouldn't have air Standing Tall as a proud member of the detective unit I don't believe that's relevant detective shut the [ __ ] up what the victim was in on it um [Laughter] false I think I'm done catch up that's great good work guys Terry Falls was sentenced to death after being convicted in a kidnapping incident two days ago he escaped custody well he was free police woman was murdered and her body was found in the trunk of a stolen car it just so happens that the victim's testimony is what put him away in the first trial five years prior believing in his innocence I took to the court to defend him and as I pressed the eyewitness Melissa caught a glimpse of the truth I just felt bobbly all the way through the whole thing and I don't know what happened to her after that to be perfectly clear [Laughter] ance this our witness on the stand right now is the victim of the incident five years ago it happened there I started to sound like the judge oh oh witness okay she managed to wake up make her way back home alone [Laughter] she managed to wake and bake this man held a grudge great sorry I do drugs the defense has nothing what a joke what a joke you put this whole yeah what a joke you put this so I'll do things your way right I may be stuck here in bed but I've learned I can masturbate up to 17 times a day sorry [Music] before coming here to see you I paid a visit to right at the hospital he requested I do him [Laughter] what he really asked for that he did be honest with me you know yeah but uh oh poison damn it I've gotta find a way to help her I'm such a [ __ ] I'm shocked to see you're alive oh God what have I done with my life Nikki what hang on I'm a prosecutor yeah right you kind of suck seriously you suck but I know you can do this and then later we can maybe hang out a little bit maybe date or something there's no turning back now did you say hot youngsters love to crack jokes oh no training here and hot bath is not part of that you can shower in the cold waterfall though oh my God I may be stuck here in bed but the situation is going to go on without me and still the inner Temple is cut off from everything poor Maya ah [ __ ] [Music] about last night can you share with me your Recollections of what happened of course after dinner I led the new trainee and sister bikini across the bridge and over to the inner Temple and then at 10 pm I rang the lights out for Belle ah I rang the bell for lights out no Maya what the hell do you think you're doing man stop hey no let me go now uh no way the freaking bridge is on fire Larry [ __ ] you I'm serious there's been a murder over at the temple wait for real there's not a doubt in my mind definitely need up with her again tomorrow then I we gonna [ __ ] ah actually it's a [ __ ] problem by trainee you mean my Affair yep the training lasts all night long and at the end at and scene sorry details like that are important detective and perhaps you should take this as a clue to why you'd have never heard you're right about that sir which is precisely the reason why I arranged to have a different judge presiding over this case okay well we've been waiting for a Godot to get back to us because he's supposed to be the [ __ ] you and as rookie defense attorney miles Edgeworth defies Von Karma's Relentless line of questioning he discovers a glaring contradiction also I make my triumphant return I'm back in the saddle Edgeworth and I'll ride the face strange as Jackson find a contradicts believe the truth next episode take it whoa Professor Edge professor hello gumshoe crazy I didn't even know that you wanted to Shag me over here as seen here she was stabbed through the Torso with a ceremonial sword held by a golden statue my goodness stabbed right in the butt I was not prepared [Music] thanks [Music] I'll be lickier than a discount diaper [Laughter] the defense is ready to present your argument your argument it is yeah I I said it was his argument and now it's just gonna be me telling a story a very short story uh once upon a time there was a defense prosecutor and his name was Phoenix Wright but he was in the hospital and now taking his place is a totally unqualified maybe you should go on back to your cradle I'll be just fine but tell me how come you decided not to show up to today's tribe perfect at least for the time being what what are you trying to say we've proven that it is not and then I just gave up it's Japanese writing Maya I can't let her die in there [Music] maybe I can but uh you're rather green mean green car because it turns out that gorgeous angel can fly whoa he's clearly on meth [Laughter] control your Witness you were the one who made that call were you not yeah that's exactly what I should have done right lightning struck Dusky bridge map death is something I've experienced firsthand really you died why couldn't you have stayed that way I want Maya no one cares about you I was so lonely and so scared I mean I know I've been saying that for like three episodes really and I was by myself you'll be nice to her you here cause if not I'll date her yeah put it in your ass butts it's where I keep it Phoenix I was curious about this Crystal I wanted to check if it truly was the victims you're always working aren't you can it [ __ ] me yeah [Laughter] can it [ __ ] me is just such a nonsensical question to ask Iris I'm counting on you you have two arms and two legs and that equals four right but I know I I words betrayed her house shut up but I know none of this would have happened if I hadn't betrayed her betrayed her how it wasn't a coincidence that Dusky Bridge was there foreign but I know none of this would have happened if I hadn't betrayed her betrayed her how it wasn't a coincidence because but I know none of this would have happened if I hadn't betrayed her betrayed her how it wasn't a coincidence that Dusky Bridge was the place where the ransom was going to be handled over there there's no handle it's just a handed but I know none of this would have happened if I hadn't betrayed her betrayed her how it wasn't a coincidence that does damn it I'm heading over to the inner Temple right now goth I believe that was her name I'm being electrocuted Iris got away because this scruffy oaf couldn't control her an idiot sorry ma'am what do you mean answer me right I know where Iris went number two right over there the inner Temple don't be foolish she started dating a college student for several months so she could use him I'm curious did she ever talk about that guy really but she did tell me one thing she hated his guts that's it it's a good place to kill myself around here oh before it slips my mind I found something I thought was a little weird over there pull my finger and whoever did it was a child I'm sure I mean by that I mean it's pretty obvious no adult would have made a silly little mistake like that and the ground began to tremble I went over to escort to defend it man I took my eye off her for just a second I really stepped at it this time man I took my eye off her man I man I took my eye off of her man I took my eye off of her man me well Dalia was in prison but now she's no more it happened about a month ago her sentence was carried out she was executed and the tree takes a dump if that's a joke I don't get it how in the world could there be another one of me well what about Dahlia I found out she was your twin sister I'd like to have sex with both of you and that's how Iris got here how much do you know about the twins do you at least know [ __ ] was it Dahlia yes I gathered her lifeless body and transported it to the main Temple's Courtyard then I defecated on it oh hot there's a Darkness underneath complex and bitter but still tasty could you please stop describing your testicles think back to a big case from years ago does she look familiar hmm and I'm not talking about what you jerk it to at night Master of the Quran School a woman who'd been seen neither or heard from 15 and what's more besides being karine's Master she was also a dance instructor are you serious she seriously danced so [ __ ] hard it was amazing Disco there's just no reason no no the most bone-chilling truth uncovered though was that little Pearl played an unwitting accomplice in her aunt's murder the one pulling the strings behind the thinnest plot with her mother Morgan Faye who objective was to weigh about the main bloodline of the Quran school and throughout all of this Maya has been trapped in the sacred Cavern I hope she's okay in order to save Maya I may reach a shocking [ __ ] the trial enters its final stages then finally I can have sex with her for the first time next episode bridge to my sex and her I'm gonna stick it in someone who I had to protect even if it meant putting my own freedom in Jeopardy it was the master of the Quran crane crane correct I was right the first time damn it there's a sample being analyzed as we speak but sister Iris testified that Elise through this sort of way in favor of a smaller one which makes no sense it's compounded by the fact that simple Elise simple Elise hahaha Iris I need the truth you gotta tell me who it was that called you and told you to move the body I don't care about this trial anymore oh God you should try dragging the river instead her body might turn up [Music] [Laughter] so that means god damn Eric Vale foreign great thanks excuse me [Music] oh I'll help you baby who'd you think let's [ __ ] by who who would stab you it was Maya you don't have done it she said it was for Eric Vale no way you're lying she would never stab you with my dick that suggests to me you recognized him you seem to be wanting to help him [ __ ] it's not easy but I hope you can [ __ ] me someday you for what exactly because I want you how hard will you fight for the people you care about most that's the truest measure of one's character it's a question defense attorneys must ask themselves while preparing for ah and although the bonds we shared were tested from time to time in the end these struggles only brought us closer and I couldn't wait to get away from them because they're the most irritating heads I've ever known goodbye Cleveland
Channel: mieutwo
Views: 550,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace attorney, phoenix wright, miles edgeworth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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