The 3 Healthiest Vegetables You Need To START EATING! | Dr. Steven Gundry

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Hey everybody, Dr. Gundry here with the  three healthiest vegetables you should eat.  You know, vegetables are by far some of the  most important foods for health and longevity.   But by now you know all vegetables are not  created equal. So today I'm going to share   three of my favorites with you and I encourage  you to eat them as often as you like. Number one,   the humble mushroom. First of all, mushrooms are  increasingly easy to find. Different mushrooms are   appearing in our grocery stores. Why? Because  mushrooms have incredible properties that you   should know about to improve your health,  your brain health, and your longevity.   First of all, mushrooms contain many  polysaccharides, that means multiple   sugars. Now, the word sugar shouldn't throw you  off. Polysaccharides are sugar molecules that   are bonded together with tight chemical bonds that  our digestive system does not have good digestive   enzymes to break apart to absorb the sugar. But  good news is our gut buddies, the gut microbiome   have the enzymes to break these sugar molecules  apart and they eat them. So these are actually   prebiotic fibers in mushrooms that the  gut bacteria eat and they in turn make   postbiotics and you've heard me talk about  postbiotics before. Postbiotics are actually what   helps your gut wall, helps your immune system,  helps your blood vessels, and helps your brain   all by giving prebiotics like are contained  in mushrooms, to your good gut bacteria.   As you learned about in my new book Unlocking  The Keto Code, mushrooms are rich in melatonin.   Now melatonin is not the sleep hormone, melatonin  is actually only one of two antioxidants in your   mitochondria. And as you know, the mitochondria  are the key to your short and long term health and   energy. So give them some mushrooms to work with.  Get the melatonin from the mushrooms. And no,   eating mushrooms are not going to put you to  sleep. Sorry about that. Try some of the newer   ones for maximum impact. Shiitake mushrooms, easy  to find now in most grocery stores. They're packed   with a polysaccharide called Beta Glucan which  is number one great for gut health, but number   two has been associated with reducing cholesterol  levels in people who take Beta Glucan. How about   Lion's Mane? It's known as the brain supporting  mushroom. Lion's Mane used to be incredibly rare,   but now we're beginning to see Lion's Mane in many  supermarkets. Why do you want Lion's Mane? Because   people who eat Lion's Mane make a compound  called BDNF, Brain Derived Neurotrophic   Factor. What that means is that BDNF actually  makes neurons grow and divide. So can you imagine   that you could actually improve your brain  by eating a Lion's Mane mushroom? It's true,   you can. Reishi, Reishi Mushrooms are known as the  mushroom of longevity. They actually taste kind of   like dark chocolate in my opinion. They're a huge  immune booster and a longevity booster as well.   Get the simple crimini mushrooms, they're  right next to the white button mushrooms.   It turns out that the white  button mushroom, most people   do well with white mushrooms. But as  you know, I see a huge number of leaky   gut in autoimmune patients. And when we do  food sensitivity testing on these people,   a number of them test positive for reacting to  white mushrooms. But they don't react to the other   forms of mushrooms. So if you're at all concerned  or if you have issues with IBS or leaky gut,   go for the mushrooms I've just mentioned. Get the  brown mushrooms that are in every grocery store   and leave the white button mushrooms alone.  Finally, I've written and had YouTube videos   about portabella mushrooms. They are like a steak  in their texture. They make a great pizza crust   using them alone. And in my first book, there's  a delicious portabella mushroom pizza that you'll   absolutely love and my wife and I enjoy it  many times. Get mushrooms into your life.  Number two, now here's one that everybody wrinkles  up their noses about, but until you've had   oven roasted okra, just stay with me. Okra and  other prebiotic rich plant foods are phenomenal   for you. Okra is loaded with soluble fiber.  And soluble fiber is what your gut bugs like.   And believe it or not, fun fact, okra absorbs  lectins. It blocks lectins from getting into you.   So the more okra that I can get into  you, the better. Now why do you want   these prebiotic fibers? It turns out that  prebiotics are what gut buddies want to eat.   And as I wrote about in the Energy Paradox  and in Unlocking The Keto Code, there's a   gut centric theory of hunger. And what that  means is, our hunger actually is controlled by   our gut bacteria. And if we give the gut buddies  what they want to eat, which is prebiotic fiber,   they literally send text messages to the brain.  And this has been confirmed in human studies,   that tell the brain, “Hey, our needs are met down  here. You don't have to be hungry. You don't have   to go look for other food because we've gotten  everything we need.” So get yourself some okra,   it's now available frozen in almost all  stores. Thaw it out, cut it in half,   put it on a baking sheet, pour some olive oil  and salt and pepper on it. Put it in the oven at   400 degrees. Take it out after about 10 minutes,  flip it, put it back in for another 10 minutes.   And I can tell you in our household, these fried  baked okra never make it to the dinner table   because the family consumes them off the baking  sheet. They are so tasty. And if you think you   don't like the sliminess of okra, and that’s been  a turn off, these are not slimy. They're crispy,   and they taste better than any potato  chip you'll ever have in your life.   And your gut buddies are gonna love it and  you'll block whatever lectins you're eating.   Finally, number three, dark bitter greens like  arugula, swiss chard, bok choy, and radicchio,   what some people call the Italian red lettuce.  These are almost every grocery store now. And   as you know, they're among the healthiest foods  on the planet. Many of you know one of my favorite   sayings is, "More bitter, more better”. Studies  of long lived people show that they have a love   for bitter foods, bitter greens. And  the reason is that these dark green   bitterness are the polyphenols in these foods.  Polyphenols not only feed good gut bacteria,   but as you've learned in Unlocking The Keto  Code, polyphenols are the key to actually   improving your mitochondrial health by  uncoupling. It gives you long lasting energy,   improves your digestion and metabolism, and  it keeps you healthy as you age. Even better,   all of these dark greens are floated with fiber to  fill you up fast and keep your gut buddies happy.   Again, one of my other favorite sayings  is, “If you eat dark green, you will become   lean”. And of course, these dark green, dark red  vegetables are full of high amounts of Vitamin A,   C, Vitamin K and K2, B and  E, all of which are really   missing in most of our diets and these  are going to promote full health. Make sure to check out the next one here. One of the things, right away, if you see some jar that says "Plant Collagen", you can actually put it back, because it does not contain collagen.
Channel: The Dr. Gundry Podcast
Views: 2,579,731
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Keywords: dr gundry, dr. gundry, steven gundry, gundry md, gundry, plant paradox, the plant paradox, plant paradox diet, diet, cookbook, lectins, lectin free, the dr gundry podcast, podcast, interview, longevity, nutrition
Id: foemoLcDo7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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