The 7 Things that will ROB you of your FEMININE ENERGY.

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today I want to talk about how you can be drained of your feminine energy it's not often that we talk about it from that aspect it's often entered from the aspect of how you can gain it how you can get it how you can get him to respond to you from your masculine energy that is not a potty that is a seat okay just FYI but I want to talk about feminine energy and how it can be drained from you in a way that I haven't before through the chakras we have seven chakras the chakras are I'm going to read them from here because it's quicker and uh we don't have time for that okay so it's root sacral solar plexus heart throat third eye Crown okay so let's go through them and I will tell you how your feminine energy is drained from each one so the root chakra the base first chakra at the bottom of you is the chakra of the spine it provides foundation for who you are now if we look at it through the stance of feminine energy and how it can be drained and you're wondering you're walking through life why can't I amplify my feminine energy why is it not uh working for me women suffer a lot when they don't have their basic needs met and there is a basic needs diagram and basically it says that you can't fulfill your spiritual needs and your loving needs and and your kind of calling in life and you can't access your passions until you fulfill your base needs that is a warm home food and everything like this now we're not going to be talking about in the extreme here because obviously if you're watching this video you probably have food food and the internet and a roof over your head but women love to suffer and Marty themselves in the experience of motherhood or wife being a wife and they love to Marty their own needs they don't sleep they don't eat well they neglect themselves and then they wonder where their energy and their feminine energy has gone to for example I have a 4-month-old daughter and I've got a three-year-old I prioritize my sleep like it's no one's business I prioritize my sleep like I'm some kind of athlete okay I go to bed at times when I don't want to go to bed and I sacrifice scrolling on Tik Tok I want to scroll on Tik Tok I'm an average human being I want to scroll okay but I sacrifice it I sacrifice things like yummy treats because I want for my body to run and it's biggest capacity the first chakra the root chakra and where you can lose your feminine energy is by not adhering to your sleep needs to your food needs and to needs like that does the food serve you go through a process of connecting to the food when you take a piece of food say this is an apple experience it like an alien experiencing it for the first time I heard te Swan talk about that experience it like an alien for the first time we have traumas around uh traumas meaning you know in childhood maybe or somewhere where that happened with someone dirty that cookie that's bad that's good you need to experience everything for the first time does that food make you vibrant does that food make you feel good A lot of times I found when I really connect to myself fruits don't make me feel that good why I guess because my ancestors are very Nordic people and things that are high fat and animal based make me feel better no matter how you swing that cat that's what my makes my body feel better you need to understand that sometimes you're going to eat for your body and sometimes you're going to eat for you that's the difference I want the cookie for me my body does not want the cookie we think oh I'm craving a cookie my body your body does not want the cookie your body wants whatever is going to feed its microbiome whatever is going to fuel its capacity and its power that's what it wants you emotionally want the cookie the process thing you emotionally want that the first chakra can also be drained from feminine energy because you don't have safety maybe you're living with somebody you don't feel safe with maybe you're living in accommodation you don't feel safe in maybe you feel like you are meeting your uh bills and all that stuff from you're living basically from paycheck to paycheck now now I'm not here to say listen you're living from Patrick to Patrick what you need to do to amplify feminine energy is get this job with lots of money no I'm just here to be honest and tell you why sometimes you might not feel in your feminine energy because when you don't feel safe your masculine comes out you are going to start striving in order to cover those bases that's what you're going to do but that's where your feminine energy is also being drained you need to learn to diagnose your needs on the base chakra for those of you who have pets or children you know you do this with them has he got a headache is he a little bit hot does the pet need better nutrition do they need their teeth fixed you need to start meeting your needs in the way that you'd meet the needs of the ones you love another base of the root chakra is do you need exercise how is your body feeling another part is your cleanliness you need to start having a ritual around your skin care and your selfcare and I know it's hard I've got young children and sometimes it lags for example when you're doing your skin care when you're having your routines showering the experience of water dripping down your body is a cleansing experience it's a very feminine energy enhancing experience you're meeting your basic needs on that root chakra but to amplify it and to add on top of it have rituals like skin care Hair Care putting oils on your body all those things they might seem just like rituals that are futile but they're not they really amplify your feminine energy because in that training of your muscle of self-care you're training the muscle of your own beautification and putting yourself first and that really grows and amplifies your feminine energy the fluid foundation of that whole exercise of putting yourself first looking after yourself without you even realizing is going to amplify your feminine energy if you're always rushing rushing rushing around trying to cover all the bases of your basic needs you are in your masculine energy but if you really step into rituals and fluidity in it and knowing that you are going to look after yourself that is how you meet your needs at the base of the root chakra let's move on to chakra number two and how that can drain your feminine energy thank you to short form for sponsoring this video short form is a platform which has incredible Ultra deep dives into books you can read them in a onepage summary you can have chapter summaries you can go through exercises to convolute and combobulate what you've leared and you can also talk in a community the reason I love this platform is because I was writing my book as you know and I was referencing books that I really liked on attachment and on selfimprovement they've got a great section on self-improvement and I wanted to remember the key things that I've taken from each book and how I can advise you on each book I go into short form they have the summaries they have deep Dives they have comparisons of ideas from author to author and it's a really good deep connected way of going through books and ideas in a quicker format they have books on self-improvement business strategy self-care and all those kinds of things which we love on this platform you can go on short slmag for 20% off or a free trial and try out the platform I'm going to put the link in the description box below short form is really useful if you want to learn quicker than you've got time to do our lives are super busy I've got kids you got kids you got pets you've got everything going on and if you want to learn in a kind of comprehensive quick way then short form is the part for you what I love is they've got smart insights too it's not a book summary it's more of a comp comprehensive learning experience which is fantastic I think the wallet is so fast-paced and we are Keen to just scroll on Instagram or Tik Tok but I think if you give yourself the favor of actually sitting down and going through a book a day an idea it can really expand your mind especially if you're a content creator or you're a writer and you want to compare your ideas or find information to talk about this platform is very very useful also you can discover new books it can be overwhelming to find new books and you can be a little bit overwhelmed as to which book is going to be for you and which book is not going to be for you and what suits you but this makes it super easy so again if you want to check it out go on shortform slug for your 20% off description is the link is in the description box check it out guys I think you're really going to love it if you love the videos that I make if you're wondering which books I like on there I recommend anything by Ryan holl he is creme crem he's the best anyway let's get back into the video thanks for sponsoring this video short for the second chakra is your sexuality when you are around people who don't let's say you're married or even single let's say you're married first and your partner doesn't look at you in a way that you are goddess-like and sensual and sexual that is going to drain your feminine energy when you're walking around in your old leggings old clothes when you're not feeling about yourself like an energetic sensual sexual being that is going to drain your feminine energy you need to see yourself even if you're single as feminine and Powerful in this sensual feminine sexual goddess energy even when you're single when you're walking around men and they might notice you or you're walking around even women and they might notice you or you have a sensuality around you if you have no one to admire you and even if you are alone in the woods if you don't admire yourself as a sensual being is going to drain your feminine energy and the alone in the woods part of it is more to do with the fact that if you don't have Beauty ification routines going back to chakra number one and that is your base needs then your self-esteem is going to suffer if you don't see yourself as a sensual being if you are and I'm guilty of this of wearing that same uh you know leggings that you've worn that should be in the wash that you need to not wear because you know you've bought your kids another bloody onesie and you're in the same old leggings then you need to really readjust that your sensual sexual feminine self is going to get drained by that and I don't mean you have to beautify yourself you can wear a black T-shirt like I'm doing because I'm working a lot at the moment I'm doing my audio book this week I'm recording so much content I'm looking after my children but it's a fresh new t-shirt and I've washed my hair I feel youthful I feel sensual and I feel like a being I feel good you know I feel good but sometimes my hair is up I look like the hot mess Express and of course that is going to drain my feminine energy let's move move on to chakra 3 chakra 3 is a solar plexus and that represents willpower and self-esteem this one is super drained when you have nothing that you stand for in your life your life is deeply boring you care about the gossip of people as opposed to a mission but most of all what this is connected to for me is boundaries if you let people especially men walk all over you and you know honey what do you want pizza pizza tonight sure I want pizza too have an opinion the biggest part of feminine energy is knowing that you can say no and putting your boundaries around that to say I don't like this but I like this masculine energy is going forward and trying to achieve whilst feminine energy is having boundaries and keeping the things that you don't want in your life out of it feminine energy in Chakra 3 is super drained when you let any kind of rubbish into your life and you put up with anything you need to stand for something you need to know what you're going to put up with and not put up with and you're going to be you're going to be quite steadfast about it you're not going to be willy-nilly there's a video on this channel about boundaries and to know that you don't have any just I think two before this one or one before this one check that out it's useful number four is the heart chakra that is the home if your home doesn't allow you for peace or rest if you're arguing with the people that you live with if you can't relax in your home if you're living with your parents or your mother-in-law and you're living in the way that they want to live and not how you want to live if you're feeling stressed about that that is going to drain your feminine energy if you're not the queen in your home that is going to drain your feminine energy your home might just be your room your home might just be your little space but if you don't have the queendom for your queenship it's going to drain your feminine energy in a big way I'm very protective of my energy I have my phones on silent my doorbell does not work I've got a sign on my door saying do not knock call this number which my phone is anyway I don't like intrusive energy into my space I don't like music that puts me in any kind of mood people love to like cry to music I don't like to to to make my mood change by you know someone's song or singing or music your home needs to be a sanctuary there are things that are ugly or broken if there are chipped cups I'm talking to you as much as I'm talking to myself you see this this chippery here I don't know it's it's not a Vibe it's not a Vibe like this is like but so you need to keep things that are old if it's beautiful to you Marie condo it if it's beautiful or useful then it should stay if not it should go you need to have a sanctuary about your space and I'm also building a course about feminine energy and it's a learning course comprehensive it's a lot of you know lessons and worksheets in there so that's going to be coming up soon soon I hope me know if you're interested in that but a part of it is beautifying your home and space and there's lots of tools about how to do that and how to amplify that for yourself but that will definitely drain your feminine energy if you are halfhazard about your space and especially for me it's not having ownership of my space and I don't mean like I own this home but as in like ownership of your own space someone intrusive with you all the time it can literally drive you crazy the fifth chakra is the throat and that is your ability to speak and communicate now you are going to fall completely out of your feminine energy if you have nothing to do in your life you don't have a mission and all you do is hassle now and attack the people around you IE your kid's husband and maybe friends why do you have so much time in your life to do that why are you using that energy not to amplify people because that is what the feminine is really powerful for for wisdom and guidance you can literally say to somebody who isn't caring wow I love that you're so caring and you can speak that into them if you're constantly speaking down to people constantly berating people constantly nagging people constantly hassling people about where they put their socks or something like that I talk from experience that does not make them change that makes them drift further away from you you need to learn the art of know also that's something else that's going to drain your throat throat chakra as a woman if people are asking you for a lot and you can't say no I struggled with that in terms of saying no because I felt like if I say no I won't be useful I won't be the good girl in people's lives this is when I was younger and I will be replaceable actually or contr my friends you'll be replaceable if you are easy to always access know what you stand for say no you need to be useful you need to have a mission you need to speak light into things you need to not gossip you need to not nag nagging is the biggest drainer of feminine energy because you become and I know this is a strong word but a repellent you become energetically repellent to people because you are not focusing on yourself where you focus your energy goes where attention goes energy flows so you're putting attention into all these negative aspects negative aspects negative aspects and you're not putting energy into yourself an amplification of yourself people are going to be pushed away from you as opposed to attracted to you you understand my daughter is waking up my beautiful child maybe she'll have to come in this video Let's see six is the uh third eye and then seventh is the crown so let's address those two the sixth let's let's bring let's bring in this baby hello we're back so the sixth is learning if you are not learning if you are not constantly on the trajectory and the pursuit of learning something Valentina your feminine energy will be drained a lot of people often talk about becoming boring if they're a housewife for example as opposed to working people don't realize women don't realize is that just the virtue of you working in the outside world does not make you interesting you have to be interesting through the virtue of learning and always progressing and always and always becoming somebody interesting just because you go to a job does not make you interesting just via that why would that make you interesting let's say you work as an accountant or let's say you work at a zoo that would make you kind of interesting but you always need to be learning you always need to be developing and if you stop learning I don't know when you finish school that will drain of your feminine energy and number seven is the Crown chakra and that is you'll be drained of your feminine energy when you don't believe in a higher power and in a Destiny and in your own capacity to do something and in a calling and in your own feminine energy if you listen to things like this and you think yeah whatever feminine Shin I don't know why you'd be in this video this long now but if you don't believe that things happen for a reason even if they don't if you don't have a core belief and a belief in your own manifestation power and in a belief you're in yourself as a woman if you don't have that belief in yourself your feminine energy will also drain you need to believe in your feminine energy and your ability to manifest and your ability to shape the world as you want it because if you don't it will suffer thank you for listening the construction the everything guys mg and let's discover some books learning sixth chakra Don't Let It Go love you lots like jelly tots [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Margarita Nazarenko
Views: 78,691
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Id: n-Cqli16-rk
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Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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