The 5 Things You MUST Know about Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

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there are five things that you must know about Epstein-Barr virus now why is it so important to know more about this virus well simply because the chances are pretty great that you have this virus and it could potentially create a problem in your life and so the more you know about it the less you are going to be adversely affected by it roughly 95 of the population has this virus so that's greater than 9 out of 10 people so this virus definitely pertains to you and having this information can greatly protect you against a problem with this virus so I've seen by a viruses called the kissing virus because a lot of times people get it when they're in their teenage years but even children can get it as well but they are usually asymptomatic and probably because Epstein-Barr virus primarily attacks a certain immune cell called the B cell b lymphocyte and that's part of the acquired immune system that develops as you get older but that's just my theory it could be another reason but this information is based on this new book that I'm reading called latency strategies of herpes viruses okay I show this to my wife and she's like well I'll let you read it first she has absolutely no interest in reading this book but she appreciates me reading it and summarizing it for her but this book is all about the strategies that the herpea viruses use to go underneath the radar and survive and live in your body and this term latency means if the virus goes in a dormant state it hides in your body and it's very difficult for your immune system to detect if not impossible so there are certain viruses that when you get infected they stay in your body and they can potentially come out in certain environments other viruses are killed and they can be eliminated from the body the latent viruses stay in your body so number one we're going to get to five things the Epstein-Barr virus is in the family of the herpes virus and it's one of the viruses that can go into this latent phase so you get infected it creates a lot of problems with your throat glands it can create severe fatigue and achiness of the joint and I had it when I was I think in 10th Grade and it was terrible I couldn't breathe because my throat was so close down and I just had to wait it out and kind of get through it but it can be pretty nasty and then after a period of time it can fully kind of go away you know usually it could take two three to four weeks okay and then in your mind you think okay that's gone I'll never get that again right well here's the thing about Epstein-Barr virus you can never get rid of it you have to just focus on keeping it in remission which has everything to do about understanding the sneaky little tricks and strategies that this virus uses to survive and then what you can do to help your own immune system keep this thing at Bay once you get this virus you cannot get it out of the body well actually I lied there is one way that you can get it out of the body and I learned that in this book you can get rid of all your bone marrow and replace it or transplant it with a new bone marrow from someone who does not have this virus but that might be a little impractical so the first thing to know is that we can't get rid of it so the goal should be to keep it in remission what's so wild about viruses especially this virus is the sophistication of strategies that it has developed over a long period of time to stay alive and do its damage when viruses really are supposed to be not alive they're just this genetic material wrapped in the sack but it's very very mysterious on how they can be dead but live off yourselves and develop all these wild strategies which I'll get into a few the second thing you need to know is the Epstein-Barr virus is associated with the increased risk of certain cancers autoimmune diseases rheumatoid arthritis is associated with Epstein-Barr virus chronic fatigue syndrome as well as fibromyalgia so when the virus gets reactivated it doesn't necessarily exhibit all the full-blown symptoms that maybe you had when you first got it it may manifest in fatigue soreness lethargy brain fog achy joints and achy muscles maybe a headache maybe your glands are a little bit swollen and number three and this is very interesting this sneaky virus blocks through various mechanisms the key immune nutrients that your cells depend on to keep them functioning correctly okay the first vitamin that we'll go after is vitamin D I mean it has the ability to take your receptors for vitamin D and downgrade them so it would be like sticking an ear plug in your ear so you can't hear as much so it affects the receiving end of vitamin D because somehow this virus knows that vitamin D keeps your immune system strong and it's intimately involved with every part of your immune system so if it can block that it has an advantage okay so it downgrades the receptor of Vitamin D it binds to the receptor okay so it binds with it blocks that it also interferes with the metabolism of vitamin D so now you can't go from the inactive to the active vitamin D and it affects the absorption of vitamin D in your gut now the second nutrient that it interferes with is zinc it interferes with the zinc Transporters not allowing zinc to be transported to the different parts of the immune system so if your immune system is deficient in zinc it can't release the weapons that the immune system needs to destroy viruses there's a lot of research of using the active form of vitamin A retinol to inhibit the Epstein-Barr virus so it blocks the absorption of vitamin A and this is really important to know because vitamin A is essential in mucous membranes and producing the mucous barrier to prevent this virus from invading the tissues and so this is just another reason why making sure you have enough vitamin A vitamin D in zinc in your diet is so important and on top of that remember when I mentioned that the Epstein-Barr virus has a primary mechanism of attacking the B lymphocytes okay well it just so happens that the primary nutrient that the B lymphocytes need is vitamin A retinol all right so now that you have that there's another thing that Epstein-Barr virus does to survive it has the ability to bypass your immune system's regulation of temperature during a viral attack so basically it can prevent you from getting a fever so you might think that's a good thing but you have to realize that your immune system heats up to actually inactivate viruses so here you are you have this reactivation of this this virus and you're tired you're brain fog but maybe you don't have a fever to help you get rid of it so it just lingers on for week after week month after month this is kind of important information because if you start to feel maybe some of the symptoms or subclinical symptoms of an Epstein-Barr Virus Infection you should be going into the sauna you should be taking a hot bath you should be trying to induce some type of a fever in your body by maybe wearing a lot of clothes while you're in bed to stay really hot and stay out of the cold temperature that may help help you the fifth thing that you need to know emotional stress and more specifically things related to loss of a loved one loss of money loss of anything or any emotional stress in practice I've noticed nearly a hundred percent of the time people that had autoimmune diseases people that that were had chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia always had emotional stress think about what stress does stress activates cortisol what does Cortisol do it suppresses the immune system it opens up a door for these viruses to come out and create a lot of problems the importance of this or the significance of this is for you to start to really focus more on dealing with the stress than any other Factor since if you can resolve the stress somehow you can actually put this thing back in remission there's other things that can also activate this virus out of remission certain toxins pollution chemicals drugs the contraceptive pill yeah that can increase your risk of having it come out of remission other infections like the cold like flu covid even certain vaccines like the covet vaccine can bring this thing out because of what it does to the immune system and also steroids like prednisone or certain medications that are steroid-based can actually activate this virus why because a steroid is cortisol and cortisol suppresses the immune system so yes it gets rid of the inflammation it makes you feel better temporarily when a little bit later all of a sudden now you end up with more outbreaks all right the plan number one is concentrate more on this very very important factor of stress do whatever you can to resolve the stress chronic stress especially if you're kind of stuck between Rock and Hard Place with whatever that can be probably the most important thing to do to keep this thing in remission and of course if there's any other triggers like you're taking birth control pills and you notice that this virus comes out every time you take a pill then you're going to have to come up with a plan B all right number two make sure you're getting enough vitamin D zinc and retinol it just so happens that there is one thing that has a really nice balance of vitamin d and vitamin A and that is cod liver oil and there are some natural herbs that can help suppress viruses especially the Epstein-Barr virus I put some research down below specifically on these herbs that I'm going to tension I'm not recommending getting all of them but one or two would be a smart thing so we have Elderberry we have Echinacea we have olive leaf extract and then we have andrographis which is an herb that has significant effects over that Epstein-Barr virus and then we have astragalus which is a Chinese herb to help put this Epstein-Barr virus back into remission I've done a lot of videos on how to reduce stress since that's the most important thing related to this topic I highly recommend you watch this video that I put out on what to do if you experience chronic stress check it out
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 699,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 things you must know about epstein-barr virus, epstein-barr virus, ebv, epstein barr virus, virus, epstein barr virus symptoms, infectious mononucleosis, kissing disease, epstein barr virus pathogenesis, kissing disease symptoms, what is epstein-barr virus, epstein-barr virus symptoms, epstein-barr virus (ebv), epstein barr virus pathology, epstein barr virus diagnosis, ebv virus symptoms, ebv reactivation, dr. berg on epstein-barr virus, dr. eric berg, eric berg, dr berg
Id: EQn7VzMYi4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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