I Leave, So They Build A 6x6 Off Road Rollback!

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good morning we are in Sunny Denver Colorado we just got off the plane we're picking up our rental car we are here for a special occasion we are here to pick up Jam's birthday present that I bought her a couple months ago and we just haven't got around to picking it up yet cuz it's been busy I am really excited to show Jamie what I got her I hope she's excited too I am excited we've gone a long way to see what this gift is but first we got to get some lunch in our belly okay we're eating at the Brewing Collision company it came highly recommended the guy we're going to go visit and get the get the gift from he said stop here on your way through grab some lunch right we ordered a little appetizer while we were waiting for our food I like I wanted to try their fried mushrooms and they brought out like 3 lb going to be able to eat those are they good now we're going to try to eat them all right we got lunch out of the way and now it's time to hit the road again we are headed to Fort Collins right yep about 40 minutes out all right and that's where Jamie gets to see her surprise and you get to see it too Jamie do you know what it is I've got I've got an idea you got a hunch I think I think my kids have been running their mouths okay so Matt is gone today and it's just a crew here what are we going to do today Caitlyn I heard a rumor of tires let's go get tires oh by the way our yard is under construction there's a lot going on here so kind of scary it is scary there's trenches there's archaeologist over there digging up dinosaur bones let's go get [Music] tires got a set of mil Stars I don't know what they're for but we got a set all right back to the yard so today we're going to be working on Blue still if you guys have noticed my dad is not here Caitlyn where's my dad at he's in Colorado picking up Jamie's dream cor oo fancy stuff so we've had a problem with the headache rack on Blue still Jake do you want to show show them what that is so the headache rack on this thing is starting to leave the chat so if I wiggle it you can see the welds are not happy and it's mainly because I'm throwing uh tanks of C10 and argon when I'm resupplying the guys with their welding supplies I strap it right up to this this rack and I didn't realize while driving just look at that look at that there's like a crack all along that it's it's not happy in the words of Kaitlin it's not happy so we're going to be fixing that today so what are plan is is we're going to cut this completely off and we're going to shorten it so it doesn't sit as high as the cab make it look a little better you know aesthetically pleasing is that the right word yeah okay aesthetically so we'll be adding some stuff to make this stronger so Jake can carry stuff and it won't be doing this going down the freeway when we haul stuff okay so I'm going to put Caitlyn and Jake they're going to start cleaning this and cutting this off and then I'm going to start building some gussets and let's let's get this knocked out let's do it okay let's get to it so for this project we're going to be using cut off wheels and and saws on we'll using the cut off wheels to get kind of closer to the cab and so we don't scratch it up and it's just nice and flat easy going right here we'll be using the sawall because we're farther away from the cabin it'll just be easier we'll get this off of here and then measure it and get it the right size that we [Applause] need all right Jamie we're almost there are you excited I am so can't wait to see if it's parked outside I don't know if he's got it parked outside or not if think I'll be able to pick out what it is yeah if it's parked outside I'm going to keep I'm going to keep this running cuz I don't know maybe it's in the garage your destination is on the left what number is it or 713 um keep going up a little bit it's 7 right there 713 is that a house yes that's a house all right I bet shit's in there all right Jamie now that you've seen it what do you think it's beautiful this I had a hunt I told them that I only want the only cor I wanted was an evening Orchid and it had to be year specific and I didn't think you'd find one for a long time she had I'm like can we get a 66 and paint it she's like nope it's got to be a 65 then hopefully none of my boys want to drive it but there are they're already they're already making plans for for it we'll jump in in it Jamie do the seats go forward yep it's on the side right there it's got an extender for my height so the extra rails you take them out then I have to go all the way up so I can reach that's okay now we both can drive it okay take it down the street and back we left the house so early this morning Jamie forgot her sunglasses I swear I swear we buy sunglasses everywhere we go yeah I'm on vacation so I might as well get some see you get them too everywhere we go all right we are heading on down the road we got the real car dropped off at the Walmart of all places and up here on the right there's a bies Jamie tell us about bies I just want to go there I've never been to one we passed a Maverick so that we can come to bies all right we're going to see if bies is everything that Jamie hoped and dreamed she's got a string on her glasses because I forgot about that when you fly they take away everything that you could use for cutting strings with I don't know why okay bies here we [Music] come that's off so now we just got to cut this and that side it'll be off let's go play around with that I am ruining a retro shirt so sad about hey hey nice and it cracks off okay Caitlyn you get a grind okay we're going to leave Caitlyn to kind of grind all this off make it nice and smooth me and Jake are going to go mark this out and cut it how low we need to make it but that's what we're going to do okay have fun [Music] thanks so kayin did a great job on that she's going to have to go here in a minute and we still got to do some thin cut on that so that's next me and Jake also got this prep just barely we've got our bar right here so we can make a straight cut so we got to be below the light on the back and that's about 35 in just to the bottom of that light so we're just a little under 35 in and it's going to be perfect after that we'll finish prepping that and we can weld it on safe and protected okay who's ready send it oh it help if it's turned on my bad [Music] guys so we can move this and then what we'll do is we'll put this right up against the edge of this if there's any high spots you just hit it with the flapper oh yeah smooth everything up so it smells like the Fourth of July on here woo we'll cut this and then we're done nice look [Applause] [Music] straight A [Applause] it's off okay I'm going to clean this up on this side and then I'll we'll do that flat thing so sool I'm going to go trim that down while you're doing that yeah I got a run but I think this project is in great hands what the heck you got to go to school sorry I got to go bye Kaitlyn bye what do you think of this this is crazy this is like it's like a town like bies like I'm going to the town of bies cuz that's how many people are here I like how there's a diesel pump at every pump you don't have to drive drive around forever why are you driving instead of me Jamie says she did not want to drive in the traffic I don't blame her I'll drive it when we get out on the Wide Open Road drive's nice drive is really nice took it up to 70 M an hour we're just kind of easing into it are you excited yes this is so big they have shopping carts look do you think we could fill a shopping cart here these are what I've been wanting beever nuggets okay well that's how many of those are you getting well we have a two-day trip home and I might want some when I get home too all right we're getting four bag you might want to get a shopping cart no we'll be good I think this is a cool store but it's also really crowded which is not my favorite thing we were just informed that this is the Western most bies and they opened up a month ago and it's still like the grand o oh a week ago okay it is brand new anyway now you know what I [Music] [Applause] know oh [Music] scary when I'm looking through the phone it feels like we're going really fast woohoo we passed someone doesn't happen often does it me this thing sporty sporty at the road this is the sports model isn't it oh another tunnel the plan is to make it tomorrow lab tonight Easter Jeep Safari's going on there I got some friends there I want to see what's going on say hi to them even though I always hang out with them we got a motel in Moab it's about 5 hours away we're going to get in there really really late then we're going to get up really early we're going to try to do a couple of Moab things and then we're going to hit the trail he means hit the road which means we're going to get home really really really late the next night okay so right now Jake is helping Paige up in the front office so it's me and Rett right now we got everything cleaned up up there blown off everything's ready to go so we're going to lift this put it up there and Tack it up I'm going to walk okay let go all right this is what it looks like I think it looks so much better okay so now we're going to square this up and make sure that it's at a 90 and then we'll put our gussets on and we can completely weld this thing so let's do it at the end of the day I didn't do much but look what these guys got done it doesn't shake and it's only tacked all right we have found ourselves some snow flurries we drove into the tunnel it was clear we drove out of it there's snow but that was the top of the mountain that means it's all downhill from here which is pretty good you can't see the snow in here very wello I was a little bit worried cuz coming up the other side coming up the hill it said you had to have snow tires chains you four-wheel drive or all-wheel drive we have none of that but we have a Corvair which is just as good as all of those things combined there's a very Cora thing going on here you may not be aware of on that side of the camera that is the heater doesn't work and Jamie's freezing but I'm not complaining very much how am I about not at all actually she just mentioned it twice uh she mentioned it four times um I'm a little worried yeah this is a little disconcerting we looked at the weather app and it just says it's cloudy but there is is snow on the ground and it's still snowing what do you think we've got no choice but to press on it it looks like it's going to last a while I'm just worried about getting getting road salt on on your car that's all yeah we're going to have to wash this when we get back all right we just passed Veil pass which I guess is the other top of the mountain it is snowy and icy I'm trying to maintain a safe and sane speed I got cars kind of blowing past me I'm doing 60 M an hour right now the roads have definitely got some snow on them I'm feeling like I got really good traction but man slow down a little bit classic cars are driving here it's getting worse I'm going to let you know if we ever make it through this or if something exciting happens look at this we're back so we're back it's a new day me and Jake are going to weld this up and then after that we're going to be working on the more ver hi peanut here come up peanut oh yeah peanut come here come on good girl girl see even peanut likes the back end of the truck looks great huh like Colin said it is a new day and we're just going to finish this up real fast and then we're going to get back to working on the more because while we were Wheeling the other day with Matt he started leaning back back and he said oh that's not supposed to do that so we can't have him Wheeling with a busted seat so Colin and I are going to fix that today also when I was Wheeling it I kept bumping my elbow on the center console and today I think we're going to fix that so we're going to be welding on Blue still so that means we got to make the welds look pretty so me and Jake are going to do a warmup really quick beautiful I love it guess who just showed up I'm here and it's Wednesday it's pink Wednesday I don't think you can see my pants in there but I think I'm going to have to paint my welding hood pink okay so I was just informed that we are looking for the center console the top the top of the center console con yeah the top of the center console for the more ver we're going to get a visual this piece it looks a lot like this piece I just thought that's how it was I didn't realize there was a top for it that's what we're after got it okay this project will be coming up later in this video all right we got in really late last night we about 2 hours behind schedule we got a good night's sleep I made a are you going to tell them why we got in so late well they saw it Jamie's about to tell you the story we quit filming after a while but we were in and out of snowstorms the entire time and I was a I was so Frozen then Matt here no jacket or anything he had to save me and go buy me blankets oh you hear that noise pilot bushing making some noise in this thing woo anyway it was a little bit scary for a long time so here's the deal we're in Moab it's Easter Jeep Safari we do not have our Easter Jeep we just have our Easter Corvette it's true it's Easter egg colored we're going to head over and catch up with bleeping mat see what he's doing we going to catch up with Rory see what he's doing we're just going to spend a couple hours this morning doing Easter Jeep Safari stop as promised I'm here with my bleeping pep I got bleeping Matt bleeping Josh and there's the bleeping XJ look at that thing you're going to make that into a crawler huh we to over an Overlander crawler a rock crawler it's going to have 40s or 42s next time you see this guy and it's going to sound a little different I like how you stayed on brand with the XJ yeah you got to I'm the XJ Guru Jamie showing her right off all right so as promised we got the king of Moab right here are you the king or the mayor uh I'm neither now he's one of them you if you guys know Matt you know he's a gracious Guy where are you at Matt this which Matt there's two Matts this guy this Matt's a gracious Guy saying you are gracious speaking in third person about me Matt has offered to let Jamie and I take the Scorpion crawler one of the most iconic rigs on YouTube on one of the most iconic trails in the world hell's Revenge what an honor we're actually here hanging out with George Miss Adventure Labs we got Tucker right there you guys remember Tucker these guys you you're making a video right yes we're going to try and drive these up Revenge so I have a secret YouTubers manuf factur content what yeah yeah they're going to be manufact I don't I don't manufacture content I just film it we know that you pay those guys to get stuck in the sand all the time every day this is going to be a good day the weather's amazing this is going to be a good [Music] day all right Jamie excited yeah oh I forgot my sunglasses oh you did they're in the car oh well I never wear him in real life anyway but when I'm out when I'm out playing I want to be mysterious like Jamie is yeah look at I literally need my sunglasses when I'm out in the sun I get headaches there it is that's going to be us in just a few moments Jake how's it going in here woo it's going all right I'm uh I'm somewhat proud of these welds I think it's going to hold so my dad is still not here I talked to him last night he said they were in a pretty hairy snowstorm last night I'm sure you guys saw that but I heard it was crazy this is your news reporter coming from you live it is a beautiful Wednesday sunny skies it is 50° Jake what do you think of it fantastic weather for swimming Colin let's go to Matt where he's in the field right now to you Matt it's 60° there's no wind but I am wind blasted from yesterday feels like a sunburn back to you Colin now back to regular program so Matt still gone on his trip to Colorado and he didn't really leave me any Direction when he left which is my favorite amount of Direction cuz that means I can do whatever I want so I'm just cruising around the yard looking for a fun project last time Matt was gone I ended up buying these things and I think they would would be awesome on a giant school bus but that's too big of a project for today I could wire up the starter in the Bombi so it's not so janky but that's too small of a project I'm actually really excited about turning Sweet Caroline into some kind of a Baja car but I think Matt wants to be involved in that which brings me to the Spud truck we brought this thing back from Idaho we broke it out in Sand Hollow and then Matt stuffed it back in the corner to be neglected ever since I love the late 60s early' 7s Chevy trucks and this has all of the styling of that in a bigger package it has a stubby nose but it's tall these huge wheel wells easily fit giant tires without doing any trimming and most importantly the Idaho Heritage these things used to be all over Idaho hauling spuds from the fields to the sellers so you guys could eat your French fries all year long okay I'm going to see what we're dealing with here we got nothing all right we've been messing with this thing a little bit and it doesn't seem like it's getting fuel up to the carburetor so we got to figure out what's the problem it'll run on starter fluid but it's not running on its own all right I've been messing around on this thing for a little while and this section of fuel hose that feeds the pump it's got to leak somewhere if I blow on it and block it there's air coming out all over the place new hose going in okay we swapped out the bad hose I think we're ready to fire this thing up it's going to take some cranking cuz that whole thing has to Prime but it should start [Music] she's alive I think my only working gauge is the tack little backfire I got to get it warm I think it'll idle after it's warmed up it did when we drove it down but it's a runner she's working this is good enough for a test drive there's a load of buds that need hauling and this is just the truck to do [Music] it watch out I'm going to third oh going to third wo that is winging oh okay it's not happy in third let's let's keep second alive oh what is going on in that drive shaft it feels like it's falling out of gear oh it's in gear uhoh let's go back to First yeah let's do first sometimes we just make limp it back and first first okay let me grind these until they catch grind till you find it I don't know what Matt's up to right now all right we find ourselves here at an obstacle called Hell's Gate because it's frightening it is Jamie wants to do it in the the Scorpion crawler so we're going to let her Jamie you've been up here a couple times I have I've driven the rental and the banana but just looking at it right now that's that's steep do you think you you haven't done it in the more yet I've done it in the wrecker no I'm pretty sure it's just the banana and the rentel all right you look good be at the top you're doing fine I'm not going to spot you unless you need it all right you better not have been watching them hand signals from Matt I saw I did once and I'm glad that I did she was getting pretty high up on that wall I was like I he won't tell me I've never done it she'll never learn unless you let her flip it that was amazing that was awesome easy thanks Matt all right we are up here on the edge looking clear down there at Hell's Gate we're watching go to the right yeah we're watching Tucker driving RC with his VR headset it's going to drive all the way up there and those people will cheer when it does yeah W woohoo I told you they'd cheer when it got to the top all right there's a lot of work we got to do on this but I'm just going to start with chopping the back end off frame originally ended right here but it looks like they welded on some kind of extension and we just don't have to haul that many spuds anymore so I'm chopping this off then we'll figure out what to do with the rest we might have to use these again someday so I'm going to save them who we're done that's a heavy chunk of Steel Man look at that look how thick that frame is so this Frame came twice as thick from the factory they have a layer sectioned on top of the original frame so that this thing could haul 880,000 lb of SPS this Frame is a beast and it's way too heavy for what we're going to do so somehow we got to undo all these bolts and rivets so we can take this outer section off and lighten this thing up a ton that's all we're going to do on this vehicle right now but if you want to see more of this thing then make sure to let Matt know in the comments so we're going to be fixing the seat in this but I said there was a problem with it but feels pretty good to me but we'll look at it cuz it is a little lean while we're doing that I'm going to be working on the center console my dad would like it to be raised up a little bit and I got to think about that and this is also where the AC comes from so we need to put vents in it so you can point them at your leisure now that I got that pulled out it is definitely busted you can tell this thing has been bent from all the wheeling and recoveries it is facing at that angle the bottom seat is going to that angle it's definitely something wrong so for today we're just going to repair this seat again and then keep using it but in the future maybe we'll get something like this but that's for another project okay so it's been a minute Jake got that seat done and I've been working on this this is going to be the new center console for the more I raised it up up a little bit I've got to rearrange some stuff and then I got to put the caps on the ends and then I've got to put holes in the sides for the vents to go on and maybe a cup holder or two we'll see what happens Jake I got something you're not going to like it I need both these seats taken out can you do that yeah I got you putting them in taking them out putting them in taking them out that's just what we do all right here comes the hard part and this is my plan so my I previously put all the riv nuts in this when we were building this and right now is going to be a guessing game and I have this so me and Jake are going to hold this and I'm going to kind of guess where the hole is pop it and then we'll go drill it out and if it's wrong we'll use the die grinder and grind over to it and then we can weld in what we don't need and sand it I know in the comments somebody's going to be like there's an easier way to do that of course and I'm sure there is I just don't know that way [Applause] okay they're actually pretty even nice all right all right let's see okay here's your two okay oh we got a little bit of a oh I've got one peeking right over here yeah this one was close dang I'm only have to dig grind a little bit on that that one's in let's put this back one in okay okay they're in but how you looking on your side your two are fitting correct yeah yeah but that side seems a little bit High correct yeah it's a little high let's just do this we'll just grind up a little bit so we'll go like this just grind up grind up just so it's a little perfect down okay it's a solid unit you got here [Music] Colin okay I got mine both in and with the little Nibbler action it does go down a little bit more on there I'm actually really intrigued how do you find the thing on your phone that's a compass call in no on the compass app there's a oh there's there's a degrees Yeah but where's at look we're almost perfectly North oh cool I I know there's one on my app I just don't know where Caitlyn grab me that okay there we go thank you are you sure you don't want to use your directions DET calling that thing better be true north not too Shad three off solid it's a lot better than North but back here's 1.3 off oh but up here whoa is flat listen that's pretty good not for measuring anything I'm taking it that's a win all right I don't care what anybody says the apple does not fall far far from the tree when you he's got it he's got it we got a lot done today we got blue Still's headache rack back on it and we started building this I think TomTom did some stuff too but this is as far as we're going to get on the center console today tomorrow we'll weld it up clean it up make it look nice and finish up the back and the front of it and then we'll be on to air vents air vents everybody's been asking where the air vents going to go we don't know yet we're going to figure that out though I have some ideas though everybody's got ideas all all right we are done with the trail big thanks to Matt letting us use a scorpion crawler no problem Jamie was able to do Hell's Gate one more time and it was beautiful weather it was amazing that I'm glad it worked out like that we're going to go grab some dinner and then Jamie and I are going to hit the road again well I thought we were just going to drive home but instead we're changing a belt is that what going to take us home do you think I hope so I heard this thing break bang well cor corves are famous for throwing a belt aren't they they are but they don't have to be all right we got the new belt on the old belt is not salvageable this is our last belt if we break this one we're out we're out of luck okay we're back back bridee and bushy [Music] tail it's going to be a good day [Music] call oh my goodness I am so happy with that [Music] that's an oil filter that's a Canon Mountain Dew sauce what do these have in common they're going to be used in that center console so if you check this out this is going to be like a $3 $40 cup holder so we're going to chop the top off this Colin's going to tack it in and we're going to have Mountain Dew holder action going on yeah it just cuts it right off boom so that's what's inside your oil filter I don't even think we use this one this was a good filter and there's our cup holder we'll have Colin work is Magic on it beverage so the reason we put the seat in is to see where everything sits how it's going to sit and how high it's going to sit now originally we were going to use these vents so we could put them around wherever we wanted them but since then we've had a new idea instead of the vents we're going to be putting a tab right well we'll be cutting out a tab from here over and down and then we'll bend that back down and then that air will just blow onto you also up here we're probably going to be putting a cup holder somewhere right there not sure where yet but somewhere right there and then in the back we're going to be putting a cup holder probably just in the center right there so Jake pointed out that this might be a wood cutting saw but I've used it for metal so I mean it's got to work kind of it's a whole car [Music] yeah there we go is that hot it a little [Music] [Applause] spicy all right you guys get the gist of it we're going to finish this out and then we'll cut these so I didn't realize we Jake let me know we had plasma guides so let's use those that's awesome I didn't know I'll hook up that plasma cutter while they're in there doing that let's check out the progress on the building check this out this is going to be our break room that's going to be an editor room and all this space to build new things all right so these were too thin good idea just didn't work so went and got some pipe cut out bottom weld that on there pop it up in there and we can weld around it perfect easy simple so now we got the cup holders in I'm going to go put this back in there and I'm going to use cardboard to shape out metal piece that I need to cover up the front and the [Music] back oh hi peanut peanuts in here what you doing in here all right so we just got this put back in here we shoved some welding jackets in the front and in the back to test out the vents vents work pretty good but we might need to put a different blower in there or something to get some more air volume but uh it works great so now we just got to cap the ends and it'll be done it's going great guys I am so happy with how this is turning out like just a nice clean line right there there's some air leaking out right here and right here and then on the other side there's two spots going to be super easy all I'm going to do is I'm going to put a rubber weather rubber weather stripping right there and tighten it down that'll seal all that up we turned on the fan these vents work amazing I've just got to figure out what I'm going to do for the back I'm going to pull that back out we're going to paint it put it back in one last time and then put seats in and then the more Vera is ready to go back to [Music] work [Music] looking good it's awesome isn't it yes look at this thing well you really out did yourself we made it the color on this thing is amazing like yes you like it everybody's about it it's going to have to grow on me it's already grown on me let me tell you why this car is special so this is the first year for the new body style and it's also the first year for the Corsa um you could say that the spider name got changed to Corsa but it's a lot more than that if you happen to buy a Corsa in 1965 you got the cors of badging you would get a silver Cove Argent if you're going to use the actual paint color that they called it also this is the top-of-the-line sports car model so there's a couple things you couldn't get you couldn't get an automatic trans Transmission in this thing um you also couldn't get any of the base engines the special High Performance Engine they they coded at SHP would be the 140 horse which is what this car came with or you could get the 180 horse which is turbocharged and that and both of those engines were new for this year so this is the first year for the Corsa and the only year for this color of paint so other things that the Corsa came with is it came with a quick shifter it's very very precise it is very short throw and then it's got full instrumentation you've got your speedometer your tachometer your head temperature your vacuum or pressure if you have a turbo um it comes also with a clock and the gas gauge of course I forgot about the gas gage it appears to work yeah we have a working gas gaug and for this year the Corvair is a true hard top I hope you enjoyed this episode it was a lot of fun to get this for Jamie she's talked about an evening Orchid Corvair for a long time I don't know how serious she was but this is what we got her thank you looks like somebody's been working on the Spud truck they got the back of this cut off all right and Colin says he's been working on the console of the more don't touch it still wet is it yes that looks awesome that'll do this has been a really good week we were able to drive the Corsa back from Fort Collins is that what it was we're able to stop in Moab hang out with some friends do some Wheeling it was just awesome it was fun thanks for watching oops man I forgot where the fuel hole was yeah I'm going to have to get used to that when I fuel up those of you who don't know this is a fuel hole I didn't know what to call it the filler upper
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 715,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hh-Zsyij-mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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