The Russian Sniper who killed 242 Enemy Soldiers

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[Music] this video is sponsored by World War Doh World War Doh is a brand new mobile RTS game that's different from the other games in the same genre in this game you control your moveable commander and towers that rage and heal him to take on the enemy base assisted by a whole host of crazy units there's the bunker to hide my commander in a safe place tank arena to soak up damage and destroy towers da choppah and 1-800 air strike to ensure range and air superiority the catlin cut for defense and van gun for his sniping action and then there's major fire with his flamethrowers that do fire damage for crowd control still not enough there are a ton of skins dances and taunts for you to show off and let your enemy know exactly how you're feeling and in the future there will be a tournament more than $25,000 prize pool so download now and get good fast to be crowned the best in the world and get a chance to win the prize money click the link in the description below to get the game now and join this simple history Club oh and established or aspiring content creators can apply to join the World War Doh creator program link also in the description below the Russian sniper who killed 242 enemy soldiers the snipers role in warfare is to stay concealed at all times and avoid detection then from long range eliminate valuable targets are caused disruption using high precision rifles and if possible high magnification optics snipers also carry out valuable secondary roles such as gathering intelligence on troop positions snipers are a special breed and are highly skilled individuals they require cunning and patience and as well as being a skilled marksman he or she must be an expert in camouflage survivalcraft infiltration and reconnaissance techniques by world war ii sniper had become an essential component and all the major nations had set up specialist training schools these schools produced men like private bruno suit kiss of the German army who had achieved 209 confirmed kills by the age of 21 and in 1944 was awarded the Iron Cross first and second class for outstanding bravery and then there was the Russian a silly Zaitsev born into a peasant family in the rugged snow-capped Ural Mountains in Russia which marks the divide between Europe and Asia Zaitsev learned to hunt deer and wolves from an early age with his grandfather remarkably he killed his first wolf at the age of 12 with his single-shot rifle in 1937 at the age of 22 he joined the Soviet Navy he was made a clerk and posted to the city of Vladivostok near the Chinese border which was the home port of the Soviet Pacific Fleet every time Germany broke the molotov-ribbentrop non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union in June 1941 Zaitsev had risen to the rank of chief petty officer eager to defend the motherland he voluntarily transferred to the Red Army as a senior Warrant Officer in ordered to be sent to the front line he was assigned to the one thousand forty seventh rifle regiment of the Thompson division in September 1942 Zeitz F's unit was sent to reinforce the 62nd army in the besieged city of Stalingrad there he very quickly impressed his commanding officer with his exceptional marksmanship and was reassigned as a sniper typically he would work with a spotter allowing him to take full advantage of having an assistant sights F used the Russian M 1891 30 mosin-nagant rifle a sniper version of which was simply a production version that was deemed better made than others with a simple telescopic sight and melted-down bolt added to accommodated the m18 91/30 was a bolt-action rifle famed for its durability and reliability and had a five shot magazine and a range of 900 yards which its powerful 7.62 millimeter round could cover in roughly one second the mighty German 6th army and the 4th panzer army had attacked a Russian city of Stalingrad believing that with its weakened garrison it would fall in a matter of days allowing them to advance towards the rich oil fields of the Caucasus Mountains however the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had issued order number 227 instructing the defenders of Stalingrad that they would take not one step back therefore as the German tanks and infantry started to push deeper into the city they were met with increasingly determined and fierce resistance from the Soviet troops taking Stalin's ordered to heart the city's defenders made the Germans pay for every step of ground as they advanced forward from within bombed out ruined buildings they used grenades anti-tank rifles Molotov cocktails and of course snipers to deadly effect then an unexpected attack by Soviet reinforcements cut off the attacking Germans trapping around a quarter million German troops in Stalingrad however at first the Germans did not seem unduly worried and were confident they could defeat what they perceived as an army of poorly trained and ill-equipped peasants much to the German surprise the Soviet troops proved resourceful and exceptionally gifted at fighting savage urban warfare German officers complained that the Soviets fought like gangsters and did not play fair soon German general Friedrich Paulus requested permission to break out of the city but Hitler remaining confident in a German victory refused weeks of fighting quickly turned into months the battle became a brutal war of attrition with the Red Army attacking the encircled Germans constantly day and night Soviet snipers like Zeiss F started to specifically target German officers and this tactic soon took a devastating toll on the German Army's morale and command structure the Zaitsev had a number of pioneering tactics that allowed him to become one of the top snipers of world war ii the different soviet uniforms for summer and winter combat which were respectively khaki and snow color allowed him to blend in seamlessly into the ruins of Stalingrad where he would wait patiently for his targets to come into range moreover he effectively used decoys which would draw the Germans attention away from his own position in some cases Zaitsev was known to switch places with the dummy once the Germans had realized it was not really catching them off guard in order to tell where the German sniper was hiding sacks F would hold up a helmet which the enemy would shoot through he would then put a rifle cleaning rod through the bullet hole to determine what direction the shot came from furthermore it was important that sight Saif killed with his first shot as otherwise he would give away his own position and waste ammunition which was scarce in Stalingrad as all Russian supplies had to be shipped across the three kilometre wide Volga River and were vulnerable to aerial bombardment by the Luftwaffe the role of the sniper was not just to eliminate enemy targets sight Saif was also skilled at intelligence gathering which he'd completed using a trench periscope the information he gathered regarding German booby traps and impending assaults was passed on to infantry soldiers and doubtless saved many Soviet lives indeed his constant sniping and intelligence-gathering prevented the German army from reaching its full strength and initiating a full-on assault but pushed the Red Army the river came out of Stalingrad the Soviet General Vasily Chuikov who commanded the defense of Stalingrad understood that his men needed inspiration if they were to endure a winter of hard fighting in the appalling conditions of Stalingrad Zaitsev had an unflinching dedication to the Soviet cause and possessed a humble demeanor Chuikov felt he was the perfect role model to inspire his hard-pressed troops Zaitsev was heavily featured in Soviet propaganda and much effort was put into creating a cult of sniper ISM around him the Soviets glamorized the myth of the almost superhuman lone sniper who was completely dedicated to their craft and was exceptionally patient and cunning soon's access was the most famous and revered Red Army sniper of the war Radio Moscow which broadcast all across Europe and Asia in 22 languages and spoke constantly of his daily achievements while the red army newspaper hailed him as a model soldier and citizen moreover crudely printed flyers produced in Stalingrad itself spread information of his heroic deeds which helped inspire the Soviet soldiers to fight relentlessly to save the city much like Zaitsev who was also realized by the russian command that snipers legs EXIF were having a tangible effect on the Germans in Stalingrad as a result they got him to set up a sniper school within the ruined buildings at the sniper school specially selected soldiers were given brief target training in the bombed out Lazar a chemical factory in central Stalingrad before being taken on live missions by Zaitsev to complete their training the sniper school proved highly effective with its graduates killing over 3,000 Germans during the battle for Stalingrad there were tasks to kill key enemy personnel like artillery observers radio operators and machined they're also sent on counter sniping missions where they hunted down enemy snipers between November 10th to December 17th 1942 in the frozen wasteland that was Stalingrad Zaitsev killed 225 enemy soldiers including 11 German snipers an average of 6 kills a day the Soviet propaganda said that the Germans became so frustrated with Zaitsev success but they had sent their own top sniper major koenings sometimes referred to as hind Stonewall to track him down and eliminate him the propaganda alleged that after a three-day battle of whit's Zaitsev killed the enemy German sniper worth a shot to the head koenings was either hiding in a burned-out tank a pillbox or a sheet of iron sights F used his glove as a decoy and when Koenig shot it he figured he was hiding under the iron sheet Zeiss F fired a shot at the sheet and took out koenings despite being repeated in history books and popular movies the historical accuracy of Zeitz F's duel is doubtful for one it is unlikely that the German High Command would send their most skilled sniper to Stalingrad when they were fighting a bloody war along the vast Eastern Front and North Africa secondly Stalingrad was a large city that stretched for twenty miles along the Volga River and is improbable that the two snipers would have been able to find one another for a duel finally no historian has ever been able to prove the existence of a person called major conics or a high score vault in the German army in January 1943 Zack Saif was badly injured by an enemy mortar shell and nearly lost his eyesight due to his great value to the Soviet military he was operated on by the pioneering eye surgeon dr. Vladimir Vetrov Zaitsev was able to make a full recovery and return to the frontlines training others to become snipers commanded a mortar platoon and became a regiment commander he finished his fighting career and about of Seelow Heights which were popularly known as the gates of Berlin as it was just 70 kilometers from the heart of the German capital unfortunately as XF was once again injured during the battle and did not take part in the Soviets final assault on Berlin for his sniping achievements he was awarded the hero of the Soviet Union medal which is equivalent to the British Victoria Cross or the American Medal of Honor this award entitled him to a pension priority housing a 50% rent reduction medical benefits and an annual free visit to a sanatorium it is thought his tally of kills for the war was around 242 but some historians have suggested it may have been closer to 400 after the war sites have studied textiles at the University in Kiev upon graduating he found work as an engineer and rose to become a director of a textile factory he died in 1991 at the age of 76 just 11 days before the Soviet Union was dissolved sites F was initially laid to rest in Kiev but in 2006 as per his final wishes he was reburied in Volgograd formerly known as Stalingrad with full military honors
Channel: Simple History
Views: 2,855,765
Rating: 4.9038038 out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, russian, vasily, soviet, Russian sniper, ussr, stalingrad, Vasily Zaytsev, Bruno Sutkus, Soviet Navy, Vladivostok, Molotov-Ribbentrop, Soviet Union, Chief Petty Officer, eastern front, Tomsk Division, Stalingrad, Mosin Nagant, sharp shooter, M1891/30, Panzer Army, Stalin, Volga River, Vasily Chuikov, myth, Soviet propaganda, Red Army, artillery observers, radio operators, Major Konings, Heinz Thorwald, Seelow Heights, Kiev
Id: TQXHmKxwRy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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