The 7 Best Digital Products to Sell Online for Passive Income

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with more more people staying at home and choosing to learn online now is an amazing opportunity in order to launch digital products online that said do you know which digital products are best create passive income if you don't stay tuned because in this video I'm gonna share the seven best digital products to create passive income online right now [Music] hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new to me my name is Courtney Sanders I'm a full-time online coach and online entrepreneur as well as full-time mom full-time wife I wear all the head you might hear my son screaming in the background as I struggle to try to make this video but that's neither here nor there I specialize in helping working professionals turn their skills and to businesses online an income online and in today's video I really want to talk to you about creating digital products and specifically the 7 best digital products to create if you're interested in creating passive income online now I've generated multiple multiple six figures in my business and the bulk of that has come from digital products but over the years I've noticed that seven digital products in particular not only are the most popular and the best selling for me but they create the most passive income for me so are you curious about what those seven types of digital products are let's get into it okay the first digital product that is great for passive income are ebooks yes I know I feel like everybody just totally overlooks ebooks because they're looking for something like more complicated or more complex but don't sleep on ebooks okay ebooks are still the jam now there's two types of e-books create you can create ebooks that are you know beautifully design and have a lot of graphics and that you sell directly on your website and those books are great because you tend to be able to sell those for a higher price so you can sell that type of ebook for $20 $30 $50 even $100 depending on what the topic is and what you are helping your potential clients up however there's also ebooks that you can sell via traditional you know book publishing platforms like Amazon Kindles because I know a lot of people think oh you know why would I spend all my time writing an e-book that I'm just gonna sell for $7.99 or $9.99 or whatever on Amazon Kindle but you don't realize that Amazon is an amazing place in order to find new clients so you spend all that time even though you're not gonna sell the eBook / super high price because it's exposing you to potential customers that you ordinarily would not have been exposed to so think of it as getting paid essentially in order to get new customers so you get page a little $9.99 but that's not really where the relationship bins person sees your book they download it on their Kindle they read it they check you out on Instagram they check out their website and now they're in the mid or world and then perhaps they're even buying other products and programs for you so don't sleep on ebooks either type of ebook is a great way to create passive income okay the second type of digital product that is great for passive income are templates and tools now typically the only type of entrepreneurs that think about templates usually are like designers they think of like oh I can create website templates and sell them on like creative market or something like that or I can create I don't know screen saver so you know yes creatives can create templates but you as an online coach or even just a regular service provider can't create templates as well so even something as simple as your morning routine or your business routine you can create with spreadsheets I've created and sold Trello templates you know think about the software that you use certain email marketing platforms that you use and create templates within those tools so think about the tools you use think about the things you do on a consistent basis in your business or whatever your industry is you can create tools and templates that you can then sell so that's your target market doesn't have to think through all of that they can just literally download what you do and then just do it themselves so as I mentioned I've sold Trello templates I've sold notion templates because those are my two favorite project management software's but I've sold spreadsheets for templates about how I manage my business how I manage outsourcing my staff you could sell a budget templates like it doesn't matter what it is you do or what type of entrepreneur service provider you are think about a type of template you can create or tools you can create and sell it all to bad boys because those are great passive income moneymakers they're fun honestly for customers to buy typically are pretty affordable pretty inexpensive and you know they sell like hotcakes okay another type of digital product that is really great for passive income that again I saw a lot of people sleep on our audio trainings so especially right now audio is huge you know all of those blowing up audio books are blowing up even on YouTube there's a good chance that you might be listening to this and not actually watching my own video because now more than ever we're super busy we're multitasking and we just want to get the information by listening to reverses sitting down and reading later even watching it and so I've had great success with creating audio trainings and audio trainees can come in many forms in fact I've made over five figures in one product one of my best selling products is my 21-day self-discipline challenge and that is a 21-day audio program so yes there's a workbook in different ings that go along with it but essentially people are listening to the prompts for 21 days and doing the exercises and it's all via audio and for years I have sold that on autopilot and I have made lots and lots of money from that one digital product so audio trainings are really really hot right now don't think everything has to be done in video think about how you can dispense your knowledge in the form of the video training okay the fourth type of digital product that is doing really good right now and it's a great potential to make passive income for you are master classes so master classes are different from courses and that they're not super comprehensive by the course you know a course might have you know 20 different videos in it or different modules and lessons a master class is essentially you sitting down with someone or with a group or your audience for 90 minutes about maybe two hours and it really just going in-depth on a specific topic so master classes again work great for a variety of industries I've seen makeup artists especially do really well with 90 minute master classes maybe on how to do the perfect no makeup makeup look you know you create a master class and people can watch it and they can you'll do their makeup as they're watching it or maybe a interior decorating masterclass or styling masterclass or what have you so essentially a masterclass is a video training typically but it's usually around 90 minutes maybe an hour or maybe two hours I would say no more than three hours because it's something that you watch and one-shot but it teaches people how to do something that you have a skill set in so think about what your skill set is and what people ask me about all the time create a master class on it and then sell it on autopilot master classes right now are an amazing passive income product don't sleep on master classes okay before I get into the other types of digital products I'm just curious what are your favorite digital products to purchase as a customer so for me I love buying ebooks and I love buying courses what type of products or digital products are your favorites share in the comments below okay the fifth type of digital product that I haven't heard a lot of people talk about so you heard it here first but this type of digital product does really really well and sells passively on autopilot and these are bundles so a bundle is essentially you taking all the other digital stuff that you have so maybe have an e-book we have audio trainings maybe you have some master classes packaging that up in a bundle and then selling that on autopilot now I find that bundles do really really well during special events holidays so here's a hint depending on when you're watching this Black Friday bundle sells like crazy so you can kind of create a compilation of all of your digital trainings or all the digital trainings that you have on a specific topic and package them up in a bundle and then sell them for an amazing deal like a steal and people will buy that like hotcakes present like whoa I'm getting a bundle you know it's kind of like having a subscription box right we love makeup subscription boxes and you know what have your hair subscription boxes because we're getting all of these different products in one box and it's such a great deal it's like what I said $30 I'm getting like $100 worth of these skin care products so bundles kind of work the same way it's like the online version of a subscription box you're essentially packaging all your digital trainings or the related digital trainings and offering them as a steal to your audience okay the six digital product and you probably already know this one but this one does amazing for passive income and these are courses so courses are those comprehensive trainings that have multiple modules multiple lessons they tend to be video courses so if there's something that people ask you about all the time maybe you are a restaurant tour or a chef people always ask you how they can create these style of meals at home you might want to consider putting together a course and selling that on autopilot and people can watch it and follow it step-by-step so again regardless of what type of entrepreneur you are a service provider you are or coach you are courses are an amazing digital product to create for passive income okay the sixth type of digital product that people typically don't think is the digital product but it totally is and these are subscriptions and memberships these are great for passive income not just because you can sell them passively but because they're reoccurring so you're getting that income every single month that people pay so if you find that you have a lot of superfans or people that are really you know down with your business and they just love everything you do and they're always buying everything that you put out consider creating membership where they can get access to all of your content you know that they're buying anyway for a particular rate and they just pay that monthly and so not only can you sell access to this membership on autopilot but the reoccurring payments then become passive income for you so again now more than ever people are already kind of acclimated to subscription products you already got our Amazon Prime we've got a Netflix about our Hulu why not throw whatever it is you're offering you know in the mix and people can sign up for subscriptions to you as well okay so now you know my secret you know the seven digital products that are currently bringing me passive income but you probably don't know how to get all these things set up don't worry that's why I've created my online business toolkit which tells you the ins and outs of all the different tools that I use you never have to worry we'll show you this email marketing software over this one hour I use this landing page builder this sales funnel don't even worry about it I've gone through all the trial and error for you you can download this completely for free and list literally all the tools that I presently use in my business in order to make all these things work both on the front end and on the back end so you can go to that by clicking the link below to download that online business toolkit I hope you really enjoyed this video if you did you're gonna love my podcast hop on over to iTunes or Spotify and just type in the Courtney Sanders show in order to subscribe to my podcast also make sure you're following me on Instagram I share all the details all the tea all the business goodness if you like this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button hit that notification bell and I'll see you in the next
Channel: CourtneyLSanders
Views: 23,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital product to sell, how to create digital products to sell online for passive income, best digital products to sell, how to create a digital product to sell, digital product ideas you can sell, how to create and sell digital products, digital product ideas that you can sell right now online, best online business ideas, the advantage of digital products, digital products, passive income, how to create digital products, how to sell digital products, courtney sanders
Id: _D0MQvxM2JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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