The 6 Foundations for Men Over 50 to Lose Belly Fat

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hey there my friend welcome my name's dr. anthony Balducci i'm the founder here at the fit father project my team and i are the weight loss experts for busy guys and fathers over 50 and I'm so happy you found this video because we're gonna cover the six foundational principles that we've used here at the 5th father project it's helped over 10,000 guys over 50 lose over 75 thousand pounds of fat because let's face it there is so much of BS information out there about the right kinds of diets and workouts and as a guy in your 50s things are changing with your body with your metabolism with your schedule you need an approach that actually works and we've done the legwork with testing on those 10,000 guys to figure out what are the fundamentals that actually work and in today's video I want to share those with you with these six foundational principles and this video could be a game-changer for you if you're out there and you want to lose some weight you want to know what you can start doing this week and you want to be able to cut through all the misinformation the hype the fad the bi stuff we're gonna cover what actually works in this video so get out your pen and paper take some notes and let's dive on in my friend fit father project calm alright so let's get right into it the number one mistake that guys make when trying to lose weight is they actually focus on diet and exercise first and I know this may seem counterintuitive because we've been led to believe that those are the most important things for weight loss but they're actually not there is one thing that's more foundational and that is your sleep and what we learn from the research is that if you're missing out on quality sleep your body is extremely resistant to losing weight and with the research studies actually show is that if you go on a calorie restricted diet and it doesn't matter what kind of diet that ends up being and you're missing sleep you do lose weight but the weight that you do lose comes from muscle tissue which further decreases your metabolism making it harder to lose future weight and this is why it's essential for us to start talking about sleep before we get into the dieting extra stuff that we will cover in this video for sure and as a baseline what we tell all of our fit father project program members is that you need to be getting at least seven hours of quality sleep every night and if you can reflect in your own life right now and you know you're either one not getting enough sleep or two the quality of sleep is not great that is the first place to start and even cleaning up your sleeve is gonna help prime your body and get those hormones in check that's gonna help you lose the weight and actually keep it off so without getting proper sleep we're essentially pushing a ball uphill with our weight loss effort so that's number one the second thing is we actually need to talk about your meal plan and notice that I did not say diet because when it comes to weight loss there is so much buzz out there about different kinds of diets there's intermittent fasting diets there's never eat at carb again ketogenic diets there's vegan diets there's paleo diets and look people lose weight on all of these diets they all work because diets that work rely on a set of core foundational principles one they help you control your calories in your portions two they're typically for the most part higher in protein and healthy fats because that keeps you full longer and keeps your energy levels more sustained and three if they're a good diet it enables you to sustain it over the long haul and that's not overly restrictive so our philosophy here at the fit Fowler project is any diet that is restrictive is not a long-term option so we like a balanced approach that pulls aspects of all these diets and kind of melds them into one but the most important thing I'm going to leave you with in this video is the importance of getting a schedule based meal plan so instead of really getting into the minutia right away of looking at the proper number of protein carbs and fats we want to actually look at from a sustainability perspective from the perspective how do you actually stick to your diet over the long haul when should you be eating and that really answer that question is there is no one right answer but there is a right answer for your schedule so we need to look at your schedule are you the type of guy that gets up early in the morning and you're out there or right away for work or do you stay at home most today and work at home because that the answer that question is going to inform the meal timing setup that might be best for you so here at the food Fowler project we have a fit father meal plan and what that includes is five different meal timing setups and I want to go through one or two of those here in this video to help give you an idea of which one might fit you well the first basic one is what we call is the on-the-go meal plan or the 4x4 meal plan and this is like the default setup if you will for guys who get up out the door early in the morning and go to jobs you know around 8 o'clock in the morning or earlier and so what this looks like is you get up the first thing you do is rehydrate your body with twenty to thirty two ounces of high-quality water and if you want to add a little pro tip we're gonna add a pinch of some pink Himalayan sea salt because that gives your body the trace minerals that it needs to function properly so we get you rehydrated we have that first meal somewhere around seven or eight a.m. four hours later and this is why we call it the four by four or the on the go plan you have lunch around noon so breakfast at eight lunch around noon a snack around 3:00 3:30 so not quite four hours but you get the idea and then dinner around 7:30 or 8:00 and this is a very very very simple and convenient setup and the reason it works well is you're never starving you're not going long long stretches without eating in a big mistake that a lot of guys make is they have lunch around noon and they don't eat dinner until like 7:00 and so what happens when you get to dinner you're freaking starving and what do you do you overeat on food so you eat way too many calories you have cravings at night and you blow your diet up so this is why having a meal roughly every four hours is not necessary but it's very beneficial and so a four-by-four is a great kind of setup another one that works really well is an intermittent fasting style setup where you shift that first meal back until let's say 11:00 o'clock in the morning you have that next meal around 3:00 and you have dinner at 7:00 there is no right or wrong answer it's the one that fits your personality in your schedule you can lose weight on both looks and we have program members to the fit file project we've helped those 10,000 guys I showed you some of the pictures we have guys who've lost a hundred pounds with us using intermittent fasting and using eating breakfast every single day so there's not one right answer is what's gonna work best for you and what we have we put together a free one day weight loss meal plan for men and if you're interested in diving deeper on this because I want to stay big-picture and come to cover some of these other topics if you want the exact recipes we recommend for breakfast lunch snack and dinner I recommend you download that meal plan there's links below this video you click that my team and I we're going to email that to you sent it straight to your email I'm going to be on video and hand you the PDF that walks you through all the recipes and exactly what to eat for breakfast lunch snack and dinner over 100,000 guys we use that and so I recommend you get a copy of that now the next thing actually after the meal plan is setting your water target so just like we're being proactive with the meal timing itself we want Proactive with the amount of water that you need because water is foundational for weight loss for so many reasons one weight loss requires millions in millions of enzymatic chemical reactions that are happening inside your cells and guess what our cells are made up of 70 plus percent water and they require water for all these reactions that's why we want to get enough water into the diet so what I want to help you do in this video is actually calculate your water target for the day and an easy way to do this is to take your body weight in pounds divide that number by 2 and add 32 to that and that's the number of ounces of water I'd like you to shoot for per day so if you're a man that's 200 pounds we're gonna divide that by 2 that's a hundred add 32 that's a hundred and thirty-two ounces a little over a gallon and that's an appreciable amount of water it's probably more water than you're currently drinking and I promise you this when you get the sleep on point you get on our meal timing setup schedule and you start drinking that amount of water the weight will start to fall off for a couple reasons one those those enzymatic reactions and all those chemical reactions are working better but to water actually keeps you full and keeps your energy levels higher so you're not reaching for snacks and feeling like you need to eat different kinds of things it's and it's also gonna help keep you full water is a signal to your stomach that tells your brain hey we're good we don't need food so that's a really really valuable strategy when you're looking to lose weight so let's get the water in your body and the best way to do that is to get a big water bottle that you carry with you throughout the day you don't necessarily have to carry it on a gallon of water but you get a nice mason jar or a jar and you fill that up and you drink it three four times a day and it's sitting on your desk or it's in the car with you wherever you're at you see it you drink you hit that water target that's gonna help with your weight loss a ton now the next thing I want to talk about is number four on our list is 30 minutes of daily activity and notice that I did not say exercise we're gonna talk about exercise in step 5 with the MRT workouts I recommend but daily activity is actually more important than exercise for weight loss worth repeating you can lose weight without exercising as long as you're sleeping drinking the water and you're actually doing some daily activity what the research shows is that our brains have what's called a minimum activity threshold which is a base level of activity that we need to properly regulate our hunger and appetite circuits if we do not hit that minimum activity threshold meaning we're sitting in an office cubicle all day we're not moving we're not even hitting 30 minutes of daily activity then our hunger appetite circuits go haywire and we start craving all sorts of different foods our body becomes more resistant to insulin which deep blunts our fat-burning all sorts of bad things happen daily activity is the answer for helping improve the functioning of your body so what I recommend you do is get 30 minutes every day and the best way to do that in my experience with helping all the guys is to get a step counter on your phone or a little pedometer that you have on your waist whatever you want to do and try to get 5,000 to 10,000 steps a day it's really easy to track you get the number you know you want to hit 5,000 and make sure you just get enough walking and cumulated throughout your day when you hit that step target that's gonna ensure that you hit the daily activity I need you to tell you we here at the fit file project we have thousands of guys in our 20 50 and 100 pound clubs that's how much weight they've lost with our program we have some of those guys that never do the formal workouts they just walk follow the meal plan sleep and drink the water you can lose a hundred pounds without exercising it's the truth and so this is a very liberating thing to know because if you feel like you're really strapped for time and you can't get into the gym every day that does not mean you can't see great weight loss results but you do need the daily activity now once we have these things in place and we have these foundations in place and next we want to talk about is the types of workouts that do actually work and there is a type of exercise that works better than others when it comes to losing weight and the best kind of workout in our experience is called MRT metabolic resistance training and this is a combination of the best strength training exercises with cardio exercises all-in-one because yes we want to build the muscle and do strength training exercises why because muscles are the basis of your metabolism when we build muscle you're burning more calories at rest 24/7 so we want to prioritize that we also want cardio too because we want to burn calories while we're exercising and even better we want to get a metabolism boost after exercise that lasts for up to 24 to 48 hours so the answer is not to do things separately because I imagine if you're like me you're busy you don't have an hour to go do cardio in the morning and then lift weights in the evening that's just not practical so let's combine them into short workouts and the way that works is we're gonna take the best strength training exercises things like a dumbbell squat and we're gonna pair that in series with different strength tank strength training exercise so it might be squats immediately without rest arose immediately to shoulder presses immediately the curls and we immediately to push up so we'll do some kind of circuit workout and we have a full circuit workout called the 24 minute metabolism boosting workout that again just like that free meal plan I want to email you where I'm on video actually demoing this exact workout the best part is all it requires is a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells around 10 feet of floor space in 24 minutes so these workouts are very efficient here's the secret because they help you build the muscle and boost your metabolism we want to sprinkle these workouts throughout the week three to four so an ideal setup would be a Monday Wednesday Friday of these mrt workouts because on Monday we do the workout we get this metabolism boost through Tuesday then on Wednesday we do another workout we get the metabolism boost then on Friday we get that metabolism boost again so your metabolism is constantly elevated and you're burning calories after you workout and you're putting on muscle because you're doing the strength training exercises so that is the best of both worlds and it's a way to save so much time so you have to go slave away on cardio machines hoping to burn some calories that is not the answer MRT workouts which are very similar if you've heard the word hit high-intensity interval training they're basically like hit workouts with weights which is the answer for the most effective stuff so again we have a free resource for you it's a free 24 minute fat burning workout I'm going to show you how you can do this with a pair of dumbbells and over a hundred thousand guys have already downloaded and using this workout and I recommend you get a copy of that we'll send it to your email you can start doing that this week and you're gonna see great results really really good stuff now the final thing once we've gone through all this framework here is to talk about some supplementation and I put this last intentionally because supplements when it comes to weight loss are supplemental after you need all these foundations in place or no fat burn or supplement is actually in to work for you and here's the real kicker the supplements that are best for weight loss are not actually marketed as weight loss supplements you've probably seen all sorts of fat burner pills and stuff like that that's not where we start the supplements that are foundational for weight loss are actually the core things that help your body function better number one is a quality multivitamin because as we alluded to especially when talking about the water there are millions of different chemical reactions that are needed to burn fat so we want to make sure that your body has all the micronutrients those vitamins and minerals it needs to carry out those chemical reactions and so by getting a quality multivitamin we've covered the bases of all those micronutrients and your body has what it needs so quality multi number two fish oil amazing those omega-3s what the research shows is that as we're obese and when we want to go down to start losing the weight fish oil helps change the fat composition of our cells it makes the cells more fluid and actually enables them to burn fat better and not only to mention the fish Allah also helps with your joints helps improve your memory helps improve your heart health can also contribute to gaining lean muscle mass it's an amazing supplement it also reduces inflammation in the risk of all sorts of diseases so another staple supplement is the fish oil and then the next staple sub we recommend is a quality probiotic you serve those good gut bacteria that lived throughout our entire digestive tract that help us digest our food and the new research shows actually helps us lose weight so here's the here's a really fascinating thing when you're overweight you have a different flora which means the composition of those gut bacteria then when you lose the weight lean people have different gut bacteria compositions than overweight people and so we want to start changing your gut microbe act Iria to move it towards the composition that lean people have so supplement and probiotics can help make that transition and to really drive this point home with some research they are now doing things called fecal transplants where they're taking poop from lean people transplanting that poop into overweight people and the overweight people start to lose weight because they get those good gut bacteria in and all the foods they subsequently eat are metabolized better and those gut bacteria are sending signals to the brain to say hey we're good let's start burning more fat and getting rid of the weight gut back to your hugely important that's why there are staples supplement so once we get those core four supplements in place then we can talk about some of the classic fat burners if you will stuff like green tea highly recommended stuff like good old-fashioned black a great metabolism booster these things can work but I want you to get the foundational stuff in place and I don't want to go deep dive on the supplements here at the risk of making this video super long we cover all that in our Fit 430ex program we give you the full supplement protocol it's really affordable and it will really help accelerate your results once you get these foundations in place and there are links below if you're like man this stuff sounds interesting but I just want the exact step-by-step battle plan then fit for 30x program the program that's led to all those before-and-after images you see on this video that's what you want to check out there's links below in the description so I hope this helped give you at least a big picture of what you need to focus on and we wrote these out in order of priority start here work your way down this list do a little audit as you're looking at this video it's like okay check I got that in place if you don't know when your meal should be and you don't have set meal timing in stone start there if you're not getting the water do that next we are team at the Fed follow project will help walk you through every step of this weight-loss journey whether you need to lose 15 pounds or 150 pounds we helped thousands of guys do that every year so if you want to go deeper with us the best way is to get that free meal plan get that free workout or jump straight into our 30-day program there's links all over this video where you can go deeper with us and we are happy you found this video I hope you got at least one or two good key strategies and I want to leave you with a message of hope it is not only possible to lose the weight and keep it off there's a proven path but you need to you know really put aside all the fad diets and BS and focus on the fundamentals that actually work this is the stuff that gets the weight off and keeps the weight off I hope you found this valuable thank you for being here with me on this video if you liked this and you want more content then hit the subscribe button and check that little notification bell to get notified when I post new videos we post a video almost every single day to our fit follow-up project YouTube channel on weight loss nutrition weight loss exercises supplementation mindset all your different health FAQ s the stuff you need to know to say strong lean and healthy for yourself and your family or v follow project this is what we do thanks for stopping by my friend check out the free resources I will see you when you download those on the video and I'll talk to you very soon my friend
Channel: Fit Father Project - Fitness For Busy Fathers
Views: 635,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weight loss tips for men over 50, weight loss for men over 50, fat loss for men over 50, men over 50 lose belly fat, losing weight over 50 male
Id: PXm6nMaNCks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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