How to Stay Healthy Until You’re 105 (It’s In Your Gut) | Dr. Steven Gundry on Health Theory

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the lining of the gut is only one cell thick and they're all kind of held together with what are called tight junctions locked arm-in-arm like a game we played Red Rover Red Rover that kids don't play anymore so the bacteria are foreign if you will and there is an interaction with the bacteria in the gut and what this model shows is that as those bacteria begin to break holes in the gut break down the gut then you can show that that is when aging starts and the more the wall breaks down the faster you age so what happens is if we damage this lining and boy do we damage the standing swallow and ibuprofen it's like swallowing a hand-grenade take some food with roundup in it roundup will destroy the lining of your gut good stuff roundup in itself will destroy your bacterial population what's up everybody thank you so much for tuning in to this episode which is sponsored by our friends at butcher box and on their behalf and mine we hope you enjoy everybody welcome to hell theory today's episode is round two with the extraordinary dr. Stephen Gundry he's the New York Times bestselling author of the plant paradox and most recently the longevity paradox he's also an award-winning renowned heart surgeon and researcher as well as the former president of the American Heart Association but the crazy part of his story is that he left the profession he built his entire career around at the height of his success when he realized he was just dealing with symptoms and not addressing the underlying causes of those symptoms and that's where I want to start today your book kicks right off with the myths of Aging yeah I want to believe that we can sort of age in Reverse that we can get stronger better looking more robust as we age but that is not conventional wisdom but you debunk it right off the bat yeah hit us with it we want to be a Benjamin Button so you know no gonna actually de-age and I really think it's possible in fact when people look at my pictures really at the height of my surgical career in the mid 90s and then compare those pictures to mean now there's actually no doubt and I'm actually a younger man than I was almost 30 years ago better skin like what are we judging that by better skin better you know better texture my skin one of the things I talk about in the book extensively is your your skin is actually a mirror of the lining of your gut you're the lining of your gut which is the surface of a tennis court is actually your skin turned inside out what is it that makes you think that the gut is so influential in aging specifically because people think of like I'm gonna get arthritis its wear and tear or just is what it is I've used my joints so much that you know they're they're gonna be tapped out like it it actually does make intuitive sense and so what you talk about the book is we sort of kicks people in to a new way of thinking about it so why is the gut so tied to what we think of as actual aging so here's the deal there's a wood there's a wonderful animal model for aging that involves a little worm called C elegans it only lives about three weeks so you can do an intervention in it and instantly know what's going to happen and so in this model the influence of the bacteria of the microbiome and the wall of this little creatures got the the lining of the gut is only one cell thick and they're all kind of held together with what are called tight junctions locked arm-in-arm like a game we played Red Rover Red Rover that kids don't play anymore so the bacteria are foreign if you will and there is an interaction with the bacteria in the gut and what this model shows is that as those bacteria begin to break holes in the gut break down the gut then you can show that that is when aging starts and the more the wall breaks down the faster you age so let's break down what is aging exactly like what are we so I think most people would sort of go to mobility aesthetics and maybe accumulation of disease like how would you define aging specifically so aging to me is the either quick or slow breakdown of the gut wall how do we know that well we can take a look at 105 year old people around the world you can look at their microbiome the collection of bugs in their gut they will have a very diverse set of bugs I'll have you know it takes a village this really incredible try rainforest and those micro biomes that collection will be identical to a healthy 30 year old so what that says is that these healthy hundred and five year olds are healthy because they have the microbiome of a thirty year old and it's this microbiome that is not attacking the wall of their gut that's actually existing with the wall the garden we I talk a lot about this crazy bug that may be the key to longevity and it's got a great name Ecker mancilla mucin of philia so at 3 times say that once yeah so this bug lives in a mucus layer that lines our gut and if we're lucky and the way we're designed we're supposed to have a layer of mucus lining our gut before we get to the cells and that mucus is there to number one trap my favorite subject lectins which are plant proteins that are looking for sugar molecules and number two it's to protect the wall that got from bacteria that might do is harm so Ackerman SIA lives in the mucus layer and it actually eats the mucus and here's the best part the more mucus it eats the more our gut cells produce mucus and it actually increases the mucus layer and the book is actually lots of tricks on how to make this guy happy because the thicker our mucus the younger we are in fact fun fact that Foreman we now know works by increasing the amount of Acker mancilla in our gut not by some magical mystical thing happening in our body in fact interestingly about 25 percent of people when they start med form and get diarrhea and it's actually because the gut microbe changes dramatically on on metformin and one of the reasons is that necromancia becomes predominant interesting so at a cellular level what's happening with metformin something that simply triggers the body to produce mucus in general is it is it changing the microbiome you called it a rainforest earlier is it changing the makeup of that rainforest or is it just actually compelling the body to create more mucus no I think it's actually changing it's selecting out for wrecker mancilla now how does it do that because there's actually kind of a shag carpeting on the lining of our gut so plants have roots going into the ground yep we know the roots actually absorb nutrients because of the soil microbiome all the bacteria all the fungi actually deliver the nutrients into the roots of the plant well we have a root system and that root system is this shag carpet that makes the the lining of our got a tennis court okay so the reason it's so big in surface area is it loops around itself with little one cells thick protrusions called micro villi okay okay these are our roots they literally are our roots at the bottom of these micro villi or what are called crypts at the bottom of the crypts there is a pocket of bacteria that are essential and they're down there in storage in fact fun fact we now know the appendix is not useless it's one of these storage systems to repopulate our gut if you lose your appendix you're screwed for that part of your story system but down at the bottom of these crypts are these little collection of bacteria and at the bottom of these crypts are our stem cells that actually repopulate these micro villi so what happens is if we damage this lining and boy do we damage the stone whining swallow and ibuprofen it's like swallowing a hand-grenade takes some food with roundup in it roundup will destroy the lining of your gut it's really good stuff roundup in itself will destroy your bacterial population all right really fast because I think this is important and for some reason even though I've had you on the show before our Ridge read the book like the way that you've started talking about some of the places that you're gonna find also known as glyphosate in the system that basically they're part of why they're doing it was originally created as a or patented as a antibiotic which that was already shocking and then you said they use it as a way to be able to dry the crops out so they can harvest them on a specific day good but then you said they don't no one wipes them off and so it ends up in Cheerios and other things and I was like what like I thought if I was washing my vegetables I was gonna be fine so this was a little bit startling to me yeah you know you know a little off subject but they've looked at recently a study of 35 oat products in the United States and all of them had glyphosate in them some of them at very high levels some of our breakfast cereals most of our granolas most of our granola bars most California wines including a couple of organic wines have glyphosate in them because the the fields are sprayed the weeds are sprayed with glyphosate between the vines to kill the weeds research in at MIT has shown that not only does glyphosate kill bacteria and because bacteria used the same reproductive pathway the plants use it's the shikimate pathway humans don't use the sugar made pathway and so Monsanto when they invented it - hey this kills plants but don't worry it doesn't kill humans because we don't use the same pathway for life and everybody said oh that's great you know this is a miracle what they didn't tell anybody is the bacteria used the same chicken pathway and again they patent this as an antibiotic they didn't patent it as an herbicide what else are people doing that is breaking the bonds or killing the bacteria the antibiotics in their food more that they're taking themselves in fact studied just out this morning shows that women who take antibiotics just you know because a urinary tract infection and sore throat have a much higher incidence of heart disease than women who don't that's scary now this gets into something in your book that was super freaky I've never heard somebody saying I'm not saying that no man has ever said I had never heard anybody say until reading this that heart disease is an autoimmune disease yeah so because it ties into this point how is heart disease autoimmune disease how does that start in the gut what is that whole chain reaction okay so Michael DeBakey one of the premier originators of heart surgery from Houston Texas would always say that cholesterol has nothing to do with causing heart disease and it's an innocent bystander that literally gets sucked into inflammation at the wall of the blood vessel and I use the example let's say I think you know I'm an alien and I'm you know circling above LA and I report back then I'm pretty sure that ambulances cause car accidents because every time I see a car accident there's an ambulance there and the ambulance must have caused it well you know causation Association is not causation so the fact that we see cholesterol in deposits and I see it you know every day in the operating room there's cholesterol in these plaques doesn't mean that the cholesterol caused the plaque so I learned this as an infant heart transplant surgeon what we found was we thought naively that if we got these arts in as a newborn that the immune system of the newborn would not be mature enough and would say oh yeah that you know that's my heart I don't know any better and it wouldn't attack well we were partially right but as the years went and we studied these kids they started to get coronary artery disease their blood vessels got thicker and thicker dye is super interesting and we're going what the heck so did they look just like somebody who we would have associated with too much cholesterol in their diet it looks just like diabetic coronary arteries it's interesting just like it and so when you actually look at the blood vessels the kids lining of the blood vessel is from the donor from a foreigner the blood going through is from a kid and the blood says wait a minute these are foreign cells and they're I'm gonna attack them just think of a splinter under your finger you you know it gets all red so that's inflammation and what was happening was then cholesterol was basically coming as a patch an ambulance and it was getting caught up in this inflammation so then we look at these adults who obviously don't have heart transplants and you go well that's funny this looks just like a kid who has you know somebody else's heart and there's a attack on the blood vessels that looks identical as if that was a foreign object so that got me going you know this is an immunologic reaction and in just few weeks and I can't tell you the paper because it's embargo and I'm giving a paper or at the American Heart Association vascular biology meeting that makes a pretty good case that lectins which are a foreign protein that can stick to sugar molecules on the surface of blood vessels are the cause of atherosclerosis in humans and that removing lectins reduces the markers for that alright really fast then we talked about this in our first issue or first episode but I think it bears repeating like what's the real quick breakdown of lectins and the rhetoric you started using around kidney beans I found really interesting yesso lectins are the plant defense system one of the plant defenses so I'm pretty dogged on a good one plants do not want to be eaten they don't want their babies eaten and they have evolutionary pressures to keep being eaten and have their babies not being eaten and leptons are one of the ways to do this they are sticky proteins that look for specific sugar molecules to stick to and that incites an inflammatory response wherever they stick we talked about joints wearing out joints do not come with a cell by date or use by date there is no evidence that the wear and tear theory has anything to do with a human body we can constantly rebuild cartilage but like I talked about in the book cartilage is broken down by certain cells and rebuild by other cells and we can if you had arthritis we can stick a scope and you suck out some of the fluid we could actually find bacterial particles in your joint fluid Wow okay so really fast because I know where you're going with that but now now connect those dots how did those parts get into the joint lectins broke down the wall of your gut and on the other side of your gut is 65% of all your white blood cells 65% of your immune system is lining your gut what are they doing there because the gut is where the outside world gets through and they're there to sound the high alert and attack them when they get through one of the reasons we store fat in our gut we're on the reasons we have a beer belly or a wheat belly is we are actually putting fat down where the action is it's to supply the troops that's why we put it there in fact when I operate on people with advanced coronary disease there is a layer of fat that is on the surface of the blood vessels and there is a perfect correlation to the amount of inflammation and disease in the blood vessel with the amount of fat surrounding the blood vessel whoa this is in humans publish studies so we know this is not conjecture and I reference this in all my books Wow okay so here's my understanding of fat forty five seconds ago which may now be changing one that fat is essentially an organ but I think of it as an energy storage unit that we can certainly access and and break down and turn it into energy that the body is very efficient at burning ketones certainly the brain so what exactly is it doing at these areas of inflammation so maybe fifteen years ago we thought the fat was actually causing the inflammation because wherever we found fat there were lots of white blood cells what I think recent information is proven is that the fat is not the evil guy that we thought it was that the fat is there because of the inflammation and the inflammation is there because you have a leak in your gut you have a leaky gut your white blood cells require huge amounts of energy to do their job and so you it just it's just like any army you got to have a supply line you have to have food for the troops all right now let me ask a really difficult question I have no idea if this even makes sense but it makes sense to the my layman's mind so many people have gotten to a metabolic point of dysfunction so extreme that they really never access their fat stores true so if they're existing in that state and they have metabolic syndrome and the body's like yo here's the fat take it i we have inflammation get ready white blood cells you can have all the that you could ever use but the body doesn't know how to click over into that mechanism because insulin levels are elevated is the fat getting there and the white blood cells are unable to use it or that's a whole different thing and they're still able to use it that's part of the problem part of the problem you know let me use an example I used to use with my patients the the flu virus so the virus has a has a barcode on it that our immune cells were scanned literally and say oh you know that's a nasty virus that's the flu virus we know this guy we need to get ready to attack this and we need to get all of our mune system up and running and we need to make sure that the immune system has enough power to do this so what do we do we actually make you me hurt hurt to move because if we move the muscles are going to take all the energy if you lay down then all the energy is available for this battle to go after this virus our immune system literally reads barcodes to tell whether somebody's a friend or a foe and lectins have fascinating barcodes that mimic other proteins in our body and when this immune system is ramped up the immune system goes around the body and looks for proteins that are lectins and let's say they come to a thyroid and they go oh my gosh you know this poor woman's thyroid is full of what appear to be lectins they're not quite the same but it's close enough and we should you know shoot to kill and we'll ask questions later ok so I'm gonna I'm gonna walk through the process that we've just discussed because Wow for me anyway and for anybody listening that's like me once I can picture it once I can understand it then it's like I can begin to manipulate it and predict what I should do and not do okay so you eat something it could be lectins which you'll find in this seeds of nightshade vegetables is one example or peanuts or peanut so you eat these things they like glyphosate like ibuprofen apparently they will go in and they'll disrupt my microbiome they break down the single the bonds between the single cell lining of my gut that allows either entire elements and proteins in the case of lectins or pieces of bacteria I'm assuming dying pieces dead pieces there's a broken arm there's a salt wall bacteria it turns out when bacteria divide and they do all the time I mean there's trillions and trillions and trillions of them you make about anywhere from a half a pound to a pound of dead cell wall bacterias every day whoa and so those pieces are normally excreted when your poop most of your poop is actually bacteria that's so weird that's what it is though any of our immune system is so afraid of bacteria they're supposed to stay on there so outside of the wall yep that if they see the signature of that bacterial cell wall it doesn't know that it's not a whole bacteria doesn't know that it's dead so we can take in human volunteers LPS's dead bacteria inject them into your bloodstream and you will go into septic shock whoa as if we put living bacteria in you whoa because what's actually happening is my immune system is going crazy exactly mutism doesn't know any better it's a holy cow you know there's there's thousands and millions of bacteria all of a sudden in US and you know we got to do something and they just start attacking like crazy monkeys going nuts yeah exactly and so those particles whether they're the lectins which by the way on lectins really fast the whole notion of thinking about plants not as these inert things which until starting to read you I always did I just thought of glances is completely inert when you talk about them as being sort of the world's most sophisticated chemical warfare Asst that's where it's like whoa then you begin to realize maybe what's really going on okay so these lectins or particles of bacteria get into the bloodstream immune system scans it maybe they've ended up in the thyroid maybe elsewhere and it just goes nuts starts attacking you get inflammation which has a whole host of knock-on effects from could be cholesterol trying to patch could be the fat wrapping around the blood vessels or the arteries or whatever the case may be and you know we're we're now most of us are now convinced that Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and dementia is neuro inflammation okay and what and what people are picking up on because they're all gonna talk about beta amyloid plaques you've talked about how some of the companies targeting that may actually be accelerating your onset of dementia which is really terrifying is that this is again alien blaming the ambulance for a car accident yeah so most amyloid is actually produced by bacteria in the gut and Dale bredesen keeps saying he says it's not the amyloid in the brain that we should be looking at and no wonder 40 billion dollars of investment in anti-amyloid drugs has been a total and useless failure forty billion dollars he says because amyloid is produced in the gut by bacteria and we know certain bacteria that make it and certain that don't and why would we give the amyloid producing bacteria what they want to eat which is simple sugars and saturated fats the Western diet plus the amyloid can't get out of the gut unless your gut is leaky it's too big a protein to be absorbed so Dale and I for years have been saying hey guys you're looking at the wrong spot to go after all science so really fast let me ask are you saying the beta amyloid plaques are not actually created in the brain and that they would never make their way to the brain if you well make them unless they get to the brain and then stimulate more production that's so weird why would the brain have the ability to produce something in the brain that would never be turned on unless it started from a problem in the gut that seems way counterintuitive it's basically so we now we now know we have we have a leaky brain and there that in creating things are crossing the blood-brain barrier that I should not it would have never done it and there's actually a beautiful new paper that probably explains why cholesterol and amyloid and dementia actually coexist in people with the a buoy foraging they quote Alzheimer's gene I got interested in happily for which thirty percent of people carry as a heart surgeon because it causes heart disease and the O bredesen got interested in it because it causes dementia Alzheimer's and lo and behold we now know there's an intimate connection between carrying the appellee for gene and how cholesterol can be mischievous to you and your brain and not necessarily somebody who doesn't carry that gene what is the appo a gene what is it doing great question so it's a it's a carrier molecule among other things cholesterol and if you carry a four mutation or a double four mutation you do statistically have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's you also have an increased risk of developing heart disease because it's doing cuz it changes the way cholesterol is transported interesting it's more efficient it's getting more ambulances to the scene it's actually worse let's suppose the appo e4 is a subway hmm and it's carrying cholesterol and it stops at a subway saw stop and cholesterol gets off and it goes into the cell does it's the and the cell says okay I've got plenty thanks a lot you can take the rest of the cholesterol back and take it someplace else so it gets back on the subway and the subway moves on with the appellee for gene what happens is it carries the cholesterol to the cell on the subway but when the extra cholesterol tries to get back in the subway doors are closed super clear all right and that's the problem you know this is a transport problem it's dropping the stuff off just fine but normally it'd be picking up the stuff that you know is needed but it's so it builds up yeah so it's kind of a double whammy the this so interesting to me it's crazy we have a lot of ground to cover here so one I want to talk about fecal microbial transplants which are really interesting so I think we have sort of a really basic understanding your book goes into a lot of details so people should definitely check it out because it's so interesting the more that I understand this stuff but we have a basic understanding so far in the time that we've had together today now how can fecal microbial transplant help with that why does that work and why didn't it get widespread adoption so back in the 70s when broad-spectrum antibiotics came out they they were truly miracle drugs because before that we had to actually culture a bacteria find out what antibiotic it was sensitive to and then give that antibiotic you know and that would take oh gosh 48 72 hours to do when broad-spectrum antibiotics were invented it was you know it was a shotgun approach no worry we don't even know we don't have to know what you have here take this we're gonna wipe out everything which was great in a lot of ways but what we didn't know was that we also wiped out every last living bacteria for the most part in our gut and we were so naive back then that we didn't realize that that microbiome incredibly important and so we developed a lot of people all of a sudden with what was then called pseudomembranous and her colitis it's now called C difficile Clostridium difficile and so these guys got horrible infections in the lining of their gut and nobody had any treatment for at least people were dying in hospitals after getting broad-spectrum antibiotics and what that half so my one of my mentors who is the chairman department of surgery at the Medical College of Georgia and Augusta said you know this has got to be we've wiped out most of the bacteria in the gut and this is an ecosystem where there are checks and balances so all of a sudden now we've wiped out most of the checks and balances and there's probably a rogue bacteria that's taken over it's partytime you know so clever party time so he said we kind of get you know good stuff back and he said where we gonna get that and he starts looking around at the medical students true story and medical students are pretty healthy so once a week this is the mid-1970s around this plastic bucket it was called the honey pot and we'd take it into the John and take a crap you know he was actually had to hold it you know get get to school and you know take a crap and he'd take it to his lab in America we had Waring blenders you know and modernize all this medical student poop and put it in enema bags and give these people fecal enemas this is in the 70s and he would have before and after pictures and he'd go to meetings and show you know this horrible inflammation this horrible infection in the Collins and then a weak layer it's pristine it's beautiful you know the people are singing Kumbaya inside the colon and and everybody goes oh he's making this stuff up that can't happen and so people did not believe it because cause we had no idea no one had its sequence the human microbiome that was really only five years ago well now since the sequencing of the human microbiome it's you go well of course you know there were ten thousand different species of bacteria in in you and me in fact a month ago they found another thousand and normally there are beautiful checks and balances but it's when these checks and balances get disturbed by taking a round of antibiotics or as simply as eating meat where the chicken or the pork or the beef was given antibiotics you know when we eat that they have residual antibiotics and them and we eat the antibiotics talk to me about the whole own hollow below biome yeah yeah so there are a number of researchers that think we should use holo biome rather than micro biome micro biome pretty much attempts to define the bugs that are living in our gut right we have an oral microbiome and we actually have a cloud of bacteria that live in the air around us and there is this theory which I really do like that our personal space is actually determined when you're holo biome your cloud bumps up against mine dude that would be so weird well if that's true well I mean cuz you feel something like yeah yeah you feel me and there's certain people that you're you're allowing and closer right and it gets so Twilight Zone II that you know I always play that music in my head we know that kissing for instance is a universal human great ape and often animal characteristic and there's some pretty cool wacky suggestion that I really like that kissing you are exchanging your oral microbiome and your bacteria are actually deciding if your person next to you is compatible with them you've heard of that whole study where they have women just smell these t-shirts and rank them in order of desirability and the women are like I have no idea why you're making me do this but they put them in order of most genetic diversity or difference from their own to most similar to their own yeah that's surreal yeah and women you know and I say this as often as anyone will say women have a gut feeling far better than men and that is because women actually are far better capable of listening to their microbiome and I get kind of deep into the fact that our microbiome is inherited from our mother we get it from our mother and all of the mitochondria the little energy producing organelles in us are actually involved bacteria that are inherited from our mother and they have their own separate DNA and their maternal DNA and there is now actually very good evidence that the bacteria in our microbiome communicate via text messages that now have been measured to mitochondria their sisters and about how things are going in the body and the outside world is so crazy so and some women trust your gut yeah going back to the microbiome coming from your mother I've become probably a little like overstep eat like I normally like hey whatever you want to do until I hear somebody saying that oh I'm have a plan c-section so look if you need one obviously get one Jesus absolutely but if you don't need one I'm like make sure that you smear the baby in the vaginal fluid at a minimum and people always like whoa but just trying to pass that microbiome on and you said there was a recent study that came out about autism and fecal microbial transplants and how the link between a successful may be the wrong word microbiome and an unsuccessful one can manifest as autism talk to me about that study yeah there's we've known for actually a long time since the microbiome was identified and sequence and we know that number one kids with autism have a lot more irritable bowel and they have a lot more GI issues and they actually have a very different microbiome than quote normal and there has been a suggestion for years that maybe it is that microbiome that is contributing I want to say cause autism there's even more exciting work in gynecology and obstetrics that the might there is a microbiome in the vagina that we know about but there is a microbiome of the placenta itself and there's some actually exciting work that perhaps the microbiome of the placenta is the most important in terms of educating the knee innate the fetus immune system do you only encounter that as you're actually born in you go through know what it's the whole time you're washing it then why would a c-section be so problematic well so one of the theories of autism is that this is an in utero problem that happened to the kid before he was born or she was born the reasons I say he is that boys have it far more than girls and that now there is interesting evidence that we should be working on the maternal microbiome during before pregnancy and certainly during pregnancy we need to start early in making sure the microbiome is right so getting back to autism there was a recent study just published and don't quote me on the exact details but it comes out of Australia and because of this connection with autistic kids having funny bowels and a funny microbiome they with an institutional review board permission did oral fecal transplants in a large number of autistic kids and they did this for about six weeks almost immediately fifty percent of the autism symptoms subsided fifty percent man and the paper has now followed these kids for two years and the 50 percent reduction in symptoms has continued Wow and if that does make the case that you know the gut and the microbiome has such an incredible effect on the brain I don't know what does no kidding now that we know that and your your book goes into great detail including recipes and all kinds of stuff what's a quick overlay of lifestyle and dietary choices that people should make if they want to die young at a ripe old age as the sub headline of the book goes so we know that there are ways to give these good guys like a cure Mencia what they like to eat and they love resistant starches they love tubers like yams like he come like taro root like yuca or yucca they love mushrooms and there's a beautiful recent study out of south asia of people basically having a 90% reduction in alzheimer's if you eat two cups of mushrooms a week what so there is this incredible compound in mushrooms I'll probably fractured or go Fionan thio knee that actually crosses the blood-brain barrier better than turmeric curcumin and actually protects against neuro inflammation and it turns out that mushrooms absolutely positively fee these friendly bacteria and mushrooms contain this compound called spermidine it's a poly amine that study after study shows promotes longevity okay so those are some of the things also inulin containing compounds so inulin is president chicory you can buy inulin made out of yacon root and many store as a sweetener so inulin feeds a core mancilla and so it's present in chicory it's president and radicchio Belgian endive Jerusalem artichokes sunchokes they're just pure inulin so the more of this stuff you eat the more of this bug you're going to grow so that's number one so eat for them number two exercise beautiful study in women women have more Alzheimer's disease than men and so you look at an exercise program in women women who exercise regularly routinely kind of from midlife on have a 90% reduction in Alzheimer's whoa and compared to women who don't exercise routine and in the women who are going to get Alzheimer's it's 11 years later than if they did an exercise so I mean think about that if we had a drug that had a 90% reduction in Alzheimer's yeah you know how much would we pay for that I don't know you and I would pop a minute every day we wouldn't have forty billion dollars wasted on amyloid drugs but it's available by housework by gardening by getting a dog and walking it twice okay that's interesting so when you say housework why'd he say that I think people would be confused by that it turns out that can be an example my my mother actually scrubbed her floors until the day she died at ninety even though there were swifters and things like that and she did it as an exercise program exercise changes the gut microbiota that's actually friendly microbiome meditation yoga changes the gut microbial seems impossible it's so interesting that they're in a two-way communication yeah yeah it literally and there's there's even some really cool stuff that yoga postures actually move this microbiome around in your gut and they actually get signals probably electrical signals so all these chakras that have you know in the Eastern medicine it's probably all this part of this in really amazing communication system that Western medicine is just going oh come on that's all food yeah because we could measure it before mmm so exercise is really important lastly I really want people to have a brain wash day at least once a week so in the last couple of years we've learned that there is a lymph system in the brain called the glymphatic system and it no one actually believed it existed but now it exists and the brain actually in deep sleep which happens very early in the sleep cycle goes through a literal wash cycle it shrinks by about 20 percent and all of these toxins like amyloid like tau like bad pieces of protein are actually squeezed out of the brain like wringing out a sponge and it happens in deep sleep and happens early in the sleep cycle so we have to have a lot of blood flow to our brain to do that the brain uses huge amounts of blood flow but we have to have even more so the evidence is that you need about a three or four-hour window before the last meal of your day before you go to sleep why because digestion is actually really energy expensive so we put huge amounts of blood flow down into our gut if you eat near the time you go to bed that blood flow is down in your intestines and it doesn't go up to your so there's actually a recent study of men who had unstable angina or heart attack and they followed those men who ate late at night had a much higher incidence of a new engine our new heart attack and so they're all really actually interconnected so one day a week I asked people finish your last meal at 6 o'clock if you go to bed at say 10 all right if it's 11 and finish it at 7 do not snack before bedtime and allow yourself to have brain wash better yet skip a meal and that gets in probably to the fourth point you've got to have periods of extended lengths of time between eating we were supposed to go for long periods of time before our next meal and break fast and we've talked about this before it ruins your you know your morning stuff was you break your fast and there's no definition of when you know it's supposed to be breakfast that was from the dear old Kellogg's cornflakes company telling people they had to eat breakfast mmm yeah yeah that the whole lifestyle that you just painted like makes all the sense in the world like when you start looking at the research even just like so one I can certainly speak to the anti-inflammatory properties of a lot of things that you're talking about which that has been revolutionary in my life intermittent fasting has had a whole host of benefits for me anecdotally and then certainly I think there's a lot of data backing things up and you've talked a lot about how eating is just an excuse to get olive oil in your mouth man I hope you're right about that one because I have really taken that to heart and there does seem to be some pretty tremendous benefits of that it's it's really pretty extraordinary yeah I mean it really is you know and I show a lot of studies I think the probably the best one is the predamond study out of Spain we're just simplistically they took 65 year-old people divided them into three groups one they all ate a Mediterranean diets one group had to use a leader of olive oil per week the second group had to eat the equivalent calories and walnuts primarily the third group had a low fat Mediterranean diet followed for five years the initial study was looking memory the olive oil group and the walnut group had improved memory after five years the low fat group lost memory the people in all groups with known coronary artery disease or stroke the olive oil group had a 30% reduction in new events the low fat group had an increase continued events so this stuff is miraculous it actually grows neurons the polyphenols and olive oil and here's another crazy fun fact now there's a chemical that I talked about called TMAO discovered by the Cleveland Clinic TMAO is made by our gut bacteria primarily from animal proteins particularly choline and carnitine Coleen's and egg yolks we need choline from our brain but our gut bacteria love it they make it out of these and TMAO damages blood vessels do the Cleveland Clinic's credit they said well wait a minute Mediterranean diet seems to be very good for preventing heart disease and yet these guys eat fish they you know they cheese's a salami EES what gives so they actually discovered that there are polyphenols in certain olive oils balsamic vinegar and red wine that paralyze these enzyme systems in the bacteria doesn't kill the bacteria paralyzes the enzymes so you could eat all the choline and carnitine you want but you will not make TMAO so olive oil balsamic vinegar make a spritzer of balsamic vinegar and sparkling water yeah you got me on that yeah and I have glass red wine and so you will prove you can still have your your meat and eat it too I like that I like that all right tell people where they can find your book anywhere on audible I actually did the audible of this book so if you want to hear my voice longer and longer I read the book by man you can find it at Gundry MD you can find me at dr. Gundry dot-com come to my youtube channel I've got a podcast that I'm gonna be podcast I'm on Instagram Facebook what's the one change that people could make that would have the biggest impact on their longevity the one change and I you know I get on my soapbox is you got to get your vitamin D level up take at least 5,000 IU's of vitamin D a day a day the University of California San Diego has shown that the average American to have an adequate vitamin D level should have 9600 international units a day the average American whoa if you look at cancer patients they almost always have a low vitamin D every one of my patients with autoimmune disease walks through the door with a low vitamin D if you look if you like the telomere theory of aging wear the little caps on the end of chromosomes and that's a good theory of aging the higher your vitamin D level the longer your telomere sorceress thing and vitamin D getting back to those little crypts down in the down in our shag carpet those stem cells actually have to be stimulated to move by vitamin D if you don't have vitamin D they will sit there and you will have a leaky gut there that's number one number two take timed release vitamin C twice a day or chew a 500 milligram vitamin C four times a day we're one of the few animals that don't produce vitamin C and you got to have it for so many functions particularly women they have to know that collagen will not repair all their wrinkles without vitamin C hmm awesome Beauty gym thank you so much that was really fantastic guys please everything that this man talks about is extraordinary I find it wildly educating I said this in the last episode I'll say it again there's something about the way that he explains it that I find uniquely capable of allowing me to understand things and their totality to follow the bouncing ball all the way through so that I can understand what to do in my own life on a predictive model and he also especially in the book goes into great detail about things you can do recipes all kinds of amazing stuff so be sure to check it out all right if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary everyone I hope you loved that episode now I want to take a quick second to share about our awesome friends at butcher box butcher box delivers 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef free-range organic chicken and heritage breed pork straight to your door every month when it comes to cooking it is really hard to find high-quality meat that you can actually trust and with what Lisa's gone through I've realized just how important it is that the food you eat is raised and sourced properly and that's why Lisa and I are so passionate about butcher box every box comes with at least nine to 11 pounds of meat and that's enough for 24 individual size meals and the ship for free nationwide except for Alaska and Hawaii sorry guys we have an awesome offer for you right now to give butcher box a try get $20 off your order by using the link in the description below that's $20 off enjoy and be legendary thank you guys so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're gonna get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 660,821
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Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, gundry, dr gundry, plant paradox, longevity paradox, longevity, gut health, gut, microbiome, growing younger, fecal microbial transplant, health theory, health show, how to stay healthy, lectins, aging, dementia
Id: Uklt4zVVtS0
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Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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