The ABANDONED 1970's "Dune" - An ABSURD 14-hour film

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace the freedom from movies is not anymore in United States I Wasing Frank H you know it would have been bigger than 2001 the greatest achievement in science fiction what is our where we are it just evaporated into a billion pieces for me Dune will be the coming of a [Music] god hos is Chilean by birth but educated in France where he had his directorial debut before later moving to Mexico hosi developed Theo for bizaar surreal Productions informed by his fascination with psychedelics hoping to make films that would be a kind of psychedelic trip of their own saying that when one creates a psychedelic film he'd need not to create a film that shows the visions of a person who has taken a pill rather he needs to manufacture the pill this unorthodox idea of filming making suited hodosi well to Frank Herbert's Universe of space fairing powered by drugs he who controls the spce controls the universe but it wasn't just magic mushrooms that put him in touch with dune's vision hodosi also shared an interest in religion and spirituality that coincided with the themes of Caucasian and Arab conflict Dune touched on through the Freeman with hodosi following Buddhist teachings and immersing himself in mysticism we are one scene we are the universe and the universe is one you have an answer similar to myself but you have another body another life you have your little changes and then every system is a system of the same SE this spiritual draw to Dune was so intense that hodosi claimed that he had been told by some kind of divine figure in a dream that it needed to be his next film [Music] spoken will be but as we shall see over the course of this story porosi can be hard to believe at times giving several versions of the same story in making Dune he in fact seemed to just need the [Music] money in his early life hosi had also seen Chile being exploited at the hands of industrialists from the US giving him a sense of anger towards imperialism similar to Frank Herbert's experiences learning about the exploitation of natives by the US Russia and Britain it was as if hosi and Herbert were two sides of the same coin the coin of an emerging counterculture despite this hodosi was willing to make his own mark on the Dune story saying that he did not want to respect the novel he wanted to recreate it and that Dune didn't belong to Herbert believing that work exceeds the artist and to some extent it kills it because Humanity by receiving the impact of the myth has a major need to erase the individual who received it and transmitted it's like you get a married no you go with the wife if you respect the woman you will never have child you need to to open the costume and to the bride and then and then you will you will have your picture I was Frank he you know like this but with love with [Music] love to bring his mon IAL dreams to life hodosi scouted out a crew that he went on to call his Seven Samurai or Warriors the first of hosi Samurai was Michelle sedo a French producer that formed the Consortium which secured the Dune rights for him hosi stated in an article that sedo gave him unlimited power and enormous financial support allowing him to create the rest of his team without any monetary problems Samurai 2 three and four were the artists the Frenchman Jean jod who by the Alias Mobius Englishman Chris Foss and the Swiss HR gger these were the figures who would realize hosi spaceships planets and camera angles the fifth Warrior was hok's choice for special effects Dan oanon who hodosi called A Real Genius but painted as someone out of his depth oanon was said to be shocked that hodosi would trust him with doom Alexandro rented a big office Bas in Paris and he put put all of us in one big room and he set everybody up with the equipment he wanted and he has them working in the same room and then he started the work design the movie the result of having the artists in the same room was they competed with each other they knew they were looking at each other what they were doing and their artwork kept getting better and better and it was in this office space in Paris with Dan oanon Mobius Chris Voss and HR Giger where The Inspirations for many science fiction films were birthed we'll talk more about about that later on the next base to cover was music and the samurai hodosi had in mind wasn't a single person but a group none other than Pink Floyd Pink Floyd were already famous at the time and it was assumed that it would be impossible for the crew to get a deal with them but according to hodosi they had seen one of his earlier films lopo and were willing to chat the first meeting between hodosi and his newest Samurai was apparently a disaster after visiting London's famous ABY Road Studios to talk the group were apparently more interested in their dinner than hodosi I start to insult them how you don't understand I offer to you the most important picture in the story of the humanity we will change the world and then they stop and they speak with me after this meeting Pink Floyd climbed into a time machine and traveled forward to the year 2024 and ran right to our sponsor Squarespace unlike the computerless world of Dune squarespace's fluid engine allows easy customization just click drag and drop assets wherever you want none of that crazy coding that just never seems to work is ever needed you can also choose from a variety of beautiful template designs or create your own with the ability to make beautiful Galleries and create an easyto use appointment system for your clients to book you for projects Squarespace makes it so easy to customize and create a professional and stunning site that even the space worms could do it so head over to slf frame Voyager to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code Voyager the last Warrior of hodosi Pantheon was a very out of left field Choice the actor that would play the feudal Overlord of dun's universe the emperor Hodor rosi's pick was the Spanish surrealist artist Salvador di who was even more of a diva than Pink Floyd will you welcome please Salvador doy koski's first attempt to meet with DOI was even more disastrous than the first contact with he Floyd hoski claimed that Dolly invited them to talk at a private surrealist exposure at exactly 700 p.m. hoski arrived 5 minutes late and Dolly wasn't there he had gotten out of his car made a 1 minute circuit around the room and then left when hodosi eventually managed to meet dolli he demanded a rate of $100,000 an hour to appear in the film hodosi wanted him for 7 Days of the film meaning this would cost $700,000 for an hour a day on top of the eyew watering price point dolly also made some bizarre demands one of the craziest being a desire to use a toilet made of two intersected Dolphins as his throne with tails that will form the feet in two open mouths one to receive the as he said we the other to receive the excrement although Dolly insisted that it would be of terrible bad taste to mix the Wii and excrement he later doubled down on this concept in a meeting with hodosi when hodosi tried to question him on how the EMP Emperor would be presented he pulled out a drawing of the emperor dolphin toilet from his pocket lecturing that it was completely necessary to see the emperor making we an excrement on top of that very shall we say odd idea dolly also said he had no interest in reading the script telling hosi my ideas are just better than yours and that he should be able to say whatever he wants hosi tried to water down with Madness and negotiate to some degree of the directorial control so when they eventually agreed that dol's role would be cut down to a page of script 1 hour of filming for $100,000 for the rest of the film a plastic sculpture of Dolly would be used to represent the emperor this was explained in the plot as the emperor having a robot double Dolly agreed on the condition that after filming the sculpture could be put on display in his Museum and after all of this negotiating korosi would eventually have to fire Dolly over questionable political statements which makes this whole insane negotiation quite ridiculous especially when considering Dolly had not really even been an actor at all up to this point after arranging his Ensemble hodosi put together dune's script which can only be described as enormous hodosi suggested it would make up a runtime of roughly 12 to 20 hours with Frank Herbert similarly saying that Hodor rosi's script would have been 10 hours or more however hodosi suggested the film version would be much shorter stating in a 1984 interview that his plan was a three-hour film with the rest to be shown as a six-part TV series further Mysteries ensue when it comes to the question of where the actual script is in 2015 a copy of the script supposedly leaked after appearing on an eBay listing but hosi denounced it as a fake with as he called it idiot drawings however in 2018 kosi listed his own copy of the script as a reward in a crowdfunding campaign for a project of his called psycho magic an art that heals a copy which turned out to be remark L similar to the earlier fake and idiot copy after that the plot thickened in 2022 when another copy of the script was auctioned off from the collection of Chris Foss turning out to be shorter than the others with a projected runtime of just under 3 hours the combination of these differing iterations of the script the arguments over their authenticity has led to some intense confusion over the length and substance of the script but what we do know is this was by no means a short production regardless of which version is quite the most reliable and recent iteration of hok's Dune development continued from there with the script acting as a springboard after creating the initial script hosi had his artist Samurai get to work on storyboarding creating a full set of storyboards for the narrative complete with all the dialogue oddly enough the storyboards take out some of the scenes from The Script and add in new ones meaning that there are essentially two versions of hok's Dune or four if you want to count the three copies of the script we know as separate ones as if this story wasn't strange enough already the amount of artwork produced for this Mammoth task is staggering hodosi second Samurai Mobius is said to have created over 3,000 pieces to visualize what this iteration of Dune would look like Frank pavich described hodosi as allowing his artists to have total freedom in realizing the Dune movies Concepts allowing for a fertile 2-year creative period unfortunately for hodosi this bold iteration of Dune wasn't to be despite the immense amount of work done after those 2 years in development and $2 million spent the film was struggling to get off the ground and those funding the projects started to not be able to see how this film could be reasonably made while Studios had been impressed with the work that went into creating all this artwork World building and scope the $15 million needed to make it was too much and even Beyond this it seems that major Studios were not keen on taking a risk having hosi direct and create this film and in hindsight that's probably a fairly wise move by the studio in this next section we will be discussing some graphic subjects so in case you'd like to skip ahead we've added it in the time stamps hodosi was and still is a problematic artist his tendency to not always tell things straight and create this Aura of importance and shock around his work only led to further problems for him even just recently back before he started his work on Dune there was a book called El Topo the book of the film and in it OSI talks about a controversial sexually graphic and violent scene within his movie elpo hosi had played the character in the film for the scene in question and insisted in this book that I really I really and she screamed it's important to point out that this shouldn't be taken as a real confession in the same interview hodosi is said to have met a flea in 1945 that proved to be a key influence on elpo and credited the conquest of Alexander the Great to his horse but this scene of sexual assault is one he chose to cast himself referencing it with pride that doesn't make him a criminal but it does make him someone with a bizarre kind of sinister attitude an attitude that was seemingly completely ignored Hodor rosi's references to these events weren't a one-off either although he changed his story in a 2007 interview telling Empire magazine that I didn't Mara but I penetrated her with her consent later on in 2017 he changed the story again stating that all these scenes consisted of was him ripping apart a dress laughing off the idea that he could really C cause any harm in the middle of a shoot well observed by the crew involved and 2 years later after having his art exhibition cancelled after the comments reemerged he insisted that I said things to shock interviewers even still wooden shouldn't explain away these statements as being anywhere near okay no matter what you are trying to convey through ART and considering shocking statements like this have popped up through the decades of his career it's not farfetched to see why major Studios would be reluctant to work with him not even to mention other problematic issues like picking his son to play Pol traes and then making him combat train 6 hours a day every day for 2 years to play the role the lines hosi was willing to cross for his Art Is Telling and that plays into the final point a lack of respect for the original author's work koski's own comments in the documentary show that he wanted to essentially take credit for original art that wasn't his expressing that an artist's work doesn't belong to him this strange relationship with the original Source material sets hok's version of Dune up to be something completely different and judging from the script a film that doesn't understand the original point of Dune the pitfalls of making mortal men into Gods which is how many like the documentary surrounding this film portray him and his art in the end Italian film producer Dino de lenes bought the Dune rights from the French Consortium back in hosi laurentis took the project away from hosi in 1976 and handed it to britley Scott whose version of the film also faltered giving way to the David Lynch version which actually made it to the screens the Dune crew went on to make some successful very well-known movies with Dan oanon Mobius Chris Foss and HR Giger all going on to make the movie Alien and have successful careers afterwards and while the documentary on Hodor rosi's Dune and hosi himself would lead you to believe that it changed sci-fi forever with its influence it's fair to wonder if it was just the work of talented artists and nothing to do with h rosi's Dune at all speaking of films that few have heard of in the salt minds of Kansas back in the 1990s another abandoned script from director Stanley kubric was rediscovered and it's considered by some to be the greatest film never made you can check out that video and that story right here in this abandoned video
Channel: Frame Voyager
Views: 78,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jodorosky's ABANDONED Film - DUNE, dune 2, Dune movies that never happened, alejandro jodorowsky, Alejandro Jordorosky's dune, alejandro jodorowsky collection, jodorowsky's dune, jodorowsky's dune trailer, Herbert Franks Dune adaptations, The abandoned Dune film, fando y lis, dan o'bannon, orson welles, H.R. Griger dune, Moebius dune, dan o'bannon interview, Jorodorowsky's Dune story, Frame Voyager, Dune 2, Abandoned movies
Id: I_95K7-3KLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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