Good News for God's People - Pastor Jeff Schreve

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welcome to from his heart with pastor jeff shreeve who's in his new and timely series the church in the last days while our world continues to reject the gospel of christ and fall deeper into the pit of sin today you'll hear the undeniable good news for god's people [Music] [Music] amen if you have your bible please turn to second thessalonians chapter two we're in a series on second thessalonians entitled the church in the last days and today we want to look at this subject good news for god's people good news for god's people i heard a story some years ago about a monastery in europe and this monastery is very beautiful and it sat on top of a cliff 3000 feet up in the air the only way you could get to this monastery was through a basket they had this basket that you would sit in and they would hoist you up strong men up at the top they would hoist you up by a rope one rope that would hoist this basket up and you could come and see the monastery well there was an american tourist there and he wanted to see this beautiful monastery so he went there and they said well you have to get in the basket and you know as they would hoist that up that thing would sway and so he's in this basket and he's swaying and he's about halfway up 1500 feet and he notices the rope and the rope is kind of old and the rope is kind of worn and the rope is frayed and he gets really nervous and he yells up to the brothers at the monastery hey how often do you guys change the rope and they yelled down and they said whenever it breaks not a reassuring comment did you know that a lot of people when it comes to this thing called salvation they see it kind of like that story they see themselves and they're in a basket so to speak and they're being pulled up by a rope and the rope of salvation is frayed and it's worn and at any moment it could snap and there's no kind of assurance in that scenario and that's the way many people live out their christian life oh i don't i don't know i hope i don't somehow lose my salvation i hope something doesn't happen that that i would stray away from the lord and cause him to to reject me we have denominations that believe their salvation is a frayed worn rope and at any moment it could snap a pastor in that denomination that believes like that was asked a question by someone in his congregation in a q a and they said pastor what happens to a christian a believer who gets away from the lord and gets involved in sin and then the lord comes back what happens to that person and the pastor said well that person misses out that person goes to hell the rope breaks so to speak and the follow-up question was okay well pastor what if you had a a christian who is struggling through some things and and there's still some unconfessed sin in his heart her heart but the lord comes back and what happens to that person and the answer was the same the rope breaks that person goes to hell are a lot of people that believe that i want you to know i reject that totally hebrews chapter 6 that's a good amen hebrews chapter 6 verse 19 says this hope we have as an anchor of the soul a hope both sure and steadfast the anchor holds and that rope is never going to break now the apostle paul founded this church in thessalonica and the church he was only there for a short time uh as short as three weeks as long as probably six months before persecution caused him to have to leave and the believers there were doing well they responded well to paul they responded to the preaching and they were growing and growing and they were excited and paul had taught them about the return of christ he had taught them about the rapture of the church he taught them to be waiting for the lord who is going to come and deliver them from the wrath that would come when the antichrist assumed power so they're waiting for all of this but then something happened to these people they heard a message it says in chapter 2 verse 2 they were quickly shaken from their composure they were disturbed because somebody came in and said they had a message from the lord and they had a letter supposedly from paul that said hey you thessalonique thessalonicans thessalonians i'm sorry i get thessaloniki in my head you thessalonians you missed it you missed the rapture you probably got some sin in your life and the lord says no not you and you missed it and now you're in the day of the lord and you're going to experience the wrath of god and it blew them out of the water it shook them to the core because they said that's just opposite of what paul told us he told us to be waiting for the lord that the lord was going to come in the clouds that the lord was going to get us and man i guess we missed it i guess there was there was too much sin in our lives and i guess i guess the rope broke and i guess now we're you know if you miss the rapture that's awful and and now we're going to go through all this terrible wrath and so they were freaked out and they were scared and they needed some good news and so in chapter 2 paul gives them good news now he tells them hey you didn't miss the rapture and you're not in the day of the lord because in the day of the lord the antichrist the man of sin is going to be revealed and these terrible things are going to happen he's going to present himself in the temple of god displaying himself as god and uh there's going to be persecution there's going to be terrible horrible things you're not in the day of the lord now you're experiencing persecution because persecution is part of the deal but you're not in the day of the lord you're not experiencing the wrath of god and he goes on to tell them this is what it's going to be like for those who are left behind but now let's talk about you what is it like for you and that's where he picks up in verse 13. but we should always give thanks to god for you brethren beloved by the lord because god has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the spirit and faith in the truth and it was for this he called you through our gospel that you may gain the glory of our lord jesus christ so then brethren stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught whether by word of mouth or by letter from us now may our lord jesus christ himself and god our father who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace comfort and strength in your hearts in every good work and word paul gave them good news good news for god's people and it really has to do with this rope of salvation i really want you to see it not so much as a rope but as a chain a chain with four links four unbreakable links that paul gives here in the verses that we read link number one the lord loves us those of us who are his children we can rest in the fact that god loves us he says in verse 13 we should always give thanks to god for you brethren beloved by the lord hey you are people who are loved by the lord and god hasn't destined you for wrath but for obtaining salvation to our lord jesus christ why because you're loved by him he loves you now he doesn't love you because of who you are he loves you because of whose you are i have three daughters and i love my girls not because of who they are but because they're mine because they belong to me and no matter what they may do in life no matter how many bad decisions they could possibly make i would never stop loving them why because they're mine they're my girls they're my children so it is with god when you are born into the family of god you become his child and god loves his children and god will never stop loving his children scripture says most familiar verse in the bible john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son now god loves everyone and if god loves everyone enough to give his son while we were yet god demonstrates his own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us so if he loves us while we're sinners how much more the scripture says in romans chapter 5 will he show his love toward those who have put their faith and trust in jesus god loves us and we are beloved by the lord jeremiah 31 3 says this the lord says to his people i have loved you with an everlasting love therefore i have drawn you with loving kindness love you with an everlasting love john 17 verse 23 in jesus's high priestly prayer he prays to the father his father let them know that you love me even as you have loved them god loves you the way god loves jesus and jesus loves you the scripture says in john 15 just as the father has loved me i have also loved you abide in my love the father loves me as much as he loves the son the son loves me as much as the father loves him man that is a lot of love and the bible asks the question who shall separate us from the love of god romans chapter 8 asks that question and it says this who will separate us from the love of christ will tribulation or distress they were going through tribulation and distress in thessalonica or persecution they were going through that is that going to separate us from the love of christ or famine or nakedness or peril or sword of course not and then he says this for i am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord nothing can separate us from god's love now remember this god doesn't love you because you're valuable you're valuable because he loves you he's just chosen to love us you know we can get the idea well you know i god should love me because i'm such a a great guy i'm such a great girl you know and of course god loves me because look how great i am that's not how you're supposed to view that i'm god doesn't love me because i'm valuable because there's anything great in me he i'm valuable because he loves me amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me he loves a wretch like me now in the gospel of john the apostle john never refers to himself as john the apostle john the disciple he always refers to himself in this way four times you read it i'm the disciple whom jesus loved the disciple whom jesus loved and you know you can look at that and say well that's kind of boastful that's kind of proud that's kind of arrogant i mean look at me i'm i'm the disciple jesus loved i don't know about peter and james and philip and andrew but i know about me i'm the disciple jesus loved that's not how he meant it he meant it like this wow can you believe this that a wretch like me is loved by him i'm the disciple whom jesus loves you think about how your life would be different if you really and truly believe that god loves you and on your worst day when you're doing the absolute worst and you're so out of fellowship with god he still loves you see god doesn't have a love like some of us did when we were younger do you remember when you'd pick up a daisy and you there was some girl or some guy you kind of liked at school and you'd be he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not and you would hope that it would be on he loves me because if he loves me now it's like ah crud this isn't going to work out this third grade romance is not going to make it you know well some people have that they have daisy theology and so they think well i'm doing good he loves me oh but then i had a bad day a bad experience i lost my temper i did this i did that he loves me not oh but then i'm doing better he loves me oh but then i'm doing bad again he loves me not and you go up and down and up and down and up and down hey jesus said just as the father has loved me i have also loved you abide in my love there is no fear in love because perfect love casts out fear and we don't have to be afraid that the lord is going to kick us out we can rest in his love nothing can separate us from the love of god i like that song that says i am so glad that my father in heaven tells of the love in the book he has given wonderful things in the bible i see but this is the dearest that jesus loves me now i am so glad that jesus loves me jesus loves me jesus loves me i am so glad that jesus loves me jesus loves even me even me and you know it's easy and i've told you this before it's easy for me to say that god loves you because see here's the thing i don't know you through and through i don't know you in and out i know me through and through i know me in and out i know all of my weaknesses all of my faults all of my failings and so when you know yourself that well and you think how could god love me when i do this and when i do that and when i do the other but he does he does he has set his love upon us these thessalonians they're just like you and me they're not perfect people they're young believers in the lord and they struggle with things just like you and i struggle with things but they're beloved by god and he says in verse 16 now may our lord jesus christ himself and god our father who has loved us so that's the first link in the chain god loves you the second link in the chain good news for god's people not only does the lord love us but the lord chose us it says in verse 13 but we should always give thanks to god for you brethren beloved by the lord because god has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the spirit and faith in the truth the lord has chosen us now god's love for us motivated him to send his son to the cross for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and christ's love for us motivated him to say to the father not my will but yours be done and that motivated jesus to go to the cross and the cross is god's love letter to us as someone said i asked jesus how much he loved me and he stretched out his arms and died that proves to you that god loves you because before you were ever born jesus christ died for you and while you were yet a sinner christ died for you and so the cross makes it possible for us to have salvation when jesus died upon the cross and breathed his last and said father into thy hands i commit my spirit the bible says there was an earthquake and the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom from top to bottom not bottom to top if a man were going to tear the veil he'd have to do it from top from bottom to top god tore the veil from top to bottom and the veil that separated the people from the holy of holies from the holiness of god there was it was open now you could come and have access to god because of what jesus did on the cross and he says that we have been chosen those who are believers in jesus have been chosen from the beginning from the beginning say the beginning of what from in the beginning genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth we have been chosen from the beginning the bible says in ephesians chapter one that he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him chosen it's such a wonderful thing to be chosen have you ever had an experience where you didn't get chosen i mean you're you're trying out for a team volleyball team basketball team football team or whatever and you got cut you know that's not a fun experience my daughter amy my middle daughter when she was in seventh grade tried out for the volleyball team and she was one of the last ones to get cut and i still remember how she was just crying about that because they didn't choose her they didn't pick her i remember times in my own life when i was getting uh in between eighth grade and ninth grade and i would go up to the high school they'd have open gym night and i was a basketball player and you'd go and play and there would be some older kids there and and they'd pick teams hey you this guy's a captain that guy's a tapping and they'd start picking there's 12 guys there you're only going to have 10 to play and they'd get down and they'd be like you know and it's like three guys left two spots left it's like pick me pick me pick me you know because i don't want to go to the triple a league you know i don't want to go over there i want to play and sometimes i didn't get picked and it was not a fun feeling to not get picked well here's the thing god the the king of the universe he says i pick you i want you to be on my team you are chosen and we're chosen before the foundation of the world now that brings up a big question how does god choose what is the basis of god's choice is it just willy-nilly god just goes through the rolodex of every person that's ever going to be born this is before the foundation of the world and he's like well i'm going to pick jeff but i'm not going to pick jim i'm going to pick betty but i'm not going to pick uh sarah i'm going to pick this person i'm not going to pick that person god does not do it like that it's a divine choice based on for knowledge and when the bible talks about god choosing it says he chooses based on his foreknowledge first peter chapter 1 verses 1 and 2. peter an apostle of jesus christ to those who reside as aliens who are chosen how are they chosen according to the foreknowledge of god the father by the sanctifying work of the spirit to obey jesus christ and be sprinkled with his blood chosen according to the foreknowledge of god and here's the deal about god he can choose before the the beginning before the foundations of the earth and he can choose based on what he knows because god is the god isaiah 46 verse 10 who declares the end from the beginning god is god he knows everything that's going to happen before it ever happens and before he ever created this world he knew that adam and eve would sin he knew that it would plunge the world into sin he knew that the only way to remedy the sin problem was for him to send his son for the second person in the trinity the lord jesus to become a man and to die on the cross for our sins because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness and revelation chapter 13 verse 8 says that the lamb of god was slain from the foundations of the world and so the lord knew all that and he knew those who would trust him before he ever created this world before the foundations of the world he knew it all and he chose those who would trust him before the foundations of the world according to his foreknowledge he predestined us according to his foreknowledge romans chapter 8 verse 29 for whom he did for no then he also did predestinate to become conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren and to whom he predestined these he also called and to whom he called these he also justified and to whom he justified these he also glorified how did he do that when did he do that in the beginning according to his foreknowledge here's the thing don't get hung up on predestination because here's the thing about predestination god predestines according to what he knows you're going to do it doesn't mean that god makes you do it it just means that god knows that you're going to do it god knows everything in your life because he knows the end from the beginning he's seen the movie of your life he knows every decision you're going to make i remember when i was a young christian i would think okay god knows this and he knows that i wonder if you can fake god out like god i'm gonna i'm gonna fake like i'm going right and i'm going left i bet you didn't know that because you thought i was going right and you're going left and god said yeah i've seen you i've seen your whole life jeff i know everything that you do i know every decision that you make i know when you try and fake right and you go left because i've seen it all you know it's kind of like watching a football game and you've you've seen the game and you're watching it with another guy who hasn't seen the game well if you study that game film of the 2005 national championship game where ut beat usc is a good game to watch and you study that you know hey it's going to be fourth down and vince young is going to run right and he's going to score and the other guy's not seeing it he's like what's going to happen what's going to happen you're like i know what's going to happen because i've seen it now that doesn't mean that you made vince young do what he did it just means you know what he's going to do because you've already seen the game god's already seen the game of life he knows every decision that every person is ever going to make and god chooses from the foundation of the world based on his foreknowledge remember this see if god some people believe that god just kind of chooses and and it's it's his divine choice and it's uh willy-nilly so to speak although they wouldn't use that terminology but here's the thing that doesn't wash with me the lord is not willing ii peter 3 9 he's not willing he's not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance this is good and acceptable in the sight of god our savior who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth now if god desired all men to be saved but in eternity past he says well you can be saved you can't be saved you can be saved you can't be saved then it would be like well how did i have no choice i mean i can't be saved but he doesn't do it that way he gives every person the opportunity and he says whosoever will may come and he just knows who will he knows who will come let me give you a great illustration from scripture from the lips of jesus a parable in matthew chapter 22 and the parable goes this way the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son and he sent out his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast and they were unwilling to come those who were invited were unwilling to come it doesn't say they were unable to come it says they were unwilling to come again he sent out other slaves saying tell those who have been invited behold i prepared my dinner my oxen and my fatted livestock are all butchered and everything is ready come to the wedding feast but they paid no attention they went their way one to his farm other to his business and the rest they seized his slaves mistreated them and killed them that's obviously speaking of the prophets verse seven but the king was enraged and sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and set their city on fire then he said to his slaves the wedding is ready but those who were invited were not worthy they were not worthy because they didn't come he said go therefore to the main highways and as many as you find there invite to the wedding feast and those slaves went out into the streets and gathered together all they found both evil and good and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests and then he sums up this parable and says this for many are called but few are chosen many are called but fewer chosen and the word called means invited many are invited but few are chosen and you look at the parable and you say well why were just a few chosen because the rest who were invited didn't come they didn't come that's why the scripture says whosoever will might may come that's why revelation chapter 22 the last book of the bible it has the word come the spirit and the bride say come you can come to jesus and if you come to jesus you know what you'll find that you were chosen before the foundation of the world and god chose me hey you know before god ever created this world he was looking through one day his telescope of time and he saw in houston texas a 17 year old high school senior named jeff shreeve and god saw that boy and heard that boy as and watched that boy as he heard the gospel and he heard about the love and all of a sudden as the lord illumined my eyes and opened my eyes to truth god saw me in my bedroom on my knees crying out saying jesus would you save me god saw that before i was ever created before he ever created anything and god says that settles it that boy is going to be like me because it is predestined that that would happen based on his foreknowledge hey if you want to be chosen you can be chosen because know this god chooses those who want to be chosen he chooses those who want to be chosen he chooses those who respond to him you know some of you may remember the show welcome back cotter and uh arnold horsham oh oh oh oh whoa whoa remember that choose me choose me that's the way every one of us who's a believer that's what we did when we heard the gospel we said oh oh choose me choose me i didn't choose him he chose me but he chooses those who want to be chosen you won't ever find a person in heaven say well you know i didn't really want to come but i didn't have a choice he chose me i didn't i couldn't say no you know it's irresistible grace i wanted to resist but i couldn't hey the rich young ruler had the invitation from jesus sell all you have give it to the poor come and follow me and he said no the lord loved him the my bible makes that clear and the lord gave him the invitation many are invited but few are chosen because the many who are invited so many of them say no hey the lord loves us that's the first link in the chain second link the lord chose us third link in the chain in the unbreakable chain the lord has given us his spirit but we should always give thanks to god for you brethren beloved by the lord because god has chosen you from the beginning for salvation how does that come about through sanctification by the spirit and faith in the truth saint sanctification by the spirit and faith in the truth so god the third link in the chain is god sends his spirit to convict our hearts open our eyes to truth show us that we're a sinner in need of a savior we put our puny little hand of faith in his great big hand of grace and he pulls us out of the pit of sin i was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore very deeply stained within sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry and from the water lifted me now safe am i and he does that through his spirit and this is the most wonderful thing the greatest gift you have is the gift of salvation and what is salvation see salvation is not just getting your sins forgiven that's really if you get really really technical getting your sins forgiven is the precursor to salvation that makes you ready for salvation going to heaven when you die that's the byproduct of salvation what salvation really is is god coming to live in you god coming to live in you and when you receive christ he comes into your life through the person of the holy spirit and you're born again and god you have the divine nature within you and god lives inside of you first corinthians chapter 6 says what do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit who is in you whom you have from god and that you are not your own you've been bought with a price therefore glorify god in your bodies so it's the holy spirit who convicts and it's the holy spirit who converts and it's the holy spirit when we receive christ he comes in through the person of the holy spirit and then the holy spirit starts working on us because to be sanctified means to be set apart it's the lord doing a process of making you like himself he's chipping away all of the rough spots and he's cleaning you up and in in the way you live and so you as the lord says you shall be holy for i am holy well that's comes about through the holy spirit it doesn't come about through religion it doesn't come about like the pharisees tried to do just grit their teeth try so hard to not think evil thoughts and to do all this right stuff and not the wrong stuff you can't do that it doesn't work like that because sin is an inside job and you can't get at the root of sin by working on the outside you you know if you have and i tell kids this all the time i said when when i talked to them about salvation i said you know you can understand when you get dirty right when you play in the mud or something like that and your hands are all dirty what does your mom want you to do when you come inside wash your hands wash your hands and if your hands are dirty you can wash them with soap and water and the mud the dirt goes away what do you do if you have a stain on the inside a stain of sin on your heart how do you wash that that's why the lord says though you wash yourself with lie and use much soap yet the stain of your iniquity is before me declares the lord you can't clean yourself up what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus and you have to apply the blood by faith and say lord i come as a wretched sinner and i come and i ask you to forgive me and cleanse me and live inside of me and change me make me the person you want me to be that's what's going on when the lord sends his spirit through sanctification by the spirit the bible says in philippians 2 13 for it is god who is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure we sing that little song sometimes jesus be jesus in me no longer me but the resurrection power fill me this hour jesus be jesus in me see god really doesn't want you to do anything for him he just wants you to yield yourself to him and he wants to do things through you because that's what gives power to your life when the spirit is in charge so first link in the chain the lord loves us second link in the chain the lord chose us from the beginning third link in the chain the lord has given us his spirit now those first two links are from eternity past the spirit working in your life is now that's in time and the spirit works in your life for the end result and that is the lord wants us to share in his glory and it was for this verse 14 says that he called you through our gospel that you may gain the glory of our lord jesus christ to gain the glory why all this why the the choosing why the spirit's working in my life so that one day one day it hasn't happened yet but one day so that you and i would experience the glory of god in a place called heaven so that we would be with the lord forever and ever and ever jesus prayed in his great high priestly prayer john 17 verse 24 father i desire that they also whom you have given me be with me where i am so that they may see my glory which you have given me for you love me before the foundation of the world the lord wants us to see his glory he wants us to experience his glory he says that where i am there you may be also he wants us to be there with him and and the bible says concerning heaven what i has not seen nor ear heard nor has even entered into the heart of man all that god has prepared for those who love him you and i we can't imagine we can't begin to imagine what god has in store for us i mean it's greater if you let your mind out to the nth degree you're not even scratching the surface of what is in store for us in glory john says this first john chapter 3 verse 1 see how great a love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called children of god and such we are for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him now we are children of god and it is not appeared as yet what we shall be we know that when he appears we shall be like him for we shall see him just as he is and everyone who has this hope fixed on him purifies himself just as he is pure there is one day that i'm going to be like jesus why because he loves me because he chose me before the foundation of the of the world because in 1980 the holy spirit came to live in my life and the spirit is alive and working in me and one day jesus is going to come back he's going to come back in the clouds and i'm going to be caught up to be with him in the air and i'm going to be changed and this perishable will put on imperishable and this mortal will put on immortality and i will be given a glorified body and philippians 3 says for our citizenship is in heaven from which we eagerly wait for a savior the lord jesus christ who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of his glory through the exertion of the power that he has even to subject all things to himself hey that is coming for a christian and that is good news for god's people you know what's really cool you read about in exodus moses asked the lord lord let me see your glory show me your glory and the lord said moses i'll show you the backside of my glory i'll cover you i'll hide you in the cleft of the rock i'll put my hand over there i'll pass by and i'll show you the back side of my glory the afterglow so to speak but you can't see my face no man can see my face and live the last book of the bible the last chapter of the last book says that when we're in heaven that we serve the lord and his children shall see his face we see him for who he is all his beauty all his of his glory all of his shekinah we see him face to face as sandy patty used to sing in all of his glory that's what's in store for the believer so he says in verse 15. so then brethren stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught the transmission not traditions of men but what has been transmitted to you from the lord through the apostles through the prophets hold on to those whether by word of mouth or by letter from us and now may our lord jesus christ himself and god our father who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word hey because all this is true and those links are there in the chain and they cannot be broken you need to stand firm in the truth you need to hold fast to the teachings of the word of god you need to be comforted by the holy spirit who is the divine comforter and strengthened by the spirit in every good working word charles ryrie he wrote in his commentary on 2 thessalonians he said in chapter 2 if you sum up the thrust of this chapter it's this do not be disturbed for the day of the lord does not come when it does come it will be a terrible time of revealing the power of satan through his man of sin but you believers will not experience these awful things for your prospect is glory not wrath in the meantime however maintain a strong and stable christian testimony in every work and word that's what we're to do we're to shine for christ we're to share his story we're to let our light so shine among men that they may see our good works and glorify our father who's in heaven hey we're living a great time right now with all the stuff going on with coronavirus and people are so afraid we as god's people we don't need to be afraid hey we can say the lord is on his throne the lord is in charge of my life there's not one person who's going to die from coronavirus or the lord said oh i didn't expect that to happen wow god's in charge of that you don't need to be afraid of that i'm not talking about you don't need to be stupid but you don't need to be afraid and we can be such a witness to a lost and dying world because they don't have a savior to go to they don't have the rock of their salvation they have a they don't even have a frayed rope they have nothing as one girl whose father was an atheist kept telling her that there is no god there is no god there is no god a salvation army worker was witnessing to this girl telling her jesus loves you jesus died for you and the father was working on her don't listen to that girl don't listen to that girl that salvation army worker came to the house to talk to that girl she was very sick she was on her deathbed and she walked into the room or listened by the door and she heard the father saying to his daughter honey they tell me that you're very sick and that you're not going to get better and she he said honey i don't want to believe that so this is what you need to do you need to just hold on hold on for daddy's sake and that girl said daddy you've taught me there is no god there is no jesus there is no bible there is no truth and now you're telling me to hold on there is nothing to hold on to there's nothing to hold on to hey this hope we have as an anchor of the soul a hope both steadfast and sure and one that enters inside the veil hey do you have that hope today listen if you're here today and you say jeff i just don't know if i'm chosen i don't know if god chose me from the foundation of the world and how can that be changed you don't know what happened in the beginning it can be changed because god knows everything that you do and today you can make a decision to give your life to christ and you know what you'll find out if today you give it to make a decision to give your life to christ you'll find out that hey my name was written before the foundation of the world in the lamb's book of life do you know for certain that you belong to him hey god loves you saved or lost god loves you but he wants to choose you he's looking for somebody to say here i am lord as isaiah said here i am lord send me save me change me he wants his spirit to do a deep work in your life he wants one day for you to be with him in glory my friend the lord is coming soon and the big question is this are you ready if you're not today is the day to get ready just pray this simple prayer lord jesus i need you i know that i'm a sinner and i'm lost and i can't save myself but i believe that you are god in the flesh i believe you died on the cross for my sins and you rose again from the dead and right now jesus i open my heart to you come into my life forgive me of all my sins be my lord and savior i surrender my all to you my friend if you'll pray that kind of prayer and mean it the lord will come in and your life will never be the same i would love to hear from you to know that you're watching to know that god is using this broadcast to make a difference in your life to know that you just prayed that prayer to receive christ as your personal savior and lord please take the time to call that toll-free number write me email me let me know what's going on and how we can pray for you you really are important to god and you're important to us and we're here for you thank you for watching from his heart the viewers supported broadcast outreach of dr jeff shreeve who believes that no matter how badly you may have messed up in life god still loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life find out more go to [Music] you
Channel: From His Heart Ministries
Views: 687
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: Sgf39Z-Wp2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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