The Abandoned Playboy Club - This was a Mind F@#*!

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[Music] this old ballroom casino in portsmouth was one of only three playboy clubs in the uk the others being in manchester and london [Music] it was formerly kimball's ballroom and for a brief time the bird cage club which hosted the likes of rod stewart and led zeppelin early in their careers the playboy club shut in 1981 and was turned into a grossness casino which was the final part of the building to close in 2015. it now sits in a state of abandonment with echoes of its glorious past faintly bouncing from the flaking walls [Music] all right guys we are in check this out so we're at the bottom of the mirror but it goes up fair way yeah [Music] this is the grosser casino it's at the bunny club this adds well plenty of nightclubs wanted yeah and the casino closed around 2015 but like the nightclubs and that they closed down years and years ago so finally got a chance to have a look inside here it's meant to be really cool so oh there's some cool artwork on the wall there and correct me if i'm wrong but i think the artist or the portsmouth artist my dog size um had an exhibition somewhere he like does it in abandoned buildings so this is one of them all right sorry i've gone infrared because i just saw carlo it's pull up hey ready what's the one with the window we've got to watch out for so what's this ring oh wow guys look at this no way mate this is proper old school wow yeah look at all that artwork from him that is so cool guys this artwork is everywhere didn't it look at these ceilings you've never had the chance to be in airhead yeah you've lived out around here sort of all your life yeah yeah this has been closed at least could be 40 years the club the club but the casino was the last place here yeah 2015 the casino closed we've got going on here then [Music] that's a reflection in there i thought oh there's lights well we are behind the bar look at this right this is one of the old clubs that's not window guys that is a mirror so yeah i was just behind there what's that say just symbols crazy this is huge guys this is absolutely mental oh wow another little bar it's like bar upon bar what does this say there you go free free plug for him this funky little bar then all graffiti eat up that's mental concrete big green ones yeah this is crazy they've like graffitied every inch of this room yeah they could do oh wow look at these stairs those they're quite grand then it's just like blood red doors wallpapers sorry just as i said that there's sensors i hope didn't just go off oh they're melted they're not just like intense yeah that's when you the bloke had that look at this wallpaper as well it's like this is another one yeah it's all different themes in it yeah look still got a seat in a little coat room and still got the bar so this place has been derelict for so long and they've just not done anything with it and it's in a prime location in portsmouth you know yeah so this was merlin's champagne bar oh we gotta watch the light here guys apparently broken window there it's the only one not boarded yes i'm gonna get further in so we don't have to worry about light what's that it's a mirror better not me is that oh look at wallpaper in here that is ranked i win it so we're talking twenties look at this old door like this old horseman hand driver this is a real walk back in time guys this is going to be like a relic god it's a bit dodgy here we ain't it this is all right to be walking on oh look at that look at all that mold look at all the mold i'm seeing guys yeah don't breathe that in wait whatever sweet it's so damp in that part so we've got a watch out look at that old elevator does that open up don't know you've got to ring the bell first you just got white this is where the lights this would be gonna be careful at the far pawn but this looks so eerie this this part of it look at this is that camera up there no the black thing oh my god no way so we ain't got to be worried about windows and everything oh my god at the end but at the end the end window there you see that you could shine on us that's the only one go watch but i want to brighten up this room i need to show the people look at the size of this there you go look at the size of this ed that's crazy mate that is literally crazy yeah man look at this so they're the grand double doors we came through obviously i've got gotta be wary so what i'm gonna do is walk down the other end and shine the light this way look there's lights on there ed green flashing ones these are really these statues it's quite creepy i think that might be on purpose so we've gotta be really careful two always ready guys that is impressive right look we've got the old bar here as well so this hasn't been used for obviously all them years apart from this art installation so we've got these really cool weird statues with uh various masks and stuff like that oh yeah look at all these um old switches guys but even that then that's what it's all as funny as what's that cabbage steamer really let's have a look how deep oh yeah jeez look at this whole fryer then they just still the oil they'd probably reuse that even now to fry the chips in really old kitchen oh yeah oh chester it's wow i'm blown away mate uh installation possibly these old doors hand painted and behind the bar see if there's any gems behind the bar another room here all right hey look out there what is it oh that's outside yeah oh how weird is that and that's sort of just a weird little offshoot mate so yeah behind the bar oh bottle of amaretto old monitors but uh no remnants of this heyday left you right i just can't get over this ghost there's a speaker up there was that a projector what's up what's it's like literally writing all over the walls and on the mirror ed are you meant to read it backwards or something recite it oh mate look at this this is a old food hat serving oh it doesn't open what do you see it just never went through the stairs yeah i can't open it guys but that's the little serving hat there's literally windows i don't know if you can see that curtains blowing in the breeze yeah watch out really carefully yeah keep the torch off for the minute you can get it's like literally the street look that's how hard don't even know where but yeah this is it guys quick i'll have to show you this the top end with the bar yeah we need to get out of this but that's too exposed definitely it doesn't yeah there is like another floor are we going through can do but i thought you wanted the clubs first oh yeah it's a mall yeah okay you lead the way you lead the way mate i can't get over the size of this you wouldn't think this looking in pompey would you that there's something this big just sat there derelict i can't get over is how good nick this is in carpets wallpaper it's quite special really it would have been funky back in the day i guess it just keeps on going this place comes through oh really maybe this would have been the reception or ticket office when he had these things when you come into the casino oh yeah cause you've got the shutters still work i'm coming to the casino yeah put your coat in there very horrible green room old server room yeah yeah is there power on in here what is it what are these is this a kitchen or toilet or what the hell really no it just goes up to the next level which is this concrete thing so we'll just be able to do that by climbing the stairs inside so yeah we just come back through but check out the old reception desk to the casino funky in it so this would have been the old card system i guess to get in the casino it's already in there he's already seen it but let's have a look [Music] oh this is huge oh man he's got all of that glorious art exhibitions what's in the tent head nothing these are really quite surreal in ladies so this is my dog size it's quite a cool artist you see it on a lot of abandoned buildings around portsmouth and stuff like that it's quite cool so yeah check him out yeah nice stencils here actually mate you've got any spray paint yet no we could go and spray paint that around the city check out this though this would have been bustling probably about 10 years ago that's andy in that what's behind the shutter so this would have been the filled with cash but yeah none left now unfortunately screwed a bit so this yeah this is the part that was most recently opened 2015 like i say it's the old glass panel another kitchen through there is it now i'm going to check out the bar i think always got to check out the bar it's very dusty in here guys ah they've ripped it all out nothing left uh that's the wines house merlot shiraz chianti rioja chateau so these look locked to me yeah so those doors are locked what no they're both locked they've both been screwed shot mate well the safe room used to be in there well no wonder it's still locked this is so cool this place most people probably haven't seen this for quite a long time to be fair so yeah guys if you are enjoying this video don't forget to leave us a thumbs up and we just got bathrooms in there that's pretty cool toiling still in well the rest of it's not but thailand's pretty cool uh yeah we've got a basement to find yet as well and the top floor this place is huge mate i can't get over this stairs this would have been their little chill-out room oh yeah you watch it mate i don't know what that's like under your foot what's up here then there's a bit of a weird layout poke paneled walls i'll say i hope that's probably cheap cheap wood oh man that's where the elevator would come up oh this takes us back down to where we come in head yeah oh mate hello why is there trying to scare the [ __ ] out that's on every time this is creepy that goes up again alex and again in hell yeah oh this is pigeon central it goes off again oh my god this looks really like the worst part of the building oh mate look at the floor men's that's old wait i'm getting out there sorry i can't breathe yeah i think this is uh this reminds me the odeon in portsmouth they call room so all the paneling's still intact yeah i'm probably not gonna go in the rooms oh mate oh yeah that's quite a big room yeah better not shock so well open window though they go up again what's what's the dealio there another little one it's an attic so weird so one way in one way out that's not a bath that's it is it i thought that's just like a water container oh it is a bath yeah yeah because you've got the plumbing for the taps yeah that is crazy in it oh there's hardly any room to bloody turn me around in a little line of fridge uh let alone a bath what's that electrics was done 2005. oh there you go then but this was an office then yeah this is their offices quite old looking still it's still quite good nick like frames door frames and artex and another toilet that's pretty uh well that's not old tiskey i don't know mate yeah there's room behind that it's moved does it i think i think the bars teleported squeeze mate in it i'm caught up right oh [ __ ] yeah this is the one with the open windows oh yeah okay is it worth it what's through there to see if there's any police outside yeah no we're all good so you're telling me you can't get behind that bar um [Music] that's a bit weird are you going to climb over them i can't find another one i'm not getting through there again yeah check out the size of that look at the old um what we've got in the safe what is that dear toss and debs that's an rsvp yeah that is called that safe route so yeah it's just oldest part of the building i've seen so far old fireplace as well but yeah that is there's some pretty sun stunning stuff in this place it's huge this place [Music] he said there's a cellar as well i mean this stairs here yeah we haven't been there look at these old stairs over the old checkerboard i think it might be down that way yeah i think it's screwed shut the other side this is weird didn't it weird old setup just back up back up here these are quite big these stairs aren't they really yeah they're all quite wide i haven't been through to ladies and gentlemen did we go away from here let's check it out oh yes we have here i remember the oak handling yeah i remember this so there's an another way that we we haven't seen yeah yeah there's two shops next door there's a bookies and in the chinese indian restaurant so there's nothing through it and flats coming up [Music] yeah but look ed look you seen this this is massive just give me a headache in a good way by the way it's not a bad thing because this place has been awesome you know how long have we been trying well since i've known you ed how long have we been trying to get in there yeah yeah good old year at least i can't get over this so such a cool little room definitely don't do acid in this sidebar it's all over the floor and all that [Music] yeah we didn't ah that's right yeah we didn't go through there the sticker door yeah it freaked us out it doesn't freeze oh my god yeah point it like you'd always dreamed it to be there's no other way oh yeah christ this is a bit this is like a kill room but for our yeah look oh we've got a right vacant haven is there any chalk left i don't think there's any room on the bloody walls to do it every inch has been done is yeah we don't get lost now ed i don't know if you heard that it just said that this was a maze i'm here how did you get around there left or right left or right he's not that way i can't get through there so he's got to be this way did you go through a door no you're there this is brilliant oh gotta be done there you go i've topped the agent no i didn't touch it ed you look fine we got this there's the other one oh you look on the walls there though it's all the right way around do you think that's what was on the wall that was all backwards i love you yeah we are paying compliments to each other today love you don't love you like i love you they don't love you like i love you just over and over again oh mate look up and whisper love messages ed you make me wet as i say this is cool i know this is an experience oh yeah oh yeah there you go so you can see in the mirror now i can't see myself without you which is a mirror it's like being in a riddle you know oh yeah oh yeah i think someone's watching us alex do you think yeah yeah it's creepy oh yeah brilliant mate it's in this little let's meet in our dreams tonight wave goodbye yo fist bump that was cool yeah look service oh yeah this is the first room we came in but we didn't come in this room yeah i think i don't know where i am now oh look at these old ovens and wow they're grills and they they're like industrial grills paint spray and or destroy lovely nothing beyond there there's head up in the distance nothing that way i've got a little ring which is empty yes empty why'd they block that off can i remove that just uh go down just getting the camera in there it's just like storage mate it's just shelves with nothing in it might be a bit dangerous or something might be a chemical i don't know asbestos look at this place so photogenic with the spy paint this [Music] story of our lives right what [Applause] so what was through there anyway just nothing ah okay what was that was that you made a noise he put them in the evening news oh did he yeah so you put random adverts in the evening news looks like a sort of a secret installation secret exhibition you must be able to walk everywhere around him well you would have won yeah that's the first bit we went in that's behind the part is that him that must be him yeah no he's always following that yeah so that's him this time straight up yeah yep still bad yeah these doors are alarmed not now oh my wow we're getting into the bowels of the place now this is welcome so what's that hatch for oh yeah and there's the old buttons look at these old doors as well huge [Applause] move stairs beer storage and then you've got the access lift wow that is amazing yeah so i can see gapsy there so let's go down there and check it out but yeah it's the old ramps where they would chuck wow wow look at these old bloody doors oh man look at this yeah see there's the other end of that certain patch this goes under the stream i'm telling you you reckon well that is where the lift is look that's the wall to the to the building yeah that's the wall here it was the wall to the building going up going out and outside for the batteries when you think that's under the street can't be although you say that there's yeah you've got drainage mate this is old in it what's around the corner what's around the corner hey if we've literally got a crouch down to do this this is uh oh it was through here then no admittance beyond this point mate why do they want you out of there yeah there's another room this size through there [Music] i don't hear that you're not going through that yeah same well it's going through then take them on for the team wow worth it casino tables are in here the old ones old casino tables what then oh yeah yeah must be yeah yeah and they're from the kitchen there's an old barrel down there yeah these are the old tables yeah you're right there's no signage at all or anything left on it though unfortunately wow that is something else mate that is always worth checking these cellars guys you're covered in them mate i don't remember this it's like yeah know what i didn't even notice that mate look that is just coated but there's some proper old machinery in there which yeah look at these old doors mate look at this these are seriously old the cables and everything just pull out your touch look at these hatches and thoughts they're really old [Music] is this another walking yeah that's frigidaire that says on that sign yeah it's freezer that's outside that's outside even this glass yeah it's outside so people could see us mate this is so old this part of it mate i'm coming down here when the bombs drop with all this mold is that what that is nice off mate it's a door and it's just boarded off it's an old brick arch all right all right so so yeah let's get back upstairs where it's a bit more breathable and less dirty yeah we're back in the grand ballroom which is i just can't get over this guys i really can't it's unreal so yeah let's just show you the uh full prestige of this artwork in the end because i couldn't show you that before because we were at the beginning of the explore and i'm worried about that window but that is the stage actually so cool i just love the old signage on them doors look so that's a huge door frame where eddie stood it's a big old door funky carpet going and he's just having a little look out the window so yeah guys that was the casino yeah i mean i'm just blown away by the scale at this place just sat in portsmouth but yeah it's good to see the art stuff as well from my dog size that was pretty cool now i've been joined again by pom-poy thanks for uh getting us in this place mate and so yeah if you did enjoy that please hit the thumbs up give us a comment in the comment section we'll always reply to you and we'll see you in the next one guys [Music] you
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 59,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9EvJRnr5v40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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