The ABSOLUTE BEST way to do drums in Logic Pro X (10.5 UPDATE) | Drum Machine Designer Tutorial

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This dude is really underrated he gonna blow up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rishavc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One thing that blew me away is that there’s no noticeable latency when using logic remote to play drum designer. No lie you could use it live.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Elbradamontes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes!!!I was messing around with this yesterday but couldn't find the note repeat and start-shift features (figured it should be somewhere but i'm lazy and stuck in my ways) so thank you!! These are things i've been missing since switching from FL to Logic about ten years ago, so it's amazing that it's finally incorporated and comprehensive. Building drums are going be soo much quicker in logic now it's rediculous. Great video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlexanderJuneblad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

New to Logic and Macs, as a noob this blew me away! Thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NickNimmin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know I shouldn’t care. But it simply kills me that this is an iPad port. iPad. iPads have had this for about five years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Elbradamontes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

yo dude this tutorial is fantastic thanks so much for this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rosegolden106 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey, I’m constantly making new music, so thanks for making this video and making my job easier. Appreciate ya

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/savantdesons πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for posting, really helpful!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pandy333 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is definitely the best way!. Thanks Apple.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tofermusic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
they finally did it what is up you guys it's Tony holiday back at it again another video it's been a while coming but I appreciate the patience because we have been given something that is simply amazing the logic 10.5 update has just surpassed everybody's standards I think in terms of what logic was and now it is today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to use the drum machine designer if you started following this channel because of watching my absolute best way to do drums in logic tutorial you will know that that was all through ultra beat and it was such a mess and a big workaround this actually just puts all that to bed we don't need that anymore this is so much simpler more intuitive and ultimately it's just gonna help you make stuff better faster quicker easy workflow they've essentially taken the entire DAW and they've just like Apple fight it so they've made everything so much simpler easy to work with I've been messing around with the update for a couple of days now I didn't want to put videos out right away until I kind of had a good idea of how they worked this is going to be the absolute best way to do drums and logic and I think it's gonna be the final video on that one because they've essentially mailed it this time before we get started please go follow your boy on our socials that is Instagram Twitter Facebook it's tony holiday let's get straight into the video guys i'm gonna show you the best way to do drums and logic pro using the 10.5 update with the new instance of drum machine designer let's go all right you guys so you should be able to see my dog here essentially what I have is just an apple loop and I just threw on channel EQ which is just to take out some of the low-end and then I actually threw a half time on there as well and I reversed the actual audio file and pitched it up and it just kind of gave it that kind of like glitchy sort of background trap style or something like I don't know like low as you virt would get on something there like that but I got this Apple loop and I just changed the BPM to 155 so let's take a listen to what this sounds like [Music] so what you can do here guys is press F on your keyboard and that's gonna bring up this side window here which is your all files essentially what you want to do is put all your drum samples into one folder and then you can always just kind of drag and drop from that folder just by pressing F on your keyboard so for me I've actually saved it as a bookmark I have this Tony holiday drum playground and these are actually all sounds that I'm gonna be putting out very shortly this pack is about 99% done I just have to do the artwork and essentially find a good way to promote it be prepared for an awesome set of drum drum one-shot samples and a lot of other cool stuff I in the near future so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start dragging these in here the old drum machine designer was actually routed through a back end of ultra beat they've totally done the back end over and it's now run through something called the cue sampler or quick sampler I'm gonna grab a clap here so the murder clap and I'm just gonna drag that over to where our tracks are and you can see it says create new track using and we have all these options here for quick sampler original optimized drum machine designer and then a couple different instances of alchemy we're gonna want to go over to drum machine designer and just let that go and as you can see now this is our drum machine designer and our clap has been put in the first place here this is the new drum machine designer you guys you may recognize this kind of face here where it doesn't have anything they've kept that kind of modern look I think it looked good but it just wasn't functional it wasn't functional for dragging and dropping any kits or anything like that you could barely use the logic kits as wise everything was way too hot it was a mess they fixed it this is excellent they've given you this kind of syldra down window here which is the cue sampler so it has a couple LFO is a mod matrix a pitch filter amplifier and then there's the main sample here so this is the clap that I've dragged in and we can play it there by pressing that button so what we're gonna do you guys is actually dragging all our samples into the different pads here and then that's gonna give us the drums to work with and it's all gonna be kept nice and neat under the drum machine designer so let's start doing that we have the clap there now if we want to go back here with C we want to get a snare to layer with it the coast so I've grabbed the coast uh we can just go over here and it says add sample to drum machine designer so if you do that again it's gonna open it up again and it's just gonna automatically place it in the next available slot it's so nice so easy just drag and drop your samples if you want to just keep this open you can also drag in your stuff that way so let's say I want this kick so I can just drag it on any one of these pads here and that's gonna go in so I'll the naturally do it on the next one and you can see that there's all these little labels underneath each of them's there's like the D one snare one C sharp one rim C one kick one that's essentially what the logic stock kits will be labeled like for example if I was to put the kick where the clap is in that clap where ever they have a clap in here so over here then that means we could essentially just switch between kits if all of our MIDI is placed that way if that makes sense you don't have to worry about that too much if you're doing third-party samples it's more for like auditioning different kits if you keep them in the same slots then you can expect the same type of instrument to be played when you do different kits and such we're not gonna worry too much about that we're just gonna place these samples wherever we feel fit we got the kick let's actually go back here we'll grab some high hats like the Benz drum machine designer a perk and open hat and last but not least how could we forget about our 808 typically before when you do 808 you would actually do in a separate track into alchemy we no longer have to do that that's how awesome this drum machine designer is it's very similar to like the FL Studio step sequencer sampler in the sense that you can do step sequence drums and then you can actually just convert it to MIDI and you can do different pitches within each instrument as well so let's kind of get into that next year so we can close up the side window there by pressing F on our keyboard and now we have this untitled we'll call it DMD automatically puts it into multi output so we have all these different tracks as you can see you can change the volume with them you can individually change the pan of them the DMD this is going to be the master volume for all of these samples down here and that actually also helps to is let's say if you wanted to sidechain to the actual melody you can just go sidechain instrument and it has all the different instruments here which are within the drum machine designer but they've made them single outputs so you can just use that so let's gonna highlight this DMD track here we don't need to keep that open we'll right-click and go create pattern region and now this is a new tab here called the step sequencer this just looks impeccable in my opinion so I'm gonna make a little kind of pattern here I'll show you how quickly we can do that with the new step sequencer and then I'm going to show you the other parameters involved so I'm going to change it from 16 steps to 32 [Music] as you can see you guys simple pattern now something that you might have noticed right away here is the hats are not where they should be and what's really cool is let's say you screw that up what you can do here is just highlight the H hat here the high hat and you can just click these guys here to move them like the whole actual sequence just by one little little thing like that so that's really a cool feature what they've done is they've individually taken all our samples place them on their own sequencer kind of output and then you can manually affect each one from there so we're gonna kind of go into more of that now so check this out the hats here we don't want it to be right on every single beat and before we did was we would go into the MIDI we would take them command a drag them all over just slightly to kind of offset it well if you click these little arrows beside each of the samples that's what it's gonna bring up the parameters so for the hats we can actually go down here to where it says these plus and X there so you'll hit the plus and grab another parameter if you click where the actual parameter is there with it words it's gonna bring up all the options for you so let's do something that's called start offset and that's gonna actually take the beginning of the MIDI the offs the starting of it and we can offset it however much we like and that's where these two little buttons here the down and the up arrows come in is we can actually press that and it's gonna take every single one of our little sequenced high hats there and change the offset of it we can also change the offset individually by going here and clicking and then dragging but another thing that we can do is actually take the velocities and just go across there and alternate the kind of velocities to give it a little more of a realistic feel so now let's take a listen to this subtle but it's so much better and it was so easy to make happen as well this little snare at the end here let's make it into a roll so we can actually click this parameter down here and we already have one called note repeat and what that is is this little bottom one where it says one you can drag that all the way to 16 so that's going to repeat sixteen of the same sample where was just one MIDI note it's gonna chop it up 16 times we don't want that many I think I'm gonna take it to maybe like two and it'll add an extra snare there and make it one just for kind of a quick little roll and the velocity will bring up like that so it's almost like a velocity ramp typically you have to click the top if you want to add it in but what you can also do is hold command and that'll allow you to add it by clicking any of the other parameters so that's kind of like a little shortcut as well let's take a listen and hear this little snare roll at the end so you hear that little stutter there that was because we had two of them play within the one region and then the one as well as you can see we can get quite intricate drum patterns within the step sequencer before you made it out to MIDI but I'll let you guys kind of go in and figure all these out but to that I really use when I'm making drums so far are the note repeat the velocity as well when you're kind of trying to make different variations and then also the start offset is a really cool one for high hats let's just leave that for now so we can press E on our keyboard to close that we have our drum pattern here but that doesn't really work for arranging purposes so what we can do just right click and then we'll go down to convert convert to MIDI region and as you can see now this is our drum track here that we just made with the sequence notes but it's all in MIDI also just can right-click that again go to MIDI separate by note pitch and now we have all these different drum tracks which are our individual drums that we have made with the sequencer so if I just want to solo out the hats maybe add the kick snare clap take snare way you can see how for arranging purposes this is gonna be awesome because you can just command see that go to the end of the region there and now if you want to you know kind of make like your intro you okay you'll get rid of those and then maybe have it come in and you'll get rid of those two and then maybe like that you can kind of arrange it just so much quicker it's so easy it's so intuitive to use like that the last thing I wanted to get on guys was the 808 here obviously we made all those ones in the step sequencer and you can also do that within the step sequencer you can actually do melodic notes and such I'm going to show you how to do it in MIDI so this is kind of the workflow that I would use just because I'm used to using MIDI let's make a new region so we'll do TP to do pencil tool TT again to get our cursor back and drag that out to make a region and then double click that to go into the actual MIDI let's find the key of this sample so I think it's a little G phenomena to TB to use the brush tool because that's what I like to use when making a tour Waits [Music] alright so that's just kind of a simple little pattern here let's go with that so we'll do TT again to get the cursor back command a to select all shift option down to go down a couple octaves and then if you hold shift option and you drag the end of the MIDI note it will actually make sure that all of the notes are the same length so now let's take a listen [Music] so let's take a listen to it all together now [Music] and as you can see throughout that whole thing we can adjust the volumes individually with all of our drum tracks we have the arrow weights we can add different audio effects onto each channel and it's not going to be added on to any of the other ones it's a true multi output plug-in and it's so easy to use you guys but yeah guys with that being said thank you so much for watching if you like this video please give you a boy thumbs up make sure to hit subscribe so you keep getting more videos of mine make sure to go follow your boy in all socials that's Instagram Twitter Facebook it's Tony holiday that 10.5 update guys get out there explore it make good use of it I'm gonna be doing more videos with it so stay tuned for that but yeah guys thank you so much and I'll see you the next one Tony Holliday signing off
Channel: Tony Holiday
Views: 265,333
Rating: 4.9355607 out of 5
Keywords: Logic Pro x 10.5, Logic Pro x tutorial, logic 10.5 update, new logic step sequencer, logic step sequencer tutorial, Logic Pro x 10.5 tutorial, The ABSOLUTE BEST way to do drums in Logic Pro X (10.5 UPDATE) | Drum Machine Designer Tutorial, Tony holiday, new logic sampler, how to sample drums in logic, logic drum sampler, ultrabeat Logic Pro x, ultra beat logic pro, logic step sequencer, how to do drums in logic, drum machine designer logic, Logic Pro drum machine designer, lpx
Id: nwgHsy4dQTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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