THE $30,000 7 GAMERS 1 CPU BUILD IS NO MORE! - Disassembly Stream

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of course now i get a phone call i go live one moment prior line is speaking hey it's our internet service provider i'm actually streaming right now what can i do for you yeah now's not great i will give you a shout back that is what i will do all right thanks man [Music] the master case 5 by cooler master gives you the freedom to truly make your mid tower pc case your own with a variety of modular parts and accessories check out the link in the video description to learn more look at that an internet service provider that actually calls you to discuss you know some idea that you had pretty cool stuff right they're good guys but that is not the subject of today's stream no my friends today's stream is all about the seven gamers one cpu machine or more accurately the death of the seven gamers one cpu machine because that is what we will be doing today we will be disassembling it we will be tearing it lim from lim live for you or on the uh video on demand for you holy crap i forgot how heavy this thing was so i actually never really showed anything to do with the process of building it if i recall correctly i ended up just like kind of building it during a wan show when when luke was hosting by himself so now i'm gonna go ahead and take it apart so yeah without further ado i've got all my tools with me so i've got one ifixit kit two ifixit kits oh right it's an aluminum case dir well i've got a magnetic parts tray for the magnetic parts that are inside it got my laptop so i can monitor the twitch chat here and i have a lot of water when i did the ultra wide festival winners like live build thing that i did i made the mistake of streaming for almost two hours or however long it was with no freaking water huge huge problem you guys would be amazed how much moisture you can expel just by talking so i've never actually done a review of this case this is the case oh i've got a lot of people asking me a lot of people asking me um guys the reason i'm taking it apart is because i take apart pretty much all of the computers that we build there's almost nothing that we actually get to keep forever i mean it's um and even if we even if we were able to hold on to the hardware i mean this is just about the world's least practical computer in every possible way like when you're flying that close to the sun it is pretty easy to get burned so it's you know compatibility with usb devices when it posts isn't great um just general behavior is not great it kicks off a ton of heat it consumes a metric whack ton of power like there's a lot of reasons i can think of to take apart this computer so that that my friends would be why but i do have big plans for a lot of the hardware that is still in here i'm just going to pull up my usb drive so these usb drives here are actually what runs unraid the ssd array in the bottom which i can probably get you guys a better angle at here so this ssd array here on the bottom was only running the 7vm so i had eight terabytes so about actually only about 500 gigs per vm because i was running with a redundant storage setup i've actually this is cool so i've actually got another camera angle for you guys today compared to the last one of these streams i did i'm kind of trying this out as a new format um wow that is not focusing at all come on mr webcam you can do it there you go so i can really get you guys a better look at what i'm doing in certain cases i don't know if we ever actually showed super close up how to remove those cards so that's one thing that i'm gonna i'm gonna try and show you guys with this camera angle if i if i can but yeah in general this is uh this is a new format i'm trying out where i just kind of do things live because the reality of it is i'm working on this stuff anyway so y'all might as well come along for the ride if you're into that sort of thing oh i mean people watch each other play video games on twitch they might as well watch each other build computers it's not that different is it okay so the way the case labs s8 comes comes apart actually i i kind of wish i had done a review or something of the case before i i went ahead and did uh seven gamers cause it's it's pretty nice i quite like it like there's some sort of like you know it doesn't have the same you know beauty i guess as something like a lee and lee but it definitely has like this industrial beauty to it that i personally uh can can quite appreciate and i have realized that um i made a mistake and i am planning to disassemble a water-cooled computer and i did not bring a bucket so i will do that and i will be right back i i'm pretty sure that my audio device is gonna is gonna work for as far as i need to go so i'll excuse me i will i will try and keep you guys company but uh no guarantees on that one i just need to find a bucket i am talking to the stream not to myself people around here they're looking at me like i'm crazy that brandon guy who are you talking to maybe to my imaginary friend are you going to judge me i could hear him judging i could hear him judging right in his voice either that or i'm just reading too much into it and uh and lashing out i mean maybe this stream is a good time to discuss my personality flaws or maybe i have the bucket i need and i am ready to continue working on the computer yes that is indeed what's going on i'm back so uh apparently oh everyone in twitch chat is judging me now too they're saying i'm a terrible person for uh for for hating on brandon i i don't hate on brandon i love brandon that's why that's why i control brandon like that me and brandon we're like besties okay oh wow man this thing's heavy so we're going to start by draining the water and this is something that there's no real one way to do i mean sure professional builders will say stuff like well you should really have like a drain point in your loop or something or something but the way that i actually usually do it i'm just going to go ahead and i'm going to prop up wow i don't have an easy a really easy access to the um to any of the tubing here this is uh this one right here is kind of a funny story actually why don't i why don't i talk about that before we go any further so the here we are let's switch angles here so the original spec for the system called for the one pump here with the reservoir attached to it and i had originally thought that ek was going to provide me with no street there it is sorry sorry sorry so ek was going to provide me with a block for the seven cards that was parallel so so that is to say that the the restrictiveness of it would be very low but it's actually serial so it goes through one block then the next then the next then the next and the next and the next um so i actually ended up having to add another pump at the last minute an adventure that ended up causing uh taran and i to spill uh a bunch of water onto the system it was incredibly incredibly scary um so i think i'm going to use that point as my access point here so like i said most professional you know water cooled machine builders will tell you oh well you should have like a drain port and you should do all this stuff and you should that is indeed the correct way to do it but what i usually do is not bother with that and then i'll just rip off a piece of tubing somewhere that i'm you know at least 90 certain it will not uh leak onto anything else so first let's get some of our cable management ties out of here and then that looks like a pretty uh pretty good candidate right there so i'm gonna do my best to get you guys a reasonable angle at what that what i'm doing here um and uh okay there we go oh wow this is not gonna be this is not gonna be an easy thing though so basically i'm gonna take my bucket i'm gonna put it right here and then i'm going to crack open one of these fittings and start draining it and you're going to see a lot of things that are not necessarily the industry accepted best practices on this stream but frankly a lot of the stuff that i do isn't industry best practices and i think i like to think that's one of the things we like about me shut up brandon yeah the audio is great on the uh on the interface yeah it sounds really good i just had to play around with the um delays i still want to know why the audio wasn't working to begin with too yeah fun funny story guys um i probably have about 40 like test recording clips here um of trying to get this stream working uh yeah so we finally got it working anyway that is the quick and dirty and the emphasis is on dirty way to get most of the water out of a water cooling loop so you can begin to disassemble it now i don't think that i actually got anywhere anything even resembling all of it so let me just find out where my uh trying to remember which way things were going around let's go the other way see if i can get some more out of those radiators because that is not enough water oh man i don't know if i have the lung capacity for two 360 rads and seven gpu blocks okay i mean that's the thing about doing something like this on stream right is if i pass out you guys will call someone right okay let's just call that good enough now when i say quick and dirty i really do mean dirty i'm not planning to reuse really any of these components in any sort of reasonable time frame so they will have plenty of time for any microbes that i just blew into them to die so now we can actually start disconnecting many of the other components we're going to get a little bit of water on stuff but like i don't know people freak out about electronics and water and oh my goodness but the reality of it is the machine's not even booted up right now it's not powered on there's literally no power to anything anywhere um so the actual chances of damaging it with water are very very slim i mean i have washed motherboards like literally soap and water washed motherboards long story what it had on it that needed to be washed off but i have done that and then allowed it to dry for like two weeks in a hot place with airflow and with any you know applicable heat sinks or or nooks and crannies exposed so that you can really dry everything out and i have yet to have something that was off that got just water now to be clear i'm talking fresh water here i'm not talking salt water i'm not talking contaminated water but anything that's just gotten like fresh clean water on it i've yet to have anything that had any lasting effects all right so bump number one is out um and we can maybe we'll pull out pump number two now this one was not quite as simple to get at i'm gonna switch to my overhead view here to try and show you guys what i'm doing now all right there we go so pump number two i got to remove these front panel pieces i do like how much of this case is actually tool-less for such a sort of industrial feeling design just take out these and it's really really modular as well which is which is really cool they're really really good guys over there at case labs we've literally never worked with them before this but uh they were like way on board to uh to help us out with this project they even custom painted the inside of the chassis for us and stuff like that which was which was really really cool of them i mean obviously you know they get something out of it you know they get the exposure in the video but um still you know not everyone not everyone wants to work with you so so it's nice when people do oh that's interesting okay i think i might have might have forgotten how this goes together um and there may not be an easy how did this work what the crap does this one pop off the other thing okay i have forgotten how this goes together so i am going to go somewhere else for now let's get the let's get the radiators out because those things are really in my way i think i have a screwdriver for that in here hex hex hex hex hex no this oh this doesn't have hexes that's funny i thought it did that's okay this one does okay wow i am really warm i am going to have to start stripping pretty quick here i know twitch frowns on it but uh they might just have to deal because i'm legitimately way too warm right now i mean here's something are you allowed to like are you allowed to like take clothes off seductively if you actually don't show any skin like where is the limit okay oh 3 000 people watching me take apart a computer imagine if i was actually like building one well no i don't have to imagine that we actually did do a stream about that before but um okay all right this is probably the most tedious thing about my job is disassembling the computers that i spent all this time building um like there's nothing rewarding feeling about it it's nice that you guys are here to keep me company um because i usually just do this by myself but uh yeah pretty much every machine that we've ever built like the number of people who asked me you know why i thought my three-year-old needed a you know three thousand dollar gaming machine of course not i'm just making videos i'm just making videos on the internet um so yeah pretty much every machine that you've ever seen has been disassembled shortly after we built it with a couple of exceptions so personal rigs they're called personal rig update because that's my personal rig the oil machine has not yet been disassembled and i never intended to disassemble it but i'm going to have to now because it's um damaged leaks which is a super bummer okay so this rad's out we're gonna go ahead and retrieve the old bucket here and pop off a couple of fittings sorry i'm having a hard time keeping keeping your guys's angle very good you know what okay hopefully i don't break all of brandon's hard work [Music] okay oh my goodness this thing is so heavy okay let's see if that's a little better yeah now you guys can actually see what i'm doing because i might be over here on the edge of the table sometimes especially if i have this this bucket here oh it's got people asking where the oil machine is leaking it's actually leaking in exactly the same spot as last time down the back seam um and i tried to repair it i did like a vlog video where i where i actually showed the you know as far as i can tell correct repair process but it didn't hold and unfortunately due to a patent troll everybody's favorite people pugit is not allowed to manufacture those cases anymore so i can't even get a new case to transplant it into so the entire thing is just just dead now unfortunately yeah uh yeah this video is going to be on youtube as well for whoever that is that asked it um yeah the berkeley is talking about the ifixit kit yeah man you know what's funny i actually you uh you mentioned using our our um our sponsor link for it i don't think they've actually sponsored anything with us in a while it's so funny like i have people you know chasing me about sponsored this and sponsored that all the time like i did um i finally got around to fixing the home button on my iphone 4 which has been dead for like i don't know it's been sort of going slowly for well over a year anyway and uh my my picture like the instagram picture that i posted when i was working on it had an ifixit kit in it and people are like cool dab product placement dough and it's like no i'm doing a phone repair what else am i supposed to use if i have an ifixit kit i'm going to use it wait ugh okay let's get this other let's get this other rat out of here it'll be nice to salvage these ltt edition fans back i've actually got another really cool project planned for them very very soon like a full linus tech tips edition build and i know this one ended up kind of being that with the uh the black and orange color scheme but the other one's gonna be a much more realistic machine one that i would actually expect people to be able to buy so it's going to be off the shelf black and orange components with one exception i am planning to paint a reference nvidia cooler so that one should be pretty cool i considered just using something from someone like i believe both gigabyte and zotac have black and orange themed cards but i mean i wanted to spice up the build a little bit so i'm actually i've got some of it's ordered already some of it i still need to order but i've got some automotive grade paint like the same kind of stuff that we used in that lg monitor painting guide and i'm going to be showing you guys how to paint disassemble paint and then reassemble your nvidia reference cooler should be good should be good i'm really looking forward to it okay so this radiator i'm actually not as worried about leakage width just because the barbs are on the top side but we still might get a couple drips so i'm going to try and get my my water bucket pretty close to it you'll notice that what i'm doing is i am removing fittings or i i'm removing the fittings and i am um taking the tubing off of components that are very unlikely to be damaged by water like a radiator so here i'll actually i'll get you guys my uh my other camera angle here sorry i apologize to people who get motion sick for for that so what i'll do is i'll leave this tube attached to the video card because if i were to take this fitting off then what would happen potentially is any little drips here would go right onto the motherboard whereas if i leave the tube here then at least i can kind of tie it up somewhere like up on this piece of metal or something so i can keep it from dripping and then if anything drips off of this radiator well no big deal because it's just going to fall down into my bucket and i apologize for the frame rate on that camera too i don't know what the deal is with that maybe i can fix it sorry give me just uh give me just one second here guys i'm just going to switch to it and see if maybe it's set to like 15 fps or something like that i don't know what the deal is uh no okay motion jpeg 30fps i don't know yeah it's it's running super trash though i don't know what the problem is normally those webcams are really good we use them all the time but i'm i'm linus i can break a live stream i can break tall live streams with a single bound etc i don't know what it is i'm like snake bitten like luke doesn't even get it because he streams all the time like all the time from home he's just like yup i know how to use this software you're definitely using it right uh we have better hardware at the office also the same hardware and we sometimes we end up like going through the whole everything and it just doesn't work sorry i'm not crying i'm just i'm feeling a little under the weather right now feeling a little sick so i was commenting to lube today i don't remember the last time i actually had a sick day that i was able to take off being self-employed there are good things about it for sure like i love my job i am not complaining that it is my job to hang out with you guys and take apart this computer right now but uh the the vacation the vacation negotiation uh between my union rep and my employer did not go particularly well i'll tell you that much all right so pro tip keep all your fittings together so if you've got like uh hold downs for compression fittings put those on the barbs as you go because otherwise you're going to be running around after the fact trying to figure out what the heck what the heck happened to everything all right so now we've got most of the really bulky water cooling stuff removed from the system so we can start to focus in on removing some of the some of the blocks i really like getting all the water stuff out before i do really anything else because um it kind of holds everything in it's the piece that went in last so i find it's the piece that's easiest to take out first i got someone suggesting i buy a linus clone to do the extra work got people asking about union no no linus media group is uh definitely not uh not union we uh i don't even i don't even begin to know what the process would be um or yeah or anything like that okay got an extra tube here don't need that anymore actually you know what i'll just put those in my water bucket believe it or not it's very difficult to damage a piece of tubing with water so you can kind of throw all your water water junk into the into the water bucket try and contain it last thing you want is a bunch of water kind of all over the place when you're trying to take out the rest of the components because like i said you know clean water generally not really a problem but bearing in mind that the water in a system like this and this one hasn't been running very long so it's less of a concern but the water in a system like this can pick up contaminants from things like the copper block so you can end up with copper ions in your loop and and it can end up being a problem and copper ions aren't the only ones actually this is really good uh water cooler trick that most novices don't know these days but um putting a piece of silver in your loop i've actually run silver silver plated fittings before it worked just great putting a piece of silver in your loop acts as a natural biocide so you don't have to deal with any funky business growing in your water without really adding anything i've had a lot of people ask me over the years what's the best fluid for water cooling and i say well it's right in the name water water is the best thing for water cooling a lot of show builds are going to use you know fancy fluids that have like these milky cloudy effects and like do all this crazy stuff but the reality of it is you ask even those professional modders who use that stuff in the show builds that they do they're all going to tell you exactly the same thing if you are building like a 24 7 like a daily driver machine you water cool with water if you want to not have to deal with any hassle down the road i really like this uh reservoir and pump combo the dk sent over for this build it's actually aside from the seven gpu block um like splitter thing is probably my favorite piece of it because so many pump reservoir combos use the ddc and i am not sold on the ddc i have had almost every ddc that i've ever used for an extended period of time has failed whereas the d5 in my personal rig was manufactured in like 2008 or something stupid like that i've never had a d5 fail on me i mean i worked at a retailer i've seen the failure rates the d5 is definitely the more reliable and the thing that really bothers me more about the ddc is everyone talks about how quiet it is it is not quiet it has a very distinctive wine especially compared to a d5 at very low rpm so very few guys make reservoir pump combo units with the d5 but ek did and i'm very happy that they did i really like this one sorry guys i apologize for my sniffles i know no one wants to hear that but uh i mean hey you're here so maybe you are into that i don't know all right so i'm gonna put that over there actually i'm gonna put these rads over here as well we actually just got a new guy today who is supposed to help with stuff like tearing down machines but um i didn't want his first assignment to be taking apart a literally thirty thousand dollar computer well okay okay okay strictly speaking the tower is only about twenty twenty one thousand dollars but um so i was including the monitors in that overall in that overall cost of the system but um i mean even so does that really make a difference i didn't want his first assignment to be a twenty thousand dollar computer either so i figured i'd do this one and i kind of like the idea of streaming it i wanted to see if you guys like this you can give me some feedback in the twitch chat if you think the the format is good i mean we're always trying new things but it's it gets hard like you know try and wrap your brain around this for a moment but i have done something in the neighborhood of 35 hundred youtube videos like it's ridiculous and the objective is to come up with something different and unique every time and so you know if you're not trying to experiment with new formats all the time then you can totally fail um what what the heck that's weird uh okay looks like we need a new battery on the other camera i will call in air support and hopefully we will get that resolved very very quickly actually my setup is my setup is pretty good today i actually have the stream monitored over there and uh i have my lifeline brandon who will come you know what i hear someone coming already i suspect someone else in the office has already clued into this and is on their way up here with a battery look it's blandin oh i was about to call you yeah can i get a battery for that one timing i needed something else from here oh you need my stuff ah i see okay don't bump that avx by the way i figured out why it was turning off i think the battery connection is loose yeah so when you were like moving it around in the socket it derped that wasn't moving around yeah you did you you flipped it from the orientation i had to vertical so that was why it cut out i think we're always learning new things about how our equipment is broken audio is the worst like we have so many lavalier microphones all of which are like you know 200 300 or whatever um and yeah like many many many of them have died i think we do go kind of hard on our on our equipment though yeah blame dennis i like that thank you twitch chat i forgot to blame dennis for this okay tubing in there thank you i appreciate it you can't tell from that one it's a half battery it's what this is half battery oh well the the stream cut out i don't know that's weird oh i wonder if it was the capture card that derped that seems possible okay yeah i know it has half hour oh crying out loud okay well thanks brandon thanks anyway ah well it's back so whatever he did let's say fixed it good good job brandon i don't know man i'm so glad that most of what we do isn't live like i don't envy the full-time twitch streamers i mean i i like i get it like i hear all the sort of you know people who have to work at a real job sort of arguments like they get paid to play video games i i get that um but the reality of it is is that like being on all the time being live like that is actually really mentally fatiguing and i mean the kinds the kind of stuff that those guys have to go through whether it's you know their network connections being attacked or whether it's like i mean all the kind of stupid stuff that happens you know twitch chat being mean or you know wardrobe malfunctions or you know whatever kind of kind of problems they have especially technical difficulties man when you are live and you have technical difficulties it is horrible whereas everything we do is is edited so if there's a problem like we get a chance to fix it if there's like a hitch in the audio then you know whatever we can like we get a chance to fix it in post whereas when you're live like everything you do or say is like right out there it's like crazy all right so i do want to show you guys this um i did i did promise that this would be part of the video i'm going to try and maybe i'll like prop this camera up on something right here or something i don't really know exactly how i'm going to tackle this but so the process for removing these graphics cards is redonk so basically i have to go i have to pull the tab of the very bottom one first then while i'm lifting the entire block of cards i have to pull the tab on the second one then kind of keeping the angle up i have to pull the tab on the third one then the fourth one actually you can tell they're all kind of loose right now i was messing around with it a little bit to get the seven people actually gaming on it as well as the overclocking video that's coming down but um yeah that actually looks like it's gonna be relatively easy right now here but you kind of have to pull it up here and then i have to pry it up from the other side so i got to kind of pry it up this way then when that's loose so you can see all the tabs tightened again i've got to pull on all the tabs again and then finally i can remove the bloody thing i mean this was not not the kind of build that i would that i would recommend that anyone do i mean and there are other issues too like one of the big ones that we had to contend with throughout this is that amd's support for vms in this way is very very poor they took a bit of a shortcut or they claimed they didn't but it appears that they took a bit of a shortcut on the fiji architecture cards that makes it so that when you soft power down a virtual machine the card doesn't properly reboot like it doesn't properly reset oh okay there it goes oh boy here i'll show this to you guys there you go oh so there it is the card block the block of cards the card brick looks so bad there you go it's like and it weighs so much like it is so freaking heavy um anyway so what happens is when you reboot a vm like a soft like a oh it's pouring water all over the place uh i guess we should do this first like a soft reset um the car doesn't actually properly reboot and so what happens is it doesn't give up its resources again so when the when the rebooted like the new the fresh soft reboot tries to grab the cardigan the resources are already in use by the previous by the previous boot i'm really not explaining this very well actually normally i'm better at this see this is the kind of thing i'm talking about live streaming is difficult um but the way that nvidia handles it is even with a soft reset the card will release all the resources and it's all good to go there is a workaround uh the work around and this is like this is like insanity uh so the workaround is that in the uh safely add and remove hardware uh system tray thing what you can do is you can eject your gpu and then you can go back to unraid so you can navigate to it on the network and then you can stop the vm that way but i think the issue is that when you're trying to troubleshoot something the odds of being able to properly eject something and then shut down the machine is very slim so what would happen and this was just infuriating what would happen is anytime i had a problem with any vm that caused it to have to be rebooted anything but perfectly gracefully and by the way that solution didn't always work um what i would have to do was i would have to shut down all the vms then i would have to reboot the machine which takes about four minutes because of all the hardware connected to it that uh unraid had to detect then i would have to start up all the vms again and then like you know it doesn't sound that bad but you know let me tell you when you were working on something under a time crunch you know waiting i was around a total of about an 8 to 10 minute process every time i had an issue with a vm and i had to reboot one of them it would have been made a lot simpler if i could reboot one at a time but i had to do the whole entire system and sometimes it took a lot longer than that like for example if i had to here i'll give you guys the overhead view i'm actually doing stuff right now so if i had to for example um open up a bunch of benchmarks so that i could run all the benchmarks at the same time or let's say i was in the middle of running a benchmark like fire strike for example and one of the vms um you know crashes or does something so now i have to go back shut down everything reboot everything wait around for that then i have to fire up all the vms after i've like diagnosed what's going wrong then then lucky me i get to fire up all of those programs again one by one and then i get to start them again and then i get to hope they finish this time and this system was not particularly stable um so it's funny i actually um my contact at unraid sorry this uh usb this is this like this is the kind of stupid stuff that i get to deal with here guys check this out and it's like it's not a huge deal but when you're in a hurry it's like the end of the world so you could see this this usb 3 connector i was having a really hard time um getting at releasing the gpus with the usb 3 plugged in and this usb header on the board look at this it comes off the pins it sticks the connector here sticks so hard in the socket that it just pulls the housing right off the pins and that's the kind of stuff where it's like i'm in a hurry right now i'm trying to make a video i do not have time for this crap and it's constant it's constant like what i don't know it's funny i was talking about how people talk about how game streamers have an easy job people think i have an easy job too and like i said i love my job but it is and i broke it broke the housing well i do love my job but it is not necessarily as easy as a lot of people think that it is so now i'll just put the broken housing back on i mean whatever it's not like uh it's not like i'm which one is it this one it's not like i have any warranty coverage on this board anyway there we go usb 3 is actually surprisingly hard to line up when you're doing this usb 2 is really easy but the pins are so small for usb3 and if you line it up wrong you'll end up crushing one of the pins and folding it flat onto the board which is a big problem because then you have to bend it back and get it just perfect usb 2 is easy like i mean these things come off all the time it's not it's not a huge deal or anything it's just annoying when you're in a hurry and you have to like yank and replace a stupid header housing every time you need to do something it's ridiculous wow 4 300 viewers on uh taking apart a computer you guys always you guys always impress me like i never i never know this is a funny thing too like i i don't consume a lot of online video mostly because i just really don't have time i'm too busy making it um so a lot of the time i'm just kind of taking a shot in the dark at what i think people might like because because i'm not really making something designed for myself like i think it's it's really easy for me to do something like the um the ltt edition knock to a fan like to come up with an idea like including a fan hub sticker inside the box and oh like no one does that and to me as an enthusiast it's really easy to come up with an idea like that because i think well man you know there's only one way to install a fan out of four where the the rear hub sticker is correctly aligned with you know gravity so you can read whatever's on it or whatever else so why don't we just include a sticker and people can orient it whatever way they want it's like blah so it's easy for me to think of something like that because i am the target audience but actually making videos i love technology i mean i love i nerd out over this stuff i really really do but when it comes to you know what formats people want to experience technology with me in it's really not always that straightforward for me i'm just kind of guessing ah and i got these wicked sniffles i really hope that i feel better very soon because this sucks it super duper sucks the big one i feel like i've been sick for months i actually wasn't sick at ces for the first time ever but i was sick before it and i am now sick after it i'm very thankful though that i wasn't sick at ces getting sick at ces is such a bummer but i have kids now so i think that's a big part of the problem is they go to like pre-preschool or whatever and then they come home with all the germs that their little germ friends gave them and uh i'm the one who gets to be sick i mean they get sick too i guess and then i get to deal with that so i'm sick i'm dealing with a sick whiny kid and i'm sick being an adult sucks if anyone had told me that you know being an adult was like this i might not have bothered waiting around for it um okay actually i know again i love my life my life is good i'm not complaining i'm just saying i hate being sick i think we can all relate to that so this is most of the action right here uh some people probably saw like instagram posts or whatever else but i didn't really talk much about this motherboard and what made it special so this is a good opportunity to do it so two sockets was requirement number one i needed two sockets i also needed a motherboard that had seven pci express slots there are lots out there that have six okay and six is relatively easy because especially if you're doing two sockets like this you want to do and you want to do more dimm slots a lot of other board manufacturers will put a bunch of dim slots up here and a bunch down here and you end up eating one or even two of these slots with all of these pci express slots with all the memory dimm slots that you're putting on the board and even like even putting more to the sides here you end up with kind of like a wider board sometimes you end up with like an offset here of the memory that ends up eating up one of these slots so finding one with seven pci express slots real challenge this one also had a couple other things that made it very desirable so number one is that it has an ikvm header so i've actually already purchased a module and i would go get it but it'd be kind of a waste of time you guys are you guys are live here um so i purchased a little module that i can put on here that will allow me to control this board remotely over the network even if it's powered off i'm going to do a video about about ipmi a little bit in the future here because it's pretty cool stuff it's only really applicable to very high-end stuff but i i personally think it's neat so i'm gonna make a video about it deal with it and then the other thing that it has that is way more important than people probably thought is this it has on-board video so the onboard video is actually closely related to that remote management feature because that on-board video is what the remote management feature uses and is able to uh to output to even when the system is powered down so this vga port the onboard video on this motherboard is what allowed me to have unraid grab that and allowed me to use all seven of my plugged in graphics cards four seven discrete vms uh the other really cool thing that we got going on here i mean aside from you know cpus 14. oh yeah right no more about motherboard first actually so uh it also has multiple usb 3 controllers so what i plan to deploy this board to do in the future is two ingest stations so people can ingest their footage at the same time whereas right now the single system we have is a bit of a bottleneck so i'm planning to use it for that so having two different onboard usb 3 controllers is good because i can pass through controllers to a vm which allows us to have hot plug within a virtual machine so each of our machines will effectively be using like if you slice the motherboard down the middle it will be using 128 gigs of ram actually i'll probably swap out this ram for something lower capacity but it'll be using half of the ram half the cpu and then you know half of the usb controllers each one will get a gpu and then some other hardware and then the other thing it had again like there's still more there's a lot that makes this board pretty much the only thing i could have used it has 12 sata ports so that gave me eight for my ssds and i had planned to have four eight terabyte hard drives for mass storage for the vms but that didn't end up working out because the case didn't have anywhere to mount them because they screwed up the adapter they sent me then it has this this is an auxiliary power connector for the graphics card slots and this became a big issue back in the days when three-way and four-way sli first started popping up is you would actually have people because these these cards were so power hungry you would have people burning out the slots on their motherboards on motherboards that didn't have these auxiliary power connectors because i mean if you think about it like it's not magic you know each of these i think is rated for 75 watts and then you've got the um the connectors that plug into the backs of the cards as well but that doesn't mean that they're not drawing from the slot so all of a sudden you know that 300 uh 450 i mean we're talking 500 watts going through what these tiny little traces here that's ridiculous so the auxiliary power helps augment what's coming from the 24 pin which is way up here all the way across the board by feeding these a little bit more so that helps out the ones that are plugged into the back of the card so i was hopeful that having a board that had that feature uh would help um and then finally i think there was one other thing that mattered i mean it looks cool so there's that uh no i actually oh oh yeah okay so it did have support for the uh these are 32 gigabyte memory sticks here from kingston so it had support from those and kingston was a sponsor for the project the the system was on display in their booth at ces and all that so being compatible with their latest and greatest memory was really really key on this and i think yeah that's pretty much about it so i can't wait to uh to roll this roll this baby out because i other than you know the flakiness with the cards i was using pretty much all of which i can explain away due to the cards i was using which i used because they were uh very power efficient because they were very short i was really worried about clearance issues with like stuff over here if we had full length cards um i'm pretty sure most of the issues i had with the machine can be explained away by the cards man that was frustrating though i mean people often ask me why i use the hardware that i use for a given project um and i pretty much use whatever i'm sure pretty sure is gonna work best and even in those cases i end up with i end up with some issues but uh yeah i'm not a fan of anything except stuff that works so why do we use the things that we use generally speaking for some compelling reason like it's the only product that is in the form factor that we need it to be in in order for this project to be a go like a perfect example would be uh that asrock mini itx lga 2011 board that we did our 18 core shoebox machine in well they've got the only itx um 2011 3 motherboard so what else am i going to use or it's the thing that i am most confident will actually function which is surprisingly hard i mean when when like and we encounter a lot of issues that most people never would because we're pushing this stuff to limits that it was never really intended to be pushed to like i guarantee you no one at amd i guarantee it 100 no one at amd has ever put seven fiji's in a single motherboard and i also guarantee you that no one at asus ever put oh hold on this is gonna be bad no one ever put seven high-powered graphics cards in that motherboard do i know they didn't do this because that's not how validation labs work they don't do some like completely like ass crazy thing they do what they expect most people to run which is why most people will never encounter the problem the kinds of problems that we do um so it's frustrating because people will get upset with us about you know oh you know i have one of these and it's great why aren't you using it well because maybe we've had issues with it that you've never seen before and we just tend to go with whatever we think has the best chance of working in some kind of like bizarro land uh scenario like oh i don't know putting seven graphics cards in a single machine yes i am planning to upload this stream to youtube and to vessel that is a plan i think last time i did a simultaneous release but this time i am not because last time was sort of like a weird experiment thing like i i wanted to do a video of building the machine because lg needed a video of the machine um but the winner was supposed to do it but i still had all his hardware so i was like look i'll just do a video and i came up with this idea okay i'll just like i'll live stream it because we don't have any editing resources right now and then people liked it so it's like okay sure i mean what do i know anyway i love these cables these are awesome super big fan of these cable mod cables we've been using for our projects here actually a friend of mine is one of the founders of cablemod um they like they're they're cool guys they're just like yeah like whatever projects you guys do we want to sponsor it we want to be involved um product's good love it it's always good i love that win-win stuff but it's like good product good people easy companies to deal with man where they take your feedback like if there's something that i don't like they don't get all you know defensive about it they're just like yeah okay that's cool thank you we'll fix it um i got someone saying linus bro missed you how can you miss me i'm like all over the internet 400 power supply on the corner table that's stable look see that's not going anywhere come on man all right this was uh this was a fun part of the machine here this this was some this was some jank jank stuff that we had going on here so i didn't get the cages that i needed to mount the ssds so these are straight up double-sided taped oh wow i used the same so we actually bought this huge like massive roll of the same double-sided tape that gopro includes on their mounts and then i used like i don't know if you can see them in there see i used like massive strips of them which was definitely a mistake but i had thought at the time that we were going to be shipping this system down to ces so i wanted them in there like really good the last thing i want is to send a machine to kingston to showcase in their booth that has like the kingston ssds all like banged up and all over the inside of the uh oh wow how the crap am i going to get these off um this might do it wedge tactics uh wow okay i'll just stab them real good in there i may have to i may have to cut them yeah that might work although i can tell you that did not work on the intel uh 750 series ssd that i did my personal rig with nope that was not a good strategy uh you know what i'm gonna have to go find a knife here real quick but i can tell you guys what happened to that ssd in the meantime well it died so i actually this is kind of funny normally a sample product like that would have no warranty because it would be an engineering sample with no serial number and stuff like that but um long story but i had a retail 750 series ssd so i contacted intel's warranty department i'm like yo um so i broke this is there anything you can do for me and they were like no you're an idiot basically um wait did you inventory this yeah uh this is a drive uh the sticker goes on the drive and the packaging gets thrown away don't worry about it you're still learning sorry that's our new guy he's learning how to inventory things i will tell you his name once he gets past his probation we've learned a valuable lesson about introducing people on the channel before they uh before they actually officially make it like we had one guy we had the last guy who was in his position lasted for two shifts he was just like yeah you know this isn't really the kind of work that i had in mind and i was just like well this is exactly what i told you you'd be doing so i really don't understand where that expectation came from but that's okay you know no hard feelings or anything like that but just this puts us in a bit of a bind now i tell you guys human resources management is not um is not fun it's like actually super balls lame and you know what else is not fun i cannot find my knife i'm very sure that i lent it to someone today which means that i am equally sure that they didn't bring it back to me this is why i get irate about this stuff it's not because i like to be a terrible person who's like you know mean or whatever it's just one of those things where if people don't return stuff to me then i end up wasting the time of literally thousands of people while i run around and look for a knife in the warehouse brendan did you borrow my knife did you okay maybe i just misplaced it somewhere then i hope i did because i super duper like that knife it's super dull now i actually found some scissors and i'm kind of hoping this will be the solution here we go i'm back oh it was in the room the whole time there i was blaming brandon for it and it turns out it was me i have scissors now too just in case i need those all right so let's try slicing these apart here so right so this did not work for the ssd but in the case of the ssd i was like slicing thermal adhesive off of chips so i think what probably happened was uh wow these are on there good um like i just kind of flexed too much and uh like disconnected something from the board like it kind of works a little like windows will pick it up as an nvme device but it can't you know write anything to it the bios actually doesn't see it even though windows kind of does like it's super weird and it's dead and intel is just like yeah you broke it dude and i'm like yeah i know i told you i broke it and they're like well okay why did you call then it's like i don't know maybe my internet fame is worth something turns out internet fame is actually not worth much but for the first time ever i was hanging out with um techrax who busts up iphones on youtube and what's inside who uh opens things up on youtube but doesn't unbox like slices things open um and we were at the international auto show and we went we tried to go to a restaurant like we were legit just trying to go out for dinner and they wouldn't let us in because of a private booking so we're standing there trying to figure out where else to go and someone comes out and she's like um and she just kind of walks up and starts talking to us we were just saying oh yeah sorry we didn't we didn't know it's a private event so we're we're just trying to we're going somewhere else she's like oh well who are you here with are you here for the auto show we're like oh yeah yeah we're here for the auto show she's like who are you with we're like oh well you know i make youtube videos and she's like are you influencers or like i don't know i i i guess so uh and uh she's like how many followers do you have i'm like well between the three of us like something to the tune of five million subscribers on youtube she's like no way and we're like yeah yeah she's like okay come on in so we got a free meal that was the first time due to my internet fame that i have ever gotten like just randomly invited into a private event and gotten a free dinner it was awesome it was very good i forget the name of the place i'm not really good at that kind of stuff but it was a kia party so we're we're going inside and what's inside is like hey yo and i realized i had a forward badge on my hip because i was actually i was actually there sponsored by ford i mean it's not like it really it's not like it matters like we were just going out for dinner it's not like i was like oh i'm gonna go have secret meetings with kia or whatever while ford is sponsoring me to be here at the show and you guys probably saw those sponsored posts mostly on like twitter and instagram um but just like walking around at the kia party with a ford badge on which probably seems like not the greatest thing ever ah yeah people like don't use the knife towards you no it only matters if you use knife towards you if there's somewhere for it to slip towards you i am pushing down on the knife it is okay don't worry i have never actually managed to stab myself i cannot believe how difficult these are to remove i have no idea how long this is going to take i have removed one drive one drive i have to take eight off i don't know if i'm going to be able to come up with stories to tell to occupy the time it will take to remove eight of these drives stab go oh my goodness this is horrible okay oh i got a better slicing action going now here okay so i was pulling towards myself there but don't worry you guys got someone suggesting to heat the knife not a terrible idea but not actually sure if it would be applicable to this particular type of adhesive slicey slicey man this stuff is savage holy crap like this is not easy to remove and look how much of it i put on why did i do that i could have put like a little tiny tab in each corner and it would have been fine like i'm bending the drives i don't know if you can see that but the drive is bent these better still work i still need these these are one terabyte kc400s jeez ow okay i've never stabbed myself but i have definitely like whacked myself if you know what i mean i'd like to give a shout out to our sponsor kingston thank you for powering the seven gamers pc nick kingston thank you get out of here [Music] it's not enough that i'm stabbing their ssds you got to give them shout outs too there we go okay i got a i got a better technique here now i think no i am not going to say you can stab kingston ssds and they will still work it is highly likely that they will not still work if you stab them these guys that's what i got to deal with okay it's not that easy to pull all the so i had actually wired up all the sata cables before taping them into place so having to remove them before i pull the drives out is a little bit trickier oh man you hear that sound like these are not happy drives and like this stuff is really hard to remove ah it's like gooey okay half of the drives are out yes got people saying the case is tough it'll bounce back ah yeah i don't know if it's gonna bounce back but i can probably bend it back here's something a lot of people probably don't know unless you've like you know read a lot of ssd reviews online is that the stuff inside an ssd there's actually not a whole lot of it um so even if you were to bend the outer casing a fair bit the odds of that damaging any of the internal guts is is pretty slim it can bend a fair bit before the internal pcb which does have to stay pretty much straight um would be bent out of whack slice slice slice slice slice baby okay prying oh my goodness look at this one ah and this stuff is so like oh it pulled the label off dang it i was doing so well all of them had kept their labels up till now okay oh hey the label is back in action nice this one i scratched the bottom of the that's okay all good got someone saying this is uh why they use velcro i've actually been using that industrial strength velcro that i get at home depot for a long time i've had some issues with the adhesive on it um it eventually turns kind of gooey and sticky well okay and okay it's supposed to be sticky it's adhesive but it turns kind of like like soft and like how would i describe it it's kind of like kind of more like sap than an actual than an actual tape and it seems to not really work very well over long periods of time so i've actually stopped using it i i did my cable managed the last thing i did with it was my cable manage your desk the manly way video and everything that i mounted with it has fallen off in that time um just from you know i guess being a relatively hot place or whatever else like it's not even that hot like it's a climate controlled office but there is some sunlight that comes into it so i'm just kind of guessing at this point but i've also had some issues with it with uv lighting like uv case lighting uh that makes the that makes the adhesive turn really really hard as well this stuff's great like if the idea is to stick something to something forever this stuff's really good i wish they had this adhesive on the other side of the velcro that would be perfect all right i'll take those apart later i'm just going to pull this last set of drives out of here whoops see my knife form might not be perfect but it slipped and nothing was damaged or hurt why are people telling nick to steal a power supply and why is nick watching a twitch stream instead of working these are both great questions laughs from this guy trying to moderate the chad well i can tell you why that's not working because it's futile i wouldn't worry about it that's weird my stream just cut out but no one else seems to be complaining so uh there you go okay the drives are out love it love it now i can deploy these somewhere else which is what i have been wanting to do with them for quite some time i got people asking for more stories i'm just trying to think if i have any more stories right now what have we been up to lately oh this here's kind of a good one we were trying to film an episode of uh holy bleep the other day and i got these really cool dish based internet doodads from ubiquity so they're these point-to-point um like huge dish things that allow you to send a network connection anywhere from you know depending on the ski one whoops drop my knife anywhere depending on the sku on their website anywhere from like i think like 20 kilometers to up to 200 plus kilometers and i had a bunch of pieces of stuff that they sent me and so i grabbed them all and we started filming the video and i realized halfway through the video that i had two different products so one of them was a 200 plus kilometer product that you needed a separate antenna for that they didn't send so i knew nothing about any of that and then the other one so so i didn't even have all the pieces of that one and that was the one i started with and then the other one was a complete kit like completely standalone kit by itself it was like 150 bucks like it was actually relatively affordable whereas the other one was like enterprise grade like super expensive stuff so we actually filmed half a video of me explaining what we were going to make the video about and it turned out that it was completely the wrong product completely the wrong product so what we ended up doing was we changed gears and we kind of went um okay so let's let's redo let's redo the footage here and we will um so we'll just redo the intro and we'll just start with this one the the one that we actually have all the pieces for so we filmed most of it and then um it got to be the end of the day i'd had to go home i had to go home and we weren't quite done yet so i was like okay so here's what i'll do we'll come in tomorrow morning and we'll finish it off so after all that after re-filming it twice or filming it twice filming it once and then re-filming it get this sd card dyed this is the kind of stuff that you guys never get to see like everyone's always like oh it's so easy to make videos you just stand in front of a camera and talk for a bit you know what actually not um and okay admittedly that first problem could have been prevented by me actually looking at uh what it was we were making a video about beforehand so okay fine but i like those i like the holy bleep episodes to be very genuine like i want it to be the initial reaction so i wanted to be like okay here it is let's rip it out of the box and have a long range you know network connection or whatever um but the one where the sd card died like there's nothing we can do about that and like we will set out at the beginning of the week with with all these goals ssds all successfully removed by the way all these videos we want to make and then we just get these obnoxious curveballs thrown at us right like something dying in the middle of the week um you know a usb header popping off of a motherboard while you're trying to just just trying to work on it so yeah i mean it's gotten to the point now where for like personal personal gear like when i was building up my wife's machine am i putting you know an rog board in there an nvme ssd 10 gig network card nah man i'm not doing any of that stuff i went with asus um they call it their channel series um internally anyway excuse me uh but i went with their premium channel series board z170 deluxe simple simple you know consumer grade not like you know gaming or whatever um went with just a 6600 gtx 6600 keeping it really simple you know went with just some some corsair memory like super basic memory not high speed we're talking like ddr3 2133 or something like that like very very base model because that's the stuff that works and there's a reason for that it actually makes sense if you understand the product development process a little bit so when you build a product you can invest x amount of r d into it that has to be somehow proportional to the reward that you're going to get from it and like a 500 motherboard you know yeah you're selling a motherboard for 500. but the reality of it is that you're not going to sell that many of them because who buys 500 motherboards come on you got to be kidding me here right so the the board that's going to sell the most is actually going to be the one that returns the most for the investment in it and the board that sells the most is going to be the one with the most other people using it so if the whole thing with products in the last well really forever has been that the end user ends up being kind of a beta tester then what i tend to do these days if i want something that's going to work is i'll go with the most mainstream possible thing because that way a bunch of other people already bought it and can already complain about it if it's not working properly and if there is a huge issue with it the odds of the manufacturer having to fix it in order to do damage control is much higher because many many more of their customers have it so the way i select products for our crazy projects and the way that i select products for my own use are actually very very different there you go there's a little pro tip for you guys there we go so the case is put back together it's actually really like crazy light like i don't know if you guys know this case mods cases aluminum really light it's only once you put like you know 80 pounds worth of you know copper into it in the form of water blocks that they end up getting extraordinarily heavy just got a little bit more left to do i was actually i was thinking about live streaming the entire uh tear down of the of the multi-block video card thing but i think that will take too long and like i know some of you're gonna be like no linus come on do it no really it will actually take too long like i spent probably about four hours mounting them all so you're not sneaky hey get out of here get out of here nick giving into twitch chat and their their wicked suggestions this guy he doesn't even need a 1600 watt power supply i know because this computer sucks yeah that's right i just talked trash about your computer yeah take that jerk he's saying he has an athlon 64 x2 what a loser yeah i think the x2 um any criticism of that would not have anything to do with fanboyism it would be more to do with how old it is and slow yeah get wrecked son okay so last thing here i'm just gonna pull this bracket this is a really cool mounting bracket too actually ek was another huge helper on this project uh would have been hard to do without them and case labs kind of helping me out on the water cooling because when i have a case all ready and i've sort of seen all the water cooling hardware already it's pretty easy for me to be like okay yeah here's all the stuff i need but i've been kind of out of the loop so to speak for water cooling for a while um like we don't really review this stuff anymore so i i only really bring it in for projects so like i know how to water cool but i don't i don't really keep up on it the way that i used to so both of them helped me out you know figuring out hey where are we going to put the res where are we going to put the pump um how are we going to mount the res and this mount this like 120 millimeter like bracket mount that you can turn into the the anti-vibration rubber mount for that reservoir pump combo freaking awesome love it and you can actually get a version of the of the res pump combo that has a shorter res if i recall correctly so you are not married to having something so tall so depending on your case you may actually even be able to mount it at the back of the case on your exhaust fan don't quote me on that one though i'm not 100 sure if that'll work out great for you my laptop battery is about to die it's at seven percent let's see if i can save it oh i was so frustrated the other night because my phone was um was like oh battery about to die two percent battery or whatever and then you know how you do the whole thing you're like i can beat it i can do this and so i like ran to plug it in and i got it like i actually made it it was at like one percent i'm like whoa i made it yeah and then while i was sitting there checking the battery level with the screen powered on it was only plugged into a one amp charger so it died i was that down to the wire that just the fact that it was charging but not charging enough was enough to uh was enough to take it out so disappointing because then you gotta wait like five minutes or whatever for it to charge up a bit like i don't i don't really like charging my phones at two amps because um i like my batteries lasting for longer so i only really do that when i'm desperate but uh yeah i was i was pretty disappointed right there cool story bro thanks bro this is frustrating case manufacturers if i ever make that video that i had talked about last week of like manufacturer do's and don'ts do use screws with iron in them because don't use ones that are just made of like uh there's a test bench that i was using a little while ago from dimmest tech do you miss tech dimmest tech anyway all the screws included her aluminum which is terrible because a if you have a magnetic screwdriver that doesn't help you out a whole lot because the screw won't stick to the bit and b aluminum is a super malleable metal like any time oh okay this time it's the battery don't worry we got this so any time like a thread doesn't go in perfectly or whatever it just derps out hardcore and and actually shears off so you end up with remnants of of screw in the hole and then you end up with no head to actually take it out so you have to drill it out it's ridiculous so do not use aluminum screws and do use screws with iron in them so that i can use my magnetic screwdriver because a magnetic screwdriver makes projects go a lot lot faster if you work on as many of these types of projects as i do you care about every like fraction of a second that you can save while you work on them wow we're up to nearly 5 000 viewers man you guys if i had known you like these kinds of streams so much i could stream like pretty much all the time when i'm working on this kind of crap because i'm pretty much always doing this like if i'm not filming actively filming a video i'm probably working on something like this whether it's our servers here at the office or whether it's like an upcoming video or carrying down an old one or whatever else the case may be all right let's uh where'd that front panel piece go i can't remember how this mounts anymore unfortunately i think uh i think it goes in here and then sits on like some spikes or something and then yeah here we'll switch to the overhead view the unfortunate thing about this stream is that i had to tear down the wan streaming computer in order to do it so you might think that that will mean that wancho will be on time but because i've got the stream machine working but having it working with one configuration doesn't necessarily mean it will work with some other configuration so i actually have even less hope than usual and we are still doing one show today i've actually seen a couple people asking about that in the chat yes that is definitely still the plan i mean when do we ever miss one show it's amazing how many people still ask us that actually it's like hey are you guys doing one show today when was the last time we missed a wan show suckas that's what i thought we almost never miss wan show even if we're like in another country we don't miss wancho one does not simply miss wan show like either luke or i may miss wancho but i don't think we have ever both been absent for it since the show started but you guys may have to correct me on that one it's possible we missed one my memory is a little fuzzy because i'm old all right and i just knocked it back in gotta be freaking kidding me just popped it in and i popped it back out that's okay though i got this just get get in there just just don't just don't thank you all right get out of the way cable dang it now there's a cable stuck there now it's done all right now i can box that baby back up all done all right well you know what we've got a little bit of time left so why don't we do this oh why don't i at least show you guys i think we'll mostly use the overhead view for this why don't i at least show you guys how the seven block uh joiner thing here actually works where'd my screwdriver go dagnabbit knowing me it's probably like inside the computer or something okay blah blah blah blah blah okay sorry just checking emails i know it's rude but the reality of it is i get a lot of emails and if i don't reply to those then that will be rude too so i'll just be rude to everyone universally that's the only solution that i can come up with where is my screwdriver i definitely need it i need the hex head screwdriver and i cannot find it i know this is definitely my fault and it is definitely not in the case okay um is it definitely in my pocket sometimes that happens all right time to empty the pockets [Music] ah there it is good well that solved that problem all right so basically the way it works is you install all the blocks individually on the cards then you take this piece on the top here and install the cards onto it one by one so i'm actually going to have to remove pretty much the whole shebang here in order to show you guys how one of them mounts but um or maybe not maybe i can just pull one off here actually yes that makes more sense okay and i'll get you guys a bit of a closer look with the uh with the webcam when i get it when i get a minute here okay here we go so right here i've got these long bolts these guys right here that go through here then i'm gonna flip this over i'm gonna put down this camera for a second while i flip it over just because i don't want to uh i don't want to break anything here ideally okay so this one should detach yep there we go so then uh ek's blocks what just fell dang it and we dropped something fantastic i don't know what it was even well that is very very unfortunate if i knew what it was i would at least know what i was looking up there is what is that no that's not it yes it is what is this screw wow i super super duper don't know oh here wow weird one of the screws in this block just like came out this one wow okay anyway so this is a really cool thing that ek does is the tops of their blocks are kind of oh go away go away okay the tops of their blocks are kind of modular now so you can you can see that you've got these these slits here where the water flows so two slits per side and then you can either have ones that kind of come off like this or like this or using those bolts i showed you before they can go straight into a big splitter like this see so you've got oh you can't see that very well hold on there we go so there you've got o-rings in here as long as you get those sealed exactly perfectly and then the whole thing goes in this one and then out this one and then into the next card here and then out the next card right around here and so on and so forth very very cool stuff and yes there is a lot of water on the table i am aware of that thank you yes i do see that as something of a problem but not going to stress about it now no my friends i'm not going to stress about it now i am going to remove these one by one yes all this stuff is like not bad in small doses but oops that's funny uh not bad in small doses but by the time you do like you know seven cards times three bolts what is that 21 bolts it gets kind of tedious all right let's remember that they come off now moving forward that would be good okay that one's like rip come on this stuff's not that fragile i hope you guys know that like it is but it's also not like look at any secondhand shop look at the way they treat hardware that hardware still works just throwing that out there um like no it's not ideal yes some of it will get broken but literally like bins of graphics cards can still work and they just get kind of thrown in a bin and that fell onto the block not onto the pcb even so the chances of knocking off a surface mount component or something like that is pretty much zero fortunately i don't need these cards for any other projects anyway so i am pretty much done with them but that doesn't mean that i like killing things if i don't have to i actually kill surprisingly little hardware although i've had a bit of a rough run of it lately with the with that 750 ssd man i did not want to kill that 800 or 12 000 ssd or whatever and all those motherboards for that router machine i was super not happy about that either okay i have a really fun one coming that involves taking an angle grinder to a gtx titan so for those of you who are on vessel you've already seen it but for those of you on youtube you have that to look forward to should be good i do not like killing servers i haven't killed any servers what you talking about speaking of servers oh i am so stoked on this um that super micro machine that i tweeted about uh last week i think it was has arrived so it's an 8 gpu server machine i am super stoked i think you guys probably already know where i'm going with anything that can take a bunch of gpus but this is this is going to be a it's going to be a bit of a different angle on how many people i can have gaming off of a machine all at once very very cool i've got people asking me to move the power supply you know the more you ask me the less likely i am to do it so there's pretty much nothing you can do you are powerless powerless to save the power supply okay wow there we go seven graphics cards all removed here let's take another look at that bad boy so that's it all the screws are out there they are and you can see what ek did here so the uh there's actually a lot of inlets and outlets depending on the mounting options that you want for it this thing's really cool like i'm gonna hold on to this i don't know when i would ever use something like this again but that is definitely like one of a kind unique item hold on to that just in case just in case you ever happen to have to water cool seven cards in a single system again the kind of disappointing thing is that ek's ek system for connecting multiple cards on the bottom there's no plugs for them so you actually have to do seven cards that was a pretty horrifying moment when it looked like we weren't going to get the system posted with seven cards and john from limetech was like oh no it's no big deal we'll just because i i had actually told kingston i told the sponsor it'll be like six or seven and so john's like well don't worry you told kingston it could be six i'm like yeah okay yes but we have a problem i can't take out a card i can't do six it'll have to be four with air cooling which i definitely didn't want to do that's like admitting defeat or it'll be seven and well you know how that story ends we did end up getting it working but it was extremely stressful just like man how bad i looked in that video like how defeated and tired i looked that was exactly exactly how i felt it was brutal ouch hmm that is not going to be oh yeah actually here there's another cool pro tip for you guys um if you're having trouble getting a fitting out and it's one that doesn't have a spot to use a wrench on just grab a piece of tubing and then use that for grip see easy no you can't say i never taught you anything unless you already knew that in which case you can say that but then why are you watching this show oh no this one's not coming it doesn't help when your tubing's wet though there's a bit of a problem we'll try the old pants trick nope no dice all right let's try another piece of tubing maybe like different tubing will cooperate more with me ah yes there we go awesome no my power supply is not depressed okay well yeah i guess uh i don't know how much else there is to really say about this if you guys enjoyed this uh this stream then hey you know like i guess do they have that on twitch well if you're watching this on youtube then you can definitely um [Laughter] oh that's so nice um our contact at kingston just sent me a message saying that he's a depressed that the system will not live on forever i'm sorry to uh i'm sorry to be the one to have to break it to him that unless he wants to provide us with completely new sets of all the hardware for every machine we do then that really isn't possible except we do really ask him for that so i've probably given away too much at this point and uh two he said that the stream is being really well run that's the first time i've ever heard that from anyone about a stream luke's nodding thanks for that um so i guess that's pretty much it guys thank you for tuning in if you disliked the video hit dislike if you liked it hit the like button get subscribed and even consider supporting us by changing your amazon affiliate to one with our bookmarked one with our affiliate code which if you're watching this on youtube we'll put a little thing up there but this is live on twitch it's not working right now obviously don't worry too much about that you can buy a cool shirt like this one at the link in the video description also youtube exclusive that one's on vessel as well or you can join our community forum where you can exchange ideas and thoughts with other members of the linus tech tips community and you can even become a contributor over there get a cool little contributor badge next to your name that's pretty much it if you're looking for something else to watch next because this was so fun and engaging maybe check out the last similar format video that i did where i built up a machine for the winner of the ld ultra wide festival and i'll have that linked up there on youtube only it is what it is oh i have to stop the stream luke [Music] mouse i'm just going to stand here and wave and look sexy until uh
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,863,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 gamers, 1 cpu, gaming, computer, pc, build, amd, virtual machine, unraid, lime tech, disassembly, stream
Id: lThX7UovKCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 14sec (5714 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2016
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