TOP 7 Dumbbell Exercises for Guys Over 50 (Time to Man Up!)

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this is John Hansen mr. natural Olimpia at the critical bench comm I'm gonna show you guys the best dumbbell exercises you can do for over fifty years old that are great to add to your workout one of the most basic exercises you can do for your chest is the bench press and if you have dumbbells at home this is a great exercise to use with dumbbells so you just lay back on the bench position your elbows underneath the dumbbells push the dumbbells up together and come down for a really good stretch this is a great exercise for your chest muscles as well as your front deltoids and your triceps it's a real good compound movement and it's a great exercise also it does not hurt your rotator cuff muscles because the dumbbells give you more freedom of movement so it's a really good exercise for building up the chest another great exercise for the back is a one-armed dumbbell row you can just use a bench to put your knee and your arm here and balance yourself put this leg back far enough arch your lower back keep your head up and just row the dumbbell right into your side when you pull it up you want to make sure that your elbow comes right over your rib cage so your elbows traveling in the same direction as your lats and this will work your back muscles correctly this will involve more of the back then the biceps but you're also gonna build up some bicep strength here and also the rear deltoids just make sure you keep your lower back arched so you can really feel the contraction in your back muscles one of the best exercises to make yourself look wider is side lateral raises which will build up the side part of your deltoids the medial head this exercise will build up those delts to make you look wider when you're just standing there so the best way to do is you keep your arms straight your palms facing your thighs raise the arms out like this right up to shoulder level keep the elbows a little bit bent keep the tension on the deltoids and just raise it straight out like this use a moderate weight 10 to 12 reps and this will build up your side deltoid muscles and make you look much another great exercise for the legs is the stiff legged deadlift which will work your hamstring muscles as well as your lower back so the best way to do this keep your feet shoulder width apart knees slightly flexed you're gonna arch your lower back put the dumbbells in front of you lower very slowly as deep as you can go keeping that lower back arched you'll feel the tension on your hamstrings and then just come straight up it's a continuous movement up and down keep the lower back arched and the legs straight good exercise for the legs to develop the quadriceps using dumbbells is a dumbbell squat using a bench to make sure you go low enough position the feet shoulder-width apart with the toes slightly pointed out keep your head up your shoulders back squat down to touch the bench and then come straight back up using the bench make sure that you go low enough touch the bench and come straight up this uses all quadriceps which will build up the legs and of course we don't want to leave out the arms so one of the most basic movements for building up the bicep muscles is just a dumbbell curl I like to do the alternate dumbbell curl you're trying to supinate the bicep by raising the palm of your hand toward the ceiling as you come up and then I alternate one after the other right first on the left keep the elbow really close to your side's your shoulders back and up this will train the biceps without using your shoulder muscles at all and we also want to train the tricep muscles in addition to the biceps so a great exercise using the dumbbells with a bench is lay back on the bench keep your arms straight up keep the palms facing each other lower the dumbbells all the way down to the side of your head and then raise them straight back up keeping the elbows pointed toward the ceiling this is a great exercise for the tricep muscles especially the lateral head or the outside head of the triceps [Music] you can do these seven basic movements with dumbbells at home for just three sets ten reps you'll build your whole body from head to toe with just a minimal amount of exercises I would say three days a week these seven movements will completely change your body this is John Hanson natural mr. Olympia for critical bench comm like or subscribe to our Channel and tell us what you think
Channel: Criticalbench
Views: 5,754,986
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Keywords: 3 Best Poses to Look Bigger on Stage, Arnold Schwarzenegger's 4 BEST Bodybuilding Poses feat. John Hansen, Bodybuilding Posing & the Mind-Muscle Connection, How Often Should You Practice Posing, John Hansen's TOP 4 Muscle Building Principles, Keys to Looking Muscular & Ripped at 55 Years Old, Natural Mr Olympia REVEALS Old School Bodybuilding Secret, TOP 7 Dumbbell Exercises for Guys Over 50, natural champion john hansen, criticalbench
Id: pARdNj77HUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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