The 4 Rules For THRIVING On A Plant-Based Diet

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- Now you've heard of the saying, you are what you eat. It's not true. Truth is, scientifically, you are what you absorb. - Hey everybody. This is Klaus from plant-based News. In this video we hear from Dr. Michael Clapper, an acclaimed Plant-based physician who talks about the four common pitfalls for people to avoid if they wanna thrive on Plant Based Diet. It's a really great talk originally recorded the real truth about Health Conference. We'll play the speech in a minute, but before we do we wanted to mention an epic giveaway that we're doing worth 1,260 U.S. dollars. This is for somebody from anywhere in the world to win a free seat Anyway hope you enjoyed the video. - The problems that people run into. When I meet people who try to be Vegan and it isn't working for them, there's usually a number of reasons why. They're not choosing the right food. You just want to be a whole food Plant Based Diet and you can't do this on Oreo Cookies, Granola Bars, and Energy drinks. You gotta really eat the real healthy food folks. This will not turn you into a healthy person. Now, you may see this when you walk into the grocery store. As you walk by this it may actually call your name and I'm crunchy and chewy and delicious. Why don't you take a couple bags of me home. I've often heard it, they pronounce my last name correctly. It's remarkable. This is not food. It was Michael Pollan says this is certainly not whole or vital food. This is, this is edible food like substances in brightly colored packages and boxes. You do not want to eat edible food like substances in brightly colored packages and boxes because it's full of free radicals and salt and sugar and things that will damage you. So what do you do It's tempting. What do I do when I see this, I realize these are pleasure trap food is Dr. Goldhammer was telling you this morning these are foods that stimulate your Goodie Gland release Serotonin and Dopamine in your brain, but they don't provide nutrition. They just tease your sensory circuitry and make you eat a lot of food that you shouldn't. They stimulate our pleasure centers in the brain. They're a pleasure trap food you don't want to eat them. So what do you do? What do I do is when I see these things, I'm in all tempted I take out my three-word Magic Wand pointed right at the display, and I say out loud that's not food and then I walked down the Soap aisle so i don't have to look at the stuff. Another problem is that the people don't absorb the nutrients they need. Consequently they develop deficiencies of vitamins and minerals we'll talk about these specifically. What am I talking about Nutrient Malabsorption. So rules for thriving on a Plant Based Diet. You gotta eat the fricking food. You can't do this out as I said out of packages and boxes. You need real life soups and salads and greens and fruits and vegetables and foods that grew out of the ground. It's gotta be fresh, gotta be whole gotta be vital food not processed to the greatest extent possible. It's gotta look like this. Okay you, you keep your belly full of this stuff. You're gonna wind up lean and healthy with normal blood pressures and normal blood sugar. The Potbelly will go away, your joints stop hurting and you turn into a normal, healthy human being. This is the key to health. I'm already Vegan this is what your body is meant to run on. We have the same digestive system that our Gorilla and Bonobo cousins have that are up in the trees. And this is what this lovely lawn digestive system runs so beautifully on. We want to eat food like it was growing in the garden, okay. You want to eat potatoes, not Potato Chips. You want eat corn, not Corn Chips. Eat food like it was growing in the garden. Food has grown as Dr. Diehl says. So eat whole unprocessed foods. You gotta absorb the nutrients. What does that mean? Now you've heard the saying, you are what you eat. It's not true. Truth is scientifically you are what you absorb. If those nutrients don't make it from the food across your intestinal membrane and into your bloodstream and delivered to your tissues you might as well not have eaten it. Absorption is the key to thriving on this kind of food. So that's the case we have to realize that animal foods are real easy to to bite and digest because they just have this soft floppy membrane around them. Plant foods have this rigid cell wall, that's what makes plants plants. And it's made of cellulose and we don't have enzymes to break down Cellulose. Cellulose is what's used to make paper in two by fours and all the nutritional goodies that we want out of the carrot or out of the Apple are all locked up in this chamber of cellulose. That's what makes plants plants in order to get, in order to absorb the nutrients out of the plant foods, you gotta break down those Cell walls. How do you do that? Mother nature gave us 32 of the best juicers on the planet and the invitation is to use them. We really need to break down those cell walls and that's what your grinding teeth are about. So this is high fiber food folks, these fresh salads and soups, they are full of fiber. You gotta take the time to break that fiber up. So I tell people put a fork full of cell in your mouth, put the bloody fork down, make Salad Puree in your mouth before you swallow it. Take an extra five seconds to really chew the food to a puree. You're gonna absorb so much more food. Plus you that's when you taste it you're gonna enjoy it much better. People don't have good dentition then throw the soup in the blender. So we do blended salads, blended soups all the time, perfectly legitimate thing to do. And turn off the television and be with your food. Okay. We become a nation of mindless shovelers and we have shoveled this food in. And it's not good for digestion or for our gratitude. You can get more nutrition out of beans and peas legumes if you soak them overnight, before you put them in the soup before you put them in the stew. So soak them overnight, they start to sprout, It starts to pre-digested the sugars in there makes the protein more available. The next morning, spill off the soaking water and rinse it a few times, and then put that in your soup pot. You're gonna get a lot more nutrition out of everything. Certainly legumes beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, but also nuts, seeds, grains, as much as you can soak them overnight. And when you make a soup the minerals go out into the soup broth. So soup certainly have a role in a whole food Plant Based Diet. Especially if you're a woman of reproductive age you're losing Iron every month in the Menstrual flow you want to increase Iron absorption. So squeezing some Lemon Juice vitamin C increases Iron absorption. So a squeezing, some lemon juice on your broccoli will increase the absorption of Iron. You can absorb Zinc better with some in the presence of garlic and onions. And zinc is a tough one sometimes for Vegans to get. So sauteing your, your greens or cooking them with garlic and onions will increase the absorption of Zinc and Iron. Again this is all on my video thriving on a Plant Based Diet. When you cook, when you cut cruciferous vegetables let them sit on the counter for five to 10 minutes enzymes get activated that make nutrients nitric oxide, pre precursors, more available for you. So take your time, slice up the broccoli or the kale and then go start getting your soup ready but let the veggie sit out for a little bit and you'll be able to absorb more Nitric Oxide Precursor. Iodine is an issue for Vegans. As I mentioned yesterday in base of our neck we've got this gland called the Thyroid Gland. It puts out a hormone Thyroxine that regulates how fast your cells burn energy. And it's a vital hormone you need it. Here's a model, here's a diagram of Thyroxine and these four purple balls are atoms of Iodine. So every, every molecule Thyroxine, has four atoms of Iodine. So you need some Iodine in your diet. The fish eaters get Iodine because the ocean's full of it and so the fish will have it. But we don't eat fish if you're a Vegan and I think we've been clear cutting the ocean. We've strip mined the ocean. We're we're, we've used fishing up you know, it's done it's time to let the fish off the hook. You know, we it's time to let the oceans heal. So if you're not eating fish where are you, where are you gonna get your Iodine? Well, there are Sea vegetables that pick up Iodine, and one of them is Wakame. You see that the Japanese restaurant and you soak it for a few hours or overnight, and throw a gob of it into your Super Salad three times a week. You'll meet your Iodine needs that way. ARAME you see that in salads made with Sea vegetables and again, a gob of it soaked and thrown into your Super Salad three times a week will work nicely. Are you concerned about contamination of the Sea vegetables go to the website. I like Maine Coast here, but go to their their website and look for their nutritional analysis for contaminating minerals, etcetera. Dulse is another Sea vegetable that has plenty of Iodine. And again, a tablespoon or so two, three times a week will meet your Iodine needs. Do be very careful with Kelp. There is so much Iodine in Kelp that if you take Kelp tablets or leaves of it you will flood your thyroid with too much Iodine and really caused the hypothyroidism you're trying to prevent. And that's why it comes in sprinkle bottles there in just a couple of sprinkles. A few times a week is plenty of, of, of Kelp to put on your salad. Don't use too much of it. And don't use Hijiki at all It picks up Arsenic from the ocean. Well people say, well, how about Sea Salt? Comes from the sea, she's full of Iodine. Gotta have a lot of Iodine and Sea Salt, right? Wrong actually there doesn't there's not really much functional Iodine in Sea Salt at all. Why not? That doesn't make sense. Well, it does If you remember some old high school Chemistry. Remember this one The Periodic Table of Elements here. This column, this is the Halogen column, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine. And they all celebrate they all share some common properties. One of which we all know of Chlorine. When you go in the, when you go in the swimming pool. What do you smell coming off of it? You smell Chlorine cause Chlorine evaporates it's volatile. And in fact, all of the halogens, these are all volatile and that means they evaporate into the air. Well, that includes Iodine. It's a volatile halogen. So what does that mean? Well, how do you make Sea Salt? You take big vats of seawater put them out in the hot sun and evaporate the water off to leave the Sodium Chloride behind. Well, with all this hot sun, guess what else evaporates from the Sea water the Iodine. And for that reason you're not gonna find much Iodine left in actual Sea Salt. And so for that reason, if you want to use Sea Salt... then you can use just a pinch of iodized, Sea Salt. You want to Sea Salt where they've added the Iodine back in. And you certainly can get iodized Sea Salt and if you're gonna be using a Sea Salt Dinosaurs make sure it's iodized. - Thank you so much for watching this video. Please subscribe for more. And don't forget about the Epic Plant-based Nutrition Course giveaway that we're doing in collaboration with eCornell and Nutrition Studies. - [Narrator] Everyone strives to live the happiest healthiest life they can. But for the vast majority of us, something seems to be missing. At the T.Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. We get it. Because if you aren't taking advantage of the benefits of a whole Food Plant-based Lifestyle you're not getting the full value out of life. - The vast majority of the people the public are really quite confused about this topic of Nutrition. Which is pretty sad because now we know that Nutrition ought to be the premier about Medical Science of the future. - [Narrator] You could be feeling better, living longer, being kinder to our planet, leaving a better future for the next generation and more. That's why Dr. Campbell felt we needed a way to teach people the real science behind nutrition and how it affects our bodies. And education even most doctors rarely receive. - I thought the program was fantastic. I really loved it. You absolutely do not need to have a background in nutrition to take the class. I think that the information is very easy and accessible for anybody that's interested in learning about Plant-based Nutrition. - [Narrator] But the question remains, what exactly is it that's missing? If you've ever tried to understand nutrition then you've seen the vast amount of over hyped conflicting information out there. What can you believe? Our Plant-based Nutrition Certificate Program was created by the world renowned Dr. T.Colin Campbell and his staff in conjunction with prestigious online educator eCornell to be scientifically based easy to understand and incredibly accessible. It's a six week three part education on everything from how food is affected by big business, to how an optimal diet can help prevent or even reverse chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. - And all that happens with Plant-based Nutrition is that the benefits improve with the passage of time. And perhaps the most important thing of all is it the patients are empowered by the knowledge that they are in control of this disease that was destroying their lives. - [Narrator] Amazing isn't it? That the key to good health is never further away than the end of your fork. And yet so many people feel it's an unattainable dream. It's not and with the understanding you'll gain from our program, you'll have the tools to help yourself and others. Stop wondering what's missing and start living healthy, happy whole lives.
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Keywords: Dr. Michael Klaper, plant based, diet, thriving, beginners, plant based news, vegan diet, whole food plant based, dr greger, nutrition facts, no oil, processed, weight loss
Id: WYe6NIsyIXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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