Drummer - Maybe the Most Brilliant Thing to Ever Happen to Logic Pro

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hey a friend chris van der veiver here from wylogyprorules.com the website that helps you get the most you can out of apple's logic pro 10. today in our 30-day series it would be crazy for us to not discuss how amazing drummer is drummer is your virtual drum performer that lives inside logic and can play multiple styles of genres whether it be rock to hip hop electronic to percussion and pretty much everything in between and drummer is not just a bunch of static loops that you drag in from a loop library it's a highly dynamic evolving performance that you just load up a track immediately regions start to populate you can populate more and even have them follow your performances and you can adjust the performance in real time it's honestly so amazing now today's video is very much a primer on what is drummer and how to use drummer i suspect that many of us are pretty familiar with that nonetheless i think it's important for those of us who are not familiar with drummer to get acquainted with drummer first things first i have an upright studio bass sound here and let's take a listen to it as drummer is going to be playing to this basic bass line check it out [Music] cool and it actually started its life as more of a drum synth sound but i thought this would be a little more digestible let's now load up an instance of drummer so i'm going to use key command option command n or you could go up to track down to new drummer track but i just want to make sure i'm loading up the style drummer i'm after we dig into genre here we have rock alternative songwriter r b electronic hip hop and percussion i'm after r b and once i hit create we suddenly have a drummer region that's populated and we can see in the library that we have rose with a description of what style of performance that she plays in short modern r b and then in the sound section we can see that she's playing an acoustic drum kit the slow jam kit if we open drum kit designer here we can see her kit and i love drum kit designer i think the sound sound amazing amongst all the other sounds in the logic but let's take a quick listen to what some of these drums sound like [Music] honestly i think those are awesome and i'm pretty interested in what's going on on pedalboard here too cool an eq some fuzz that's interesting okay let's bring this over here so we're in line with our performance so i'll even adjust the tail end of this region let's just get acquainted with what's going on with drummer here this doesn't look at all like an audio region or a midi region or anything else and this indicates us when the different elements of drummer are playing so to start let's just take a listen to what's going on here [Music] not bad and we can adjust this performance further either by picking presets or adjusting the different parameters within the drummer editor here and you can use key command e to open this or double click on the region or by customizing my control bar and display bring in the editors tab we can bring that in from here we can adjust and adapt rose's performance in real time essentially there's a little bit of a lag but check it out i mean if we pick between these presets immediately it's adapted or we can adjust with this puck between simple to complex soft to loud check it out [Music] and we can push it further by adjusting the different elements of the kit and each element of the kit has different sliders for different styles of performance so the kick and snare are combined and there's one through eight i believe let's check it out so we have up to eight different variations of our performance starting at one let's bring it up to five [Music] and you can even go in half time or double time [Music] and we can adjust the performance of the hi-hat as well and the hi-hat doubles with either the toms or the symbol activity so if we select the toms we can adjust between three different styles of performance or the cymbals [Music] and beyond that we can even offer things like percussion for a drum kit so claps or shakers or tambourine [Music] and we can also tell drummer how much in terms of fills we want in a performance and we can adjust the swing of the performance so let me just dial this all the way up and i'll play around with the swing as we hear this it's really so sick and under the details tab we have even more to work with now acoustic drum performers have a little bit less in the details department we can either adjust for pushing or pulling against the tempo here so if we have this pull against the tempo [Music] or push against it and we can adjust for ghost notes as well so not the major hits but the little in between hits that occurs so let's dial this up as more [Music] or less [Music] and this hi-hat parameter allows us to choose between open or closed hi-hat and it depends obviously if we have a hi-hat in the mix so right now it's set to automatic but we can adjust between closed or open [Music] it's really so slick one of my favorite features about drummer is the fact that you can actually have drummer follow your performance and that's where i think it all comes together is that you're able to turn on follow for the kick and snare and then choose from the various tracks i actually have a lot of tracks in the session many are hidden i'm going to select my upright studio base and now the performance changes to match the performance of the studio base check it out [Music] and this is how slick drummer is it sounds human it sounds like an actual human being is playing the drums and it seems to have a sense for nuance and detail and you can even have drummer follow your performance and then start populating your session with more drummer regions and we can do this just by hovering our mouse around the right edge of this region so now we create a new instance of drummer and the drummer parameters are specific to each region so if i select this region here and change the performance we can see that these adjustments are specific to each region which means that you can have a verse drum section and a chorus drum section we can also swap drummers or drum kits so in this case let's swap the drum kit that rose is playing so i'll go into electronic drum kits here let's pick the 808 flex so it's still rose and it's still her style of performance but with a drum machine instead of a drum kit i mean that's pretty awesome but we can also choose to switch drummers instead of kits and that's pretty cool as well if we bring our mouse to the gear icon in the drum editor we can either choose to keep the settings when changing drummers or keep the drum kit when changing drummers so let's keep this drum kit well let's pick curtis now so all our parameters are going to change because it's a different drummer but here we go okay let's take a listen [Music] or if we pick benny [Music] which is so slick and then if we go to this gear again keep settings when changing drummers so we'll just make a couple variations here let's see how this goes i'm going to pick under alternative or maybe we'll pick yeah alternative and nikki cool so you can see that my settings have been kept the same even though we switched the drummer and we have the same kit but there will be slight variations because nikki is a different style performer [Music] i love the versatility of drummer and you know we should examine some of the other electronic drum kits right now so let's switch over to a hip hop performer let's pick maurice just so we can see the slightly different arrangement of instruments we have you know obviously a kick a snare claps shakers and hi-hats percussion elements but i really want to dig into the details page here because the details page for the more drum machine style of drums offer us more regarding each instrument so we can adjust for complexity range for each instrument how complex do you want the kick to play so let's set the fills all the way and let's set this to complex loud so it's crazy and let's take a listen and we'll watch how this changes as i adapt each of these parameters [Music] and what makes it great for the drum machines is that you can very much fine-tune each of the individual drums but also adjust for humanization so how locked to the grid do you want your performer to be do you want to kind of be you know a little variation in terms of performance just so it feels more human or do you want it locked in and also we can adjust for phrase variation so let's just bring this down to zero so it's locked to the grid and then i'll adjust here we go [Music] i mean drummer is really so fantastic and i imagine you can imagine how much you can get away with with drummer and it's just so much better than having like a drum loop you know that like four bar drum loop whether it's drum machine or acoustic drums and you know you pat it out for three and a half minutes just so you have a drum kit but this is so much better because you can actually evolve drummer and have drummer follow you and then once you're 80 or 90 of the way you can then fine-tune drummer further by right-clicking on the region going to convert and then converting drummer to a midi region so at this point it's still a drummer track and we can even convert it back to a drummer region but what's amazing is that you can now dig into the piano roll and fine tune the performance further maybe you don't like where some of the kick hits are placed or the snare or the hi-hats maybe you want the hi-hats to be a little louder so in that case we can click on our hi-hats and drive up the velocity and just looking at this performance you can see how much detail goes into each of the performers it's not that machine gun like if you're hitting a 16th note hi-hat or those galloping kick drums and some punk rock songs you're not gonna get that classic machine gun sound of a drum track that has not been programmed with any sort of humanity in mind the velocities vary over time clearly from the drum editor there's a lot of detail in terms of how you can adjust instruments and fine-tune them drummer is truly amazing so i hope this was helpful for you if it was as always i highly suggest subscribing to the youtube channel why logic pro rules for subscribing on the website itself ylogicprorules.com every week i'm posting new videos new emails and posts to help you get the most you can out of apple's logic pro 10. thanks so much
Channel: Why Logic Pro Rules
Views: 27,024
Rating: 4.9735351 out of 5
Keywords: logic pro x, logic pro, audio, audio production, apple, mixing, audio mixing, recording, audio recording, Drummer - Maybe the Most Brilliant Thing to Ever Happen to Logic Pro, Logic Pro X Drummer, Songwriting, Producing, why logic pro rules
Id: HtsiF9WHnHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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