The 4 COMMON MISTAKES We Make When Drinking Water! | Dr. Steven Gundry

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[Music] hey this is dr gundry and we're going to talk today about the four common mistakes we make while drinking water number one you can drink too much water and you will actually flush out your electrolytes in doing so uh i can't tell you the number of times i see people who drink a lot of water before we draw their blood in our clinic and they do that because their veins are hard to find but invariably after drinking a glass of water in them in the morning a huge number of my patients will have actually very low sodium and chloride that's salt and potassium levels in their blood and many of you know that the vast majority of people who die or collapse during marathons don't die from heart attacks they actually die from hyponatremia low sodium levels and that's because they're drinking water at all those refill stops rather than water with electrolytes so number one there is such a thing as drinking too much water number two there's actually never been a study that shows that you should drink eight glasses of water a day apparently no one ever told gorillas and chimpanzees that they have to drink eight glasses of water a day in fact they don't drink much water at all why because they actually get most of their water by eating leaves and fruits that contain the water and one of the things i try to convince my patients is that if you're eating organic lettuces and organic vegetables you're actually using the plants system to get healthy water into you and actually activated water into you so think about that the next time you say oh my gosh i have to have another glass of water for health you're going to lower your electrolytes you're going to lower the efficiency of your heart pumping and it's easier to get it out of a big head of lettuce than drinking a glass of water i frequently see people who are addicted to drinking water and we actually have to have them supplement multiple times a day with salt tablets or electrolyte powders otherwise they literally faint throughout the day they won't give up the water and this is the only way we can fix it now stop drinking carbonated water number two carbonated water actually acidifies the water now for the good news in italy by law carbonated waters have to be ph balanced so that they're a normal ph no other country has that law including the united states my favorite is san pellegrino i have no relationship with them but i drink it all the time why do i drink it two reasons number one it's ph balance it has a ph of 7.0 but number two san pellegrino has the highest sulfur content of any bottled water sulfur is incredibly important for making hydrogen sulfide which i've talked about in the energy paradox and in unlocking the keto code is one of the key postbiotic gases that improves your blood vessels improves your brain and you can get sulfur by drinking sand pellegrino finally san pellegrino has actually been measured to have the lowest level of impurities of any water tested now the other good news is that italian waters by law have to be ph balanced so if you can't find san pellegrino you don't want to spend the money there's a number of italian waters on the market that you can find at trader joe's you can find them at costco they're easy to find so italian carbonated waters are the way to go but san pellegrino stands head and shoulders above all the rest of them number three please please please avoid water in plastic bottles lots of reasons for this but the most compelling one is that plastic bottles leech a chemical called phthalates into the water and phthalates are one of the worst endocrine disruptors that have yet been discovered endocrine disruptors change how signals from estrogen and other female and male hormones are interpreted and there's very scary evidence that i've written about in the plant paradox in my other writings that phthalates can actually change the imprint in baby's behavior about whether they are more female gender or male gender even if their genitalia are the same we know that phthalates actually shrink the size of baby boy's penises and that doesn't sound like a great idea we know that women who eat chicken that is wrapped in plastic have much higher phthalate levels in their body so please avoid water in plastic bottles i realize it's convenient but it's deadly for reasons you can't feel or see what's the alternatives get yourself a glass bottle or a stainless steel bottle they're easy to find they're easy to carry there's bunches of insulated ones now on the market change your plastic bottles out just get rid of them and good news san pellegrino comes in a glass bottle for very good reasons number four stop drinking tap water there are toxins in our water among which are fluoride and chlorine you can actually go to a site to check out your water quality and it's called e w g dot org i have it in in the plant paradox but go to ewg dot and look you can put in your zip code you can put in your community and find out the water quality and it'll actually shock you for the most part now do you want filtered waters so this is a personal preference but certainly a breeder water filter and i have no you know nothing against them or for them i'm not a paid spokesman for them i'm not a consultant for them but a breeder water filter will work just fine for your purposes on the other hand if you can afford it there are a number of reverse osmosis filters on the market that are either freestanding or can be built in because of their popularity they're getting more and more affordable so if you can find one and can afford it get a reverse osmosis filter now you can actually over filter water some people take this to the extreme and buy distilled water and or distill their own water the problem with it is water should have some valuable electrolytes in them you're going to get rid of all the potential good minerals and micronutrients in your water if you distill your water my recommendation if you're going to do that and that will guarantee the purity of your water please consider adding a multi-mineral supplement to your supplement regimen many of you have heard me speak that we are actually devoid of multiple minerals in our diet very important minerals that used to be in our soil that are no longer in them so don't be afraid of adding a multi-mineral supplement and number two if you're going to drink water please consider adding electrolyte supplement to your regimen there's a number of good ones out there i'm particularly fond of l m n t my wife uses it every day but really if you're going to use a lot of water for hydration please also add multiple minerals particularly sodium potassium chloride and magnesium chew your regimen you're definitely going to want to see this one so those of you who are using your soda makers at home please get rid of that that's not a health benefit
Channel: The Dr. Gundry Podcast
Views: 319,831
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Keywords: dr gundry, dr. gundry, steven gundry, gundry md, gundry, plant paradox, the plant paradox, plant paradox diet, diet, cookbook, lectins, lectin free, the dr gundry podcast, podcast, interview, longevity, nutrition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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