How To Lose Belly Fat — Naturally and For Good

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at some point in most of our Lives we have the desire to reduce our belly fat to shrink our stomach to look better and feel better and I believe this is important not just from an Aesthetics and vanity standpoint but actually from a medical perspective too we know that having a high waist circumference is associated with all sorts of chronic diseases and this is largely because when our belly is very big we have a lot of visceral fat that's inflammatory around all of our organs and what we do here at the fit father project and fit mother project is we help busy parents in their 40s 50s 60s and Beyond lose the fat and actually sustain those results long term on really amazing health programs and what I want to do in today's video is actually show you one of the best videos we've ever created on this topic a few years ago we created a bit video on how to reduce your belly fat that video got over 2 million views and I'm going to play it for you today because many of you are new subscribers to the channel you haven't seen this video yet and I want you to get a taste on what you need to be focusing on to reduce your belly fat in the shortterm to sustain it over the long term in terms of nutrition exercise and even Stress Management I know you're going to love this video video and if you actually want to get started with our programs as well there's going to be links Below in the comments and the description so you can check those out we have a lot of great trials and other amazing things let's get into today's video on how to shrink your belly all right so let's get into this topic on how to shrink your belly and we're talking about the belly we're talking about this whole abdominal region right so we need to kind of look at a little bit of the anatomy and some of the things that are going on so first off we're talking about the fat that we can pinch that's some of the subcutaneous fat that we can grab the rolls of fat the kind of stuff that you know protrudes over our belt lines and stuff like that and then we have fat that's deeper that's wrapped around our organs and that's called visceral fat and that's the dangerous fat that is very inflammatory um and we definitely want to get rid of but then we have another variable here you have your entire digestive tract that's really centered around here so we have food moving constantly through that means we have poop moving constantly through this system we have water fluctuations as well so we have all these different variables going on we're talking about shrinking our belly we have the subcutaneous fat the visceral fat and all the movement of the poop throughout the digestive tract and some of the water retention so number one the quickest way to shrink your belly within the span of seven days is to lose bloat so of us have regular bloating that we have from eating certain kinds of foods typically processed foods that are high in sugar and high in salt this could mean you're retaining up to five plus pounds of undigested food that's moving through your your GI tract as well as water retention I don't know if you've ever had you know let's say you had a big cheat meal and you woke up the next stay and you're 2 to 3 lbs heavier well what is that that's food that's sitting in your intestines and it's also water retention that happens so over at the fitf project in the fit mother project when men and women join our programs sometimes they lose five to up to 10 pounds in their first week is that actual fat loss well some of it maybe 1 to 2 lbs but a lot of it is just losing bloat and the best way to do that is to cut out the processed foods which means anything that comes in a bag most things that come in a box um and really to eat things that your great great great grandmother would recognize his food so an organic apple she would know what that is salmon she would know what that is vegetable she would know what that is if it has one ingredient it's probably okay to put in your body and it's certainly going to cut down on a lot of the bloat and the retention which comes from processed foods and another thing is improving your digestive health if you're not pooping you know I would say at a bare minimum once per day which would be ideal and believe it or not physiologically speaking we're supposed to have a bowel movement every time we eat a meal there's actually this reflex that when we eat our stomach stretch reflex actually signals are colon to release and get poop moving through we are meant to be constantly pooping and digesting well then you probably have some degree of bloat and it could be time to get some things cleaned out so that is the quickest way to lose the bloat the long-term approach though is to lose the fat and we're talking both that subcutaneous fat and that deeper visceral fat and the first thing I have for you in terms of looking at the priorities in this video is to understand that nutrition is the key when it comes to losing weight and losing fat you cannot out exercise a diet and I will say that again in this video because so many people think when I want to lose my belly I got to go to the gym and I got to do cardio and I got to do that that stuff can be beneficial we'll talk about that in Step number two but first understand that you need to be in a calorie deficit meaning you're eating fewer calories then you're burning every single day and the best way to do that is not to go out and try to burn more calories it's to pull back the equation and eat less in the first place because let's face it if you spend an hour doing cardio you might burn 5 600 calories it is so easy to eat 5 600 calories you could have a medium fry at McDonald's or something like that and it's roughly 5 600 calories so it's easier to just skip the fries than to go do the hour of cardio so it's no comparison so when it comes to nutrition it kind of goes back to rule number one with the bloating eat unprocessed Foods when you go to the grocery store shop the perimeter of the grocery store that's where all the fruits the vegetables the produces the real food is there the processed food is in those inner aisles and that is by Design next thing would be um is to lower your carbs and that's not to say you have to completely get rid of them alt together with like some of these super restrictive ketogenic diets if that works for you and you want to try that it's okay um my recommendation though is just to cut back on the carbs just scale them back so if you're used to having a lot of pasta or starchy carbs try to get your carbs from more fibrous vegetables occasionally having some lower sugar fruits they're okay to have in there in moderation and as you're lowering the carbs I want you to increase the protein and increase the fiber those are two things that are going to keep you very full for a long period of time um and it's really great because if you have high protein um high fiber so this is what an example of what we call at the fit father project and fit mother project a perfect plate if you make your plates look like this half of the plate is veggies a quarter of it is protein and a quarter is some kind of carbohydrate optional or you can swap it for healthy fats doesn't matter to me but unprocessed foods lower in the carbs higher protein higher fiber is going to get you start moving and on that note um if you're interested in getting our exact meal plan for both the fit father project and the fit mother project we have links Below in the description we have a free one-day meal plan and a free weight loss jump start you can get that stuff we'll actually send you our meal plan show you exactly what to eat for breakfast lunch snack and dinner but this concept is key more protein more more fiber lower in carbs lower in sugar and then the other thing is to increase your water intake start drinking more water it keeps you full longer um it actually helps your metabolism work better you know your body is roughly 70 plus% water right so it's essential that we stay hydrated and so many of us are chronically dehydrated because we're so busy we forget to drink water so another key tip on your nutrition front is to buy yourself a big water bottle in fact hey look at this I have a big jar of some healthy tea I brew this every single morning 64 ounces and I make sure I drink this and this is a great water intake for me and because I have it and it's staring me in the face every day I actually end up drinking it and there are some teas that are actually good for fat loss things like an organic green tea they actually have some special compounds in them that in can increase fat burning so there's another benefit Brew some organic green tea in the morning and that's going to help with your fat burning so again with the nutrition we have some more Deep dive nitty-gritty stuff we'll actually send you our meal plan if you want that scroll below we'll send it straight to your email priority number two exercise but not plain old cardio not going on the treadmill I want you to do something called metabolic resistance training MRT and that's a combination of some of the best strength training movements like squats overhead presses rows push-ups in a circuit training fashion so we're doing these exercise back to back with little rest so we're getting both the strength and the muscle building which is key because when you build more muscle you burn more calories 24/7 so that makes it easier to maintain the weight loss but we're also getting the cardio we're also getting this metabolic boosting effect in these MRT workouts after like a 30-minute MRT workout your metabolism can be elevated for up to 24 hours so imagine this you're busy like me I know this so if you did an MRT workout on Monday Wednesday and Friday your metabolism gets boosted on Monday all the way through Tuesday and then it gets boosted again on Wednesday and it gets boosted again on Friday you constantly have an elevated metabolism and this is the better way to think about exercise a lot of people think exercise is to burn calories while I'm exercising well the truth is exercise is actually a metabolic investment you investing in better metabolic Machinery so you're burning more calories 24/7 so exercise is helping you function better all the time it's not just the calories you burn when you're exercising so MRT workouts we have free ones on this channel my best recommendation is if you're want to be a fit mother and you're a woman looking to lose weight get our free fit mom jump start we'll give you the meal plan we'll actually give you our 24-minute workout and if you're a guy we have link below our 24-minute metabolism boosting workout it's absolutely amazing in 24 minutes with 5 to 10 ft of floor space and a pair of dumbbells you can boost your metabolism for 24 hours so simple you can do it at home this is the best way to exercise for busy people who want to get rid of the belly fat the next thing is to lower stress so when we're stressed our bodies naturally raise a hormone called cortisol cortisol gets a bad wrap and the truth is cortisol is absolutely necessary for biological function gets our heart rate up gets our energy up it frees up blood sugar so our bodies can react to what's going on but the problem is when we're chronically stressed cortisol is not meant to be elevated all the time it's meant to spike in times that we need it but when we're chronically stressed cortisol is always elevated and cortisol is associated with gaining weight particularly in the midsection in gaining fat particularly that kind of visceral fat that deep fat that's around our organs so this is just as important and especially on looking at some of the longevity research it's not just about nutrition and exercise you need to find healthy ways to manage stress and the best thing is that moving your body when it comes to workouts is one of the best therapies there is out there you know especially looking at some clinical depression and anxiety exercise is almost as effective if not more effective in a lot of cases than taking anti-depressants our bodies are built to move so that's a good way to find an exercise you enjoy doing and do that regularly but also sleep is essential if you're not sleeping seven quality hours per night your cortisol is higher than it should be and you pretty much want to sleep as much as you really can I know we're all busy but look sleep is the foundation of maintaining healthy cortisol if we're in a constantly stressed State even if we're eating well and exercising we're not going to get as good results and there's actually some research on this they take two groups of people they put them on the same diet and the same workout program one group sleeps the other one doesn't the group that misses sleep sleep uh they lose less weight and the weight that they do lose comes a lot from muscle tissue and not fat it's the exact opposite scenario want so sleep is essential and the third point I have to really round out this video and also to recommend those resources you have below where you can dive deeper with our team we can help you with this stuff is to make it sustainable I can't tell you how many people come to us at the fit follower project and fit Miller project being like Dr a I've lost 50 lbs 50 times you know you don't want to be in this constant NeverEnding failure Loop you want to lose the 50 lbs and keep it off for the right kinds of habits and what that means for you is that you can't start a crash diet you can't start an unsustainable workout program and quite frankly maybe you can't go and do this on the by yourself you need a community of like-minded people to keep you on track and so starting a program from day one that's sustainable is essential because it helps you build the Habit momentum to keep building long term and this is our philosophy here at the fitf father project and fit mother project we're going to give you a sustainable meal plan from day one time efficient workouts you actually enjoy and then our whole team in community keeps you accountable to ensure you succeed you need these elements without them it's 50 lb 50 times and the cycle repeats itself so you can end the cycle you can shrink your belly this is the concept and I hope you found some things in this video valuable and if you are interested and you want to dive deeper check out those free resources in the description they're absolutely incredible over 100,000 people have used these resources and we'll send them straight to your email and I hope this helped you today if you like this drop us a comment below let us know something that was impactful for you ask us questions we're here to serve you and give us a thumbs up we put a lot of time and energy into these videos to give you the best information on what it takes to lose fat to build muscle and to get and stay healthy for your family we are the fit father project and fit mother project this is what we do and if you like this Stu subscribe to our Channel check that little notification Bell to get notified when we publish new videos we have hundreds on the channel already we're publishing at least one if not multiple per week now so thanks for being here my friend we'll see you in the future videos we'll see you around the channel can't wait to send you those free resources and I'll talk to you very soon yeah
Channel: Fit Father Project - Fitness For Busy Fathers
Views: 163,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lose belly fat forever, lose visceral belly fat fast, lose visceral fats, lose belly fat when you're busy, how to lose belly fat fast for dads, lose stomach fat for men
Id: owjEQDhlEuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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