8 Steps to MANIFESTING your DREAM LIFE in 3 Months.

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hello hello you gorgeous human today we are changing our life we're changing our life in eight steps we are not playing around this is serious these are mind shifts these are steps that I genuinely genuinely used in my life I was not always the way I am I didn't always have this perseverance and confidence people tell me I've Got Confidence people tell me I've got this self- knowing okay so we are going to analyze that and we are going to change change our trajectory in our life with eight steps you are going to change in these next 3 months October November December by January you are going to be a different version of you I am not going to tell you to go to the gym I am not going to tell you to eat salad but I will tell you mindset shifts okay so thank you for joining me today everyone who subscribes everyone who gives me amazing comments reviews you are the real ones I see you I know who you are I'm giving you Good Vibes and everyone else who likes this type of content subscribe leave this a good review synergetic exchange is a good thing so first of all before we go into the eight points the thing that you need to understand is self-mastery self- understanding and the fact that I am 7 months pregnant so if you hear me breathing like I am you know really committed to this I am very committed to this I'm committed to your life and you changing okay and you becoming her the person or him the person that you actually are and don't get it twisted the concept of being her or him is the idea of getting back to your true self okay so for the purposes of this we're remembering that self-mastery and the realization of who you are meant to be in this world who you are appearing to be is perhaps the reason for life everyone has different ideas of what life is about to you it's one thing to me it's another thing to Joo over there is a third thing but for me the reason to live is to be something and then manufacture myself almost into a new reality and a new way of being into somebody that I don't know I just want to be at the end I want to be at the end of this movie that is called life and be like yes I did that I did not go gentle into that good night I made need something happen so self-realization self-concept you are the master of this ship and where you turn the wheel is where the ship will go and you may turn it into a storm but wouldn't you rather turn into a storm out of your own choice as opposed to just walk around willy-nilly not knowing what life is throwing at you what you're getting what you're doing and stumbling through life let's make the choices let's become the person you want to be in these next three months and if you're listening to it later then pick the the other three months if you're watching this later if you're listening pick another three months it doesn't have to be October November December if you're here going oh no it's not new year no that's not it it could be March April May whatever it is you want it to be birday months are great for it too so step number one step number one is to decide to decide in Latin to decide means to make an incision but a decision means to cut off all things apart from the choices you have made you cannot go forward without a decision you need to decide what it is you want who is it you want to be how do you want to appear in this world what kind of characters do you want to manifest who do you want to manifest yourself as how are we going to manufacture you how are we going to manufacture who you are as a human being what does that appear like for example this is a very good example for me when I decided in the past to become somebody that prioritizes my health and healthy eating and to look after my body as opposed to I can get in a very like junk food eating it doesn't matter mentality not even in a in a binging sense not even in a let me just eat everything sense but in a just like I don't care about it I'm not going to focus on food I'm just going to eat what I want like a teenage mentality almost I can get there very very quickly so for me the idea of decision and I'm going to use food in this example to illustrate what it means is you cannot get anywhere with the first step is to decide who you want to be by trying to force yourself eliminate things or make yourself do something with furious Vengeance you have to shift your whole perspective of who you are so as opposed to saying I'm not going to have croissants for breakfast I am not going to have a burger forun lunch and I'm not going to it's not about the knots it's about the identity you know those women who just get up and have green juices I'm not saying that should be you but I'm just saying the identity of a human being she does yoga she does green juice I've got a friend like this if I had to tell her like how do you how do you stop yourself from having the cross on how do you stop yourself from having this that and the other thing she doesn't have to stop herself because she does not have the identity she does not have the identity of the crossant burger eater because what she looks for on the menu is how can I nourish my body how can I feel good in my body how can I move forward through this Earth and power myself with nutritional food in the past when I've made that shift it was around the time when I did Miss Universe and um I started to really focus on how I looked and how I presented to the world I didn't I woke up one day and I decided to be that person I was like no I'm going to focus on nutrition I'm going to focus on what's good for my body not even on vanity metrics but what's good for me I am going to treat this body like a machine that is here to perform in its best capacity as opposed to something that I just throw food into willy-nilly for no reason and let me tell you my body change I didn't even think I could have a body like that and this I'm using this as an example so if this is if the reason to decide is to decide that you're going to be a confident person if the reason to decide is you're going to be a a Charming person if the reason to decide is you're going to get that job you want you need to decide and come into this Earth from right now from the moment you make that decision not I'm going to be but I am already this person hence manifesting hence understanding that it is as it appears right now in the current moment if you have to stand there in the cafe and be like oh I really want that cake but I can't have it then you haven't made the mindset set to shift you haven't made the mindset to change you have not shifted your mindset because you are still old Elizabeth Elizabeth who likes cakes new Elizabeth does not eat cakes it's like for example you see a baby eating baby food you're not like oh I shouldn't eat that baby food you're not a baby you don't identify yourself with a baby when you see a dog eating as delicious dog food it is very delicious for the dog but you don't identify as dog therefore you don't want to eat dog food it was as simple as that for me when I decided who is she how does she act how does she appear in this world you guys often tell me oh but how do I not react to people who are toxic or negative like how do I not react when he's not replying to me you have to manifest that woman that you are in your head I don't know who it is Angelina Jolie is it Blake Lively is it somebody super cool is it somebody super fun and be like how is she reacting and you need to actually be her act act until it becomes a reality that's the only option number two is boundaries boundaries boundaries boundaries Margarita loves boundaries and it is the idea of who am I in the reality that I want to manifest I had a message about somebody who is being treated by a certain way by a guy she's being um you know disrespected she's being this he's ghosting her he's not replying and at the end of the message after she lists all these ways that this man is abusive to her essentially not treating her subhuman family she goes what should I do the idea that the problem that we're having my love is you don't have boundaries and protection around yourself of the type of person you want to be you don't have boundaries and protection of the type of person that you want to appear as you are stumbling willy-nilly you're telling me all these atrocious ways that this person has told told you talk to you acted towards you and you're saying what should I do what do you want me to say you should knock on his door and demand good treatment I demand to be treated well people treat you as you appear in this world and sometimes a crazy narcissist will come across your path and they will treat you subpar but let me tell you what people with secure attachment and people who have self-esteem do is that those people don't appear in their lives anymore so you need to after you've decided the type of person you want to be you need to decide what kind of boundaries that person has who is that person if you're asking yourself the questions oh but but what should I do after he's ghosted me seven times if the answer is not obvious you need to imagine again the woman that you want to be and how she would react in that situation it's very simple you need to cut out things that don't serve you that's what boundaries mean people food ideas mercilessly there's a whole notion about not watching the news or things that stress you out a lot of people say oh but but how I need to keep up with the news I need to keep why do you need to keep up with the news news the only reason you need to keep up with the news is if you have some kind of pivotal and realistic way that you can change the trajectory of life and therefore you need to keep up with the news and you need to know what's going on because you're a president and you're going to do something if you're not going to do anything if it's just going to stress you out and you're already depleted you don't give enough to yourself you don't do enough for yourself if you are already hanging by a thread then you need to eliminate all these things that are toxins in your life cut them out mercilessly They don't serve you they need to go that man he's making you feel bad because he's ghosting you he's doing this what do I do margar what cut him out get bored of it it's very boring it's very boring you've got one life my love how are you going to waste it how are you going to waste it Jesus God how are you going to waste it it scares me for you on this kind of behavior you need to understand that with feminine energy which I know is something you're trying to deploy you need to when you're setting boundaries is essentially the deepest root of feminine energy is cut away the things that have been imposed on you what are those things good girl syndrome she's so good she's so subservient she's so good to others she makes others feel so good if you watch a child having a tantrum child psychologists essentially say that when a child has a tantrum it's because they deeply know what they want lollipop okay they know they want lollipop and you're they're saying no but the the beauty of a child knowing that she wants lollipop is that she knows what she wants I'm talking to you right now you're in your 20s and 30s you don't know what you want Margarita what is my passion what is my passion I don't know what I want he's treating me like this what should I do you've gone so far away from the essence of feminine energy and that is Whimsical flow and Liberty and just nature you need to get back to who you were you knew when you were young what it is to be natural and in flow you knew you wanted lollipop you knew you didn't want to be treated badly if someone treats a kid badly they go she's mean that guy is mean who's ghosting you that should be boring to you your life is so precious and so oneoff that you shouldn't have time for this kind of Malaki so boundaries is number two number three is writing down in the now the type of person that you are that you appear as you're being her list it doesn't mean that you're writing down I in one year I'm going to have the best body of my life in 3 months I'm going to whiten my teeth you write down I've got long beautiful hair which is something I wrote down a few years ago my hair was like this that down to my chin and I'd burnt it and bleached it but if you make something your reality if you make something how you move through space how you move through time how you appear as a human being your reality you will appear in this earth as that much quicker than if you say I want I want I want because if you're putting the I want energy out there if you're putting the I want energy out there you're going to be in the wanting you're going to be in the desperate wanting energy you're not going to be in the having energy so what you need to write down is as you appear even if you don't appear right now I have beautiful long hair I have a podcast it's in the charts I'm telling you what I wrote okay I am loved and valued by my family I can't remember if these are the exact things I wrote but it's something like that right I I I am doing this I'm having this I'm enjoying this and for the context of this me and you are working on the 3mon deadline of who we're going to appear as so the being her list is everything that you appear as every day who you are it should give you Joy it should literally spark joy in your soul and make you so excited then and I love this bit I am a list making Virgo I love this bit even though in the siderial signs apparently I'm a Leo anyway Leo Virgo whoever I am listen to me you need to not only make this esoteric list of who you want to appear as not want to zip it Margarita you currently appear as and it's might feel silly but do it that way you then need to write down in a bullet point diary every day so I've got long luscious hair what is the daily and weekly action that you're going to take towards that me I need to stop bleaching my hair and wash and um washing it every day that's how I grew my hair I sto bleaching it I invested in a really good hair stylist it was worth it for me I um stopped washing it I only blow dry it once a week it now doesn't get dirty but we can go into beauty tips on another you know interaction that you and I have the the point is you need to have this manifestation list of who you appear as in the world and you then need to have practical set of goals and set of achievable daily am I moving the needle type things in my diary every day I have something that moves the needle towards the person towards the her that I am okay if that is a full day with my son then it's something towards the moving the needle of I want to be a present parent you know and I am going to give him time it doesn't always happen I can't always be the best you know slice of cheese on the cheeseboard whatever that means Margarita cool but every day I'm moving the needle towards that person point number four gratitude let me tell you that the one thing that I would say moved me from you know studying life coaching being confused how to implement it not knowing whether I'm going to be a content creator or how I'm appearing the space making like an average salary trying to make ends meet to now running my businesses doing this podcast all of it like Wilder streams is gratitude journaling and I wasn't even sure how much it would move the needle for me but let me tell you that for about 6 months to 1 year I did not miss the reason I say 6 months to one year is because I was sporadic and then I got religious about it at the end of every day every day boo boo I wrote down three things that I'm grateful for and you have to get creative with it if you write down my husband my cat and my dog I will rip that journal out of your hand okay you have to be so intrinsically in tune with gratitude right now I'm looking out and I can see the water here and I can see trees here and I'm grateful for nature and the fact that the weather is beautiful and even down like I want you to feel it in your solar plexus I want you to feel in your solar plexus about how wonderful and joyous the fact that you get to see this beauty a lot of people don't if you can really connect to that I am telling you research it vibrationally you will attract a different life that's where my life shifted you might not know what you're doing you don't have to know what you're doing three points it could be on your phone app it could be on your notes it could be in your calendar I don't care where you put it write it down in your little Journal it doesn't have to be in depth but you need to feel as you write it the Gratitude of that that I can see Sunshine that I've got a home that just anything become in tune with identifying amazing things in your life the next point is abundance number five you are enough there is enough there is lots of opportunities this world is not finite resources will not run out you need to manifest your reality you need to have some fear and some fire up your ass about the fact that you were given this one chance to be you you are a unique freaking snowflake like Fight Club says okay but at the same time you need to understand that it's not so deep that it's not so pivotal that if you choose to see abundance you will see it if I tell you red car red car I want to buy a red car it's a Toyota I want to buy a red Toyota suddenly you see red Toyotas read it again things like this like the Gratitude point about the Japanese scientists who talk to water and then magnified it and saw that water crystallizes differently in beautiful snowflake patterns when you talk Beauty onto it and becomes gangrenous and disgusting when you tell it you hate it and it's disgusting even the fibers of our universe respond to selft talk so I'm telling you feel abundance you're telling me right now I can hear your minor but life is not abundant it's not like that I wasn't born with this that the other one nor was I baby girl you were sitting here telling me nor was I okay at a certain point my mom my mom had to choose between milk or cereal okay when I was growing up so it's not about that but it's about a reality and even her my mom she's in a very different place now abundance seeing opportunity what could I do with this what could I do with that read Victor frankl's book people have lived through incredible adversity and come out the other side you need to understand that this universe is here to serve you if if you choose to see it that way or not serve you if you don't choose to see it that way abundance next is um a very dear one to me because core beliefs is something that is so hard to shift so hard to shift it's like pulling teeth but if you change a core belief if you really Master it you will be the master of your mind which means you'll be the master of the universe everything you think you didn't choose to think it's come to you from somewhere someone made you believe it you saw some evidence appearing to be true and you decided to believe it as a child you didn't know you know that Pigs Can't Fly if somebody told you you might have believed it now you know more about Aviation and pigs and all these things so you don't believe it right thank you Steven Bartlett for that example Diary of CEO great podcast check it out but the question of who am I and confirmation bias is basically your belief Center when you're trying to change a belief like I'm not worthy I'm not lovable no one likes me when you're telling that to your brain your brain's main function is to prove you right it wants to prove you right because it doesn't like cognitive dissonance it doesn't like to be wrong because then you have no stable standing the brain does not want to feel crazy the brain wants to feel grounded in its reality and his job is to say yep I see the sky is blue I see the leaves are green yep I see this cup of tea in front of me which Margarita will now sip black tea no sugar no milk amazing so it's there to prove you right so that you have a grounding and a standing position in the world instead of trying to change your beliefs by going yeah maybe I am lovable I don't know I just maybe people do like me ask yourself ask your brain a question that will change your beliefs and this is how you do it so let's say you think you're unlovable you go around saying I'm unlovable I'm unlovable the brain will be like she thinks she's unlovable let's find evidence remember that time her grandma gave her cousin the candy instead of her remember that time she didn't get chosen for volleyball remember that time and your brain's like yep she's right she's not lovable we found all the evidence now ask your brain I lovable show me the evidence and straight away you might have an opposing thought no I'm not I've never been lovable nobody likes me but even me and that used to be one of my core beliefs I suppose because of my upbringing I didn't have a father in my life so my brain was like oh that must that must mean of course we're not lovable that's why he doesn't want to be in our lives but instead I go now as an adult and I've learned about beliefs and core beliefs and shifting beliefs and I go show me evidence that I'm lovable and my brain goes yeah your husband did that for you he did this for you he went out of his way that way for you your mother despite your father not wanting to be there did everything humanly possible to make you thrive and happy and she calls you every day and then my brain's like wait a minute that means maybe you are lovable and it's a problem with him and not with you it's a problem with him ask yourself the right questions in order to change your core belief if you're going around saying I'm ugly I'm unlovable I'm ridiculous I'm stupid if you think it's stupid ask yourself when's that time I was smart show me that time I was smart I am smart there is evidence that I'm smart your brain will find it because it doesn't like cognitive dis dissonance it doesn't like to be wrong in its space and reality be delusional brainwash yourself even if it's not true wouldn't you rather live in a delusion that you're smart and attractive then not and now you're thinking oh I don't want to be selfish I don't want to be I don't want to be delusional I want to be realistic about who I am forget it throw that in the bin along with your other beliefs because you as somebody I get this question what if I become a narcissist what if I put myself first and I become a narcissist a narcissist wouldn't even dream to ask that question wouldn't watch the videos wouldn't even understand how to prioritize themselves because they already do it's like telling I don't know the color pink to be pink it wouldn't watch those videos the fact that you're questioning oh how do I how do I have it's like if you're questioning if you're a bad parent you're probably a good one trust me bad parents don't sit there questioning if they're bad parents the next step to changing yourself into who you're meant to be is to keep your promises that's the true core reality about confidence confidence is if I am confident in Samantha my friend then I know she's going to be there on time I'm confident she'll stand up for me if there's an argument I'm confident that she'll be kind to me I'm how what does confidence mean when you're confident in someone and you're confident in their reality to show up for you that means that you trust their reliability reliability reliability yeah reliability and they keep their promises how do you get good self-esteem and how do you get confidence is show up when you say you're going to is treat yourself like you treat someone who you love your dog who always gets their meals on time and you run home to walk your child who you make sure is nutritionally fed and after this guys I'm going to make myself the green smoothie that I told myself I'm going to make this morning because I told myself that and I'm going to go make it I'm feeling lazy I'm feeling all kinds of lazy I'm going to go make it because if this was trust me if this was for my child and I knew it was good for him or if this was for my friend I'd be in that kitchen doing it because different people are motivated differently and I'm not going to lie I'm motivated by other so I literally have to keep my promises to myself by motivating myself of what would I do for someone else and there is nothing wrong with that show up like it's for someone you love do it through discomfort if you're feeling selfish good push through it push through it put yourself first and push through it see who you become and 3 months don't like it stop it after 3 months last but not least my wonderful sexy darling is you need to learn new skills you need to put some oomph behind your self-confidence you want to learn Tech you want to know graphic design you want to learn cooking I want to learn cooking I am obsessed with cookbooks do you know how much I could read cookbooks like it's bizarre and it's wild you want to learn the gym as in like lifting properly and correctly invest in it invest in you invest in new skills women say to me oh I'm a stay at home mom I'm going to be boring if I don't work yeah because what he wants to talk to you about is your accounting today I did accounting are you crazy everyone no matter if you work somewhere if you stay at home needs to always be cultivating new skills in order to become interesting to your friends people around them are you reading do you read do you even read it's not about do you even lift but do you even read make yourself busy get get excited about life you get one even if you believe in reincarnation you're not going to be reincarnated as you and you're not going to know the people you know so get excited this is a privilege and it's a joy it's a joy I'm going to just beat That Into You and learn something new become valuable become somebody when you say that you love yourself you mean it because you've invested in yourself what is valuable what is a high value woman a high value woman isn't somebody who's like bringing home a 1,000 you know whatever $150,000 check that's what they've made you believe because everything is about industry these days if I talked to you 300 years ago it would have been like how many children can you birth it's always about you know what works for society and what's better for society high value means you put a lot of effort and time into yourself and you raise your literal value you're now interesting you're employable sure you're a good mother you empathic you are vibrant and most of all you are replenished because feminine energy is about giving from a well of abundance not from a dry crusty well of depletion where everyone has drunk from and you're depleted and angry and hangry and all kinds of raccoon in the corner fighting for its life okay so those are the eight mind shifts you need to make 3 months my love make them stick to it and subscribe to my podcast and my channel because we are going on a journey of life together and I'm so happy to have you here thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening for watching and I'll see you on the next one love you lots like jelly tots [Music] bye [Music] oh
Channel: Margarita Nazarenko
Views: 256,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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