The 6 Year Old Red Army Lieutenant of WW2 (Youngest Soldier of the War)

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its resources to defend the motherland over 34 million people bore arms during the four years of the conflict including women old men and youngsters it's estimated that thousands of children under the age of 16 years old fought in the ranks of the red army one of them was sergey saryosha aleshkov the youngest soldier of world war ii like most of the children that fought alongside the red army soldiers sergey aleshkoff was driven into the war by circumstances when the germans attacked the soviet union in june 1941 he lived with his mother and three older brothers in the village of grin in the kaluga region some 200 miles away from moscow at the time he was just five years old soon the war came to his doorstep and his two eldest brothers were enlisted then in autumn 1941 the germans stormed through his village on their way to moscow even before the front stabilized near the soviet capital the red army high command began organizing partisan units behind the front line sergey's home village grin became a base for the local partisan detachment his family like all the other villagers supported the partisans with food and shelter in the summer of 1942 the germans attacked the village to destroy the partisan cap cyriosis village suffered annihilation as the germans killed all those who were suspected of helping the partisans among the murdered villagers were sergey's mother and brother his ten-year-old brother pieta was hanged while his mother was shot trying to save her son zaryosa too would have probably been killed but he managed to escape the horror by being pushed out a back door and running for his life with no one left to care for him and with his home village burned to the ground seriously ran off into the woods he spent several days wandering through the forest before being saved by a scout unit of the 142nd guards infantry regiment of the 47th guard's rifle division it was fortunate for him that the scouts were patrolling that remote region far behind the front line when they found ceriosa the little boy was in a terrible state he was half starved and disoriented and his body was covered in scabs from insect bites the soldiers wrapped him in a horse blanket and took him to the safety of their headquarters the boy quickly recovered the entire unit grew very fond of him so he became the unit's mascot the regiment's commander major mikhail varubioff showed a special affection towards sariosa so he adopted him major of orobioff had no wife or children of his own zaryosa even suggested a suitable wife for the major regimental nurse nina bedova whom the boy was very fond of for the major adopting the boy was not only a choice of his heart but also a wise decision he knew seriosa would not end up hungry in the regiment as he probably would if he was put into an orphanage that was the beginning of private sergey aleshkov's war in november of 1942 the 142nd guard's infantry regiment was transferred to stalingrad sergey naturally went with them he delivered newspapers and letters to the soldiers on the front line and sang songs to cheer them up overall he was responsible for boosting the unit's morale and providing soldiers with the image of their kids that they missed so much the unit kept him as far from the front line as they could but the boy did his part in defeating the enemy one day as he was performing his usual duties he spotted some suspicious looking characters hiding in the haystack he knew that he needed to rush back and report it to the hq as it turned out these were german artillery forward fire spotters the germans were quickly disposed of and sergey received praise for his actions on another occasion he and his adoptive father meja vorobief found themselves in the middle of a german barrage robia pushed his son to safety and jumped into a dugout which was then hit by a shell the major was wounded and buried under a pile of dirt and debris zaryosa tried to dig him out but didn't have the strength to do it so he ran to seek help a squad of sappers hurried over and managed to dig the major out of the dugout on april 27 1943 sergey received a medal for military merit from the divisional commander in recognition of his bravery being always around his new father sergey considered himself to be nothing less than the commander's adjutant therefore he insisted on wearing an officer's uniform and he got one a proper small sized version of the red army officer's uniform small leather boots a belt a cap and binoculars to indulge him even more soldiers even made a small set of shoulder straps for the rank of junior lieutenant cerriosa was very proud of his uniform and rank but the latter almost cost him his life while he was delivering letters to soldiers a german aircraft spotted him the first thing the german pilot saw was shiny shoulder straps the pilot opened fire with his machine guns and wounded sergei in the heel unfortunately this was not his only close encounter with death in may 1943 the entire regiment was crossing the northern donuts river an artillery shell exploded near to the raft sergei was in threw the boy into the water sergei would have surely drowned if it wasn't for a quick thinking soldier who jumped into the water to grab him another time he was crossing the nipper river on the pontoon ferry with his father in a jeep when the vehicle reached dry land it ran over and set off a landmine that threw the jeep into the air the driver was killed instantly major varubief was concussed but seriously ended up without a scratch throughout the rest of the war sergey followed his father and the 142nd guard's infantry regiment wherever they went in 1944 while in position on the river vestula in poland the commander of the 8th guard's army general vasily chewikov paid a visit to the unit of course he asked to meet suryosa and was impressed with the boy as a souvenir of his visit chewikov gave him a browning pistol as a present after the meeting general chueykov gave instructions that suryosa was to be sent to the suvarov military school in tula where he remained until the end of the war nevertheless ceriosa received the medal for victory over germany in the great patriotic war of 1941 through 1945. sergey's fragile health prevented him from pursuing a military career after the war so he enrolled in law school he worked in the prosecutor's office and as a legal advisor in the plexiglas plant he died of a heart attack in 1990 in the city of chelyabinsk was the youngest combatant of world war ii but his story is just one of many about children who fought in the war in memory of those small heroes the soviet writer valentin kattaya wrote the novel son of the regiment that was precisely what soriosa was [Music] you
Channel: Simple History
Views: 2,205,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, Soldier Boy, youngest soldier ww2, child, russian, Sergei “Seryozha” Aleshkov, Son of the Regiment, Motherland, Red Army, Солдатик, военный, драма, village of Gryn, Kaluga, Soviet Union, partisans, 142nd Guards Infantry Regiment, 47th Guards Rifle Division, Major Mikhail Vorobyov, newspapers, Military Merit, Red Army officer, Donets River, Vistula, 8th Guards Army, General Vasily Chuikov, Chelyabinsk, Valentin Kataev, Денисенков
Id: GXzpd7GxyfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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